Foraging Connecticut
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Sam Schaperow, B.S., M.S.
Photo Copyright 2006
Sam Schaperow started foraging a limited number of plants in the 80s. It was not until '96 when taking a biology class as a part of his Bachelor of Science degree at the University of Connecticut, did he gain a higher level of expertise. This was thanks to his instructor who taught the class about foraging mushrooms and plants.
Since then he has continued to intensely study wild edibles and is now able to obtain a wide variety in quantity. On occasion he will grow his own edibles, such as mushrooms and amaranth plants. Numerous local restaurants and an innovative farm's farm-stand already use the food Sam grows and forages. Please contact him for purchasing, or to inquire about samples!
"Xanthoconium affine variety maculosus", a cousin of the porcini, is an especially delicious mushroom Sam forages for in his own backyard! Please click the photo to see it in full detail.
Quinoa with Russulas, amaranth greens, and seedheads. If someone tells me "Why does healthful food not taste as good as food that's bad for you?", my thought is they never tried this dish! Please click the photo to see it in full detail.
Saffron in full bloom. If you've never tried fresh saffron, you don't know what you're missing.
Please click the photo to see it in full detail.
Photos by Sam Schaperow, except Sam's picture by Lisa Tang Liu from Aug. 2006.