Edwin R. van Dam

Dept. Econometrics and Operations Research 

Tilburg University 

PO Box 90153, 5000 LE Tilburg, The Netherlands 

Koopmans building 4.11  

Edwin.vanDam at tilburguniversity edu

Some recent publications

All publications


Editor-in-Chief of the Electronic Journal of Combinatorics

E-JC is a very high-standard diamond open access journal (free to read, free to publish)


Linear Algebra

Differentiation and Integration Theory


Some coauthors: Willem Haemers (11), Jack Koolen (12), Miquel Àngel Fiol (6), Dick den Hertog (6), Ted Spence (5), Cristina Dalfó (3), Reza Omidi (3), Renata Sotirov (3), Sebi Cioabă (2), Misha Muzychuk (2) Hein Fleuren (1), Bill Martin (1), Hajime Tanaka (1), Krystal Guo (1)

My coauthors are from: Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada, Catalonia, China, Croatia, Iran, Israel, Japan, Korea, the Netherlands, Pakistan, Romania, Russia, Scotland, United States.

The Erdös number project (mine is 2)


Ph.D. students supervised: Bart Husslage (joint supervision with Dick den Hertog), Gijs Rennen (joint supervision with Dick den Hertog), Pepijn Wissing

Ph.D. students co-promoted: Ineke Meuffels (main supervision by Hein Fleuren), Aida Abiad (main supervision by Willem Haemers)

Space-filling designs (back in the air)

Top 40 Dutch Economists 2004 (I am ranked 31), 2003 (34), 2000 (18)

Research fellow (2001-2006) of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW)