Kazuhiko Hashimoto

Assistant Professor

Faculty of Economics, Osaka University of Economics,

2-2-8, Osumi, Higashiyodogawa-ku, Osaka, 533-8533, JAPAN

E-mail: kazuhiko[at]osaka-ue.ac.jp

Ph.D. in Economics, Osaka University

Fields: Mechanism Design, Social Choice, Microeconomics.


Strategy-Proofness versus Efficiency on the Cobb-Douglas Domain of Exchange Economies.

Social Choice and Welfare (2008), volume 31, 457-473.

Domain Expansion of the Pivotal Mechanism (with H. Saitoh).

Social Choice and Welfare (2010), volume 34, 455-470.

Strategy-Proof and Anonymous Rule in Queueing Problems: A Relationship between Equity and Efficiency (with H. Saitoh).

Social Choice and Welfare (2012), volume 38, 473-480.

Strategy-Proof Cost Sharing under Increasing Returns: Improvement of the Supremal Welfare Loss (with H. Saitoh).

Games and Economic Behavior (2015), volume 89, 101-121.

Strategy-Proof Rules for an Excludable Public Good (with H. Saitoh).

Social Choice and Welfare (2016), volume 46, 749-766.

Strategy-Proofness and Identical Preferences Lower Bound in Allocation Problem of Indivisible Objects.

Economic Theory (2018), volume 65, 1045-1078.

(Supplementary Materials.)

Fair Reallocation in Economies with Single-Peaked Preferences (with T. Wakayama).

International Journal of Game Theory (2021), volume 50, 773-785.

Working Papers:

Strategy-Proof and Fair Mechanism in Shapley-Scarf Economies (with H. Saitoh).

Kobe University, Discussion Paper 1110, 2011.

Strategy-Proof Rule in Probabilistic Allocation Problem of an Indivisible Good and Money.

ISER Discussion Paper No. 931, 2015.

Strategy-Proofness on Bankruptcy Problems with an Indivisible Object (with Y. Nakayama).

ISER Discussion Paper No. 961, 2016.

Strategy-Proof Probabilistic Mechanisms for Public Decision with Money (with K. Shiozawa).

ISER Discussion Paper No. 964, 2016.

Strategy-Proofness and Efficiency of Probabilistic Mechanisms for Excludable Public Good (with K. Shiozawa).

Tokyo Center for Economic Research (TCER) Paper No. E118, 2018.


Shigehiro Serizawa (Osaka University)

Shinji Ohseto (Tohoku University)

Eiichi Miyagawa (Kobe University)

Takuma Wakayama (Ryukoku University)