
EnduHud is endurance racing inspired hud for iRacing. The main idea behind it is to give driver information during the race that would normally be available for him/her from the pit crew. This includes information like race pace of drivers ahead and behind. What is the status of drivers you are competing with; are they pitting, off tracking a lot or retired. Also estimations based on average fuel consumption and average lap time are provided by EnduHud.

Supported devices

EnduHud screenshot

Since EnduHud can be run in browser it supports all devices with modern browsers. EnduHud has been tested on following devices

- Normal laptop browsers (Chrome, IE10, Firefox)

- iOS devices (iPad and iPhone)

- Modern Android devices

Below is video of iRacing DWC driver OIli Pahkala using EnduHud in iRacing World Championship Series 2013 round 16 at Montreal. EnduHud can be seen in the action on the left side of the wheel.