Consulting and Workshops

  • 2011. Workshop. (Chair). What you should know about Submitting a Manuscript for Publication in an Journal: The Editor's Perspective. Professional Development Workshop for graduate students in Psychology.

  • 2008. Workshop. Moving from a socialist society to a free-market economy. Carnegie Mellon University.

  • 2007. Workshop. Violence in dating relationships: What’s really happening. Mosaic Conference. Carnegie Mellon University.

  • 2004-2005. Evaluator. Project to decrease violence against women. California University of Pennsylvania.

  • 2003. Workshop. Research on Women and Sexuality Attitudes: Different Standards for Women and Men in College students? Mosaic Conference. Carnegie Mellon University.

  • 2000 – 2001. Evaluator. Project to decrease violence against women. California University of Pennsylvania.

  • 1993 – 2004. Expert witness. Legal cases involving sexual harassment.

  • 1998. Origins of sexual orientation. Presentation for ALLIES, a Carnegie Mellon University student group supporting homosexuals.

  • 1997. Ways of loving. Workshop on love styles for Western Pennsylvania Mensa.

  • 1995. Presentation on Women's Issues in Central and Eastern Europe at the University Center for International Studies' outreach conference, "Societies in Transition in Today's World" for pre-collegiate educators in the Pittsburgh region.

  • 1994-1995. University Senate Committee on Computer Usage. Design and analysis of a survey on faculty computer usage with Susan Sereika, Thomas Zullo, and Clement Stone.

  • 1992-1993. University Senate Committee on the Libraries. Design and analysis of a survey on faculty priorities for the libraries.

  • 1989. University Senate Committee on Computer Usage. Design and analysis of a survey on faculty computer usage. With Thomas Zullo and Clement Stone.

  • 1987-1988. National Women's Conference Committee. Design and analysis of a national survey of women's groups.

  • 1987. West Virginia Chapter, International Personnel Management Association. Workshop on "Women in Management."

  • 1981. Carnegie-Mellon University. Workshop for administrators. Attributional factors in sex discrimination.

  • 1980-1982. Project Advisory Panel for the National Evaluation of the LEAA Family Violence Program.

  • 1976-1981. Research Associate, Learning Research and Development Center. Research on student attributions for success and failure.

  • 1973. Program for in-service training for teachers concerned with applications of attribution theory to the classroom. With Martin Greenberg and Leonard Saxe.

  • 1972. Consultant. Applications of current research on achievement in women for determining goals for the women's college. For Chatham College.

  • 1969-1972. Consultant and research assistant. Institute for the Development of Educational Activities (I/D/E/A): Los Angeles, California. Design and development of questionnaires for assessing student attitudes.

  • 1968-1972. Consultant: Big Friends, Inc., Los Angeles, California. (A sales training organization for minorities.) Development and administration of a testing program for job trainees.

  • 1968-1971. Consultant and member. Los Angeles Women’s Center. Developed and taught a course on Psychology of Women. Helped organize and lead conscious raising groups.

  • 1968-1970. Consultant and research assistant. Systems Development Corporation, Santa Monica, California. Statistical data analysis, computer programming.