Thiago Fonseca Morello Ramalho da Silva
Environmental and development economist
Land, Environment, Economics and Policy Institute
University of Exeter, UK
Center for Engineering, Modeling and Applied Social Sciences - CECS
Federal University of ABC - UFABC
São Paulo - Brazil
Current Research Interests
Sustainable food production in the UK
Sustainable development of the Brazilian Amazon
Economics of fires in the Amazon
Agricultural pollution: impact assessment with GIS and econometrics
Agri-environmental policy design and evaluation
New website of research project about fires in the Amazon (FAPESP-funded)
Email: fonseca.morello@ufabc.edu.br
Office Address: CECS/UFABC. Alameda da Universidade, S/N - Bairro Anchieta
São Bernardo do Campo, SP, Brazil. CEP: 09606-045
Bloco Delta - Sala D301
Office hours
By appointment