

A Theory of Government Bailouts in a Heterogeneous Banking System, (with E. Panetti) Forthcoming at Economic Theory

The merger paradox, collusion, and competition policy (with J. Paz y Mino and G. Torrens), Journal of Public Economic Theory, June 2020,

The effects of official and unofficial information on tax compliance (with L. D. Opromolla, A. Vezzulli and R. Marques). Journal of Economic Psychology, Volume 78, June 2020, 102265

Price competition with differentiated goods and incomplete product awareness (with C. Cosandier and M. Knauff), Economic Theory, doi:10.1007/s00199-017-1050-3

Conformity based behavior and the dynamics of price competition: a new rationale for fashion shifts (with J. Resende), Journal of Dynamics and Games, 2016, Vol. 3(2), pp.153-167.

Technology Adoption: Hysteresis and absence of lock-in, (with P. Colla), Economics Letters Vol. 141, Pages 107-111, April 2016.

Revealing Incentives for Compatibility Provision in Vertically Differentiated Network Industries (with C. Vergari), Journal of Economics and Management Strategy , 2016, Vol 25(3), pp 720–749.

When should a monopolist improve quality in a network industry? The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, Vol. 13, Issue 1, Pages 381–414, January 2013.

On Gale and Shapley “College admissions and stability of marriage" (with J. Gabszewicz, J. Pais, and J. Resende), Theoretical Economics Letters, Vol. 2, Pages 291-293, August 2012.

R&D as a prisoner's dilemma and R&D-avoiding cartels (with R. Amir, C. Halmenschlager and J. Pais), The Manchester School, Volume 79, Issue 1, Pages 81-99, January 2011.

Symmetry-Breaking in two-player games via strategic substitutes and diagonal nonconcavity: A synthesis, (with R. Amir and M. Knauff), Journal of Economic Theory, Volume 145, Issue 5, Pages 1968-1986, September 2010.

A note on expanding demand and monopoly pricing (with Jean Gabszewicz), Economics Letters Volume 98, Issue 1, Pages 9-15, January 2008.

Intrinsic quality improvements and network externalities (with Jean Gabszewicz), International Journal of Economic Theory, Volume 3, Issue 4, Pages 261-278, December 2007.

Optimal monopoly price paths with expanding networks (with Jean Gabszewicz), Review of Network Economics Volume 6, Issue 1, March 2007.


Dynamic games of network effects (with J. Resende), in Dynamics, Games and Science Springer Proceedings in Mathematics, 2011, Vol. 2.

Study on the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Public Spending on Tertiary Education (with M. St.Aubyn, Á. Pina, and J. Pais), European Economy. Economic Papers. 390. November 2009. Brussels. 148pp.

Submitted Papers

  • Optimal dynamic pricing of environmental goods with peer effects (with R. Amir and J. Resende) R&R at Games and Economic Behavior

  • Antitrust in a globalized world (with J. Paz Y Mino, and G. Torrens)

Working Papers

  • “Optimal dynamic pricing of environmental goods with peer effects,” (with R. Amir and J.Resende) Revise and resubmit Second Round Games and Economic Behavior

  • “Price and non-price Instruments in Platforms with Endogeneous Network Effects,” (with P. Bellflamme and M. Li)

  • “Can Self-preferencing Reduce Pollution?” (with Rania Karakosta and Theodosia Stavrolakis)

  • “Multiplatform Monopolies” (with Muxin Li)

  • “Of Course Collusion Should Be Prosecuted. But Maybe... Or (The Case for International Antitrust Agreements)” (with Jose Paz y Mino Lay, and Gustavo Torrens), submitted

  • “Digitalization in two sided markets” (with Muxin Li)

  • “Optimal dynamic monopoly pricing under discounted network effects,” (with R. Amir and J. Resende)

  • “The sources of interest rate variation on bank-firm loans,” (with L. D. Opromolla)

  • “The propagation of productivity shocks within an economy: The role of credit and input markets,” (with L. D. Opromolla and S. Karmakar)

  • “Strategic Substitutabilities and Complementarities in R&D networks,” (with P. Hernandez and M. Muñoz-Herrera)

Work in Progress

  • Miscoordination aversion: experimental evidence, (with G. Torrens).

  • Technology adoption with heterogeneous agents.

  • R&D incentives and patents as collateral, (with A. Vezzulli and L. D. Opromolla).

  • The effect of market overlap on R&D collaboration, (with M. Li).

  • Collude-then-merge strategies and the optimal Antitrust policy, (with G. Torrens and Jose Paz y Mino)

  • Matching sites competition, (with J. Pais).

  • The emergence of core and periphery in international trade, (with A. Lashkaripour and L. D. Opromolla).