Welcome to Lin Lin's Homepage
Research assistant professor and postdoc positions, as well as Ph.D. student positions, in the field of molecular communication and nanonetworks are available. Please send your CV to fxlinlin@tongji.edu.cn
Lin Lin, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, EU Marie Curie Fellow
College of Electronics and Information Engineering
Tongji University, Shanghai, China
Email: fxlinlin@tongji.edu.cn
Tel: +86-21-69583671
Office: 733, Zhi Xin Building, 4800 Cao'an Highway, Shanghai 201804, China
Chair, Nanoscale Communications Technical Committee, IEEE Nanotechnology Council
Chair, Molecular, Biological and Multi-Scale Communications Technical Committee, IEEE ComSoc (2022-2023)
Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological and Multi-Scale Communications
Associate Editor, IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine
Associate Editor, IEEE Access
B. Eng. Tianjin University, China
M. Eng. Tianjin University, China
Ph.D. Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Research Interests
Molecular communication, nanonetworks, internet of nanothings
Body/wireless sensor networks smart personal devices, DNA storage and communication
Big data and its applications
APP development and AI based algorithm
The 4th Chunhui Cup Pioneering Competition for Oversea Chinese Scholars, Ministry of Education, China Second Prize
Teaching Achievement Prize at Tongji University, 2017 First Prize
Research Grants
National Science Foundation, China (国家自然科学基金)
Study of Time Synchronization Based on Molecular Diffusion for Nanonetworks, 61502295
Study of Theory and Key Techniques of Molecular Communication Receiver under Mobile Environments, 61971314
Research on Theory and Multiplexing Technology of Neuron-Based Neural Communication Systems, 62371345
Research on Molecular Communication System Based on Nano Transceiver, W2421017
EU Marie-Curie Fellowship
Molecular Communications for Internet of Nano-things
Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality International Collaboration Program (上海科委一带一路国际合作项目)
Shanghai Sailing Program (上海市科委扬帆人才计划)
Scientific Research Foundation for the Returned Overseas Chinese Scholar (教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金)
Industry-University Research Project (上海市经信委产学研子课题)
Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program, Shanghai (Supervisor)
Co-PI or team member:
National Science Foundation, China
Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality
Molecular Communication and Internet of Nanothings (IoNTs) (分子通信与纳米物联网)
Molecular communication is a novel bio-inspired communication paradigm at the micro- to nano-scale. It is totally different from electromagnetic (EM) wave communication but is effective than the EM wave communication in certain scenarios. Molecular communication is also one of the potential techniques for the realization of IoNTs, which is an extension of the currently defined internet of things (IoTs). This project aims to study the fundamental techniques for effective and efficient molecular communications and IoNTs.
Vehicle Localization Scheme and Algorithm Based on Data Fusion (多数据融合下的汽车定位机制与算法研究)
Vehicle localization is the basis for the navigation. This project aims to fuse different kinds of data from the vehicle's sensors to locate the position of the vehicle, for the vehicular navigation system.
Application of University's Alumni Association Based on Big Data (校友大数据应用探索)
The university's alumni is an interesting person-to-person connection scenario. Utilizing the alumni data can deliver interesting outputs and enhance the connection among the alumni members.
The alumni data system is built up using artificial intelligence (AI) techniques and related applications are developed.
Structural Health Monitoring Based on WSNs (基于无线传感器网络的建筑物健康监测)
Vibrating sensors are deployed on the buildings to monitor the vibration of the buildings. The data are sent to the coordinator wirelessly via the wireless network. Warning signals will be sent if dangerous conditions are detected.
Clock synchronization for WSNs is studied. Only if the clocks of different vibrating sensors are synchronized, the data can be correctly interpreted in the data fusion process. Novel low-complexity clock synchronization schemes are proposed.
Monitoring of Urban Water Distribution Systems (基于无线传感器网络的城市水系统监测)
It is a part of Singapore-MIT alliance project. Different types of sensors with RF module are deployed onto the hydrants in the urban area, forming a wireless sensor network (WSN). Sensing data are transmitted wirelessly to the remote base station for processing and analysis. The system can be used for water demand prediction, water safety monitoring, and pipeline burst detection and localization. The WSN technology and burst detection and localization are researched.
Distributed Wireless Smart Metering System (分布式无线智能抄表系统)
A wireless smart metering system is developed using WSNs techniques. The user data can be recorded and transmitted wirelessly to control center.
Design and Implementation of Wireless Capsule Endoscopy (无线胶囊内窥镜的设计与实现)
WCE is a novel medical tool for diagnosing the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. It can examine all parts of the GI tract including small intestine which cannot be reached by traditional endoscopy and it is much comfortable to the patients. A camera with flash captures images of the GI tract inside human body and sends them wirelessly to the outside data recorder. The hardware is implemented. Energy efficiency is the major challenge which is studied. Animal trials are performed.
Wireless body area networks (WBANs) are also investigated. Energy efficient MAC protocols, cross layer protocol design, network architecture, multihop communication through human body, etc., are studied.
Design and Implementation of High Speed Real-time Data Acquisition System (高速实时数据采集系统设计与实现)
A FPGA daughter board is designed and fabricated to connected with TMS320C6713 DSP mother board. High speed data can be transferred via one FIFO on FPGA to the DSP for processing, and then sent out via another FIFO. The interface between the DSP and the FPGA is programmed.
Design and Implementation of Environmental Monitoring System (环境监测系统设计与实现)
The system includes distributed sensors for acquiring air quality data and a central base station for data storage, processing, and visualization. Different wireless techniques are used and tested. Database and UI are built up and programmed.
Design and Implementation of Smart Wearable Devices (智能可穿戴设备的设计与实现)
A wearable armband is programmed to read electrical activity of the muscle and understand the motion of human's finger. An application is developed that using the wearable armband, the people can use finger motion to dial phone numbers, control on and off of light, etc.
Programmable Logic Devices, 3rd year course, 2019-2021 Spring (可编程逻辑器件)
Wireless Communication Principle, 3rd year course, 2016-2021 Spring (无线通信原理)
Digital Signal Processing, 3rd year course, 2013-2016 Spring (数字信号处理)
Real Time Control & AI Programming of Robot Beetle, 2008-2011(昆虫机器人控制与编程)
Selected Publications
Journal papers:
L. Lin, B. Jiang, and Z. Jin, "Neural Communication with External Interference and Relative Refractoriness in IoNTs,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, submitted
Z. Jin, C. Yao, and L. Lin*, "An Engineered Neural Communication System Based on CDM Scheme for the Internet of Bio-nano Things,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, major
L. Huang, F. Liu, and L. Lin*, "Molecular Communication System in Cylindrical Channels with Non-Newtonian Fluid Flows in IoBNT,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, major
L. Lin, W. Wang, W. Yu, and H. Yan, “Testbed for Molecular Communication System Based on Light Absorption: Study of Information Transmission from Inside to Outside Body,” IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological and Multi-Scale Communications, 2024
C. Zhang, H. Yan, Q. Liu, K. Yang, F. Liu*, and L. Lin*, “Design and Analysis of a Through-body Signal Transmission System based on Human Oxygen Saturation Detection,” IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological and Multi-Scale Communications, Volume 10, Issue 1, pp. 122-131, 2024
D. Jing, L. Lin, A. Eckford, “Energy Allocation for Multi-User Cooperative Molecular Communication Systems in the Internet of Bio-Nano Things,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2024, accepted
Z. Jin, Y. Li, H. Yan, Y. Chen, L. Lin*, “A Frequency Domain Multiplexing Scheme Based On Kernel Density Estimation For Neural Communication Systems,” Nano Communication Networks, vol. 38, p. 100479, 2023.
Y. Zhang, F. Huang, J. Song, L. Lin, Y. Yang, X. Zhi, H. Yan, “Hardware Verification of a Micro-scale Receiver for Synthetic DNA Molecular Communications,” IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological and Multi-Scale Communications, Volume 9, Issue 3, pp. 295-299, 2023
Y. Huang, M. Wen, L. Lin, B. Li, Z. Wei, D. Tang, J. Li, W. Duan, and W. Guo, “Physical-layer Counterattack Strategies for the Internet of Bio-Nano things with Molecular Communication,” IEEE Internet of Things Magazine, 6 (2), 82-87, 2023
L. Kong, L. Huang, L. Lin*, Z. Zheng, Y. Li, Q. Wang, G. Liu, “A Survey for Possible Technologies of Micro/nanomachines Used for Molecular Communication within 6G Application Scenarios,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Volume 10, Issue 13, pp. 11240-11263, 2023
W. Yu, L. Lin*, “Evaluation of Non-coherent Signal Detection Techniques for Mobile Molecular Communication,” IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience, Volume 22, Issue 2, pp. 356-364, 2023
林林,黄莉,孔磊,刘富强,闫浩,“分子通信最新研究进展综述”,电子学报,50(6): 1492-1520,2022
W. Yu, L. Lin*, “Modeling and Evaluation of Vesicle Release Mechanisms in Neuro-Spike Communication,” IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience, Volume 21, Issue 3, pp. 416-424, Jul. 2022
Y. Li, L. Lin*, W. Guo, D. Zhang, K. Yang, “Error Performance and Mutual Information for IoNT Interface System,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Volume 9, Issue 12, pp. 9831-9842, Jun. 2022
徐娟, 黄鸿敏, 阚佳丽, 张妍, 林林,“肺部太赫兹纳米传感器网络的拓扑结构优化设计”,电子学报,vol. 49, issue 6, 1050-1058, 2021
J. Xie, Q. Liu, K. Yang, L. Lin, “Channel Capacity Analysis of DNA-based Molecular Communication with Length Encoding Mechanism,” KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, vol. 15 issue 8, pp. 2923-2943, 2021
W. Guo, M. Abbaszadeh, L. Lin, J. Charmet, P. Thomas, Z. Wei, B. Li, C. Zhao, “Molecular Physical Layer for 6G in Wave-Denied Environments,” IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 59, issue 5, pp. 33-39, 2021
Q. Zhao, M. Li, L. Lin*, “Release Rate Optimization in Molecular Communication for Local Nanomachine-based Targeted Drug Delivery,” IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience, vol. 20, issue 4, pp. 396-405, 2021
L. Huang, L. Lin*, F. Liu, H. Yan, “Clock Synchronization for Mobile Molecular Communication Systems,” IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience, vol. 20, issue 4, pp. 406-415, 2021
R. Zheng, L. Lin, H. Yan, “Noise Suppression Filters for Molecular Communication via Diffusion,” IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 10, issue 3, pp. 589-593, 2021
S. Huang, L. Lin*, J. Xu, W. Guo, H. Yan, “Molecular communication via subdiffusion with a spherical absorbing receiver,” IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 9, issue 10, pp. 1682-1686, 2020
Y. Chen, Y. Li, L. Lin*, H. Yan, “Parameter Estimation of Diffusive Molecular Communication With Drift,” IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 142704-142713, 2020
C. Wu, L. Lin*, W. Guo, H. Yan, “Signal Detection for Molecular MIMO Communications with Asymmetrical Topology,” IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological and Multi-Scale Communications, vol. 6, issue 1, pp. 60-70, 2020
S. Huang, L. Lin*, W. Guo, H. Yan, J. Xu, F. Liu, “Initial Distance Estimation and Signal Detection for Mobile Molecular Communication,” IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience, 2020, vol. 19, issue 3, pp. 422-433, 2020
L. Lin, F. Huang, H. Yan, F. Liu, W. Guo, “Ant-behavior Inspired NanoNet for Targeted Drug Delivery in Cancer Therapy,” IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience, 2020, vol. 19, issue 3, pp. 323-332, 2020
T. Nakano, L. Lin, Y. Okaie, C. Wu, H. Yan, T. Hara, K. Harumoto, “Random Cell Motility Enhances the Capacity of Cell-cell Communication,” IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological and Multi-Scale Communications, vol. 5, issue 2, pp. 158-162, 2020
X. Mu, M. Liu, H. Yan, L. Lin, “Low-Complexity Adaptive Signal Detection for Mobile Molecular Communication,” IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience, vol. 19, issue 2, pp. 237-248, 2020
L. Lin, W. Li, R. Zheng, F. Liu, H. Yan, “Diffusion-based Reference Broadcast Synchronization for Molecular Communication in Nanonetworks,” IEEE Access, vol. 7, Issue 1, 2019, 95527-95535
Z. Ma, M. Liu, H. Yan, L. Lin, “Electric Field assisted Molecular Communication for High Data Rate Transmission,” IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 8, issue 6, 2019, 1571-1574
S. Huang, L. Lin*, H. Yan, J. Xu, F. Liu, “Statistical Analysis of Received Signal and Error Performance for Mobile Molecular Communication,” IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience, vol. 18, Issue 3, 2019, pp. 415-427
L. Lin, Q. Wu, M. Ma, H. Yan, “Concentration-Based Demodulation Scheme for Mobile Receiver in Molecular Communication,” Nano Communication Networks, vol. 20, 2019, pp. 11-19
L. Lin, Z. Luo, Q. Wu, H. Yan, “High-Accuracy Distance Estimation for Molecular Communication Systems via Diffusion,” Nano Communication Networks, vol. 19, 2019, pp. 47-53
L. Lin, Q. Wu, F. Liu, H. Yan, “Mutual Information and Maximum Achievable Rate for Mobile Molecular Communication Systems,” IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience, vol. 17, Issue 4, 2018, pp. 507-517
H. Yan, G. Chang, Z. Ma, L. Lin*, “Derivative Based Signal Detection for High Data Rate Molecular Communication System,” IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 22, Issue 9, 2018, pp. 1782-1785
Z. Luo, L. Lin*, W. Guo, S. Wang, Q. Wu, H. Yan, “One Symbol Blind Synchronization in SIMO Molecular Communication Systems,” IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 7, Issue 4, 2018, pp. 530-533
G. Chang, L. Lin, H. Yan, “Adaptive Demodulation and ISI Mitigation for Mobile Molecular Communications,” IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience, vol. 17, Issue 1, 2018, pp. 21-35
L. Lin, F. Li, M. Ma, H. Yan “Oscillation of Nanomachines Based on Molecular Diffusion with Noise,” IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 17, Issue 11, 2017, pp. 3559-3567
L. Lin, J. Zhang, M. Ma, H. Yan, “Time Synchronization for Molecular Communication With Drift,” IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 21, no. 3, 2017, 476-479
H. Yan, G. Chang, T. Sun, Y. Xu, Z. Ma, T. Zhou, L. Lin*, “Molecular Communications in Nanonetworks,” Nano Biomedicine and Engineering, vol. 8, Issue 4, 2016, 274-287
L. Lin, F. Li, M. Ma, H. Yan, “Synchronization of Bio-Nanomachines Based on Molecular Diffusion,” IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 16, Issue 19, 2016, pp. 7267-7277
L. Lin, C. Yang, M. Ma, S. Ma, H. Yan, “A Clock Synchronization Method for Molecular Nanomachines in Bionanosensor Networks,” IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 16, Issue 19, 2016, pp. 7194-7203
L. Lin, C. Yang, M. Ma, “Maximum-Likelihood Estimator of Clock Offset Between Nanomachines in Bionanosensor Networks,” Sensors, Vol. 15, Issue 12, 2015, 30827-30838
L. Lin, C. Yang, M. Ma, S. Ma, “Diffusion-Based Clock Synchronization for Molecular Communication under Inverse Gaussian Distribution,” IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 15, Issue 9, 2015, pp. 4866-4874
L. Lin, C. Yang, K.J. Wong, H. Yan, J. Shen, S.J. Phee, “An Energy Efficient MAC Protocol for Multi-hop Swallowable Body Sensor Networks,” Sensors 14, no. 10, 2014, pp. 19457-19476
L. Lin, S. Ma, M. Ma, “A Group Neighborhood Average Clock Synchronization Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks,” Sensors 14, no. 8, 2014, pp. 14744-14764
L. Lin, K.J. Wong, A. Kumar, Z. Lu, S.L. Tan, S.J. Phee, “Evaluation of a TDMA-based Energy efficient MAC Protocol for Multiple Capsule Networks,” EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2011:54
L. Lin, M. Rasouli, A.P. Kencana, S.L. Tan, K.J. Wong, K.Y. Ho, S.J. Phee, “Capsule endoscopy - A mechatronics perspective,” Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, vol. 6, Issue 1, 2011, pp. 33-39
M. Rasouli, L. Lin, A.P. Kencana, K.J. Wong, S.L. Tan, K.Y. Ho, S.J. Phee, “Therapeutic Capsule Endoscopy - Opportunities and Challenges,” Journal of Healthcare Engineering, Vol. 2, Issue 4, 2011, pp. 459-471
B. Yang, L. He, L. Lin, Q. Wang, “Fast Removal of Ocular Artifacts from EEG Signals Using SCICA-RLS in BCI,” Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, Vol. 16, No. 6, 2015, pp. 486-496
B. Ahmad, S. Ma, L. Lin, Y. Song, “A Cognitive Global Clock Synchronization Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks,” Journal of Wireless Networking and Communications, vol. 6, Issue 2, 2016, pp. 29-39
B. Ahmad, S. Ma, L. Lin, Y. Song, “Clock Offset Estimation for Cognitive Global Clock Synchronization Algorithm in Ad-hoc Wireless Sensors Networks,” International Journal of Enhanced Research in Science, Technology & Engineering, vol. 4, Issue 9, 2015, pp. 213-220
李飞燕,林林*,马世伟,“纳米网络中基于分子扩散的振荡同步研究”,系统仿真学报,vol. 27, no. 9, 2015, 1960-1966
杨成凤,林林*,王建东,马世伟,“分子通信的发送与接收模型分析”,计算机仿真,vol. 32, no. 2, 2015, pp. 210-214
林林,侯春萍,“基于TMS320C6713和FPGA的高速实时采集系统的设计与实现”, 电子技术应用, vol. 32, no. 11, Nov. 2006, pp. 113-115
Conference papers:
H. Luo, Y. Huang, B. Xiong, H. Jiang, and L. Lin*, “Neural Communication Based on the Oscillatory Characteristics of Membrane Potential,” in Proc. IEEE ICC, Denver, CO, USA, Jun. 9-13, 2024
L. Mu, L. Lin, W. Lin, “MoSK Modulation-Assisted RRNS Coding Scheme in Molecular Diffusion Systems,” in 13th International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems, Xiamen, China, May 10-12, 2024
W. Chen, Y. Huang, and L. Lin*, “Impact of Spike-Time Dependent Plasticity on Neuro-Spike Communication,” in Proc. IEEE WCNC, Dubai, UAE, April. 21-24, 2024
L. Huang, F. Liu, H. Yan, and L. Lin*, “Molecular Communication Systems in Tubes with Non-Newtonian Fluid Flows,” in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Dec. 4-8, 2023
D. Jing, L. Lin, and A. Eckford, “Thermodynamic Energy Cost and Bit Error Rate of Imperfect Transmitters in Molecular Communication,” in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Dec. 4-8, 2023
H. Luo, Y. Qin, L. Jiang, J. Zhang, L. Zhu, G. Liu, and L. Lin*, “An Experimental Platform for Neural Communication Based on Bullfrog Sciatic Nerve,” in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Dec. 4-8, 2023
Z. Xia, P. Du, D. Geng, H. Wang, L. Lin, A. Alphones, Y. Yang and C. Chen, “Macroscopic Air-based Molecular Communication using Fluorescein for Sustainable Industrial IoT,” IEEE 15th International Conference on Advanced Infocomm Technology (ICAIT), Hefei, China, Oct. 13-16, 2023
Z. Jin, Y. Chen, H. Yan, L. Lin*, "CDM in Neural Communication Systems," ACM NanoCom, UK, September 20-22, 2023
W. Wang, W. Yu, H. Yan, and L. Lin*, "An Experimental Platform for Molecular Communication Based on Light Absorption," IEEE NANO, Jeju island, Korea, July 2-5, 2023
J. Luo, Q. Wang, L. Lin*, “Modeling of Molecular Communication System in Microvascular Network,” The 8th International Conference on Computer and Communication Systems (ICCCS), Guangzhou, China, April 21-24, 2023
Q. Zhao, L. Lin, “Modeling and Simulation of a Bio-inspired Nanorobotic Drug Delivery System,” BICT, Japan, April 11-12, 2023
C. Zhang, L. Lin*, “Signal Transmission Through Human Body Via Human Oxygen Saturation Detection,” BICT, Japan, April 11-12, 2023
C. Zhang, Q. Jin, M. Zhao, D. Zhang, L. Lin*, “An experimental study of digital communication system with human body as communication channel,” IEEE BSN, Ioannina, Greece, September 27-30, 2022
Y. Li, L. Lin, “A Multiplexing Scheme for Engineered Neural Communication Systems”, ACM NanoCom, Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain, October 5-7, 2022
J. Xu, H. Huang, Y. Zhao, R. Wang, L. Lin, “Prioritized Contention Access Based MAC Protocol for In-Vivo Wireless NanoSensor Networks,” IEEE PIMRC, Virtual Conference, September 12-15, 2022
G. Yue, Q. Liu, L. Lin, “Directional Molecular Communication among nanomachines in massive bacteria-based Nanonetwork,” UCET 2021 (The 2021 6th International Conference on UK-China Emerging Technologies), Chengdu, China, 2021
Y. Li, Z. Ma, H. Yan, J. Luo, L. Lin, “Distance Estimation for Molecular Communication in Blood Vessel,” EAI BODYNETS, Glasgow, UK, October 25-26, 2021
W. Yu, L. Lin*, “Evolution of Vesicle Release Mechanisms in Neuro-Spike Communication,” BICT, Virtual conference, September 1-2, 2021
J. Xu, H. Huang, Y. Zhao, L. Lin, “A MAC Protocol Based on Energy Scheduling for In-Vivo Wireless NanoSensor Networks,” IEEE WCNC, Nanjing, China, March 29-April 1, 2021
Q. Zhao, L. Lin*, “Adaptive Release Rate in Drug Delivery Based on Mobile Molecular Communication,” IEEE WCNC, Nanjing, China, March 29-April 1, 2021
Y. Li, L. Lin*, W. Guo, H. Yan, “Signal Transmission Through Human Body Via Engineered Nervous System,” IEEE GLOBECOM, Taipei, December 7-11, 2020
L. Huang, L. Lin*, F. Liu, H. Yan, “Clock Synchronization for Mobile Molecular Communication in Nanonetworks,” BICT, Shanghai, July 7-8, 2020
J. Xu, Y. Zhang, Y. Zhao, J. Kan, L. Lin, “A TDMA Protocol Based on Data Priority for In-Vivo Wireless NanoSensor Networks,” IEEE INFOCOM WKSHPS WCNEE, Toronto, Canada, July 6-9, 2020
T. Luo, R. Zheng, J. Song, L. Lin, H. Yan, “A Small-scale Modulator of Synthetic Molecular Communications for Electric-to-Bio Signal Conversion,” IEEE ICC, Dublin, Ireland, June 7-11, 2020
M. Abbaszadeh, W. Li, L. Lin, I. White, P. Denissenko, P. Thomas, W. Guo, “Mutual Information and Noise Distributions of Molecular Signals using Laser Induced Fluorescence,” IEEE GLOBECOM, Hawaii, December 9-13, 2019
C. Luo, X. Wu, L. Lin, C. Wang, F. Liu, “Non-coherent Signal Detection Technique for Mobile Molecular Communication at High Data Rates,” IEEE GLOBECOM, Hawaii, December 9-13, 2019
L. Lin, C. Wu, W. Guo, “Phase Synchronisation on Spatial-Temporal Complex Molecular Networks via molecular signals,”, ACM NanoCom, Dublin, Ireland, September 25-27, 2019
S. Huang, L. Lin*, H. Yan, W. Guo, J. Xu, F. Liu, “Initial distance estimation in Diffusion-Based Mobile Molecular Communication,” IEEE ICCC, Changchun, China, August 11-13, 2019
L. Lin, F. Liu, H. Yan, W. Guo, “Ant-behavior Inspired NanoNet for Targeted Drug Delivery in Cancer Therapy,” 4th Workshop on Molecular Communications, Linz, Austria, April 16-18, 2019
S. Huang, L. Lin*, H. Yan, J. Xu, F. Liu, “Mean and Variance of Received Signal in Diffusion-Based Mobile Molecular Communication,” IEEE GLOBECOM, Abu Dhabi, UAE, December 9-13, 2018, 1-6
Z. Luo, L. Lin*, Q. Fu, H. Yan, “A Low-Complexity Distance Measurement Method for Molecular Communication Systems,” IEEE SECON Workshop, Hong Kong, June 11, 2018, 1-4
Q. Wu, L. Lin*, Z. Luo, M. Ma, F. Liu, H. Yan, “Achievable Rate for A Mobile Molecular Communication System,” International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ISPACS 2017), Xiamen, China, November 6-9, 2017, 838-843 (Invited paper)
Q. Wu, F. Li, L. Lin*, H. Yan, F. Liu, “Oscillation of Nanomachines by Molecular Diffusion with Enzymes,” IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN), Milan, Italy, July 4-7, 2017, 842-846
Q. Wu, L. Lin*, Z. Luo, H. Yan, “Bit Alignment Technique for Mobile Scenario in Molecular Communications,” IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN), Milan, Italy, July 4-7, 2017, 750-752
C. Yang, L. Lin*, F. Li, M. Ma, S. Ma, “Reference Broadcast Synchronization for Nanomachines via Diffusive Molecular Communication,” IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC), Taipei, Taiwan, May 23-26, 2016, 1-5
Z. Luo, L. Lin*, M. Ma, “Offset Estimation for Clock Synchronization in Mobile Molecular Communication System,” IEEE WCNC, Doha, Qatar, April 3-6, 2016, 1-6
L. Lin, C. Yang, M. Ma, S. Ma, “Parameter Estimation of Inverse Gaussian Distribution Channel of Diffusion-Based Molecular Communication,” IEEE WCNC, Doha, Qatar, April 3-6, 2016, 1-6
L. Lin, C. Yang, M. Ma, “Offset and Skew Estimation for Clock Synchronization in Molecular Communication Systems,” 9th EAI International Conference on Bio-inspired Information and Communications Technologies (BICT), New York, United States, Dec. 3-5, 2015: 152-157
F. Li, L. Lin*, C. Yang, M. Ma, “Evaluation of Molecular Oscillation for Nanonetworks Based on Quorum Sensing,” The 1st Workshop on Nanotechnology in Instrumentation and Measurement (NanoFIM), Lecce, Italy, July 24-25, 2015: 244-248.
B. Ahmad, S. Ma, L. Lin, J. Liu, C. Yang, “Cognitive Global Clock Synchronization in WSNs,” 2014 International Conference on Informatics, Networking and Intelligent Computing, Shenzhen, China, November 16-17, 2014: 215-218.
P. Huang, S. Ma, L. Lin, B. Ahmad, “Simulation of Energy Efficiency in Wireless Meter Reading System by OPNET,” The 2014 International Conference on Intelligent Computing for Sustainable Energy and Environment, Shanghai, China, September 20-23, 2014: 138-146.
L. Lin, C. Yang, S. Ma, “Evaluation of Digital Baseband Modulation Schemes for Molecular Communication in Nanonetworks,” The 2014 International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN), Shanghai, China, July 8-11, 2014: 297-302.
L. Lin, K.J. Wong, A. Kumar, S.L. Tan, S.J. Phee, “A Novel TDMA-Based MAC Protocol for Mobile in-vivo Body Sensor Networks,” The 14th IEEE International Conference on e-Health Networking Applications and Services, Beijing, China, October 11-13, 2012: 273-278
L. Lin, K.J. Wong, A. Kumar, S.L. Tan, S.J. Phee, “An Energy Efficient MAC Protocol for Mobile in-vivo Body Sensor Networks,” The Third International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN), Dalian, China, June 15-17, 2011: 95-100 (Invited paper)
L. Lin, K.J. Wong, S.L. Tan, S.J. Phee, “TDMA Based MAC Protocol for Wireless Capsule Communications,” The 16th IEEE International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling, Analysis and Design of Communication Links and Networks (CAMAD), Kyoto, Japan, June 10-11, 2011: 1-4.
L. Lin, K.J. Wong, S.L. Tan, S.J. Phee, “Asymmetric Multihop Networks for Multi-Capsule Communication within the Gastrointestinal Tract,” the Sixth International Workshop on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks, US, June 3-5, 2009: 82-86
S.J. Phee, E.K. Ting, L. Lin, V.A. Huynh, A.P. Kencana, K.J. Wong, and S.L. Tan, “Modular Plug-and-Play Capsules for Multi-capsule Environment in the Gastrointestinal Tract,” The 31st Annual International Conference of IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS), 2009, Minneapolis, US, September 3-6, 2009: 6846-6849
L. Lin, K.J. Wong, S.L. Tan, S.J. Phee, “In-Vivo Wireless Capsule for Health Monitoring,” IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics 2008, Portugal, April 14-16, 2008: 1-4
黄彩丽,林林*,李飞燕,马世伟,“分子振荡器模型分析”,中国仿真大会,哈尔滨,July 24-26, 2015: 1-5.
王建东,林林*,杨成凤,马世伟,“分子通信收发过程的研究”,中国仿真大会,西安,October 9-12, 2014: 1-5.
* corresponding author
L. Lin, Y. Song, Z. Li, S. Ma, “Measuring method of time synchronization error for WSNs”, No.: ZL 2015 1 0290115.3
Muhammad Usman Riaz 2023-
Postgraduate Students
Chengfeng Yang 2013-2016 (国家奖学金,上海市优秀毕业生)
Feiyan Li 2014-2017 (国家奖学金)
Zhan Luo 2015-2018 (国家奖学金,上海市优秀毕业生)
Qian Wu 2015-2018
Shuai Huang 2017-2020 (国家奖学金,同济大学优秀毕业生)
Cong Wu 2018-2021 (国家奖学金)
Li Huang (Ph.D.) 2018-2023
Yu Li 2019-2022 (同济大学优秀毕业生)
Wenlong Yu 2020-2023 (国家奖学金) (Ph.D.) 2023-
Huiyu Luo (Ph.D.) 2022-
Leyi Zhao (Ph.D.) 2024-
To be updated
Professional Activities
Committee Chairs:
Chair, IEEE ComSoc Molecular, Biological and Multi-Scale Communications Technical Committee 2022-2023
Chair, IEEE Nanotechnology Council Nanoscale Communications Technical Committee 2022-
General Chairs:
China-Germary Molecular Communication Workshop 2019, Host
TPC Chairs:
BICT 2020, Shanghai
Session Chairs:
IEEE WCNC, session “Molecular communication”, Doha, Qatar, 2016
IEEE ICUFN, session "Future Internet I", Shanghai, China, 2014
IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience (TNB)
IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale Communications (T-MBMC)
IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology (TNANO)
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (TBME)
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (J-BHI)
IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine (TITB)
IEEE Transactions on Communications
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
IEEE Sensors Journal
IEEE Communications Letters
IEEE Sensors Letters
IEEE Access
Nano Communication Networks
TPC members:
IEEE ICC, Dublin, Ireland, 2020
ACM NanoCom, Dublin, Ireland, 2019
IEEE Globecom, HI, US, 2019
IEEE ICC, Shanghai, China, 2019
IEEE Globecom, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 2018
Postgraduate (Ph.D. and master) and postdoc positions in the field of molecular communication and nanonetworks are available. Please send your CV to fxlinlin@tongji.edu.cn