Friends of Cubbins Green

Cubbin's Green is the public nature reserve that lies between the sea-shore cliff and the Wirral Way to the South-East of Macdona Drive in West Kirby. It is now part of the Wirral Way and is cared for by the Rangers based at Thurstaston.

It is named in memory of their parents by sisters, Eveline and Ivy Cubbin, who donated the land in 1964: specifying that the conditions of the land transfer were that the land was to be "kept open and unbuilt upon and henceforth shall be known as Cubbin Green". More details of history

It has numerous seats with sea views and 5 picnic tables. It is a no cycling area. Wildlife seen includes rabbits and foxes. There is a pond and a sunken area (ex Caldy sewage works) which is often flooded .

Information on butterflies ; trees and shrubs ; flowers ; ponds and sea ; animals ; funghi .

See map here.

At present (2011 on) there is only one active friend: Chris Michael who regularly walks the area (between Sandy Lane and Croft Drive) picking up litter and alerting the Rangers to any problem. The Rangers also arrange for groups to help them occasionally with tasks - cutting back scrub, coppicing, repairing,......

See also: Friends of Wirral Country Park

See current restrictions <a href="">here</a> also.

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If you have comments to make, or wish to volunteer: Send e-mail

See Antisocial Spaces Order here: