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Join us at the fursbook First Anniversary Pawty #furspawty

February 4, 2012

4 pm EST to midnight.

RSVP fursbook First Anniversary Pawty

Our pawty is an anipal dress in anipal drag pawty!

Instead of "come as you are"

this pawty is "come as you are not".

So if you are a puppy you could wear

a horse costume or

if you are a cat you could wear

a bunny costume.

Pawty is for ALL anipals, NOT just Fursbook members.

Come show off your best anipal costume.

Who are you gonna be?

This is a fun pawty and we are not featuring a charity.

Be ready to come pawty your butt off!

Here is our Twitvite:

RSVP fursbook First Anniversary Pawty

We are looking for Barktenders and Dj's.

Please let @kittehboi or @crazykittykat1

know if you can help.

Anyone can help,

you do NOT need to be a member of Fursbook.


Furspawty Host - @kittehboi

Furspawty Co-host @crazykittykat1