Florian Nagler

Thank you for visiting my personal web page

I am an associate professor of finance at Bocconi University and a research affiliate at IGIER and CEPR

My research focuses on corporate finance, asset pricing, and OTC markets

Email: florian.nagler [at] unibocconi.it

Links: SSRN Author Page, Google Scholar Page, CV

I hold an ERC Starting Grant (2023-2028) on non-traded assets in over-the-counter markets (NTAOTC)

Publications and Accepted Papers

Economics Letters, 2024

with Nils Friewald

Review of Asset Pricing Studies, 2022, Editor's Choice and Best Paper Award

with Giorgio Ottonello

Journal of Finance, 2022

with Nils Friewald and Christian Wagner

Review of Finance, 2020, Runner Up for the Spängler-IQAM Award for the Best Investments Paper

Journal of Finance, 2019

with Nils Friewald

Journal of Financial Economics, 2014

with Rainer Jankowitsch and Marti G. Subrahmanyam

Working Papers

with Giorgio Ottonello

with Nicola Maria Fiore and Thorsten Martin

with Paolo Colla

Other Writings and Research Columns

Short Term Debt Comes with a Penalty in the Cost of Equity

Bocconi Knowledge

Over-the-Counter Frictions Systematically Drive Yield Spread Changes

VoxEU, with Nils Friewald

Structural Changes in Corporate Bond Underpricing

Oxford Business Law Blog, Via Sarfatti 25, with Giorgio Ottonello