Winter 2015

FW 544: Quantitative Decision Analysis for Fish and Wildlife Management, Winter 2015

Instructor: Jim Peterson, Office: 176 Nash Hall, ph: 737-1963

office hours: please contact Jim


Meeting Periods

Lecture: Wed-Fri 2:00- 3:20 pm, Nash 033

Computer Lab: Monday 2:00-4:50, Withycombe Hall 205

Welcome to Winter 2015! All course materials will be available on this website with the exception of the readings from Conroy and Peterson (2013) that are available as an e-book through the OSU library or you could choose to purchase your own copy.

Winter 2015 Syllabus

-->>Please be sure to download all files prior to attending class.

Schedule (subject to modification)

Introduction to computing in R;

Lab notes, R scripts, etc.

Introduction to decision making and natural resource management;

Lecture notes

Uncertainty and decision making;

Lecture notes

C&P, Chapters 1, 3

C&P, Chapter 5, pp. 80-100; Chapter 7, pp. 193-197

Probability and simple simulation;

Lab notes, R scripts, etc.

Identifying and structuring objectives;

Lecture notes

Utilities: functions, constraints, and marginal gain;

Lecture notes

C & P, Chapter 3, pp. 24-37

C & P, Chapter 3, pp. 38- 55

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day observed: No Classes

Role of ecological modeling and multiple working hypotheses;

Lecture notes

Review of generalized linear modeling;

Lecture notes

C&P, Chapter 5, pp. 100-116

Model selection and inference;

Lab notes, R scripts, etc., MuMIn package tutorial

Statistical uncertainty and model accuracy; Lecture notes

Bayesian probability and concepts;

Lecture notes

C&P, Chapter 5, pp. 140-146

C&P, Chapter 5, p. 129-137

Cross-validation and expected error rate estimation;

Lab notes, R scripts, etc.

Influence diagrams (ID), Directed Acyclic Graphs: construction and parametrization; Lecture notes

Hierarchical models;

Lecture notes

C&P, Chapter 6, pp.147- 179

C&P, Chapter 5, pp. 116- 129

Constructing and parameterizing graphical models;

Hands-on free for all but be sure to download the newest version of Netica and save to your network space prior to completing the lab.

Combining information across studies: meta-analysis;

Lecture notes

Expert elicitation; short lab (do on your own)

Lecture notes

C&P, Chapter 6, pp. 179-191

Hierarchical modeling and meta-analysis;

Lab notes, R scripts, etc.

Decision modeling and population dynamics;

Lecture notes

Ecological simulation of multiple popns: meta-population modeling;

Lecture notes

Transition probability matrix examples

Simulation modeling in R;

Lab notes, R scripts, etc.

Sensitivity analysis

Lecture notes

Sequential dynamic decision making: reducing uncertainty through Adaptive Resource Management (ARM);

Lecture notes

Sensitivity analysis;

Lab notes, R scripts, etc.

Optimization: Identifying the best decision; Lecture notes

Working with stakeholders and governance

Lecture Notes


C&P, Chapter 7, pp. 203-220

C&P, Chapter 7, pp. 220-230

C&P, Chapter 8

C&P, Chapter 4

C&P, Chapter 7, pp. 197-203

ization in R; Lab notes, R scripts, etc.Tribble trivia

Risk and advanced topics;

Lecture notes

Presentations of projects

1Students are required to read material before lecture.

2Assignments with asterisks indicates that methods and results format is NOT REQUIRED


Methods and results for generalized linear modeling exercise

Probabilistic network model write-up

Decision model write-up

Project final report

Project presentation

Additional Resources

Companion to Conroy and Peterson: Decision making in natural resource management: a structured, adaptive approach

A little R help: OSU Fisheries and Wildlife R course


Software for course

R download

Rstudio download