

Office: 5. E. 220

Van Mourik Broekmanweg 6

2628 XE Delft - The Netherlands

E-mail: e.isufi-1@tudelft.nl

Hi there! I am an Assistant Professor of graph machine learning at The Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), The Netherlands, where I also co-founded and co-direct AIdrolab -- one of the 24 TU Delft AI Labs-- in which we research AI techniques for water networks. Prior to this appointment, I was a postdoctoral researcher at The University of Pennsylvania (UPENN) and obtained my Ph.D. degree at TU Delft on graph signal processing. I did my master's and bachelor's studies at The University of Perugia in Italy. I have been privileged to be guided by some great mentors throughout my career including Prof. Alejandro Ribeiro (postdoc), Prof. Geert Leus (Ph.D.), and Prof. Paolo Banelli (master and bachelor). 

I conduct fundamental research on processing and learning from network data inspired by challenges in infrastructure networks and recommender systems. Broadly speaking, my research interests lie in the intersection of graph machine learning, graph signal processing, network science, and mathematical modeling. This research is carried out together with an outstanding team of Ph.D. students and collaborators that you can find here.

On this webpage, you can find the list of publications, the research thrusts, student-related information, and a more formal third-person bio. Find also my Google Scholar and LinkedIn profiles.

If you are a M.Sc. student of TU Delft looking for a thesis project give a look to the current projects here or to the past theses here.