I am a professor of Economics at the Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI), Stockholm University. I am also a research fellow at the CEPR,  and an external research fellow at CReAM.

Google Scholar profile


Contact: +46(0)720850734 or erik.lindqvist@sofi.su.se 

Working Papers

"Pocketbook Politics: The Impact of Wealth on Political Preferences and Participation," (with Anton Brännlund, David Cesarini, Karl-Oskar Lindgren, Sven Oskarsson and Robert Östling). NBER Working Paper No. 32777.

"Does Wealth Inhibit Criminal Behavior? Evidence from Swedish Lottery Players and Their Children," (with David Cesarini, Robert Östling and Christofer Schroeder). CEPR Press Discussion Paper No.  18649.

"Financial Windfalls, Portfolio Allocations, and Risk Preferences,"  (with Joseph Briggs, David Cesarini, Sean Lee and Robert Östling). NBER Working Paper No. 31864.

Fortunate Families: The Effects of Wealth on Marriage and Fertility,” (with David Cesarini, Robert Östling and Anastasia Terskaya). NBER Working Paper No. 31039 & CEPR Press Discussion Paper No. 18000.

Generosity and Political Preferences,” (with Christopher T. Dawes, Magnus Johannesson, Peter Loewen, Robert Östling, Marianne Bonde and Frida Priks), IFN Working Paper No. 941. R&R at the Journal of Politics.


Windfall Gains and Stock Market Participation,” (with Joseph Briggs, David Cesarini, and Robert Östling), Journal of Financial Economics, 139(1), 57–83, 2021.

Firms and Skills: The Evolution of Worker Sorting,” (with Christina Håkanson and Jonas Vlachos), Journal of Human Resources, 56, 512–538, 2021.

Long-run Effects of Lottery Wealth on Psychological Well-being,” (with David Cesarini, and Robert Östling), Review of Economic Studies, 87(6), 2703–2726, 2020.

Association Between Lottery Prize Size and Self-reported Health Habits in Swedish Lottery Players,” (with David Cesarini and Robert Östling), JAMA Network Open, 3(3), 2020.

The Effect of Wealth on Individual and Household Labor Supply: Evidence from Swedish Lotteries,” (with David Cesarini, Matthew Notowidigdo, and Robert Östling), American Economic Review, 107(12), 3917–3946, 2017.

Wealth, Health, and Child Development: Evidence from Administrative Data on Swedish Lottery Players,” (with David Cesarini, Robert Östling and Björn Wallace), Quarterly Journal of Economics, 131(2), 687–738, 2016. Online Appendix

 “The Making of a Manager: Evidence from Military Officer Training,” (with Erik Grönqvist), Journal of Labor Economics, 34(4), 869–898, 2016.

 “Identity and Redistribution,” (with Robert Östling), Public Choice, 155(3–4), 468–491, 2013.

 Height and Leadership,” Review of Economics and Statistics, 94(4), 1191–1196, 2012.

 The Labor Market Returns to Cognitive and Noncognitive Ability: Evidence from the Swedish Enlistment,” (with Roine Vestman), American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 3(1): 101-128, 2011.

On the Sources of the Height-Intelligence Correlation: New Insights from a Bivariate ACE Model with Assortative Mating,” (with Jonathan Beauchamp, David Cesarini, Magnus Johannesson and Coren Apicella), Behavior Genetics, 41(2), 242-252, 2011.

Planned Treatment and Outcomes in Residential Youth Care: Evidence from Sweden,” Children and Youth Services Review, 33(1): 21-27, 2011.

Political Polarization and the Size of Government,” (with Robert Östling), American Political Science Review, 104(3): 543-565, 2010.

Is There an Adverse Effect of Sons on Maternal Longevity?,” (with David Cesarini and Björn Wallace), Proceedings of the Royal Society: Series B, 276(1664): 2081-2084, 2009.

Does Parental Age Difference Affect Offspring Count in Humans? Comment on Fieder and Huber,” (with David Cesarini and Björn Wallace), Biology Letters, February, 23; 4(1): 78-79, 2008.

Maternal Longevity and the Sex of Offspring in Pre-Industrial Sweden,” (with David Cesarini and Björn Wallace), Annals of Human Biology, September–October; 34(5): 535–546, 2007.


Institutionsvård, incitament och information – en ESO-rapport om placering av barn med sociala problem.” ESO-rapport 2014:8. 

Recent Popular Writing (mostly in Swedish)

Hur påverkas vi av plötslig rikedom? with Robert Östling.  Ekonomisk Debatt, 51(3),  5–20, 2023.

Fyra förslag som kan tämja marknadskrafterna i skolan” with Tore Ellingsen, Peter Fredriksson and Jonas Vlachos. DN Debatt, December 20th 2020 (in Swedish).