
The 2018 Joint Workshop on Machine Learning for Music

The Federated Artificial Intelligence Meeting (FAIM)

A joint workshop program of ICML, IJCAI/ECAI, and AAMAS

Stockholm, Sweden

Saturday, July 14th, 2018

A Joint Meeting of the:

Machine Learning for Music Discovery Workshop (ICML)

Erik M. Schmidt, Oriol Nieto, Katherine M. Kinnaird, Fabien Gouyon, Gert Lanckriet

MML 2018: 11th International Workshop on Machine Learning and Music (ICML)

Rafael Ramirez Melendez, José M. Iñesta, Darrell Conklin

Keynote Speaker:

Invited Speakers:

Call for Papers

The ever-increasing size and accessibility of vast music libraries has created a demand more than ever for machine learning systems that are capable of understanding and organizing this complex data. Further, the whole music ecosystem --from creation to consumption-- is being disrupted to its core by current developments in machine learning, and in particular recent advances in deep learning. The topics discussed in the workshop will span a variety of music generation and recommender systems challenges including cross-cultural recommendation, content-based audio processing and representation learning, automatic music tagging, synthesis, style-transfer, and evaluation.

We invite the research community, from both industry and academia, to submit 2-page extended abstracts on topics such as:

Abstracts should be formatted according to the ICML template:

Only papers using the above template will be considered.  Word templates will not be provided.  Review is single-blind.  A third page may be used for references only.

Papers should be submitted via email to the following address:

Accepted papers will be published online.

Important dates:

Sponsors and organization: