What is eFANSoftware?


Product 产品Adora AA: Acupuncture Assist. 爱心针灸助理

Easy to USE, Steady yet Professional open source software product developed by eFAN (in spare time), who is a daily user of software products too. He cares about user experience for professional software.

Check the Product out. No training necessary.

That's it - all under your control.

  易用、可靠而专业。一凡除了工作的专业软件开发外, 十多年来每天也得使用他人开发的软件, 对软件的用户体验感受深有戚戚, 有开心也有呲牙咧嘴。对在此给出的业余自主开发的开源软件产品, 无意多少多少人使用, 只求真正需要者用着满意, 足矣。

看看产品, 觉得用得着就试试, 无需培训.

就说这么多, 一切在你掌握.

Trivial Redundent Documents 多余的资料: https://code.google.com/archive/p/adora4acupuncture/