Fuzzy Background Maintenance

  • Blind Maintenance Rules

The blind background maintenance consists to update all the pixels with the same rules.The disadvantage of this scheme is that the value of pixels classified as foreground are taken into account in the computation of the new background and so polluted the background image.

  • Selective Maintenance Rules

Selective maintenance consists to update the pixel with a different learning rate following its previous classification into foreground or background.

  • Fuzzy Adaptive Maintenance Rules

Fuzzy Adaptive maintenance consists to update the pixel with a learning rate which depends on the membership of the pixel to the class foreground or background.


Note: My publications are available on Academia, Research Gate, Researchr, ORCID and Publication List.


T. Bouwmans, “Background Subtraction For Visual Surveillance: A Fuzzy Approach”, Handbook on Soft Computing for Video Surveillance, Taylor and Francis Group, Chapter 5, March 2012. [pdf]


F. El Baf, T. Bouwmans, B. Vachon, “A Fuzzy Approach for Background Subtraction”, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 2008, pages 2648-2651, San Diego, California, U.S.A, October 2008. [pdf]