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Research assistant professor and postdoc positions, as well as Ph.D. student positions, in the field of molecular communication and nanonetworks are available. Please send your CV to fxlinlin@tongji.edu.cn

Lin Lin, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, EU Marie Curie Fellow

College of Electronics and Information Engineering 

Tongji University, Shanghai, China

Email: fxlinlin@tongji.edu.cn

Tel: +86-21-69583671

Office: 733, Zhi Xin Building, 4800 Cao'an Highway, Shanghai 201804, China


Chair, Nanoscale Communications Technical Committee, IEEE Nanotechnology Council

Chair, Molecular, Biological and Multi-Scale Communications Technical Committee, IEEE ComSoc (2022-2023)

Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological and Multi-Scale Communications 

Associate Editor, IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine

Associate Editor, IEEE Access




Research Interests




Research Grants


National Science Foundation, China (国家自然科学基金)

EU Marie-Curie Fellowship

Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality International Collaboration Program (上海科委一带一路国际合作项目)

Shanghai Sailing Program (上海市科委扬帆人才计划)

Scientific Research Foundation for the Returned Overseas Chinese Scholar (教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金) 

Industry-University Research Project (上海市经信委产学研子课题)

Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program, Shanghai (Supervisor)

Co-PI or team member:

National Science Foundation, China

Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality



Molecular Communication and Internet of Nanothings (IoNTs) (分子通信与纳米物联网)

    Molecular communication is a novel bio-inspired communication paradigm at the micro- to nano-scale. It is totally different from electromagnetic (EM) wave communication but is effective than the EM wave communication in certain scenarios. Molecular communication is also one of the potential techniques for the realization of IoNTs, which is an extension of the currently defined internet of things (IoTs). This project aims to study the fundamental techniques for effective and efficient molecular communications and IoNTs.

Vehicle Localization Scheme and Algorithm Based on Data Fusion (多数据融合下的汽车定位机制与算法研究)

    Vehicle localization is the basis for the navigation. This project aims to fuse different kinds of data from the vehicle's sensors to locate the position of the vehicle, for the vehicular navigation system.

Application of University's Alumni Association Based on Big Data (校友大数据应用探索)

    The university's alumni is an interesting person-to-person connection scenario. Utilizing the alumni data can deliver interesting outputs and enhance the connection among the alumni members.

    The alumni data system is built up using artificial intelligence (AI) techniques and related applications are developed.

Structural Health Monitoring Based on WSNs (基于无线传感器网络的建筑物健康监测)

    Vibrating sensors are deployed on the buildings to monitor the vibration of the buildings. The data are sent to the coordinator wirelessly via the wireless network. Warning signals will be sent if dangerous conditions are detected.

    Clock synchronization for WSNs is studied. Only if the clocks of different vibrating sensors are synchronized, the data can be correctly interpreted in the data fusion process. Novel low-complexity clock synchronization schemes are proposed.

Monitoring of Urban Water Distribution Systems (基于无线传感器网络的城市水系统监测)

    It is a part of Singapore-MIT alliance project. Different types of sensors with RF module are deployed onto the hydrants in the urban area, forming a wireless sensor network (WSN). Sensing data are transmitted wirelessly to the remote base station for processing and analysis. The system can be used for water demand prediction, water safety monitoring, and pipeline burst detection and localization. The WSN technology and burst detection and localization are researched.

Distributed Wireless Smart Metering System (分布式无线智能抄表系统)

    A wireless smart metering system is developed using WSNs techniques. The user data can be recorded and transmitted wirelessly to control center.

Design and Implementation of Wireless Capsule Endoscopy (无线胶囊内窥镜的设计与实现) 

    WCE is a novel medical tool for diagnosing the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. It can examine all parts of the GI tract including small intestine which cannot be reached by traditional endoscopy and it is much comfortable to the patients. A camera with flash captures images of the GI tract inside human body and sends them wirelessly to the outside data recorder. The hardware is implemented. Energy efficiency is the major challenge which is studied. Animal trials are performed. 

    Wireless body area networks (WBANs) are also investigated. Energy efficient MAC protocols, cross layer protocol design, network architecture, multihop communication through human body, etc., are studied.

Design and Implementation of High Speed Real-time Data Acquisition System (高速实时数据采集系统设计与实现)

    A FPGA daughter board is designed and fabricated to connected with TMS320C6713 DSP mother board. High speed data can be transferred via one FIFO on FPGA to the DSP for processing, and then sent out via another FIFO. The interface between the DSP and the FPGA is programmed.

Design and Implementation of Environmental Monitoring System (环境监测系统设计与实现)

    The system includes distributed sensors for acquiring air quality data and a central base station for data storage, processing, and visualization. Different wireless techniques are used and tested. Database and UI are built up and programmed.

Design and Implementation of Smart Wearable Devices (智能可穿戴设备的设计与实现)

    A wearable armband is programmed to read electrical activity of the muscle and understand the motion of human's finger. An application is developed that using the wearable armband, the people can use finger motion to dial phone numbers, control on and off of light, etc.




Selected Publications

Journal papers:

Conference papers:





Postgraduate Students


Professional Activities

Committee Chairs:

General Chairs:

TPC Chairs:

Session Chairs: 


TPC members: 



Postgraduate (Ph.D. and master) and postdoc positions in the field of molecular communication and nanonetworks are available. Please send your CV to fxlinlin@tongji.edu.cn