Edward Hadas

This website has a collection of my articles on a variety of topics (one per tab): 

Catholic (especially the Church's Social Teaching)

Economics (some more and some less Catholic) 

Education (just one article), 

Political and philosophical (plus Covid)

Personal (including an article about my family's story). 

I have started a Substack blog for new work. I plan to include both longer papers that will also appear here and some more topical comments.  See: https://edwardhadas.substack.com/

Substack is not yet getting picked up on Google: so here is a link to a speech that I have about "Really Christian Economics" 

Here is a speech (that was never delivered) on The Essence of Corporations

For information on me and my books, go to the Biography page.


Live most weeks on Radio Maria England: Friday at 4.  Podcasts available.

I am interviewed in a very nice podcast (IMO) on capitalism, socialism, and environmental worries. 

I give a speech at Lincoln Cathedral on Just Being


All material on this site is copyright © Edward Hadas. All rights reserved.