
Equations of State for core-collapse supernovae including a full nuclear ensemble

1. Relativistic Mean Field Theory with the TM1 parameter set

data table: last update 2017-09-22


Shun Furusawa Kohsuke Sumiyoshi, Shoichi Yamada & Hideyuki Suzuki

“Supernova equations of state including full nuclear ensemble with in-medium effects”,

Nuclear Physics A 957.188–207 (2017)

arXiv:1612.01852 [nucl-th]

The detail of the data is described in Appendix in the reference.

2. Variational method with AV18 two-body potential and UIX three-body potential

data table: last update 2018-04-09

※Some discontinuities at low temperatures (T<1 MeV) are modified from the original version (

This minor update dose not affect the supernova simulations, which do not encounter the modified parts.


S. Furusawa, H. Togashi, H. Nagakura, K. Sumiyoshi, S. Yamada, H. Suzuki & M. Takano

“A new equation of state for core-collapse supernovae based on realistic nuclear forces and including a full nuclear ensemble”

accepted in publication for Journal of Physics G

arXiv:1707.06410 [astro-ph]

The same format as that of 1. RMF EOS

(Please see Appendix in Nuclear Physics A 957.188–207 (2017), arXiv:1612.01852 [nucl-th])

Contact: Shun Furusawa