The 2018 Joint Workshop on Machine Learning for Music
The Federated Artificial Intelligence Meeting (FAIM)
A joint workshop program of ICML, IJCAI/ECAI, and AAMAS
Stockholm, Sweden
Saturday, July 14th, 2018
A Joint Meeting of the:
Machine Learning for Music Discovery Workshop (ICML)
Erik M. Schmidt, Oriol Nieto, Katherine M. Kinnaird, Fabien Gouyon, Gert Lanckriet
MML 2018: 11th International Workshop on Machine Learning and Music (ICML)
Rafael Ramirez Melendez, José M. Iñesta, Darrell Conklin
Keynote Speaker:
Emilia Gómez, Joint Research Centre (European Commission) and Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Invited Speakers:
Anna Huang, Google
Matt McVicar, Jukedeck
Jimena Royo-Letelier, Deezer
Bob Sturm, Queen Mary University of London
Call for Papers
The ever-increasing size and accessibility of vast music libraries has created a demand more than ever for machine learning systems that are capable of understanding and organizing this complex data. Further, the whole music ecosystem --from creation to consumption-- is being disrupted to its core by current developments in machine learning, and in particular recent advances in deep learning. The topics discussed in the workshop will span a variety of music generation and recommender systems challenges including cross-cultural recommendation, content-based audio processing and representation learning, automatic music tagging, synthesis, style-transfer, and evaluation.
We invite the research community, from both industry and academia, to submit 2-page extended abstracts on topics such as:
Music recommendation and discovery
AI-based music creation and machine creativity
Content-based and multimodal music recommender systems
Transfer learning and semi-supervised learning for music discovery
Audio and semantic content-based machine learning (e.g., genre, mood, style, rhythm)
Browsing and visualization of large music and listener datasets
Similarity metric learning
Learning to rank
Evaluation methodology
Deep learning applications for computational music research
Modeling hierarchical and long term music structures using deep learning
Cognitive models of music
Modeling ambiguity and preference in music
Software frameworks and tools for deep learning in music
Automatic classification of music (audio and MIDI)
Style-based interpreter recognition
Automatic composition and improvisation
Automatic score alignment
Polyphonic pitch detection
Chord extraction
Pattern discovery
Expressive performance modeling
Abstracts should be formatted according to the ICML template:
Only papers using the above template will be considered. Word templates will not be provided. Review is single-blind. A third page may be used for references only.
Papers should be submitted via email to the following address:
Accepted papers will be published online.
Important dates:
Abstract submission deadline: May 18, 2018 (11:59pm any time zone)
Notifications: May 25, 2018
Camera-ready deadline: July 6, 2018
Early regitration: from April 16, 2018 to May 31, 2018
Late registration: from June 1, 2018 to June 25, 2018
Sponsors and organization: