
Welcome to my ePortfolio. I am an RN (Registered Nurse) at DRMC (Dixie Regional Medical Center) located in sunny Saint George, Utah. I have a B.A. degree in French literature with a minor in Spanish literature from Brigham Young University. Prior to becoming an RN, I worked for nine years in the corporate world in the areas of training, operations, customer service, and management. My previous professional experience was challenging and formative and I'm currently in a new, exciting career in healthcare.

About Me

I love to run and use running as a way to decompress from the stress of school and work. I log a fair number of miles on a weekly basis. I recently qualified for the Boston Marathon and am gearing up for my next marathon. I'm enjoy lifting weights. In the summer of 2013 I certified as an NSCA-CPT (National Strength and Conditioning Association Certified Personal Trainer). I completed Utah state CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant) certification in the summer of 2014. I spent a good portion of 2014 finishing prerequisite courses at Salt Lake Community College. I worked for a short while as an aide at an assisted living center in South Jordan, which was a great way of gaining patient care experience. I speak French and Spanish and have done medical interpreting in the greater Salt Lake area.

I'm an avid reader and am almost always reading something interesting. If you ask me what book I'm currently knee-deep in, I won't hesitate to tell you all about it! Some of my other interests include the Economist magazine, all-electric vehicles, audible.com, marathons, solar power, the Final Fantasy video game franchise, National Public Radio, and trying out new recipes on allrecipes.com.

I subscribe to Ralph Waldo Emerson's quote that "health is the first wealth." Consequently, I try to eat healthily and live an active lifestyle. One of the things I attach a high value to is time. I find quite profound the Chinese proverb that states, "An ounce of gold can't buy an ounce of time." Accordingly, I view time as more precious than money and strive to use it wisely. Most of all, I love spending time with my son, Anders, and my beautiful wife, Jessica.