
The data for results in Table 1 and 2 are in the following zip file: data_submission_46.zip The structure of the data is described in following.


The data is divided into the following directories:

- data

- mapping

- map-23022015: the mapping file (with redirects etc.) applied to golden sets and results to normalize the annotations to the same version of Wikipedia

- reference

- unmapped: reference annotations before applying the mapping file

- mapped: reference, mapped

- system_results

- unmapped: annotations before applying the map

- mapped: annotations after applying it

The actual reference texts for all corpora are public domain and available at several locations, for example here:


The annotation format in the original datasets is specific to each dataset. We have converted the annotations to a common tab-delimited format.


Annotations are expressed in the following tab-separated format, in all annotation files (reference or system)


The mapping file uses the following format

canonical form\talternative form 1\talternative form 2\t....\talternative form N

File-naming conventions

The naming convention for the systems' results files follows this schema:


corpusname is one of

- aidaconnlb

- iitb

- msnbc

- aquaint

annotatorname is one of

- tagme

- spotlight

- wikiminer

- aida

- babelfy

- combined

"combined" stands for the combined workflow presented in the paper

weights is either "sam" or "ent".

- "sam" means that, in order to accept individual annotators' annotations, the optimal thresholds for the strong annotation match (SAM) measure were used (see each column "t" in Table 1 in paper).

Similarly, in order to weight annotations in the voting scheme, the precision of the annotators as evaluated with the SAM measure was used, i.e. Table 1 precision on AIDA/CONLLB for voting MSNBC results, and Table 1 precision on IITB for voting AQUAINT annotations.

- "ent" means that, in order to accept individual annotators' annotations, the optimal thresholds for the entity match (ENT) measure were used (see each column "t" in Table 2 in paper).

Similarly, in order to weight annotations in the voting scheme, the precision of the annotators as evaluated with the ENT measure was used, i.e. Table 2 precision on AIDA/CONLLB for voting MSNBC results, Table 2 precision on IITB for voting AQUAINT annotations.

Obtaining the results tables

This requires the neleval tool: https://github.com/wikilinks/neleval

Once the tool is in place, from the same directory where the tool resides, a script along the lines of the following would produce the Precision/Recall/F1 results for each corpus.

for measure in sam ent ; do  
  if [ $measure = sam ] ; then 
  else lookfor='entity_match' 
  for corpus in aidaconllb iitb msnbc aquaint ; do  
    echo -e "\n** ${corpus} [${measure}] **"
    for annotator in tagme spotlight wikiminer aida babelfy combined ; do
        echo "== ${annotator} =="
        ./nel evaluate -g /path/to/data/reference/mapped/${corpus}-gold.mapped \
         /path/to/data/system_results/mapped/${corpus}-${annotator}-${measure}.mapped 2> /dev/null \
         | grep $lookfor

'strong_link_match' is the name for the strong annotation match measure in the tool's results, 'entity_match' is the name for the entity match measure.

Result format is truepositives\tfalsepositives\ttruepositives\tfalsenegatives\tprecision\trecall\tf1\tmeasure

True positives appear twice.

As an example, a script like the above would output the following table, for aidaconllb strong annotation match

** aidaconllb [sam] **

== tagme ==

2417 1990 2417 2068 0.5484 0.5389 0.5436 strong_link_match

== spotlight ==

1741 4459 1741 2744 0.2808 0.3882 0.3259 strong_link_match

== wikiminer ==

2255 2718 2255 2230 0.4534 0.5028 0.4768 strong_link_match

== aida ==

2096 638 2096 2389 0.7666 0.4673 0.5807 strong_link_match

== babelfy ==

1526 2875 1526 2959 0.3467 0.3402 0.3435 strong_link_match

== combined ==

2766 1681 2766 1719 0.6220 0.6167 0.6193 strong_link_match

Significance tests

We need to identify the best system (generally "combined") and the second best. Then they can be compared like in the following example. The example compares, for Table 2, aquaint-combined-ent.mapped (best results) to aquaint-wikiminer-ent.mapped (second best):

$ ./nel significance --permute -m entity_match -f tab \
    -g /path/to/data/reference/mapped/aquaint-gold.mapped \
       /path/to/data/system_results/mapped/aquaint-wikiminer-ent.mapped \

For Table 1 results, the measure given through the -m option would be strong_annotation_match rather than entity_match.

The last field in the output of that command is the p-value for fscore. The output would look like below.

sys1 sys2 measure Δ-precis p-precis Δ-recall p-recall Δ-fscore p-fscore

/path/to/data/system_results/mapped/aquaint-wikiminer-ent.mapped /path/to/data/system_results/mapped/aquaint-combined-ent.mapped entity_match +0.015412371 0.023190724 -0.048143054 0.000399840 -0.013472316 0.015993603