
Erica Hsiung Wojcik

Associate Professor of Psychology, Skidmore College

Executive Officer, Cognitive Science Society

ewojcik [at] skidmore.edu

I'm currently an Associate Professor in the Psychology Department at Skidmore College. I run the Early Learning Lab,  where my students and I investigate how infants and toddlers learn about the world. 

Previously, I was a post-doctoral researcher in the Infant Studies Centre at the University of British Columbia, where worked with Dr. Janet Werker on semantic networks in early bilinguals. 

I completed my Ph.D in Psychology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2015 (Advisors: Drs. Jenny Saffran and Mark Seidenberg). I received my B.A. in Psychology and Linguistics from Princeton University, where I worked with Dr. Adele Goldberg.

My research interests include early word learning, ecological approaches to developmental science, semantic development, and cognitive development. Click here to read more about current and past projects.