Eve-Angéline Lambert
Professor in Economics
University of Lorraine et BETA (CNRS)
eve-angeline.lambert "at" univ-lorraine.fr
Current positions
Professor, IAE Nancy School of Management, University of Lorraine
Research fellow at BETA (CNRS)
Director of the Scientific Center for Legal, Political, Economic and Management Sciences (SJPEG), Univ. Lorraine
Head of the Master 2 Management and Business Administration (lifelong learning education, in partnership with the Chambre des Salariés Luxembourg), IAE Nancy
Head of the Bachelor of Science in Management (lifelong learning education, in partnership with the Chambre des Salariés Luxembourg), IAE Nancy
Past positions
Deputy Director of the Doctoral School of Legal, Political, Economic and Management Sciences
Member of the Conseil National des Universités (alternate member, 2011-2015, 2016-2018)
Academic expert for the HCERES (2018-2021)
Associate professor, Mines Nancy, University of Lorraine (2014-2018)
Head of the Economics, Business and Organization Department, Mines Nancy (2014-2018)
Assistant professor, University of Franche-Comté (2009-2014)
Head of the Economics Department, University of Franche-Comté (2011-2014)
Head of the Bachelor's Degree, University of Franche-Comté (2011-2014)