Emily Haoyan Ge
I am currently Assistant Professor in the School of Education and Languages at Hong Kong Metropolitan University. I received my M.Phil. and Ph.D. in Linguistics from the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
My research focuses on the language and cognitive development in both typical and atypical populations, including children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), bilingual children and second language learners. I primarily use experimental paradigms (e.g., eye-tracking, reaction time tools) and corpus linguistic methods to address issues empirically. I have led and conducted multiple externally funded research projects.
I have the qualification to administer and code the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, Second Edition (ADOS-2) for clinical and research reliability.
[05/2024] Our research reveals that socioeconomic status affects the bilingual exposure received by autistic children in Hong Kong:
[星島頭條網] 27 May 2024 自閉症兒童學好雙語 助融入社會向上流動
[01/2024] Our research on bilingualism and autism was covered in newspapers!
[明報] 23 January 2024都大研究:ASD童學雙語 有助語言發展
[大公報] 23 January 2024都大研究:自閉童學中英雙語有助溝通
[文匯報] 23 January 2024都大研究揭雙語學習升自閉童理解表達力
[星島頭條網] 23 January 2024都大研究:雙語教育助自閉症譜系障礙兒童 提升理解及表達能力
[香港經濟日報網] 23 January 2024【自閉症】自閉症小學生過去5年增長2成6 學者:雙語學習有助彌補資訊整合能力
[香港商報網] 23 January 2024都大研究:雙語教育可改善自閉症譜系障礙兒童溝通障礙
[香港新聞網] 23 January 2024港都大研究:雙語教育助升自閉症譜系障礙兒童的理解和表達能力
[信報網] 23 January 2024都大研究:雙語教育助提升自閉症兒童溝通能力
[Oh爸媽] 23 January 2024都大研究:雙語教育助自閉症童 提升理解及表達能力
[中國評論月刊網絡版] 24 January 2024都大研究:自閉童學中英雙語有助溝通
[香港經濟日報網] 23 January 2024 自閉學童|自閉症港童5年增長兩成六 6問題自測孩子是否自閉症
[10/2023] How does bilingual exposure affect the first language development of autistic children? Check out our newly published article in Autism! https://doi.org/10.1177/13623613231207449
[10/2022] Our paper on the comprehension abilities of Cantonese-speaking children with ASD is now available in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. Feel free to check it out: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10803-022-05770-1
[01/2021] Our paper on L2 writing quality and linguistic features is now available online in System. Please visit https://doi.org/10.1016/j.system.2021.102461 for more details.
[06/2020] Our article on L2 comprehension of focus-to-accentuation mapping is now available in Studies in Second Language Acquisition. Feel free to check it out: http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0272263120000248
[06/2020] We are currently recruiting Cantonese-speaking children with and without ASD to participate in an RGC-funded research project. Please share the flyers with your friends. Thanks!!