Dr Emily Twitchett

Dr Emily Twitchett is a fully qualified dance teacher, trained and registered with the ISTD and RAD. She has taught children, students and adults, and entered dancers for examinations and festivals in various successful dance schools across the UK. She was also head of dance at Appel Farm Summer Arts camp in the USA. After attending London Contemporary Dance School, Emily studied for a BSc in Sport Rehabilitation and Injury Prevention graduating with first class honours, before embarking on a PhD in Dance Science at the University of Wolverhampton, UK.

During her PhD, Emily worked with the Birmingham Royal Ballet, English National Ballet, and Ballet Central. She designed the first scientifically approved fitness test to use ballet movements, and measured the daily physical workload of professionals. Her published work includes investigating the effects of various fitness parameters on ballet performance, and other research interests include improving the health and wellbeing of young dancers in vocational training, and professional dancers. She was a founding member of the IADMS student committee and has been co-chair of that committee. Emily has presented award-winning research at conferences across the world, and reviews material for the IADMS bulletin for teachers and the Journal of Dance Medicine and Science.

Dr Twitchett is a guest lecturer at the University of Wolverhampton, has lectured on safe and effective dance practice for the British Ballet Organisation and British Theatre Dance Association, and also runs Midlands Independent Dance Associates Scheme (MIDAS) offering a unique opportunity for talented young dancers in the Midlands to participate in classes based on enhancing their existing training, using a combination of conditioning, technique and artistry classes.

Emily is passionate about improving physical and psychological wellbeing in the training of dancers.