Welcome to the Friends of Stevens Memorial Library
Thank you for supporting our Book Sales! Our spring book sale will be held Friday, May 16 - Sunday, May 18. Click here for details.
Thank you for your donations and for shopping our sales! Through your generosity, we are able to support the Summer programming here at Stevens Memorial, as well as sponsor all of the Museum Passes throughout the year.
Check out our ongoing sale! In between our larger sales, we continue to sell books at the library - visit the shelves in the lower lobby for some great options.
Donations: Simply drop off your donations any time the library is open - there is a book case just past the elevator on the first floor where donations may be left - we accept books, movies, and music.
Please visit our Ongoing Book Sales page for more information about buying books throughout the year.
If you have a question, please send us a note: friendsofstevensmemlib@gmail.com
Are you looking to get more involved?
Volunteers meet regularly to sort through the donations left at the library. If you would like to get involved, please email us at friendsofstevensmemlib@gmail.com
We always need many volunteers to make our sales successful, from sorting books to helping with setup and during the sale. If you are interested in joining us - click on the SignUp logo to sign up!
Volunteers earn $2 credit per hour toward booksale purchases.