Home page of Emre Baspinar

Permanent researcher (Chargé de recherche) at Inria,  MathNeuro Team,  Montpellier

Research interests :

Mathematical and computational neuroscience based on

For my Google Scholar page click here!

For my GitHub click here!

For detailed CV click here!

E-mail: emre.baspinar@inria.fr

Address: Inria Montpellier - Bât. 5,  Campus Saint Priest - Université de Montpellier,  860 Rue de St - Priest,  34090,  Montpellier,  France

PhD thesis:  "Minimal surfaces in sub-Riemannian structures and functional geometry of the visual cortex"

Master thesis: "Curve reconstruction via sub-Riemannian geometry and its applications in retinal vessel tracking"

Short Biography


Line Manager: Alain Destexhe

Line Manager: Mathieu Desroches

Line Managers: Giovanna Citti & Alessandro Sarti


Supervisors: Giovanna Citti & Alessandro Sarti

Supervisors: Remco Duits & Bart ter Haar Romeny

Recorded talks