Florencia Borrescio-Higa

PhD in Economics, Brown University

Associate Professor

Business School

Universidad Adolfo Ibañez

florencia.borrescio [at] uai.cl 

Contact Information


Adolfo Ibañez

Diagonal Las Torres 2640  Peñalolen 

Santiago, Chile 

+56 2 2331 1286

florencia.borrescio [at]uai.cl 


My primary interests are in health economics, applied microeconomics and development.



Financial Distress and Psychological Well-Being During the COVID-19 Pandemic (joint with F. Droller & P. Valenzuela) International Journal of Public Health (2022)

Research priorities to reduce the impact of COVID-19 in low- and middle-income countries (joint with O. Polašek, K. Wazny et al) Journal of Global Health (2022)

The psychosocial burden on families of childhood blood cancer (joint with N. Valdes) Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health (2022)

Gender Inequality and Mental Health during the COVID-19 Pandemic (joint with P. Valenzuela) International Journal of Public Health (2021)

Medical Cost of Cancer Care for Privately Insured Children in Chile  (joint with N. Valdes) Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health (2021)

Does Education Mitigate the Effect of Population Aging on Health Expenditure? (joint with P. Valenzuela) Journal of Aging and Health (2021)

Examining the relationship between poverty and length of stay: a repeated cross-sectional study of pediatric hospitalizations in  Chile (joint with D. Santistevan)  BMJ Open (2020)

Early Life Environment and Adult Height: The Case of Chile (joint with C.G. Bozzoli and F. Droller) Economics and Human Biology (2019)  

Publicly insured caesarean sections in private hospitals: a repeated cross-sectional analysis in Chile (joint with N. Valdes) BMJ Open (2019)

Can Walmart make us healthier? Prescription drug prices and health care utilization (pdf) Journal of Health Economics (2015)


Financial Education, Informal Debt, and Well-being among Small Business Entrepreneurs (joint with F. Droller, S. Johan and P. Valenzuela)

Early-Life Nutrition and Academic Achievement (joint with F. Droller and G. Bozzoli)


Microeconomics - undergraduate (2014, 2017-2021)

Applied Microeconomics - MA in Economics and Public Policy (2016-2020)

Econometrics - undergraduate (2013-2015)