
publications & working papers 

( if unavailable below)

2024. Better-than-chance Prediction of Cooperative Behaviour from First and Second Impressions. with Shields, T. Evolutionary Human Sciences. 6(e2): 1-23. 

2024. Who Helps Tsimane Youth? with Cummings, D. , Hooper, P. , Stieglitz, J., Trumble, B. , Kaplan, H., & Gurven, M. ESI Working Papers.

2023. Cultural Transmission Vectors of Essential Knowledge and Skills Among Tsimane Forager-farmers. with Kaplan, H.,  Gurven, M.  Evolution and Human Behavior. 44(6): 530-540.

2023. Human-Robot Interactions: Insights from Experimental and Evolutionary Social Sciences. forthcoming in B. Kebede (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Experimental Social Science. Elgar Encyclopedias in the Social Sciences.

2023. Evolution of Primate Vocal Repertoires: Vocalization Systems as Embodied Capital for Mediating Within-group Conflict. with Mateo Peñaherrera-Aguirre. ESI Working Papers.

2023. Uncertainty and reputation effects in credence goods markets. with Tracy, D., Zika, V. ESI Working Papers.

2022. Geochemistry and provenance of springs in a Baja California Sur mountain catchment. with Lerback, J., Bowen, B., Humphrey, C., Fernandez, D., Bernau, J. Macfarlan, S., Garcia, J. Groundwater. 60(2): 295-308.

2022. Development of a graphical resilience framework to understand a coupled human-natural system in a remote arid highland of Baja California Sur. with Lerback, J., Bowen, B., Macfarlan, S., Garcia, J., Caughman, L. Sustainability Science. 17:1059–1076.

2021. Age appropriate wisdom? Ethnobiological knowledge ontogeny in pastoralist Mexican Choyeros. with Macfarlan, S., Garcia, J., Ruiz-Campos, G., Guevara Beltran, D.,  Bowen, B., Lerback, J. Human Nature. 32(1), 48-83. 

2021. Investment choice architecture in trust games: when “all-in” is not enough. with Gómez-Miñambres, J., Shields, T.  Economic Inquiry.  59(1): 300-314.

2020. The role of dispersal and school attendance on reproductive dynamics in small, dispersed populations: Choyeros of Baja California Sur, Mexico. with Macfarlan, S., Schact, R., Garcia, J., Guevara Beltran, D., Lerback, J. PLoS ONE 15(10): e0239523.  

2020. Trust in humans and robots: economically similar but emotionally different. with Shields, T., Sznycer, D.  Journal of Economic Psychology. 78(June): 102253

2020. Gender, stereotypes, and trust in communication. with Shields, T.  Human Nature  31(3):296-321.

2020. Marriage dynamics in Old Lower California: ecological constraints, reproductive value, and changing gender norms. with Macfarlan, S., Schact, R., Foley, C., Cahoon,S., Osusky, G., Vernon, K., Tayler, E., Henrickson, C., Biodemography and Social Biology.  65(2)156-171.

2019. Kinship ties across the lifespan in human communities. with Koster, J., Lukas, D., Nolin, D., Power, E., Alvergne, A., Mace, R., Ross, C., Kramer, K., Greaves, R., Caudell, M., MacFarlan, S. , Mattison, S., Reynolds, A., Yi-Sum, C., Massengill, E. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B.  374(1780)

2019. Differences between sons and daughters in the intergenerational transmission of wealth. with Borgerhoff Mulder, M., Towner, M., Baldini, R., Beheim, B., Bowles, B., Colleran, H., Gurven, M., Kramer, K., Mattison, S., Nolin, D., Scelza, B., Schniter, E., Sear, R., Shenk, M., Voland, E., Ziker, J. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 374(1780) 

2019. Geographic distribution: Elgaria velazquezi (Central Baja California alligator lizard). with Macfarlan, S., Garcia, J., Guevara Beltran, D.,  Amador Bibo, J., Ruiz-Campos, G. Herpetological Review 50(1):102.  

2019. Intergenerational cooperation: an experimental study of ageism in trust and exploitation. with Kulesz, M.M., Dittrich, D.A.V.  working paper

2018. Experimental tests of the tolerated theft and risk-reduction theories of resource exchange. with Kaplan, H., Smith, V., Wilson, B. Nature Human Behaviour. 2: 383–388 .

2018. Information transmission and the oral tradition: evidence of a late-life service niche for Tsimane Amerindians. with Wilcox, N., Beheim, B., Kaplan, H., Gurven, M. Evolution and Human Behavior. 39: 94-105.

2018. Black Queen markets: commensalism, dependency, and the evolution of cooperative specialization in human society. with Morris, J.J. Journal of Bioeconomics. 20 (1):  69-105.

2017. Trust, reciprocity, and rules. with Rietz, T., Sheremeta, R., Shields, T. Economic Inquiry. 56(3): 1526-1542 . 

2017. Emotions and behavior regulation in decision dilemmas. with Gómez-Miñambres, J. Games. 8(2), 22.

2017. Emotional calibration and self-control. with Gómez-Miñambres, J. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics. 68: 110-118.

2015. Skill ontogeny among Tsimane forager-horticulturalists. with Gurven, M., Kaplan, H., Wilcox, N., Hooper, P. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 158(1): 3-18.
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2015. Functional disability and social conflict increase risk of depression in older adulthood among Bolivian forager-farmers. with Stieglitz, J., von Rueden, C., Kaplan, H., Gurven, M. Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences 70(6), 948-956.

2015. Regulatory adaptations for delivering information: the case of confession .with Sznycer, D., Tooby, J., Cosmides, L. Evolution and Human Behavior. 36(1): 44-51.

2015. Why real leisure really matters: incentive effects on real effort in the laboratory. with Corgnet, B., Hernán-González, R. Experimental Economics. 18(2): 284-301.

2015. Conflicted emotions following trust-based interaction. with Sheremeta, R., Shields, T. Journal of Economic Psychology. 51: 48-65.

2014. Older adults' contributions to the Tsimane forager-farmer economy. Anthropology and Aging 35(1): 56-58.

2014. Ageism, honesty, and trust. with Shields, T. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 51: 19-29.

2014. Predictable and predictive emotions: explaining cheap signals and trust re-extension. with Sheremeta, R. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 8: 401.

2013. Building and rebuilding trust with promises and apologies. with Sheremeta, R., Sznycer, D. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. 94: 242-256.

2013. Recalibrational emotions and the regulation of trust-based behaviors. with Shields, T. In Psychology of Trust: New Research. D. Gefen (ed.), New York: Nova Science Publishers.

2012. Risk and the evolution of human exchange. with Kaplan, H.,  Smith, V., Wilson, B. Proceedings of the Royal Society: Biological Sciences. 279: 2930-2935.

2010. Domestication alone does not lead to inequality. with Gurven, M., Borgerhoff Mulder, M., Bowles, S., Hooper, Paul L., Kaplan, H., Quinlan, R., Sear, R., von Rueden, C., Bowles, S., Hertz, T., Bell, A. Current Anthropology. 51(1): 1-16.

2009. Intergenerational wealth transmission and the dynamics of inequality in small-scale societies. with Borgerhoff Mulder, M., Bowles, S., Hertz, T., Bell, A., Beise, J., Clark, G., Fazzio, I., Gurven, M., Hill, K., Hooper, P.L. Irons, W., Kaplan, H., Leonetti, D., Low, B., Marlowe, F., McElreath, R., Naidu, S., Nolin, D., Piraino, P., Quinlan, R., Sear, R., Shenk, M., Smith, E., von Rueden, C., Wiessner, P. Science. 326: 682-688.

2009. Why Old Age: Non-material contributions and patterns of aging among older adult Tsimane'. Dissertation: University of California, Santa Barbara

2008. Culture sometimes matters: intra-cultural variation in pro-social behavior among Tsimane Amerindians. with Gurven, M., Zanolini, A. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. 67: 587-607.

2008. Shuar. in Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture, 2nd ed. (pp. 385-386) C. Scribner’s Sons: New York.

commentaries, notes, blog posts, and letters

2024. Cultural transmission: Who learns what from whom? When, how, and why? with  M. Gurven ,  H. Kaplan

2022. An open letter from professors across the California State University system to defend and reaffirm academic freedom on campus. 

2020. Letter to the editorial board of Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences in response to Gallup (2020). with Hahnel-Peeters, R.K., Massie, S., Polito, A., Rodriguez, N.N., Rodriguez, N., Ruff, B., Goetz, A., Goetz, C., Lukaszewski, A., Patton, J.Q., Pillsworth, E.G. sign with your support here.

2020. Evolutionary psychologists can't practice what they don't preach: A response to Gallup (2020). with Hahnel-Peeters, R.K., Massie, S., Polito, A., Rodriguez, N.N., Rodriguez, N., Ruff, B., Goetz, A., Goetz, C., Lukaszewski, A., Patton, J.Q., Pillsworth, E.G.  (commentary on Gallup, G. G., Jr. (2020) in Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences).

2020. Training a UNet for Accurate Facial Attribute Profiling. with Soellinger, A. blog

2012. Social norms, discrete choices, and false dichotomies. with Wilcox, N. Current Anthropology 53(2): 172-173.  (commentary on B. Tucker: Do risk and time experimental choices represent individual strategies for coping with poverty or conformity to social norms? Evidence from rural southwestern Madagascar)

2010. An evolutionary perspective can help unify disparate accounts of grandparental investment. with Gurven, M.,  Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 33: 25-26.  (commentary on D. Coall & R. Hertwig, “Grandparental Investment: Past, Present, and Future”)

interviews, research presentations, and demonstration videos

Skill and knowledge acquisition, and trust-based interactions. [The Dissenter, with host Ricardo Lopes] interview on  YouTube
The long life of skill development among Tsimane forager-horticulturalists. [UCLA Center for Behavior, Evolution, Culture] presentation on YouTube
Age appropriate wisdom? Ethnobiological knowledge ontogeny in pastoralist Mexican Choyeros [Human Behavior & Evolution Society Conference] presentation on YouTube
Deep learning for facial profiling (Soellinger, A., PRCVD.AI) on YouTube
Demonstration video for Kaplan et al. 2018: Instructions demo on YouTube
Demonstration video for Kaplan et al. 2018: Solitary foraging and return to central place for transfers, contest, consumption on YouTube

data sets

2023. Data Associated with Manuscript Titled "Evolution of Primate Vocal Repertoires: Vocalization Systems as Embodied Capital for Mediating Within-Group Conflict." with Peñaherrera-Aguirre, M. Zenodo.

2023. Data Associated with Manuscript Titled "Conflicted Emotions Following Trust-Based Interaction." with Shields, T. Zenodo.

2022. Data Associated with Manuscript Titled "Better-than-chance Prediction of Cooperative Behaviour from First and Second Impressions." with Shields, T. Zenodo.

2022. Data Associated with Manuscript Titled "Geochemistry and provenance of springs in a Baja California Sur mountain catchment". with Lerback, J., Bowen, B., Humphrey, C., Fernandez, D., Bernau, J. Macfarlan, S., Garcia, J. Zenodo. 

2022. Data Associated with Manuscript Titled "Development of a graphical resilience framework to understand a coupled human-natural system in a remote arid highland of Baja California Sur" with Lerback, J., Macfarlan, S., Bowen, B., Garcia, J., Caughman, L.  Zenodo. 

2022. Transmission vectors of essential Tsimane knowledge and skills: dataset and code. with Kaplan, H.,  Gurven, M.  Zenodo. 

2021. Data for "Uncertainty and reputation effects in credence goods markets".  with Tracy, D., Zika, V. ESI Datasets.

2020. Choyero ethnobiological knowledge survey. with Macfarlan, Shane J.; Garcia, Juan J. Mendeley Data.

2020. Choyero identified plants and animals. with Macfarlan, Shane J.; Garcia, Juan J. Mendeley Data.

2020. Data Associated with Manuscript Titled "The role of dispersal and school attendance on reproductive dynamics in small, dispersed populations: Choyeros of Baja California Sur, Mexico." with Macfarlan, S., Schact, R., Garcia, J., Guevara Beltran, D., Lerback, J. PLoS ONE.

2020. Trust-game interactions and beliefs in continuous and "All-or-Nothing" investment action spaces. with Shields, Gómez-Miñambres, J., Mendeley Data.

2020. Participant faces from a repeated prisoner's dilemma. with Shields, Timothy. Zenodo. 

2020. Participant faces from a repeated prisoner's dilemma - Data mapping key. with Shields, Timothy. Zenodo. 

2019. Trust-based communication in known and unknown gender interactions. with Shields, T. Mendeley Data.

2019. Economic behavior and emotion reports in trust game interactions with fellow humans and robots. with Shields, T.  Mendeley Data.

2017. Tsimane traditional stories survey dataset. Mendeley Data.