Welcome to my site...

This site is only viewable if I share the link with you, for my students' protection.  It will always be under construction!  So that I can keep sharing more awesome artwork.

On this site, you can see samples of student work I have inspired through classes I have taught.

A Tribute to Linny Fowler.

Many of the classes I have had the pleasure of teaching at Northampton Community College were made possible by Marlene "Linny" Fowler.  May you rest in peace and may you live on in the hearts of everyone you inspired. 

You will never be forgotten!

The art class predominantly featured in the video is my Egyptian Art class at Northampton Community College from the Summer of 2012 at the Fowler Southside Center.  I am in the video working with my students. 

Here is a review from the mother of one of my students, the class was Draw, Paint and Sculpt for Grades 2-3 in August 2012.


This is why I teach, to excite my students about art!!

You can also see some samples of my own artwork, both personal and lesson samples. 


This is my monster 'Dali.'  He was inspired by students in first grade at Miller Heights Elementary after reading them Jeremy Draws a Monster by Peter McCarty.  Everyone drew a monster that day and then we talked about what each of our monsters ate.  I told the students that Dali likes to go to Art Museums and eat paintings.  Most students couldn't wait to share their monster, but no everyone had to.

Please email me at ele.mohr@gmail.com if you have any questions.