Francesco Andreoli

Associate Professor of Economic Policy, Department of Economics, University of Verona


Research Associate, Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER)


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Research fields: Public economics, distributional methods, urban economics.

Research interests: Inequality of opportunity, policy evaluation, stochastic dominance, spatial inequality, urban poverty, geostatistics, inference, dissimilarity, multidimensional, quality of life, preferences for redistribution, regiter data, US Census, EU-SILC, Stata.

Vita: Francesco Andreoli holds a PhD in economics from the University of Cergy-Pontoise, France. He is now researcher at LISER, where he joined in 2013 with a project supported by the FNR (Luxembourg) and the Marie Curie COFUND scheme. Francesco's research interests are on public economics, more precisely on distributional issues (inequality between generations and across space) and on the role of public policy in alleviating inequality (child care, educational and redistributional policies). He is also interested in methodological advancements on measurement and inference. His research has received the financial support from the FNR (Luxembourg), the ANR (France) and the European Commission (NORFACE ERA-NET) and has appeared, among others, on The Review of Economics and Statistics and the Journal of Business & Economic Statistics.

Guest editor ECONOMIA - Special issue 2022/2 on Economic Inequality and Redistribution Policies [link to call] [about ECONOMIA]