Welcome to my web page. Here, you will find mostly professional information.
I am Associate Professor (Professor Associado) in the Department of Mathematics (Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia) at Universidade Nova de Lisboa since 2005. I am also affiliated to the Center for Mathematics and Applications, at the same university. I was the Scientific Coordinator of this unit (approx. 100 PhD members) from 2014 to 2018. Since them, I am the head of the Department of Mathematics.
I work in the field of Mathematical Biology, specially in Evolution and Epidemiology. My background is in Physics (BSc and MSc, both at the Physics Department at PUC-Rio in Brazil) and in Mathematics (PhD at Impa, Brazil). I was also a post-doc in Vienna and Lisbon.
You will find a list of my papers and pre-prints in my Curriculum Vitae. If you are interested in any manuscript but unable to download it, please feel free to ask me a copy. My ResearcherId can be find here and my Orcid here.
I regularly write to the scientific diffusion magazine "Gazeta de Matemática", published by the "Portuguese Mathematical Society". I am also vice-president of the Society since 2016.
Since 2018 I am member of the Applied Mathematics Committee of the European Mathematical Society. I am also member of the Governing Board of the International Day of Mathematics.
I was one of the co-editors (together with Jose Francisco Rodrigues) of the book "The Mathematics of Darwin's Legacy" (Springer, 2011).
I also wrote (during the Covid pandemic, 2020/1) a textbook in differential equations and applications to engineering resulting from my lectures at university. This text includes several examples in Python. It is available (only in Portuguese) here.