Handicap and challenge - Hassen Ben Yahia

Community Life

Although Hassen Ben Yahia is a spastic, Hassen is a member in several associations with social objectives,

Hassen spends Sundays and holidays to preparations or organizing events associations that occur in the region

Occupation typing texts

Hassen Ben Yahia learned typing texts in Arabic and French in a specialized center, then he held this job as a volunteer inseveral organizations and associations in the region of Tunisia Grombalia

Sports activity Hassen Ben Yahia

Hassen Ben Yahia is active in the sports of the disabled, he has participated in several national competitions and has wonseveral regional and national awards and medals

Vie associative

Malgré que Hassen Ben Yahia est un handicapé moteur , Hassen est membre dans plusieurs associations à objectifs sociaux ,

Hassen consacre les dimanches et les jours fériés aux préparations ou a l'organisation des manifestations des associations qui ont lieu dans la région


Hassen Ben Yahia aime la plage et la natation

Hassen est patronné de l'entretien des jardins et des arbres , de la propreté et de la décoration