
Listen and Learn Science


This is an ongoing project to  present Science in a simplified manner.

This   learning material is designed primarily for Visually impaired Persons.

There are no visuals or diagrams.

Equations are expanded to make it comprehensible, for visually impaired persons.

The topics will be relevant to persons interested in science.

The coverage of the modules vary from, introductory to advanced levels.

The material has been sourced from numerous books, magazines, journals, videos, and websites. 

We would like to thank, collectively and  individually, each and every author, from whose work these modules are derived, for contributing to a noble cause.

We hope this would interest visually impaired persons, to join the scientific community,

and contribute to the advancement of science.


Best Wishes.

Some of this content is also provided in : https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Listen_and_Learn_Science