American Cancer Society - Qigong Seminar

Post date: Jun 11, 2012 1:16:43 AM

美国防癌协会 American Cancer Society 举办

气功研讨会 Seminar: Introduction to Qigong (QG-0)

Place: MOB Auditorium at O'connor Hospital, same campus, different address (just the next building) 2101 Forest Ave, San Jose.

When: 10:30 AM - 12:30PM Saturday, June 16, 2012

Topic: Introduction to Qigong (QG-0) in Mandarin Chinese

Fee: No charge

Register: Not required. Walk-ins welcome

Bring: Warm drinks and wear comfortable clothes


    • What is Qigong - overview, history and background (see HappyQigong at the Classes Tab)

    • How it works and relates to traditional Chinese medicine

    • How can it help me?

    • Happy Qigong and its major exercise components

    • Teacher will teach you and let you do the first exercise

    • Experience discussion

    • Questions and answers


气功的目的:通过调身,调息,调心的锻炼,以强身健体、防病治病。对增进免疫力,消除疲劳,和减轻心理压力,呼吸系统症状,失眠, 糖尿,花粉敏感,高血压,关节病,等等慢性疾病,多少都有帮助。这个研讨会里,张老师会着重实践,即时传授一个您可以在家安全有效的练习的功法。

地点:圣河西市,奥康诺医院,MOB 大礼堂

MOB Auditorium at O'connor Hospital, same campus, different address (just the next building) 2101 Forest Ave, San Jose.

时间:2012年6月16日。周六上午10:30 – 中午12:30


