Microeconometrics Working Group

The Microeconometrics Working Group (MEWG) is a forum for both doctoral students and faculty to present projects that are work in progress. During each meeting, the presenter will have one hour to present, discuss and get feedback from the rest of the participants. We encourage PhD students at the EUI, particularly in their second to fourth year, to participate and present their work, but external presenters are also welcome occasionally. If you would like to present, wish to be added to the mailing list for weekly announcements, or have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the organisers: Marion Breton (marion.breton@eui.eu) and  Miguel Nunes (miguel.nunes@eui.eu). We are looking forward to seeing your work!

The meetings are currently taking place onsite at Villa La Fonte's in the Conference Room. 

All meetings are broadcasted via Zoom for people who wish to attend but are not on campus. The credentials for the recurrent Zoom meeting are:


Contact us if you wish to set a date and time for your presentation. The usual time slot for presentations is Tuesday from 13:00 to 14.00. Click on the links below to view this week's presentation and the what's upcoming over the next weeks! 


This Week in the MEWG

For past presentations, click here.