Scenarios for forest biodiversity dynamics under global change in Europe: identifying micro-evolutionary tipping points (TipTree)

funded by the European Union - ERA-Net BiodivERsA

Project members

Alexander Kubisch, Ophélie Ronce, Isabelle Chuine and Frank Schurr, CNRS-University Montpellier 2, France

The TipTree Consortium, including

Juli Pausas, Miguel Verdú, CIDE-CSIC, Valencia, Spain

Santiago González-Martínez, INIA, Madrid, Spain

Sylvie Oddou-Muratorio, INRA, Avignon, France


This BiodivERsA project aims to identify critical rates of global change beyond which European forest trees are unable to adapt to their changing environments (so-called 'microevolutionary tipping points'). To address this question, we develop process-based models of eco-evolutionary dynamics that are driven by data from field observations, common-garden experiments, genetic and genomic studies. Currently, we focus on the ability of Mediterranean pine species to evolutionarily adapt to increasing fire frequencies. In the context of the TipTree project, our data-driven models will help to identify strategies of forest management that should enhance the adaptation and persistence of tree species in the future.