Cross Cultural Research: Oman with Kashef Zayed (Sultan Qaboos University)

This is a cross cultural study looking at motivations for exercise in Omani and United States students. This work is being done in collaboration with Dr. Kashef Zayed of Sultan Qaboos University. Middle eastern countries, like Oman, have recently been experiencing a great increase in obesity rates. Increasing obesity has been especially seen in women in Oman. This study aims to find some possible causal factors that may correlate with exercise behavior. This study also aims to examine gender differences in exercise behavior. Our findings indicate that men exercise more then women. When compared to the US data samples many scales that predicted exercise behavior in the Omani data were not predictive in the US data.

Data was gathered from both US and Oman students and presented in two separate poster sessions:

US Poster

Oman Poster

Male Omani Students Female Omani Students