Nancy Kong

I am a senior lecturer (tenured) at the University of Technology Sydney, Australia. I completed my PhD in economics at Dalhousie University, Canada. 

My fields of research are health economics, behavioural economics, labour economics, and applied econometrics. My primary research interests include the economic determinants of health outcomes, child development, especially the transmission of economic conditions to children's health outcomes, and cognitive and non-cognitive skills; as well as developing metrics for patent disclosure using a computational linguistic program. I am the leading/corresponding author in journal publications such as Research Policy (top innovation economics), the Journal of Health Economics (top health economics), and the Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (top behavioural economics), among other publications. 

I have taught courses (sole responsibility) including Health Economics at the undergrad and grad levels, Introductory Microeconomics, Intermediate Macroeconomics, Math Workshop for Graduate Students in Economics. I have also supervised multiple higher-degree research students.

My research covered in media: The New York Times, The Guardian, ABC News, ABC Radio, and  The Conversation.