
SEE Student WEB MAPS (turned in so far) 2013 UPDATES

Location: AH-16 (SAL)

Time: T-Th 10-11:50

Instructor: Stefan Freelan

Office: AH-201 650-2949



TA: Sarah Bell, AH-215

Lab Hours: Th 4-5:00 F 12-3:00

In Brief: (see Syllabus for details)

Assignments (see below and Schedule) due at the beginning of class

Late assignments lose 15%


COURSE READINGS will be online

ESRI Virtual Campus (notes on using the virtual campus)

No mid-term, No Final Exam

Assignments: DUE:

Turn in Labs to S:\Huxley\EGEO352_INCOMING (on the "S:/ drive")

Lab-5 (Final Project) Thursday June 6 & Mon. 10, 2013


Lab-5 (Final Project Proposal) TUESDAY 5/28/2013

Lab-4 (Color) Thursday 5/23/2013

Lab-3 (Text) Thursday 5/9/2013

Lab-2 (Symbology) Thursday 4/25/2013

Lab-1 (Cart. Basics) Thursday 4/11/2013

ESRI Styles & Picture Symbols: C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\Desktop10.0\Styles\Pictures\

Data for the Virtual Campus: J:\GEO\GEO_data\ESRI_data\Virtual_Campus\Carto9

PROPER CASE Code (also adding a carriage return and the word "Island" (copy paste into a label text string expression - editing field names, etc. as desired):

Function FindLabel ([Name])   FindLabel = PCase([Name]) & VBCR & "Island" End Function  Function PCase(strInput)   Dim iPosition   Dim iSpace   Dim strOutput   iPosition = 1   Do While InStr(iPosition, strInput, " ", 1) <> 0     iSpace = InStr(iPosition, strInput, " ", 1)     strOutput = strOutput & UCase(Mid(strInput, iPosition, 1))     strOutput = strOutput & LCase(Mid(strInput, iPosition + 1, iSpace - iPosition))     iPosition = iSpace + 1   Loop   strOutput = strOutput & UCase(Mid(strInput, iPosition, 1))   strOutput = strOutput & LCase(Mid(strInput, iPosition + 1))   PCase = strOutput End Function

* please put ENVS-321 in the subject line of all emails to Stefan