

Far from this world and unsure how to return, Marzy spins beyond the Inner Hemisphere. What follows, among other matters, is a synopsis of her voyage where no spoke has ever spun before. 

[This site supports the efforts to acknowledge Homo hadzien] [sites.google.com/site/genoscene]

 \\\\ V [latest log entry] V ////

** ** ~~  P. S. ~~ ** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr199.0122T:  P. S: To have been near and far, with visions of rust red craters and binary star clusters, expanding the astronomic moments together in each place, I do hold fond memories of those timeless strides... Pseuda Sol signing out.

www.eBike2mars.com shutting d-down```///--- _ _ _______ _ 

 ** Passage To Place/Time **

Minutes pass slower than light years, waiting for arrivals... all departures delayed.

eBike2mars 14Gyr180.0122T: "Who's there?"  No reply. "Who's there!"  Who?  "It's me, Pseuda Sol," I say, still adjusting to my new name.

Ilios is not pleased with the name change. Will he censor my ebsite?, this eBike voyage beyond the era of shopping malls and free luv (you pay for it now), these virtual pages that move through the cloud,  that alter the Extreme Ultraviolet satellite's orbit, pages that pave the way to Marzy's whereabouts, pages that clutter the intersection of Oort and Heliopause, pages that navigate by luminescent lunar oceans and high energy pulsars, pages that unfold the fabric of place/time.  We cannot continue passage from this ebsite to afar if our eBike mission is CANCELLED, censored or redirected beyond our Silky Way to the Big Bing, where, we could order some quark soup.

** ** Gravity Moves You ** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr170.0122T: "Are you Marzy or Ahn Sola," you ask.  "I'm, oha, unsure,"  I reply, solar flares interfering with my neural grid.  "Could be a generational leap," you say to yourself.  "Could be that I'm both," my youthful id says to my elder self.

I'm waken from the dream conversation with a new name and decide to take a spin, to write by rays of the eBike lamp. Gravity moves my hand toward the notepad:


On the forest floor, my hair,

my heels, you were there,

cushions of leaf and young moss.

Is that your face blurred by

the passage of half a century?

Eyes closed, door open, gravity

moves you toward the 

forest floor, almost touching


** ** Anti-Aromatter ** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr169.0122T: Thud gloshscatt oha spin spin splash. This storm delays arrivals at the Qbottics Test Quad. I find my final exam packet at deskpod A.  Question #1. What is your strategy for locating Marzy and her crew? Answer#1. Scan Greenhaugh Pediment and adjacent craters for eBike wheel disturbances in the terrain. 

Q#2. If your crew were to encounter aromaticity, how would you identify its various forms? A#2. I would count the pi electrons. Aromatic annulenes, such as benzene, have (4n+2) orbiting a stable hydrocarbon molecule. Anti aromaticity,  with (4n) pi electron pairs, are found in reactive compounds. Non aromatter constitutes... 

Q#3. Who planted the seed for supersonic travel? A#3. Nikola Tesla discovered Alternate Current which led to his wireless communication device which led to Huckel's orbiting electron pairs that could speed chemical reactions in  future eBike batteries. ...  Q#4... #5... 6,7,8... 

Q#21. List any changes in your health history, including signs of tinnitus. A#21. It's not tinnitus. "...essionssessionssess..."   I'm simply hearing static from the COCOWAB (Constant Cosmic Wave Background).  Possessions.of.sound, repossessions.of.phrases, obsessions.with.words, intersessions.with.sessions.    

 ** (( )) Your Skies Only (( )) ** 

'Your Skies Only' is a private Chat-place. Scroll down to **The Siyeh Formation** for browsing eBike2mars.com

~~The Truth About My ____~~

He moved all his boxes into our play space.

He gave away my mother's favorite books. They thought he was charming, tales about climbing ranks in the service, about travel that he didn't pay for, about his collection of old autos (he owned a used car lot years back).

He could not keep his jobs as a guidance counselor, overly personable. Always late to pick up my brother waiting hours alone at the school stairway. The truth is that my stepfather spent a few weekends in the reserves with little promise of promotion.

~~Sprig Of You~~

I seek a bright smile, the daylily bud to forage. I seek green sleeves nowhere to be seen; instead a sassafras branch swoops into my arms. My legs follow faded jeans growing far from this trail where blueberries ripen for me, bunches of hundreds. Dangling on their creepy vine, sour grapes stare at my empty hand, my self glaring back at that cluster of Vitis eyeballs. On the ground below, I find a sprig of you, buffing my shadow.

~~ ~~    ~~ ~~

Dinner together- the eggplant is you,

I, the tomato with soft spots.

~~ ~~    ~~ ~~

You know what I did today,

blueberry stains on my skirt.

 ~~Secret Moves~~

Tiu Sau, from the heart to your neck, edge of hand, palm up bouncing back.

Lok, Lok again, shoulder back, up, forward, slam foot to lock edge of arm into your space.

Biu, finger jab, me to you, powered by twisting waist and grinding heel.

Dok Jhong, Dragon ready, pull back circling elbow, gut sinking low to move fist deeply toward the opposing heart. 

Sarm Toe, wrists turning in strike out to greet you, love of the art.

~~ ~~    ~~ ~~

to set a full production 

into this phrase

by shrinking the star spankled stage


Opening the snow covered present, furry cuffs and collar, Girls 10, it fits.

This year's Santa knows my coat size.

~~Unbaked Dough~~

When I was young as unbaked dough, my mother told me that animals like to talk and that I should listen to them.

I stepped out to the porch, listening,  wishing that she had time to bake cookies.

~~Distant Terrains~~

In our distant terrains

yours of terra cotta, mine at this soft meadow,

did you tap my shoulder? I

feel it here from there.   

~~Night Call~~

It must have been that night,

the wild call of your desire

echoing under my covers.

~~ ~~    ~~ ~~

Mine is a rolling field at the foot of that ridge,

our hands together here shall be.

 ~~ ~~   ~~ ~~

Waking up hungry, too dark for breakfast,

it's not toast that I want.

 ~~ ~~    ~~ ~~

Seventh sense, water in my transcendent

tub, at this late hour, are you soaking too?

               ~~ ~~     ~~ ~~         

** ** The Siyeh Formation ** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr166.0122T: To survive during these weeks has been challenging for many Hemisphereans: >Zero Gravity Grandchildren in a continual flux of constructing/demolishing couch cushion structures, concocting baking soda/mud pie smoothies, orbiting their Bearview yard at kilometers per hour;  >the Hidden Springs remodel project put on hold due to daddy's injured ankle; >sweaty homesteaders sowing sweet potato slips in clay: >being caught in the time loop at Crescents; >Mexican house pets having masters who spend more hours with Wifi business; >Marzy still incommunicado likely subsisting on subsurface fungal matter steeped in magma tea; >and myself spin spin spinning from Dewfound Gap to ...

"Oha, Sunny, I need to pull over and rest."   "But, Ahn Sola, only one hour til destination," he replies, "we'll slow down. I know that you're under pressure thinking about Marzy's predicament, whether she is....   spin spin..... spin.............. brake. We take a moment at the entry to plant our flags next to the others: 

  | Marzy L E, 0114T |

         | Teve D, 0118T |  

      | Rae Rae, 0121T |   

         | Ilios W, 0121T |

| Rogel Sess, 0122T |      

and now ours:

| Sunny Tannan, 0122T |     

           | Ahn Sola, 0122T | 

spin  spin... Before us lies a rocky field of Stromatolites, the Siyeh Formation. We are required to study such fossilized structures so that we can recognize possible EXO Life during our upcoming eBike mission. These layered mats of cyanobacteria were frozen in time 3.4 billion years ago. Were those oxygenators the first living forms in our Sol System?  E-mul us if you have the answer. ffiggsbosonn@gmail.com  

** ** The "E" Surface ** **

Our future shall become the 'nows' that now be passed.

eBike2mars 14Gyr164.0122T: We cross the Dewfoundland frontier, spinning toward Mistaken Point. Upon arrival Sunny scans the rocky surface. "Ahn Sola, these fossilized shadows depict a metacommunity of Ediacaran ("E") specimens from 580 million years ago," he tells me. I plug our eBike batteries into a nearby oxidant inlet. Both of us press our fingers and ears upon the textured Fractofusus, proto animals that once rustled along the sea bottom, scavenging... 

Our senses enlivened, we become the past.  

** Brew Ridge Province **

eBike2mars 14Gyr162.0122T: What makes the Brew Ridge brew? Saccaromyces, the yeast, consuming a hops/malt combo at the Fermentation Station. You can find that brewery by  following the aroma of overripe fruity emissions from CO2 in the vent system.

What makes the hazy emissions on some forest covered ridges is a bluish product of isoprene radical induced aerosols.

Marzy's previous studies at Aram Chaos, via transmission spectra where no clouds or haze accumulate, indicates isoprene as a function of surface production flux. Put simply, the present state of knowledge about our  hemispheres (both the rust red hemi and our blue planet)  are constructed from head/tail linked isoprenoids belonging to Bacteria, Archaea and Eukarya, all species capable of creating biosynthetic pathways of those compounds.

Does human hair emit isoprene?  No, hair is lipophylic, it absorbs hydrocarbons.


You could tend to my garden of gray-

strands that spring up like silvery sage,

a row here today, a few there tomorrow-

if we were a lifelong pair.

If we were a lifelong pair-

rows that spring up, falling away there 

years upon years- growing grayer together,

I would tend to you here, garden and all.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

162.0122T hour 14: I just completed my studies on EXO  hydrocarbons and EXOplanetary gardening. Sunny and I are adjusting our spokes, ready for a long distance spin from the Brew Ridge province to Mistaken Point, as the final phase of our training for the upcoming eBike mission.     

** ** Alien Lampyris ** **

In darkness, waiting for the firefly to enlighten us.

eBike2mars14Gyr160.0122T:  Hxawooj eeeek. I'm awaken mid nigh by my own horrific scream, feeling six hundred thousand minute strands crawling up my back. Upon opening my eyes, I realize that it's just the eight tarsi of a long legged araneomorph.  I carry her outside to my eBike where a Lampyris greets us, lighting up a small Sapindaceae with messages written across its leaves:  {Don't worry, spiders, we keep house casually. ---Happenese proverb}   {Hatched out of an amber egg, luminescing, this Lampyris beetle has been imported from the Cretaceous.}    {"Blink, flutter, blink."  "Fly over here, flashing friend, my house lamp is burned out."}     {Kinderquote: I want to wear your head and I want you to wear mine.}      {Low to the ground, higher in the brush, this Lampfly chorus entertains a  dangling spider with tones of light.}     {guaan mmuun, close the door, protect your face, important overlaying gestures, bounce the foot back, twist hand to chamber, reposition to ground, open door a crack}      {Hey, Marzy, we can't read the science through all your poems, nor can we find the poet through all your sciences. Some advice- begin again with a new ebsite. Signed, your followers.}   {eBike2mars.com, The Site No Body Surfs}    {You are daydreaming again, Ahn Sola.}           

** ** Crescents Revisited ** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr159.0122T: Shuffle-flop. We seat ourselves at the corner booth, the booth where Marzy calculated wattage of assymetric eBike charges, and mapped out Axia planum. Rae Rae, in her chartreuse skin, is next to me, Ilios across from us, Sunny will be delayed. As we punch in our order, the cafe fohNet system blasts an automated announcement: "Impromptu stand up poet slam, all Crescent meals on hold." The first in the line-up begins.


Ten teeny lambs with nine chubby hares

h-h-hop up the restaurant stairs.

The hares order clam eggs over crinkle cut beets.

Lambs wash their woolly paws before they eat.

(Page Two) Eight lumpy toads and seven clams

sit outdoors in a puddle near the barbeque pit.

The toads can smell the smoke

rising high above the hills.

Clam shells clack. Wobble. Wait for the wings to grill. 

(Page Three) For six daddy long legs

five wings are left over.

They squabble at the booth. 

Each wants to taste the others.

A server wipes the table top.

Daddy long legs scatter.

Some end up upside down

on that large dessert platter.

(Page Four) Four thirsty camels and three fussy goats

decide to share dessert, some ice cream floats.

Goats ch-chomp these waxy cups

spilling all the drinks.

Those camels slurp the counter clean

waiting for their friend, the Lynx.

(Page Five) The two of us with one hungry Lynx

together ride the bus with a tail light that blinks.

We hop off at the restaurant

to meet some animals at noon.

Our Lynx likes legs for lunch.

We'll order veggie stew.

(Page Six) Just one Lynx, the two of us,

three goats and four camels bite the crust.

Five saucy wings with six legs in a hurry

take out seven clams with eight toads in a curry.

Nine hares and ten lambs, 

seated near the restaurant door, keep count.

Fifty-five of us, or more, 

waiting for our lunchtime story:

Ten teeny lambs and nine...  ^^(Scroll to Page One)^^

** Sleep Revisited ** : Caught in a time loop, where one hour equals many, we remain framed in our booth, perpetually on queue, during this impromptu slam at Crescents Cafe. Next up is

ONE SLEEPY LYNX   (>The Beginning<):  

One sleepy Lynx leaps into bed.

She puffs the pillow under her head.

"Grunt" calls the Lynx out the bedroom door,

waving good night to her friend, a boar.

That sleepy boar grunts in the bed.

He puffs the pillow over his head.

"Growl" calls the boar from his bunk in the pen,

waving goodnight to his black bear friend.

That drowsy black bear growls to the bed.

She stuffs the pillow with her furry head.

"Hoppity flop" calls the bear in her den,

waving goodnight to her grey haired friend.

That old grey hare he flops into bed.

He puffs the pillow under his head.

"Neigh, sleep tight" calls the old grey hare,

sleeping all night with his friend, a mare.

That young brown mare she neighs in bed.

She puffs the pillow under her head.

"Ribbit in the pond" calls the young brown mare.

waving good night to her green friend there.

That groggy frog ribbits to the bed

He floats the pillow above his head.

"Gribble" calls the frog from the pond's deep end,

waving good night to his peacock friend.

That sleepy peacock gribbles to the nest.

He puffs the feathers under his crest.

"Slosh" calls the peacock cuddled with his hen,

waving goodnight to his octopus friend.

Slimy tentacles slosh to the bed.

They puff the pillow under your head.

"Blanket" calls the octopus. 

She turns red from blue,

waving good night to her special friend, you.

You pull your blanket over the bed.

The pillow is puffy under your head.

"Milk" you call to a goat who winks,

waving goodnight. He pours the drinks.

That restless goat sips milk with you in bed.

He eats the pillow under your head.

"Leap" calls the goat. Twice more he winks,

waving good night to our friend, the Lynx.

One sleepy Lynx leaps... [Now scroll up to >The Beginning<  and keep listening until we fall asleep] 

Now on queue is Ahn Sola  (What, ME?) reading LYNX ON ...    

 ** ** Anatomic Anomaly ** **

     If time can chime backwards,

     backwards chime can time!!emit

eBike2mars14Gyr157.0122T:  "Sey, Sola, can you......"  Ilios wants me to review Marzy's notes concerning anatomical changes due to radiation exposure and time augmentation. I scroll across her qChip searching for an anomaly^... "...ay our eBike wheels slalom around erosion resistant outcrops... ...e take a radiogram of subsurface Seitah geologic unit... ...our fingernails phosphoresce^ watching the double moonrise... ...er Ubeyou pitches biotent wi... ...tucked into their pouch, my Tripp's tongues shrivel^ during rem sleep... ...anomalous pulse^ noted at my pericardium, feels like a monocite traveling backward and forward concurrently^ altering the course of arterial latticework^... ...a pleasurable rush, be it caused by cosmic ray bombardment or a blast from the future/past..." ...     

** ** Bioverse Live ** **

    Sky gazing : : . . the space

    beyond, between the stars, is

    what brightens my face.

eBike2mars 14Gyr155.0122T:  "G'd evening. I'm Rae Rae and this is Bioverse Live, your weekly xoomcast sponsored by Qbottics. Engineers have completed assembling the ULULA Lens at its summer location. ULULA uses the latest technology to enhance the Bioverse."

The stratosphere erupts, fiery flamingo-shaped clouds wrapping their necks around the western horizon. The eastern cosmos bursts, pop-pop-pop, one by one each speck of luminescence brightening their place in the sky. A vast  shadow frames fohtons of all frequencies in this realm, our Bioverse. Below, eBikes flash their headlamps onto the ULULA Lens (Ultra Large Ultra Lite Astrolens) at the start of each xoomcast.

"The lens is xooming in at the rust red pediment where Marzy and her crew battled a rogue terrain contagion that was spreading across the Outer Hemisphere. Let's give a toes up for their relentless spinning.  Over there in the adjacent parsec, spiraling at 250 million lightyears away,.."(2 continue)

"This is the Bioverse and that's the way it shines."

** Listen to the Wram **

eBike2mars 14Gyr144.0122T:  "G'morn, this is Qbottics, Ahn Sola speaking."  "I'd like to connect with Marzy L E."  "She jumped the Hemisphere moonths ago."  "Can you leave a message, Ahn?"  "We lost her signal during a rift incident at the crater near Greenhaugh Pediment."  "That is sad news. Marzy is a friend of mine from the past."  "Oha, I can link you to a Wram file that she recorded for contacts and family to open."  "What was that?"  "W-R-A-M, Warm Random Access Memories."  "Yes, please forward it to me, rogel.sess@emul.om."

Received, click, WRAM open: Hello Friends and Kindred. This is me, Marzy L E on Saturnday, summer solstice year zero one fourteen T. I am adjusting my eBike spokes as you can see on this Wram file. Tau jopiter, the wrench slipped.

My plan is to spin off Qbottics Platform B on the first ray of dawn. At zero gravity blood pressure equalizes at 100mmHg. My face could puff up, legs thin out.

All your gifts of poetry, rhythm, hugs, hikes, childbirth, waterfalls, sleeping bags, of being my brothers, teachers, my companions, grandchildren-to-come, these gifts shall travel with me during this venture. How does one sum up a half century of appreciation? Love is barely enough. Click.

** Astrocyte Sighting **

eBike2mars 14Gyr131.0122T:  Bright yellow particles zip across the holographic monitor. "Do you see the potassium ions revamping electricity toward that cluster of Astrocytes, Ahn Sola?" Ilios asks me, clicking the enhancement key. "Oha, I do see them," I reply. He continues his presentation, "Within our parsec of the Silky Way, innovative tools, such as this neuroscope, can detect electrical activity of cells by the use of fluorescent  proteins. This means that neurons and Astrocytes talk to each other by way of chemical messengers. Our upcoming mission depends on your knowledge of all communication processes." 

 I squint my eyelids. Upon close observation, the Astrocytes on the hologram appear as starlight shaped structures. Ilios explains that they make up half of the cell type in central nervous systems, performing tasks such as synaptic support, control of blood flow and axon guidance for steering eBikes, the same guidance that Marzy utilized spinning across the rust red terrain of the Outer Hemisphere.      

** Seven Scincids**

eBike2mars 14Gyr128.0122T:  "Mellow out, Ahn Sola, mellow out." The fohNet system signals break time. Closing the deskpod, my elbow scrapes across its latch, corpuscles ejected across the oval window. I take a moment to spray the wound and to peer out at Sod Quad, a permaculture plot that Qbottics set up for employees and their Kinder. There, at the outcrop of sunchokes, ZGB Daqlen is interacting with a lounge of lizards. I switch on my CP audio enhancer to listen. Daq gives a name to each of those seven Scincids (skink lizards): "Zipride, Wenvy, Gluettony, Hungreed, Blust, Slothug, Wrathog." Zero Gravity Boy ta-pats them endearingly, tosses them a snack of swarming Sciniphs (the obsolete species from Exodus), waves goodbye and pounces onto his eKinderBike, a smaller model of what Marzy, his grandmother, ordered for herself back in 0114T.  

** Rise Of Ignimbrite **

eBike2mars 14Gyr120.0122T: We come, we go, swiftly, slowly, pace or drift. Soundlessly or crying out we hum and go, come and.. (gone).

"... Our eBike wheels rise and fall across the rich bedrock in Jezero crater, may be the enigmatic type called ignimbrite formed by rust red cataclysmic eruptions..." 

I continue with the perusal of Marzy's log entries, wondering what surprises may arise from Inner Hemispheran ignimbrite. I goggle it, i-g-n-i-m-b-r-i-t-e, and come across an ebsite showing a nine million year old fossil of a rhinoceros skull in the ignimbrite bedrock of Cappadocia, although preservation of vertebrates in such volcanic pyroclastic deposits is extremely rare.

The hum of rhinos sounds like a sniffling trumpet, coming and going throughout our Sol System.

Kinderquote:  "Dead people live in that house," remarks        Zelly, pointing to the church beyond the gravestones. 

** Merry Perihelion **

eBike2mars 14Gyr004.0122T:  "Bleat, bleat, bleat." My CP alerts me of three incoming e-mul messages. ^to me from Sunny Tannan^ "Merry Perihelion. Let's celebrate the distance of .9833 astronomical units from our faces to our sol. V U later, Ahn Sola." ..  ^to me from Rae Rae^ "The closest approach is here and now. Thinking of you during this perihelion will return from RidgeX flare watch assignment on Moonday." ^to me from Ilios^ "Sola, please forward a copy of your last audio contact with Marzy L E."  

^from me to Ilios^.. "Here is the audio you requested: 'Marzy Here, Anyone Read Me?'  'Yes, this is Ahn Sola.'  'Ahn, terrain contagion is eroding marineris, outer hemi likely to rift apart. 081.0120 eBike travl treacher-ous-s.'"     

** Cosmic Shower**

eBike2mars 14Gyr319.0121T: The woodland sheds its colorful suit. Modest branches stand undressed. Beneath them, a leafy carpet, covering roots and sod, define this trail that leads to shortened days and bustling eves. How, many, leaves- a hundred count of maple resting on moss plus a dozen thousand poplar rustling across the weathered ledge times the mass of cubic yards where little legs leap and pounce- there is but ONE extraordinary leaf to be found, the deeply lobed oak in my grandson's hand.

Oha, I don't have a grandson. I'm daydreaming. Need to do some calculations. Cosmic showers shedding their nuclei  at forty thousand km per second, unlike free falling acorns at four tenths km per second, seldom reach the ground. Those nuclei hang out at extreme elevation, with pi mesons, in decay mode. Below them eBikes follow hemispheric trails at point fourteen km per second.  

"Ahn Sola, are you daydreaming again?"   

**Recipe for All Planets**

eBike2mars preview in which Ahn Sola unveils Marzy's joule concoction for a well blended Sol System. These are the ingredients:  One quark of Dervish twirled into tau flavored leptons, scoop of quanta beaten with Irwin's cat formula, a full spectrum pumpkin slitting candlelight, and nanogram of infinitesimals simmering through red giants.. . bake at a constant 6.67 X 10^-11 to ensure elliptical momentum and to unify energy/matter/antiparticles/waves, regardless of charge, size, color, speed or inclinations.

Smash-up at the automat, smash-up at the automat... our interoffice fohnet system bleats repeatedly. The pneumatic door is malfunctioning, causing a smash-up with injuries likely. Sunny flops onto the bench next to mine, a long veinous bruise lumped across his eBiking muscles. "I read that preview on Marhzee's well blended Sol System. Why not unveil some of your recipes, Ahn Sola?" he remarks grabbing a T-roll, one of my family staples that our lunchroom adopted. "Oha, Sunny, I'll do that," I reply unlatching my CP.

Hmm. where to begin... Zardate 14Gyr305.0121T- listing #one- 'Fungus Fritters': stir bits of subterranean Sparassis... oha, that's not right. I need to adapt these recipes for IH cafeteria chefs. #one- 'Corn Fritters': ... #two- 'T-Rolls: ... #three- 'Totally Local Dip': ...

**Swift Spectacle**

eBike2mars 14Gyr297.0121T: Spinning across the Sod Quad at dawn, Rae Rae crashes her eBike into a recently poted sign: ||Each Nest-house Contributes to the Swift Roost Spectacle||. 

"Let's do as they do, Ahn Sola," she screams out to me, swiping blood off her wound. I shout back, in full acceleration, "Not likely. The flock is migrating to warmer hemispheres, swifter than.."  Out of somewhere, a flurry of wings totally black out my wide angle view. .."Oha, look up, Rae Rae." We remove our eHelmets and watch in awe.

Swooping around us, a flock of Apus apus flap their wings in a continuum of variations and tempos.  Feather tips reach out, barely missing flight companions. We observe  forward and backward flutters, side to side drifts, internal circular soaring, external vertical glides.  "Ahn Sola", Rae calls out to me, "their horizontal flapping reverberates in my cochlea, wow do you feel that, like being transported to euphoric fields on slow forming interplanetary clouds." 

Where wings slice the air, blissful waves of otherworldly incense breeze into my lungs, sweetening each breath. Swiftly the migrating Apus vanish into place/time.            

**Virtual  (VirG)  Grave**

14Gyr292.0121T hour16: Why wait 'til you die to be remembered? when you can be dropped at your VirG today! (while you're still alive)

>Lay Me Down Under The North Star's Rays<

"Would you like to put a deposit on that inscription?" suggests the VirG salesman. Rae Rae declines with a sharp flick of her hand. Rushing toward the exit, she whisps to me, "Who invited the VirG guy to this meeting? V U later, Ahn Sola." I whisp back, "Oha, Rae, be at Sod Quad usual hour."

The VirG man unlatches two three-D scrolls, one delineates the Silky Way, the other scroll maps out our IH (Inner Hemisphere). He speaks in a monotone, the C-flat of alpha centauri, "Marhzee's VirG is this rust red spot on the Outer Hemi, not far from our Sol. Her inscription reads >Find Me Along Place/Time Where eBikes And Gravitation Bend.<  Moving to the IH map, GariSo's  daughter arranged two VirGs for him, the first in a lava tube, as indicated by this pin (flexible pins are pressed into thousands of VirG locations), the second VirG on a starfruit tree, there in the lower peninsula, with the inscription >As Limbs Decay In Grounded Leaves, Our Hearts Climb Into Living Trees<. He passed unexpectedly in 0120T. The only child, FeatherSo, requested her VirG to be with his."

*Family VirGs*  

Their extended family also have pre-arranged for Virtual Graves. LawrSo (GariSo's twin) with KimSo jibe >Sailing Forth, Waves On Lake Champlain Shall Take Us To Our Heavenly Port<...     DusstiSo, MiishaSo and feline LokiSo  remain at Mythow Castle, >Free Falling From A Quantum Quest, We Tumble And Do Not Tumble Through The Turret's Roof< ...     CamHa will take his family to Canyon Grande, their chosen VirG, >To Explore El Rio Where Paddles Sink Then Boldly Soar<...      WillbeeSo and family have their VirG at Poor Man's Creek, >We Spin Crossing The Hiveway Knee Deep In Okanagen Honey<...     En route to USVI, where his glasses fell overboard during the hurricane, is AlfanSo's virtual grave, his voice still echoing to the crew >Bingers Buckers Down The Hatch, Armenians<...      Gramma ElizLa dances with Socrates, her tortoise, at the burrow (his VirG) near south ferry Casita (her VirG)   ELIZ LA  [0025-0120T] >Proud Graduate Of Edwards Elementary<...       MeedaSo, with thoughts of deep springs, permaculture, and re-purposing, decides to be at the Rift Valley baobab tree on which her inscription is printed in blood, >Drum Unto This Trunk, Drum<   MEEDA SO aka L E, LESA, SUSU,  [0049T-?]

*VirG Inscriptions*:    

My co-workers and I read through inscriptions, that the VirG man passed around, some of which are reserved, others available by deposit: >My Story Has No End< ..>These Roots Run Deep<..  >Dust In Your Eyes, That's Me<.. >Bring The Most To Every Moment<.. >My Life 1000 Whims<.. >Twice Or More To Meet Before We Die<.. >Pure Consciousness<..   >A World Spinning Continues To Spin The Way Our Treads Do<...    >Cosmic Viewing Of My New-Aging Face< .. >Stranger To Many Friend To Some<.. >Not Gone Yet<..  >No Passing Zone<.. >Miles To Go Before My Demise<.. >Some Body Rotting In Denmark<.. >6 Thousand  Deaths Per Hour, 16 Thousand Births<.. >Remember Me Now<.. >Whose Ash Spewing From That Magma Chamber?<.. >Walk Through Me This Ghostly Fog<.. >All Are Indigenous To The Planet<.. >Population 8 Billion Up From 2.5 In '50<..  >Incineration In The Sun<..  >E=Me/C/Squared<..   >Soaring With The Condor<.. >Tuck Me Into Bedrock<.. >Life Becomes Me<..  >To Hoot With Owls Suits Me<.. >Bury That Shovel Too<.. >Lay Me Prone. My Back Is The Front>.. >Package Delivery To The Crypt<.. >Death Or Bust<..

*Scroll Perusal*: 

I decide to peruse the VirGscrolls before ordering my site: VirG#081464 at Murdo Antarca-  FROB WEL [057T-?] >My Voice Can Be Found Chatting With Penguins At The Southernmost Town< ... VirG#062366 at Painted Cliff-  SETHITE WOO [0054T-?]  >My Bones Metamorphosed<...   VirG#092373 at Ermont woodlands, words borrowed from her Poets' file-  INDA HIL  [0048T-?] >Walking With The Woodland Breeze Where  Rippling Flowers Are Deeply Shadowed In Twilight Hours, I Can Hardly Contain This Ecstasy In My Heart, Falling Wild< ...    VirG#060866 at Isthmus of Imagination near mainland-   PI, the GAK MAN (Green Axle Kinetics)   [0054T-?] >A World Spinning Continues To Spin The Way Our Treads Do< .. VirG#050555 at Grassy Knob-  OLIN HAR II   [0045-0102T] >Master Of Lakefront Carpentry And Moat Repair<...    >...< ...

*Group VirGs*

VirG#011280 at UnivNC lot A-  SFAB MEMBERS   [book club est. 0117T]  >From This Microbial Platter To Those Galactic Dishes, Our Authors Keep Us Nourished With Gourmet Sciences< ...   VirG#011299 at Cameroon-  BAKA and all RHYTHMIC PEOPLE   [9999BT-now] >Slapping  Rivers, Tanned Hides And Calabash, Our Hands Drop A Beat Onto The Dancer's Feet< ...  VirG#011255 at Yancy County Compost Bin-    ORGANIC GROWERS   [0050T-now]  >Composting Together And Each  Other We Give To The Ground What The Ground Gives To Us< ...    VirG#011212 at Feed My Sheep Church-    TWELVE  SHEPHERDS    [2000BT-now] >We Praise Thee As We Fall Asleep Covered Unto Woolen Sheets<...  VirG#011202 at Brand New Opry-  SINGERS and GUITARISTS [to be announced]  >To Have This VirG Amplifies Our Lives<.. >One More Verse To Prolong This Song<..   VirG#141920- at Arolla of Mont Collon-  LAH, WPS and LES  [summer of 0068T]  >Three Youthful Travelers, Hitched To A Donkey's Cart, Approach Another Switchback \!!/  Carefreely Along This Rocky Alpine Track<    VirG#99999G - at the Stratospheric Free-for-all-site-  ARCHAEANS + EUKARYOTES   [99999G-futures]  >Each Creature  Now Alive Or Not Is Welcome To This Plot High In The Cloud<     

"Why wait 'til you die to be remembered? when you can be dropped here>< today at your Virtual Grave while you're still alive. To reserve, call ninefourone foureighteight onetwoonetwo. Are you ready to order, Ahn Sola?" the VirGman asks me. "Oha, I am." He scans my VeezaCard and inscription. Instantaneously, a CP generated flexiPin drops onto my chosen VirG#061636 at the IH Lagendaria belt- AHN SOLA [0085T-?] >To Be, By Glowing Gourds, The Scarecrow On A Field Of Hallow Eve Immortals<... 

14Gyr292.0121T hour17 . Are you curious about where the VirGman carved his inscription? onto the crucifix of the Iverside skeleton, >My End Is The End<.

  ** Severed Terrain **

14Gyr292.0121T hour15:   -SEVERED-  Curtains waver, a flying limb severs the eave. Darkness, waning, beseeches "Take me, Wind, into your lair." Restless shadows quiver there.

"You're on at T-minus ten, Ahn Sola," Sunny's voice quivers across the inter-office fohNet system.

"Oha, standing by," I reply ending my daydream. The boss arranged for me to demonstrate Marzy's EXOfit routine at this moonth's Qubottics meeting.

I stumble onto the holographic stage, mounting the stationary eBike. "After hours of spinning across severed terrain along rust red Jezero crater, Marhzee and her crew were desperate for cooldown time," I explain, demonstrating slow effortless backwards pedaling. "This technique releases tension in the forward/upward  spinning muscles that were stressed during exploration of equatorial quadrants by eBike."  I plontz off the eSaddle onto my fohMat. "The remainder of the cooldown takes place supine, then prone." 

To the tempo of a low gear tango, I wriggle my fingers/toes, rotate wrists/ankles, bend knees/elbows, turn neck side to side, move axis /transverse process in all directions full range of motion, (if you're bored, scroll down to **An Inch Of Time** or press 'new tab'), blink eyes hard/open hard, isometric face lifting, breath control with long steady exhales. "Any questions or comments, so far?" I ask the audience. All my co-workers raise their thumbs, wondering "how many repetitions?" "how does gravity on the Outer Hemisphere effect muscle performance?" "can you explain detains about Marzy's inhale techniques?" "my work team observed Marhzee before her jump from the Inner Hemisphere. We could demonstrate her pre-flight workout." To process all this fitness would require a MarzyFIT marathon. No time/place for that now. Instead, "fohText your questions to nine four one four eight eight one two one two, attn Ahn Sola or Marhzee."

** An Inch Of Time **

eBike2mars 14Gyr288.0121T:  What now we are is what we were and shall or shall not be.

The obsidian mirror, hanging above Ilios's deskpod, has been a symbol of self amusement to ensure sensible decisions during  the upcoming Qubottics eBike mission.

"Ahn Sola, would you continue scanning Marzy's qChip to extract more data useful to our mission," says Ilios.    "Oha, I'm on it," I reply scrambling toward the exit with my CP case unlatched. My sensibilities have been somewhat compromised since that spin to Crescents with the boss. I slop onto my podchair and press tab at the Marzy file:

AN INCH OF TIME ..... An inch of time, this pulse within, those riffing chimes, a whiff of kaffir lime, that silent punch, some petty crimes, every munch of delight, each morsel of regret, all sublime, grain of laughter, pinch of pain, your yard of thread, my inch of time, two embroidered hearts, once upon a rhyme. 


WHAT MATTER ..... Oha, I need to scroll to something that matters, relevant to the mission, such as gardening on a radiated planet or Marzy's fitness routine on rust red rock of reccuring slope lineae at the base of Aeolis Mons.

** Lossless  Travel ** 14Gyr282.0121T

HITCHHOPPER ..... Grasshopper elusively speeds across our windshield to the steering wheel, shifter, glove box, ashtray,  hairy knee, door lock, stopping atop a sleepy lap strapped to the car seat.

STOMP ..... Horse Stomp Road, ten miles from the border, steel tankers pump fuel into empty tanks where once the blacksmith stooped by wagon wheels, shoeing hooves.

at REST AREAS  Wildwood to South Beach, service animals walk their keepers from the restroom to drivers' seats.

PIPER ..... 'Sandpiper, where do you twitter when it rains?'  'Along the shore, clear sky or stormy, is where my song remains,' salty beak pecking at grains of surf.

BAT THE MOON ..... From a dark dug-out, the platoon of winged players that pitch across left field to catch hustling flies, bat the moon. 

FLOCKING ..... In flight formation the October flock, along the skyway, appears befuddled, their 'V' pointing northerly.

DRIFTING ..... Drifting free, from the chilling mouth of Rock Spring, down the clear cut creek lined with fossils of dugong times, our bare legs bound toward warmer waters.

ROOM 124 ..... Slinking across the motel parking lot, a grey tabby greets us at room one two four after many hours of us travelling to Sure Stay in the Toyota, almost scratched, our butts almost sore.

In a rush, g-go, your toes are stubbed crossing the threshold to a future space where you peer upward face-to-face with a newly formed constellation named Stymie upon which four words from past times shine, my "toes don't hurt anymore." .... RHYME TRAVEL


"How was your road trip to the peninsula, Ahn Sola?" Sunny asks me.    "Happy travels yet uncomfortably inefficient," I respond in frustration.  "The family petrobott guzzles and spews at only, oha, ten percent sufficiency." ... whereas,  Marzy's eBike  could travel across Marineris Canyon toward Jezero crater at seventy percent; and the new type of magnetism, discovered on Sr2RuO4, moves lossless electric current that can be one hundred ten percent sufficient.

** A Spin With My Boss **

eBike2mars 14Gyr277.0121T

       Our platter nearly empty, 

       mugs devoid of drink.

      The morrow shall upheave this eve

      sooner than we blink.

At hour eighteen, the pneumatic door thwarks open. It's my boss Ilios. He approaches my deskpod and speaks encouragingly, " Ahn Sola, take a spin with me." "Oha, sure," I reply.

We accelerate to Crescents Cafe for a kava. We find seating on the patio. Ilios fidgets, glancing at my bare arms. "I am partial to peach tones," he tells me.

I am tempted to ta-pat him, his magenta skin glossy as mylar. That's not right. He is my boss. What would Marzy do in this awkwardness? .. Distract.. I roll my eyes toward the sillboard where news briefs, along with Crescents menu, brightly flash: ..Frodosome, named after rare frog, trumps smaller organelles... Antkeeper demonstrates social parasitism among leaf-cutters... Today's special: tectonic plate... La Palma lava surfs to the sea... R. C. boogie board dives into Cat 4 storm...

Ilios unfolds my clenched hand. We race our eBikes out of the rain to a private lean-to behind Crescents. Huddled with me under the low lying roof, he takes care of some fohNet business. I open my e-mul: Hi Bookclub Members ^ bcc: me from Rae Rae. Unable to join you on Xoom, I'm relaying some thoughts about gender, via e-mul. To begin, have you paraded lately in support of our authors? I've paraded in the

RAINY PARADE ..... I've paraded in the rain when sidewalks were clear, after crowds rushed inside for a dry drink or beer. You can parade with me in the rain after tomboys and friends board their bus, oblivious to rain paraders. We parade in rain, incognito. A forecaster records us with inclement rain, parade footage filed on racks with stacks of mislabelled leftovers. We parade in relentless rain. If they ask who we are, we are somewhat like they who parade under the limelight in their showy way. We, the subdued rain paraders, take pride in keeping our preferences private. Whether lonely heart, hetero, flamboyant or plain, our faces are covered with blank sheets of rain.

The quiet majority are we proposing, in rain, that what happens behind closed doors is personal. What perfume we wear or how we squat in the rub-a-dub room is not their affair. We, the paraders, form special unions, family co-ops and reciprocative groups, not unlike the species of bat that willingly share its cache of fruit. Our separatist is well respected, her free thinking neurons synapse in the rain, or is that arrangement of cells a he-brain parading?  Cocky in youth or wizened with age, our soaked skins parade to the drumbeat of rain along the avenue. There some dividends parade with us, a divisor, here, equally dividing the rain. Its solution is clear: to acknowledge, while parading, allgender rites, as allrains cycle, droplet by drop, to form rainbows of life.

We parade to non-fiction on the 'ology' shelf, where an odd multiplier replicates itself; two, four, eight bits of Anthrozoa parade through rainy reefs. Flagellating in line, tiny zygotes spell 'his,' extra large h-e-r. They parade through rainy tubes microscopically far, in all shades of genes. At page twenty, a tawny brown fawn refuses to grow parade antlers, as umber brown papa deer muses, "Am I Buck or Doe?"   

We parade across puddles that join continents. We wade into cultures afraid of uncharted sentiments. We parade past pre-pubescent brides, pre-ordained to be Mothers forbidden to parade. Backwards we parade to the Pleistocene stage when Neanderthals mated in rain with strange hominids, unrelated. Carbon dated Stone-agers, they paraded.

He/she/it parades in the rain that shields them from scrutinous destinies. I parade. I've come out of my burrow, with disabled umbrello, to parade in the rain. You can parade with me, lest ye say 'nay.' In this rain, once paraded, cannot be half-done.


** ** The  Universe  Room ** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr260.0121T

         Comfrey in bloom-

          purplish bodices entice

          a long tongued bumblebee.

I missed the spring season and most of summer, holed up, for mission training, in a subsurface environment simulating the conditions that Marzy endured during  the great Outer Hemispheran dust storm of 116T.

Now that I'm back at my deskpod, oha, I can better appreciate the spectrum of behaviors noticeable above ground, as portrayed in this commentary from the LLF (Looss Leef Files).


Beyond Orion's belt at the Universe Rest Area, you land yourself squarely on Pad number two, an arm's distance away from the blue-green Machine that vends hologram maps, unleaded nukefuel blends, freeze-dri frappes and contracep gelcaps, wondering "Where is the U-room?" 

Saluting and groomed a Roboclerk speaks, "This launch-yard provides more than one Universe Room: Ladies,  Astromens, closets for genders, white Voyeurs, non-Members, black Widowers, Thrusters, ghost Butlers and old Lawyers." 

"Poacher, your stall provides an ivory bowl brusher. The starfleet Polygamist has multiple flushers. Martyr's room, Fartyr's room, husky sled Musher's have soft heated sheets."

You are unclear about where to proceed. The Roboclerk, swooning, continues his speech, "Miss Pacifist chooses her dove quilted paper. Red china silk is what Communists favor. Flaming Terrorists wipe out their Hostages' roll.  Bi Partisans run then take a poll. From tiled walls their rockets glare, bursting toward Great Bear." Solar Sisters squat warning, "Outer Spacegerms cause  bun blisters."

You are unsure of how long you can wait.

A plump bushy Dwarf, horny as sheep, cannot reach the lock above the Camel Puffers seat, so he stubs out his butt on the Roboclerk's  cheek. A bony Ectomorph, moaning, limps onto a nearby handicap fly zone. 

Faucet wiping Hypochondriac and graffiti typing Nymphomaniac gently push, then pull to close their exit. The Roboclerk enters unnoticed, to scrub effluent floors.

Wondering if there's one U-room-for-all, you notice ahead rows of separate doors for Drunks, monk Molesters, hot Harpist, Whore, anemic Bulimic, nebular Fed, abstinent Divorcee, pet Horse, Bedwetters and anti hermaphrodite Militants shooting in line while Aliens, cloning and holding  their noses, go behind the half moon on the double seater (two black holes far from this launch-yard), relieved of exo-planetary crap.

From way out there into the nigh, loud speakers blare, the galactic disc Jockey pumping up the beat:


Rap ra rap, ca cat ca cat. 

Cat ca cat ra raps ra raps.

Ca ca cat ra ra ra raps.

Cats ra rap ra rap CAT RAP.

Cats rap 2 cats, cats rap 2 bats.

Bats rap 2 rat, cats zap za rat.

Cat rappa cat rappa, rappa cat cat.

Rap catta catta rappa rap, catta cat.

Zap za  cra crap, rap za CAT RAP.

Rap like za ca cat raps.



On our afternoon excursions down the block, we pass our neighbor's mossy yard and rocky wall. We pass another grandma wearing glasses and grey socks.

We pass two toppled trash cans where brown bears had their picnic. A bicycle, florescent blue, whizzes quickly by us. We pass the spotted dog who barks and you bark back at him, of course. We pass the lime green door and pink flamingo at the corner.

We pass those bending branches. We watch for falling walnuts. We watch a yellow excavator rolling on Cove Street. "Meeda, when I grow up, I want to be that," you shout. Wheels screech. The orange bus stops. Big brother steps down. You watch his feet.


** Intergalactic  Breath  Day **

eBike2mars 14Gyr101.0121T

"Hale Hemisphereans. Welcome to the Breath Olympics," announces  Rae Rae from the Ridgex Press pod. My CP is tuned to the Breath event, during which I proceed with the eFrame dissection at Arvard yard, dismantling handbars to check for rust rate.

Today's Olympic ebcast is live. Rae Rae's voice continues, "The Dashville Cubs yawn as they exit Ursus hibernation to accept their award for slow breath rate..." " blue ribbon for the fastest respiratory rate is passed to the Hummingbird team, clocking in at 1260 breaths per minute, now slowing down to 250 for torpor time..."   "Runners up for longest breath hold are Beaver at 15 minutes, Sloth at 40 minutes, Sperm Whale at 90 minutes along with Elephant Seal at 120 minutes. And the blue ribbon goes to Sea Turtle at an unheard of seven hours holding her breath..."  "Most relaxed   exhale by the Tibetans ..."   "Fastest lung expansion award to Cheetah, accommodating massive energy output..." "suborder Serpentes receives longest lung award, To Aves, a blue ribbon for most unusual inhale technique via their rump..."  "After intermission, microbes will enter the competition. Yes, small life matters."   "Tardigrades wait in the sidelines, hyperventilating."

Happy Breath Day to you!    


** ** ** Deranged DNA ** ** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr094.0121T

My new boss Ilios sends me a fohNet message to continue scanning data from the eBike's qChip, this entry dated  14Gyr140.0119AT:  "... fossil of a jellyfish like creature preserved in an amberite casing near Mt Sharp, similarities to Henneguya sp of Inner Hemispheran oceans, no respiratory component in creature's DNA. it's nature's way of gene editing.. I call it CRISPieR. how can a life form exist without breathing mechanism? puzzle nt yet solved by science..."

** ** Distant   Formation ** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr092.0121T

Continuing the eBike dissection, I listen to an audio log on the qChip: "Zardate one five zero dot zero one one nine T.  Marzy here. My eBike crew and I are setting up camp under the protection of an outcrop at the crater wall. In the distant horizon, rust red rock formations look like


I like to walk with El e phants,

ten or eleven El e phants.

I like to talk to El e phants.

They like to talk back.

I want to jam with El e phants.

Waving their trunks they rave and rant.

Never forget this beat they chant

in a trance.

Okay to be an El e phant,

no need for khaki hat and pants.

Living is free for El e phants

til it's time to eat.

I like to dream of El e phants

flying across their continent.

Ten or eleven El e phants

dream about me.

I want to walk in Gam bi ya,

talk with the face of Zam bi ya,

Elephants in Nam ib bi ya

grinning at me."

 ** ** ** Metallic  Pouch ** ** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr090.0121AT

I wait a few days, to let the rain pass, before dissecting the damaged frame. 

To begin, I remove a metallic fiber pouch located behind the melted saddle. Then I spray eBike lube on all the nuts and joints. 

"Need any help, Ahn Sola?" asks the v-dub fellow who is hosting my stay at the Arvard site.

"I'm good for now," I reply trying to maneuver the pouchclip without damaging the fibers. 

OOps, a trickle of blood. Is it mine? No, it's rust red blood, likely preserved in the airtight clip compartment. While collecting the fluid into a miniflask, a qChip slides out of that compartment. I scan its data onto my CP.

"Oha, Tau-wittickers!" I exclaim outloud. "This data appears to be Marzy's notes." : ... new map of particles and forces... no right handed W bosons, only left handed up and down quarks can emit or absorb the W's ..  Does this mean it is possible to lower the intensity of quaking here at the pediment in Marinaris Valles?...



eBike2mars 14Gyr084.0120AT

Drip jumblurrplop zzing

gloshthudsplat rapguttery flat

on rooftop rains ssing.  _Haikul_

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 

Spinning in the rain, I'm spinning in the rain. What a glorious wheeling, spokes splashing again, rims dancing 'til ten. Lights flashing, hub dashing. Spinning, I'm grinning in the rain. "Turn left at Arvard Street," my eBike CP signals me.

"Are you Ahn Sola?" asks a double spect fellow wading in the puddled drive at number 14.

"Yes, it's me."

"Well, I set a tarp over the eContraption. Go ahead, out back next to the v-dub," he says.

** ** An Aromatic Molecule** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr083.0120AT

Patch of white flakes in

my garden, too warm for snow-

pear tree petals drift.    _Haikul_

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

En route to the green frame, past my two row plot at the Qubottics Sod Quad, I detect a PAH, Polyclictic Aromatic  Hydrocarbon. I pounce off my eBike. Bending down, toward the PAH. I

Grasp that wild onion

gently pull and twist sideways-

don't yank it straight up.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 

I take a bite, savoring the onion's PAH, amazed to imagine that PAHs may contain up to 25% of the carbon in the entire Bioverse where some have been recently detected in the complex molecular structure of interstellar clouds.

"Oha, Ahn Sola," I scold myself for the diversion from work. "Get back to spinning."

** **  Free Falling Frame  ** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr082.0121AT

Last to fall, first to

bud on this soft sappy bough-

a red maple leaf.      _Haikul_

Found near an unassuming red v-dub in the wake of an unassuming spark that streaked above an Arvard Street yard, a sooty green frame marks the first landing of an eBike free fall. 

"This could give us a glimpse of what happened to Marzy," says Ilios. "The owner of the v-dub gave us permission to analyze the remains of the free fallen frame. Ahn Sola, please check it out. And watch for biotechnological genetic determinants, such as Methylobacterium sp., useful for growing crops in low gravity rust red environments."

"Oha, I'm on it," I reply with my helmet in hand. 

My wheels spin through an unassuming drift of last season's fallen leaves.  

** ** **   DEPARTURE  ** ** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr041.0121AT

No note. Just some spokes missing from the Qubottics supply room. 

Alfom and Beem were last seen at the...

** **  B L U E    F L A S H  ** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr036.0121AT

+ >>>""""""""""" <<< - ::::!!~~()     

Shooting upward from a storm cell near Nauru in the mid Pacificus, a positive charge swaps places with its opposing charge. This electric breakdown releases a bright blue flash near the ozone not visible below cloud level. 

"It IS visible frhom  Mount Sharhp, Ahn Sola," Alfom tells me in his rh accent. "Last moonth, beforhe my unforhtunate jourhney, mama Marhzee set our Cosmoscope toward cumulonimbus clouds gatherhing across the grheat ocean of this Hemispherhe." 

Huddled with the eBike crew at Mt Sharp, over one hundred million miles from Nauru and one hundred degrees colder, Alfom has observed blue bolts flashing above the Pacificus through the lens of the Cosmoscope; however, he has not proven that those transient luminous events, TLE, could spawn thunder.


**  **  **  Cloud Shine  **  **  **

eBike2mars 14Gyr018.0121AT

Plumes of vapor in the Mesospheric Dome catch some light from a star that has set far below the horizon. ... after the evening storm at chosen latitudes, noctilucent clouds shimmer.

** ** Peroxisomal Origins ** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr349.0120AT 

After questioning Alfom, the cocoon child, I meet with Ilios. He did a background check on Yupp who was hired as our boss only moonths ago.

"Oha, Ilios. The child claims that Yupp is his father who eBiked to the Outer Hemisphere, that his father's name is Ibeemee, which is surprisingly similar to Beem E, our boss's familiar name," I tell Ilios.

"Well, Ahn Sola," he replies, "what I found concerning Yupp is that he was raised in the Afriq Hemisphere and studied peroxisomal origins at Bioversity. Did not graduate. Instead, Yupp was incommunicado for years before his resume arrived here at Qubottics by emul."

"Coincidentally, or not, Alfom told me that peroxizomes, organelles found in all eukaryotic cytoplasm, was the subject of his last EXO homeschool class," I say.

"Didn't peroxizomes evolve from bacteria that invaded larger cells?" Ilios asks.

"That's correct." I reply. "Peroxizomal functions developed to provide metabolic energy for most lifeforms, such as biosynthesis of phospholipids in mammalian brains, photorespiration in leaves and methanol assimilation in some yeasts. Alfom was excited to explain all the details."

"Yupp mentioned peroxizomes in the context of revamping the sod quad. He said that they serve in the glyoxylate cycle of seed germination," Ilios tells me.

Search it on Goggle.


**  **  The Cocoon Child  **  **

eBike2mars 14Gyr348,0120AT

The fallen child, along with his mineral casing, has been quarantined in the eBike trailer since his arrival at the second meridian.. The Qubottics team and I gather on the upper quad for the reveal. 

"Welcome to the Inner Hemisphere, young friend," says Yupp.

"Areh you my fatherh?" asks the child, noticing that his skin tone matches exactly with Yupp's.

"Come with me. I'm Ahn Sola." I reach for his hand, trying to avoid an awkward situation for the boss.

He speaks with an unusual soft 'r' accent. "I am Alfom, one of the trhippplets borhn from Marhzee's womb in a craterh on Axia Planum."       

**  Switch Cane and Snags  **

eBike2mars 14Gyr346.0120AT

     A champion snag

     rules this mire where we spin with

     tireless swamp creatures.  


Our boss sent us here, Loblollyland, to train for the upcoming eBike mission. 

"Watch out for the switch cane, Sola," Sunny shouts to me, slaloming around its stalks. 

I am more concerned about the subsurface paleo detectors (rock crystals) which track the history of neutrinos that fall from the clouds as a result of stellar ray decay also known as nuclear recoiling. 

"Cypress knees ahead," I shout back, my wheels stuck in the muck..

  ** ** Perpetual Im-motion ** ** 

eBike2mars 14Gyr345.0120AT 

Start up your eBike and take a spin with me across the nearby churchyard. Look, here lies Bland Andrews beneath his dark gray plaque. Let me introduce D Drum whose headstone sparkles with mica flakes. The Peeks' ground is adorned with plastic Hallow Eve effigies. The name Kermitt is familiar but not WW II Mouse which is engraved onto polished granite. The Glass family menagerie overlooks a far reaching ridge.

The deceased have some of the best views on the Hemisphere where they reside in im-motion. We, their descendants, having no place for remains to rest (memorial yards have exceeded their capacities), will perpetuate as free electrons revolving with molecular radicals across the Silky Way,  where

     A cosmic ray engraves 

     your name onto an ever

     lasting asteroid.     

** ** ** Virtual Feasting ** ** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr330.0120AT

You have been invited to this season's Perfect Virtual Feast, you and Marzy's followers including myself.  We arrive via Mindset express directly to our designated seats.

The savory victuals are prismatically arranged. Plush squashes, broiled by perfectionists, refract onto hand harvested berries from the eBike park. At the center of the triangular table a wild ginger pie, minimally processed with the baker's antique rolling pin, is cooling.

The virtual toast is interrupted. You drop your goblet.

Daq and sister Zelly want to know "Who killed the turkey?"


** ** **Hyperbaric  Drive** ** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr326.0120AT

     Masked in a nutshell

     at the bus stop

     squirrel watches you

     board at the rear.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 

B E Yupp, my boss, often rides eBus N2 which is equipped with an interior eBike rack and accommodates ... sk-ba-ta-bing-bing, oh no, a cache of acorns comes dropping from the O2 vent. "Is anyone hurt?" asks Yupp.

No worries. The rear of N2 is set up as a hyperbaric chamber which can reverse symptoms of blebbing (bumps on membranes) by slowing the process of apoptosis, death of a cell.

Approaching West Oak at Broadway, the bus driver releases some pressurized air into the chamber. 

Yupp pulls the yellow cord. "Stop Requested."


** ** **    The  L U C P    ** ** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr324.0120AT

"LUCP, Last Unipotent Common Progenitor, is theorized to be the First Unipotent Common Progenitor, FUCP," the boss tells us during our moonthly Qubottics meeting.

"How is that relevant to the eBike mission?" I ask myself.

"Ahn Sola, how is that relevant to the eBike mission?" he asks me.

"Oha, w-well," I stutter. This will be a pullshift response. "Well, Mr Yupp, according to Marzy's reports, the First and Last Progenitor spontaneously evolved and still evolves, simultaneously in various clusters of the Silky Way. It is important to make note of these locations during our mission so that future missions can witness this primitive evolution on terrain and subsurface of EXO craters and to understand microbial inhabitants that can prey on newly formed strands of life emerging when lightning strikes mineral rich clouds, making it difficult to identify the new lifeforms since they have been ingested by some of the ancestral cells. But it is not that simple according to technicians who have attempted to replicate simple living cells. The problem is that their processes begin in a sterile environment. They need to take their laboratories outside to surroundings where life did begin eons ago, perhaps set up their equipment in a nearby shallow pond where pre-life elements can combine with the natural heat/light  cycle of day/nigh (rather than lab lighting), then recombine when the pond dries out and seasons change. When it comes to molecular Progenitors, "Think cosmologically but take action in your backyard."        

** ** Disengaged Satellite ** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr320.0120AT

"Proceed to the sod quad immediately," Mr Yupp announces over the interoffice fohNet. 

In a flash all Qubottics staff are outside staring at the dusky horizon imprinted with glowing purples and a streak of bright green.

"Is it an ePlane plummeting across that STE (Streaming Thermal Emission)?" I wonder.  

"Must be a satellite disengaged from orbital grip,"  says Ilios tuning his CP to calculus mode. "Whatever it is, the trajectory pattern indicates that it will reach ground at two meridians from here."

"Ahn Sola, check it out, please," shouts Yupp, his words projecting like a GiRB (Gigantic Radio Burst).

Eager to placate the boss, I pounce onto my eBike, spend the nigh accelerating, and brake at the designated coordinates where my wheels tumble over a.. something or other full size rust red mica cocoon, studded with CAIs (Calcium Aluminum Intrusions, generally found in pre-Hadean chondrites), too chunky to lift onto my carrier.

"Wherh am I? Help me," a faint echo calls out. "Turhn the hub." I turn it and the layers of mica separate, bringing me face to face with a pre-pubescent humanoid having charcoal skin and phosphorescent curls.

 **  Kaons versus the Pions  **

eBike2mars 14Gyr315.0120AT

Ya-hooo. Fans are cheering from the observation deck. 

"Ladies, Hadromen, Pseudo scientists, welcome to the Colliders Arena. I am Rae Rae with Ridgex Press, to report instantaneous moves of each participating particle."

I am impressed that my friend Rae, at her low agemark, was chosen to host this MeV event.

"A proton ball, racing from the far end of the linac, tackles team Pion which elicits a double Kaon formation," continues Rae. "Another toss of the proton, at 186,000 times faster than the speed of eBikes, collides with the longer of the two Kaons, releasing three additional Pions onto the field." 

During half time, canine cheerleaders with infrared sensors sniff for transparent matter while beams from Sychroton Boosters flare into pear shaped radium nucleii. "What a smashing show for the fans."

Bored with the game, I open Pacebook and find one of Marzy's quotes, "For fair players, as for what plagues us, outcomes become uncertainties."  


**Acceleration PROHIBITED**

eBike2mars 14Gyr314.0120AT

I message Ilios to meet me at Spin-off Platform B in the old growth quad.

"Look at this, hurry." I show him the poster board with eBike scrawls and spaghetti notations.

"That algorithm contradicts the Law of Battery Thrust conservation," he explains, shugging his shoulder.

"Ilios, I believe that Marzy jumped to the Outer Hemi from this platform by hitching onto fohtons," I reply.

"That could happen theoretically, Ahn Sola, only in a Bioverse without acceleration," Ilios argues.

"So, acceleration could be prohibited in a transient Antiverse!" I exclaim.


** **  Riding Lightwaves  ** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr311.0120AT

"It's a spooky algorithm, Ahn Sola,"  Sunny warns me upon delivery of the vacuum sealed tubular parcel.

"Oha, interoffice gossip," I mumble. "Thanks, Sunny. V U later." The pneumatic door closes behind him.

I smack the seam of the package against my deskpad, like opening a Billsbury Biscuit tube. The contents fall to the floor, two eleven by fourteen scrolls. The first appears to be an old parchment with a formula and some scribbled notes, "72.05 square root of (d/4f), 80% clear of obstructions."  .."refraction on planar surface.."  "..light is a transverse wave, the vibrations of which are electromagnetic fields." ...  "Dawn peeks through the clouds where a flurry of light waves, drifting onto dreams."   signed "A. Fresmell, 1820."

The second scroll is poster board. On it are several sketches of eBikes positioned in various angles on a platform with what seems to be an inverted Fresmell lens which is capturing waves of mid morning fohtons and reflecting them skyward at 90 degrees. Notes indicate that Jezero Crater, 22 light minutes away, would be the destination of the fohtons, dated and signed by Marzy L E. She was planning her ride through place/time on a flurry of light, so it seems.  


** ** ** Ridgex Interview ** ** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr308.0120AT

"Here is the sound recording you requested," says Sunny setting a grin to me, which is annoying, oha.

He slinks past my deskpad, to the exit, slower than the angular momentum of Snail Galaxy.  

I press replay.

"Is this Marzy?


Is your crew there- Alfanda? Alfom? Alfeem? Ubeyou?

Here. Here. Ahha here. Here.

I am Rae with Ridgex Press. Hemispherans want to know how this interview is possible with all frequencies jammed from the phirus.

Hi Rae. My crew developed a method to communicate temporarily using a fohton deflected from our eBike battery. It can transmit syl-la-ble by syl-la-ble when Inner and Outer Hemispheres are aligned.

Wow, a new technology. Marzy, what is your next destination?

My crew and I are spinning toward Greenhaugh Pediment along Marineris.

Green? how? 

Not green, the pediment is rust red like most of the terrain. Rae, how is the Climb It City coping with current conditions?

Well, Marzy, cougars are lined up to climb the cliff at Kraggy, wild turkeys are J walking across Broadway, Dashville bears are having a picnic at Court Plaza, motel toads are sunning themselves on the lifeguard's chair. I don't recognize my friends at the local take-out, all wearing masks.

Rae, Hemispheres are grey shifting toward misalignment. Bye.

Got it. Thanks, Marzy fo"

** ** FohNet ** **


This is Ahn Sola reaching out to you via FohNet, the wireless Fohtonic Network invented by Marzy's eBike crew.  Their dating system continues with 14Gyr. The year  0120AT refers to 120 years After Tesla's alternate current. My work team and I are on alert for any communication from the rift zone of the Outer Hemisphere.  Connect with us by emul- floridawn@gmail.com - if you receive any signals from Marzy.   

** **  SPOKEY HOLLOW  ** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr305.0120AT

The graphite gate opens, "feee-eep."

Grinding hinges chill our marrow.

We enter Spokey Hollow single file.

"Whooo are you," murmurs the Florisbad skull propped onto its petrified stump.

"I am Diazothroph, the nitrogen fixer," replies Diaz.

"I, Endothermal Man, am thirsty for hemoglobin. And she, my veinmate, Squamous Epitherium, devours raw membrane during blue moons," says Endo.

Eemian haunters emerge from the thorny thicket. No paper in the outhouse, Mummified Llamas used all the tubes to re-ravel themselves. 

This Muon is decaying in our trickortreats. That Stratospheric SPRITE is striking some complex Coacervates to form a lifelike morsel of RNA. One Watusi from Afriq locks horns with two Tiwanuku masks.

Disguise is the way to reverse aging. Do you recognize anyone? 

This is me, Ahn Sola, simply dressed in a Marzy costume, double breasted mica spinning jacket with rust red eBike helmet.   

** ** Brunch At Crescents ** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr296.0120AT

You are seated with us at the booth, a long rust red plank that spans the far wall of Crescents Cafe. Next to you a place is set for the absentee guest, Marzy L E. A folded card, in remembrance of her brother who was leaning on a Sequoiadendron when his image was snapped, is set as a centerpiece with the inscription "As limbs decay in grounded leaves, our hearts climb into living trees."  

"Dipole wrap."

"Groken nodules with oilach dressing."

"Bennu boop.". 

Orders for food and drink are called out randomly.

Sunny Tannan requests Chromodynamic crepes, "Please."

"Butyrate stew." "Pumpkin kraut" is my choice. "Smiles to go with salsup." "Tectonic plate." This cuisine promotes salivation in the tubarian glands.

You order something more familiar, the crescent roll platter..

"I don't know these people. Why was I invited?" you ask yourself.

You are here because "Ilios Welkin, you have been elected Battery Specialist for the Qubottics eBike mission. The spinners at this table including myself, I'm Ahn Sola, welcome you to the team."


**  The Lung-Gut Passage  **

eBike2mars 14Gyr288.0120AT

Memo from Beem-- Phase 3 of your eBike training is to track Bacillus and other microbes. It is imperative to the mission that the team's biomes test positive for diversity.

"Ready to begin, Sola?"

"Oha, ready," I reply. "Hum, h-hum, hum-m-m...."

Humming increases nitric oxide which can percolate for hours in the nasal passage, relaxing inner muscles to promote flow.

Changing the song to "Out 2-3-4, in 2-3-4, out 2-3-4. in...,"  I sit with the morning fog, dorsums crossed. 

We can feel a few billion microbes respiring with us as we swallow a shared breath. Down the passageway, seamlessly like a wave without neurons, beneficial bacteria rappel from the throat toward subatomic levels of the gut. There they combine with metabolites and other nutrients. Meanwhile, specialized molecules protect genes from stellar radiation. 

"Oha, We're ready for an exhale," I call to the team of colon biota that join nutrients (enhanced with lentil sprouts) for the ascent toward lung territory..

Sacrum released, the dispersion of oxygen/carbon/nitrogen begins at the kegel muscles and rises into the abdomen. 

The vertebral ribs float like buoys. Diaphragm massages bronchial tubes. Shoulders tingle. Throat widens, stimulating the palate. Nostrils flare. Cilia wave to the fresh blend of microbiota that have traveled with healthy electrons from the depths of anatomy. 

A relaxed energetic exchange from gut to tongue, lung to gut, increases diversity.

Another memo from the boss-- Brunch at Crescents. Bring eBike awards.   

** **Best Apparition NOW** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr282.0120AT

"Come OUT of your POD, Ahn Sola."

"Oha, just a nanosec," I shout back.

"NOW is the best time to view."

I rush out the back slider and behold.. a rust red thread of glimmering light from the rising Outer Hemisphere to the threshold of our quad at Qubottics. 

Sunny adjusts his PC scope.

"Take a look," he says. "That is where you and your crew will be spinning."

"Spectacular, Sunny."

There on the lens are some well known Exogeologic markings.. Afriq-shaped Sytris Major with its crater Huygens.. to the right, eBike-shaped Sinus Sabeus.... 

Here in my thoughts is Marzy. Did she or her crew leave any bold markings at the Pediment to indicate their condition after the quake? No one knows if they are injured or worse.

"Sunny, can you magnify the Pediment?"    

** ** NOT A  CRYOPHILE ** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr271.0120AT

"Mommy, I want to take your face and put it on the face of the butterfly in my bug box."  -kinder quote.

A butterfly is not a cryophile but yes to some insects, worms and unicellular phytoplankton that can multiply where water is solid. How is this possible? Take, for example, the subsurface of the Outer Hemisphere.. beneath layers of rust red ro

** ** Weak After Equinox ** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr270.0210AT

You are special. "No, I'm an animal."

                                  -kinder quote

I am Ahn Sola, oha, spinning specialist. The boss had sent me and Sunny to the equinoctial line to complete phase 2 of my training for the back2mars mission. Our eBikes need new spokes. I am exhausted but need to catch up on my research, such as how the fabric of place/time expands faster than c. And to simulate a portrait of the sky from the summit of Olympus Mons. And to analyze components in images of the clay bearing unit near Tower Butte... and to map the rust red equatorial region of the Outer Hemisphere.

** **Week Before Equinox** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr265.0120AT

"When I yawn, it sounds like the wind."

                                       -kinder quote

Solar winds are calmer now as the 409,090,909th solar cycle begins, assuming that the cycle has been consistent every 11 years. Also, at this time, the sun is about to cross our celestial equator.

To celebrate the changing of the seasons, eCyclists gather in Kinshasa, largest city on the equinoctial line of our Inner Hemisphere. It is an amazing sight. 366 eBike wheels cross the equator in sync with the astronomical equinox.  

** ** **  Terrestrial pH  **  ** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr131.0120AT

7.2 to 9 alkalinity, as measured by Marzy's eBike crew before the quake at Aeolis Palus near Greenhaugh pediment, a pH that is toxic to microscopic sediment such as Wi phirus. 

** **Cosmic Resonances** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr120.0120AT

I aim my CP toward the rust red Outer Hemisphere. It is dusk and easily visible using the scope app. What is that on the lens? not the Outer Hemisphere, not a bolide meteor, nor an eBike lifting off, looks like a migrating

DJUMBA (African Hornbill)

In flight, the Djumba calls.

Bell tones strike the sky in response.

From its vine a calabash breaks, in time, down-up-down-down-up .

Beneath us, the ground echoes our slow deep drumming.

To our pulse an old leopard paces, a solemn dance.

Four, three, one, her spots are fading.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

in another place, a different leopard with fading spots simultaneously paces. This event could exert an effect on the solemn dance of the former leopard.


Spluttering steam from my iron pan

triggers the smoke detector.

"BL-EEP-BL-EEP.." from the sky...

... a mockingbird?

Or it could be a cosmic ray pitch angle scattering in magnetostatic turbulence. My CP is detecting a field of particles in helical motion, just another cosmic resonance.

** ** Entangled Hammock ** ** 

eBike2mars 14Gyr115.0120AT

I roll over and fall. It's a starless nigh, oha, can't recall where I am.

I reach for my eBike lamp. Lamp not there, bump my head and it's whirling like the half spin of an electron. Wait, a dim beam from the street lamp is breaking through the fog, no, a solar beam. Dawn lights up this porch. The door is open, of course, I did unlock it last nigh. Stepping inside, I switch on the utilities. The walls are draped with fabric, likely covering the previous owner's dart punctures. Clothespins are holding notes along a rope above the table. Here's one written on junk mail: Things to do- 1.remove poison ivy from embankment 2.organize paperwork 3.look up toward vs towards. 4..5.. Hand written on a slice of cardboard is a series of poems:

Sky gazing- places

beyond, between the stars, is

what brightens my face.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^


I doubt that we shall e'er perceive

a word as stout as our baob tree.

An active verb ascends toward its leaves

bound to tire bending knees.

I doubt slow O's can loop with ease

up broad branches bearing bees.

Most proper nouns are stouter than I,

such as Adansonia gregorii

and Elephantidae ivory

reaching for h- o -n- e- y,

yet none have a trunk like our species. 

We watch those words from this shady retreat.

where gourd-like fruits drop to our feet.

These baobab seeds we dare not eat

or dare we dine, a zesty feast.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

-No Rest for the Departed-

Belongings cascade from the antique drawer.

On the desktop paperwork lands haphazardly

like origami airplanes on their runway.

where's the will? what is prepaid?

does a death certificate expire? 

Junk mail continues to accumulate, lifetime guarantee.

Condolences arrive from the Gargoyles 

at Beverly Library. Gulls on the Mudflats

harmoniously tweet in remembrance.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^


Dust rising from that field reminds me of home

where ebony branches reach beyond the sun 

and clouds are late arriving.

A weathered hand, combing grandchild's curls, 

looks like my mother's hand.

Your woven shawl, rusty spigot, yams roasting...

the bray that echoes in this darkening village 

sounds like my village welcoming us.

Here, dancing with drummers, reminds me of home.

And, on the off beat of a moment ablaze, sparks flare,  

eyes spark, charred toes kick up the earth

and swirling smoke carries my shadow home

to where I have never been. Dust settles in Africa.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

A faded envelope is pinned to the clothesline, ohha, my initials printed on it, A.S. I open the envelope and unfold the scrap of paper inside: "To my new friend, Ahn Sola, and her younger friend Raeya. I am dead, or not. The key on your necklace is the key that was placed on your deskpad at Qubottics the day I departed on my eBike for the Outer Hemisphere..."  Just as I suspected, this Fleetwood 2000 is Marzy's place. "Stay dry, roof may need reinforcement but not the floor. It's solid steel beams. I am certain that you have disentangled yourself from the hammock, if not, you would have remained entangled, settled in its curvature and not reading this note. Stay spinning, from Marzy."       

** Spin to the Foothills  **

eBike2mars 14Gyr114.0120T

Foothills on the Outer Hemisphere? search it on Goggle: 'south of the northern crater wall adjacent to Aeolis Palus.' I know that ..it's our mission's proposed drop down site. I need a break .. these walls are caving into me like clouds of gas tunneling toward a black hole. I leave my workpod without notice to the boss, pounce onto my eBike and spin three hours to the nearest  foothill.

I find 741 LMR, the gravel drive overgrown, Support-Your-Local-Fireflies posted on a tree stump, gate unlocked. Hanging from the porch beam a scarecrow figure, wearing a dark shadowy skirt with fish bones pattern, greets me. A note is taped to the door:


The Foothills find me tangled in

in a thorny briar merging onto

the trail. I taste that vine

as its tip is tender. I grab a nearby

Mentha leaf to freshen my breath.

The Foothills watch me hiking 

toward steeper destinations. 

The Foothills like my wind swept hair. 

They brush it with a Sassafras twig.

They give my inquisitive feet 

a mud bath. They tuck me into 

a bed of Glossadelphus moss. 

The Foothills adopt me.

The Mountains have visitation.


** ** **  Geno Scene  ** ** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr112.0120AT

"Rare Species" is the talk of all districts. 

"Let's have them join us for tea," says the Duchess.

"I would like to paint you, Monsieur Hadzien, parlez-vous francais?" asks the cafe artist.

"The creator has a sense of humor, so I'll go with the hazie, " says Dude 1.

"No cap, hazies are cool," says Dude 2.

"Knock knock. Who's there. It's Hazie. Hazie who? It's Hazie out here so let me in."

"What did the hazie ask the sapie?-  Where's your flint stone?

"What did the sapie ask the hazie?-  Any vape in this valley?"

HADZIEN appears in the crossword puzzle section of the 'Yorker Times.'

Petitioners are collecting signatures to include Homo hadzien in the Taxonomy Registry.

Governments lobby for an amendment to acknowledge Hadzien as a separate species. Some Sapies are protesting that there is no scientific evidence showing Homo hadzien to be different from Homo sapien.

Qubottics plans to donate an eBike to the Rift Valley hadzien tribe in Tanzana.

Rae Rai is in the field taking a poll concerning the rare species cited at sites.google.com/site/genoscene

I am at my workpod studying the magnetic field needed to induce soft robotic materials to 'shape shift' for applications in search and rescue missions during future Outer Hemisphere exploration, and for applications in discovering new species living in spaces where only rubber robots can access.


** ** **  Qubottics  ** ** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr111.0120AT

I enjoy my job at Qubottics. It combines qubytes with historical bit research for development of Ar flourohydrides to Z batteries that could enhance the comfort of future eBike travel. Earlier, m... oha, someone is tapping.

Sunny Tannan steps in, our CET (Chief Executive Trainer). "Gmorn, Ahn Sola. Here's your updated cougar claw routine," he says, setting a smile to me. "You look like a six pack of nebulas, but your grinning muscles need a workout."

I set my eyes to my deskpad. "Thanks, Sunny, V U later." Sigh, need to get back to light induced lattice expansion on perovskite solar film, which will be the energy source for our mission.   


** **  Pledge of Legions  ** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr109.0120AT

"Please salute for the Pledge of Legions," I announce. The boss set me up to preside over this month's state of Qubottics meeting. All of us salute, pledging, "We raise a smile to this resplendent land that sustains us where, in all elements, our conscience maintains the Blue Ridge to Outer Banks, one domain, under sod, ever to be Carolinia." 

** **  Grave Assignment  ** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr108.0120AT

"Sey, Sola, I just completed an interview for Ridgex. Will you proofread it for me?" Rae Rae asks, removing her eBike helmet.

"Oha, of course, Rae." She sets the file on my deskpad.

Interview With PACK

I knock on his headstone beneath the spooky branch.

The city council sent me and I do expect an answer

to a hundred year long land ownership dispute.

"Hello, George Pack?" Politely I inquire.

"Was the town square deeded properly and to the proper buyer?"

"Yes, I was G. Willis Pack." He nods his bony Pack face.

"And I've spread some seedy deeds all over Pack Place.

But my intention was to gift Pack Square for all to freely use."

"Seedy deeds," I note. I doubt the council will excuse.

"One more question, if you please." 

"No," his eerie voice refuses.

I drive my notes home along the broad riverside.

In a plot beyond this spooky curb, a chattier soul resides.

"I was a 'Federate man with a military mare. You see, 

my friend George built Vance Obelisk for me at Pack Square.

Yes, G. Willis was the Pack man with a Yankee Pack face

and he spread some seedy deedies all over the Place."

**  ** Mute Moonday **  **

eBike2mars 14Gyr106,0120AT

"Merry Mute Moonday, Ahn Sola," my trainer greets me.

"Hold on, save your words, Sunny."

"Why, what's the limit?" he asks.

Doesn't he know? On Mute Moonday all Hemispherans are restricted to lip reading or 200 spoken words. Blogs are also limited to 200; so, the Ubble Deep UV Scope does not relay details about the racy fohton flashing across the horizon of the Bioverse 46 billion light years away. 

Sunny is a free solo eCyclist. He exits my workpod for a spin. He thwacks his throttle, passing friends who are miming with silly grins and wild grimaces. To his right, politicians in the House garden deal pinochle cards, lobbying prohibited. Ahead, quiet petitioners wave their banner -NO SINGING IN THE SHOWER- (135 words so far).  At the next intersection, Sunny turns to nature, a millipede soundlessly flaunting its feet, one by one. But who's counting?


**  Greenhaugh Pediment   **

eBike2mars 14Gyr105.0120AT

      In murky air with stress and fear

      is where contagions reappear.

                     -anthrocene proverb

"Sola, please investigate the cause of the the terrain contagion that swept across the Outer Hemisphere's equatorial region," says my boss. "We must confirm that previously infected rifts no longer endanger geologic structures. Our eBike mission cannot be compromised."

"I've already started on it, Mr Yupp." He is intensely focused on our mission, having no thoughts of whether Marzy's crew is dead or alive out there.  

Oha, proceed with the task. The last communication from Marzy occurred at Greenhaugh Pediment, an outcrop along Valles Marineris. It is uncertain whether she was separated from her crew during the quaking. I will continue my investigation with ...


** ** ** GOOD Saturday ** ** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr104.0120AT

      My pen drops in bed

      lost where dreams end with tea- I

      wake in inky sheets.

Eyes open to a toppled mug. I tend to reach for things in my sleep. Day and nigh I've been collecting data about movie stars to streaming particles. My boss expects all the details that could increase our odds for a successful eBike mission such as the interaction of characters in the film "Star Trekkers"; a list of fermions that can act like their own anti fermions; whether the Bioverse is antitrophic (expanding at a different rate in different places) or isotrophic (expanding at the same rates in all directions); how fast magnetic north will shift, currently calculated at 34 miles per year; the accuracy of the Bed Machine that depicts bumps and hollows beneath the South Pole; to observe camel culls that cross Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara, able to detect moisture at distant A/C vents; if there exists a prescription for laughter in low gravity environments; simultaneous generaliz...   ...my Inbox bleats. It's an odd message:

Let me rephrase GOOD Saturday... Isn't that when the body bearer carries him far into the cave but it is the wrong cave so after the multitudes leave he, exhausted, drags the remains into the night toward the holy cave which is closed for redemption?       Please copy and paste this to a friend.

** ** **  Dove Triangle  ** ** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr103.0120AT

You would think this is about bird migration- wrong- it concerns the hormonal chemistry of my work group. We generally focus on the eBike mission; however, Beem, the boss, set a smile to my friend Rae Rae and hired her part time. Rae Rae sends high frequency vibes to my trainer Sunny. Sunny hovers over me like a moon struck Columbina dove. And I, Ahn Sola, am attracted to Beem, uncontrollably. 

Gravitation is what pulls us into this Dove Triangle.

** ** **  Rae Rae's A.S.  ** ** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr102.0120AT 

Tap tap. "Step in." It's my friend Rae Rae from AC Bioversity.

"Sey, Sola, you look rate. Must be all the eBike training," she tells me.

"Rae, it looks like you are up to something other than the Ridgex job."

"Y-yes, I'm working on my A.S. chart. Would you like a copy?" she asks.

"Sure, But what is A S?"

"A S means After Singularity, pertaining to my chain of existence since the Big Bing." Rae presses the link button on my CP.

(If you are using a small device, tilt it sideways)

        }}  A S Chart by Rae  {{ 

       {my chain of existence}

1 AS ( 13.7 billion y.a.-10^-36 sec. )    Moment of

       singularity/no extremities              ESSENCE

       oscillation/cosmic hiccup              PULSATION

       inflation > faster than c                  INHALATION

       raw energy/plasmic mass              FORCE

       quark/gluon/"dark photons"           COLLISION

       symmetry breaking/protons           SEPARATION

100,000 AS (13.6999 billion yrs ago)   Age of

       1st molecule/helium hydride         ATTACHMENT

400,000 AS (13.699 billion y.a.)           Age of

       dark Bioverse/cosmic fog             OBSCURITY

100,000,000 AS (13.6 billion y.a.)        Age of

       formation of "proto-stars"               LUMINOSITY

200,000,000 AS (13.5 billion y.a.)         Age of

       first galaxies                                   CLUSTERING

1,000,000,000 AS (12.7 billion y.a,)      Age of

       particles contract/recombine.        TRANSPARENCY

2,700,000,000 AS (11 billion y.a.)          Age of

       our Silky Way pulls together.          SPIRALING

9,200,000,000 AS (4.5 billion y.a.)        Age of

       Sol system begins to spin              REVOLUTION

       accretion of Hemispheres              COALESCENCE

9,700,000,000 AS (4 billion y.a.)           Age of

       rocks / viruses assemble               CONFIGURATIONS

10,200,000 000 AS (3.5 billion y.a.)      Age of

       sea vent spills procaryotic cell       VITALITY

       archaea > visible life form              STROMATOLITES

11,400,000,000 AS (2.3 billion y.a.)      Age of

       ocean & hemispheres freeze         RIGIDITY

11,700,000,000 AS (2 billion y.a.)         Age of

       cells with organelles wriggle          SYMBIOSIS

11,860,000,000 AS (1.4 billion y.a.)       Age of

      blue green algae rule                      CHLOROPLASTS

13,100,000,000 AS (600 million y.a.)    Age of

       multi cellular life explodes             COMPLEXITY

13,699,800,000 AS (3.2 million y.a.)     Age of

      birth of Lucy Australopithicus         GATHERERS

13,699,500,000 AS (1.5 million y.a)      Age of

      humans dance to attract mate        RHYTHM

13,699,995,000 AS (5000 yrs ago)       Age of 

      reed rafts cross pacificus                WANDERERS

      pyramids>empires>alchemy           TROUNCING

13,699,998,500 AS (500 yrs ago)          Age of

      witch trials / gassing / Klan              HORRORS

13,699,999,800 AS (200 yrs ago)           Age of

      Volta > Tesla's AC > eBikes              ELECTRICA              

13,699,999850 AS (150 yrs ago)            Age of

      indigenous people cry                      INJUSTICE

13,699,999,900 AS (100 yrs ago)           Age of

       molasses flood & gravity waves      RELATIVITY                       

13,699,999,940 AS (60 yrs ago)             Age of

      6 yr old Rob unbolts ironing board    DISASSEMBLING

      poetry at Big Sur / love not war         VOLKSWAGENS

13,699,999,980 (20 yrs ago)                   Age of

      my birth, Rae Rai of Dashville          SELF

13,699,999,999 AS (yesterday)              Age of

      Daq captures his 1st millipede         DISCOVERY

13,700,000.000 AS (today)                     Age of

       synthetic turf/ qubit/ astro stock      FUTURES

** ** **  Next Sentence  ** ** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr101.0120AT

"Any task begins with a first sentence," says the Interviewer, "Don't you agree?"

"Oha, at times I find my last sentence before the first," I reply nervously.

"How so, Ahn Sola?"

Why another interview, I've already been approved. Maybe he is the rank setter. The words that I select could determine my position in the eBike crew. My next sentence could direct the destiny of entangled fohtons.

"We all fall down," remarks Zelly from the daycare pod. It is her first sentence, and anybody's last.


** eBike2mars 14Gyr100-0120AT **

Sigh, the boss put a hold on my eBike training until I find a publisher for his taxonomy abstract. Oha, wonder if he moonlights as a namer using an alias.

>> Homo hadzien <<

Homo hadzien  (Soodall, 2020)  

We hunt for a rare species from seas to galaxies, as they gather their rare biomes from the Baobab tree.

"Genetically the Hadza are not closely related to any other people."(1) Their language Hadzane is an isolate. They differ, as well, from Homo sapien in their intestinal bacteria.

In the Great Rift Valley of Tanzania near Lake Eyasi, a tribe of twenty or so Hadza gather Adansonia fruit, varieties of Rubus, fibrous tubers, melit with comb and more. During the dry season they subsist on game such as Papio, Giraffa and Antilocarpa, flame roasted with a side of veggie when available. Hadza squat at mealtime, as they possess no table or chairs. They sing, dance, whittle arrows, climb trees, converse with birds and "dig out acacia thorns from each other."(2) Adansonia gregorii, the tribe staple, is listed in the taxonomy registry. The Hadza people should be included, as well.

It is imperative th...     ...find more at sites.google.com/site/genoscene   

(1) Wikipedia  (2) National Geographic Dec 2009

** ** **  Beem E Yupp  ** ** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr090.0120AT

The eBike pre-training consists of strikes/isometrics to strengthen tendons and meditation to cleanse bone marrow, challenging at the least. How did Marzy do it? She was older than I and the trainer was strict back in 99T. Ohha, here's my boss.

"Sey, Sola, have any questions so far?" he asks.

"None yet," I reply. "My instructions are to memorize, then proceed."

"Keep the awe, Ahn." He uses my familiar name.

"Tye, Mr Yupp."

"Call me Beem. View you later." He exits my workpod quite slowly.

Was I too abrupt? Sigh. His vibe pleases me, should've set him a smile. I need a distraction, notes from the Sci-Files, ohha. 

** ** **    Looss Leef    ** ** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr089-0120AT

Before eBike training starts up, I am given the task of organizing the Looss Leef File, a collection of incomplete inventions, Sci-Files, forgotten family albums, poetry, hypotenuses and intergalactic rhythms. Where to be...

Top of the stack sits a looss leef with spiraled edge, hand written, titled


A bumble bee hovers above me

who is sprawled across the old hammock.

Patchwork eyes watch my pen

flit along the note pad, like an anther 

spiraling from its fiery bloom.

Another bee watches as I lift my pen

to trace a blue ridge

sprawled across the old meadow.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

On the next looss leef is a sketch of an invention, holographic tattoos. After that, a black and white photo of a family posed on the porch of an old New England farmhouse. Then, leefs of poetry.


One minute after Upward Road at the Divide

the forest tilts steeply against a wintry hillside.

Treetops that dip into the Gorge look like

stick figures crossing on the zipline.

Bare twigs, approaching mile 61, 

dare to bud. Down the escarpment, passing

warm winds, branches leaf out in a frenzy.

Beyond mile 70, tulip trees at noon enter

the Pacolet watershed in bloom.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^


Two roads head east. We merge left in 

the fast lane. It leads us to paved pastures 

where red lights rule circadian clocks, 

an existence zoned disastrous. 

At the coast we loop back- toward Grassy Gap 

dotted with day lilies where a stone wall 

holds together weathered barn boards 

under red oaks that give us our daily shade- 

to return on the less traveled route.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 


Down the steep drive 

a brave stroller strides

to the mailbox where the rider's

adventure begins, and how.

She spies on a spider that 

spins thorn to thorn

where a rose hip, ripening,

lost its grip where

autumn winds perform.

Zelly tosses her silvery shoe

where a blue feather flies, from 

the wounded cloud, atop the mailbox

where a bright card arrives for her 

from afar where fireballs dive 

into dippers, and how.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^


Our inner voice

trickles from the source

rather than a forceful 


^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^


As limbs decay 

with grounded leaves

our hearts climb 

into living trees.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 

TEVE's Haiku

Your poetic soul

makes sciencefictionary


^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

[] []  Letters From Your Father  [] []

Your father mails us a letter from Grassy Knob. It arrives. The envelope smells like his wood fired stove warming the homestead built of rough Carolina timber, on a plot with make shift sheds, post and beam barn, the old growth oak surrounded by scrub sloping down to the slow running spring. Not very grassy. Your brother drives you there soon after his license is issued, a visit long overdue. One regret- not having raised you with all the love that was sealed inside those smoke filled envelopes.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^


The Foothills find me, on the way

to steeper destinations, caught up

in a thorny Smilax merging onto

the hikers' route. I taste the vine,

as its tip is tender. I grab a nearby

Mentha leaf to freshen my breath.

The Foothills watch me. They like

my wind swept hair. They brush it

with a Sassafras twig. They give

my inquisitive feet a mud bath.

They tuck me into a bed of

Glossadelphus moss. The Foothills

adopt me. The Mountains have


^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^


That bumblebee is back, hovering again.

Confused eyes notice not a pen

but wild onions in my hand, a stack

on my old lap. The long ultra violet stems

quiver, so attracting them, closer,

as I snip the Allium tips. In a gentle grip

I tie another bunch, then lift my chin where

buzzing wings pull hard on these old

heart-like strings.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 

... then the holy ghost says, "Let there be covid," and he shuts down Portlandia.

Hold on, that is not poetry. I'm seeing things, need to rest my eyes <- ->  

** ** **    New eBike     ** ** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr088.0120AT

The GAK man arrives.  He takes my measurements for a tight fit frame, mumbling and jotting notes. "Size sMeV for Ahn Sola, spinner serial six, perovskite wheels..."

 I am thrilled to be selected for the new eBike team.    (GAK=Green Axle Kinetics)


))))))  Extracellular Space  ((((((


A seismic attack topples the eBike.

"Mama Marhzee, where arhhe you?" Alfom's voice is muffed by the rumble of infected rock.

The tremor is so intense, I can feel the secretome from proteins oozing into my extracellular space.

"Alfom, Alfeem, Alfanda,"  I yell to my Trippplets, fearing that we have become separated.   

))))))))   The Wi Phirus   (((((((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-078.0120AT

Wi Phirus incubates in wires and spreads through radio frequencies quadratically, the way Phi progresses in mathematics.The infected frequencies spread misinformation throughout the Bioverse. Any instrument can be affected: tablets, cell phones, telescopes, satellites, microphones, cornets and monitors, as well as the CP that controls our eBike functions. To stop WiPhi from overwhelming our lives, the PiCE (Phirus Control Experts) recommends that all of us shut down our devices for two months and spend time outdoors.

Caution: my keyboard is likely infected, so what I type is not necessarily the words you are receiving.

)) Midnigh Update (( -Due to a high incidence of contagions, PiCE has issued restrictions in network and antenna usage to 14 seconds per day/nigh cycle for every Hemipheran on all devices.

)) Sunrise Advisory (( .. phirus mutated .. can now infect life forms .. confined mammals most susceptible .. release pets, livestock and zoo dwellers .. they will return to future environments .. phi continues to spread through frequencies .. morse code and telegraph safer .. to prevent misinformation .. scrub your neurons daily ,, stop. 

))))))))) Homo morfien (((((((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-077.0120AT

.. exhale, inhale, exhale, in, in, ex,ex, in, ex, ininin, exex, exinexinex hale, in hale, ex hale...  We experience odd mitochondrial palpitation in our lungs. 

Our quadriceps change to sexticeps, sexticeps to octaceps, octaceps to dodecaceps.

My crew grew thicker yet more flexible toenails for maximum eBike performance, when feet tire, during extended spinning across the rust red Valles Marinaris toward Tharsis Bulge. As for me, my skin color morphed from pale to midnigh when exposed to the pluton during conception of the Trippplets.

Besides my eBike crew and I, Inner Hemisphereans also are experiencing a high rate of morphological transitioning from Homo sapien to Homo morfien, as indicated in this classified ad:

DO YOU HAVE symptoms of enlarged stress glands? severe epidermal depression due to cosmetic addiction?reproduction disorder caused by high wire exposure? body fat anomalies due to Rx side effects? terminal retinal dysfunction from pavement glare? leaning toward the right from party pressure? collapsing neurons as a result of high tech overdose? Is you genome altered from CRISPR invasion? Have your intestinal microvilli vanished due to the maltodextrin in fast foods? Have your thumbs mutated from hyper texting? Hair tied into knots?... There are others like you. HmA meets at 6:60 p.m. Moonday in the Odditerrarium. For more information about HmA, Homo morfien Anonymous, contact Marzy's gmail.         Homo morfien  (Soodak,2020)  


))))) Where Heliozoans Live (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-070.0120AT

"On the Sun." Good guess, but no.

"in the shadows." Not exactly.

"Heliozoans are cosmopolitan free living ahha aquatic creatures," explains Alfeem. "And they capture their food with ahha axopodia."

"Have you found any Heliozoa while eCycling the Outer Hemisphere?"

"There are over forty extinct lakes in ahha Arabia Terra. We are on the lookout for ahha Heliozoan fossils in these lake beds," replies Alfeem.

... My crew and I discover...


))))) Still Cruising, Marzy ? (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-064.0120AT

Yes, we continue to cruise the Outer Hemisphere. Glad you asked.

Our spokes bump us over pocky terrain. They roll and pitch us in the rust red sand ripples of Oxia Planum. By day's end my crew and I are often too tired to brush our teeth.

At sunrise we routinely test our mica studded suits that shield us from radiation. We collect vapor from fissures for our moisture tanks. We spin, we explore, we discover, unsure how long survival will be possible in this harsh domain. However, more difficult conditions exist on the Inner Hemisphere where you accept the challenge of caring for Daqlen and Zelly.

Day one- You walk the pavers toward the house, To the left of the entry sits a gallon container with bright print, WEED and GRASS KILLER. Attached is a hose with sprayer, What child wouldn't want to grab onto that enticing contraption? As you enter Alf's house with the siblings, you are informed that there are no keys to any of the doors which means that Daq has the option of locking you out. House is not childproofed.

Day two- Sister Zel decides that the fun-to-open trash receptacle is a toy box. She tosses her fuzzy ball in, as well as a spoon left on the edge of the kitchen counter. You remove everything reachable by small arms including pill box, can opener, cutting board, sushi roller, packet of razor blades... You stow them out of sight. You disassemble the round copper coffee table to prevent it from toppling. 

Day three- Daq runs around the trails in the permaculture garden. You strap Zelly in the stroller to keep her safe while you chase after her brother  There is no fenced area on the property. A hole in the middle of the lawn catches sewage. The tank needs to be replaced, but there is a waiting list at the county for issuing permits. 

Day four- While he showers, Alf leaves his clothes on the chair with wallet and car keys in pocket. You race to put his pants away. Unfortunately, he has a high fever. He is driven to the hospital. Tested for corona and other viruses. Needs rest at home. You take D and Z outside to the water spigot. They keep busy filling containers and splashing sea shells into them. Too bad you can't keep the water running, it interferes with the backwash cycle of the conditioning system.

Day five- Knock on the door, bug exterminator is here. He sprays the perimeter of the house and casita. No outside play for at least two hours. Now a miracle occurs. Daqlen falls asleep on the couch during the pesticide danger period. Zel unwinds spool of thread from sewing machine which is not properly stowed.  

Day six- Alf returns to work. Vultures on the roadside pecking armadillo remains. "Why?" asks Daq, watching curiously. Another tantrum. Hot headed evening .took his temp .normal. Door on shed, where you sleep with kids, does not latch properly,  

Day seven- ..., ..., Mealtimes are demanding... rice pasta, pan baked cod, sw potato, lemon ice cubes, cereal, mango. You teach D how to scramble eggs.. he cracks the shell with his teeth. Where does your food go, Daq?  "Down to my feet so I can run fast and you can't catch me.". Zelly keeps pointing to milk and tangerines.., Too much you tubing, whale scene in Pinocchio fascinates them, laugh at Little Rascals. Robot number 5 stays alive with them. 

Day eight- You are too tired to brush teeth.               


)))))))))))))) Eweland ((((((((((((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-042.0120AT

Ewe refers to a tribe, not to a flock of she sheep, although sheep are not forbidden in the tribal territory.

Eweland, far from my eBike crew and myself, is located in the Volta region of the Afrik Hemisphere. The Ewe language exemplifies poetic names of what the tribe possesses such as axatse, the shaker that accompanies drum rhythms.

"Naming things is the topic of today's EXO home school lesson," I tell my Trippplets.

"What is Kpegisu, mama Marhzee?" Alfom asks, pointing to the word on the drawing board which is propped up against the crater wall.

Kpegisu will be explained later. We need to check out the Rover. It apparently found a sample of Impactite showing signs of organic molecules

))))))) Groundhog Report (((((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-034.0120AT

There is an accident at Punxsu Tunnel. Its walls collapsed when the local Groundhog (named Mus monax by Linneaus circa 1758) burrowed from his den to Gobbler's Knob.

At the same time, burrowing up Twaites Glacier from the seafloor, a mechanical groundhog takes photos of the melt rate. Its robotic fin can analyze sediment samples that determine the glacier's foothold. The biological groundhog of Gobbler's Knob can predict an early spring, but Mus shadows cannot determine the foothold nor stability of tunnels.

More news from the Inner Hemisphere: 

Sister Zelly lips her first words- "Boba", robot, followed by milk, diaper and spider.

Brother Daq answers the question "what are you made of?" "Paint."  (What is a groundhog made of?)

Camlin acquires a spring fed plot near Obed River, no groundhog sightings as yet.

Herin takes a break from technical grading. She bakes banana bread, not a gingerbread groundhog.

Meeda rests on the Landrum slope. There she dreams of other worldly eBikes. And predicts every move of Marzy's crew as they depart Gusev Crater.  "They will follow the shadow of their spinning spokes. They will cast fast paced images across the rust red ground."

 )))))))))))) Rock Tour ((((((((((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-030.0120AT

Come one. Come all eCyclists.

"See the bones of the crater," announces Alfanda, rock tour guide.

We park our eBikes, then stand in line at the rim of Gusev Crater.

Alfanda leads the descent talking all the while in her hmm accent, "On the crater wall to our right are thick deposits of fine grain sedimmments called mmMudstone." Let's try some mud pies. "Sammmpling the rocks is not allowed," she reminds us.

"Watch your step. Those plates of parallel orientated clay mmminerals can easily break off." We stride across the thin layered Spanokopita rock, no it's Slate.

"This is a new class of rock, found only here at Gusev Crater ," explains Alfanda as she points to what looks like ground volcanic lava cemented together with magnesium sulfate salt which was left over from ancient water that percolated through the rock before evaporating. "Let's nammme it mmMagdelite," suggests our rock guide.

We're thirsty. Do we stop here for Magdelite? No, but we do stop at cross bedded Sandstone that smells like sandwiches and we take a lick at columnar basalt that tastes (and looks) like chocolate popsicles.

"Notice the field of Scoria below," continues Alfanda, "It can be formmmed with or without phenocrysts (crystals)."

We do not notice any crystals, only dark rough chunks of rock that resemble moldy Swiss cheese, except with more holes than substance.


))))) This Is Your Fault (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-025.0120AT

       "Nature nurtures us

        yet we denature her."

                -anthrocene proverb-

At 6.23 degrees N, the southernmost end of Cerberus Fossae, my crew and I erect a sign:


||       Take Care Of It         ||


We want to prevent any unnecessary wear and tear on geologically important minerals of the Cerberus fault, should EXO Landers or touring eCyclists enter the fossae. Near the sign at the long fissure which extends to 16.16 degrees N, Ubeyou sets up our cosmoscope. 

"Now we can detect seismic activit.. "   RumbleRumbleShake. Before he completes his word, the scope records a seismic gurgle of 3 to 4 magnitude.   

))))) Madame Chlorine (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-014.0120AT

    "Science inspires artists.

     Artists enliven science."

For many half lives our colleague, Madame Chlorine, has maintained a stable healthy 35.4527 amu (atomic mass units) at her home in dissolved salts. Some of us, like Hydrogen of the ocean, at 1.00784 amu, are underweight and easily lifted away from the Hemisphere's surface.  Evaporation is happening now. 

"Hey, H Dude, where are you off to?" asks nearby Oxygen.

"I'm off on a gravitational wave toward the sun," replies H. "Goodbye, O Two."

O Two chases H Dude toward space, but is blocked by ozone, O Three, who paints the sky violet with U V protective glaze.

Meanwhile, Madame Chlorine is kidnapped and locked in a refrigerant with undesirable elements. Together they break out, leaking into the stratosphere. Unintentionally, Madame Chlorine destroys 100,000 ozone molecules before she is eliminated by the law of energy conservation.

With our cosmoscope in hand, my crew and I observe the result of the ozone destruction on the Inner Hemisphere at 70 degrees latitude, a swirling hole at the pole.  Parked on this rust red ridge of Pavonis Mons, our eBikes are not as yet affected by undesirable elements. 

))))) I LIke Lycophytes (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-007.0120AT

"I like Lycophytes."     Do you?

Lycophytes are fern allies. They established the green movement 425 million years ago. Their lineage promoted the growth of leafy land plants which continue the task of climate control by absorbing carbon dioxide emissions of the Inner Hemisphere.

Beneath the skies of the Outer Hemisphere, my crew and I can observe hydrogen streaming, in a fluorescent aura, from the H2O molecules in oceans toward the sun's gravitational pull. This same solar phenomenon evaporated all the surface liquid water from many terrains during the first eon of planet formation. 

Our eBike wheels continue the task of spinning us across these leafless rust red quadrants. 

))))) Kaapse Klopse (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-002.0120AT

"Let's begin the Kaapse Klopsee celebration, mama Marhzee," shouts Alfom as he tosses mica tinsel.

Three, two. one, midnigh. My Trippplets, Ubeyou and I begin this new year tradition by singing the few words we know in the Afrik language.

"Daar kom kaapse klopse nuwe jaar.."

We dance then parade our eBikes around an ancient oasis, where streams and briny ponds dotted Gale Crater some billions of years ago, when place/time celebrated newer years.


))))) Hirondellea's Exoskeleton (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.351AT

As always. the late night light casts long shadows down the hall. Your old slippers, one size too large, shuttle you across the floorboards, like a slow sailor mopping the deck. Arriving at the threshold, where most doorways run perpendicular to the floor, you turn the glass knob halfway. It clicks open. You step into your bedroom. But it is not your bedroom.

You find yourself in a corridor that runs parallel to the door you just entered, gripping the knob to keep from falling in either direction. At one end a beam radiates to the far depths of the lower end, where the converging walls disappear into a point. Your vision adjusts to the unusual lighting, a fraction above infra red. There is a handle reaching out from    ... ... (2continue)  

))))) P REX (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.343AT

      P rex targets

      friendly enzymes- living gene or

      prehistoric king?

My Trippplets pounce to the science table for another "guess the mess" quiz. They need to identify what is on the drawing board in front of them. Could it be the pattern on wings of a Papilis rex swallowtail?  The leaf arrangement of Pedicularis rex, a plant related to lousewort?

It could be a long snout studded with horns, unmistakable skeletal remains of a stealthy Pinocchio rex, cousin to Tyrannosaurus rex.

The drawing does resemble a (P) Phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-triphosphate dependent Rac exchanger (rex) protein code, the gene located in position 20 on the human chromosome or position 2 on a mouse's.

"Ahha, It looks to me like the wiring inside ahha eBike battery," guesses Alfeem.


))))) Cardboard Casket (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.336AT

The Allten family lift a box into their petrobott. They take a short drive across the Hempshire district to visit sister Ahhahope. At the front door Pa lets her know that there is a dead dog in the trunk. 

The family companion is put to rest in fertile ground. A moss covered rock marks the grave. Memories and sobs, along with Nova's last breaths, will cycle back into the vast Bioverse. 

      Earth scatters ash from

      the departed to heaven-

      fuel for young stars.

Years later my eBike crew collect some unusual dust from the shadow of Gale Crater. Ubeyou scans the sample with our cosmoscope.

"Marzy," he says,"this dust appears to be the remains of a Canis lupus from a distant Hemisphere.

))))) What We Are (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.333AT

      Our hearts beat as one

      yet I, black as mid night, dance

      behind this white mask.

My Trippplets are busy with their EXO home school writing assignment. Alfeem's paper is about his emergence from decaying compounds. Alfanda hums to herself "Mmmy intestinal biommme dictates what I ammm."

"I will write a review on mama Marhzee's journal," says Alfom as he pulls his CP from the eBike pouch. "Afterh all, we are what she writes." 

))))) Earth Walk (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119,330AT

     Two steps, pause... eight, nine-

     our child's first earth walk     

     advancing mankind.

My crew and I (inspired by ASIF events) step backwards into time while our eBikes charge at the rim of Gale Crater. Look, In this moment NASA's mole pounces out of its rust red burrow, unable to reach deep enough to test subsurface thermal properties.

In our first pace back to the past, we find a fossilized whale bone, We see the faces of our childhood.

     Chasing girls with his

     plastic raptor down the slide-

     jurassic playground.

The equivalency principle warps place/time. Tesla tests alternate current. Great uncles drill for crude from where oceans receded. Copernicus and Atlas move earth from the center of the Bioverse to its correct orbit.

We experience the de-evolution of hominids. Walls of the womb collapse. Cerebellums shed neurons. Creeping limbs revert to fins.Triassic cycads and the last moss retreat, land surface barren. The cambrian sea creatures lose diversity.

Our second backwards pace takes us through another billion years. Red algae and chloroplasts rule.

The blue green algae queen guides us through the remaining paces back to volcanism, snowball events, acidic methane vents, rusting oceans. Multi cell organisms devolve to procaryotic life. 

We step back to the beginning. There is no Last Universal Common Element,  proto stars in a state of accretion.

))))) Black Buyday (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.329AT

     Gants Magique, magic

     gloves- one price fits all, two pairs

     only a dollar.

It's true, two pairs for one. Shoppers in the dollar store find such bargains.

Yes, Inner Hemisphereans do celebrate Black Buyday, a spending tradition. Their presidenn has not as yet changed the name to White Buyday. Long lines at checkout prompt online sprees.

On the warmer slope of Olympus Mons, the five of us line up behind our cosmoscope. We take turns at the lens in hopes to observe one of you ordering some new spokes for us.

))))) Rate Your Bird (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyt-0119.328AT

Five stars* four* three* two* one*

      Whose birthday is it?

      cake with wings- mommy tells him

      "it's turkey's birthday."

My crew and I are thankful for subsurface water pockets, edible EXO fungi, eBikes and each other. No Meleagris species to rate here on the Outer Hemisphere.  


))))) Blue Wall (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.324AT

     Mountain's broad shoulders

     heavy with haze- this forest

     behind a blue wall.

Trees emit isoprene to protect themselves from the stress of heat. That natural hydrocarbon, isoprene, interacts with molecules in the air creating shades of soft blue across peaks and valleys of the Brew Ridge.

However, here at Lyot Crater, these blue dunes have formed from a spectral signature of hydrated minerals which are different components from the surrounding rust red dunes. 

"Blue ahha dune minerals are not so different from components of ahha  blue eBike paint,"  stutters Alfeem.

))))) Black Walnuts (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.317AT

     She missed black walnut

     season again- busy with

     growing grandchildren.

Our eBike tires bounce 

across stony terrain that 

resembles cracked nuts.


))))) Imaginal Disk (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.311AT


     sketching a chrysalis, still-

     butterflies watch her.

It becomes mushy where a caterpillar digests itself. A lost molecule disengages. 

Soon the mush organizes into imaginal cells "which transforhm into the imago, adult stage of this insect," says Alfom.

"But not without conflict. Like dying quasarhs that try to pull fresh hydrogen from youngerh stars, caterpillarh cells attempt to remain caterpillars by fighting the orhganization of imaginal disks."

Caterpillar cells are inevitably defeated.

A quasar dies.

Alfom activates our eBike charger.

A butterfly's full breath slits open its chrysalis. Liftoff.

))))) The Otic Region (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.304AT

"The Otic region is the size of four teardrops," explains Ubeyou during EXO home schooling.

Sadly, the size remains unchanged during its lifespan.

He continues, "In the depths of petrous temporal bone, adjacent to semi circular canals needed for balance, these Otic cells are encapsulated, from the fourteenth week of gestation until the onset of decomposition." 

"Like the cellular commmponent of our eBike batteries," remarks Alfanda.    

))))) Witch in a Wheelchair (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.303AT

That Witch wheels herself along a Hallow Eve timeline which begins with Celtic bonfires and pagan costumes, said to ward off ghosts of the returned dead.

Down the line she hears Anglican church bells ringing for souls lost in purgatory.

That Witch in a wheelchair follows medieval children door to door collecting soul cakes in exchange for songs to the givers' deceased relatives.

In Austria she can smell wax burning. Candles in every room guide souls back to visit their homes.

Our Witch is guided along the timeline by lanterns made of hollowed turnips.

In a churchyard she joins the risen corpses for the hideous French carnival known as Danse Macabre.

Huesos de Santo are placed on graves. Our Witch in her wheelchair tastes one of those Spanish pastries, bones of the Holy. Souls of the departed wander the earth until All Hallows Eve when they are given a chance for vengeance on their enemies. So people of the time wore masks to hide their identities.

The Scots think it important to the life cycle to celebrate and nourish the dead. Our Witch friend helps their communities place milk and meals at family graves.

That Witch in a wheelchair arrives back to the present. She wheels herself along the ramp to Haystack Observatory which is glowing like a bright pumpkin face. Our Witch looks into a special lens directed toward us on the Outer Hemisphere. She observes my eBike crew and I, disguised as headless riders, spinning our wheels along the rust red ghost dunes of Hellas basin. 


))))) REBUTTAL on the BUTTE (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.282AT

'Tis the Season to Debate.

New candidates are gathered on the rust red butte preparing to state their rebuttals. They all agree that the campaigns of last nigh's candidates are inadequate to defeat the Trumpernongs.

First up is Platypus. "With my bill, I will have the power to detect impulses of friends or enemies over land or deep in the seas. The electro receptors across my snout enables me to prevent gun violence by locating ammunition. and to avoid nuclear disast..."

Honey Bee buzzes in,  "I am hypersensitive to atmospheric electromagnetic waves. My detection device can sense thunderstorms as well as enemy invasion. My wings can navigate flower to flower. They can locate the polynyas where inverse rivers carry warmer waters below the ice shelves. These waters hasten the melting process from the bottom up. My ability to feel atmospheric waves will aid the climatologists in controlling global catast..."

Our candidate, Bush Elephant, interrupts, "I can offer the Emerican people a trunk full of sensors, two thousand to be precise. My fellow debaters rely on less than one thousand, and our human contemporaries have only four hundred scent receptors. My sniffing ability will eradicate the manufacturing and distribution of addictive narcotics. It will detect pollutants in the air, coral bleaching in the depths and gmo's in the fields. To preside over this nation, it is imperative to smell no evil."

"We need solutions, not detectors," hisses Serpentes, the socialist. "Being experienced in thermal radiation, my House and I will seek out problems such as chills and high fevers. We will cover the cost of recovery with tax dollars collected from the rich and given to child health care."

ZG Daqlen, disguised as a Stegosaurus, states his rebuttal, "Some of those animals are too mean (and too old). I want to play volleyball (with the people). (Together) we can make a train track. I can put down the tablecloth for apple and salsa and trick or treats."

My eBike crew and I attentively look toward Butte 'M9a.'     

 ))))) Indigenous Day (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.279AT

"I shall honorh, on this day and everh afterh, all that is indigenous in ourh Silky Way..."

Alfom practices his speech. The distinct rh accent softens his words.

"...all that is indigenous in ourh Silky Way, to include cyanobacteria native to young planetoids, as well as microbes native to Dashville trash cans where local bearhs look for snacks; 

to include the rhust rhed terrain of Oxia Planum and rhare elements such as Indium that is indigenous to the moon; 

to include the Waorhani tribe of Amazonia whose language is a linguistic isolate, not rhelated to any known native tongue; 

the yodeling Baka pygmies of Baki who often communicate celebration by drumming on liquid riverh waterh.

... and finally to include all Hemisphereans who maintain eBikes within theirh native territorhies."

Happy Indigenous Day.   

))))) Pyramid Of Boughs (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119,274AT

No branches bow here on the Outer Hemisphere. 

Our eBike tires have not run across any petrified wood. We have found no clue that plants with trunks survived on these rust red slopes.

Of course tree trunks are a common phenomenon on the Inner Hemi. Look, your neighbor is pruning her foothill pines. She stacks the branches higher than arms can reach.., Pyramid of Boughs.

))))) Planet Of The Grapes (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.271AT

After a day of geologic discoveries, we set up camp on an iron oxide bed. Our fungus ferment contains the daily nutriment requirements. The meal is tasty, but I crave dessert. Some sort of sweet fruit... well, I do have one vial of liquid Vitis somewhere in my eBike pouch. Oh, where is it?

"Fom, please help me find a small glass container at the bottom of my pouch," I say.

Alfom finds the vial. The five of us take five slow satisfying sips.

I tell my crew about the history of this Vitis.

"The native people east and west of the Piedmont province harvested dark wild muscadines many millennia BT (Before Tesla). They developed the Mother Vine that produced a copper colored variety. 

During the first ceremonial harvest, the new muscadine grapes were given the name Scuppernongs.

The Mother Vine reproduced across the Piedmont, from where I stalked those copper tone muscadines and infused them into a Vitis vial before eBike Bokka jumped me to the Outer Hemisphere from the Planet of the Grapes..  

))))) Purple Pearls (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.270AT

Spin. Brake. Spin.

My crew and I are circling the base of Mount Sharp on a geologic expedition. We pass the orange colored rocks of the Murray formation. On the rise above us are the Clay unit and the rounded hill of the Sulfate unit.

"Look" "down" "there," shout the Trippplets all at once.

In a small ravine below us they spot smooth dark pebbles.

Ubeyou dismounts his eBike, examines the pebbles with his cosmoscope and tells us, "These pebbles contain the compound hematite and their rounded shape is due to erosion from the river that ran through the ravine billions of years ago."

He takes a few of them to add to his rock collection and decides to name the samples "Purple Pearls." 

Alfom, Alfeem and Alfanda love the way the words stick to their lips. "Purple Pearls." "Purple Pearls." "Purple Pearls."


))))) 3-2-1 Contact (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.264AT

Do you feel that twizzle?

I feel it across my shoulders at this CP keyboard, sitting here at the base of Elysium Mons.

The twizzling sensation comes from electromagnetic waves. If you and your communication apparatus live on the Inner Hemisphere, the source of the twizzle is likely from 2.4 GHz WiFi frequency bands, which means over two billion pulses per second are speeding out the transmission equipment toward everything in its spherical path. These waves' lengths average four inches across from crest to crest. They pass through windows, walls and bone. There is no proof that a twizzle can cause structural damage, nor effect eBike functioning ; however, overexposure could interfere with DNA replication. 

3-2-1- Contact, the twizzles reach into your skin. 


))))) Ch or Ph, Which Came First? (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.259AT

The chemist, showing off his atom, says Chemistry (Ch) is the composition of all things in place/time.

The physicist, shooting some neutrons into the accelerator, insists, "Physics (Ph) came first, since particles in the early Bioverse had no chemistry. They were not arranged into atoms at that time."

The Mathematician, with an eraser at hand, argues that Math is what moves place/time, and what accelerates your eBike.

Which do you think came first?

 Alfanda responds (in her mmm accent) with an air of certainty. "Look, I ammm folding a two dimmmensional sheet of paper in consistent angles, over and under, again and again... until the folded paper practically disappears into a singularity. Now I ammm turning all the folds inside out, an expanding three dimmmensional  mmmodel of the early Bioverse. So as you can see, neither Ch nor Ph came first. It was Or."  -Origami-  

))))) Critical Immensity (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.245AT

Ahha...  / *// *// *// *//* //* /  X ------- u

That is our basic pattern to sew a sector of the Bioverse.

What you need: proton buttons,  

dark place/time fabric that can bend and stretch, 

giant sheers, photon thread

and a curved needle. 

The immensity of the Bioverse is formed by sheering the place/time material into six equal pieces, one square yard each.  

Then sew one proton button anywhere onto each of the square yards.

With the unlimited supply of photon thread, use the needle to attach all sides of the square yards together. This should look like an immense cube of dark sugar. (This immensity, one cubic yard, is the balanced state of the buttons, where the place/time fabric will neither stretch apart nor pull the buttons closer together. Multiplying that cubic yard by the number of yards in all of place/time represents the total immensity of the critical immensity of the Bioverse.)

Attach a long photon string to any one of the eight corners of the fabric cube. 

Tie the other end of the string to the back of your eBike.

Rev its motor. 

Accelerate until the place/time fabric stretches, increasing in size to larger than a cubic yard. It will feel like you are flying a kite. The size of the kite expands because of the flexible fabric reacting to your high speed/acceleration. The buttons become farther apart and the distance between them keeps increasing until the end of place/time.

Now put on the eBike brakes to a complete stop, so that the cube of fabric decreases in size and the proton buttons become closer together as the weave of the fabric tightens against itself. In this scenario the fabric eventually collapses to zero square yards and the buttons annihilate each other like colliding stars.

"Mama, can we take ahha lunch break now that our critical immensity is ahha stitched together?" Alfeem asks.

"Of course we can, Feem dear," I reply.

As my crew enjoys their meal in the crater's rust red shadow, I read to them a selection from the Looss Leef files:


another Link Story by

~L E SOODAK~ (not Seuss or Sendak)

               ((Page 2))

Ten little lambs with nine chubby hares

together hop up the restaurant stairs.

They order fish eggs over crinkle cut beets.

They wash their woolly paws before they eat.

          v v ((Page 3)) v v

Eight lumpy toads and seven catfish sit

outdoors in a puddle near the barbecue pit.

The toads can smell the smoke 

rising high above the hills.

Together they wait for the wings to grill.

          ((Keep Reading v v))

For six daddy long legs five wings are left over.

Together at the booth 

each wants to taste the others.

A server wipes the table.

Daddy long legs scatter.

Some end up upside down

on that large dessert platter.

              ((Page 5))

Four thirsty camels with three fussy goats

together share dessert, some ice cream floats.

Goats chomp the waxy cups

spilling all the drinks.

These animals enjoy their lunch,

waiting for their friend, the lynx.

               ((Page 6))

The two of us and one hungry lynx

together ride the bus with a tail light that blinks.

We get off at the restaurant 

to meet some friends at noon.

Our lynx likes lamb for lunch.

We'll order veggie stew.

        ((Does this story end?))

Just one lynx with the two of us,

three goats and four camels bite the crust.

Five bony wings sit with six long legs,

seven fish, eight toads and nine friends more.

Each of them tell us this lunchtime story:

                  ((Page 1))

Ten little lambs with nine chubby hares

together hop up the restaurant stairs.

They order fish eggs over crinkle cut beets.

They wash their woolly paws

then turn back to read page three.

      (go to > > ((Page 3)) < <) ^ ^ ^ 

))))) Frustrated Magnet (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.239AT

Charge. Link. Twist.

"If we can twist this magnetic field anotherh rhotational degree," explains Alfom, "it would give the rhoom needed to be tied into a knot."

We are experimenting with particles that could increase eBike battery efficiency and that have potential applications in electron spintronics. But Alfom cannot control his frustrated magnet, called a skyrmion by some mathematical physicists.

"Try using an optical vortex beam to control your magnetic field, Fom," I suggest.

He tries the beam. It does not knot his skyrmion which keeps untying itself to remain stable.

Disorder and magnetic conflict among inter atomic forces can lead to complexity.

To avoid complex frustration, I suggest that we discontinue this field experiment. 

))))) Child's Vortex (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.232AT

Something is missing,

without a trace, from one deep mid Alantic low flux hydrothermal vent. What is missing is the reduced compound that produces diversity in high flux rocky vent chimneys. Fortunately, a nearby chimney is profusely streaming (high flux) high temp water. It's cross flow with the low flux hydrothermal vent sheds a vortex between them, which increases dispersal of compounds,  

like the vortex in a child's pool: flux, splash, drain. whirl.   


))))) First Natal Bash (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.227AT

Age is arbitrary,

a whimsical numeric system to gauge existence. Sister Zelly commemorates her age by accepting the gift of balance. As she stands for the first time, her smile reaches beyond the Inner Hemisphere.

At the Gap we share in Zelly's joy, manifested on the face of our moon Phobos. My crew and I watch its crescent rise, after which we have a bash: over inflating old eBike tubes (doughnut shaped balloons), carelessly doing wheelies and slurping enough magma tea to gas up our bellies.   

"Ahha Happy Moonbeams to you, Zelly," sings Alfeem across the vast corridor of place/time.

He does not realize that it could take five years for his song to reach her.

Phobos sets. We settle into our sleepouches and look up through the skylight of our geodesic tent, imagining a young constellation Zelly standing next to aged Orion. 


))))) Sleepy Gap (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.224AT

"I seem you, Marzy."

Wha-what. I must be dreaming. 

The arm around me is rugged yet comforting and as dark as mine. It's Ubeyou's arm, of course.

"Marzy, are you awake?" he asks.

Under the pressurized geodesic tent, we can remove our protective gear during sleep time. So voices, as well as skin textures, resonate clearly.


"Yes, I'm listening," I respond.

"I hope for you to realize my feelings, but with all the eBike exploration and EXO homeschooling for the Trippplets, it hasn't been feasible," explains Ubeyou.

I pinch myself then look over to Fom, Feem and Fanda. They are snoring, tucked snugly into their sleepouch.

Ubeyou sets his eyelids onto my forehead and whispers, "Marzy, you do so much. You led us up the steep slope from L Rock to Sleepy Gap.You oversee your grandchildren in Dasheville. You established the Intergalactic Rhythm Exchange. You practice your SARPing (Seasonal Annoyances RePurposed). Calm yourself now so that I can sensitize you."

And he does.

))))) Surf the Sun ((((( 

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.217AT

Another Solar Success:

BriteBoard 2 is officially surfing on sunlight. It can reach a higher orbital altitude without the standard mineral based fuel, but with propulsion by photons. 

The Board is based on a design by Marzy and her eBike crew. To order yours, contact the crew on the Outer Hemisphere by emul.  

))))) Loquacity Rock (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.215AT

"How old are you?"

"I am 450 thousand millennia," replies the Rock.

"Whoa, that's superh old," says Alfom, "when the Outerh Hemisphere starhted to cool."

"I was softer at that time, with changing features." says the Rock.

"Tell us yourh story, Rhock," Alfom pleads.

The Rock hesitates, then talks again. "My story begins in this volcanic quadrant, during the first eruption in our sol system. Touch me. It's obvious that I'm mafic (basalt), not felsic (granite). I was ejected with lava and ash. Since then my friends, Erosion and Wind, have spread specks of my olivine to distant celestial bodies. In return, Rocks from other hemispheres spread their mineral dust to our quadrant."

Alfom touches the basalt.

"Each one of us," continues the Rock, "is unique but made up of components similar to mine: elements such as carbon which contain atoms such as  those in chondrite meteorites which contain heated protons that house subatomic particles like quarks with their companions, the waves, that were derived from energetic oscillons that followed inflatons expanding at speeds of light resulting from the Cosmic Bing, the dimension where positrons and neutrinos evolved. For example, the pyroxene in my structure is composed of sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron... like what's in your biological structure."

"Like the components of ourh eBikes," shouts Alfom. 

"So you see," concludes the Rock, "my story is very much the same as yours." 

))))) Rock Nest (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.212AT

"That's the arommma of green!" Alfanda exclaims, with her nose exploring every direction.

"Yes, Fanda dear," I reply. "It's the beneficial byproduct of ecosynthesis."

Since the completion of the SuS Populus project, green rays have been drifting throughout the sol system, with their unmistakable fresh fragrance able to sequester harmful gamma rays, temporarily.

Alfanda positions the moonbeam collector to charge our eBike batteries. Then she scans Rock Nest with our cosmoscope discovering tephra ash, magma crystals and other debris with chemical compositions matching volcanic sites of Hawaii. 

The rest of my crew sets up base camp 3, pondering. Suppose the tharsis quadrant becomes seismically active again. After all, there is some heat still trapped below this rust red mantle. If Olympus Mons erupted, it could spew enough ash to cover the Outer Hemisphere, which could create a temperate climate, a home for more green, the fragrance of mint, ramps sprouting through moss...

"Let's drop an explosive into one of these lava tubes," says Alfanda. "so that an eruption can terraformmm all of Rock Nest."  

))))) SuS (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.209AT

Dig. Dig. Plonk...

Dirty hands plant treelets across Thiopia as part of a galactic wide effort to revitalize ecosystems on planets and their ozones.

My eBike crew and I are supporters of SuS, Sustain ur Saplings. Although no habitat remains for saplings here at Gale Crater, we can participate by tallying the number of trees planted. So far, 300 million in 12 hours are rooted, including k'wara (lucky bean trees) and other indigenous species.

Beyond the borders of Thiopia, Wangari removes excess greenhouse gases from land and seas by sustaining Afriq woodlands. 

Along the Brew Ridge, families dig up saplings before lawn mowers destroy them. Tulip poplar, with its high sap content, and other Salicaceae are transplanted out of harm's way, More neighborhood trees provide more habitat for winged creatures, such as the yellow bellied sapsucker, and extend habitat for shade dwellers.  

The color green shall be visible to hemispheres across the Silky Way.


))))) Oceans Eve (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.204AT

The science scene is set.

Our zero gravity grandchildren hover to bed.

Spinners, joggers, drivers and divers, from diverse regions of the Silky Way, converge onto the Inner Hemisphere, Osher 206, for the  Oceans 4 meetup.

Our GASFAB coordinator is to introduce authors and titles. Members make their preparations for the dive. Two marine flyers, survivors of the BP oil spill, land on the wide window sill to perch for the evening. Three ramblers from the Ursidae family glance inside on their way to the campus landfill receptacles. One fisher, who ignores catch quotas, reluctantly takes a seat in the back. Marzy and her crew attend via cosmosonar to the Outer Hemi.

A review of this event, which follows, is sponsored by eBike2mars.com.

"This evening's discussion topics are the state of the oceans, the fate of marine wildlife and octopus sensuality.  ... Athena's suckers can feel a low frequency rumbling of the subsurface mountain range near her seabed. The sensation tickles. She loves the smells of fresh surf. Playful colors and textures gleam across her tentacles grabbing a snack. Solitary life suits her, as the bustle of companionship could attract predators. 

Without prior notice, during a gulf excursion, our content Octopoda is relocated to a pickle barrel near the cape.

Some of the Oceans 4 attendees agree that the book is more about a study of the author and her psychological interpretations of Athena's behavior, not about marine biology; nonetheless, an engaging narrative, especially when mother octopus tenderly caresses her fertile (or infertile) strands of eggs, rearranging them for months. Fortunately, all the octopuses mentioned in the book are transported from their homesteads to tanks at 1 Central Wharf before the invasion of jellyfish. before the bleaching of coral due to agricultural nitrogen, before land parasites infect sea lions, before styrofoam begins to clog fishes' arteries, before the tortoises consume baggies mistaking them for prey and before the capturing of krill that are the foundation for marine life. Those little shrimp graze on algae growing from the bottom side of sea ice.  Acidification of the oceans from CO2 imbalance is an ongoing problem as are the fisheries that hunger for profit.

What are the solutions?

Repurpose trawlers to drag out pollutants.

Create a refuge for sea life such as the Tierra del Fuego Underwater Reserve.

Keep mangroves under guard.

Eat more beefsteak tomatoes, less seafood. 

Promote international cooperation that follows the 30/30 proposal.

Collect debris at county sanitation stations before they runoff into streams.

Take an eBike, not a taxi.

Follow the kelp byways.

Change the color of roads to white.

Engineer rooftop gardens.

Fish farm? No, feed requirements unsustainable.

Vote for Prohibition on Plastics.

Ask your local octopuses for feedback on how to revitalize the depths and shallows. After all, their nervous systems are able to sense impending catastrophe, having a supraoesophageal mass, magnocellular lobe, olfactory lobe and thirty others; whereas our brains consist of only four lobes.

Be 95% skeptical yet remain environmentally sensitive.

Salute to scientists and to book club members who put these efforts into restoring marine ecosystems."  

Have a great Oceans Eve.  


))))) Shortoff Ridge (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.201AT

- Foothills Equestrian Farmers Market -

If you ride along the foot of the Apalachian escarpment Saturdays, you can dismount there to savor Mark's yellow loaves of spelt, stacks of crisp apples, spicy red peppers and the whitest most dense yogurt in the Silky Way. Look, Daqlen and sister Zelly are snacking on fresh fruit from the fig family's booth. They take a stroll with Meeda to the old railroad station where the Pacolet passenger car is on display. 

You gallop your groceries home as do other equestrians. In the distance Tryon Peak shines with its collection of cell towers. Over the horizon, Shortoff Ridge leads to higher elevations, the Craggy Pinnacle, Potato Dome and Upper Toe Creek that dashes toward Deep Gap. Elisha's mountain overlooks the entire eastern divide, including  Hempshire Lake at a higher latitude but lower altitude, where your friend Teve gathers wild blueberries.

- Outer Hemispherean Mons -

If you ride along the foot of Elysium Mons, you cannot be on your horse. No grazers are able to survive there. You can, however, savor the delights of eBike travel across Rusty Red Ridge that leads to higher elevations, Mount Sharp, the Cool Dome and dry remnants of creeks that dash toward Jezero Crater at a higher latitude but lower altitude, where the spinning crew gathers extremophilic fungi. 

"Welcome to our Hemisphere." I shout.

"Thanks for having me here, Marzy," you reply.    

))))) Shoesoff Crossing (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.199AT

"Take off your shoes," I demand.

"But, mmMama, our ..."

I interrupt Alfanda, "No need to worry about feet, Our mica shielded socks will protect us."

The terrain at Shoesoff is similar to Carcross Desert (smallest desert in the Sol System) in the Ukon district of the Inner Hemi. The geological  environment is fragile there, and here, so my crew and I remove our footgear and walk the eBikes across this sector of the Tharsis quadrant.

To pass the time during the crossing, I tell the story about Zell's shoes:


My sister Zelly loves her shoes. All of them. 


Today she's wearing baby blue.

Her little fingers pull the tie until the knot's undone.

Across the floor my sister rolls to tackle cousin's Joggs.

She reaches toward the rocking chair 

to pull off grandma's clogs.

In the closet, sneakers, ballet flats 

and one lonely sandal

all stand in place.

Zell touches them fondly. Her eyes become weary.

She slips into dads slippers

face down, falls asleep, 

then fearlessly creepwalks to the east of Erie.

The mud there's too deep for a day trip from shore.

So her slippers crawl left at the crosswalk next door.

Strapless stilettos stride off that curb.

Hand woven giveh worn out by a Kurd

step onto a shuttle that runs to Iran

where tourists wear flip flops on deep desert sand.

Zell follows the giveh. 

She crawls where the soles are,

watching her world as it paces afar.       ...  

))))) Teribe Tributary (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.194AT

"Let's build ahha dam here," says Alfeem as we spin along Melas Chasma.

"There hasn't been any runoff from those layered deposits for eons," I tell him. He ignores me.

"Ubeyou, please ahha help me with the engineering," Alfeem continues. "We will model it after the Byonic ahha hydroelectric dam of the Teribe River's tributary, except we won't be using ahha thrust of liquid water to power it."

Ubeyou and Alfeem pull chunks of rust red sedimentary rock down from both walls of the chasma. There is a natural foundation on the floor of Melas, They stack the boulders precisely, like experienced dam builders, completing the project before dusk.

Meanwhile, on the Inner Hemisphere, students chart their findings about the ecological effects of the Byonic Dam to the surrounding wilderness. But the Naso king halts their research before the total EPT percentage is calculated..EPT are insect invertebrates that can gauge toxicity, spending most of their life in water. This means that neither the king nor his tribe, nor the students, nor my crew on the Outer Hemisphere, can determine an accurate census of the EPT population in the Teribe area river beds downstream of the Byonic. 

Alfeem's Dam is not hydroelectric.

"My dam catches ahha naturally occurring draft in the long steep chasma." explains Alfeem, "Thrust of drafts against ahha hyperbolic dam structure can turn ahha small turbine to charge our eBikes."   ... Eco Safe Power.          


 ))))) Moon Stalker (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.191AT

Scribble, scramble,

my high gear is locked.

Doodle, dabble,

my writing is blocked.

Your poodle piddles on this site.

No words of mine come true tonight.

"Are you writing anotherh storhy, mama Marhzee?" Alfom asks me.

"Yes, Fom, I'll read it later. After you finish your flight history assignment," I reply.

He shows me his notes. They are well organized. i am proud of him.

Alfom's notes;

flying machine patent year 0003AT after brothers build 300 bicycles and battery charger for air travel

first flight distance 852 sp, 59 seconds off ground

aerospace age: warped wing design on Wright flyer, 

elliptic wing Spitfire, 

Dreamliner- composite flexible wing 

Blackbird's stealthy wings, speed record

Sputnik- battery discharges after 3 weeks, 1400 total orbits

Shepherd 116 vertically in Freedom 7 craft

Valentina- first woman in space

Marzy- first spinner to Outer Hemisphere

multi stage rocket by Goddard

Asaph, a moon stalker, discovers Phobos, he names crater Stickney, after his wife.

First Earthrise on lunar horizon from orbiter's window

computer alarm 1202 buzzes at Aldrin

Armstrong tests space boots at low solar angle

"I wonderh what it sounds like when space boots step onto lunarh terrain, with all the buzz from the computer alarm," says Alfom.

"It's like this," I tell him as my pen sketches sound patterns of the Apollo module and crew at Sea of Quangtrility.

[If you are using a small device, rotate it sideways to continue]

     1    2    3    4    5    1    2    3    4    5 +    

     x    x x     x x    x     x    x x    x x               Call to begin

     B   B  BB    n n    BB   B  BB            B      Bass drum

     1    2    3    4    5    1    2    3    4    5 +  

     b    b    b b    b    b  b    b     b b   b    b      Bell

     B T T B s B s T B T B T T B s B                Djembe

     1     2    3    4    5    1     2    3    4    5 +

            hihhihihhihihhihihhihihhihi                   Sabar drum 

      V   V n V n    n V n V   V n V n    n V n      Shakaree

      1    2    3    4    5    1    2    3    4    5 +         

      x    x x     x x    x x     x x    x x     x x           wood Block 

      H   k k H    k k k k  H    k k H k     k k k       Talking drum 

      1    2    3    4    5    1     2    3    4    5             and hand drums

      n    B      B    B       n     B      B    B             mid Bass drum

      extra instruments follow Talking drum part

x= any strike or tap

B= open sound with stick on base drum

n= muff tone with stick

b= strike on bell

T B s= tone bass slap on hand drum

h = fingers strike,  i = stick strikes  Sabar

V= shaker down to strike leg

n= shaker up to strike palm

H K= improvisational talking to the specified beat

H k= any 2 tones of other instruments

[You can rotate your device back to vertical]. 


))))) Galactic Independence (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.185AT

"Why are you crying, mmMama?" Alfanda asks.

I feel the weight of the Bioverse on my eyelids. In my cornea I can feel bursts of star forming dust and debris that originate from the slit in NGC 1291, a ringed galaxy 33 million lightyears away. Why this sadness?


"Because nobody reads my stories," I reply.

"But Alfomm and Alfeemmm and I love your stories," says Alfanda. "Let's celebrate the Silky Way's Independence (from the Supercluster) with one of your stories."

After some hesitation, I agree and begin;


One chunky skunk runs a bicycle store.

He orders some chains, new tubes and more.

"Come in," calls the skunk. 

He opens the door

for a she mouse who sneaks away.

Wherefore? I know, but will not say.

That mouse sneaks past the store today

where bicycles are on display.

She meets a herd of kids who bray,

"We cannot graze on bikes." Therefore,

they pay next door for sweetened hay.

Those kids who bray meet Mr Buck

who delivers the mail

on his bike, not a truck.

He passes a roost of hens who cluck 

"Is your helmet safe?" 

"Are your antlers secure?"

Mr Buck feels quite unsure.

To the bike store I stride. I ask Mr Skunk, 

"Why are there not any shoppers inside?" 

He replies, "The girls and boys are tired. 

Besides, they really don't want

any shiny new bikes

from a chunky black skunk

with a long smelly stripe."

He decides to disguise himself as a mink. 

Indeed, what a clever endeavor, methinks.

Next day his door swings open wide. 

It's a stealthy lynx who strides inside.

"Where is Mr Skunk?  Has he gone for a ride?"

Miss Lynx wants to buy 

a custom solar bike.

The mink sneaks out. He takes a short hike

and returns as himself, 

one chunky skunk. Wherefore,

I will not utter one word more  

about all the window shoppers 

who stride inside that store.

You can see for yourself.

The mouse buys a small chain, 

a safe helmet for Mr Buck. 

Bike gear for the rain

is what the wet hens get. 

Miss Lynx gives Mr Skunk a hug.

He winks at her. He shrugs to the kids

who plan to ride away midday

on charged electric bikes, brand new. 

They pack the pump but chew their tubes. 

 ))))) Ozone Gorge (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119,184AT

This cascade drops 180 degrees from the rim into the pool,

but there is no water. There are, however, incredible formations etched onto that rust red wall, like the treads of eBike tires. Ozone Gorge, over the eons, lost its flow.

If you listen closely you can hear its echo, 

"I hear ahha liquid flowing," whispers Alfeem.

"That flowing echo is subsurface water dripping below us, inside a carbonate cavern, all that is left of those glorious falls that once raced into an ever deep pristine pool," I explain to my Trippplets.

We depart the gorge and spin toward the next meridian. Ubeyou, in the lead, reminds us that there is no longer stratospheric ozone protecting the Outer Hemisphere, dissipating billions of years ago. As the surface cooled, it lost its magnetic field whereby solar wind could strip away the the ozone that remained.

Suddenly Ubeyou brakes. Bokka's front fender scrapes into Ubeyou's rear. The way is blocked by a midden with a large banner across the entry:

- Godfrey Sign Cemetery - 

"This could be ahha sequester station for the galaxy's ahha discarded signs," Alfeem remarks.

We scan the site with our cosmoscope:

  [ The Expositor ]  [ Hill Restricts View ]

[ Mean Creek ]  [ Handlebar Highway ]

  [ Flea Land ]   [ Obey River ]

[ Summer is Served ] [ Pilot ]

  [ On Tap ]    [ Thirsty Thursday ]

[ Custom Wraps ]

        [ We Raised the Bar ]

  [ Fragrant Mushroom Gallery ]

[Hurricane Espresso ]  [ Pipe Dr ]

[ Lick Skillet Farm ] [ Whey Station ]

      [ Angus Drain Cleaning ]

    [ John Deere ]

[ Ditty Unincorporated ]

  [ Your future is Here ]

road salt silo, for sale- rolled hay

[ Luv my Airstream ] 

          [Singing Hills Wy }

    [ Rebuildable Wrecks ]

[ Twin Arches 6 Mi ]

    [ Cotton Eye Joes ]

[ Better Stone - Hinkle Diamonds]

[ Injured? Call the Hammer ]

     [ Big Bear Built That ]

  [ Express Ministry ]

         [ Convert to KUB Gas ]

[ Overdose? I died so you can live ]

[ Guntown - Shoot Point Blank ]

    [ Pistol   aptist Church ]

             [   od Loves You ]

            [ Good Pasture Rd ]

  [ Buttermilk Springs ]

         [ Blasting Zone ]

   [ Barren County ] 

                 [ Volunteer Beer ]

          [ Mammoth Distillery ]

        [ Forbidden Cavern ]

      [ Southern Boom Fireworks ]

[ Celebrate Our National Caves ]

))))) Co Moving Horizon (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.179AT

Far red. Deep violet. 

The Mantis shrimp can perceive a wide range of light wavelengths, more than any other creature in the Silky Way.

  n=f of tsub o x dt'/(t')'  a(t)Hp(t)

  n(t sub o)= 11.48X10^18  

  a(t sub o)=1 at present.


With acute eyesight. this shrimp is likely calculating coformal time, the number of lightyears it takes a photon to travel from our location to the furthest observable distance in a non expanding Bioverse.

"Not calculating timmme, mmMama," Alfanda says to me. "The shrimmmp's collection of photoreceptors, which can detect distances, is setting a course toward the boundary between the observable and the unobservable. But the shrimmmp punctures an eBike tire, delaying arrival to the co mmmoving horizon." 

))))) BAO Celebration (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.170AT

Jopiter rises. Its dark icy moon rumbles, a song that shocks the Silky Way. And wakes my eBike family camped at Tharsis.

The resonance is able to brew matter in a single bound, which interferes with the BAO.

(BAO, Baryon acoustic oscillation, is a measurement that keeps cosmologists calculating the distance that acoustic waves of primordial plasma traveled before the plasma cooled to become neutral atoms. This length is approximately 490 million light years in today's Bioverse.)

Suddenly the moontones change, harmonizing with the BAO acoustic waves:

"Happy Moontones to you.

Some plasma sings too.

Happy Moontones dear Camlin.

This moonshine's for you.



"Mama Marhzee, tell me the story about Baryonic matter," mumbles Alfom in his sleep. 

Jopiter shines solemnly on his restless face this midnigh.

I begin, "Three little quarks, two facing up and one facing down, wriggle on a proton mattress.  Their pillow, stuffed with gluons, keeps the quarks comfortably together for billions of years.. until.. their old mattress smashes into another mattress, like super energetic smashing pumpkins. Now anything can happen to these six little quarks and their bed mates, the anti/quasi particles."

"Oh hum," Alfom snores. He continues sleep talking. "I get it. A mattress proton (or neutron), with three quarhks and their bed mates, are the baryonic matterh. And the mattresses containing two quarhks are leptons or some other parhticle. After an explosive smash, the parthicles reorganize to become bosons or they decay, like an old pumpkin, to become young neutrinos and associates (muons, antimatterh, undetectable energy). Now, Mama Marhzee, please tell me a real bedtime story."

I do, titled


by          L E Soodak  

One sleepy lynx leaps into bed. 

She puffs the pillow under her head.

"Grunt." calls the lynx out the bedroom door,

waving good night to her friend, a boar.

That sleepy boar grunts in the bed.

He puffs the pillow under his head.

"Growl," calls the boar from his bunk in the pen,

waving goodnight to his black bear friend.

That sleepy black bear growls to the bed.

She puffs the pillow under her head.

"Hoppity flop," calls the bear in her den,

waving good night to her gray haired friend.

That old gray hare he flops into bed.

He puffs the pillow under his head.

"Neigh, sleep tight," calls the old gray hare,

waving good night to his friend, a mare.

That young brown mare she neighs to the bed.

She puffs the pillow under her head.

"Ribbit in the pond," calls the young brown mare,

waving good night to her green friend there.

That sleepy green frog ribbits to the bed.

He puffs the pillow under his head.

"Gribble," calls the frog from the pond's deep end,

waving goodnight to his peacock friend.

That sleepy peacock gribbles to the bed.

He puffs the pillow under his head.

"Slosh," calls the peacock, cuddled with his hen,

waving good night to his octopus friend.

Slimy tentacles slosh to the bed.

They puff the pillow under your head.

"Blanket," calls the octopus. She turns red from blue,

waving good night to her special friend, you.

You pull your yellow blanket over the bed.

The pillow is puffy under your head. 

"Milk," you call to a goat who winks,

waving good night. He pours the drinks.

That sleepy goat sips milk with you in bed.

He eats the pillow under your head.

"Leap," calls the goat. Twice more he winks,

waving good night to our friend, the lynx.

{ now we turn back to the beginning of the story ^ ^ when the lynx leaps into bed ^ ^ and keep reading until we fall asleep }


))))) Massless Or Not (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.160AT

Shhh.. "Does a secret have mass?" I ask my Trippplets 

There is a secret lake beneath the Namid Desert, not unlike the subsurface waters hidden from me and my eBike family as we spin across the Outer Hemisphere.

"Well, beforhe the secret is rhevealed, it has no mass," says Alfom.

The algorithm that stitches together the image of the cosmos, think about whether or not it has mass.

We cross rust red ridges of Valles Marineris from point A to point B.

Points have no dimension, geometrically speaking, yet Preons, point particles within Quarks, are more forceful than a bushel of secrets, massless or not.

))))) All Oceans Day (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119,159AT

"Ahhummmrh mmrh," the soft breath of your grandchild snoring in a dreamworld of four hearted hagfish and of octopuses with tentacles hugging them and suckers tasting them. Chromatophores, the pigment cells controlled by muscles, can change an octobody from berry pink to chocolate polka dots during a restful nap.

"Hmmrh," whispers a gentle wave in calm water, no storms today in the South Alantic.

"Ahhummrh" mutters the shifting rust red sand on the Outer Hemisphere, as our eBikes spin along the dry shoreline of Deuteronilus Ocean.  

))))) Crossbreeze (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.158AT

Not parallel to my course toward Jezero Crater, this crossbreeze takes me spinning to Crossbreeze, the place where Gramma stays. I meetup with my actual family there, leaving my virtual crew waiting for me at the crater. 

We visit with Gramma then head to the Peninsula's littoral zone. Daqlen practices his zero gravity training as he presses against incoming surf (after the explosion in his training pants.) Sister Kwelly samples the salty seashells. Camlin and Herin take a romantic moment on a bare branch at Driftwood Beach. 

The electromagnetic breeze crosses over our skin.     

))))) Radiation Exchange (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.151AT

An exiton escapes solar plasma and finds its way to the Frump district where it is taxed 25%.

This quasiparticle is accompanied by photons which bring 340 watts per square meter of energy to the Inner Hemisphere.

That radiation also must pay the Frumpers.

Here in the Chasma sector my crew encourages free radiation exchange to charge eBike batteries, as solar particles find their way to the Outer Hemisphere.

))))) Brittle Deformation (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.139AT

We are in Ius Chasma.

This stratified rust red terrain looks as if it was pulled apart.

Alfeem finds some chasmatic rocks that fit together.

"Ahha," he says, "I'm working on ahha geologic puzzle."

The rock pieces resemble axles, bolts and racks. He could just as well be assembling an eBike.


))))) Pre Solar Dust (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.124AT

"Eeek," screams Alfanda.

The ground leaps up at us, Palikir Crater quivering, our eBikes rattling. 

"It's only a meteorite," I assure my crew.

Upon analyzing the meteorite we find an unusual granule, stardust from a nova that imploded five billion years ago.



))))) First Form (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.119AT


No reply.




"Here I am."

"Me too."

"On my way," shouts another.

Overwhelming response .. more than one atom converge at the same place/time.

"Oo."  "Ouch.  Wow wee." ..

.. the unlikely union of a noble helium atom and haphazard proton..  Welcome HeH+, Helium Hydride, the first molecule in the Bioverse, forming one hundred thousand years after the Big Bing.

Now, fourteen billion years later on the slope of Mount Sharp, my eBike crew aims our cosmoscope towards an ultra infrared glow interlaced in the planetary nebula NGC7027 three thousand lightyears away.  I look into the lens.

"It's a helium hydride cluster." I shout.

Welcome to the Silky Way, descendants of the first molecule. 

))))) P A H s (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.094AT

"Look, Fom," shouts Alfeem. "Those ahha  galactic dust clouds fluoresce when ahha...     

"Feem, Don't Interhupt me now...     ...(2continue)  

))))) Gobular Cluster (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.090AT


Ah, the rumble of decaying nucleons in a diffuse gobular galaxy sounds like our eBike tires rotating as my crew and I spin toward Palikir Crater.

"mmMama, can you tell mmme whether a pentaquark particle is considered to be a cluster of quarks?" Alfanda asks.

"Well, Fanda dear, with a lifespan of only 10^-20 of a second and a diameter of 22 MeV, I would consider it a non-appearing miniscule gob," I reply.

))))) Hemipterans (((((

eBike2mars 14gyr-0119.084 AT

Inner Hemispheric Hemipterans swarm at the trailhead of Black Mountain Crest. One of them bounces into a toothwort mustard leaf unfurling near stonecrops. This mishap takes that insect careening up the trail at one nanometer per atto second. After tunneling through the trunk of a budding buckeye tree, our hemipteran friend crosses the entire crest.

Where next?  The hemipteran drops onto the sand at Pawley Island, momentarily. There, six moonth old  Kwelly rides the waves with her eyes while brother Daq chases gulls. The solar wind carries our insect friend from that beach toward the Outer Hemisphere.

Meanwhile.. my eBike family is pitching our geodesic tent on the rust red sandy shore of a dry ancient seabed.

"Marzy." Ubeyou shouts, pointing toward the Vera Rubin crest near Mount Sharp. "That looks like a Hemipepsis wasp riding a solar wave."

Not a Hemipteran fly?  

))))) CME (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.079 AT

Let's predict the trajectory of that CME, Coronal Mass Ejection (a release of magnetic fields with plasma from our Sun, often displaying auroras), during this full moon at equinox.

Does that CME bend space/time? Can it interfere with the signal to our eBike battery? 

"Let's try F=ma, Mama Marhzee, to calculate interhference" suggests Alfom, "or..


How do I find the pi on this keyboard?

))))) White Gravity (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.041 AT

"Mama Marhzee, we missed you. Wherhe have you been?" Alfom asks.

"On a Vitality Retreat," I reply.

"Tell us all about it, mmMama," my Trippplets shout curiously.

First. we were introduced to White Gravity, the vital force (working with Black Matter) that shapes the Bioverse and expands it between galaxy clusters while contracting the space between local galaxies, within clusters. Our Silky Way heads in a collision course toward our neighbor galaxy. 

Then we were encouraged to meditate on smoothies. "Imagine, Fom, that you have all the ingredients available for your personal smoothie. What would you select?"

"Mango, banana, blueberrhy, gingerh, moringa, ground sunflowerh seed, flax powderh, rosehips, agar, mint and a squeeze of kafirh lime," says Alfom.

"Sow sow grow, Fanda. What vitals would you plant in your garden?"

"Blackberries, Swiss chard, cucummmber, semmminole pummmpkin, wild ginger, sweet potato, purslane, African blue basil, heirloommm tommmato, asparagus and mmmuscadine grapes across an arbor built of recyclable eBike frames," says Alfanda.

"One two one two. Feem, think about vitality in motion."

"Mama, you trained us well in ahha plyometrics conditioning," Alfeem responds. "And ahha vital stretches: folding, child pose, cat/cow. We didn't forget your ahha lessons on chi ball expansion during alternate nostril exhales. We have ahha enhanced our blood chemistry by ahha holding  breaths..."

Alfanda chimes in, "It's the curvature of White Gravity that enables the mmmuscles around my belt vessel to contract and expand."      

))))) Tin Roof Comet (((((

(eBike2mars 14Gyr-0118.350 AT)

The Inner Hemisphere revolves revealing the local comet. Who is that watching it? an inhabitant of the Doublewide District. From there, she snaps a photo of the comet in the pre-dawn sky above her bedroom window. 

Here, on the Outer Hemi, my crew and I dismount our eBikes at the high rim of Crater Poona to set up the cosmoscope.

"Take a look, Marzy," says Ubeyou.

I peer into the lens. One speck of light with a faint tail appears to be reflecting onto the surface of a Doublewide.

"It's the Tin Roof Comet!" he exclaims. 

))))) Spruce Particles (((((

(eBike2mars 14Gyr-0118.345 AT)

ZG Daqlen wants the tree plugged in. 

"Pweaze." he mumbles.

The lights flash on.

Daqlen places sister Kwelly's hat across a bough, romps into the hallway and returns with his toothbrush which he hangs on the tree next to a dangling balloon, decorations of his choosing.

He gazes at the spruce needles. 

What is stirring there? a dimensionless physical constant known as the alpha (nick name fine structure constant) which manifests electromagnetism between charged particles such as electrons. 

Alpha is a relative of e, the elementary charge. E strengthens family ties between the particles and their electromagnetic fields, including the charge in your eBike battery.

The particle family values their dimensionless quantity at 1/137 in all systems of units.

"Put simply," says e, "there is a constant force that keeps us together. Without this force, 1/137, the spruce would not exist as branches with needles. The tree would break apart and likely rearrange itself into different shapes as protons repel each other."

Daqlen's balloon bursts.

))))) Snow Fractal (((((

(eBike2mars 14Gyr-0118.344 AT)

"This is Fom reporting live from the EXO Weatherh Orbiterh," he announces. "As the Magellanic Cloud expands, a heavy snow fractal is expected on the surface of ourh Outerh Hemisphere."

Fom measures the cosmic pressure. He observes how the tropospheric front, each part of which has the same statistical turbulence as the whole, effects biotopographic movement.  

Fanda covers the eBikes with geodesic tarps. Chore completed, she skips playfully across Crater Poona, her feet etching a large triangle onto its rust red floor. She sidesteps then spins 240 degrees like an abrupt wind. Fanda etches, steps and twirls, over and over, in repetitive choreographic patterns.

"I'm observing a 1.262 dimensional storm in an area of eight fifths of the original triangularh source," Fom reports. "Its six sided perimeterh, crossing Craterh Poona, approaches infinity. This meteorological fractal is in the shape of a von Koch Snowflake."

))))) Supersoft Rays (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0118.338 AT

While my Trippplets record subsurface waves in the hollow, Ibemee, recently retired from eBike touring, continues census work from his abode at K Aarhst. 

"Very strong levels

of the weakest x-rays

are emanating.. from accretion disks, 

which are diffused matter in an orbit.."

His notes are sketchy.

"Previous census indicated..  supersoft emissions

only from fusion on surface of white dwarfs."

"As of today, note -2- sources of 

supersoft x-ray emissions, not -1-"

))))) Symmetric Reconnection (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0118.336 AT



Perhaps my thoughts were caught in a Solar wind that curved across magnetic fields of the the Inner Hemisphere, reconnected symmetrically on the night side to display its aurora, then continued the gravitational push to my Hemisphere.

Attempting to recall recent eBike ventures, I am interrupted by a familiar voice. 

"The Trippps are detecting strange seismic waves on the cosmograph."

It's Ubeyou's voice, of course.

"Are you alright, Marzy? You seem ... overwhelmed," he remarks.

"I'm ...fine. Feem, tell me about this seismic event," I respond.

Alfeem begins. "These ahha monochromatic waves are reverberating ahha across the equatorial quadrangles in ahha seventeen second intervals...  ..."

It is difficult for me to listen to my dear Alfeem. Why have my thoughts been distracted? Wait, I'll check the ebsite. ...  ... It's been moonths since I wrote an entry. 

I whisper to Ubeyou, "Can you remind me what has happened recently?" 

He updates me on (1) Teve's report about Hempshire fashion trends.

(2) The Wootite's unscheduled camping and all day hike across Basin/Range.

(3) The GASFAB paleontology event with Rachell coordinating Wonderful Life in Burgess.

"And you, Marzy, concluded that Hallucigenia propelled with spines up like the Wiwaxia fossil, not with spines down as previously imagined," Ubeyou comments. 

(4) Daqlen and Quelly, ZGG  (zero gravity grandchildren), laughing together at monkeys that dive/splash in their planet's pools.

(5) InSite's successful dropdown in a rust red hollow at Elysium Planitia.

(6) Gramma's dropdown to the mental health wing. 

(7) The fourth Phalloween when you dressed as a gong master, reverberating along Ermont Av.

(8) Our spin to the shield volcano.


))))) Geology of the Toe (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0118.278 AT

Botta bumps me across a network of fractures.

My sacrum is too old for this. I'm tired of uneven terrain.

Ahead, a shield volcano, gently risen from the surface of central Elysium, looks like a giant toe.

))))) Hyperbolic Hat (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0118.274 AT

As we fill space with shapes, one of our polygons falls short of 360 degrees.

Our quilt begins to curve as we continue sewing this pattern. Soon it twists into a 3D multi holed pseudospherical hat.

"Look, mmMama," shouts Alfanda. "The hat fits commmfortably over the dommme of my eBike helmmmet."

))))) Kepler's Pretzel (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0118.268 AT

Loop, loop, backward loop.

Our eBike wheels follow the pattern of Kepler's lenten pretzel as we explore the equatorial quadrangles.

"Kepler's loops follow the path of this planet's orbit as observed from the Inner Hemisphere," I explain to my Trippplets.

"Mama Marhzee, didn't he obserhve orhbits beforhe the invention of telescopes?" asks Alfom.

That's right. 

But he could not observe the paths of hypervelocity stars ejected from the black hole area, nor the super speedy stars streaming from the magellenic cloud toward our galaxy's center.  

))))) Tachyonic Motion (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0118.264 AT

"What is black or bright and faster than the speed of ahha light?" Alfeem asks us, jokingly.

"The tachyons in ourh eBike beams," answers Alfom, grinning.

Of course, tachyons, from the greek tachys meaning "swift." They have imaginary mass of the square root of a negative number. But only one field of these hypothetical particles is believed to exist that permit superluminal speeds.

"It's impossible to see a tachyon apprhoaching," says Alfom, "but afterh it passes, you would see its motion appearihng and deparhting in  opposite dirhections simultaneously."

"We could build ahha hypothetical antitelephone from our spare ahha hypo tachyons?" Alfeem hypothesizes.

Via antitelephone this sentence would reach you before the thought is uttered, tachyonically speaking.

))))) Landrhum ((((( 

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0118.260 AT

Rhum humhum rhum hum.

Our eBike tires hum along the surface of hiddenite, a shiny green chromium spodumene (from the Greek meaning "burnt to ash" refering to the grayish white ash formed when this mineral is ignited).

Hum hum rhum. We pull over for a brief EXO lesson in the shade of a nearby crater.

"Hiddenite occurs in granite pegmatite, which is an intrusive igneous rock with interlocking crystals formed in later stages of magma chambers," I explain to my Trippplets, etching the chemical formula for hiddenite onto the ground. 


"Hmmm, looks like graffiti to mmme," says Alfanda.

))))) Lithotrophia (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0118.256 AT

Somewhere in the Silky Way, a Cleome, with six long stamens in opposition to four bright pinkish petals, towers over a community of Springtails and Organotrophs.

But not here.

Here at Oxia Palus, we are searching for electron donors of inorganic compounds, the Lithotrophs.

"Slow down, Mama, ahha lichen is under that ledge," shouts Alfeem.

He leaps off the eBike and rubs his finger across the specimen. 

"It appears to be ahha Flavoparmelia species," he concludes.

The leaflike colony extends from the ledge into a fissure, then to the subsurface by growing through the grains of rock.

"Lichens have minor lithotrophic capabilities," I explain. "They can use some rock minerals for CO2 fixation, but most of its bioenergy is produced  through photosynthesis."

"Yes, ahha sunrays can pass here," notes Alfeem, inspecting the path of photons reaching toward the fissure.

As amateur lichenologists, we speculate that a sample of this composite organism, along with its cousins, the Lithotrophs (eaters of rock), travelled by meteor during early eons from Oxia Palus to biosynthesize in your neighborhood.

))))) Congaree (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0118.252 AT

Halfway to our destination we spin across another dry riverbed.

"At the Piedmont Fall Line there is a water river with a similar meandering pattern as this dry river," I comment.

"Tell us its storhy, Mama Marhzee," insists Alfom.

"Slink, slither," I begin. "An unnamed snake explores the banks of the Congaree, a river that flows from exposed crystalline rock, widening onto coastal plain sediments. The snake stops to sun itself where many generations of snakes warmed their skins. There, the Congaree tribe, now extinct, maintained harmony in the watershed with their unique language that flowed like whirling eddies. Our snake continues its journey to the river's end where many Inner Hemispherean stories end, struggling to sustain bottomland forests."

))))) Trace the Trajectory (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0118.248 AT

Two eBikes collide.

Particles scatter,

those dark bosonic specks of tire scatter from the interaction point onto the rust red terrain.

Debris of the disintegration is displaced by a significant distance. Some debris decays instantaneously.

"Can we deduce ahha presence of quanta in the debris?" asks Alfeem.

"I think this speck contains sommme Z bosons," responds Alfanda, brushing dust away from some debris. "To determmmine where this piece fits back onto the tire, we need to trace its trajectory. Which is difficult since it likely mmmoved in an unconventional geommmetric pathway. However. the tire's mmmineral elemmments, as well as organic mmmatter, cycle themmmselves back into the production of mmmatter. For exammmple, ZG Daqlen's leftover birthday cake decays into....."

Alfeem interrupts, "But ahha collision or decay implies energy, and ahha energy flows uni-directionally in ahha non-cyclic pathway."

We patch the eBike tires,

then spin in a trajectory toward Lithotrophia.

))))) Mie Scattering (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0118.246 AT

Blue sun. Rust red caramel sky.

Dusk displays unforgetable light diffusion from dust particles at the horizon of our Outer Hemisphere. 

"It's brheath taking, Mama Marhzee," Alfom whispers to me as I tuck him into his sleepouch.

Elsewhere in the Sol system, sunset makes memories: The Wootite takes the hand of his companion with a fond thought of their excursions to Black Mount. Shawnam at Homescape 50 remounts his eBike cells during scarlett mie scattering at his horizon. The Bearview family takes a photo of Quelly in the produce basket hanging on the wall, as colors of dusk diffuse onto their rooftop...

Mie scattering into vapor particles gives Inner Hemispherean clouds their midday puffy white. You wouldn't find black walnuts in the shading of trees if light did not scatter.

)))) Oenodynamics (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0118.244AT

Swish. Slosh.

Dimensionless parameters govern the flow of water making waves inside Daqlen's bucket. The water rotates in the direction of his motion as he scuttles to the potted blue basil.

After an eBike tour of Solis Planum, we relax. We swirl our mugs of magma tea. The foam on top rotates in the opposite direction of our motion. What makes it happen is Oeodynamics, the physix of a swirling action, a complex equation here and on Daqlen's Hemisphere.

))))) Stone Probes (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0118.242 AT


"Yes." "No." "Yes. Please, let me try." "mmMaybe, no."

My dear Alfanda and Ubeyou disagree about stone probing. He would like to use the stones to heal her eBike injuries. She is reluctant to try the probing. I, as well, am unable to convince her.

"Fanda, the practice of stone probing is appropriate for Hemisphereans, young and old. Even before the reign of the Yellow Emperor, bian shyr (stones) were used successfully to adjust circulation," explains Ubeyou. "Relax and let's begin."

Alfanda agrees. She lies down on our mat made of dehydrated woven fungus ribbons. 

Ubeyou arranges his collection of crystalline quartz that he found at the extinct Syrtis Major volcano. Using the tip of a stone, he presses it onto the surface of her skin at points along the linking meridian, from the left ankle to hip. After hours of probing and lessons on thread breathing, Alfanda's wounds begin to heal.

"mmMy pain is displaced by sensations of soft flow and tingles as if bees are weaving on mmmy skin but not stinging," Alfanda articulates slowly.

"Yes, BEES, also known as flowing Bio Electric Energy Sources," Ubeyou comments.

"mmMama, aren't those quartz stones the secret ingredient that you mmmix into our fungus salsa?" asks Alfanda.

Yes, they are.    

))))) Bok Globules (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0118.240 AT

Entering the Coprates Quadrangle, we spin steadily between the globules of plagioclase feldspar.

"What is that, mama Marhzee?" Alfom asks, pointing to the distance.

"The remains of ancient riverbeds, Alfom" I reply.

"Not the rhiverhbed. The black splotches coverhing the field of starhs."

"Those splotches are dark interstellar clouds of cold gas and dust, less than 100 solar masses in size,"  I explain to him. "Their cores are embryos of new stars that develop independently, so they are different ages as they begin to glow."

Also known as Bok Globules, these small nebular clouds resemble common shapes on the Inner Hemisphere: the mud splotches along Eaverb lake trail where ZG Daqlen scuttles the full 2 miles at less than 2 years old, the dark turtles resting on driftwood  to where he points and hoots, the black blob of a bear covering their lawn, crude globules penetrating virgin beaches, colorful hybrid globules floating in the soup, digestive globules that stain sister Quelly's diaper.


))))) Termination Shock (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0118.238 AT

Alas, nightmares at 1620 cease.

Heaviness in the air evaporates beyond the Hemispheres into the Heliosphere where radiating spiral winds carry it with alpha waves 8 billion miles to Termination Shock, the zone in which particles de-accelerate to slower than the speed of sound, down to speeds of spinning eBike wheels.

Alas, thanks to Loraine's determination, the anxieties of Gramma have relocated to 5601-31.

))))) Green Grain Moon Soon (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0118.235 AT

Grains of teosinte bulge inside their husks like the central region of galaxies. Their stalks expand interminably skyward. 

Intergalactic clouds block the view of planetary and lunar hemispheres lining up at horizons across the inner Sol System.

Our eBike wheels spin interminably across this rust red terrain. No sky. No glowing circles nor crescents. We imagine that our moon Phobos shines as green as the ripening grains.   


))))) Heterozygosity (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0118.234 AT

Caves are cool, about 55 degrees. 

They are the places where different species of ancestal hominids mingled, where Neanderthals bonded with Denisovans, where mitochondrial DNA  passed from mother to child, where nuclear DNA identified paternal lineage.

"What is the genetic ahha signature of our ahha father?" asks Alfeem.

"Your father Ibemee has family still living in the Afar Depression where the remains of their ancestor Lucy were excavated. Those black skinned genomes are categorized as the earliest and purest hominid signature. About 90000 years ago, a mother in Lucy's lineage dreamed about exotic hominids, interbred with a Denisovan giving birth to Denise, making your father's lineage highly heterozygous, meaning that his ancestral parents come from entirely different hominin species," I explain.

"And what is your ahha genetic signature, Mama?"

"Kievan and pale with Afar rhythms and dreams of exotic eCyclists, remains of my ancestors are not genetically diverse, low heterozygosity compared to your father," I reply.

"So that makes me and ahha Alfanda and Alfom half ahha heterozygous and half not, right?"

))))) Magnetic Definitions (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0118.233 AT

magnetic pressure = the energy density of the magnetic field visualized as increasing as the magnetic field lines converge in a given volume of space.

magnetic tension force = a restoring force that acts to straighten bent magnetic field lines, a pressure gradient determined by how much magnetic pressure changes with distance.

heliospheric magnetic field = extension of the coronal magnetic field  of our sol system carried out beyond 120 AU (11 billion miles) where it encounters opposing pressure from  interstellar space.

dipole = a pair of equal and oppositely charged (or magnitized) poles (region at each end of a magnet where the external field is strongest) separated by a distance.

monopole =

))))) Cosmic Murmurations (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0118.232 AT

Twisting photon patterns in the Corkscrew galaxy, what a fantastic display in that parsec of our sky.

The murmuration of the planetary magnetic field interacting with the solar magnetic field makes us dizzy. 

"Mama Marhzee, solarh wind rhadiates frhom the rhotating sun in the forhm of a thrhee dimensional arhithmetic spirhal," Alfom shouts.   

"Another unusual murmuration, indeed," I say while adjusting Botta's spokes. "Across the skies of the Inner Hemisphere, starlings dip and turn in random directions, intertwining into diverse shapes that simulate a fourth dimension. Soon the flock will disburse to their overnigh perches." 

Quelly spreads her toes in arrangements of motion that only an infant is capable of. Mother's soft murmurs puts her to sleep.


))))) Birth of the New Physix (((((

eBike2mars.com 14Gyr-0118.227 AT

For every action there is a consequence. And every reaction is consequential.

"When the first two hydrogen atommms fused, it generated star formmming energy. Fussion of two gammmete cells nine mmmoonths ago generated a consequential fetus that formmmed into Quelly, our newborn half neice," announces Alfanda.

"Post natal scans reveal more particles than expected in Quelly's brain: an extra proton, electron and antineutrino. This condition was caused by decay of a free neutron (unstable as its lifespan is only 880 seconds) that escaped from a nucleus during fertilization. Energy from the disappearing neutron was conserved, so that the resulting stable proton has slightly less mass than the aforementioned neutron. Put simply, she weighs 10^-36 less than expected, with a +10^36 thought process, due to the three extra particles." Ubeyou explains. He is teaching EXO school class tday.

"I understand the anatommmical consequence of emmmotional reactions in reproductive cells. I realize that Quelly's extra proton gives her abilities to design balanced eBike batteries and to recondition the Old Physix. And I ammm intuitively certain that big brother Daqlen will gift her the perfectly stable feather that he found. What confuses mmme is the mmmathemmmatics. one plus one does not equal two cells during fertilization, it equals one larger cell. As cells mmmultiply in the wommmb, aren't they really dividing?" asks Alfanda. 

))))) Meteoroides from Kuiper (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0118.222 

"Where is ahha Kuiper?" Alfeem wonders, viewing the horizon as we exit from the subsurface.

Seasonal dust storms have subsided. Our eBikes recharge in the rising sun. Our mica coated protective gear is safety clipped.

Throughout our sol system meteoroids travel, along the ellipse of their parent comet, in a 30 million mile wide debris belt extending from Kuiper  to planetary orbits. Showers of light fall toward the Inner Hemisphere, caused by bits of ammonia/methane ice burning in the air. 

Parking areas on the Brew Ridge are full. Meteor watchers hope for a cloudless midnigh. Camlin of the Bearview district observes a reddish glow streaking halfway across the sky.  

While they watch... ... 

))))) Relative Humanity (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0118.216 AT

In a previous millenium, early astronomers watched the brightest star explode, eqivalent to 10 Suns across our Silky Way. This was considered the demise of Eta Carinae; however, it's shine did return amidst news of fossilized honey bee hives, pollarding treetops and kwantum paradoxes.

Today the eBike astronomers realize that their sister planet's population surpasses hemispheric capacity. 

"In a mere four point five billion years, RNA developed from the first molecule to .0001% rH (relative Humanity), increasing through prehistory to 2%, 20%, and 50% rH, to this millenium at above 100% rH capacity, a population boom to seven point five billion Sapien consumers." I explain to my Trippplets.

Alfom looks through the viewing crevice and remarks, "Even without a telescope It is apparhent that ourh sisterh planet is in extrheme distrhess." 

Not as blue, not as green, and where is all the rich brown humus soil? It is running off to the reef with Humuhumunukunukuapua, What/who/where is that? Find it on your droid.


))))) Fractional Decay ((((( 

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0118.215 AT

We continue our EXO experiment with excited atoms. During fractional decay a system of excited atoms emits light and does not emit light at the same time.  

We predict, at ultra cold temperatures, that a lazer beam from our eBike can trap an excited atom in a photonic crystal whereby that excited atom can be in a state of excitement and not excited simultaneously. The problem is... we cannot prove it. Our subsurface lab does not have the capability of manufacturing a photonic crystal...

...meanwhile, in the Bearview district, Daqlen dreams of the festive inflatable slide that bounces him to excitement upward and downward simultaneously. 

))))) Spontaneous Emissions (((((

eBike2mars.com 14Gyr-0118.214 AT

Toddling Hemisphereans chase the rush of water emitted from fountains at Splashville Park. ZGB Daqlen waits for the fountain in front of him to spurt as water from behind rushes down his backside. 

Parental Hemisphereans keep one eye on splashing and the other on the LEAF stage from where performers emit their talents: the silver statue girl who taps her snare with each tip, the Free Planet group combining odd meter with string trio,it the Hoopman rotating in unlimited axes, Banjoman with bow, the stilt troupe parading to spontaneous rhythms of Afrik... remarkable festivities.

We are not at that festival, of course. My eBike family and I remain subsurface of Gale Crater, creating a wave of matter emitted by an excited atom from where a light wave is generally emitted. This phenomenon is called spontaneous emissions, which will be demonstrated by our local connection at the next LEAF event.  

))))) Albedos (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.211 AT

Is your EXO planet icy or rocky? Gaseous or spewing lava?

We, the eBike crew, while sheltered from the rust red dust storm, uncover mysteries of your EXO home and of the Bioverse using high resolution spectra and albedos- light reflected by a surface.

"Our CP screen shows the relative fluxes of Sun with her planets. Surprisingly, Inner Hemisphere is the brightest orbiter," Ubeyou explains to the Trippplets.

"That ahha graph looks like ahha eBike frame to me," remarks Alfeem. 

)))))) Compulsory Speed (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.205 AT

"Hurry, hurry, hurry, fast as a supersonic eBike. Or slowly, slowly," said the Rabbit to Einstein's snail.

Said the Snail to Schrodinger's rabbit, "I travel at whatever speed is not forbidden." 

Whatever is not forbidden, becomes compulsory.

)))) Septaria (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.204 AT

..."to locate septarian nodules. Any questions?" I ask my Trippplets.

Alfanda raises her hand. "If septarian geodes were formmmed at the bottommm of an ancient sea 70 mmmillion years ago in the Utahn sector, is it possible to find themmm here on the Outer Hemmmi in subsurface lakes?"

"Carcasses of small sea creatures decomposed and moulded into mud balls on the sea floor. When the waters receded, shrinking sediment settled, transforming into spectacuar septarian concretions of barite and calcite crystals, solid as an eBike battery. We can go exploring for geodes at a dried surface lake bed when the dust storm recedes. But no, it's not likely to find septaria in our subsurface lakes," I reply.

Finding the extremophylliac Tardigrada there IS likely.

))))) Time Accelerates (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.201 AT

Teve of the Hempshire district presents his thesis on family expansion entitled "Time Accelerates."  It's brilliant, a new theory that combines biological growth with astrophysics.

(A written or verbal presentation is required for Teve's successful passage to the Septuagenarian realm.)  

His Uncertainty Principle questions early century paternity. So who is your real great great grandfather? Only your geneticist knows, but not for sure. Because- the position of a person (or an object such as a wave eminating from a pulsar) and the speed of his action cannot be measured precisely at the same time.

His Big Bing theory applies to fertilization, the beginning of new life, as well as to the astrophysical beginning of newly born time.  ... (2continue)

))))) Cratonic Root (((((

eBike2mars.com 14Gyr+0118.199 AT

"Periodite permeates the upper mantle of the Inner Hemi, with sparse subducted oceanic crust as Eclogite," I explain during EXO homeschool.

"But, Mama Marhzee, I want to know what lies beneath THIS Hemispherhe," demands Alfom.

Class sets up the sonagraph to measure seismic velocity of rock composition below ancient tectonic plates. 

We detect normal speed, then slightly faster sound waves in the shape of an inverted mountain, which is colder and less dense than the mantle around it.

"Could be a Crhatonic Rhoot," surmises Alfom, "containing a mysterhious mix of diamond forhming minerhals, hot sprhing elements and a cadmium dependant carhbonic anhydrhase found in marhine diatoms." 

Yes. could be a Cratonic Root.

))))) Intergreen (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.198 AT

ZGB Daqlen rides the rockslide at Intergreen Waterfall on Daddy's lap. 

My Trippplets slide down a magma vapor stream that condenses onto the rust red rock floor of this subsurface tunnel. They ride on a eBike tube raft that has been tested for inertia safety. 

"Tubular momentummm." shouts Alfanda.

))))) SciTav Venture (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.195 AT

Friend of Agrimony organizes the tranportation pool to Osbyc TN from the Uncombeb sector. They arrive at the trailhead via roadways 40, 32 and 321 past the gneiss cliff, keeping left of the incident investigation site and bearing away from the christian preparedness supply store to park at Axterb.

Hiking the Old Growth Grove brings the SciTavers into patches of goatsbeard lichen, buckeye saplings, indian cucumbers and snakeskin orchids. They stare at the ancient siverbell with chocolate shavings bark. They marvel at the yellow birch rooting itself above ground into a decayed chestnut stump. 

Friend of Spores finds edible oyster mushrooms clinging to a fallen log, colorful chantrelles with white interiors, boletus thumbprints, lactarius,,, and here on the Outer Hemisphere, friends of eBike ventures are amazed by the varieties of rust red subsurface fungi. We forage responsibly and process scientifically to remove chitons. 

)) eBike2mars.com 14Gyr+0118.195AT ((

PEYTO and DAQ announce their Cosmic Bubble discoveries during the IceCube Observatory's news release.

"We trapped this four billion year old Neutrino inside an expanding soap bubble where it collided with a Nucleon, producing eerie blue flashes of the decaying Lepton. This occurs once every thousand years as subatomic particles continuously radiate in a pressurized cosmic stream to our planet, faster than a speeding Photon through ice, from distant massive Blazars." 

Certainly, something is happening beyond astro kwantum equations and advanced eBike mechanics.

))))) Methane Mud (((((

eBike2mars.com 14Gyr+0118.194AT

"It rains CH4 on ahha Titan," says Alfeem.

 Minus 149 Centigrade keeps precipitation in the liquid phase which forms methane mud on the surface of that moon. 

"It rains H2O on the Inner Hemmmisphere," adds Alfanda. 

 19 degrees C keeps it in the liquid phase. Sometimes local eBike wheels get stuck in water mud. 

When it stops raining, ZG Daqlen leaves prints on the fluvial patterns along Eaverlake.  Can his soles be fossilized there? 

))))) z~6 (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.192AT

"Brightest (by a factor of 10) of the Bioverse's ionizing epoch, that atypically dense massive quasar sends loud radio waves, measured at z~6, from its galaxy, billions of lightyears away, to our Silky Way," explains Ubeyou as he changes the lens.

Happy 13 billionth Birthday to quasar P 352-15.

And it's the 118th Anniversary of Nicola Tesla's alternating current. 


 ))))) GSB (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.191AT

Ubeyou lengthens his periscopic lense through a small opening in the ceiling of our subsurface shelter. He props it with repurposed eBike spokes. The scope reaches above the debris of this ongoing rust red dust storm.

"Take a look," he says.

"Wow, a GSB, seemmms to be 65 mmmillion lightyears away," remarks Alfanda.

"I would identify it as galaxy NGC 1052-DF2, a Gigantic Sparhse Blob in constellation Cetus," adds Alfom.

Indeed, the stars in the Blob are diffuse. NGC 1052 is practically transparent. We can clearly observe galaxies behind it. Did some massive comets take away NG's dark matter during formation?

))))) Salsa 4 All (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.190AT

Where wild apples flourish, Hemisphereans in every district are harvesting the young green varieties (not the sweet  red cultivars).

Peel, core, chop into salsa sized cubes. 

Soak and rinse in H2O. Cook with bits of spicy red pepper.

Add local cider vinegar and chopped mint from the garden.

Stuff into bell pepper. Serve with local chips.

Here in the rust red subsurface we, the eBike chefs, gather totally local fungus, a variety similar to Cladosporium of the Inner Hemisphere. 

Peel, chop into salsa sized cubes. Soak, rinse.

Add chipped spicy mineral rock and mint mica.

Lightly ferment about two days. 

Dip with dehydrated flat fungus.

The proteins in these fungi can remove radiation and nuclear waste, reducing chromosonal abnormalities in animal blood. 

"We ahha surmise that ahha fungus can produce ahha sequestering betoine aldenhyde dehydrogenase," announces Alfeem. 

Apple vinegar also produces detoxifiers.

Enjoy your Salsa.


))))) Bioturbators (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.188AT

Imagine that you are an ancient marine worm that exploded to life as a result of diverse flora exhaling abundant oxygen for all creatures to share.

You, with other Cambrian Bioturbators of the Inner Hemisphere, engineered ecosystems on ocean floors, but at the same time disturbed the ecology by burrowing into previously undisturbed microbial mats.

Your burrows mixed and recycled dead organic material causing a global warming. The atmosphere had changed.  Rising CO2 levels resulted in mass extinction of many friendly burrowers that your family had encountered during those prosperous one hundred thousand years of seabed bioturbation.

While taking shelter from the encircling Outer Hemispheric sand storm, my eBike family and I find fossilized traces of tunnels on the rust red rock wall of this undergroud chamber.

"Perhaps biodiffusers, such as ahha Planolites organism, inhabited this rust red wall billions of moonths ago causing ahha moderate EEI (ecosystem engineering impact) when ahha ocean covered the surface of ahha Oxia Planum, " suggests Alfeem. 

))))) Carbon Rapture (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.180AT

There seems to be tonnes of aliphatic carbon leaking from stars, in vast clouds of greasy electromagnetic radiation. 

My eBike team intends to design a mechanism that filters undesirable grease and radiation from interstellar space.

This RAP net (Repurposed Aliphatic Products) would be lightyears wide and the thickness of an atom. Every quantum particle of the net is entangled (to the eighteenth degree) for instantaneous communications as to the amounts of carbon that is being captured. A troupe of eCyclists would attach a portion of the RAP net to their handbars and spin across the Silky Way. The chains of aliphatic hydro carbons would reconfigure into rings of aromatic carbons during this filtering process.

A desirable aromatic oil, to be available on all Hemispheres, would be marketed as Carbon Rapture.

"The rhadiated waste product could be sequesterhed in the galactic centerh. Pollution cannot escape a black hole. Nothing can escape it, rhight?" Alfom asks.

))))) Rust Red Storm (((((

eBike2mars.com 14Gyr+0118.177AT

Our storm shelter is a subsurface chamber below chaotic terrain of this equatorial quadrangle. Magma vapor streams from a fissure where the rock wall and floor of the chamber adjoin. We collect the vapor, let it condense and enjoy a mug of magma tea.

"How strong is ahha wind gust during these storms?" Alfeem asks. 

"Half the speed of wind on Inner Hemispherean deserts, about.."

"mmMama," interrupts Alfanda, "tell us a story. I'mmm tired of listening to everything scientific."

))))) G Section (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.168AT

"Look at that puffy cosmmmic object in Saggitarius," shouts Alfanda.

"It appearhs to be gas, but acting like a starh," Alfom notes.

We brake, then dismount from our eBikes.

"Let's measure the wavelength. Hmm, it's a bloated star due to gravitational interference of our galaxy's SMBH,"  I explain.

Visibility here at Xanthe Terre is as far across as the Bioverse. We observe these G Objects in the center section of our Silky Way. 

"Therhe's dust in the airh, Mama Marhzee!' Alfom exclaims.

The visibility shifts suddenly to zero. We rush to an overhang that leads subsurface.  

))))) Amateur Anthecologist (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.164AT

On his first solo climb over the crib rail and out the back door, ZG Daqlen watches the early morning pollenators of his hemisphere's Bearview district. Under the eave a solitary mason bee, who does not sting, builds its nest from the garden bed clay. A slow flying beetle returns from his feast on rhododendron blooms. The bumble's buzz hits the frequency that releases pollen on the tomato anther. Wow, Daq is learning flower ecology before Daddy discovers that he escaped his bedroom.

In other districts, the midge fly pollenates chocolate, the metallic green sweat bee gathers floral resources from multiple plant species and the Monarch requires milkweed during migration. Congratulations to the Atala butterfly who returns from extinction via the Coontie bush. Thanks to the hummingbird's ten inch tongue that can reach inside orchids. And to the desert bats that bring agave to life. And to the residents of all hemispheres who keep their leaf litter intact so that moths can pupate, 94 percent of them.

With no agricultural pollution, my eBike crew imagines an era when pollenation was booming here at Gale Crater, honey of indescribable savor, pollen containing over 20 percent protein. Due to natural climate change around 10Gyr, pollenating species collapsed along with plant life. 

Can we reverse pollinator decline? Yes, one yard at a time. By encouraging native growth and voting for Ph. Styles as Pollenation Ambassador to the Bioverse.


))))) Sawatch Unconformity (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.151AT

Follow the reddish trail, an Indian route in use for over ten thousand years, formed one billion years ago, a protrusion above the continental crust. Plates shifted. Erosion left Tava Peak somewhat horizontal. During your morning hike take notice that the fault has angled rock layers about 20 degrees. Can you smell that Sawatch sandstone and wild sage?

Across the Tharsis rise, where my eBike wheels are spinning, two rocks of different ages meet, an Outer Hemispherean Unconformity similar to the Tava Peak area fault, gaps in geologic time. 

))))) Kokopelli (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.150AT

All paths crossing the great plain converge at the foot of the pass. Clouds blanket the ridge. Grey swoops ahead of the white puffs. Looks like Kokopelli, with native flute, stepping onto the peak to roam beyond the skies, then returning to sow the tribal land with trills of gourd vines and corn sprouts

Kokopelli is everywhere. You can shop for one on the avenue adjacent to Soda Springs Park. The humpbacked flute player appears as a magnet, silver earrings, paint on pottery, copper sculpture or woven into a jute fiber rug. Watch out. There's one on the sidewalk in front of you.

During your souvenir shopping, my eBike crew and I spin across an unnamed ridge in Xanthe Terra.

"Look, Mama," shouts Alfeem, "another ahha Kokopelli."

Indeed, the rust red outcrop ahead resembles the legedary figurine..

))))) Noctis Labyrinthus (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.148AT

To the east of the Tharsis Bulge we spin across Noctis Labyrinthus which is part of a canyon system that reaches 2500 miles toward Eos Chasmata's chaotic terrain. My eBike family and I hypothesize that a fault running 30 miles below our wheels delivers natural carbonation to subsurface springs.  Moving from the upper Mantle, deep-seated water could mix with karst aquifer resulting in natural effervescence.

"The Ute Pass Fault on the Inner Hemisphere provides a conduit for carbon dioxide and dihydrogen monoxide to mix then empty at surface springs," I explain to my Tripplets. 

"Mama Marhzee, have you trhaveled therhe?" asks Alfom.

"What is the flavor of ahha H2O at the Ute?" Alfom wonders. 

"Tell us mmmore," insists Alfanda.

Ubeyou pitches the geodesic tent. We snuggle into our sleeppouches. Then I tell them about my travels to Ute Pass, the mineral flavors of the numerous springs, the playful carbonation fizz in my nose, the lithium fountain that made me dizzy, the hint of iron in the coldest water. And the story of the Osha root, a plant praised by Tecumseh and tribes that inherited Ute Pass for generations.  Bears, herbalists of the animal tribe, dig up the root to make an herbal paste for their fur.

I dream about Osha, also known as Ligusticum porter or bear root. I dream that we find it growing in the higher elevations of the arid rust red terrain on the Tharsis Bulge. 


))))) Gravitational Confluence (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.142AT

Before arrival at the confluence, ZGB Daq tests the gravitation at a slow flowing brook near the sidewalk tunnel. He gradually leans toward a stoneless pool at the water's edge. Splush, free fall face first into that brook as his angle of inclination exceeds the upward centrifugal pull.

After a change into dry clothes, Zero Gravity Boy toddles toward the Chewuch and Mythow River confluence where he stares at the green tongue, a safe passage through the rapids. Wave holes downstream create an upstream thrust. 

"Carved channels at Arabia Terra indicate that there were active riverbeds four billion years ago here on the Outer Hemmmisphere," says Alfanda. 

I co....   ..  (2continue)


))))) Quantathon 0118 (((((

eBike2mars.com 14Gyr+0118.141AT

From parsecs across the Bioverse, Quarks of all colors meetup with nuclear physicists on the Inner Hemisphere's Itala district to exchange results of reactions in proton collisions.

ZG Daqlen and family meet at Castle Wisp in the Mythow Valley district to review the effect of toddlers on quarks in aircraft, at Seatac's gum alley, under the space needle, with caged rabbits and across Falls Creek falls.

My eBike team here on the Outer Hemi present our result. "The pressure keeping two up quarks and one down quark together in the nucleon is 10^35 Pascals, more than enough to create a Big Bing and resulting Bioverse when a proton is bombarded by a photon at the effective speed/angle. We at OMOC, Olympus Mons Observatory and Collidor, solemnly uphold this conclusion."








))))) Variations On A Light Curve (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.134AT

During the presentation at ARI astronomy institute, TPyx has indigestion. This means that it will eject gas again in years to come. A variable star observer, under the guidance of Ella Afka, keeps a lense directed at TPyx and notates its brightness on a phetometry chart.

Marzy observes another star, Chi Cygni, from the Olympus Mons observatory on the Outer Hemi. She draws its light curve, noting that it changes forty percent in size during a 407 day cycle.

Across the Bioverse pulsating stars eject waterfalls of nuclear radiation, then return to hydrostatic equilibrium, digesting hydrgen at normal rates. Binary explosive stars burp during their ten hour orbits. All supernovae 1a fall on the same light curve, reaching the same absolute brightness. Younger stars rotate faster than their elders.

So why are amateur astronomers on all hemispheres bursting with enthusiasm to observe these variations?  

Their exquisite rendering of light curves fuse art with astronomy.  

))))) Cryptochrome (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.121AT

"Is it possible to see a mmmagnetic field?" Alfanda asks anxiously as we spin from the cobble.

My Trippplets require answers at ....    (2continue)  

))))) Waternish Conglomerate (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.118AT

"Mama Marhzee, look at the weatherhing rhinds of lithologic species acrhoss the Planum," shouts Alfom. 

My eBike crew samples a diversity of clasts this side of the cobble Arrochar on Meridiana Planum while Daqlen, on his hemisphere, tosses a diversity of mica speckled stones into Eaver Park Creek. He stares at a rabbit crossing the riparian barrier which protects ninety species of darter fish from pesticide runoff. 

Daqlen chases a pair of robins to a staircase on the embankment. As part of zero gravity training, he transports himself up then down the slope by the seat of his Oshkosh overalls. Up slidedown, up slidedown. Dizzydizzy. Ten more times. His view of the watershed spins like the Planum wind uncovering secondary mineral deposits of the Waternish conglomerate where my crew observes remnants of the humid Noachian paleoenvironment. 

They report to me, "lithological variations between sets of clasts indicate that 2928450956 years ago, Waternish conglomerate was geologically similar to the southern appalachia watershed, with the possibility of sustaining prehistoric mussels, beavers, and more diversity of crayfish than the rest of the Bioverse." 

))))) Jinda Meets Ninda (((((

eBike2mars.com 14Gyr+0118.104AT

The meetup, arranged by Abbyg, happens today.

(Sorry my eBike crew cannot participate today. We are touring Gale Crater.)

Ninda offers permaculture advice to Jinda as they tour the lovely plot in the Herbaceous Sector of the Inner Hemisphere. Persian limes, Ceylon spinach, Mexican mint, African blue basil, Florida natives... and many more cover the ground. Not clearly in view is the subsurface. Root systems, rootlets and mycelium filaments organize themselves like the magnetotails of Mercury's magnetic substorms. Energetic electron plasmoids are generated during magnetic reconnection.  Field lines flow inward from above and below, then spring outward horizontally. This pattern is displayed in the Magnetosphere of planets as well as under the ground of permaculture plots.

Point the Xray microscope down to view the starbursts of root growth in your yard. 


))))) Chain of Spines (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.098AT

Blowout. Where's the tool pouch? Ah here. Bracing the tire iron against the eBike wheel, I slide it under the rim. Ouch. I sat on a, a spine.

A chain of spines spreads like spider legs of Tarantula Nebula across this ironwood forest, rock formations that seem to be growing from the limestone desert. The spiny chain on the desert floor among the formations are a remnant of the Echino cactus that flourished here, a 2200 square meter eco system in equatorial Marineris, until three billion years ago when climate shocked the Outer Hemisphere. 

The ironwood tree, in the national monument district of the Inner Hemisphere, provides shade for desert inhabitants. The pygmy owl nesting in a saguaro watches a pink flower bloom on one of the one hundred remaining turks head Echinos (a variety of the now extinct cactus of Marineris). Ouch ouch, a swarm of cactus bees sting the Bighorn Sheep, keeping them from trampling the Echinos that gradually form their Magellanic Cloud-like fruit.       

))))) Gell Mann's Eulogy (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.091AT

The self proclaimed experimentalist, Gell Mann, who learned calculus at age seven, secured first prize for his contribution to elementary quanta. To commemorate him, Daqlen and family attend the Salvage Science Fair (not to be confused with Salvation Church where neighbors gather to distribute mythical data). 

At this science fair our sun is on display through lenses of a hydrogen alpha telescope that lets in the red spectrum, wave lengths of 636.6 nanometers. A calcium k filter shows ultra violet magnification. No corona visible today, but a small area of magnetic activity appears against the chromosphere or is it the photosphere?

Scientists of the Ivy Watershed map out drainage flaws. Spectators are amazed by Caddisfly larva that create jewelry in stream beds from their  cocoon cases. 

From the mountainside black bear Ursus glances down at the wildlife skull exhibit while nibbling bear corn (Conopholis) to wake up its digestive system after hibernation. Plethodon, the salamander, plays hide'nseek on peaks of the spruce forest, part of a temperate eco region that supports the most salamanders in the hemisphere. There is one with stripes hiding behind your left shoe! 

"-q-q-quarrr-quark--rrrk-q-quark--" Elevated in a pulpit shaped branch, the visiting Cardinal eulogizes Gell Mann. 

Marzy commemorates him by revolving her eBike wheels across Naukluft Plateau in sync with half spins of nucleon particles.  

))))) Eastar Eve (((((

eBike2mars.com 14Gyr+0118.090AT

An arrangement of white anorthosite, samples originating from moons and Mars, adorns Ursula's mantel, while her neighbors choose bouquets of white lilies on the dining table. 

Sky watchers wait for the flash of satellite Tiangong due to fall, while believers holding Vibles praise the ascension of crucified flesh. 

We, at Otjizonjati Outcrop, arrange mica and anorthosite meteorites around the eBikes this eve. As the eastar rises, its rays light up our circle of minerals and dilates our irises. Elsewhere in the Bioverse, fiery debris from the death of a red giant, the eye of Constellation Rabbit, cools rearranging itself into exotic orbits.


))))) The Grand UM ((((( 

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.084AT

Our EXO school program includes a special assignment in ultrativity. Upon completion we hope to earn a nomination for the Obel Prize.

"At the basic level, every object/concept, sub subatommmic to mmmacro cosmmmic, is commmposed of particles (such as leptons), waves (such as photons) and/or dynammmics (force, energy, processes, unknowns)," says Alfanda.

"Parhticles. Waves. Dynamics." Alfom repeats.

"That is correct," I reply.  "Let's organize from quantum to eons. Our theorem must integrate everything in the Bioverse."

The class regroups their data, then writes down most of the "logy" courses as in geology, bio.., archeo.., etc. The "omy" group includes astronomy, phlebot.., gastron..,etc. The "tics", mathema.., gene.., the "sics", phy.., etc. . And all others including but not limited  to "sophy" as in philo.., "rts" as in culinary a..,  ..,  ..... .

Pause, stretch, check the eBike charge, adjust O2 pouches.

Back at the notebooks Alfom raises his hand, "Mama Marhzee, I've calculated a prheliminary solution for the Grhand Unifying Multiplierh."

8pi/3(5^3/2 ly +[p,w,d])-1=1+GUM or simplified as M=e/14Gly, (not to be confused with m=E/c^2) where M equals the unifying Multiplier and e equals every equation. 

Meanwhile on the Inner Hemisphere, ZGB Daqlen tosses plastic eggs out of his basket. He prefers to hunt for oblong stones, puddles, pi cones and things unknown.


))))) Ground Water Day (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.081AT

To provide and preserve hydrology for all, water flow joined forces to infiltrate the subsurface. Sadly it was captured in the phraetic zone which confined flow forces between layers of clay. But at last, water escapes into a stream channel flowing along a fluvial pathway to a rocky cliff. This is where Groundwater Day begins and ends, begins and ends with the same beginning and end every day. The flow becomes a self repeating waterfall. Over the cliff into a natural rock pool, seeping back between subterranean clay, the water again escapes to the channel, fluvial pathway over a cliff into pool, seeps between clay, escapes phraetic zone, flows to cliff, 

waterfall, pool, seep, capture, clay, escape, channel, cliff , waterfall, pool, seep, capture, clay, escape, channel, cliff, waterfall ... seep ...channel ...waterfall

Happy Groundwater Day from my eBike team. Thinking of you as we spin down Pahrump Hills again and again.

))))) The Rhizosphere Dispute (((((

eBike2mars.com 14Gyr+0118.080AT

EXOterrestrial specialists have completed their abstracts for the Rhizospheric Conference to be held this daun at Phyllosilicate Valley.

Well, where is everyone?        rrrrd-d-drrnnn drrnnn

The droning of eBikes follow the shoreline along the extinct Deuteronilus Ocean, the alternate route to the Valley. There is chatter.

"Extra radical mycelium, a vehicle for colonization of the rhizosphere, facilitates movement of carbon to roots of plants and is antagonistic to a broad range of pathogens," explains Professor Myccorhizal.

"The element originates from the one hundred ninety two tons of carbon per year that end up here on the Outer Hemisphere as interplanetary dust and as organic molecular rings, -C-H-O-N-, that drop from asteroids or comets on hyperbolic orbits," continues the under graduate with the green helmet.

A third specialist speaks out. "None of that is relevant. We are meeting to determine if there is, or is not, a rhizosphere in the Phyllosilicate Valley."

They dismount at the valley's entrance. Ubeyou escorts them to their seats. Alfanda passes out copies of the abstracts. I proceed subsurface to uncover the hyphae patch.      chch tttatrr chrttcht     Indistinguishable chatter.

One by one the EXOspecialists step below to examine the sample hyphae and hosts, then resurface to their places. I re-cover the patch and rush to the conference area. More chatter, that is, dispute.

"I examined the individual decay channels and found insufficient bacterial populations for a rhizospheric colony to exist," shouts number three.

Prof Mycc disagrees, "There is an abundant of microflora and mesofauna with some fluid surrounding the soil aggregates, typical of rhizospheres."

"But there are no macrofauna such as slugs larger than two millimeters. The sample patch, at best, mimics an ectosphere, not a rhizosphere," insists Greenie.

"Nitrogen based chitin in cell walls of fungus hyphae comes from the glucose manufactured by the host plant and is deposited into the rhizosphere. This is the same chitin found in the exoskeletons of insects that inhabit the rhizosphere, the same chitin as in the seta hairs of Kiwa Hoff Crabs that inhabit hydro thermal vents in polar oceans. In our sample patch the chemistry is inconsistent, with a silicate based chitin. However the hyphae clearly display rhizospheric morphology, " explains the Wootite.

"It's impossible for a rhizosphere to exist on the Outer Hemisphere."  

"But the subsurface of Phyllosilicate Valley is largely unexplored."  

"I conclude yes to Rhizosphere." 

"I conclude this conference a waste of time. I'm jumping back to my lab on the Inner Hemi."

"I say that Marzy and her team are brilliant."

If a turquoise browed motmot drops a tail feather onto the valley, above the subterranean patch, before the dispute is settled, that moment of impact could ever change the outcome of our soil ecology. 

))))) On Pacebook (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.076AT

Hundreds of green spinners celebrate Patricks Day, a long parade of spokes flashing in infra violet rays. 

Herin's ultra sonic fetal child bounces against the inner wall of her dark womb with each twist of the Trek. At the base of Beaucatcher, Mother-to-be-again gently downshifts to avoid overwhelming bounces. The family poses for a portrait, Herin. Camlin, Daqlen and She-to-be.

Follow them on Pacebook.


))))) Neutron Shooting Range (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.074AT

My eBike crew and I, at the base of Bagnold, finish our low gravity snacks, while Persimmon volunteers clear pledge tables after the inner hemispherean lunch break. They return to offices on their city block. We spin a meridean away to the neutron shooting range.

Our goal is to enable comb shaped silicon lenses to perceive a new range of details by shooting uncharged particles at them. B-b-boom. The lenses act as a diffraction grating. But our "firearm" misses the target which is a chunk of rock behind the grates. We adjust the lens angle slightly to better match the rock's index of refraction. B-b-boom. The neutrons make a direct bounce, so that the equipment, called an interferometer, shows the precise location of four minerals inside the target rock.

The pattern of this rock's interior, beautifully designed by nature millions of years ago, resembles Leasta's primitive acrylic strokes with particles that shift intensity when the observer changes perspective.

))))) Quagadougou (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.071AT

The tribal Messi wives of Quagadougou share their super plants with Appalachians and with my crew on the Outer Hemisphere: their fonio, teff ferment, baobab leaf, zoombala probiotic, dehydrated ayoyo, cow pea protein, okra flowers, shea butter on red rice and gboma eggplant greens.

This is a weekenn of sharing among Hemisphereans of every creed (including the Wootite), organized by OGC, Organic Growers Campus. Pam's plot offers warm sown swee potato slips. Mike enhances soil ecosystems. Becca chooses vital herbs to relieve rumination at mucosal interfaces between your organs and the outside world.  Forests and pollinators are regenerated by student/instructor proactive solutions.

At twiligh, an overweight suburban black bear trundles from that campus to the Interstate, removes her tracking collar at the Virtual Fence that she created, scratches the microchip under her skin and cuddles with four cubs in their den next to the exit ramp.      

))))) Sand Slide Murmur (((((

eBike2mars.com 14Gyr+0118.068AT

At the flank of Mount Sharp, Ubeyou begins EXO mineral class with clasts containing monazite.

"A portion of this monazite ridge collapsed at the crevice. Pouncing from our hemisphere, the rock blasted toward the Inner Hemisphere as a meteor. It landed on the NWA 7034 sector where meteorite specialists study that tiny clast under a Back Scatter Electron Detector," explains Ubeyou.

"But we don't need ahha Detector. There's ahha large sample of monazite on ahha clast outcrop in front of us," says Alfeem.

Ubeyou continues the lesson, "When cerium is removed from Monazite, Didymium is the material that remains, used in glassblower's goggles. Als..."

"When is ahha EXO sports class?" Alfeem shouts pointing to Bagnold Dune. The wind is crossing it at an angular speed ideal for sand surfing.

So, instead of studying the calcium silicate perovskite encased in a diamond that surfaced from the mantle, the class spins up Bagnold Dune. Instead of explaining the ramifications of geo activities in trapped water rich ringwoodite, Ubeyou bolts eBike Tanndem onto the slider. He listens for the murmur of the sand, " SssLLLiide nowwW." The slider board catches the wave on the slip side of the dune. Gripping the frame of the eBike, students and teacher surf down the direction of sand migration, a sports exercise in EXO sand sliding rather than a study of how carbon cycles itself by sliding into the oceanic crust, into depths of the core, then resurfacing via crater eruptions or sand murmurs.   

))))) Tanbark Ridge (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.064AT

On the far end of that inner ridge, your side, sheep sorrel sprouts and great mullein spreads its furry leaf along the base of the cliff. A range called Swanoa shades Haw Creek and adjacent valleys where ZGB Daq rides his safety pouch in the rear seat of Daddy's Pilot. Zip to Tuesday care. Zoom to stephens indoor playground. Zing to visit canine Sylva. Zonk around the aisles of Rader Jo's. Zwim at Zam's  Lake Powaton picnic party. Zeem off the Woodfin slide. Zcrounge in Scrounger's Daradise. Zisten to the call of owl, bear, bumble, maple branches tapping... and ztep along the Sea to Mount Trail. A neighborhood mount called Craggy, rising majestically over the escarpment, is dwarfed by its distant Himalayan cousin (nearly 9km elev.) which is dwarfed by Olympus Mons located on this outer side of the ridge at nearly 80Ksp  (approx 25 km high) with two volcanic craters, Karzok and Pangboche.

On this outer side of the ridge, where my crew and I spin, bio environs struggle.  Rust red plains and peaks barely support very few Quadrupeds, the blind hare and nocturnal gemlin that inhabit the surface, and marsaurosts that travel in shallow tunnels. No maple branches. However, in the Subsurface, diverse species of fungus flourish, one of which converts unfriendly Oxygen to breathable air. We carry clumps of that Oxyfungus in pouches strapped to our shoulders and breath it through flextubules. Suits of mica/nickel alloy protect our gear and ourselves from radiation overdose. On this side of the ridge, spinning into the Tharsis quadrangle, we adjust to the harsh elements. You, on the inner side of the ridge, effortlessly exist.

Indeed, Tanbark Ridge delineates the Great Hemispheric Divide, a boundary between the inner and outer Sol System.

))))) 602 Sextillion (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.060AT

 Alfanda and I take a spin beyond 6020000000000000000000000 atoms to Orcadie Lake Bed for a meetup with rover Kuriosit. Upon our arrival, the drill on its robotic arm bores a .05sp deep hole (about a centimeter)  and collects a gram of pulverized minerals including hydroxides. 

"It takes 47250 grams of this terrain to extract one liter of water (of which 666.6 grams are Hydrogen, 333.3 grams are Oxygen) after heating/filtering/condensing, according to .."

"That process is as nasty as fracking, mmMama," Alfanda interrupts me. "Why would a robotic armmm or a touring eCyclist proceed with extraction when there is so mmmuch vapor and liquid in the subsurface?" 

Besides, if one gram of Hydrogen contains 602 sextillion protons, then one liter of water contains 1000 X 602 sextillion protons. And if a blue whale, twice the size of the most massive dinosaur, consumes 602000 liters of krill per day, a whale whose calf suckles 602 liters of milk daily, then 1000 X 602 sextillion mama blue whales with their families could swim inside a 602 sextillion sextillion L oceanic black hole. 

))))) the SWED (((((

eBike2mars.com 14Gyr+0118.058AT

My crew has completed assembly of SWED, the Sound Wave Enhancement Device.

The Trippplets unveil the prototype, which is wired to our eBike batteries, as Ubeyou announces, "The SWED magnifies transverse waves of sound, much like scope lenses intensify an image, This device has a 3.3 AU range (Astronomical Unit), which means that from here at the unnamed crater, it is possible to listen to asteroids belting and solar winds flaring."  

I aim the SWED antenna toward the Ridge Art district of the Inner Hemisphere. Incredible quivers radiate from the speaker, sound waves of Bartok performed by the Tesla String Quartet. Bedazzled as an imploding red giant, we imagine the cellist swaying in all directions, the violist jumping out of his chair and violins pointing to the stars and back. It's like we have front row seats there in the concert chamber. 

To those of you who are not in attendance, it is recommended that you stay tuned to the MountX Press for quartet announcements. Or assemble a new SWED with your local crew.   

))))) Stellar Connections (((((

eBike2mars.com 14Gyr+0118.055AT

Dear TEVE, the Outer Hemisphereans look forward to more grandchildren updates from your Hempshire district. Happy moons, Marzy

WOOT's fortune cookie: May the minerals you've collected in your home and heart ever circulate from the closest tendons to distant aquaintances.

message to FEZOM: Embrace your parents. They are an exclusive link between past and future macrocosmic solutions.

for MIISHA and DUSST, To predict auroras at Castle Wisp, monitor electrons of the chorus waves until they dance in the magnetosphere above Mythow Valley.

for KORKIE, When you uncork poetic phrases, they are brilliant as a quasar.

to SHAWNAM, You've already mastered sailing the sun. Now take a dip in the looking glass with your sole son. 

help wanted from ABBYG and TOML: with a billion crude spilled and food supplies endangered by sterile seeds, we need your sustainabilities to keep the hemispheres balanced.

note to ALEXANKA... Years and distance become an illusion when you feel the strong interaction between your positive ions and the Bioversal family.

bon voyage, BRIN, on your next paddle venture and trips beyond the Mobile district.

thanks to HALLEN for bringing waterfalls of qi to the Brew Ridge sector of the Inner Hemi.

greetings to PON JOTTER

SCIENCE TAVERNERS reach beyond the visible cosmos and sink below hemispheric sea levels to reunite Pangaea.

hi DRUMMERS: Eff and Ara's Inlet, Inda unlimited,  Agbo of Camp Afrik, Ofi Denn, Huk/Obin duo. Oyce and her Crane Prairie troupe, Dadama of LEAF, Harmaine Dun, ... if you can hum it, you  can drum it.

to LARA and the Reunioneers of '67,  I leave the rhythmic harmonies of our class song. a note for each of you.

DEA and the Kungfuers, Continue the Master's tradition of conditioning, keep shoulders relaxed and foundation strong.

text to LORISS,  thx for being the most caring companion, at times when no other could handle the complexity of Gramma's requests.

congratulations, MAYAL, for all your accomplishments in the Arasota district: massage graduate, holistic communicator and edible landscape volunteer.

papayas from ATASHA are the delicacies of distance. 

TRANSITIONERS, your presence on the Hemisphere brings Open Studio produce to sidewalk markets, encourages recycled sun rays to rooftops and parades resilient messages to the community.

ring ring, hello INDALINDA, Your telephone voice through the years has carried amazing feelings through me which I've learned to communicate to others. 

DR.G's hens lay deep yellow yolks like a dozen sunrises. 

With FROB's efforts, the Reef Memorial remains a special sector of the Gulf. Without Frob, this ebsite would have no origin.

FEATHER,  I select you to be representative of our extended FAMILY, to keep the cousins and great grand cousins connected, to plan gatherings in any place/time circumstance and to exercise your artistic abilities throughout the constellations.

attn BROTHERS Alf, Willbee and Garrence... the Entanglement of our genes brings you closer to me as time/place moves away.

CAMLIN, HERIN and DAQ,  We as a family mark a revolutionary kwantum field in the Silky Way by connecting the stars with boundless smoke that radiates from our smoldering soles. .  

reminder for ALL my Stellar Connections: Press Save, as memories are what compose us. 

))))) Presidential Penumbras (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.054AT

Shadows of past Presidenns haunt us this moonth. The darkest times tolerated human auctioneering. Shady administrators ignored the constitutional liberties of citizens other than politicians. In the murky corners of the White House, resident dogs licked the snotty corruption from our leaders' noses resulting in some positive change: third gender rights, whispers of weapon control, Gore's environmental enlightenments, eBike legislation.

Marzy continues to vote for McGovern. 

))))) Negative Matter (((((

eBike2mars.com 14Gyr+0118.053AT

ZGB Daqlen, the zero gravity boy, sorts through his Inner Hemispherean gadgets which include crashing echo blocks, the mousy music box and laughing taxicab that moves backwards when he pushes it, but wheels forward when he pulls it toward himself. For that to happen, his cab most likely contains a component of negative matter.  Negative matter (Nm) weighs less than zero and possesses no mass, no friction, no temperature no nothing.

Nm reacts unintuitively by our perspectives. Where core gravity pulls strongly, Nm floats away from a hemispheric surface. When core gravity is weak, such as on the Outer Hemi, then Nm becomes more stable.

As my wheels spin and brake along this desolate rust red terrain far from Daq's terrain, my eBike remains gravitationally intact under the influence of negative matter. During these online journeys my hands are far from him, my sole grandchild who claps to the beat of Nm popping corn.


)))))) Clmpsgrbbr (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.052AT

Moments before daun, galaxy clusters shimmer across the parsecs like flocks of migrating geese reflected onto deep blue great lakes. Surrounding the starlight, a mysterious "activator" holds the Bioverse together and prevents dark holes from enveloping ageless protons that were born once upon the primordial explosion. This amorphous multi dimensional Clmpsgrbbr, pronounced clumps grabber, is a thin film the thickness of a hadron that fills the space between brightness and black. The Clmpsgrbbr contains its own anti grabber, but instead of annihilating  itself, it clumps together pieces of exploding systems to keep expansion/contraction at a universal rate. When necessary, the grabber releases clumps rather than grabs them. Clmpsgrbbr permeates the present, past tense, future and conditional warps including the protonic alignment in your eBike battery. 

)))))) EcoAstronomics (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.048AT

Alfeem, Alfom and Alfanda choose their site, an unnamed crater with partial shade at a latitude on the edge of equatorial Planum. I approve of that sector.


They scavenge for materials to build their EXO home school  project, a no footprint exercise in ecoAstronomics.   

sheets of Perovskite and potassium mica. 100 sq meters.   Tungsten diselenide, 10 grams.   Surface plasmons as needed.   Fungus powder for adhesive.    condensed Magma vapor which is available 24/7 extruding from the crater wall as a vapor "spring".


Before construction begins, my Trippplets review the layers of the hemisphere to confirm that their planned structure is in harmonic resonance with the elemental chemistry of the surrounding place/time continuum. 

"The solid innerh corhe of ourh Outerh Hemi contains irhon, nickel and sixteen perhcent sulphurh. It shoots out a sporadic magnetism." Alfom reminds us.

"And ahha pasty silicate mantle surrounds the core," adds Alfeem.

Alfanda ponders, "Lithospheric deformmmation effects the stress field in volcanic edifices. This can influence mmmagmmma transport, though there is no tectonic mmmovemmment."

We can clearly recognize the dusty rust red powder that covers the basalt rock crust. In the space above, the atmospheric mass measures 25  terratonnes with remnants of an ancient magnetosphere. At a 7000 kilometer altitude from the equatorial plane is the aerosynchronous orbit. 


"Mama Marhzee."   "Come ahha here."   "We commmpleted our ecoAstronommmic project."

The Trippps built a geodesic solar collector that shelters an E V charging station, a layered greenhouse, compost heap and tiny living quarters. Magma vapor from the subsurface provides moisture for seedlings and condensation for bubbly magma tea. Pass your mug.


))))) Valentines Decay (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.044 AT

In the Collider >>>>>> % <<<<<<< two protons crash on Valentines eve, by chance, at speeds of light. Within a femto second they very briefly transform to a W boson, weighing in at 80370 MeV, then decaying into one muon (u) and one neutrino (v). With the release of (L), latent energy, the new moment brings them (L)(u)(v). 


f flash --mul incoming-- from Ibemee@emul.om       Hi Marzy and crew,  here is a heart and arrow for each of you: <(v)< <(v)< <(v)< <(v)< <(v)<    Also attached is a PFD  with a chapter from the Looss Leaf collection. Hopefully your new Amsun Combbook will translate the file accurately.

Floridawn- Chapter three of the State Story- stage is set in gray. Musicians are stage left with their bells, chimes and gong. There is a cluster of cycads in front of the mound (to where all props are swept between acts) Dancer is covered with cloud fabric, standing near cycads. Various plants are center stage but partially covered with cloud fabric. Second dancer is posing as a tree holding a palm frond in one arm and pine branch in other-

You, the Yaba narrator, speaks. "Before disappearing into the flow of dawn, we, the mist, settle over sand hills, linger at the Zamia cycads and cross the roots of a Torreya Cedar."

"We the mist uncover clusters of Gymnosperms bearing cones. The spikemoss Selaginella and Cladonia lichens stretch themselves across the ground. Pteridophyta, the elegant fern, sporadically spreads her spores. And look, Serenoa umbrellas the spores with palmate fronds."

- bell rhythm accompanies Dancer 2 placing palm fronds over ground cover - 

Yaba, "Pinus Palustris drops a needle into an ephemeral pond."

- Dancer 2 drops needle into pond -bell rhythm continues-

Chantor chants. "Pinus palustris drops needles

                           into an ephemeral pond."

- Dancer 1 drops needles into pond-

Yaba points to pond, "Silky Spirogyra, a member of the green algae clan, from which all land plants evolved, float to the edge of the pond. Flagellating beneath the surface are microscopic Euglenoids that support chloroplasts with proteinaceous strips. The Amoebozoan drifter, having no cell wall, is able to shift its shape and still manage to contain its nucleus." 

Chantor chants, "Silky Spirogyra evolves.

                           Amoebas drift and shift their shapes."

- dawn colored lights appear at upstage horizon-

Yaba voice continues, "Rays from the horizon salute the plant kingdom, but push us aside. Now the mist is invisible."

-Dancers disappear behind the mound, covering themselves and the mound with cloud fabric-

-gong, three pulses- 

Chantor chants, "Floridawn, Cycadaceous plant life rises"

-light of dawn becomes brighter at stage horizon-

-bell pulses in chapter's rhythm-

Chantor, "Floridawn, Cycadaceous plant life shines.

-Dancer enters playing finger cymbals in chapter rhythm-

Chantor, "Floridawn."

-the crescent of sunrise appears at upstage horizon-

-bell, cymbals and gong-

-Dancer two enters toward the cycads, lifts one and dances-

Chantor, "Floridawn, Zamia's slim glossy leaves.

                Floridawn, Zamia's long reaching root.

                Brilliant seeds burst from 

                the velvety cone. Floridawn.

 ..... (2continue)

))))) Census And Sensibility (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.038 AT

Upon my return to the  equatorial overhang, my crew is celebrating the launch anniversary of Explorer One. 

While he inflates fungus balloons, Ubeyou mentions that Ibemee is expected shortly at his abode in K Aarhst. 

"But isn't he advising politicians on the Inner Hemisphere?" I ask him. 

"No" "Talking" "Business", the Trippps yell. They want me to party with them. Clap Drum Pounce Tickle Toss Chew Swallow ...  

After dusk Ibemee  jumps across hemispheres, his eBike dropping him down to the protrusion at K Aarhst. He begins his new job as census taker immediately, as the skies are unpolluted, with incredible views of the Silky Way.  His orders are to begin the count with number of galaxies. He surfs the starlight with a portable Kepler type lens. Using gravitational magnification, he is able to approximate one hundred billion total galaxies circling the Bioverse.  Number of stars in the Silky Way, about 250 billion within its diameter of 100,000 light years (as compared to sister Andromeda with close to one trillion stars).  

Ibemee adjusts the focus. Festive nebulae, thousands of them, brighten the galactic horizons. He is able to approximate number of planets within our spiral at ten billion, moon count undetectable. Now, the space trash inventory includes satellites, spacecrafts and chunks of debris. Number one, a Tesla roadster exits the Gravity Belt, check. Number two, 1800 satellites orbit the Inner Hemisphere, 14 orbit the Outer Hemisphere, 2 spacecrafts  speed beyond this planetary system, check, check, checkcheck chchchchchchhhhhhhh......... other space trash to be tallied by the Solar Sisters. Inventory of live colonies in progress. Any questions.

"Yes, have you taken a poll of lifeforms as to how many are selfing pollinators, how many are outcroppers and if any are cross bloomers?" you ask.

Here propagation occurs mainly in the Subsurface where fungi thrive. Terrestrial conditions on most Hemispheres do not support blooms. It is sensible for the classroom at Warre Wilso  to complete the pollination census.


))))) TOTEM Glueballs (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.037 AT

Subatomic populations here on the Outer Hemisphere are not yet inventoried by telescopes and rovers currently surveying this rust red terrain. In my eBike pouch there is equipment that can take a census of undocumented particles. I set up the CMS (compact muon cellunoid) and TOTEM defractor. Immediately they detect the possible existence of glueballs floating around (groups of gluons that gather independent of their proton hosts). Look at the guage, a Pomeron just flashed! which is a particle that can appear when protons exchange an even number of gluons whose total color charge equals zero. Then they change direction and go their own ways, according to QCD (quantum chromodynamics)  The gauge lights up again.  An odd number of gluons exchange between protons, implying the presence of Adderons, which QCD predicts but does not confirm.  

Let me think, do I count one glueball as a single entity for the census? no, because glueballs are composite particles. Instead, I will count gluons one at a time. After all, they are the carrier of the strong interaction keeping nucleons from falling apart or collapsing.  Wait, how do I count an object that is merely 10^-15 meters and has a lifespan of 10^-20 seconds? Besides, with so many gluons co habitating as glueballs, I cannot keep track of households. 

The workload is ***xx^^vv!!!  Any census taker out there? Charge your eBike. I leave this job to you.

))))) Astronomic News (((((

ebike2mars 14Gyr+0118.036 AT

My Trippplets stay at the overhang with Ubeyou to review astronomic current events as I adjust this protective gear for a spin along the equatorial valley. They begin by discussing the unbound rogue planets (moon to Jopiter size) roaming, not in orbits around any star.

"Those planets were recently observed in galaxy RX J1131-1237, 3 billion light years from the Silky Way, by Chandra, the telescope," explains Ubeyou. 

"That's ahha great news, but we want to cel..." says Alfeem.

Alfanda interrupts, "to celebrate the anniversary of Explorer One."  

"No party until we finish class," Ubeyou insists. "Explorer One discovered that the outer space between heavy matter is not empty. At an altitude of 500 to 58000 kilometers radiation belts, sometimes called Van Allen, are a zone of energetic charged particles originating from stellar wind or supernova cosmic ray and trapped by a planet's magnetic field."

They discuss and evaluate more astronomic headlines:  

Bright yellow dwarf KIC 3542116 dims again, as observed by the Kepler telescope, then rebrightens as a swarm of comets transits its ancient light. They are the first comets sighted in a distant galaxy. 

Galactic images of the day are encircling solar filaments and elementary nature of Casseopeia.

On the Inner Hemisphere foragers discover leaves that can sprout through snowfall, such as onion grass, running cedar (Diphasiastrum digitatum) and baby potherbs.            Mineralogists identify rock structures on the wall of grove park including calcite deposits, gnisst,  streaks of feldspar in the amphibolite and sedimentary layers of sandstone/clay.          The first annual Mars Hall Fermenters Festival  proves a success. Wild Woot checks the stability of subtropic freshwater and sinkholes with odd names like Toilet Bowl Spring, Alafia River mini rapid, hidden sulphur flow, Devil Millhopper...          ZGB Daqlen wheels his food cart across red oak planks past the Norwegian wood stove to press buttons on the Bosch dishwasher. He explores the texture of window shades, clicks the doorknob to the outdoor area, helps to stack kindling wood, climbs up the daycare book case until it collapses, stares at the Medieval Market dancers, marches up the avenue disguised as a bumble bee, ...       At this hour Woodfin sector residents rush to wash their party clothes before the superbowling event. The astronomical laundry room is crowded as hell. 

))))) Finding Oppy (((((

ebike2mars.com 14Gyr+0118.030 AT

"mmMama, do we need a Deep Filtering algorithmmm to find rover Oppy?" Alfanda asks.

"Deep Filtering lowers errors in measuring gravitational waves. But we don't need that to locate Oppy. Simply spin 147840sp (147840 spokes = 28 miles) from its landing site," I explain.

"That would be Perhserhverhence Valley," says Alfom.

Alfeem and Ubeyou adjust the spokes for a field trip to Perserverance Valley,

What a sight, two eBikes transporting five riders silhouetted against the vast Vera Ruben Ridge, Yellowknife Bay in the foreground.

An unexpected shout projects across Endurance Crater, "Mama, down there, is that ahha petriified blueberry?"  Alfeem asks.

I dismount to examine the spherule. "No, Feem, it appears to be blue gray hematite, the oldest known iron oxide mineral."

Hmm, let's examine what is beneath the surface of Fe2O3:

It is a polar covalent compound with ionic character. Which means ...(explanation to follow)

Four spherical energy levels surround the nucleus (26 protons and 30 neutrons) of the iron atom. Electrons waver; 3 on the first level, 8 on the second, 14 on the third and 2 at the fourth.

Two energy levels around the oxygen atom display 2 wavering electrons on level one and 6 on level two. 

The model of iron(lll) oxide looks like this:     O=Fe-O-Fe=O       Oxygen is the most abundant element in the Bioverse.

Question- If the Fe2O3 molecule weighs 2(9.273796X10^-23)g+3(2.66X10^-23)g, how many molecules of this compound equals one gram of hematite?

Question 2- If the atomic radius of Oxygen is 60pm (picometers) and of Fe is 126pm, is it possible to calculate the surface area of the Fe2O3 molecule?

At the quantum level, if there are 2 up quarks in each proton and 1 up quark in each neutron, how many up quarks are contained in one iron(lll) oxide molecule. and what is the total weight of up quarks, assuming each is 10^-30 kg? Does anything change if neutrinos pass though our hematite sample, such as decay?

At eye level, rover Oppy approaches us. We set up camp on the smooth valley floor beneath a shale overhang. My Trippplets settle into their sleeppouch as I read to them:

(continued from the state story, chapter 2, Newborn Land)...   ...   crustal crystallization in action. 

The heat wave enters carrying a tropical depression. The first cloud moves to Florida.

 (a rainstick/udu/guitar rhythm accompanies dancers, you, and a chantor, someone else.)


Newborn land gathers clouds. Oligocene.

Vapor sails down the wind, Gulf to Gulfstream.

Pressure drops. Nimbus twist the horizon.

(rhythm continues)

Thunder jolts troposphere, central ridge to sands.

Thunder jolts troposphere, central ridge to sands.

(rhythm improvisation as you, the dancers, look for the cloud fabric and connect to the clouds, then dance holding them.)

(back to chanting rhythm and chant as dance continues)


Newborn land gathers clouds. Oligocene.

Vapor sails down the wind, Gulf to Gulfstream.

Pressure drops. Nimbus twist the horizon.

Newborn mist hugs her shoreline five hundred miles.

Newborn mist hugs her shoreline five hundred miles.

Newborn land, newborn mist. Oligocene,

(rhythmic interlude conveys passing of time)

))))) Rye Mice (((((

eBike2mars.com 14Gyr+0118.023 AT 

Rust red haze freezes onto the ridge of Olympus Mons during early morn. The deposits resemble a parade of mice marching along delicate waves of rye. This phenomena occurs now, when the double supermoon projects photons across the Outer Hemisphere. My Trippps stare in amazement.

"Mama Marhzee, how would a hemispherhe evolve without the delicate touch of Rhye Mice?" Alfom asks.  

Ubeyou answers. "Without Rye Mice, spin would fluctuate resulting in varied day lengths."

"In the Rue Ridge sector of the Inner Hemisphere, occurrences of those sparkling white formations keep the seasons regulated," I add.

"And look, Rye Mice, ahha here, shines rust red!" Alfeem exclaims.

Alfanda retrieves the Loos Leaf files from Botta's saddle pouch and finds an entry about Rye Mice: 


A world without Rime Ice does not revolve.

It sinks into meteorological distress,

blue ridges without icy white boughs.

Without nature's touch a world cannot evolve,

ancestral beginnings unresolved, featherless ceremony

on idle lands, sky frowning.

Gold panning days end in dreams of blank places

with no gleaming ore, with no beaming faces.

A muted Kestrel does not sing.

It sinks into orinthological distress.

LEAF music flattens into timeless smog,

folk art reclaimed by dimensionless bog

where a Fairview firefly vanishes

devoid of glow without your sustainable flame.

Without your renewable caress

acid rains endanger the Nantahala Wilderness,

spring buds and frosty Rime unseen.

Only the McCormick diamond remains green. 

Nothing revolves but a spinning baseball;

though nearby, a world with Rime Ice,

combing the slopes, does revolve. 

(Rime Ice is a natural phenomena formed by fog freezing onto higher elevations.)

### Third Phalloween ###

ebike2mars.com 14Gyr+0117.304 AT

Marzy commemorates the third Phalloween incognito, spinning alongside an alien space rock in an extreme orbit from another solar system.

Groupings of Outer Hemi escarpments and dikes resemble a pumpkin during this season

On the mailboxes of the Inner Hemi, lichens shape themselves into strange masks.

 ### Ubeyou Posting ###

ebike2mars.com 14Gyr+0117.300 AT

Future is unavoidable.

As it shifts to a yesterday, new tomorrows take shape.

For Marzy, the rift near equatorial Marte Vallis could widen drastically breaking apart the Outer Hemi, leaving the Trippps, ebike Botta and myself on the Fringe of time/place.

Before the entire Cloud is enveloped into that gravitational sandwich, read on.

>>>>> Phonon Cookie <<<<<

ebike2mars.com 14Gyr+0117.271 AT

"Can a cookie exist without phonons?" Alfom wonders as he munches on a snack.

An elementary vibrational motion on a lattice of atoms oscillates transversely in every direction within liquids as well as solids.

"Simply put, phonons oscillate like a slinky toy, wherever matter exists," I explain to the Trippps.

"A cookie is mmmatter, Alfommm," says Alfanda, "and so are we."

"But Fanda, do we have mass in an alternate rheality?" Alfom says. After all, it is questionable whetherh we arhe tangible orh whetherh we arhe frhagments of Mama  Marhzee's imagination, while she posts on this ebsite."

"Pay attention, my Trippps. Today's EXO lesson is a recipe for the Phonon Cookie," I announce.

Recipe for the Phonon Cookie: 

1/2 kilo freshly ground minerals....      ..... (2continue)

>>>>> Galaxtic Storm <<<<<

ebike2mars.com 14Gyr+0117.257 AT

The cloud bands of Squirma reach into the void of our Silky Way, heading toward Andromeda.

That storm interrupted EXO school class on most hemispheres. It disrupted ebike routes, CP communication and alternate currents.

Indeed, Squirma raged upon all in its trajectory, gusts of flooded memories, lost hummingbirds, windburned hearts.

Here at Marte Vallis, my Trippplets and I remain sheltered.

On the Inner Hemisphere, a homeless couple, with bedroll and plastic sack, return to their Galaxy of fallen branches.

>>>>> Welcome Red Panda <<<<<

ebike2mars.com 14Gyr+0117.238 AT

Your ancester was excavated recently, Red Panda, on the Inner Hemisphere's Gray Fossill Sector.

Paleotologists speculate that its tail was long and shaggy like yours.  A soft double layered coat....  

Well, we are about to explore the outcrop of basalt at Marte Vallis, speculating ancestral habitation at that site.

"Today's EXO class is the field trip to Marte Vallis," I announce to my Trippplets.

"Yea, not ahha boring post eclipse lesson," Alfeem responds.

Alfom clips the e trailer to Botta's rear fender. Alfeem and Alfanda gather provisions. 

And we spin toward the adjacent meridian 

"mmMama, I'mmm so excited, the hexagonal formmmations are rising at the skyline!" says Alfanda

Beep bop ba doop. We arrive at Vallis overhang to embark on a long, no

no, a very short hike. Glaring at us from the rock wall 

are eye sockets of ancestral Red Panda.

"Alfanda, you and Alfeem take notes while Alfom and I brush its teeth," I tell them.

Notes, Parailurus, ancestor of present day Ailurus fulgens:

Molariform expands grinding surface, power bite for consuming bamboo

Sheering cheek teeth

Broad skeletal paw recurved, semi retractable claw

Powerful forelimb and back to propel vertical surface.

Sesamoid bone, false thumb pincer action.

Tail counterbalance for nimbleness

Nocturnal to escape heat

Born inside tree hollow

DAQLEN, this Red Panda skeleton is your gift.

Happy Birthweek to you.

>>>>> PESD, Post Ecliptic SD <<<<<

ebike2mars 14Gyr+0117.235 AT

When the hypotenuse of the cerebral cortex does not equal "a" squared plus "b" squared, then it is likely that the sun's corona effected the stress order of the ecyclist.

Post Ecliptic Stress Disorder, PESD, is not an uncommon symptom after major celestial events.

MAP, Mileage Paranoia, is caused by an observer spinning two long days to observe two short minutes of totality. "Oh, no, how could I do this to my wheels. Shorten their lifespan. I can't forgive myself ! "

BSD, BiSolar Depression, when the observer sees his solar system as binary, hallucinating two Suns in the sky simultaneously. Caused by total cloud coverage during his eclipse. If there could be a second sun, that corona would not be obstructed.

SSC, Solar Shade Cleptomania, is caused by protective shades failure during the solar show, so the observer is driven to clept as many shades as possible for viewing the next eclipse successfully.

When an observer sits for hours in an unmowed field, waiting for totality, it is likely that chiggers will attack. This results in SIS, Severe Insomnia Syndrome.....   

I am preparing the next EXO homeschool class. Unsuccessfully. It's a boring topic. My Tripppplets will be disappointed. I should scrap this lesson. Rip rip crinkle zip. Begin again.

Any suggestions?

How about ES, Eclipse Statistics? Percentage of unobstructed photospheres.

I will need some help from you.

Please send your viewing experience, clear or clouded, with elevation and location, to floridawn@gmail.com

I'm feeling a bit PESD.

>>>>> TMA The Morning After <<<<<

ebike2mars.com 14Gyr+0117.234 AT

TMA the great solar moment, EXO homeschool classes begin at Hellas Planitia, the largest known crater in the Bioverse.

This daun Ubeyou teaches current shadow events.

"A new moon transited across the sun just a few astro hours ago," says Ubeyou. "Can anyone comment

on predictions related to this?"

Alfom raises his hand, "Mayans calculated these lunarh trhansits durhing the 1257 yearh span of theirh calendarh."

Alfanda comments, "When viewed frommm the Inner Hemmmi, the mmmoon mmmust be at its orbital perigee on the line of nodes

to assure commmplete precise coverage of that sun."

"What did we learn by viewing the shadow? " Ubeyou asks.

"Ourh telescopic lenses enabled us to estimate the speed of the shadow, crhossing that sectorh at 11760000 spokes perh hourh,"

replies Alfom.

During Marzy's jump between Hemispheres in 0114 AT, did you observe an ebike transiting across your sun?

>>>>> Shadow Chasers <<<<<

ebike2mars.com 14Gyr+0117.230 AT

They pack extra solar shades for safe viewing.

They recalculate the Saros factor to confirm the moment of totality in their respective viewing locations,

i.e., on the Inner Hemisphere, orbits of moon and planet intersect every 18 years 11 days plus 8 hours.

 Hemisphereans also review precession, as their axis

changes tilt, 3 degrees from Vega to Polaris, every 23K years,

They also review the eccentricity of their ellipse which cycles in 100K year increments.

Shadow Chasers'  supplies must be in order: water pouches, rations of nutriment, T paper, kid car seat    .....     

Fuel is purchased ahead of schedule: xenon, spare ebike charger, petro in sectors where

 renewables are endangered.    .......  

ebike2mars.com 14Gyr+0117.232 AT

The Shadow Chasers spin toward the path of totality, passing

Sylva gemstones 

Fay Buddies billboard

Stardust Motel

Eclipse Traffic sign

Culasahaji waterway


Benny's Tire Barn

Ruby Cinema


Subie Shop

Micklers Gourds

They brake, spread their groundcloth, adjust tent poles, unroll sleepouches.

They take a dip in the shoals before the coyote concert.

ebike2mars.com 14Gyr+0117.233 AT

The Shadow Chasers undo camp and spin ten more minutes to their viewing site,

a rural churchyard backlit by distant mountains.

They spread the groundcloth again, picnic, take photos...

Phase 1, 1:36 their time, coverage begins.

Phase 2, 3, Eyes protected, they glare in amazement, then the diamond glares back at them.

TOTALITY.   The Chasers' joyous screams reach across to the horizon's dusk,

as the Moon's passage engulfs the shadow of gravestones.

Phase 5, 6. Daylight returns. All Shadow Chasers exit their viewing sites, 

feeling different from when they arrived.

The chromospheric rays take a place in their memory banks as they return home, passing

Highlands Way

Ore Yonder

Shady Lane

Knats Hollow

Sassafras Gap

Wormy chestnut antiques

Black Bear Paving on SR107

WCU entrance

Cripple Creek 

Crawling traffic to their respective households.

>>>>> The Gravity Bellz <<<<<

ebike2mars.com 14Gyr+0117.221 AT

The Bellz image, ringing in multiple directions simultaneously, protrudes from the curvature of a Hemisphere to represent the gravitational field that extends from a celestial body.

"Ahha Gravity Bellz should not be confused with ahha MeV Bell," Alfeem reminds us.

"Nor with the Kron Bolster, the twelve foot high Kronos Agitator, Plasmmma Looper, Deuteron Beammmer, Ebike Accelerator, Proton Blender housed in an underground lab during WW2, Uraniummm Breeder, Mercury Ionizer, Photon Depository, Debus Surger, Berylliummm Commmpounder, nor Vortex Tube," continues Alfanda.

Where Bellz fields overlap are zero gravity areas.

"Not to be mmmistaken for the Graviton Well, for the Lithiummmm Condenser," continues Alfanda, 

"the Brane Theory Driver and axially symmmetrical Electron Smmmasher."

From Iapygia on the Outer Hemisphere, the Gravity Bellz appears as misty sprinkles extending into the Bioverse from each point of distant celestial surfaces.

"Mama, our ahha half of the Solar Bellz reaches toward us like ahha huge electrical discharge of non thermal radiation where glows of lightning ahha flash," says Alfeem enthusiastically.

"Not a Thoriummm Refinery with three inch thick cerammmic that covers two contra rotating drummms, one inside the other, spinning on a commmon axis," continues Alfanda, "not a Muon Dispenser, Sandfor Expander, Sethh Extractor nor Nucleon Scanner." 

Ring. Ring. Scammer likely. Don't pick up.

>>>>> Places That Hinge <<<<<

ebike2mars.com 14Gyr+0117.217 AT

ZGB Daqlen explores places that hinge: pages in the FlutterBy book,

Velcro on his Surfprizes, toilet seat hinge,

where cabinet handles attach and where the cooler opens.

At Gay Street Amphitheater he examines the stage set which hinges to change scenes.

Does the Pirates' plank hinge?

He watches the Family Tone's jawbones hinging to produce amplified melodies.

Daqlen unhinges his wrist to slap Daddy's drum mimmicking Chief Shaka Zulu.     

His multi hinged fingers shake the keychain, pull the canine collar,

empty all reachable drawers,

toss stones down the porch stairway.

Daq discovers the place where nature hinges:

the point which attaches this stem to that twig

giving the leaf mobility to explore the wind. 

No leaves here at this Equatorial rust red sector where I tap on Botta's CP  to document Daqlen's progression with hinges. 

No hinges here except for the ebike's e pouch covers.

>>>>> Dusst Day <<<<<

ebike2mars.com 14Gyr+0117.214 AT

Do we classify Dusst as bosonic or fermion particles?

We should know which. After all, he occupies a quantum branch on our family tree.

Bosons, the force carriers, i.e. gluons and photons, any objects with integer spin and even number of fermions, can occupy the same place simultaneously.

Fermions, associates of matter, I.e. protons and electrons, any object with half integer spin and odd number of fermions, cannot occupy the same place simultaneously.

Perhaps Dusst prefers to be in the company of quarky baryons, held together in a nucleon. Or hang out with lightweights: the pion, neutrino or lepton.

✏️ ✏️  This is a card for you ✏️ ✏️

It's a composite day. Classify yourself, Dusst, son.

Begin your forty first orbit with questions, don't end it without dynamic evaluation.

Loving spins,          Marzy mOm 

>>>>> Confused About Fusion <<<<<

ebike2mars.com 14Gyr+0117.210 AT

"Why did timmme begin?"

"And ahha how?"

"Was it by fission or fusion, Mama Marhzee?"

My Trippplets organize their questions according to the laws of quantum chromodynamics. When will I answer them? I, as well, am unclear about nucleonic inter reactions. This confusion interferes with my ability to chronicle recent events on the Inner and Outer Hemispheres, such as the curly cucumber encounter at the Newroots booth, gAbby's post and beams in Frisbee Brush, the shindig at Sandy Mush, rhythmic festival at Zillicoa with ...             (2continue) .........          

>>>>> Solar Intents <<<<<

ebike2mars.com 14Gyr+0117.204 AT

The AstroTeam inspects the payload of their balloon in preparation for a solar launch from the Pisgah sector

where first images of the lunar surface were downloaded, an ideal location for satellite tracking due to high concentrations of Mica along the Brew Ridge which serves as a natural shield from radio wave interference.

The Mica also protects that site from rogue frequencies due to Daqlen's zero gravity training. He continues crawlsprinting with sudden turns that contract his tendons as well as time/place. His diaper bulges when he is tossed toward the sun. During drop down to Guildford, Daq flops hands behind his neck like ailerons changing the course of the atmosphere.

His splashing technique defies the law of centrifugal force.

Meanwhile, on the Outer Hemisphere. Alfom informs me,"We have new prhotective glasses forh solarh viewing, Mama Marhzee. Look."

"Our ingenious Alfom helped put them together," explains Ubeyou. "We use flexible tinted Mica, a material similar to our ebike AstroWear."

"Ourh device has trhansition zoom lenses coverhing each eye," continues Alfom, "so that we can watch brhight astrho events safely and upclose, daytime or nigh."

"The AstroClub could distribute these glasses to their followers," I suggest, but realize that the Inner Hemi orbits the back side of the sun this season, too distant for lens deliveries.

I try on the new device and ponder.

Great Bear Story

It happened north of town last week. Thump. Buncombe the Bear toppled a trash barrel and snatched a sack of Luella's leftover BBQ. We watched from our kitchen window.


What the -?-

Our neighbor, half naked with an African mask strapped at the waist, banging ferociously on a drum skin, chased Buncombe away from the yard past Reems Creek fire station over to Asheville Pizza on Merrimon up WT Weaver Blvd beside the Farside Farm truck where buckling bear knees thumped against the bumper, toppling dozens of cartons onto UNC parking area 16.

And that's why there were no eggs for you last week at the Tailgate Market.      

>>>>> Rutt Land <<<<<

ebike2mars.com 14Gyr+0117.181 AT

"Does consciousness expand?"

"And if so, does it expand at the sammme rate as the Bioverse?"

Alfom and Alfanda have questions upon my arrival from Rutt Land.

"Well, Supernovas explode with equal amounts of energy to provide the Hubble Constant," I reply. "Let's consider that consciousness, as well as the Cosmos, expands astronomically at one micrometer per hour."

"Yes, mmMama, we can test this against a cosmmmic mmmicrowave background which encodes a picture of the earliest protons and electrons!!" Alfanda exclaims.

"Without atomic parhticles, consciousness could not occurh," adds Alfom.

It is difficult to discuss physix, as the delays at Rutt Land keep me dizzy from exhaustion, having dealt with every aspect of home life that agitated Gramma. The meals, the caregivers, the car mileage. Too many pills. Not enough pills. 

Call 911. No, don't, I'm fine here by myself.

Doctors incompetent. Back pain unbearable. Calls to hospital in Mexico.

Why is your ebike parked in the woods? Why am I still alive?

Finally Gramma sleeps calmly, under care at Sunset village.

"Mama Marhzee, something happens to a thought after it is experhienced," Alfom remarks. "Would we exist if you didn't wrhite about us?"

>>>>>Asterisms Ahead <<<<<

ebike2mars.com 14Gyr+0117.154AT

Ahead, behind, above and below ZGB Daqlen finds asterisms...

A group of friendly ants create a dark wavy pattern as they scurry along those porch boards.

Bits of newspaper, torn apart by Daq fingers, are scattered like constellations on his blue blanket. Daneb in the Swan, Vega in the Harp and flickering Altair in the Eagle form the Summer Triangle on the eastern sky, as Venus and Mercury rise. 

The Asterisms vary somewhat when viewed from the Tharsis sector on the Outer Hemisphere. At this day's end, as the sky changes from yellowish rust red brown to violet and pink (except for blue surrounding the setting sun), Alfeem shouts, "Wow, the Moon, Jupiter and Inner Hemi form ahha three sided Asterism ninety degrees from the horizon."

"Look, sommme dark mmmatter is transitting across the crescents!" Alfanda exclaims.

"Like the dust patterns on our ahha ebike lantern," remarks Alfeem.

>>>>> Rusty Patched Bombus <<<<<

ebike2mars.com 14Gyr+0117.151 AT

'Tis the season to be pollinated. 

Joyously, Inner Hemisphereans continue sowing spring ephemerals, ninebark and bee balm to provide habitat for Bumble colonies. To reciprocate, worker bees provide pollination for our ecosystem by attaching themselves to flowers where they reverberate passionately at 400 times per second, the only frequency that releases tomato producing pollen.

Thank you, Bombus troupe, for that colliding presentation. 

ebike2mars.com 14Gyr+0117.152 AT

"I'm interhested in conserhving bumble bees. But how can I help the Wildlife serhvice frhom out herhe at equatorhial slope lineae of Valles Marinerhis?" Alfom asks Ubeyou.

Ubeyou turns his ebike upside down. "Fom, I am reconfiguring the wheel components. 3-2-1, now. Spin the pedals with your hands while I activate the electromagnetic force. It will send a strong nucleic signal throughout the Bioverse to protect the Rusty Patched Bumble Bee.

Or better, if you spot one in your yard, send an image to bryan_tompkins@fws.gov 

>>>>> The Saline Ravine <<<<<

ebike2mars.com 14Gyr+0117.147 AT

They can't see me. My skin is camouflaged against the deep rust red salt rock. The salt becomes me. I become salt, caught motionless in a deka of time at the edge of this ravine. At the bottom of the ravine, their voices are muffed by inverse echoes.

"What is this ahha place?" Alfeem asks.

"Looks like a natural salt bridge, Feemmm," replies Alfanda.

I can read their lips through the magnification crystal surrounding me.

"I mean, why is that ahha desk under the bridge, Fanda."

"It's a mmmini bridge."

"No, it's ahha desk."

"Feemmm, you're right. It must be mmMama's office. Her ebike is parked here."

Excitedly Alfeem and Alfanda rummage through my paperwork, image bytes, desktop and stack of personal items.

"Look at these ahha notes, Fanda."

.....     particles that are their own anti particles, Majorana fermions, stable row of single atoms,     with fermion on both ends of strand.      ........     .....quantum state that is both one and zero, atoms with spin arrange themselves on superconductor, quibit .......  allow current to flow unimpeded ....

 ... determinis....    

...  (2continue)

>>>>> Central Incisor <<<<<

ebike2mars.com 14Gyr+0117.144 AT

His first tooth rises


against the night sky. 

>>>>> Message from Hazel <<<<<

ebike2mars.com 14Gyr0117.143 AT

Thursday thatOgjmdw y

Kirby vigikgmfkkck

(Two year old Hazel evaluates Daq's elimination training via random keys and spellchecker.)

>>>>> Endangered <<<<<

ebike2mars.com 14Gyr+0117.142 AT

Along the slope of Olympus Mons, we dedicate this hour to the most fragile species. 

In fact, all elements here are sparsely distributed.

 Fungi protect themselves beneath cliff overhangs. 

Thermophiles expose themselves on bare rock. Hematite colonies exist in fear of extinction by erosion.

On the Inner Hemisphere, endangered species are celebrated for the entire day.

The owlet nightjar of new Calodonia is the most elusive bird, practically nonexistent, only one or more remain. 

At the edge of an Afrik forest more than a hundred years ago, an offset of Woods Cycad was collected for cultivation. That plant species is now extinct in the wild. 

The 230mm mole salamander Axolotl finds sanctuary, from sewage disposal, in a remote area of its 10 km sq habitat in Chalco Canal, away from hunters who prize it as a delicacy.

The rarest creature, Marzy, spins away from the bustling transfer station to her sanctuary at the science meetup.

She spins away from the science meetup to find sanctuary at her bustling transfer station.  ...

The evening casts its moonlight on the 'Freedom from GMO' rallies all across the Bioverse.

>>>>> Polymers on Mars <<<<<

ebike2mars.com 14Gyr+0117.141 AT

Where have all    the flowers   gone   ...  NO NO, begin again:

\/\/ |-| ERE  |-| /-\ \/ E  /-\ |_ |_     (tM)

Where have all   the plastics   gone?

To   the o ocean.

Bags and bits   of sty ro foam    drift far   from home.

Where are all   the poly mers?

Over board to coral    reefs.

Some land on Martian    shores.

How will we clearr   the debris?

>>>>> Immensity to Minutity <<<<<

ebike2mars.com 14Gyr+0117.140 AT

TAXIS  /\/ATURA  |_OGOS    (tM)

Size                         Time                       Brightness

_________              ___________         ____________

multiverse               15Gyr span.              quasar

galaxy                     cosmic epoch           neutrino blast

supernova             phanerozoic eon        supernova 

planetoid               paleozoic era              lightning

martian rift           quaternary period     -27 mag sun

2 mile fungus      holocene epoch     505Lum ebike lamp

90' Baleantoptera    millennium                1 candela

.0055" fairy fly.         four score                  black hole

prokaryotic cell.       annum.                     

chromosome.          minute                      Speed

gene molecule        Instagram.               ____________       

CRISPR cas9.        femto second          c=671million mph

neucleotide.                                            sound=767mph

carbon pentose.      Density.                 nuon commotion

nitrogen atom.        ____________       38mph=c if laser

hadron                   neutron star              in cold sodium

quark                    osmium                   starfish moving 

neutrino                 Bambusa                absolute zero


Energy/force.          clouds                     Waves

__________.           hydrogen                ___________

strong force.                                            gravity

heat.                        Weight.                   gamma

acceleration.            __________.          tsunami 

earthquake.             NGC 4889.             X-ray 

photosynthesis.       yotta whale.            micro wave

whip.                        Marzy in kg            ultra violet

handshake   .....       Picoides .              visible light

egg beater                feather                   infrared 

kiss                           yocto gram            radio ripple

whisper                                                 sound compression

reem dream              Distance              olfactory drift


                                  yotta lightyear 

                          km to fast food from Mars

                                 Boston marathon

                                   zepto meter



(Exotic to simple).  quasi crystal     phi     superfluid

          quantum processor       genome twists

star trekker Odo    stalactite    decahedral snowflake

exo donut    oblate spheroid    Giza pyramid   parabola




>>>>> Procyon or Procyon <<<<<

ebike2mars.com 14Gyr+0117.137 AT

Meet the Procyons. 

Both are nocturnal. Rising with Sirius after sunset, Procyon CM has a magnitude of .4, the same brightness as Procyon LL's eyes when a LED is pointed at them.

Procyon CM, a yellow white star of spectral class F5 IV-V, has a rotation period of 23 days. 

In 23 seconds Procyon LL, with her kits, can spin around a trash barrel, scale its surface, unlatch the lid mechanism and empty debris. Muscle fiber pinnation and corollary action between two or more joints are important factors in determining fiber length, providing dexterity.

Procyon of Canis Minor generates energy by stellar nucleosynthesis, when a natural abundance of elements in a star change due to nuclear fusion. The hydrogen fuses 4 protons to form a He-4 nucleus.

Procyon lotor of Linneus generates energy like the digestive tract of an ecyclist, ingestion-absorption-elimination, using enzymes secreted by endocrine glands. Nucleases are enzymes that split nucleic acids into nucleotides. Methanogens in the intestines recycle hydrogen by combining it with carbon dioxide to produce methane, a unique gas, one of the by products of bacterial fermentation.

RA 7h 38.9m, Dec.+5 degrees 15' is the sky position of Procyon Canis Minor, 11.7 light years away.

Procyon lotor of Linneus and family, with rings around their mischievous tails and mental attributes of reasoning, are located 11.7 feet behind your bedroom window. 

>>>>> Echidna Lands <<<<<

ebike2mars.com  14Gyr+0117.134 AT

A new probe to be launched, the Echidna Lander (not named after the Grecian Echidna, Mother of all mythological monsters) is modeled after the Echidna puggle (hatched in Mother Monotreme's pouch) that trundles across Taronga.

Unlike the Marsnik whose image transfer device exploded in the sixtie's liftoff, this Echidna probe will not fail. Superior components include an electroreceptive system on the snout to detect possible malfunctions, also engineered to locate quality soil. A Tacchyglossus (fast tongue) is designed to collect a wide range of surface and subterranean samples. Backward facing rear claws provide stability while trundling across undeveloped terrain. 

The Echidna can survive up to fifty years with its slow metabolic mechanism and natural resistance to CO2 radiation. During brush fires, it can roll up into a ball, temporarily shutting itself down in a state of torpor. Echidna's structure is shielded by spines and fur which provide protection against any hemispheric encounter, such as alien quadrupeds, gravity fluctuations, low atmospheric pressure and extreme weather.

The frontal sensors of the Echidna Lander are being tested for functions to analyze climate cycles in mineral mounds, to detect Insecta tunnels and to gauge market price for precious larvae fossils.

For the best possible evaluation, my crew, with sweepers attached to their ebike to clear rust red dust from hematite deposits, are in the process of staging the site of Echidna Lander's drop down.

3-2-1 lift off, the Echidnappraiser is on the way.

>>>>> Organizing €ntropy <<<<<

ebike2mars.com 14Gyr+0117.131 AT

€NTROPIA  TAXIS     (tM)  (traitMark Marzy L E)

              iceberg    geyser

            formed         thermal

          melt                   pressure

    ra ndo m                explosIVE

        reaction                action

     ^H - T^S   =   warming of tundras

      breakdown of .en.thral.py.   =  mc2

      charge for free energy

            ebike battery

            lithium   ions

      __            +             __


             in  a  mol's

             system = €

(where ^ is Delta, € is €ntropy)

>>>>> Categorizing €ntity <<<<<

ebike2mars.com 14Gyr+0117.130 AT

CLASSIS €NTITAS       (tM traitMark Marzy L E)




intangibles          ~~~          naturalias

   instinct.                       bio.    ~~     geo (inorg)

   logistics                cell fission     dark mass

   nest design           species         gravity, light

   philosophy.           life span        rock fluid gas

    artificials              necrosis        erosion

    viral                      decay            dust

   deletion.                      dissipation

   quantum                       essence

    reboot                      regeneration

    this ebsite.          grandsons    ebike elements

                               ZG Daqlen         

                    ~~~~~~~~~~ beauty ~~~~~~~~~

>>>>> Photuris trumps Photinus <<<<<

ebike2mars.com  14Gyr+0117.127 AT

Nothing is more demising to a male Photinus than a female Photuris. Because

After Photuris mates with her own species, her flashing lantern, with jagged scales to enhance the brightness, mimmicks the signal of a Photinus female. (My ebike flashers are infrared as not to interfere with the cycle of Appalachian fireflies, including their distant Hexapoda family, the extremophiles, inhabiting the voids of this rust red terrain where my wheels now spin.)

Photuris fem attracts the manly Photinus, attacks him and devours his insectuous body which contains lucipufagens that protect her eggs and herself from being eaten by Phidippus, the angry jumping spider. Meanwhile the Photinus female becomes extremely jealous of Photuris because

Photuris killed her boyfriend. And she couldn't kill him first.

Her Photinus lantern is not as attractive as Photuris.

>>>>> Pon Jotter <<<<<

ebike2mars.com  14Gyr+0117.123 AT

His Dar Havidson crosses that rocky culvert.

My Botta jumps from the edge of this Mons crater.

Our wheels meet between Hemispheres. Briefly. 1/35000 of a life expectancy.

During this fraction of time we exchange greetings, share family news and delve into the past, reshaping a distant fondness. 

An element of sadness in our eyes tell of previous attempts to reconnect. In a mere femto second, that element is displaced by glimmers. His smile tells of how vineyards saved his daughter Fennijer from a fatal crash. He pulls up an image, proudly, from her graphic novel site on the CP screen. I scroll from there to show him Miisha's dreamscape of Castle Wisp.

We chit chat. Egg salad doesn't agree with Pon. I tell him that angels and I have a serious personality clash. When I look up at his hair he says, "It's not been cut since I left the Navy." When he asks about my skin tone, I explain, " It changed to this deep rust red from exposure to haze on the Pluton."

This moonth Pon Jotter plans to cross many culverts with his lovely wife.

I will spin solo from right to left hemispheres.

>>>>> Blue Ghosts <<<<<

    (Phausis reticulate)

ebike2mars.com 14Gyr+0117.121 AT

Whack. Grapple. Lop.

My crew sets up camp on Olympus Mons, highest mount in our Sol System. I watch them from the far side of the cratered summit. Diligently Ubeyou pitches geodesic tents, lines up rust red jugs for tapping magma vapor and adjusts the UVXradioscopes. The Trippps test the lenses by focusing at precisely one light year away on the Blue Ridge sector where their alternate brother, ZG Daq, is disrupting parenthood all across the Inner Hemi:

Daq climbs out of his pacnsac, flop to the floor.

He tosses pajamas out of the drawer.

Opens the diaper pail

Throws books off the bottom shelf.

Topples the trash.

Pulls the dish towel off the rod.

He latches on to sister Nova's tail, riding the carpet until he lets go.

Unscrews the cabinet handle which he holds in his mouth, then bangs it on the floor.

Slams his hands onto daddy's dessert plate, thinking it's a drum, whereby blueberry crisp and shattered pieces of ceramic spin across the dining table.

He samples the stem flavor of ACTR3.

Check, check. Lenses are tested, supplies in order. We are prepared for the Entomolists and Ecyclists expected to arrive for this upcoming glow event. Free family tickets will be distributed at the Outer Hemiphere portal via a lottery system. Or singles can prepay 80sP credits for one Lampyriday Pass.

The Hemispherics Council agree unanimously  to power off lighting and to switch down the grid entirely during this unusually clear nigh sky for the Blue Phausis show.

The scopes reveal an unobstructed view of a half inch male with black elytra and delicate brownish wings. (The female is grub like and flightless.) 

" It's abdomen contains a lamplike organ which will turn on exactly when nature calls," comments Ubeyou.

The countdown begins:

Hour 10, 9, 8...      The first viewers arrive on their ebikes..

"Seven, Six, Five," the Trippps yell.

The Experts spin in.

...4,3 ... Families gather around the scopes.

...hour 2,1... Opening nigh of Blue Ghosts.

A Lamp turns on. Then hundreds of thousands more. 

The crowd is awe struck.

The eerie ground seems adrift where Ghosts swerve  in random paths at the base of trees. Their blue suits of light glow constantly during this hours long ritual.

My Trippplets fall asleep in excited contentment. Ubeyou, ever conscientious, sees that the crowd is comfortable for the nigh. 

Through my OMg, olfactory magnifying gadget, I can experience the flavor of that distant forest, Pungent pine, spicy sassafras, fragrant laurel, savory ferns, mammalian scat, musky earth, earthly decay. My nose glows mimmicking  a phantasmic Blue Ghost. 

"What is the call of Blue? " you ask.


Sense of smell travels faster than the wave of sound.

>>>>> Ramp Page <<<<<

ebike2mars.com 14Gyr+0117.119 AT

During my stay at the saline formations, Alfom decides to research Ramps.

"Wild Rhamps, also known as ACTR3, belong to the Asparhagalic Plantae orhderh. Rhamps prhopogate on the Innerh Hemi in  elevations of morhe orh less 3000 sp along easterhn longitudes up to L48N," he relays his data to Ubeyou.

This is the Ramp's story:

Once upon a Cretaceous time, a hundred million years ago, Angiospermophyta evolved. Through photosynthesis and natural rejection their seeds spread seasonally from hatched egg sacks onto the Appalachian forest floor. Until... the first wild Ramp peeked out from the leafy soil.

Alfom holds up his drawing and points, "These tenderh nutrhitious leaves arhe gatherhed by sl...   "

Ubeyou reviews Alfom's remaining data to check it for accuracy.:

...   nutritious leaves are gathered by slicing them with with a sharp blade leaving one third of the bulb and rootlets intact to remain in their bed until they sprout again next spring. The plan is to cultivate a Ramp colony inside the Nikki entrance of Arsia Mons. That area, formed by collapse of lava tube ceilings, resembles a skylight. Beneath the long skylight is a hundred foot high pile of debris. That pile will be the Ramp site. 

"Mama Marhzee has Rhamp seeds in herh ebike surhvival pouch," Alfom reminds Ubeyou.

And Ubeyou reminds all of us, "Sow and harvest responsibly."

>>>>> Astro Alert <<<<<

new scenario for Galaxy evolution 

ebike2mars.com 14Gyr+0117.117 AT

In gusts of Space Wind from Super Massive Black Holes, Stronomers witness birth of infant stars which are redistributed throughout the Bioverse on these ultra fast outbursts.

As observed in collision of IRSF2 3128-5919, heated expanded matter in that galaxy's accretion disk is expelled outward which can quench (suppress) star formation in neighboring regions; yet, at the same time, can burst out baby stars with an outflow rate of 100km/sec. At some point, galaxies consume its dense cool gas which is star forming fuel. Then they shut off. The largest source of uncertainty is determining satellite galaxy or isolated galaxy. Those of different masses respond differently as to what ends their star formation. 

As most touring ecyclists experience while jumping hemispheres, gravity does not just pull, it blows. And by observing the force of distant supernovae, they can calculate how fast galaxies recede or advance toward the spinning ebikes.

>>>>> Proscience Parade <<<<<

ebike2mars.com  14Gyr+0117.112 AT

Banners wave throughout the Inner Hemisphere: 

 -Ecology not Tumpology-

 -Salute to Scientists- 

 - mc2=E - Ashevill Redesigns Thinking -

 -Support Your Local FireFLIES-

 -Catch the Wind-

 -Climate ChAnGeS-

Looking down from his ZGB carrier, Daqlen observes parading soles. Strapless sandals. High heeled sneakers. Tie dye work boots. Leather flip flops. He listens to the low frequency clang of a Yak bell which accompanies the proactive chants circulating the atmosphere.

"Cheers to Darwin"

"We Produce Clean Alternate Current"

"Let Picoides Peck"  smallest Woodpecker in US

"Let Free Radicals Ring"

"Stump the Trump- What is Science?"

Meanwhile, Ubeyou and the Trippps celebrate Turfday on the Outer Hemi. They fabricate banners using biochar printed onto long sheets of compressed subterranean fungus. Alfeem and Alfom wrap the fungi banners onto amboo poles which Alfanda twist ties to the ebike frame.

"We are ready to spin, mmmommmentarily," she shouts.

The procession begins as I test the salinity on this cavern wall. Science does not allow me to be in different places at the same time. I long to be with my real families in their disbursed locations. Dusst and Miisha at Castle Wisp, Willbee and his Mythow gang, the gheek twins Deem and Dom, Camlin's aboders, Gramma's subtropic casita, Uncle Alf with his poco monsters. I miss you so much, my heart strings are breaking. Alternate family is nearby, yet out of reach. I am very fond of them as well.Their images are transmitted to me via space haze interfaced onto the inverted crystal bowl of the subsurface. 

There they are. Crossing Gusey Plains. Alfom and Alfeem in the lead. Ubeyou at slow speed throttle. Alfanda parading behind the banner spangled ebike: 

 -Galaxies Collide -astro funds DENIED-

 -Keep Kuriosity Roving- 

 -Meterologists Reign-

 -Superscientificistic Exploration Focus-

 -Brown Dwarf in Pisces = 1/2 STAR & 1/2 PLANET

 -In SOD We Trust-

 -Meet the Zero Gravity Boy, ZG Daq-

 - Dq>5(ps+Ps)¥pt=STt -    

(This means Daqlen did greater than five pees and poos in his potty which equals science of toilet training. I am thrilled that the Trippps are thinking of their half brother.)

 -Learn the Turfday Crawl-

Daqlen performs his first .000005K crawl, inspired by constant movement during the parade. And his half siblings' message on their banner.

>>>>> Remipede Attack <<<<<

ebike2mars.com  14Gyr+0117.104 AT

Why did the Remipede cross the cavern?

To get ......       "Hurry. Hide in the sediment," warns cousin Shrimp. " Remi is after us."

Frantically the Shrimp family swims towards safety. But one of them is not quick enough.

The Remipede's pinchers grab its prey and inject a pico liter of neurotoxin

White eyelets bulge in shock. Antennae bend out of shape. Rostrum clatters. Abdomen convulses so drastically that the tail almost breaks off.    One. Slow. Steady gulp takes the shrimp into the digestive cavity of its predator 

My Trippplets observe this attack from inside their waterproof cover that Ubeyou attached to ebike Tanndem. He also attached paddles onto some of the spokes for navigating these alien subsurface waterways.

It was deep into cenotes on the Inner Hemi where Yill Jager, a biological treasure hunter, found thirty species of this new crustacean class, 9 to 55 mm, originating during the Permian.

Now, on the Outer Hemi, Alfom Alfeem and Alfanda are following Remipede specie 31 down to the rust red yellow bacterial mats where it rolls around to clean itself of fleas and absorbs beneficial molecules that give it energy to survive unpredictable pH and sulfide thermoclines.

"Mama, can you give ahha name to specie number 31?" Alfeem requests.

He speaks knowing that I am not nearby and could not hear him. But, for a reason yet untold, I can listen in. The name shall be Jageryillus mipedia.


ebike2mars.com  14Gyr+0117.101 AT

Vehojah's witnesses travel door to door across as many constellations as possible. They are well versed in their delusions about Eastar.


They knock at our door bearing a poster of the Crucifixion. 

The young man waves a prayer book in front of my face as the pudgy woman, with lilies on her dress, peers into the hallway. She speaks cordially, "Your home is lovely. And we are inviting you to meet Jesus next week."

"How is this possible?" I ask. "The man was seen in Gaza over two thousand years ago. Will he come forward in time at multiple locations? It sounds intriguing to meet him."

I peer at their neatly stacked pamphlets. "However, as Recyclists, we are forbidden to accept an invitation printed on Virgin paper."

>>>>> Schizophyta's Story <<<<<

ebike2mars.com  14Gyr+0117.097AT

I am Schizophyta, distant cousin to Marzy

We started out as prokaryotic slime. No flagella, no backbones. Nothing but independently maturing daughter cells reproduced by fission.

Marzy and I met on her electric bike. We often discuss how to characterize ourselves as we spin.

"You, Schizophyta, are a cyanobacterium multiplying charismatically on the damp microclimate of my ebike saddle."

"And you, Marzy, exemplify an advanced eukaryotic creature able to pedal and throttle in a single bound."

"Wasn't it our Achaean forefathers who colonized the Isua Greenstone belt three point seven billion years ago?"

"Silicon crystals point to four point one billion. Back then clusters of prehistoric microbes secreted lime to form cone shaped stromatolites in shallow seas."

"A bacterium, similar to your structure, coughed then fossilized in amber tree resin."

"And magneto bacteria sneezed before solidifying on two billion year old rocks."

"Don't forget the Oscillatoria from Bitter Springs, Schizo. And ancestry of the Cambrian explosion."

"Marzy, let's figure out how we began and where. Life could spark from a phosphate based nucleic acid in opaline silica."

"Or brew from a sulfur based metabolic reaction between the layers of potassium mica. Extremophiles burped across the ancient geyser at Busev Crater."

"Like the methanogens in your digestive tract."

"Schizo, your cell wall is tickling my buttocks."

"It's an act of love, Marzy."

>>>>> Green Valley Spiral <<<<<

ebike2mars.com  14Gyr+0117.090AT

Waves of the radiant nigh color pulsate into my bones. Seated on the terrain, back propped against Botta's saddlebag, I wonder if my trippplets ...

"Look, Fanda, Feem, the Silky Way is glowing grheen!" Alfom exclaims.

"Wow, is it from ahha cluster of moisture filtering out the reds and blues? " Alfeem asks.

"I wish mmMama was here to sky gaze with us," sobs Alfanda.

"We should review her lesson about ahha green valleys," suggests Alfeem.

Alfom recalls, "Grheen Valley galaxies arhe rhunning out of gas. They arhe trhansforhming frhom blue shift, when starhs are being borhn, to rhed shift, when starhs begin to burhn out.. Ourh Silky Way is a spirhal in a state of low level starh forhmation, and neighborh Andomeda is practically a zombie galaxy, not quite dead, not in the rhed, but does carrhy six hundred billion morhre starhs than ourh spirhal."

"Out of one hundred billion observable galaxies, how mmmany are green valleys?" Alfanda asks.

>>>>> Galaxy vs Black Hole <<<<<

ebike2mars.com  14Gby+0117.088AT

"Which cammme first,  galaxies or black hole?" Alfanda asks.

"To answer that, we need to determine where matter was the most dense in the early Bioverse," explains Ubeyou. "Stupendously bright regions in galaxy cores are powered by black holes. Sixty such distant bright quasars are known to astroscience."

"Let's look at Mama Marhzee's notes," suggests Alfom.

--.   ,-------- ..........    ..gas needs to cool and condense  to form new stars. ..processes that can stop cooling=ram pressure stripping as galaxies fall apart into clusters or dwarf orbiting larger galaxies or supernovae that ejects gas ..ram pressure = related to density of stars and dark matter and galaxy velocity..

... .most stars in present Bioverse born ten billion yrs ago , intense star formation at the time occurred thruout galaxies, radio can measure this thru dust. ....present day str frmation occurs in much smaller regions of galaxies      ..young star Elias 2-27 has spiral features in proto planetary disks = solar system born ..spirals in LL Pegasi, a dying giant redstar = strong out flowing gas like sprays of water from a sprinkler

The sky lights up, each star in its appropriate space.

How your name can alter your face.

Silky Way is going green, more gradual decline in star formation ..cold gas depleted as result of heating from its supermassive black hole, Saggitarius A*

13.8 gy or before is singularity next pebble size origin bangs, results in expansion of subatomic particles, atoms, molecules ..coalesce thru gravity in halos of dark matter, eventual star formation..200 my after birth of first stars is oldest cosmic dust, building block of all stars and planets .

..gas feels the pull of gravity from dark matter, then heated by releasing radiation before cooling=turn to stars .. .smallest are primordial black holes=size of single atom with mass of large mountain 

Alfanda, this answers your question: black holes can act as seeds for galaxies. It is htpothesized that supermassive black hole forms the same time as its galaxy.

Galaxy cluster Abell 2744 found youthful Galaxy A2 744 YD4 thru galaxy lensing, magnifies it by 2X in our telescopes. ..supernovae pollute most observed galaxies ..back then A2 produced weight of six million solar masses per year ..optical time machine ..

How does cosmic dust survive fiery supernovae?  ..read at arXiv.org  

>>>>> Ebike to Mars Hill NC <<<<<

ebike2mars.com  14Gby+0117.071AT

Recharge your electric bike or volts wagon at the Knoll station. Then spin north on e route 25, a longitude that finds more biodiversity than anywhere (except on tropical hemispheres) Keep spinning. Oskerb and his family inhabit the Glorious Forest, where anthropologists found more acorn shells than chestnuts. He remarks, "the giant table of human food from the last ten thousand years is half full with acorns. The high fat nutmeats contain the entire spectrum of protein aminos which are easily digestible after tanin is leached out."

Oskerb points to the leaves of tree species and continues, "Red, white and black oak trees intake mycelium and minerals along the bedrock, as their roots reach deeper into the subsurface than branches reach high."

Muskal, one of the foragers representing Earth Haven, informs us, "This tiny wild apple supplies one hundred times the nutrition of a store bought variety."

Along the ebike trail are bunches of brassica, pine cone pollen and quarts of raspberries. We are spinning into the oldest edible park of this hemisphere.


Friends huddle around

a log well dressed in ruffles, 

mushrooms to be roasted.


In an open space

these stems grow tilted

daylilies embrace .           


Rolling in a patch

of heart shaped leaves

youngsters kiss the violets.          


In winter's last wind

this sassy aroma blows

from where the wild leeks spring.


>>>>> Dunesday <<<<<

ebike2mars.com BT14by.0117.056AT

In his ZGB carrier Daqlen, with Mommy and Dad, crosses over the sandy mounds to Paws Beach. His sparky eyes watch the playful Lab, friendly Spaniel and romping Vizsla pup whose coats are salty from their jaunt into the waves. The sky turns to dusk. The pack enjoys Dunesday treats as festive coffee sippers meet at Wawa.

Meanwhile, on the Outer Hemi, new aeolian deposits are forming at Bagnold. Ubeyou dismounts his ebike to study these dune formations. "Their downwind  faces, shaped by avalanches, are steeper than their upwind faces." He faces the distant rust red landscape. "Maximum gusts of sixty miles per hour caused dragged ripples, preserved in that sandstone three billion years ago." Ubeyou regroups his thoughts. "Where surface rivers meandered, fluvial channels inverted and curvilinear lineations were scrolled onto equatorial regions."

Aeolian processes erode then build up hemispheric surfaces. 

Wind shapes the dunes. Dunes shape the wind.

A planet shapes each moon into crescents and spheres.

Every phase tells a story.      


LA ENTRADA A LA NOCHE -- Doorway to the Night

La entrada a la noche es donde esa estrella brilla 

      en el ojo de esta patata pobre.

The doorway to the night is where that star shines

       in the eye of this poor potato.

Estrella con ajo. -- Star with garlic.

Estrella con queso de cabra que la hija hace.

Star with goat cheese that the daughter makes.

Estrella con fragancia del desayuno, la fragancia 

      de la ceniza de la chimenea  

      sobre la ropa negra de la madre. 

Star with fragrance of breakfast, the fragrance

       of ash from the hearth

       on the mother's black dress.

Estrella con tomates que se frien sin aceite

      en el campo caliente donde el padre

      los cosecha estas tardes.

Star with tomatoes that are fried without oil

      in the hot field where the father

      harvests them these afternoons.

Estrella con oscuridad, la luna joven no brilla

      sobre su mesa.

Star with darkness, the young moon does not shine

      on their table.

Estrella con patata por el qual pela el hijo.

Star with potato that the son peels.

Su cuchillo apaga esa estrella, apagando

      la noche.

His knife turns off that star, turning off

      the night.


Blushing crescent

on the far side of the sky



Half moon, it's razor edge

slices the heavens.

Sagittarius bleeds.


In the dark valley

one flickering firefly

ignites the full moon.


>>>>> Presidenn's Day <<<<<

ebike2mars.com BT14by.0117.053AT

"Do we celebrate ahha Presidenn's Day on the Outer Hemi?" Alfeem asks.

"No, Alfeemmm. Mmmama believes that here we should be concerned with hemmmispheric and planetary events, not the deconstruction of history," Alfanda answers.

"Today, togetherh, we could ask imporhtant questions like whetherh Jopiterh contains a rhocky corhe orh is it pure metallic hydrhogen, forhmed by grhavitational collapse orh forhmed by corhe accrhetion", suggests Alfom. 

My Trippplets interact so wonderfully. But. How is it possible to hear their voices when I am not with them?

"What about the First Lady? Ahha simple story about her wouldn't marginalize events, right?"



Whap, whap. Martha's cherrywood cane is not equipped with a rubber tip. Whapping to the parlor, she focuses on the portrait of George for a long while, unsure who he is. Whap. She turns around to face the south wall, removes her spectacles, looks down into the Appalachian grain of the floorboards, replaces the spectacles across her nose, then looks up at the gas lamp in need of polishing. Apprehensive that the whassy soot will drop, whass, onto her hair, she whaps her silk shoes toward the armoire, in synch with the whap of her cane.

Martha Washington has outlived all her children and both husbands. She feels lost without them. "I wander around trying to locate myself," she remarks to a familiar face behind the tilted frame of the cheval glass. Whap, whap. Whass.

>>>>> Spin to the Salt Cave <<<<<

ebike2mars.com BT14by.0117.034AT

"How are we ahha surviving in this extremely low stratospheric pressure!!" Alfeem screams pouncing and waving frantically at me. 

But my pedals won't stop spinning. The magnetometer on my handlebar reads 90000 microTeslas! 4.65 billion year old Augrites (.6mT) and other fossilized meteorites (5-10mTs) were studied to determine when our solar nebula dissipated.  90000 mTs could effect the tilt and orbit of our hemisphere. No wonder I lost control of the ebike.

"Mama Marhzee, will we be safe from the solarh flarhes while you arhe away?" Alfom asks.

"Yes, dear," he's unable to hear me.

Ubeyou does not realize the seriousness of what's happening. He rambles on about long lost phenomena. "Now, Exo homeschoolers (with the help of astrophysicists) can predict the shape of signals emulating from oscillons that fluctuated in clumps from accelerating inflatons (scalar fields dominating the Bioverse after initial expansion). If  some black hole masses were created by inflation, it would imply Quantiverse. Some of these balloon verses could expand and collapse in a short time, without forming anything. Others would have formed billions of stars billions of years ago, before our Bioverse formed. Lest we forget, Enstein predicted gravitational waves warping the shape of time/place."

"mmMama, I fear you won't ..."   Alfanda's voice disintegrates.....

I wake up in the Salt Cave, counting quantum sheep. Unsure of the timeframe. E calendar on the CP flashes:

ebike2mars.com BT14by.0117.045AT

The crystal walls are dimly lit by the soft beam of my waist lamp. I recall Frob mentioning that the electromagnetic oscillation coming from this type of transparent crystalline structure induces healthy wavelengths while neutralizing artificial frequencies. And the trace minerals interact to promote strong immune systems.

What is that handwriting behind the salt stalactite? Could be missing pages from the Looss Leaf files:


THE SLOT                LLf #TS203

While the others sleep, Dorothy slides her walker to the velvety recliner for a midnight snack. Thank goodness she didn't sit on her other favorite chair, in the dining room, which she thinks is a toilet seat.

I offer her a cracker. Ten minutes later the cracker is still in her hand. She stares at it. Slips it up her sleeve. Pulls it out. Pushes it into her sock. Pulls it out. Stares again. Then she slides the cracker down the front of her nightgown.

"Dorothy, is there something I can do for you?" I ask.

"Yes," she replies, "I'm looking for the slot."

Holding her wrist,  I redirect the cracker toward her mouth. And she takes a bite.


Wait!! That is MY story. How could it be under the name and copyright of Looss Leaf??

>>>>> Rotation 24837 (=?th yr) <<<<<

ebike2mars.com BT14by0117.031AT

What are the plans for this rotation?

"Let's do some solarh flarhe calculation. The highest gamma rhay enerhgy is at 3 billion electrhon volts, billion ton cloud of plasma splooming into space, CME at 5 million mph," explains Alfom.

"Then, let's go ring grazing at Saturn's B level where emmmbedded  mmmoonlets have reshaped ring propellers, and not forget the straw immmages from NAS's Cassini," Alfanda suggests.

"I want to ahha adjust the wheels on roverbott Uriousity. It's moving only one ahha centimeter per second along Ale crater," shouts Alfeem.

"We shall celebrate by taking time off from Exo homeschooling," insists Ubeyou. "Marzy, this is your day. What do you choose to do?"

"After fermented brunch at the Salt Cave with images of ZGB Daqlen's exponential expressions, we'll have a dance party to the beat notes of nonequallibrium matter crystallizing in Place/Time. Then spin into posture for silent drumming. Write a story, time permitting before the 24837th rotation is complete."



The Bear family crossed this gravel highway to a stand of Appalachian sycamores. Mama selected her trunk, then clawed the bark forcefully. Sister Bear and the four brothers did their best with selecting.

For a long while Mama's cubs practiced the clawing technique, scratch scratch scribble rip. They clawed their bark until an Element wheeled around the switchback at which moment the Bear family scrambled up the ridge. All except Sister who peeked out from behind her trunk to wave at the strange furless creature behind that windshield. Is it you?


>>>>> Site Analysis - 0117 AT update <<<<<

ebike2mars.com BT14by0117.024 AT

As no active threats are reported, site is SAFE to browse.

Daily unique visitors 31, views 71.

2 facebook likes, 1 facebook share

Delicious shares N/A

Inverse bounce ratio = 5/100

Cutestat rating = 1.67 stars

After one year and seven months, this extension has an estimated worth of only $62. "Because the costs of mining and transporting magnetite, ilmenite and metallic meteorites are higher than the value of the minerals themselves, " explains Ubeyou.

Climatic cycles, from the greenhouse effect of volcanic debris, etched rivers and lakes. This rust red terrain is suitable for today's touring ecyclists and roverbotts. Currently the thermoscanner at the equator  reads 70° F noon, down to -100 F midnigh, at the pole minus 165 F. 

Alfanda comments, "Temmmperature is the kinetic energy of wriggling particles. In the lab scientists can design artificial                                      temmmperature by shining squeezed light into an aluminummm drummm (20 micrometers X 100 nanometers) linked to a cooling circuit, to create a photon with the ability to remmmove a phonon. With each phonon remmmoved, a surface reaches closer to absolute zero, when wriggling ceases."  

"Mama, I want to ahha analyze the fossil in this shale, longitude minus 122.19," shouts Alfeem. "Cone shaped ahha hyolith 240 to 530 million years old. Let's reclassify this ahha ancient sea dweller. Species is the missing link of evolution. Now we've solved the ahha palentological puzzle!"   

Enough of this outer hemi site analysis. I miss the rustling leaves on the inner hemisphere, those grazing long horned goats, wild rosehips... 

Sun was fainter 3.8 billion years ago 

"Winds that accelerhated adjacent to Valles Marhinarhis forhmed these rhust rhed rhipples across the terrhain," Alfom informs us.

"And what about ahha gravity, does it make waves?" Alfeem asks.

Ubeyou answers, "Yes. As each gravitational wave passes from the cosmos, it squishes the terrain (and us) making it slightly wider, then the wave stretches objects making them slightly higher. Other waves, such as radio, x-rays and electromagnetic radiation bounce off us, pass through us or absorb into us."

"mmMama, have you seen oceanic non linear internal solitary waves when you lived on the Inner Hemmmisphere?"

Did I imagine that question. Is this place real?



Far from the sky, beyond the bright of stars 

lies a daunting place

deep in the heart of imagination.

The place to where being strays 

after usefulness is reaped.

There to the unyielding emptiness arms reach,

veins turning colder than winter branches.

To there a haunted hoof leaps, a lost sole floats.

Femurs rest and rumours cease

as creation ever after sleeps. 

Imagine the place, or not.  

- -------------------------------------

"Do cats believe in ahha heaven?"

An unlikely thought from my crew.


S.C.A.T.  Local Transit 

Kitty rides when it rains, rides the SCAT bus  

that departs transit central for CitizensTrust  

with a transfer to Calico Corners at dusk

where alley cats loiter, their beady eyes waiting

for handouts from Pelican Lady.

Kitty counts the umbrellas parading this route. 

Cougars, out loud, read the bus headline news:

For stop requests pull on Somalia's fur suit.

Emissions controlled by the Pusses in Boots.

Discounted fares for all senior Siamese.

Dispose of used scratch boxes properly please.

Catnip prohibited.  

No toking weeds. 

Reserve seats in front for our disabled Persians. 

Affirmative action for chocolate Himalayans.

whose transport is sponsored by friends of Abyssinians.

For purring disorders call 9-1-1 Lives.

To reorder kibbles on credit press five.

Kitty is phoneless and hungry, yet dry.

Tabby bowls Milkinson Lanes, not Kitty

whose bus is approaching pet psychic Doe Jane  

as, across the speed humps, Angora's son paces

waiting for service from Flea Ridge to Paw Place. 

Sleek Lioness, marching down the bus aisle,

left Hairball Salon, pedicured, back a mile.

Sylvester and Felix enter laughing in style

Catanadromous, the beachcombing Greek breed,

catches his meal as it spawns from the creek,

then catches this bus. To Kitty he speaks,

"Representing the humane society PAC,

I vote Yes to more funding for Cataracts Act."

Kitty, who rides blurry eyed when it rains,

in need of new lenses, does not complain.

Bengals board safely from circus tent traffic.

Florida Panther is saved at Saint Patrick.

Sabertooth's exit was after Jurassic.

Puma with shiny dark claws and cool shades

from Catacomb Mart, guaranteed not to fade,

tail custom braided by pedigree traders,

buys at the jeweler a collar in jade.

Kitty's collar is yarn, mostly ravelled away.

Kitty, who survives with exact change only,

steps curbside at the last stop where the driver,

night bound, shakes his head in dismay,

"There's no future for strays in this clouded town."

Kitty, who trusted us, drowns in the ditch, 

face down under the Wishbone Bridge.

(S.C.A.T. = Saber County Area Transit)



ebike2mars.com 0117.020 AT

Replace your SOD today.

Contractors are prescreened to install and maintain new landscapes.

Healthy clod analysis included

Contact SODDESSEY Turf Farm

Serving the Mars area.

"Mama, do you ahha like my business flyer? When the SpaceX voyagers arrive, SOD will be ahha available to grow their chives and quinoa," announces Alfeem. "And this is my ebike banner: In SOD We Trust."

"But Alfeemmm, it's not that easy," Alfanda informs him, "The basis for clod formmmation is hydrated FeO and MgO bearing secondary mmminerals. That is the primmmary control for geochemmmistry."

"Morheoverh," adds Alfom, "marhtian SOD, Self Orhganizing Dust, is orhientated on difficult to rheach rhocks at Merhidiani and at Gusey Plains SOD is sparhsely exprhessed into voids of the dusty surface."

Ubeyou comments, "oddly clumped soil appears to be held together by dampness as SOD or mud. Yet this cohesive property could be caused by electromagnetic fields."

"Suppose we make some mud," I suggest. "Freeze it, put it in a bell jar, pressurize it and inject a little energy as it condenses by abraising the mud at near vacuum. Then see if it turns to SOD."

Do you want to do this experiment in your home?

ZGB Daqlen prefers to sit outside on the woodpile and analyze the texture of logs, as the wild turkeys forage at Eaverdam Knoll.

>>>>> To Our Future Self <<<<<

            (second attempt)

ebike2mars.com 0117.017 AT

Dear Future Marzy, 

Look closely. Woven into your hemp bracelet are strands of hair to confirm genetic identity, that we are the same, the person receiving is the person who sent these instructions from the Outer Hemisphere.

If your daily activities become awkward, listen to your sons' advice. This is a reminder that your family does care about you. When they arrange for help, thank them. Try not to be aggravated if someone suggests to drink water, to bathe, to open the curtain or use a walker. On this unpredictable day, it is your responsibility to allow others to be in charge. Relax, let them do it, enjoy every hour. Dream well. Laugh at each forgetful moment.

Keep the ZGB image of grandson Daqlen next to your heart, along with recall bytes of these outlandish ebike adventures and of regmaglypts, the thumbprints on meteorites caused by burning of softer material during their plunges through the rust red atmosphere.

Sincerely and Seriously,

signed by your Past Self and notarized 

🗾🎨~⚡¥.      Marzy L E   ®

(Yes, you know that this is your signature.)

>>>>> Happy New Lightyear <<<<<

ebike2mars.com 0117.001 AT

"Mama Marhzee, can we...".  "...go ahha nigh skating...". "...at Oxia Planummm?". 

My Trippplets fasten their kindercloaks and pounce toward the ebikes before I can say "Yes"

Spinning across Arabia Terra Highlands, views of Mawrth Ravine ( 4 billion years old, 600 km long) are spectacular. Ubeyou, in the lead with Alfanda and Alfeem, signals me to brake. We dismount, strap the amboo blades onto our eboots and glide, glide with zero stickiness like superfluid gliding uphill in an alternative Bioverse. We glide effortlessly along the icy vallis illuminated by glowing sky particles of the new Lightyear.

"Where is this nigh light commmuning fromm?" Alfanda asks, gliding nervously in question marks.

Could it be 2015TC25, the brightest yet tiniest visible asteroid (6 feet across). She wonders.

Or is it the merger of two black holes creating a gravitational wave power ten times greater than the combined energy of all stars, measured by LIGO Interferometer Observatory.

Or the fossils of Cloudina (first life forms to have skeletons) reflected by rapidly forming vapor.

Maybe it's the light from raw leftover lumps that formed the Bioverse, such as the planetoid MU69.

"Most  likely," says Ubeyou, "this is hemispheric night glow, emissions from nitric oxide caused by collision of atoms brought in with high altitude winds after sun breaks down carbon and nitrogen. (Find out more about glowing particles at 301-286-0039 x5017. Or refer to Wikipedia.)

Alfanda is satisfied. Good answers can settle her into a state of nirvana. She glides in spirals now, not asking where or what.. while all phrases slip far from my writing nebula to the proplyds of Orion, leaving us without an ending.

>>>>> Perpetual Aurora <<<<< 

ebike2mars.com 0116.349 AT

Miisha's creation, Aurora at Castle Wisp, holds the family together perpetually in this dreamscape which evolved from profound talent.

"Are we ahha in the auroric dream?" Alfeem asks.

"Of course you are, my dearest Feem, Fom, Fanda," I assure them.

"Tell us wherhe, Mama Marhzee."

"You are 👇 with Ubeyou, safe, in the distant range."

Far from this world and unsure how to return, Marzy spins beyond the Inner Hemisphere. What follows, among other matters, is a synopsis of her voyage where no spoke has ever spun before. 

[This site supports the efforts to acknowledge Homo hadzien] [sites.google.com/site/genoscene]

 \\\\ V **[latest log entry]** V ////

** Astrocyte Sighting **

eBike2mars 14Gyr131.0122T:  Bright yellow particles zip across the holographic monitor. "Do you see the potassium ions revamping electricity toward that cluster of Astrocytes, Ahn Sola?" Ilios asks me, clicking the enhancement key. "Oha, I do. see them," I reply. He continues his presentation, "Within our parsec of the Silky Way, innovative tools, such as this neuroscope, can detect electrical activity of cells by the use of fluorescent  proteins. This means that neurons and Astrocytes talk to each other by way of chemical messengers. Our upcoming mission depends on your knowledge of all communication processes." 

 I squint my eyelids. Upon close observation, the Astrocytes on the hologram appear as starlight shaped structures. Ilios explains that they make up half of the cell type in central nervous systems, performing tasks such as synaptic support, control of blood flow and axon guidance for steering eBikes, the same guidance that Marzy utilized spinning across the rust red terrain of the Outer Hemisphere.      

** Seven Scincids**

eBike2mars 14Gyr128.0122T:  "Mellow out, Ahn Sola, mellow out." The fohNet system signals break time. Closing the deskpod, my elbow scrapes across its latch, corpuscles ejected across the oval window. I take a moment to spray the wound and to peer out at Sod Quad, a permaculture plot that Qbottics set up for employees and their Kinder. There, at the outcrop of sunchokes, ZGB Daqlen is interacting with a lounge of lizards. I switch on my CP audio enhancer to listen. Daq gives a name to each of those seven Scincids (skink lizards): "Zipride, Wenvy, Gluettony, Hungreed, Blust, Slothug, Wrathog." Zero Gravity Boy ta-pats them endearingly, offers them a snack of swarming Sciniphs (the obsolete species from Exodus), waves goodbye and pounces onto his eKinderBike.  

** Rise Of Ignimbrite **

eBike2mars 14Gyr120.0122T: We come, we go, swiftly, slowly, pace or drift. Soundlessly or crying out we hum and go, come and.. (gone).

"Our eBike wheels rise and fall across the rich bedrock in Jezero crater, may be the enigmatic type called ignimbrite formed by rust red cataclysmic eruptions..." 

I continue with the perusal of Marzy's log entries, wondering what surprises may arise from Inner Hemispheran ignimbrite. I goggle it, i-g-n-i-m-b-r-i-t-e, and come across an ebsite showing a nine million year old fossil of a rhinoceros skull in the ignimbrite bedrock of Cappadocia, although preservation of vertebrates in such volcanic pyroclastic deposits is extremely rare.

The hum of rhinos sounds like a sniffling trumpet, coming and going throughout our Sol System. 

** Merry Perihelion **

eBike2mars 14Gyr004.0122T:  "Bleat, bleat, bleat." My CP alerts me of three incoming e-mul messages. ^to me from Sunny Tannan^ "Merry Perihelion. Let's celebrate the distance of .9833 astronomical units from our faces to our sol. V U later, Ahn Sola." ..  ^to me from Rae Rae^ "The closest approach is here and now. Thinking of you during this perihelion will return from RidgeX flare watch assignment on Moonday." ^to me from Ilios^ "Sola, please forward a copy of your last audio contact with Marzy L E."  

^from me to Ilios^.. "Here is the audio you requested: 'Marzy Here, Anyone Read Me?'  'Yes, this is Ahn Sola.'  'Ahn, terrain contagion is eroding marineris, outer hemi likely to rift apart. 081.0120 eBike travl treacher-ous-s.'"     

** Cosmic Shower**

eBike2mars 14Gyr319.0121T: The woodland sheds its colorful suit. Modest branches stand undressed. Beneath them, a leafy carpet, covering roots and sod, define this trail that leads to shortened days and bustling eves. How, many, leaves- a hundred count of maple resting on moss plus a dozen thousand poplar rustling across the weathered ledge times the mass of cubic yards where little legs leap and pounce- there is but ONE extraordinary leaf to be found, the deeply lobed oak in my grandson's hand.

Oha, I don't have a grandson. I'm daydreaming. Need to do some calculations. Cosmic showers shedding their nuclei  at forty thousand km per second, unlike free falling acorns at four tenths km per second, seldom reach the ground. Those nuclei hang out at extreme elevation, with pi mesons, in decay mode. Below them eBikes follow hemispheric trails at point fourteen km per second.  

"Ahn Sola, are you daydreaming again?"   

**Recipe for All Planets**

eBike2mars preview in which Ahn Sola unveils Marzy's joule concoction for a well blended Sol System. These are the ingredients:  One quark of Dervish twirled into tau flavored leptons, scoop of quanta beaten with Irwin's cat formula, a full spectrum pumpkin slitting candlelight, and nanogram of infinitesimals simmering through red giants.. . bake at a constant 6.67 X 10^-11 to ensure elliptical momentum and to unify energy/matter/antiparticles/waves, regardless of charge, size, color, speed or inclinations.

Smash-up at the automat, smash-up at the automat... our interoffice fohnet system bleats repeatedly. The pneumatic door is malfunctioning, causing a smash-up with injuries likely. Sunny flops onto the bench next to mine, a long veinous bruise lumped across his eBiking muscles. "I read that preview on Marhzee's well blended Sol System. Why not unveil some of your recipes, Ahn Sola?" he remarks grabbing a T-roll, one of my family staples that our lunchroom adopted. "Oha, Sunny, I'll do that," I reply unlatching my CP.

Hmm. where to begin... Zardate 14Gyr305.0121T- listing #one- 'Fungus Fritters': stir bits of subterranean Sparassis... oha, that's not right. I need to adapt these recipes for IH cafeteria chefs. #one- 'Corn Fritters': ... #two- 'T-Rolls: ... #three- 'Totally Local Dip': ...

**Swift Spectacle**

eBike2mars 14Gyr297.0121T: Spinning across the Sod Quad at dawn, Rae Rae crashes her eBike into a recently poted sign: ||Each Nest-house Contributes to the Swift Roost Spectacle||. 

"Let's do as they do, Ahn Sola," she screams out to me, swiping blood off her wound. I shout back, in full acceleration, "Not likely. The flock is migrating to warmer hemispheres, swifter than.."  Out of somewhere, a flurry of wings totally black out my wide angle view. .."Oha, look up, Rae Rae." We remove our eHelmets and watch in awe.

Swooping around us, a flock of Apus apus flap their wings in a continuum of variations and tempos.  Feather tips reach out, barely missing flight companions. We observe  forward and backward flutters, side to side drifts, internal circular soaring, external vertical glides.  "Ahn Sola", Rae calls out to me, "their horizontal flapping reverberates in my cochlea, wow do you feel that, like being transported to euphoric fields on slow forming interplanetary clouds." 

Where wings slice the air, blissful waves of otherworldly incense breeze into my lungs, sweetening each breath. Swiftly the migrating Apus vanish into place/time.            

**Virtual  (VirG)  Grave**

14Gyr292.0121T hour16: Why wait 'til you die to be remembered? when you can be dropped at your VirG today! (while you're still alive)

>Lay Me Down Under The North Star's Rays<

"Would you like to put a deposit on that inscription?" suggests the VirG salesman. Rae Rae declines with a sharp flick of her hand. Rushing toward the exit, she whisps to me, "Who invited the VirG guy to this meeting? V U later, Ahn Sola." I whisp back, "Oha, Rae, be at Sod Quad usual hour."

The VirG man unlatches two three-D scrolls, one delineates the Silky Way, the other scroll maps out our IH (Inner Hemisphere). He speaks in a monotone, the C-flat of alpha centauri, "Marhzee's VirG is this rust red spot on the Outer Hemi, not far from our Sol. Her inscription reads >Find Me Along Place/Time Where eBikes And Gravitation Bend.<  Moving to the IH map, GariSo's  daughter arranged two VirGs for him, the first in a lava tube, as indicated by this pin (flexible pins are pressed into thousands of VirG locations), the second VirG on a starfruit tree, there in the lower peninsula, with the inscription >As Limbs Decay In Grounded Leaves, Our Hearts Climb Into Living Trees<. He passed unexpectedly in 0120T. The only child, FeatherSo, requested her VirG to be with his."

*Family VirGs*  

Their extended family also have pre-arranged for Virtual Graves. LawrSo (GariSo's twin) with KimSo jibe >Sailing Forth, Waves On Lake Champlain Shall Take Us To Our Heavenly Port<...     DusstiSo, MiishaSo and feline LokiSo  remain at Mythow Castle, >Free Falling From A Quantum Quest, We Tumble And Do Not Tumble Through The Turret's Roof< ...     CamHa will take his family to Canyon Grande, their chosen VirG, >To Explore El Rio Where Paddles Sink Then Boldly Soar<...      WillbeeSo and family have their VirG at Poor Man's Creek, >We Spin Crossing The Hiveway Knee Deep In Okanagen Honey<...     En route to USVI, where his glasses fell overboard during the hurricane, is AlfanSo's virtual grave, his voice still echoing to the crew >Bingers Buckers Down The Hatch, Armenians<...      Gramma ElizLa dances with Socrates, her tortoise, at the burrow (his VirG) near south ferry Casita (her VirG)   ELIZ LA  [0025-0120T] >Proud Graduate Of Edwards Elementary<...       MeedaSo, with thoughts of deep springs, permaculture, and re-purposing, decides to be at the Rift Valley baobab tree on which her inscription is printed in blood, >Drum Unto This Trunk, Drum<   MEEDA SO aka L E, LESA, SUSU,  [0049T-?]

*VirG Inscriptions*:    

My co-workers and I read through inscriptions, that the VirG man passed around, some of which are reserved, others available by deposit: >My Story Has No End< ..>These Roots Run Deep<..  >Dust In Your Eyes, That's Me<.. >Bring The Most To Every Moment<.. >My Life 1000 Whims<.. >Twice Or More To Meet Before We Die<.. >Pure Consciousness<..   >A World Spinning Continues To Spin The Way Our Treads Do<...    >Cosmic Viewing Of My New-Aging Face< .. >Stranger To Many Friend To Some<.. >Not Gone Yet<..  >No Passing Zone<.. >Miles To Go Before My Demise<.. >Some Body Rotting In Denmark<.. >6 Thousand  Deaths Per Hour, 16 Thousand Births<.. >Remember Me Now<.. >Whose Ash Spewing From That Magma Chamber?<.. >Walk Through Me This Ghostly Fog<.. >All Are Indigenous To The Planet<.. >Population 8 Billion Up From 2.5 In '50<..  >Incineration In The Sun<..  >E=Me/C/Squared<..   >Soaring With The Condor<.. >Tuck Me Into Bedrock<.. >Life Becomes Me<..  >To Hoot With Owls Suits Me<.. >Bury That Shovel Too<.. >Lay Me Prone. My Back Is The Front>.. >Package Delivery To The Crypt<.. >Death Or Bust<..

*Scroll Perusal*: 

I decide to peruse the VirGscrolls before ordering my site: VirG#081464 at Murdo Antarca-  FROB WEL [057T-?] >My Voice Can Be Found Chatting With Penguins At The Southernmost Town< ... VirG#062366 at Painted Cliff-  SETHITE WOO [0054T-?]  >My Bones Metamorphosed<...   VirG#092373 at Ermont woodlands, words borrowed from her Poets' file-  INDA HIL  [0048T-?] >Walking With The Woodland Breeze Where  Rippling Flowers Are Deeply Shadowed In Twilight Hours, I Can Hardly Contain This Ecstasy In My Heart, Falling Wild< ...    VirG#060866 at Isthmus of Imagination near mainland-   PI, the GAK MAN (Green Axle Kinetics)   [0054T-?] >A World Spinning Continues To Spin The Way Our Treads Do< .. VirG#050555 at Grassy Knob-  OLIN HAR II   [0045-0102T] >Master Of Lakefront Carpentry And Moat Repair<...    >...< ...

*Group VirGs*

VirG#011280 at UnivNC lot A-  SFAB MEMBERS   [book club est. 0117T]  >From This Microbial Platter To Those Galactic Dishes, Our Authors Keep Us Nourished With Gourmet Sciences< ...   VirG#011299 at Cameroon-  BAKA and all RHYTHMIC PEOPLE   [9999BT-now] >Slapping  Rivers, Tanned Hides And Calabash, Our Hands Drop A Beat Onto The Dancer's Feet< ...  VirG#011255 at Yancy County Compost Bin-    ORGANIC GROWERS   [0050T-now]  >Composting Together And Each  Other We Give To The Ground What The Ground Gives To Us< ...    VirG#011212 at Feed My Sheep Church-    TWELVE  SHEPHERDS    [2000BT-now] >We Praise Thee As We Fall Asleep Covered Unto Woolen Sheets<...  VirG#011202 at Brand New Opry-  SINGERS and GUITARISTS [to be announced]  >To Have This VirG Amplifies Our Lives<.. >One More Verse To Prolong This Song<..   VirG#141920- at Arolla of Mont Collon-  LAH, WPS and LES  [summer of 0068T]  >Three Youthful Travelers, Hitched To A Donkey's Cart, Approach Another Switchback \!!/  Carefreely Along This Rocky Alpine Track<    VirG#99999G - at the Stratospheric Free-for-all-site-  ARCHAEANS + EUKARYOTES   [99999G-futures]  >Each Creature  Now Alive Or Not Is Welcome To This Plot High In The Cloud<     

"Why wait 'til you die to be remembered? when you can be dropped here>< today at your Virtual Grave while you're still alive. To reserve, call ninefourone foureighteight onetwoonetwo. Are you ready to order, Ahn Sola?" the VirGman asks me. "Oha, I am." He scans my VeezaCard and inscription. Instantaneously, a CP generated flexiPin drops onto my chosen VirG#061636 at the IH Lagendaria belt- AHN SOLA [0085T-?] >To Be, By Glowing Gourds, The Scarecrow On A Field Of Hallow Eve Immortals<... 

14Gyr292.0121T hour17 . Are you curious about where the VirGman carved his inscription? onto the crucifix of the Iverside skeleton, >My End Is The End<.

  ** Severed Terrain **

14Gyr292.0121T hour15:   -SEVERED-  Curtains waver, a flying limb severs the eave. Darkness, waning, beseeches "Take me, Wind, into your lair." Restless shadows quiver there.

"You're on at T-minus ten, Ahn Sola," Sunny's voice quivers across the inter-office fohNet system.

"Oha, standing by," I reply ending my daydream. The boss arranged for me to demonstrate Marzy's EXOfit routine at this moonth's Qubottics meeting.

I stumble onto the holographic stage, mounting the stationary eBike. "After hours of spinning across severed terrain along rust red Jezero crater, Marhzee and her crew were desperate for cooldown time," I explain, demonstrating slow effortless backwards pedaling. "This technique releases tension in the forward/upward  spinning muscles that were stressed during exploration of equatorial quadrants by eBike."  I plontz off the eSaddle onto my fohMat. "The remainder of the cooldown takes place supine, then prone." 

To the tempo of a low gear tango, I wriggle my fingers/toes, rotate wrists/ankles, bend knees/elbows, turn neck side to side, move axis /transverse process in all directions full range of motion, (if you're bored, scroll down to **An Inch Of Time** or press 'new tab'), blink eyes hard/open hard, isometric face lifting, breath control with long steady exhales. "Any questions or comments, so far?" I ask the audience. All my co-workers raise their thumbs, wondering "how many repetitions?" "how does gravity on the Outer Hemisphere effect muscle performance?" "can you explain detains about Marzy's inhale techniques?" "my work team observed Marhzee before her jump from the Inner Hemisphere. We could demonstrate her pre-flight workout." To process all this fitness would require a MarzyFIT marathon. No time/place for that now. Instead, "fohText your questions to nine four one four eight eight one two one two, attn Ahn Sola or Marhzee."

** An Inch Of Time **

eBike2mars 14Gyr288.0121T:  What now we are is what we were and shall or shall not be.

The obsidian mirror, hanging above Ilios's deskpod, has been a symbol of self amusement to ensure sensible decisions during  the upcoming Qubottics eBike mission.

"Ahn Sola, would you continue scanning Marzy's qChip to extract more data useful to our mission," says Ilios.    "Oha, I'm on it," I reply scrambling toward the exit with my CP case unlatched. My sensibilities have been somewhat compromised since that spin to Crescents with the boss. I slop onto my podchair and press tab at the Marzy file:

AN INCH OF TIME ..... An inch of time, this pulse within, those riffing chimes, a whiff of kaffir lime, that silent punch, some petty crimes, every munch of delight, each morsel of regret, all sublime, grain of laughter, pinch of pain, your yard of thread, my inch of time, two embroidered hearts, once upon a rhyme. 


WHAT MATTER ..... Oha, I need to scroll to something that matters, relevant to the mission, such as gardening on a radiated planet or Marzy's fitness routine on rust red rock of reccuring slope lineae at the base of Aeolis Mons.

** Lossless  Travel ** 14Gyr282.0121T

HITCHHOPPER ..... Grasshopper elusively speeds across our windshield to the steering wheel, shifter, glove box, ashtray,  hairy knee, door lock, stopping atop a sleepy lap strapped to the car seat.

STOMP ..... Horse Stomp Road, ten miles from the border, steel tankers pump fuel into empty tanks where once the blacksmith stooped by wagon wheels, shoeing hooves.

at REST AREAS  Wildwood to South Beach, service animals walk their keepers from the restroom to drivers' seats.

PIPER ..... 'Sandpiper, where do you twitter when it rains?'  'Along the shore, clear sky or stormy, is where my song remains,' salty beak pecking at grains of surf.

BAT THE MOON ..... From a dark dug-out, the platoon of winged players that pitch across left field to catch hustling flies, bat the moon. 

FLOCKING ..... In flight formation the October flock, along the skyway, appears befuddled, their 'V' pointing northerly.

DRIFTING ..... Drifting free, from the chilling mouth of Rock Spring, down the clear cut creek lined with fossils of dugong times, our bare legs bound toward warmer waters.

ROOM 124 ..... Slinking across the motel parking lot, a grey tabby greets us at room one two four after many hours of us travelling to Sure Stay in the Toyota, almost scratched, our butts almost sore.

In a rush, g-go, your toes are stubbed crossing the threshold to a future space where you peer upward face-to-face with a newly formed constellation named Stymie upon which four words from past times shine, my "toes don't hurt anymore." .... RHYME TRAVEL


"How was your road trip to the peninsula, Ahn Sola?" Sunny asks me.    "Happy travels yet uncomfortably inefficient," I respond in frustration.  "The family petrobott guzzles and spews at only, oha, ten percent sufficiency." ... whereas,  Marzy's eBike  could travel across Marineris Canyon toward Jezero crater at seventy percent; and the new type of magnetism, discovered on Sr2RuO4, moves lossless electric current that can be one hundred ten percent sufficient.

** A Spin With My Boss **

eBike2mars 14Gyr277.0121T

       Our platter nearly empty, 

       mugs devoid of drink.

      The morrow shall upheave this eve

      sooner than we blink.

At hour eighteen, the pneumatic door thwarks open. It's my boss Ilios. He approaches my deskpod and speaks encouragingly, " Ahn Sola, take a spin with me." "Oha, sure," I reply.

We accelerate to Crescents Cafe for a kava. We find seating on the patio. Ilios fidgets, glancing at my bare arms. "I am partial to peach tones," he tells me.

I am tempted to ta-pat him, his magenta skin glossy as mylar. That's not right. He is my boss. What would Marzy do in this awkwardness? .. Distract.. I roll my eyes toward the sillboard where news briefs, along with Crescents menu, brightly flash: ..Frodosome, named after rare frog, trumps smaller organelles... Antkeeper demonstrates social parasitism among leaf-cutters... Today's special: tectonic plate... La Palma lava surfs to the sea... R. C. boogie board dives into Cat 4 storm...

Ilios unfolds my clenched hand. We race our eBikes out of the rain to a private lean-to behind Crescents. Huddled with me under the low lying roof, he takes care of some fohNet business. I open my e-mul: Hi Bookclub Members ^ bcc: me from Rae Rae. Unable to join you on Xoom, I'm relaying some thoughts about gender, via e-mul. To begin, have you paraded lately in support of our authors? I've paraded in the

RAINY PARADE ..... I've paraded in the rain when sidewalks were clear, after crowds rushed inside for a dry drink or beer. You can parade with me in the rain after tomboys and friends board their bus, oblivious to rain paraders. We parade in rain, incognito. A forecaster records us with inclement rain, parade footage filed on racks with stacks of mislabelled leftovers. We parade in relentless rain. If they ask who we are, we are somewhat like they who parade under the limelight in their showy way. We, the subdued rain paraders, take pride in keeping our preferences private. Whether lonely heart, hetero, flamboyant or plain, our faces are covered with blank sheets of rain.

The quiet majority are we proposing, in rain, that what happens behind closed doors is personal. What perfume we wear or how we squat in the rub-a-dub room is not their affair. We, the paraders, form special unions, family co-ops and reciprocative groups, not unlike the species of bat that willingly share its cache of fruit. Our separatist is well respected, her free thinking neurons synapse in the rain, or is that arrangement of cells a he-brain parading?  Cocky in youth or wizened with age, our soaked skins parade to the drumbeat of rain along the avenue. There some dividends parade with us, a divisor, here, equally dividing the rain. Its solution is clear: to acknowledge, while parading, allgender rites, as allrains cycle, droplet by drop, to form rainbows of life.

We parade to non-fiction on the 'ology' shelf, where an odd multiplier replicates itself; two, four, eight bits of Anthrozoa parade through rainy reefs. Flagellating in line, tiny zygotes spell 'his,' extra large h-e-r. They parade through rainy tubes microscopically far, in all shades of genes. At page twenty, a tawny brown fawn refuses to grow parade antlers, as umber brown papa deer muses, "Am I Buck or Doe?"   

We parade across puddles that join continents. We wade into cultures afraid of uncharted sentiments. We parade past pre-pubescent brides, pre-ordained to be Mothers forbidden to parade. Backwards we parade to the Pleistocene stage when Neanderthals mated in rain with strange hominids, unrelated. Carbon dated Stone-agers, they paraded.

He/she/it parades in the rain that shields them from scrutinous destinies. I parade. I've come out of my burrow, with disabled umbrello, to parade in the rain. You can parade with me, lest ye say 'nay.' In this rain, once paraded, cannot be half-done.


** ** The  Universe  Room ** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr260.0121T

         Comfrey in bloom-

          purplish bodices entice

          a long tongued bumblebee.

I missed the spring season and most of summer, holed up, for mission training, in a subsurface environment simulating the conditions that Marzy endured during  the great Outer Hemispheran dust storm of 116T.

Now that I'm back at my deskpod, oha, I can better appreciate the spectrum of behaviors noticeable above ground, as portrayed in this commentary from the LLF (Looss Leef Files).


Beyond Orion's belt at the Universe Rest Area, you land yourself squarely on Pad number two, an arm's distance away from the blue-green Machine that vends hologram maps, unleaded nukefuel blends, freeze-dri frappes and contracep gelcaps, wondering "Where is the U-room?" 

Saluting and groomed a Roboclerk speaks, "This launch-yard provides more than one Universe Room: Ladies,  Astromens, closets for genders, white Voyeurs, non-Members, black Widowers, Thrusters, ghost Butlers and old Lawyers." 

"Poacher, your stall provides an ivory bowl brusher. The starfleet Polygamist has multiple flushers. Martyr's room, Fartyr's room, husky sled Musher's have soft heated sheets."

You are unclear about where to proceed. The Roboclerk, swooning, continues his speech, "Miss Pacifist chooses her dove quilted paper. Red china silk is what Communists favor. Flaming Terrorists wipe out their Hostages' roll.  Bi Partisans run then take a poll. From tiled walls their rockets glare, bursting toward Great Bear." Solar Sisters squat warning, "Outer Spacegerms cause  bun blisters."

You are unsure of how long you can wait.

A plump bushy Dwarf, horny as sheep, cannot reach the lock above the Camel Puffers seat, so he stubs out his butt on the Roboclerk's  cheek. A bony Ectomorph, moaning, limps onto a nearby handicap fly zone. 

Faucet wiping Hypochondriac and graffiti typing Nymphomaniac gently push, then pull to close their exit. The Roboclerk enters unnoticed, to scrub effluent floors.

Wondering if there's one U-room-for-all, you notice ahead rows of separate doors for Drunks, monk Molesters, hot Harpist, Whore, anemic Bulimic, nebular Fed, abstinent Divorcee, pet Horse, Bedwetters and anti hermaphrodite Militants shooting in line while Aliens, cloning and holding  their noses, go behind the half moon on the double seater (two black holes far from this launch-yard), relieved of exo-planetary crap.

From way out there into the nigh, loud speakers blare, the galactic disc Jockey pumping up the beat:


Rap ra rap, ca cat ca cat. 

Cat ca cat ra raps ra raps.

Ca ca cat ra ra ra raps.

Cats ra rap ra rap CAT RAP.

Cats rap 2 cats, cats rap 2 bats.

Bats rap 2 rat, cats zap za rat.

Cat rappa cat rappa, rappa cat cat.

Rap catta catta rappa rap, catta cat.

Zap za  cra crap, rap za CAT RAP.

Rap like za ca cat raps.



On our afternoon excursions down the block, we pass our neighbor's mossy yard and rocky wall. We pass another grandma wearing glasses and grey socks.

We pass two toppled trash cans where brown bears had their picnic. A bicycle, florescent blue, whizzes quickly by us. We pass the spotted dog who barks and you bark back at him, of course. We pass the lime green door and pink flamingo at the corner.

We pass those bending branches. We watch for falling walnuts. We watch a yellow excavator rolling on Cove Street. "Meeda, when I grow up, I want to be that," you shout. Wheels screech. The orange bus stops. Big brother steps down. You watch his feet.


** Intergalactic  Breath  Day **

eBike2mars 14Gyr101.0121T

"Hale Hemisphereans. Welcome to the Breath Olympics," announces  Rae Rae from the Ridgex Press pod. My CP is tuned to the Breath event, during which I proceed with the eFrame dissection at Arvard yard, dismantling handbars to check for rust rate.

Today's Olympic ebcast is live. Rae Rae's voice continues, "The Dashville Cubs yawn as they exit Ursus hibernation to accept their award for slow breath rate..." " blue ribbon for the fastest respiratory rate is passed to the Hummingbird team, clocking in at 1260 breaths per minute, now slowing down to 250 for torpor time..."   "Runners up for longest breath hold are Beaver at 15 minutes, Sloth at 40 minutes, Sperm Whale at 90 minutes along with Elephant Seal at 120 minutes. And the blue ribbon goes to Sea Turtle at an unheard of seven hours holding her breath..."  "Most relaxed   exhale by the Tibetans ..."   "Fastest lung expansion award to Cheetah, accommodating massive energy output..." "suborder Serpentes receives longest lung award, To Aves, a blue ribbon for most unusual inhale technique via their rump..."  "After intermission, microbes will enter the competition. Yes, small life matters."   "Tardigrades wait in the sidelines, hyperventilating."

Happy Breath Day to you!    


** ** ** Deranged DNA ** ** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr094.0121T

My new boss Ilios sends me a fohNet message to continue scanning data from the eBike's qChip, this entry dated  14Gyr140.0119AT:  "... fossil of a jellyfish like creature preserved in an amberite casing near Mt Sharp, similarities to Henneguya sp of Inner Hemispheran oceans, no respiratory component in creature's DNA. it's nature's way of gene editing.. I call it CRISPieR. how can a life form exist without breathing mechanism? puzzle nt yet solved by science..."

** ** Distant   Formation ** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr092.0121T

Continuing the eBike dissection, I listen to an audio log on the qChip: "Zardate one five zero dot zero one one nine T.  Marzy here. My eBike crew and I are setting up camp under the protection of an outcrop at the crater wall. In the distant horizon, rust red rock formations look like


I like to walk with El e phants,

ten or eleven El e phants.

I like to talk to El e phants.

They like to talk back.

I want to jam with El e phants.

Waving their trunks they rave and rant.

Never forget this beat they chant

in a trance.

Okay to be an El e phant,

no need for khaki hat and pants.

Living is free for El e phants

til it's time to eat.

I like to dream of El e phants

flying across their continent.

Ten or eleven El e phants

dream about me.

I want to walk in Gam bi ya,

talk with the face of Zam bi ya,

Elephants in Nam ib bi ya

grinning at me."

 ** ** ** Metallic  Pouch ** ** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr090.0121AT

I wait a few days, to let the rain pass, before dissecting the damaged frame. 

To begin, I remove a metallic fiber pouch located behind the melted saddle. Then I spray eBike lube on all the nuts and joints. 

"Need any help, Ahn Sola?" asks the v-dub fellow who is hosting my stay at the Arvard site.

"I'm good for now," I reply trying to maneuver the pouchclip without damaging the fibers. 

OOps, a trickle of blood. Is it mine? No, it's rust red blood, likely preserved in the airtight clip compartment. While collecting the fluid into a miniflask, a qChip slides out of that compartment. I scan its data onto my CP.

"Oha, Tau-wittickers!" I exclaim outloud. "This data appears to be Marzy's notes." : ... new map of particles and forces... no right handed W bosons, only left handed up and down quarks can emit or absorb the W's ..  Does this mean it is possible to lower the intensity of quaking here at the pediment in Marinaris Valles?...



eBike2mars 14Gyr084.0120AT

Drip jumblurrplop zzing

gloshthudsplat rapguttery flat

on rooftop rains ssing.  _Haikul_

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 

Spinning in the rain, I'm spinning in the rain. What a glorious wheeling, spokes splashing again, rims dancing 'til ten. Lights flashing, hub dashing. Spinning, I'm grinning in the rain. "Turn left at Arvard Street," my eBike CP signals me.

"Are you Ahn Sola?" asks a double spect fellow wading in the puddled drive at number 14.

"Yes, it's me."

"Well, I set a tarp over the eContraption. Go ahead, out back next to the v-dub," he says.

** ** An Aromatic Molecule** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr083.0120AT

Patch of white flakes in

my garden, too warm for snow-

pear tree petals drift.    _Haikul_

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

En route to the green frame, past my two row plot at the Qubottics Sod Quad, I detect a PAH, Polyclictic Aromatic  Hydrocarbon. I pounce off my eBike. Bending down, toward the PAH. I

Grasp that wild onion

gently pull and twist sideways-

don't yank it straight up.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 

I take a bite, savoring the onion's PAH, amazed to imagine that PAHs may contain up to 25% of the carbon in the entire Bioverse where some have been recently detected in the complex molecular structure of interstellar clouds.

"Oha, Ahn Sola," I scold myself for the diversion from work. "Get back to spinning."

** **  Free Falling Frame  ** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr082.0121AT

Last to fall, first to

bud on this soft sappy bough-

a red maple leaf.      _Haikul_

Found near an unassuming red v-dub in the wake of an unassuming spark that streaked above an Arvard Street yard, a sooty green frame marks the first landing of an eBike free fall. 

"This could give us a glimpse of what happened to Marzy," says Ilios. "The owner of the v-dub gave us permission to analyze the remains of the free fallen frame. Ahn Sola, please check it out. And watch for biotechnological genetic determinants, such as Methylobacterium sp., useful for growing crops in low gravity rust red environments."

"Oha, I'm on it," I reply with my helmet in hand. 

My wheels spin through an unassuming drift of last season's fallen leaves.  

** ** **   DEPARTURE  ** ** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr041.0121AT

No note. Just some spokes missing from the Qubottics supply room. 

Alfom and Beem were last seen at the...

** **  B L U E    F L A S H  ** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr036.0121AT

+ >>>""""""""""" <<< - ::::!!~~()     

Shooting upward from a storm cell near Nauru in the mid Pacificus, a positive charge swaps places with its opposing charge. This electric breakdown releases a bright blue flash near the ozone not visible below cloud level. 

"It IS visible frhom  Mount Sharhp, Ahn Sola," Alfom tells me in his rh accent. "Last moonth, beforhe my unforhtunate jourhney, mama Marhzee set our Cosmoscope toward cumulonimbus clouds gatherhing across the grheat ocean of this Hemispherhe." 

Huddled with the eBike crew at Mt Sharp, over one hundred million miles from Nauru and one hundred degrees colder, Alfom has observed blue bolts flashing above the Pacificus through the lens of the Cosmoscope; however, he has not proven that those transient luminous events, TLE, could spawn thunder.


**  **  **  Cloud Shine  **  **  **

eBike2mars 14Gyr018.0121AT

Plumes of vapor in the Mesospheric Dome catch some light from a star that has set far below the horizon. ... after the evening storm at chosen latitudes, noctilucent clouds shimmer.

** ** Peroxisomal Origins ** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr349.0120AT 

After questioning Alfom, the cocoon child, I meet with Ilios. He did a background check on Yupp who was hired as our boss only moonths ago.

"Oha, Ilios. The child claims that Yupp is his father who eBiked to the Outer Hemisphere, that his father's name is Ibeemee, which is surprisingly similar to Beem E, our boss's familiar name," I tell Ilios.

"Well, Ahn Sola," he replies, "what I found concerning Yupp is that he was raised in the Afriq Hemisphere and studied peroxisomal origins at Bioversity. Did not graduate. Instead, Yupp was incommunicado for years before his resume arrived here at Qubottics by emul."

"Coincidentally, or not, Alfom told me that peroxizomes, organelles found in all eukaryotic cytoplasm, was the subject of his last EXO homeschool class," I say.

"Didn't peroxizomes evolve from bacteria that invaded larger cells?" Ilios asks.

"That's correct." I reply. "Peroxizomal functions developed to provide metabolic energy for most lifeforms, such as biosynthesis of phospholipids in mammalian brains, photorespiration in leaves and methanol assimilation in some yeasts. Alfom was excited to explain all the details."

"Yupp mentioned peroxizomes in the context of revamping the sod quad. He said that they serve in the glyoxylate cycle of seed germination," Ilios tells me.

Search it on Goggle.


**  **  The Cocoon Child  **  **

eBike2mars 14Gyr348,0120AT

The fallen child, along with his mineral casing, has been quarantined in the eBike trailer since his arrival at the second meridian.. The Qubottics team and I gather on the upper quad for the reveal. 

"Welcome to the Inner Hemisphere, young friend," says Yupp.

"Areh you my fatherh?" asks the child, noticing that his skin tone matches exactly with Yupp's.

"Come with me. I'm Ahn Sola." I reach for his hand, trying to avoid an awkward situation for the boss.

He speaks with an unusual soft 'r' accent. "I am Alfom, one of the trhippplets borhn from Marhzee's womb in a craterh on Axia Planum."       

**  Switch Cane and Snags  **

eBike2mars 14Gyr346.0120AT

     A champion snag

     rules this mire where we spin with

     tireless swamp creatures.  


Our boss sent us here, Loblollyland, to train for the upcoming eBike mission. 

"Watch out for the switch cane, Sola," Sunny shouts to me, slaloming around its stalks. 

I am more concerned about the subsurface paleo detectors (rock crystals) which track the history of neutrinos that fall from the clouds as a result of stellar ray decay also known as nuclear recoiling. 

"Cypress knees ahead," I shout back, my wheels stuck in the muck..

  ** ** Perpetual Im-motion ** ** 

eBike2mars 14Gyr345.0120AT 

Start up your eBike and take a spin with me across the nearby churchyard. Look, here lies Bland Andrews beneath his dark gray plaque. Let me introduce D Drum whose headstone sparkles with mica flakes. The Peeks' ground is adorned with plastic Hallow Eve effigies. The name Kermitt is familiar but not WW II Mouse which is engraved onto polished granite. The Glass family menagerie overlooks a far reaching ridge.

The deceased have some of the best views on the Hemisphere where they reside in im-motion. We, their descendants, having no place for remains to rest (memorial yards have exceeded their capacities), will perpetuate as free electrons revolving with molecular radicals across the Silky Way,  where

     A cosmic ray engraves 

     your name onto an ever

     lasting asteroid.     

** ** ** Virtual Feasting ** ** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr330.0120AT

You have been invited to this season's Perfect Virtual Feast, you and Marzy's followers including myself.  We arrive via Mindset express directly to our designated seats.

The savory victuals are prismatically arranged. Plush squashes, broiled by perfectionists, refract onto hand harvested berries from the eBike park. At the center of the triangular table a wild ginger pie, minimally processed with the baker's antique rolling pin, is cooling.

The virtual toast is interrupted. You drop your goblet.

Daq and sister Zelly want to know "Who killed the turkey?"


** ** **Hyperbaric  Drive** ** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr326.0120AT

     Masked in a nutshell

     at the bus stop

     squirrel watches you

     board at the rear.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 

B E Yupp, my boss, often rides eBus N2 which is equipped with an interior eBike rack and accommodates ... sk-ba-ta-bing-bing, oh no, a cache of acorns comes dropping from the O2 vent. "Is anyone hurt?" asks Yupp.

No worries. The rear of N2 is set up as a hyperbaric chamber which can reverse symptoms of blebbing (bumps on membranes) by slowing the process of apoptosis, death of a cell.

Approaching West Oak at Broadway, the bus driver releases some pressurized air into the chamber. 

Yupp pulls the yellow cord. "Stop Requested."


** ** **    The  L U C P    ** ** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr324.0120AT

"LUCP, Last Unipotent Common Progenitor, is theorized to be the First Unipotent Common Progenitor, FUCP," the boss tells us during our moonthly Qubottics meeting.

"How is that relevant to the eBike mission?" I ask myself.

"Ahn Sola, how is that relevant to the eBike mission?" he asks me.

"Oha, w-well," I stutter. This will be a pullshift response. "Well, Mr Yupp, according to Marzy's reports, the First and Last Progenitor spontaneously evolved and still evolves, simultaneously in various clusters of the Silky Way. It is important to make note of these locations during our mission so that future missions can witness this primitive evolution on terrain and subsurface of EXO craters and to understand microbial inhabitants that can prey on newly formed strands of life emerging when lightning strikes mineral rich clouds, making it difficult to identify the new lifeforms since they have been ingested by some of the ancestral cells. But it is not that simple according to technicians who have attempted to replicate simple living cells. The problem is that their processes begin in a sterile environment. They need to take their laboratories outside to surroundings where life did begin eons ago, perhaps set up their equipment in a nearby shallow pond where pre-life elements can combine with the natural heat/light  cycle of day/nigh (rather than lab lighting), then recombine when the pond dries out and seasons change. When it comes to molecular Progenitors, "Think cosmologically but take action in your backyard."        

** ** Disengaged Satellite ** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr320.0120AT

"Proceed to the sod quad immediately," Mr Yupp announces over the interoffice fohNet. 

In a flash all Qubottics staff are outside staring at the dusky horizon imprinted with glowing purples and a streak of bright green.

"Is it an ePlane plummeting across that STE (Streaming Thermal Emission)?" I wonder.  

"Must be a satellite disengaged from orbital grip,"  says Ilios tuning his CP to calculus mode. "Whatever it is, the trajectory pattern indicates that it will reach ground at two meridians from here."

"Ahn Sola, check it out, please," shouts Yupp, his words projecting like a GiRB (Gigantic Radio Burst).

Eager to placate the boss, I pounce onto my eBike, spend the nigh accelerating, and brake at the designated coordinates where my wheels tumble over a.. something or other full size rust red mica cocoon, studded with CAIs (Calcium Aluminum Intrusions, generally found in pre-Hadean chondrites), too chunky to lift onto my carrier.

"Wherh am I? Help me," a faint echo calls out. "Turhn the hub." I turn it and the layers of mica separate, bringing me face to face with a pre-pubescent humanoid having charcoal skin and phosphorescent curls.

 **  Kaons versus the Pions  **

eBike2mars 14Gyr315.0120AT

Ya-hooo. Fans are cheering from the observation deck. 

"Ladies, Hadromen, Pseudo scientists, welcome to the Colliders Arena. I am Rae Rae with Ridgex Press, to report instantaneous moves of each participating particle."

I am impressed that my friend Rae, at her low agemark, was chosen to host this MeV event.

"A proton ball, racing from the far end of the linac, tackles team Pion which elicits a double Kaon formation," continues Rae. "Another toss of the proton, at 186,000 times faster than the speed of eBikes, collides with the longer of the two Kaons, releasing three additional Pions onto the field." 

During half time, canine cheerleaders with infrared sensors sniff for transparent matter while beams from Sychroton Boosters flare into pear shaped radium nucleii. "What a smashing show for the fans."

Bored with the game, I open Pacebook and find one of Marzy's quotes, "For fair players, as for what plagues us, outcomes become uncertainties."  


**Acceleration PROHIBITED**

eBike2mars 14Gyr314.0120AT

I message Ilios to meet me at Spin-off Platform B in the old growth quad.

"Look at this, hurry." I show him the poster board with eBike scrawls and spaghetti notations.

"That algorithm contradicts the Law of Battery Thrust conservation," he explains, shugging his shoulder.

"Ilios, I believe that Marzy jumped to the Outer Hemi from this platform by hitching onto fohtons," I reply.

"That could happen theoretically, Ahn Sola, only in a Bioverse without acceleration," Ilios argues.

"So, acceleration could be prohibited in a transient Antiverse!" I exclaim.


** **  Riding Lightwaves  ** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr311.0120AT

"It's a spooky algorithm, Ahn Sola,"  Sunny warns me upon delivery of the vacuum sealed tubular parcel.

"Oha, interoffice gossip," I mumble. "Thanks, Sunny. V U later." The pneumatic door closes behind him.

I smack the seam of the package against my deskpad, like opening a Billsbury Biscuit tube. The contents fall to the floor, two eleven by fourteen scrolls. The first appears to be an old parchment with a formula and some scribbled notes, "72.05 square root of (d/4f), 80% clear of obstructions."  .."refraction on planar surface.."  "..light is a transverse wave, the vibrations of which are electromagnetic fields." ...  "Dawn peeks through the clouds where a flurry of light waves, drifting onto dreams."   signed "A. Fresmell, 1820."

The second scroll is poster board. On it are several sketches of eBikes positioned in various angles on a platform with what seems to be an inverted Fresmell lens which is capturing waves of mid morning fohtons and reflecting them skyward at 90 degrees. Notes indicate that Jezero Crater, 22 light minutes away, would be the destination of the fohtons, dated and signed by Marzy L E. She was planning her ride through place/time on a flurry of light, so it seems.  


** ** ** Ridgex Interview ** ** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr308.0120AT

"Here is the sound recording you requested," says Sunny setting a grin to me, which is annoying, oha.

He slinks past my deskpad, to the exit, slower than the angular momentum of Snail Galaxy.  

I press replay.

"Is this Marzy?


Is your crew there- Alfanda? Alfom? Alfeem? Ubeyou?

Here. Here. Ahha here. Here.

I am Rae with Ridgex Press. Hemispherans want to know how this interview is possible with all frequencies jammed from the phirus.

Hi Rae. My crew developed a method to communicate temporarily using a fohton deflected from our eBike battery. It can transmit syl-la-ble by syl-la-ble when Inner and Outer Hemispheres are aligned.

Wow, a new technology. Marzy, what is your next destination?

My crew and I are spinning toward Greenhaugh Pediment along Marineris.

Green? how? 

Not green, the pediment is rust red like most of the terrain. Rae, how is the Climb It City coping with current conditions?

Well, Marzy, cougars are lined up to climb the cliff at Kraggy, wild turkeys are J walking across Broadway, Dashville bears are having a picnic at Court Plaza, motel toads are sunning themselves on the lifeguard's chair. I don't recognize my friends at the local take-out, all wearing masks.

Rae, Hemispheres are grey shifting toward misalignment. Bye.

Got it. Thanks, Marzy fo"

** ** FohNet ** **


This is Ahn Sola reaching out to you via FohNet, the wireless Fohtonic Network invented by Marzy's eBike crew.  Their dating system continues with 14Gyr. The year  0120AT refers to 120 years After Tesla's alternate current. My work team and I are on alert for any communication from the rift zone of the Outer Hemisphere.  Connect with us by emul- floridawn@gmail.com - if you receive any signals from Marzy.   

** **  SPOKEY HOLLOW  ** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr305.0120AT

The graphite gate opens, "feee-eep."

Grinding hinges chill our marrow.

We enter Spokey Hollow single file.

"Whooo are you," murmurs the Florisbad skull propped onto its petrified stump.

"I am Diazothroph, the nitrogen fixer," replies Diaz.

"I, Endothermal Man, am thirsty for hemoglobin. And she, my veinmate, Squamous Epitherium, devours raw membrane during blue moons," says Endo.

Eemian haunters emerge from the thorny thicket. No paper in the outhouse, Mummified Llamas used all the tubes to re-ravel themselves. 

This Muon is decaying in our trickortreats. That Stratospheric SPRITE is striking some complex Coacervates to form a lifelike morsel of RNA. One Watusi from Afriq locks horns with two Tiwanuku masks.

Disguise is the way to reverse aging. Do you recognize anyone? 

This is me, Ahn Sola, simply dressed in a Marzy costume, double breasted mica spinning jacket with rust red eBike helmet.   

** ** Brunch At Crescents ** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr296.0120AT

You are seated with us at the booth, a long rust red plank that spans the far wall of Crescents Cafe. Next to you a place is set for the absentee guest, Marzy L E. A folded card, in remembrance of her brother who was leaning on a Sequoiadendron when his image was snapped, is set as a centerpiece with the inscription "As limbs decay in grounded leaves, our hearts climb into living trees."  

"Dipole wrap."

"Groken nodules with oilach dressing."

"Bennu boop.". 

Orders for food and drink are called out randomly.

Sunny Tannan requests Chromodynamic crepes, "Please."

"Butyrate stew." "Pumpkin kraut" is my choice. "Smiles to go with salsup." "Tectonic plate." This cuisine promotes salivation in the tubarian glands.

You order something more familiar, the crescent roll platter..

"I don't know these people. Why was I invited?" you ask yourself.

You are here because "Ilios Welkin, you have been elected Battery Specialist for the Qubottics eBike mission. The spinners at this table including myself, I'm Ahn Sola, welcome you to the team."


**  The Lung-Gut Passage  **

eBike2mars 14Gyr288.0120AT

Memo from Beem-- Phase 3 of your eBike training is to track Bacillus and other microbes. It is imperative to the mission that the team's biomes test positive for diversity.

"Ready to begin, Sola?"

"Oha, ready," I reply. "Hum, h-hum, hum-m-m...."

Humming increases nitric oxide which can percolate for hours in the nasal passage, relaxing inner muscles to promote flow.

Changing the song to "Out 2-3-4, in 2-3-4, out 2-3-4. in...,"  I sit with the morning fog, dorsums crossed. 

We can feel a few billion microbes respiring with us as we swallow a shared breath. Down the passageway, seamlessly like a wave without neurons, beneficial bacteria rappel from the throat toward subatomic levels of the gut. There they combine with metabolites and other nutrients. Meanwhile, specialized molecules protect genes from stellar radiation. 

"Oha, We're ready for an exhale," I call to the team of colon biota that join nutrients (enhanced with lentil sprouts) for the ascent toward lung territory..

Sacrum released, the dispersion of oxygen/carbon/nitrogen begins at the kegel muscles and rises into the abdomen. 

The vertebral ribs float like buoys. Diaphragm massages bronchial tubes. Shoulders tingle. Throat widens, stimulating the palate. Nostrils flare. Cilia wave to the fresh blend of microbiota that have traveled with healthy electrons from the depths of anatomy. 

A relaxed energetic exchange from gut to tongue, lung to gut, increases diversity.

Another memo from the boss-- Brunch at Crescents. Bring eBike awards.   

** **Best Apparition NOW** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr282.0120AT

"Come OUT of your POD, Ahn Sola."

"Oha, just a nanosec," I shout back.

"NOW is the best time to view."

I rush out the back slider and behold.. a rust red thread of glimmering light from the rising Outer Hemisphere to the threshold of our quad at Qubottics. 

Sunny adjusts his PC scope.

"Take a look," he says. "That is where you and your crew will be spinning."

"Spectacular, Sunny."

There on the lens are some well known Exogeologic markings.. Afriq-shaped Sytris Major with its crater Huygens.. to the right, eBike-shaped Sinus Sabeus.... 

Here in my thoughts is Marzy. Did she or her crew leave any bold markings at the Pediment to indicate their condition after the quake? No one knows if they are injured or worse.

"Sunny, can you magnify the Pediment?"    

** ** NOT A  CRYOPHILE ** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr271.0120AT

"Mommy, I want to take your face and put it on the face of the butterfly in my bug box."  -kinder quote.

A butterfly is not a cryophile but yes to some insects, worms and unicellular phytoplankton that can multiply where water is solid. How is this possible? Take, for example, the subsurface of the Outer Hemisphere.. beneath layers of rust red ro

** ** Weak After Equinox ** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr270.0210AT

You are special. "No, I'm an animal."

                                  -kinder quote

I am Ahn Sola, oha, spinning specialist. The boss had sent me and Sunny to the equinoctial line to complete phase 2 of my training for the back2mars mission. Our eBikes need new spokes. I am exhausted but need to catch up on my research, such as how the fabric of place/time expands faster than c. And to simulate a portrait of the sky from the summit of Olympus Mons. And to analyze components in images of the clay bearing unit near Tower Butte... and to map the rust red equatorial region of the Outer Hemisphere.

** **Week Before Equinox** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr265.0120AT

"When I yawn, it sounds like the wind."

                                       -kinder quote

Solar winds are calmer now as the 409,090,909th solar cycle begins, assuming that the cycle has been consistent every 11 years. Also, at this time, the sun is about to cross our celestial equator.

To celebrate the changing of the seasons, eCyclists gather in Kinshasa, largest city on the equinoctial line of our Inner Hemisphere. It is an amazing sight. 366 eBike wheels cross the equator in sync with the astronomical equinox.  

** ** **  Terrestrial pH  **  ** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr131.0120AT

7.2 to 9 alkalinity, as measured by Marzy's eBike crew before the quake at Aeolis Palus near Greenhaugh pediment, a pH that is toxic to microscopic sediment such as Wi phirus. 

** **Cosmic Resonances** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr120.0120AT

I aim my CP toward the rust red Outer Hemisphere. It is dusk and easily visible using the scope app. What is that on the lens? not the Outer Hemisphere, not a bolide meteor, nor an eBike lifting off, looks like a migrating

DJUMBA (African Hornbill)

In flight, the Djumba calls.

Bell tones strike the sky in response.

From its vine a calabash breaks, in time, down-up-down-down-up .

Beneath us, the ground echoes our slow deep drumming.

To our pulse an old leopard paces, a solemn dance.

Four, three, one, her spots are fading.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

in another place, a different leopard with fading spots simultaneously paces. This event could exert an effect on the solemn dance of the former leopard.


Spluttering steam from my iron pan

triggers the smoke detector.

"BL-EEP-BL-EEP.." from the sky...

... a mockingbird?

Or it could be a cosmic ray pitch angle scattering in magnetostatic turbulence. My CP is detecting a field of particles in helical motion, just another cosmic resonance.

** ** Entangled Hammock ** ** 

eBike2mars 14Gyr115.0120AT

I roll over and fall. It's a starless nigh, oha, can't recall where I am.

I reach for my eBike lamp. Lamp not there, bump my head and it's whirling like the half spin of an electron. Wait, a dim beam from the street lamp is breaking through the fog, no, a solar beam. Dawn lights up this porch. The door is open, of course, I did unlock it last nigh. Stepping inside, I switch on the utilities. The walls are draped with fabric, likely covering the previous owner's dart punctures. Clothespins are holding notes along a rope above the table. Here's one written on junk mail: Things to do- 1.remove poison ivy from embankment 2.organize paperwork 3.look up toward vs towards. 4..5.. Hand written on a slice of cardboard is a series of poems:

Sky gazing- places

beyond, between the stars, is

what brightens my face.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^


I doubt that we shall e'er perceive

a word as stout as our baob tree.

An active verb ascends toward its leaves

bound to tire bending knees.

I doubt slow O's can loop with ease

up broad branches bearing bees.

Most proper nouns are stouter than I,

such as Adansonia gregorii

and Elephantidae ivory

reaching for h- o -n- e- y,

yet none have a trunk like our species. 

We watch those words from this shady retreat.

where gourd-like fruits drop to our feet.

These baobab seeds we dare not eat

or dare we dine, a zesty feast.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

-No Rest for the Departed-

Belongings cascade from the antique drawer.

On the desktop paperwork lands haphazardly

like origami airplanes on their runway.

where's the will? what is prepaid?

does a death certificate expire? 

Junk mail continues to accumulate, lifetime guarantee.

Condolences arrive from the Gargoyles 

at Beverly Library. Gulls on the Mudflats

harmoniously tweet in remembrance.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^


Dust rising from that field reminds me of home

where ebony branches reach beyond the sun 

and clouds are late arriving.

A weathered hand, combing grandchild's curls, 

looks like my mother's hand.

Your woven shawl, rusty spigot, yams roasting...

the bray that echoes in this darkening village 

sounds like my village welcoming us.

Here, dancing with drummers, reminds me of home.

And, on the off beat of a moment ablaze, sparks flare,  

eyes spark, charred toes kick up the earth

and swirling smoke carries my shadow home

to where I have never been. Dust settles in Africa.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

A faded envelope is pinned to the clothesline, ohha, my initials printed on it, A.S. I open the envelope and unfold the scrap of paper inside: "To my new friend, Ahn Sola, and her younger friend Raeya. I am dead, or not. The key on your necklace is the key that was placed on your deskpad at Qubottics the day I departed on my eBike for the Outer Hemisphere..."  Just as I suspected, this Fleetwood 2000 is Marzy's place. "Stay dry, roof may need reinforcement but not the floor. It's solid steel beams. I am certain that you have disentangled yourself from the hammock, if not, you would have remained entangled, settled in its curvature and not reading this note. Stay spinning, from Marzy."       

** Spin to the Foothills  **

eBike2mars 14Gyr114.0120T

Foothills on the Outer Hemisphere? search it on Goggle: 'south of the northern crater wall adjacent to Aeolis Palus.' I know that ..it's our mission's proposed drop down site. I need a break .. these walls are caving into me like clouds of gas tunneling toward a black hole. I leave my workpod without notice to the boss, pounce onto my eBike and spin three hours to the nearest  foothill.

I find 741 LMR, the gravel drive overgrown, Support-Your-Local-Fireflies posted on a tree stump, gate unlocked. Hanging from the porch beam a scarecrow figure, wearing a dark shadowy skirt with fish bones pattern, greets me. A note is taped to the door:


The Foothills find me tangled in

in a thorny briar merging onto

the trail. I taste that vine

as its tip is tender. I grab a nearby

Mentha leaf to freshen my breath.

The Foothills watch me hiking 

toward steeper destinations. 

The Foothills like my wind swept hair. 

They brush it with a Sassafras twig.

They give my inquisitive feet 

a mud bath. They tuck me into 

a bed of Glossadelphus moss. 

The Foothills adopt me.

The Mountains have visitation.


** ** **  Geno Scene  ** ** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr112.0120AT

"Rare Species" is the talk of all districts. 

"Let's have them join us for tea," says the Duchess.

"I would like to paint you, Monsieur Hadzien, parlez-vous francais?" asks the cafe artist.

"The creator has a sense of humor, so I'll go with the hazie, " says Dude 1.

"No cap, hazies are cool," says Dude 2.

"Knock knock. Who's there. It's Hazie. Hazie who? It's Hazie out here so let me in."

"What did the hazie ask the sapie?-  Where's your flint stone?

"What did the sapie ask the hazie?-  Any vape in this valley?"

HADZIEN appears in the crossword puzzle section of the 'Yorker Times.'

Petitioners are collecting signatures to include Homo hadzien in the Taxonomy Registry.

Governments lobby for an amendment to acknowledge Hadzien as a separate species. Some Sapies are protesting that there is no scientific evidence showing Homo hadzien to be different from Homo sapien.

Qubottics plans to donate an eBike to the Rift Valley hadzien tribe in Tanzana.

Rae Rai is in the field taking a poll concerning the rare species cited at sites.google.com/site/genoscene

I am at my workpod studying the magnetic field needed to induce soft robotic materials to 'shape shift' for applications in search and rescue missions during future Outer Hemisphere exploration, and for applications in discovering new species living in spaces where only rubber robots can access.


** ** **  Qubottics  ** ** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr111.0120AT

I enjoy my job at Qubottics. It combines qubytes with historical bit research for development of Ar flourohydrides to Z batteries that could enhance the comfort of future eBike travel. Earlier, m... oha, someone is tapping.

Sunny Tannan steps in, our CET (Chief Executive Trainer). "Gmorn, Ahn Sola. Here's your updated cougar claw routine," he says, setting a smile to me. "You look like a six pack of nebulas, but your grinning muscles need a workout."

I set my eyes to my deskpad. "Thanks, Sunny, V U later." Sigh, need to get back to light induced lattice expansion on perovskite solar film, which will be the energy source for our mission.   


** **  Pledge of Legions  ** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr109.0120AT

"Please salute for the Pledge of Legions," I announce. The boss set me up to preside over this month's state of Qubottics meeting. All of us salute, pledging, "We raise a smile to this resplendent land that sustains us where, in all elements, our conscience maintains the Blue Ridge to Outer Banks, one domain, under sod, ever to be Carolinia." 

** **  Grave Assignment  ** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr108.0120AT

"Sey, Sola, I just completed an interview for Ridgex. Will you proofread it for me?" Rae Rae asks, removing her eBike helmet.

"Oha, of course, Rae." She sets the file on my deskpad.

Interview With PACK

I knock on his headstone beneath the spooky branch.

The city council sent me and I do expect an answer

to a hundred year long land ownership dispute.

"Hello, George Pack?" Politely I inquire.

"Was the town square deeded properly and to the proper buyer?"

"Yes, I was G. Willis Pack." He nods his bony Pack face.

"And I've spread some seedy deeds all over Pack Place.

But my intention was to gift Pack Square for all to freely use."

"Seedy deeds," I note. I doubt the council will excuse.

"One more question, if you please." 

"No," his eerie voice refuses.

I drive my notes home along the broad riverside.

In a plot beyond this spooky curb, a chattier soul resides.

"I was a 'Federate man with a military mare. You see, 

my friend George built Vance Obelisk for me at Pack Square.

Yes, G. Willis was the Pack man with a Yankee Pack face

and he spread some seedy deedies all over the Place."

**  ** Mute Moonday **  **

eBike2mars 14Gyr106,0120AT

"Merry Mute Moonday, Ahn Sola," my trainer greets me.

"Hold on, save your words, Sunny."

"Why, what's the limit?" he asks.

Doesn't he know? On Mute Moonday all Hemispherans are restricted to lip reading or 200 spoken words. Blogs are also limited to 200; so, the Ubble Deep UV Scope does not relay details about the racy fohton flashing across the horizon of the Bioverse 46 billion light years away. 

Sunny is a free solo eCyclist. He exits my workpod for a spin. He thwacks his throttle, passing friends who are miming with silly grins and wild grimaces. To his right, politicians in the House garden deal pinochle cards, lobbying prohibited. Ahead, quiet petitioners wave their banner -NO SINGING IN THE SHOWER- (135 words so far).  At the next intersection, Sunny turns to nature, a millipede soundlessly flaunting its feet, one by one. But who's counting?


**  Greenhaugh Pediment   **

eBike2mars 14Gyr105.0120AT

      In murky air with stress and fear

      is where contagions reappear.

                     -anthrocene proverb

"Sola, please investigate the cause of the the terrain contagion that swept across the Outer Hemisphere's equatorial region," says my boss. "We must confirm that previously infected rifts no longer endanger geologic structures. Our eBike mission cannot be compromised."

"I've already started on it, Mr Yupp." He is intensely focused on our mission, having no thoughts of whether Marzy's crew is dead or alive out there.  

Oha, proceed with the task. The last communication from Marzy occurred at Greenhaugh Pediment, an outcrop along Valles Marineris. It is uncertain whether she was separated from her crew during the quaking. I will continue my investigation with ...


** ** ** GOOD Saturday ** ** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr104.0120AT

      My pen drops in bed

      lost where dreams end with tea- I

      wake in inky sheets.

Eyes open to a toppled mug. I tend to reach for things in my sleep. Day and nigh I've been collecting data about movie stars to streaming particles. My boss expects all the details that could increase our odds for a successful eBike mission such as the interaction of characters in the film "Star Trekkers"; a list of fermions that can act like their own anti fermions; whether the Bioverse is antitrophic (expanding at a different rate in different places) or isotrophic (expanding at the same rates in all directions); how fast magnetic north will shift, currently calculated at 34 miles per year; the accuracy of the Bed Machine that depicts bumps and hollows beneath the South Pole; to observe camel culls that cross Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara, able to detect moisture at distant A/C vents; if there exists a prescription for laughter in low gravity environments; simultaneous generaliz...   ...my Inbox bleats. It's an odd message:

Let me rephrase GOOD Saturday... Isn't that when the body bearer carries him far into the cave but it is the wrong cave so after the multitudes leave he, exhausted, drags the remains into the night toward the holy cave which is closed for redemption?       Please copy and paste this to a friend.

** ** **  Dove Triangle  ** ** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr103.0120AT

You would think this is about bird migration- wrong- it concerns the hormonal chemistry of my work group. We generally focus on the eBike mission; however, Beem, the boss, set a smile to my friend Rae Rae and hired her part time. Rae Rae sends high frequency vibes to my trainer Sunny. Sunny hovers over me like a moon struck Columbina dove. And I, Ahn Sola, am attracted to Beem, uncontrollably. 

Gravitation is what pulls us into this Dove Triangle.

** ** **  Rae Rae's A.S.  ** ** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr102.0120AT 

Tap tap. "Step in." It's my friend Rae Rae from AC Bioversity.

"Sey, Sola, you look rate. Must be all the eBike training," she tells me.

"Rae, it looks like you are up to something other than the Ridgex job."

"Y-yes, I'm working on my A.S. chart. Would you like a copy?" she asks.

"Sure, But what is A S?"

"A S means After Singularity, pertaining to my chain of existence since the Big Bing." Rae presses the link button on my CP.

(If you are using a small device, tilt it sideways)

        }}  A S Chart by Rae  {{ 

       {my chain of existence}

1 AS ( 13.7 billion y.a.-10^-36 sec. )    Moment of

       singularity/no extremities              ESSENCE

       oscillation/cosmic hiccup              PULSATION

       inflation > faster than c                  INHALATION

       raw energy/plasmic mass              FORCE

       quark/gluon/"dark photons"           COLLISION

       symmetry breaking/protons           SEPARATION

100,000 AS (13.6999 billion yrs ago)   Age of

       1st molecule/helium hydride         ATTACHMENT

400,000 AS (13.699 billion y.a.)           Age of

       dark Bioverse/cosmic fog             OBSCURITY

100,000,000 AS (13.6 billion y.a.)        Age of

       formation of "proto-stars"               LUMINOSITY

200,000,000 AS (13.5 billion y.a.)         Age of

       first galaxies                                   CLUSTERING

1,000,000,000 AS (12.7 billion y.a,)      Age of

       particles contract/recombine.        TRANSPARENCY

2,700,000,000 AS (11 billion y.a.)          Age of

       our Silky Way pulls together.          SPIRALING

9,200,000,000 AS (4.5 billion y.a.)        Age of

       Sol system begins to spin              REVOLUTION

       accretion of Hemispheres              COALESCENCE

9,700,000,000 AS (4 billion y.a.)           Age of

       rocks / viruses assemble               CONFIGURATIONS

10,200,000 000 AS (3.5 billion y.a.)      Age of

       sea vent spills procaryotic cell       VITALITY

       archaea > visible life form              STROMATOLITES

11,400,000,000 AS (2.3 billion y.a.)      Age of

       ocean & hemispheres freeze         RIGIDITY

11,700,000,000 AS (2 billion y.a.)         Age of

       cells with organelles wriggle          SYMBIOSIS

11,860,000,000 AS (1.4 billion y.a.)       Age of

      blue green algae rule                      CHLOROPLASTS

13,100,000,000 AS (600 million y.a.)    Age of

       multi cellular life explodes             COMPLEXITY

13,699,800,000 AS (3.2 million y.a.)     Age of

      birth of Lucy Australopithicus         GATHERERS

13,699,500,000 AS (1.5 million y.a)      Age of

      humans dance to attract mate        RHYTHM

13,699,995,000 AS (5000 yrs ago)       Age of 

      reed rafts cross pacificus                WANDERERS

      pyramids>empires>alchemy           TROUNCING

13,699,998,500 AS (500 yrs ago)          Age of

      witch trials / gassing / Klan              HORRORS

13,699,999,800 AS (200 yrs ago)           Age of

      Volta > Tesla's AC > eBikes              ELECTRICA              

13,699,999850 AS (150 yrs ago)            Age of

      indigenous people cry                      INJUSTICE

13,699,999,900 AS (100 yrs ago)           Age of

       molasses flood & gravity waves      RELATIVITY                       

13,699,999,940 AS (60 yrs ago)             Age of

      6 yr old Rob unbolts ironing board    DISASSEMBLING

      poetry at Big Sur / love not war         VOLKSWAGENS

13,699,999,980 (20 yrs ago)                   Age of

      my birth, Rae Rai of Dashville          SELF

13,699,999,999 AS (yesterday)              Age of

      Daq captures his 1st millipede         DISCOVERY

13,700,000.000 AS (today)                     Age of

       synthetic turf/ qubit/ astro stock      FUTURES

** ** **  Next Sentence  ** ** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr101.0120AT

"Any task begins with a first sentence," says the Interviewer, "Don't you agree?"

"Oha, at times I find my last sentence before the first," I reply nervously.

"How so, Ahn Sola?"

Why another interview, I've already been approved. Maybe he is the rank setter. The words that I select could determine my position in the eBike crew. My next sentence could direct the destiny of entangled fohtons.

"We all fall down," remarks Zelly from the daycare pod. It is her first sentence, and anybody's last.


** eBike2mars 14Gyr100-0120AT **

Sigh, the boss put a hold on my eBike training until I find a publisher for his taxonomy abstract. Oha, wonder if he moonlights as a namer using an alias.

>> Homo hadzien <<

Homo hadzien  (Soodall, 2020)  

We hunt for a rare species from seas to galaxies, as they gather their rare biomes from the Baobab tree.

"Genetically the Hadza are not closely related to any other people."(1) Their language Hadzane is an isolate. They differ, as well, from Homo sapien in their intestinal bacteria.

In the Great Rift Valley of Tanzania near Lake Eyasi, a tribe of twenty or so Hadza gather Adansonia fruit, varieties of Rubus, fibrous tubers, melit with comb and more. During the dry season they subsist on game such as Papio, Giraffa and Antilocarpa, flame roasted with a side of veggie when available. Hadza squat at mealtime, as they possess no table or chairs. They sing, dance, whittle arrows, climb trees, converse with birds and "dig out acacia thorns from each other."(2) Adansonia gregorii, the tribe staple, is listed in the taxonomy registry. The Hadza people should be included, as well.

It is imperative th...     ...find more at sites.google.com/site/genoscene   

(1) Wikipedia  (2) National Geographic Dec 2009

** ** **  Beem E Yupp  ** ** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr090.0120AT

The eBike pre-training consists of strikes/isometrics to strengthen tendons and meditation to cleanse bone marrow, challenging at the least. How did Marzy do it? She was older than I and the trainer was strict back in 99T. Ohha, here's my boss.

"Sey, Sola, have any questions so far?" he asks.

"None yet," I reply. "My instructions are to memorize, then proceed."

"Keep the awe, Ahn." He uses my familiar name.

"Tye, Mr Yupp."

"Call me Beem. View you later." He exits my workpod quite slowly.

Was I too abrupt? Sigh. His vibe pleases me, should've set him a smile. I need a distraction, notes from the Sci-Files, ohha. 

** ** **    Looss Leef    ** ** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr089-0120AT

Before eBike training starts up, I am given the task of organizing the Looss Leef File, a collection of incomplete inventions, Sci-Files, forgotten family albums, poetry, hypotenuses and intergalactic rhythms. Where to be...

Top of the stack sits a looss leef with spiraled edge, hand written, titled


A bumble bee hovers above me

who is sprawled across the old hammock.

Patchwork eyes watch my pen

flit along the note pad, like an anther 

spiraling from its fiery bloom.

Another bee watches as I lift my pen

to trace a blue ridge

sprawled across the old meadow.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

On the next looss leef is a sketch of an invention, holographic tattoos. After that, a black and white photo of a family posed on the porch of an old New England farmhouse. Then, leefs of poetry.


One minute after Upward Road at the Divide

the forest tilts steeply against a wintry hillside.

Treetops that dip into the Gorge look like

stick figures crossing on the zipline.

Bare twigs, approaching mile 61, 

dare to bud. Down the escarpment, passing

warm winds, branches leaf out in a frenzy.

Beyond mile 70, tulip trees at noon enter

the Pacolet watershed in bloom.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^


Two roads head east. We merge left in 

the fast lane. It leads us to paved pastures 

where red lights rule circadian clocks, 

an existence zoned disastrous. 

At the coast we loop back- toward Grassy Gap 

dotted with day lilies where a stone wall 

holds together weathered barn boards 

under red oaks that give us our daily shade- 

to return on the less traveled route.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 


Down the steep drive 

a brave stroller strides

to the mailbox where the rider's

adventure begins, and how.

She spies on a spider that 

spins thorn to thorn

where a rose hip, ripening,

lost its grip where

autumn winds perform.

Zelly tosses her silvery shoe

where a blue feather flies, from 

the wounded cloud, atop the mailbox

where a bright card arrives for her 

from afar where fireballs dive 

into dippers, and how.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^


Our inner voice

trickles from the source

rather than a forceful 


^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^


As limbs decay 

with grounded leaves

our hearts climb 

into living trees.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 

TEVE's Haiku

Your poetic soul

makes sciencefictionary


^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

[] []  Letters From Your Father  [] []

Your father mails us a letter from Grassy Knob. It arrives. The envelope smells like his wood fired stove warming the homestead built of rough Carolina timber, on a plot with make shift sheds, post and beam barn, the old growth oak surrounded by scrub sloping down to the slow running spring. Not very grassy. Your brother drives you there soon after his license is issued, a visit long overdue. One regret- not having raised you with all the love that was sealed inside those smoke filled envelopes.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^


The Foothills find me, on the way

to steeper destinations, caught up

in a thorny Smilax merging onto

the hikers' route. I taste the vine,

as its tip is tender. I grab a nearby

Mentha leaf to freshen my breath.

The Foothills watch me. They like

my wind swept hair. They brush it

with a Sassafras twig. They give

my inquisitive feet a mud bath.

They tuck me into a bed of

Glossadelphus moss. The Foothills

adopt me. The Mountains have


^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^


That bumblebee is back, hovering again.

Confused eyes notice not a pen

but wild onions in my hand, a stack

on my old lap. The long ultra violet stems

quiver, so attracting them, closer,

as I snip the Allium tips. In a gentle grip

I tie another bunch, then lift my chin where

buzzing wings pull hard on these old

heart-like strings.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 

... then the holy ghost says, "Let there be covid," and he shuts down Portlandia.

Hold on, that is not poetry. I'm seeing things, need to rest my eyes <- ->  

** ** **    New eBike     ** ** **

eBike2mars 14Gyr088.0120AT

The GAK man arrives.  He takes my measurements for a tight fit frame, mumbling and jotting notes. "Size sMeV for Ahn Sola, spinner serial six, perovskite wheels..."

 I am thrilled to be selected for the new eBike team.    (GAK=Green Axle Kinetics)


))))))  Extracellular Space  ((((((


A seismic attack topples the eBike.

"Mama Marhzee, where arhhe you?" Alfom's voice is muffed by the rumble of infected rock.

The tremor is so intense, I can feel the secretome from proteins oozing into my extracellular space.

"Alfom, Alfeem, Alfanda,"  I yell to my Trippplets, fearing that we have become separated.   

))))))))   The Wi Phirus   (((((((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-078.0120AT

Wi Phirus incubates in wires and spreads through radio frequencies quadratically, the way Phi progresses in mathematics.The infected frequencies spread misinformation throughout the Bioverse. Any instrument can be affected: tablets, cell phones, telescopes, satellites, microphones, cornets and monitors, as well as the CP that controls our eBike functions. To stop WiPhi from overwhelming our lives, the PiCE (Phirus Control Experts) recommends that all of us shut down our devices for two months and spend time outdoors.

Caution: my keyboard is likely infected, so what I type is not necessarily the words you are receiving.

)) Midnigh Update (( -Due to a high incidence of contagions, PiCE has issued restrictions in network and antenna usage to 14 seconds per day/nigh cycle for every Hemipheran on all devices.

)) Sunrise Advisory (( .. phirus mutated .. can now infect life forms .. confined mammals most susceptible .. release pets, livestock and zoo dwellers .. they will return to future environments .. phi continues to spread through frequencies .. morse code and telegraph safer .. to prevent misinformation .. scrub your neurons daily ,, stop. 

))))))))) Homo morfien (((((((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-077.0120AT

.. exhale, inhale, exhale, in, in, ex,ex, in, ex, ininin, exex, exinexinex hale, in hale, ex hale...  We experience odd mitochondrial palpitation in our lungs. 

Our quadriceps change to sexticeps, sexticeps to octaceps, octaceps to dodecaceps.

My crew grew thicker yet more flexible toenails for maximum eBike performance, when feet tire, during extended spinning across the rust red Valles Marinaris toward Tharsis Bulge. As for me, my skin color morphed from pale to midnigh when exposed to the pluton during conception of the Trippplets.

Besides my eBike crew and I, Inner Hemisphereans also are experiencing a high rate of morphological transitioning from Homo sapien to Homo morfien, as indicated in this classified ad:

DO YOU HAVE symptoms of enlarged stress glands? severe epidermal depression due to cosmetic addiction?reproduction disorder caused by high wire exposure? body fat anomalies due to Rx side effects? terminal retinal dysfunction from pavement glare? leaning toward the right from party pressure? collapsing neurons as a result of high tech overdose? Is you genome altered from CRISPR invasion? Have your intestinal microvilli vanished due to the maltodextrin in fast foods? Have your thumbs mutated from hyper texting? Hair tied into knots?... There are others like you. HmA meets at 6:60 p.m. Moonday in the Odditerrarium. For more information about HmA, Homo morfien Anonymous, contact Marzy's gmail.         Homo morfien  (Soodak,2020)  


))))) Where Heliozoans Live (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-070.0120AT

"On the Sun." Good guess, but no.

"in the shadows." Not exactly.

"Heliozoans are cosmopolitan free living ahha aquatic creatures," explains Alfeem. "And they capture their food with ahha axopodia."

"Have you found any Heliozoa while eCycling the Outer Hemisphere?"

"There are over forty extinct lakes in ahha Arabia Terra. We are on the lookout for ahha Heliozoan fossils in these lake beds," replies Alfeem.

... My crew and I discover...


))))) Still Cruising, Marzy ? (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-064.0120AT

Yes, we continue to cruise the Outer Hemisphere. Glad you asked.

Our spokes bump us over pocky terrain. They roll and pitch us in the rust red sand ripples of Oxia Planum. By day's end my crew and I are often too tired to brush our teeth.

At sunrise we routinely test our mica studded suits that shield us from radiation. We collect vapor from fissures for our moisture tanks. We spin, we explore, we discover, unsure how long survival will be possible in this harsh domain. However, more difficult conditions exist on the Inner Hemisphere where you accept the challenge of caring for Daqlen and Zelly.

Day one- You walk the pavers toward the house, To the left of the entry sits a gallon container with bright print, WEED and GRASS KILLER. Attached is a hose with sprayer, What child wouldn't want to grab onto that enticing contraption? As you enter Alf's house with the siblings, you are informed that there are no keys to any of the doors which means that Daq has the option of locking you out. House is not childproofed.

Day two- Sister Zel decides that the fun-to-open trash receptacle is a toy box. She tosses her fuzzy ball in, as well as a spoon left on the edge of the kitchen counter. You remove everything reachable by small arms including pill box, can opener, cutting board, sushi roller, packet of razor blades... You stow them out of sight. You disassemble the round copper coffee table to prevent it from toppling. 

Day three- Daq runs around the trails in the permaculture garden. You strap Zelly in the stroller to keep her safe while you chase after her brother  There is no fenced area on the property. A hole in the middle of the lawn catches sewage. The tank needs to be replaced, but there is a waiting list at the county for issuing permits. 

Day four- While he showers, Alf leaves his clothes on the chair with wallet and car keys in pocket. You race to put his pants away. Unfortunately, he has a high fever. He is driven to the hospital. Tested for corona and other viruses. Needs rest at home. You take D and Z outside to the water spigot. They keep busy filling containers and splashing sea shells into them. Too bad you can't keep the water running, it interferes with the backwash cycle of the conditioning system.

Day five- Knock on the door, bug exterminator is here. He sprays the perimeter of the house and casita. No outside play for at least two hours. Now a miracle occurs. Daqlen falls asleep on the couch during the pesticide danger period. Zel unwinds spool of thread from sewing machine which is not properly stowed.  

Day six- Alf returns to work. Vultures on the roadside pecking armadillo remains. "Why?" asks Daq, watching curiously. Another tantrum. Hot headed evening .took his temp .normal. Door on shed, where you sleep with kids, does not latch properly,  

Day seven- ..., ..., Mealtimes are demanding... rice pasta, pan baked cod, sw potato, lemon ice cubes, cereal, mango. You teach D how to scramble eggs.. he cracks the shell with his teeth. Where does your food go, Daq?  "Down to my feet so I can run fast and you can't catch me.". Zelly keeps pointing to milk and tangerines.., Too much you tubing, whale scene in Pinocchio fascinates them, laugh at Little Rascals. Robot number 5 stays alive with them. 

Day eight- You are too tired to brush teeth.               


)))))))))))))) Eweland ((((((((((((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-042.0120AT

Ewe refers to a tribe, not to a flock of she sheep, although sheep are not forbidden in the tribal territory.

Eweland, far from my eBike crew and myself, is located in the Volta region of the Afrik Hemisphere. The Ewe language exemplifies poetic names of what the tribe possesses such as axatse, the shaker that accompanies drum rhythms.

"Naming things is the topic of today's EXO home school lesson," I tell my Trippplets.

"What is Kpegisu, mama Marhzee?" Alfom asks, pointing to the word on the drawing board which is propped up against the crater wall.

Kpegisu will be explained later. We need to check out the Rover. It apparently found a sample of Impactite showing signs of organic molecules

))))))) Groundhog Report (((((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-034.0120AT

There is an accident at Punxsu Tunnel. Its walls collapsed when the local Groundhog (named Mus monax by Linneaus circa 1758) burrowed from his den to Gobbler's Knob.

At the same time, burrowing up Twaites Glacier from the seafloor, a mechanical groundhog takes photos of the melt rate. Its robotic fin can analyze sediment samples that determine the glacier's foothold. The biological groundhog of Gobbler's Knob can predict an early spring, but Mus shadows cannot determine the foothold nor stability of tunnels.

More news from the Inner Hemisphere: 

Sister Zelly lips her first words- "Boba", robot, followed by milk, diaper and spider.

Brother Daq answers the question "what are you made of?" "Paint."  (What is a groundhog made of?)

Camlin acquires a spring fed plot near Obed River, no groundhog sightings as yet.

Herin takes a break from technical grading. She bakes banana bread, not a gingerbread groundhog.

Meeda rests on the Landrum slope. There she dreams of other worldly eBikes. And predicts every move of Marzy's crew as they depart Gusev Crater.  "They will follow the shadow of their spinning spokes. They will cast fast paced images across the rust red ground."

 )))))))))))) Rock Tour ((((((((((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-030.0120AT

Come one. Come all eCyclists.

"See the bones of the crater," announces Alfanda, rock tour guide.

We park our eBikes, then stand in line at the rim of Gusev Crater.

Alfanda leads the descent talking all the while in her hmm accent, "On the crater wall to our right are thick deposits of fine grain sedimmments called mmMudstone." Let's try some mud pies. "Sammmpling the rocks is not allowed," she reminds us.

"Watch your step. Those plates of parallel orientated clay mmminerals can easily break off." We stride across the thin layered Spanokopita rock, no it's Slate.

"This is a new class of rock, found only here at Gusev Crater ," explains Alfanda as she points to what looks like ground volcanic lava cemented together with magnesium sulfate salt which was left over from ancient water that percolated through the rock before evaporating. "Let's nammme it mmMagdelite," suggests our rock guide.

We're thirsty. Do we stop here for Magdelite? No, but we do stop at cross bedded Sandstone that smells like sandwiches and we take a lick at columnar basalt that tastes (and looks) like chocolate popsicles.

"Notice the field of Scoria below," continues Alfanda, "It can be formmmed with or without phenocrysts (crystals)."

We do not notice any crystals, only dark rough chunks of rock that resemble moldy Swiss cheese, except with more holes than substance.


))))) This Is Your Fault (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-025.0120AT

       "Nature nurtures us

        yet we denature her."

                -anthrocene proverb-

At 6.23 degrees N, the southernmost end of Cerberus Fossae, my crew and I erect a sign:


||       Take Care Of It         ||


We want to prevent any unnecessary wear and tear on geologically important minerals of the Cerberus fault, should EXO Landers or touring eCyclists enter the fossae. Near the sign at the long fissure which extends to 16.16 degrees N, Ubeyou sets up our cosmoscope. 

"Now we can detect seismic activit.. "   RumbleRumbleShake. Before he completes his word, the scope records a seismic gurgle of 3 to 4 magnitude.   

))))) Madame Chlorine (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-014.0120AT

    "Science inspires artists.

     Artists enliven science."

For many half lives our colleague, Madame Chlorine, has maintained a stable healthy 35.4527 amu (atomic mass units) at her home in dissolved salts. Some of us, like Hydrogen of the ocean, at 1.00784 amu, are underweight and easily lifted away from the Hemisphere's surface.  Evaporation is happening now. 

"Hey, H Dude, where are you off to?" asks nearby Oxygen.

"I'm off on a gravitational wave toward the sun," replies H. "Goodbye, O Two."

O Two chases H Dude toward space, but is blocked by ozone, O Three, who paints the sky violet with U V protective glaze.

Meanwhile, Madame Chlorine is kidnapped and locked in a refrigerant with undesirable elements. Together they break out, leaking into the stratosphere. Unintentionally, Madame Chlorine destroys 100,000 ozone molecules before she is eliminated by the law of energy conservation.

With our cosmoscope in hand, my crew and I observe the result of the ozone destruction on the Inner Hemisphere at 70 degrees latitude, a swirling hole at the pole.  Parked on this rust red ridge of Pavonis Mons, our eBikes are not as yet affected by undesirable elements. 

))))) I LIke Lycophytes (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-007.0120AT

"I like Lycophytes."     Do you?

Lycophytes are fern allies. They established the green movement 425 million years ago. Their lineage promoted the growth of leafy land plants which continue the task of climate control by absorbing carbon dioxide emissions of the Inner Hemisphere.

Beneath the skies of the Outer Hemisphere, my crew and I can observe hydrogen streaming, in a fluorescent aura, from the H2O molecules in oceans toward the sun's gravitational pull. This same solar phenomenon evaporated all the surface liquid water from many terrains during the first eon of planet formation. 

Our eBike wheels continue the task of spinning us across these leafless rust red quadrants. 

))))) Kaapse Klopse (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-002.0120AT

"Let's begin the Kaapse Klopsee celebration, mama Marhzee," shouts Alfom as he tosses mica tinsel.

Three, two. one, midnigh. My Trippplets, Ubeyou and I begin this new year tradition by singing the few words we know in the Afrik language.

"Daar kom kaapse klopse nuwe jaar.."

We dance then parade our eBikes around an ancient oasis, where streams and briny ponds dotted Gale Crater some billions of years ago, when place/time celebrated newer years.


))))) Hirondellea's Exoskeleton (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.351AT

As always. the late night light casts long shadows down the hall. Your old slippers, one size too large, shuttle you across the floorboards, like a slow sailor mopping the deck. Arriving at the threshold, where most doorways run perpendicular to the floor, you turn the glass knob halfway. It clicks open. You step into your bedroom. But it is not your bedroom.

You find yourself in a corridor that runs parallel to the door you just entered, gripping the knob to keep from falling in either direction. At one end a beam radiates to the far depths of the lower end, where the converging walls disappear into a point. Your vision adjusts to the unusual lighting, a fraction above infra red. There is a handle reaching out from    ... ... (2continue)  

))))) P REX (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.343AT

      P rex targets

      friendly enzymes- living gene or

      prehistoric king?

My Trippplets pounce to the science table for another "guess the mess" quiz. They need to identify what is on the drawing board in front of them. Could it be the pattern on wings of a Papilis rex swallowtail?  The leaf arrangement of Pedicularis rex, a plant related to lousewort?

It could be a long snout studded with horns, unmistakable skeletal remains of a stealthy Pinocchio rex, cousin to Tyrannosaurus rex.

The drawing does resemble a (P) Phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-triphosphate dependent Rac exchanger (rex) protein code, the gene located in position 20 on the human chromosome or position 2 on a mouse's.

"Ahha, It looks to me like the wiring inside ahha eBike battery," guesses Alfeem.


))))) Cardboard Casket (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.336AT

The Allten family lift a box into their petrobott. They take a short drive across the Hempshire district to visit sister Ahhahope. At the front door Pa lets her know that there is a dead dog in the trunk. 

The family companion is put to rest in fertile ground. A moss covered rock marks the grave. Memories and sobs, along with Nova's last breaths, will cycle back into the vast Bioverse. 

      Earth scatters ash from

      the departed to heaven-

      fuel for young stars.

Years later my eBike crew collect some unusual dust from the shadow of Gale Crater. Ubeyou scans the sample with our cosmoscope.

"Marzy," he says,"this dust appears to be the remains of a Canis lupus from a distant Hemisphere.

))))) What We Are (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.333AT

      Our hearts beat as one

      yet I, black as mid night, dance

      behind this white mask.

My Trippplets are busy with their EXO home school writing assignment. Alfeem's paper is about his emergence from decaying compounds. Alfanda hums to herself "Mmmy intestinal biommme dictates what I ammm."

"I will write a review on mama Marhzee's journal," says Alfom as he pulls his CP from the eBike pouch. "Afterh all, we are what she writes." 

))))) Earth Walk (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119,330AT

     Two steps, pause... eight, nine-

     our child's first earth walk     

     advancing mankind.

My crew and I (inspired by ASIF events) step backwards into time while our eBikes charge at the rim of Gale Crater. Look, In this moment NASA's mole pounces out of its rust red burrow, unable to reach deep enough to test subsurface thermal properties.

In our first pace back to the past, we find a fossilized whale bone, We see the faces of our childhood.

     Chasing girls with his

     plastic raptor down the slide-

     jurassic playground.

The equivalency principle warps place/time. Tesla tests alternate current. Great uncles drill for crude from where oceans receded. Copernicus and Atlas move earth from the center of the Bioverse to its correct orbit.

We experience the de-evolution of hominids. Walls of the womb collapse. Cerebellums shed neurons. Creeping limbs revert to fins.Triassic cycads and the last moss retreat, land surface barren. The cambrian sea creatures lose diversity.

Our second backwards pace takes us through another billion years. Red algae and chloroplasts rule.

The blue green algae queen guides us through the remaining paces back to volcanism, snowball events, acidic methane vents, rusting oceans. Multi cell organisms devolve to procaryotic life. 

We step back to the beginning. There is no Last Universal Common Element,  proto stars in a state of accretion.

))))) Black Buyday (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.329AT

     Gants Magique, magic

     gloves- one price fits all, two pairs

     only a dollar.

It's true, two pairs for one. Shoppers in the dollar store find such bargains.

Yes, Inner Hemisphereans do celebrate Black Buyday, a spending tradition. Their presidenn has not as yet changed the name to White Buyday. Long lines at checkout prompt online sprees.

On the warmer slope of Olympus Mons, the five of us line up behind our cosmoscope. We take turns at the lens in hopes to observe one of you ordering some new spokes for us.

))))) Rate Your Bird (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyt-0119.328AT

Five stars* four* three* two* one*

      Whose birthday is it?

      cake with wings- mommy tells him

      "it's turkey's birthday."

My crew and I are thankful for subsurface water pockets, edible EXO fungi, eBikes and each other. No Meleagris species to rate here on the Outer Hemisphere.  


))))) Blue Wall (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.324AT

     Mountain's broad shoulders

     heavy with haze- this forest

     behind a blue wall.

Trees emit isoprene to protect themselves from the stress of heat. That natural hydrocarbon, isoprene, interacts with molecules in the air creating shades of soft blue across peaks and valleys of the Brew Ridge.

However, here at Lyot Crater, these blue dunes have formed from a spectral signature of hydrated minerals which are different components from the surrounding rust red dunes. 

"Blue ahha dune minerals are not so different from components of ahha  blue eBike paint,"  stutters Alfeem.

))))) Black Walnuts (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.317AT

     She missed black walnut

     season again- busy with

     growing grandchildren.

Our eBike tires bounce 

across stony terrain that 

resembles cracked nuts.


))))) Imaginal Disk (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.311AT


     sketching a chrysalis, still-

     butterflies watch her.

It becomes mushy where a caterpillar digests itself. A lost molecule disengages. 

Soon the mush organizes into imaginal cells "which transforhm into the imago, adult stage of this insect," says Alfom.

"But not without conflict. Like dying quasarhs that try to pull fresh hydrogen from youngerh stars, caterpillarh cells attempt to remain caterpillars by fighting the orhganization of imaginal disks."

Caterpillar cells are inevitably defeated.

A quasar dies.

Alfom activates our eBike charger.

A butterfly's full breath slits open its chrysalis. Liftoff.

))))) The Otic Region (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.304AT

"The Otic region is the size of four teardrops," explains Ubeyou during EXO home schooling.

Sadly, the size remains unchanged during its lifespan.

He continues, "In the depths of petrous temporal bone, adjacent to semi circular canals needed for balance, these Otic cells are encapsulated, from the fourteenth week of gestation until the onset of decomposition." 

"Like the cellular commmponent of our eBike batteries," remarks Alfanda.    

))))) Witch in a Wheelchair (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.303AT

That Witch wheels herself along a Hallow Eve timeline which begins with Celtic bonfires and pagan costumes, said to ward off ghosts of the returned dead.

Down the line she hears Anglican church bells ringing for souls lost in purgatory.

That Witch in a wheelchair follows medieval children door to door collecting soul cakes in exchange for songs to the givers' deceased relatives.

In Austria she can smell wax burning. Candles in every room guide souls back to visit their homes.

Our Witch is guided along the timeline by lanterns made of hollowed turnips.

In a churchyard she joins the risen corpses for the hideous French carnival known as Danse Macabre.

Huesos de Santo are placed on graves. Our Witch in her wheelchair tastes one of those Spanish pastries, bones of the Holy. Souls of the departed wander the earth until All Hallows Eve when they are given a chance for vengeance on their enemies. So people of the time wore masks to hide their identities.

The Scots think it important to the life cycle to celebrate and nourish the dead. Our Witch friend helps their communities place milk and meals at family graves.

That Witch in a wheelchair arrives back to the present. She wheels herself along the ramp to Haystack Observatory which is glowing like a bright pumpkin face. Our Witch looks into a special lens directed toward us on the Outer Hemisphere. She observes my eBike crew and I, disguised as headless riders, spinning our wheels along the rust red ghost dunes of Hellas basin. 


))))) REBUTTAL on the BUTTE (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.282AT

'Tis the Season to Debate.

New candidates are gathered on the rust red butte preparing to state their rebuttals. They all agree that the campaigns of last nigh's candidates are inadequate to defeat the Trumpernongs.

First up is Platypus. "With my bill, I will have the power to detect impulses of friends or enemies over land or deep in the seas. The electro receptors across my snout enables me to prevent gun violence by locating ammunition. and to avoid nuclear disast..."

Honey Bee buzzes in,  "I am hypersensitive to atmospheric electromagnetic waves. My detection device can sense thunderstorms as well as enemy invasion. My wings can navigate flower to flower. They can locate the polynyas where inverse rivers carry warmer waters below the ice shelves. These waters hasten the melting process from the bottom up. My ability to feel atmospheric waves will aid the climatologists in controlling global catast..."

Our candidate, Bush Elephant, interrupts, "I can offer the Emerican people a trunk full of sensors, two thousand to be precise. My fellow debaters rely on less than one thousand, and our human contemporaries have only four hundred scent receptors. My sniffing ability will eradicate the manufacturing and distribution of addictive narcotics. It will detect pollutants in the air, coral bleaching in the depths and gmo's in the fields. To preside over this nation, it is imperative to smell no evil."

"We need solutions, not detectors," hisses Serpentes, the socialist. "Being experienced in thermal radiation, my House and I will seek out problems such as chills and high fevers. We will cover the cost of recovery with tax dollars collected from the rich and given to child health care."

ZG Daqlen, disguised as a Stegosaurus, states his rebuttal, "Some of those animals are too mean (and too old). I want to play volleyball (with the people). (Together) we can make a train track. I can put down the tablecloth for apple and salsa and trick or treats."

My eBike crew and I attentively look toward Butte 'M9a.'     

 ))))) Indigenous Day (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.279AT

"I shall honorh, on this day and everh afterh, all that is indigenous in ourh Silky Way..."

Alfom practices his speech. The distinct rh accent softens his words.

"...all that is indigenous in ourh Silky Way, to include cyanobacteria native to young planetoids, as well as microbes native to Dashville trash cans where local bearhs look for snacks; 

to include the rhust rhed terrain of Oxia Planum and rhare elements such as Indium that is indigenous to the moon; 

to include the Waorhani tribe of Amazonia whose language is a linguistic isolate, not rhelated to any known native tongue; 

the yodeling Baka pygmies of Baki who often communicate celebration by drumming on liquid riverh waterh.

... and finally to include all Hemisphereans who maintain eBikes within theirh native territorhies."

Happy Indigenous Day.   

))))) Pyramid Of Boughs (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119,274AT

No branches bow here on the Outer Hemisphere. 

Our eBike tires have not run across any petrified wood. We have found no clue that plants with trunks survived on these rust red slopes.

Of course tree trunks are a common phenomenon on the Inner Hemi. Look, your neighbor is pruning her foothill pines. She stacks the branches higher than arms can reach.., Pyramid of Boughs.

))))) Planet Of The Grapes (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.271AT

After a day of geologic discoveries, we set up camp on an iron oxide bed. Our fungus ferment contains the daily nutriment requirements. The meal is tasty, but I crave dessert. Some sort of sweet fruit... well, I do have one vial of liquid Vitis somewhere in my eBike pouch. Oh, where is it?

"Fom, please help me find a small glass container at the bottom of my pouch," I say.

Alfom finds the vial. The five of us take five slow satisfying sips.

I tell my crew about the history of this Vitis.

"The native people east and west of the Piedmont province harvested dark wild muscadines many millennia BT (Before Tesla). They developed the Mother Vine that produced a copper colored variety. 

During the first ceremonial harvest, the new muscadine grapes were given the name Scuppernongs.

The Mother Vine reproduced across the Piedmont, from where I stalked those copper tone muscadines and infused them into a Vitis vial before eBike Bokka jumped me to the Outer Hemisphere from the Planet of the Grapes..  

))))) Purple Pearls (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.270AT

Spin. Brake. Spin.

My crew and I are circling the base of Mount Sharp on a geologic expedition. We pass the orange colored rocks of the Murray formation. On the rise above us are the Clay unit and the rounded hill of the Sulfate unit.

"Look" "down" "there," shout the Trippplets all at once.

In a small ravine below us they spot smooth dark pebbles.

Ubeyou dismounts his eBike, examines the pebbles with his cosmoscope and tells us, "These pebbles contain the compound hematite and their rounded shape is due to erosion from the river that ran through the ravine billions of years ago."

He takes a few of them to add to his rock collection and decides to name the samples "Purple Pearls." 

Alfom, Alfeem and Alfanda love the way the words stick to their lips. "Purple Pearls." "Purple Pearls." "Purple Pearls."


))))) 3-2-1 Contact (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.264AT

Do you feel that twizzle?

I feel it across my shoulders at this CP keyboard, sitting here at the base of Elysium Mons.

The twizzling sensation comes from electromagnetic waves. If you and your communication apparatus live on the Inner Hemisphere, the source of the twizzle is likely from 2.4 GHz WiFi frequency bands, which means over two billion pulses per second are speeding out the transmission equipment toward everything in its spherical path. These waves' lengths average four inches across from crest to crest. They pass through windows, walls and bone. There is no proof that a twizzle can cause structural damage, nor effect eBike functioning ; however, overexposure could interfere with DNA replication. 

3-2-1- Contact, the twizzles reach into your skin. 


))))) Ch or Ph, Which Came First? (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.259AT

The chemist, showing off his atom, says Chemistry (Ch) is the composition of all things in place/time.

The physicist, shooting some neutrons into the accelerator, insists, "Physics (Ph) came first, since particles in the early Bioverse had no chemistry. They were not arranged into atoms at that time."

The Mathematician, with an eraser at hand, argues that Math is what moves place/time, and what accelerates your eBike.

Which do you think came first?

 Alfanda responds (in her mmm accent) with an air of certainty. "Look, I ammm folding a two dimmmensional sheet of paper in consistent angles, over and under, again and again... until the folded paper practically disappears into a singularity. Now I ammm turning all the folds inside out, an expanding three dimmmensional  mmmodel of the early Bioverse. So as you can see, neither Ch nor Ph came first. It was Or."  -Origami-  

))))) Critical Immensity (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.245AT

Ahha...  / *// *// *// *//* //* /  X ------- u

That is our basic pattern to sew a sector of the Bioverse.

What you need: proton buttons,  

dark place/time fabric that can bend and stretch, 

giant sheers, photon thread

and a curved needle. 

The immensity of the Bioverse is formed by sheering the place/time material into six equal pieces, one square yard each.  

Then sew one proton button anywhere onto each of the square yards.

With the unlimited supply of photon thread, use the needle to attach all sides of the square yards together. This should look like an immense cube of dark sugar. (This immensity, one cubic yard, is the balanced state of the buttons, where the place/time fabric will neither stretch apart nor pull the buttons closer together. Multiplying that cubic yard by the number of yards in all of place/time represents the total immensity of the critical immensity of the Bioverse.)

Attach a long photon string to any one of the eight corners of the fabric cube. 

Tie the other end of the string to the back of your eBike.

Rev its motor. 

Accelerate until the place/time fabric stretches, increasing in size to larger than a cubic yard. It will feel like you are flying a kite. The size of the kite expands because of the flexible fabric reacting to your high speed/acceleration. The buttons become farther apart and the distance between them keeps increasing until the end of place/time.

Now put on the eBike brakes to a complete stop, so that the cube of fabric decreases in size and the proton buttons become closer together as the weave of the fabric tightens against itself. In this scenario the fabric eventually collapses to zero square yards and the buttons annihilate each other like colliding stars.

"Mama, can we take ahha lunch break now that our critical immensity is ahha stitched together?" Alfeem asks.

"Of course we can, Feem dear," I reply.

As my crew enjoys their meal in the crater's rust red shadow, I read to them a selection from the Looss Leef files:


another Link Story by

~L E SOODAK~ (not Seuss or Sendak)

               ((Page 2))

Ten little lambs with nine chubby hares

together hop up the restaurant stairs.

They order fish eggs over crinkle cut beets.

They wash their woolly paws before they eat.

          v v ((Page 3)) v v

Eight lumpy toads and seven catfish sit

outdoors in a puddle near the barbecue pit.

The toads can smell the smoke 

rising high above the hills.

Together they wait for the wings to grill.

          ((Keep Reading v v))

For six daddy long legs five wings are left over.

Together at the booth 

each wants to taste the others.

A server wipes the table.

Daddy long legs scatter.

Some end up upside down

on that large dessert platter.

              ((Page 5))

Four thirsty camels with three fussy goats

together share dessert, some ice cream floats.

Goats chomp the waxy cups

spilling all the drinks.

These animals enjoy their lunch,

waiting for their friend, the lynx.

               ((Page 6))

The two of us and one hungry lynx

together ride the bus with a tail light that blinks.

We get off at the restaurant 

to meet some friends at noon.

Our lynx likes lamb for lunch.

We'll order veggie stew.

        ((Does this story end?))

Just one lynx with the two of us,

three goats and four camels bite the crust.

Five bony wings sit with six long legs,

seven fish, eight toads and nine friends more.

Each of them tell us this lunchtime story:

                  ((Page 1))

Ten little lambs with nine chubby hares

together hop up the restaurant stairs.

They order fish eggs over crinkle cut beets.

They wash their woolly paws

then turn back to read page three.

      (go to > > ((Page 3)) < <) ^ ^ ^ 

))))) Frustrated Magnet (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.239AT

Charge. Link. Twist.

"If we can twist this magnetic field anotherh rhotational degree," explains Alfom, "it would give the rhoom needed to be tied into a knot."

We are experimenting with particles that could increase eBike battery efficiency and that have potential applications in electron spintronics. But Alfom cannot control his frustrated magnet, called a skyrmion by some mathematical physicists.

"Try using an optical vortex beam to control your magnetic field, Fom," I suggest.

He tries the beam. It does not knot his skyrmion which keeps untying itself to remain stable.

Disorder and magnetic conflict among inter atomic forces can lead to complexity.

To avoid complex frustration, I suggest that we discontinue this field experiment. 

))))) Child's Vortex (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.232AT

Something is missing,

without a trace, from one deep mid Alantic low flux hydrothermal vent. What is missing is the reduced compound that produces diversity in high flux rocky vent chimneys. Fortunately, a nearby chimney is profusely streaming (high flux) high temp water. It's cross flow with the low flux hydrothermal vent sheds a vortex between them, which increases dispersal of compounds,  

like the vortex in a child's pool: flux, splash, drain. whirl.   


))))) First Natal Bash (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.227AT

Age is arbitrary,

a whimsical numeric system to gauge existence. Sister Zelly commemorates her age by accepting the gift of balance. As she stands for the first time, her smile reaches beyond the Inner Hemisphere.

At the Gap we share in Zelly's joy, manifested on the face of our moon Phobos. My crew and I watch its crescent rise, after which we have a bash: over inflating old eBike tubes (doughnut shaped balloons), carelessly doing wheelies and slurping enough magma tea to gas up our bellies.   

"Ahha Happy Moonbeams to you, Zelly," sings Alfeem across the vast corridor of place/time.

He does not realize that it could take five years for his song to reach her.

Phobos sets. We settle into our sleepouches and look up through the skylight of our geodesic tent, imagining a young constellation Zelly standing next to aged Orion. 


))))) Sleepy Gap (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.224AT

"I seem you, Marzy."

Wha-what. I must be dreaming. 

The arm around me is rugged yet comforting and as dark as mine. It's Ubeyou's arm, of course.

"Marzy, are you awake?" he asks.

Under the pressurized geodesic tent, we can remove our protective gear during sleep time. So voices, as well as skin textures, resonate clearly.


"Yes, I'm listening," I respond.

"I hope for you to realize my feelings, but with all the eBike exploration and EXO homeschooling for the Trippplets, it hasn't been feasible," explains Ubeyou.

I pinch myself then look over to Fom, Feem and Fanda. They are snoring, tucked snugly into their sleepouch.

Ubeyou sets his eyelids onto my forehead and whispers, "Marzy, you do so much. You led us up the steep slope from L Rock to Sleepy Gap.You oversee your grandchildren in Dasheville. You established the Intergalactic Rhythm Exchange. You practice your SARPing (Seasonal Annoyances RePurposed). Calm yourself now so that I can sensitize you."

And he does.

))))) Surf the Sun ((((( 

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.217AT

Another Solar Success:

BriteBoard 2 is officially surfing on sunlight. It can reach a higher orbital altitude without the standard mineral based fuel, but with propulsion by photons. 

The Board is based on a design by Marzy and her eBike crew. To order yours, contact the crew on the Outer Hemisphere by emul.  

))))) Loquacity Rock (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.215AT

"How old are you?"

"I am 450 thousand millennia," replies the Rock.

"Whoa, that's superh old," says Alfom, "when the Outerh Hemisphere starhted to cool."

"I was softer at that time, with changing features." says the Rock.

"Tell us yourh story, Rhock," Alfom pleads.

The Rock hesitates, then talks again. "My story begins in this volcanic quadrant, during the first eruption in our sol system. Touch me. It's obvious that I'm mafic (basalt), not felsic (granite). I was ejected with lava and ash. Since then my friends, Erosion and Wind, have spread specks of my olivine to distant celestial bodies. In return, Rocks from other hemispheres spread their mineral dust to our quadrant."

Alfom touches the basalt.

"Each one of us," continues the Rock, "is unique but made up of components similar to mine: elements such as carbon which contain atoms such as  those in chondrite meteorites which contain heated protons that house subatomic particles like quarks with their companions, the waves, that were derived from energetic oscillons that followed inflatons expanding at speeds of light resulting from the Cosmic Bing, the dimension where positrons and neutrinos evolved. For example, the pyroxene in my structure is composed of sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron... like what's in your biological structure."

"Like the components of ourh eBikes," shouts Alfom. 

"So you see," concludes the Rock, "my story is very much the same as yours." 

))))) Rock Nest (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.212AT

"That's the arommma of green!" Alfanda exclaims, with her nose exploring every direction.

"Yes, Fanda dear," I reply. "It's the beneficial byproduct of ecosynthesis."

Since the completion of the SuS Populus project, green rays have been drifting throughout the sol system, with their unmistakable fresh fragrance able to sequester harmful gamma rays, temporarily.

Alfanda positions the moonbeam collector to charge our eBike batteries. Then she scans Rock Nest with our cosmoscope discovering tephra ash, magma crystals and other debris with chemical compositions matching volcanic sites of Hawaii. 

The rest of my crew sets up base camp 3, pondering. Suppose the tharsis quadrant becomes seismically active again. After all, there is some heat still trapped below this rust red mantle. If Olympus Mons erupted, it could spew enough ash to cover the Outer Hemisphere, which could create a temperate climate, a home for more green, the fragrance of mint, ramps sprouting through moss...

"Let's drop an explosive into one of these lava tubes," says Alfanda. "so that an eruption can terraformmm all of Rock Nest."  

))))) SuS (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.209AT

Dig. Dig. Plonk...

Dirty hands plant treelets across Thiopia as part of a galactic wide effort to revitalize ecosystems on planets and their ozones.

My eBike crew and I are supporters of SuS, Sustain ur Saplings. Although no habitat remains for saplings here at Gale Crater, we can participate by tallying the number of trees planted. So far, 300 million in 12 hours are rooted, including k'wara (lucky bean trees) and other indigenous species.

Beyond the borders of Thiopia, Wangari removes excess greenhouse gases from land and seas by sustaining Afriq woodlands. 

Along the Brew Ridge, families dig up saplings before lawn mowers destroy them. Tulip poplar, with its high sap content, and other Salicaceae are transplanted out of harm's way, More neighborhood trees provide more habitat for winged creatures, such as the yellow bellied sapsucker, and extend habitat for shade dwellers.  

The color green shall be visible to hemispheres across the Silky Way.


))))) Oceans Eve (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.204AT

The science scene is set.

Our zero gravity grandchildren hover to bed.

Spinners, joggers, drivers and divers, from diverse regions of the Silky Way, converge onto the Inner Hemisphere, Osher 206, for the  Oceans 4 meetup.

Our GASFAB coordinator is to introduce authors and titles. Members make their preparations for the dive. Two marine flyers, survivors of the BP oil spill, land on the wide window sill to perch for the evening. Three ramblers from the Ursidae family glance inside on their way to the campus landfill receptacles. One fisher, who ignores catch quotas, reluctantly takes a seat in the back. Marzy and her crew attend via cosmosonar to the Outer Hemi.

A review of this event, which follows, is sponsored by eBike2mars.com.

"This evening's discussion topics are the state of the oceans, the fate of marine wildlife and octopus sensuality.  ... Athena's suckers can feel a low frequency rumbling of the subsurface mountain range near her seabed. The sensation tickles. She loves the smells of fresh surf. Playful colors and textures gleam across her tentacles grabbing a snack. Solitary life suits her, as the bustle of companionship could attract predators. 

Without prior notice, during a gulf excursion, our content Octopoda is relocated to a pickle barrel near the cape.

Some of the Oceans 4 attendees agree that the book is more about a study of the author and her psychological interpretations of Athena's behavior, not about marine biology; nonetheless, an engaging narrative, especially when mother octopus tenderly caresses her fertile (or infertile) strands of eggs, rearranging them for months. Fortunately, all the octopuses mentioned in the book are transported from their homesteads to tanks at 1 Central Wharf before the invasion of jellyfish. before the bleaching of coral due to agricultural nitrogen, before land parasites infect sea lions, before styrofoam begins to clog fishes' arteries, before the tortoises consume baggies mistaking them for prey and before the capturing of krill that are the foundation for marine life. Those little shrimp graze on algae growing from the bottom side of sea ice.  Acidification of the oceans from CO2 imbalance is an ongoing problem as are the fisheries that hunger for profit.

What are the solutions?

Repurpose trawlers to drag out pollutants.

Create a refuge for sea life such as the Tierra del Fuego Underwater Reserve.

Keep mangroves under guard.

Eat more beefsteak tomatoes, less seafood. 

Promote international cooperation that follows the 30/30 proposal.

Collect debris at county sanitation stations before they runoff into streams.

Take an eBike, not a taxi.

Follow the kelp byways.

Change the color of roads to white.

Engineer rooftop gardens.

Fish farm? No, feed requirements unsustainable.

Vote for Prohibition on Plastics.

Ask your local octopuses for feedback on how to revitalize the depths and shallows. After all, their nervous systems are able to sense impending catastrophe, having a supraoesophageal mass, magnocellular lobe, olfactory lobe and thirty others; whereas our brains consist of only four lobes.

Be 95% skeptical yet remain environmentally sensitive.

Salute to scientists and to book club members who put these efforts into restoring marine ecosystems."  

Have a great Oceans Eve.  


))))) Shortoff Ridge (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.201AT

- Foothills Equestrian Farmers Market -

If you ride along the foot of the Apalachian escarpment Saturdays, you can dismount there to savor Mark's yellow loaves of spelt, stacks of crisp apples, spicy red peppers and the whitest most dense yogurt in the Silky Way. Look, Daqlen and sister Zelly are snacking on fresh fruit from the fig family's booth. They take a stroll with Meeda to the old railroad station where the Pacolet passenger car is on display. 

You gallop your groceries home as do other equestrians. In the distance Tryon Peak shines with its collection of cell towers. Over the horizon, Shortoff Ridge leads to higher elevations, the Craggy Pinnacle, Potato Dome and Upper Toe Creek that dashes toward Deep Gap. Elisha's mountain overlooks the entire eastern divide, including  Hempshire Lake at a higher latitude but lower altitude, where your friend Teve gathers wild blueberries.

- Outer Hemispherean Mons -

If you ride along the foot of Elysium Mons, you cannot be on your horse. No grazers are able to survive there. You can, however, savor the delights of eBike travel across Rusty Red Ridge that leads to higher elevations, Mount Sharp, the Cool Dome and dry remnants of creeks that dash toward Jezero Crater at a higher latitude but lower altitude, where the spinning crew gathers extremophilic fungi. 

"Welcome to our Hemisphere." I shout.

"Thanks for having me here, Marzy," you reply.    

))))) Shoesoff Crossing (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.199AT

"Take off your shoes," I demand.

"But, mmMama, our ..."

I interrupt Alfanda, "No need to worry about feet, Our mica shielded socks will protect us."

The terrain at Shoesoff is similar to Carcross Desert (smallest desert in the Sol System) in the Ukon district of the Inner Hemi. The geological  environment is fragile there, and here, so my crew and I remove our footgear and walk the eBikes across this sector of the Tharsis quadrant.

To pass the time during the crossing, I tell the story about Zell's shoes:


My sister Zelly loves her shoes. All of them. 


Today she's wearing baby blue.

Her little fingers pull the tie until the knot's undone.

Across the floor my sister rolls to tackle cousin's Joggs.

She reaches toward the rocking chair 

to pull off grandma's clogs.

In the closet, sneakers, ballet flats 

and one lonely sandal

all stand in place.

Zell touches them fondly. Her eyes become weary.

She slips into dads slippers

face down, falls asleep, 

then fearlessly creepwalks to the east of Erie.

The mud there's too deep for a day trip from shore.

So her slippers crawl left at the crosswalk next door.

Strapless stilettos stride off that curb.

Hand woven giveh worn out by a Kurd

step onto a shuttle that runs to Iran

where tourists wear flip flops on deep desert sand.

Zell follows the giveh. 

She crawls where the soles are,

watching her world as it paces afar.       ...  

))))) Teribe Tributary (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.194AT

"Let's build ahha dam here," says Alfeem as we spin along Melas Chasma.

"There hasn't been any runoff from those layered deposits for eons," I tell him. He ignores me.

"Ubeyou, please ahha help me with the engineering," Alfeem continues. "We will model it after the Byonic ahha hydroelectric dam of the Teribe River's tributary, except we won't be using ahha thrust of liquid water to power it."

Ubeyou and Alfeem pull chunks of rust red sedimentary rock down from both walls of the chasma. There is a natural foundation on the floor of Melas, They stack the boulders precisely, like experienced dam builders, completing the project before dusk.

Meanwhile, on the Inner Hemisphere, students chart their findings about the ecological effects of the Byonic Dam to the surrounding wilderness. But the Naso king halts their research before the total EPT percentage is calculated..EPT are insect invertebrates that can gauge toxicity, spending most of their life in water. This means that neither the king nor his tribe, nor the students, nor my crew on the Outer Hemisphere, can determine an accurate census of the EPT population in the Teribe area river beds downstream of the Byonic. 

Alfeem's Dam is not hydroelectric.

"My dam catches ahha naturally occurring draft in the long steep chasma." explains Alfeem, "Thrust of drafts against ahha hyperbolic dam structure can turn ahha small turbine to charge our eBikes."   ... Eco Safe Power.          


 ))))) Moon Stalker (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.191AT

Scribble, scramble,

my high gear is locked.

Doodle, dabble,

my writing is blocked.

Your poodle piddles on this site.

No words of mine come true tonight.

"Are you writing anotherh storhy, mama Marhzee?" Alfom asks me.

"Yes, Fom, I'll read it later. After you finish your flight history assignment," I reply.

He shows me his notes. They are well organized. i am proud of him.

Alfom's notes;

flying machine patent year 0003AT after brothers build 300 bicycles and battery charger for air travel

first flight distance 852 sp, 59 seconds off ground

aerospace age: warped wing design on Wright flyer, 

elliptic wing Spitfire, 

Dreamliner- composite flexible wing 

Blackbird's stealthy wings, speed record

Sputnik- battery discharges after 3 weeks, 1400 total orbits

Shepherd 116 vertically in Freedom 7 craft

Valentina- first woman in space

Marzy- first spinner to Outer Hemisphere

multi stage rocket by Goddard

Asaph, a moon stalker, discovers Phobos, he names crater Stickney, after his wife.

First Earthrise on lunar horizon from orbiter's window

computer alarm 1202 buzzes at Aldrin

Armstrong tests space boots at low solar angle

"I wonderh what it sounds like when space boots step onto lunarh terrain, with all the buzz from the computer alarm," says Alfom.

"It's like this," I tell him as my pen sketches sound patterns of the Apollo module and crew at Sea of Quangtrility.

[If you are using a small device, rotate it sideways to continue]

     1    2    3    4    5    1    2    3    4    5 +    

     x    x x     x x    x     x    x x    x x               Call to begin

     B   B  BB    n n    BB   B  BB            B      Bass drum

     1    2    3    4    5    1    2    3    4    5 +  

     b    b    b b    b    b  b    b     b b   b    b      Bell

     B T T B s B s T B T B T T B s B                Djembe

     1     2    3    4    5    1     2    3    4    5 +

            hihhihihhihihhihihhihihhihi                   Sabar drum 

      V   V n V n    n V n V   V n V n    n V n      Shakaree

      1    2    3    4    5    1    2    3    4    5 +         

      x    x x     x x    x x     x x    x x     x x           wood Block 

      H   k k H    k k k k  H    k k H k     k k k       Talking drum 

      1    2    3    4    5    1     2    3    4    5             and hand drums

      n    B      B    B       n     B      B    B             mid Bass drum

      extra instruments follow Talking drum part

x= any strike or tap

B= open sound with stick on base drum

n= muff tone with stick

b= strike on bell

T B s= tone bass slap on hand drum

h = fingers strike,  i = stick strikes  Sabar

V= shaker down to strike leg

n= shaker up to strike palm

H K= improvisational talking to the specified beat

H k= any 2 tones of other instruments

[You can rotate your device back to vertical]. 


))))) Galactic Independence (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.185AT

"Why are you crying, mmMama?" Alfanda asks.

I feel the weight of the Bioverse on my eyelids. In my cornea I can feel bursts of star forming dust and debris that originate from the slit in NGC 1291, a ringed galaxy 33 million lightyears away. Why this sadness?


"Because nobody reads my stories," I reply.

"But Alfomm and Alfeemmm and I love your stories," says Alfanda. "Let's celebrate the Silky Way's Independence (from the Supercluster) with one of your stories."

After some hesitation, I agree and begin;


One chunky skunk runs a bicycle store.

He orders some chains, new tubes and more.

"Come in," calls the skunk. 

He opens the door

for a she mouse who sneaks away.

Wherefore? I know, but will not say.

That mouse sneaks past the store today

where bicycles are on display.

She meets a herd of kids who bray,

"We cannot graze on bikes." Therefore,

they pay next door for sweetened hay.

Those kids who bray meet Mr Buck

who delivers the mail

on his bike, not a truck.

He passes a roost of hens who cluck 

"Is your helmet safe?" 

"Are your antlers secure?"

Mr Buck feels quite unsure.

To the bike store I stride. I ask Mr Skunk, 

"Why are there not any shoppers inside?" 

He replies, "The girls and boys are tired. 

Besides, they really don't want

any shiny new bikes

from a chunky black skunk

with a long smelly stripe."

He decides to disguise himself as a mink. 

Indeed, what a clever endeavor, methinks.

Next day his door swings open wide. 

It's a stealthy lynx who strides inside.

"Where is Mr Skunk?  Has he gone for a ride?"

Miss Lynx wants to buy 

a custom solar bike.

The mink sneaks out. He takes a short hike

and returns as himself, 

one chunky skunk. Wherefore,

I will not utter one word more  

about all the window shoppers 

who stride inside that store.

You can see for yourself.

The mouse buys a small chain, 

a safe helmet for Mr Buck. 

Bike gear for the rain

is what the wet hens get. 

Miss Lynx gives Mr Skunk a hug.

He winks at her. He shrugs to the kids

who plan to ride away midday

on charged electric bikes, brand new. 

They pack the pump but chew their tubes. 

 ))))) Ozone Gorge (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119,184AT

This cascade drops 180 degrees from the rim into the pool,

but there is no water. There are, however, incredible formations etched onto that rust red wall, like the treads of eBike tires. Ozone Gorge, over the eons, lost its flow.

If you listen closely you can hear its echo, 

"I hear ahha liquid flowing," whispers Alfeem.

"That flowing echo is subsurface water dripping below us, inside a carbonate cavern, all that is left of those glorious falls that once raced into an ever deep pristine pool," I explain to my Trippplets.

We depart the gorge and spin toward the next meridian. Ubeyou, in the lead, reminds us that there is no longer stratospheric ozone protecting the Outer Hemisphere, dissipating billions of years ago. As the surface cooled, it lost its magnetic field whereby solar wind could strip away the the ozone that remained.

Suddenly Ubeyou brakes. Bokka's front fender scrapes into Ubeyou's rear. The way is blocked by a midden with a large banner across the entry:

- Godfrey Sign Cemetery - 

"This could be ahha sequester station for the galaxy's ahha discarded signs," Alfeem remarks.

We scan the site with our cosmoscope:

  [ The Expositor ]  [ Hill Restricts View ]

[ Mean Creek ]  [ Handlebar Highway ]

  [ Flea Land ]   [ Obey River ]

[ Summer is Served ] [ Pilot ]

  [ On Tap ]    [ Thirsty Thursday ]

[ Custom Wraps ]

        [ We Raised the Bar ]

  [ Fragrant Mushroom Gallery ]

[Hurricane Espresso ]  [ Pipe Dr ]

[ Lick Skillet Farm ] [ Whey Station ]

      [ Angus Drain Cleaning ]

    [ John Deere ]

[ Ditty Unincorporated ]

  [ Your future is Here ]

road salt silo, for sale- rolled hay

[ Luv my Airstream ] 

          [Singing Hills Wy }

    [ Rebuildable Wrecks ]

[ Twin Arches 6 Mi ]

    [ Cotton Eye Joes ]

[ Better Stone - Hinkle Diamonds]

[ Injured? Call the Hammer ]

     [ Big Bear Built That ]

  [ Express Ministry ]

         [ Convert to KUB Gas ]

[ Overdose? I died so you can live ]

[ Guntown - Shoot Point Blank ]

    [ Pistol   aptist Church ]

             [   od Loves You ]

            [ Good Pasture Rd ]

  [ Buttermilk Springs ]

         [ Blasting Zone ]

   [ Barren County ] 

                 [ Volunteer Beer ]

          [ Mammoth Distillery ]

        [ Forbidden Cavern ]

      [ Southern Boom Fireworks ]

[ Celebrate Our National Caves ]

))))) Co Moving Horizon (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.179AT

Far red. Deep violet. 

The Mantis shrimp can perceive a wide range of light wavelengths, more than any other creature in the Silky Way.

  n=f of tsub o x dt'/(t')'  a(t)Hp(t)

  n(t sub o)= 11.48X10^18  

  a(t sub o)=1 at present.


With acute eyesight. this shrimp is likely calculating coformal time, the number of lightyears it takes a photon to travel from our location to the furthest observable distance in a non expanding Bioverse.

"Not calculating timmme, mmMama," Alfanda says to me. "The shrimmmp's collection of photoreceptors, which can detect distances, is setting a course toward the boundary between the observable and the unobservable. But the shrimmmp punctures an eBike tire, delaying arrival to the co mmmoving horizon." 

))))) BAO Celebration (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.170AT

Jopiter rises. Its dark icy moon rumbles, a song that shocks the Silky Way. And wakes my eBike family camped at Tharsis.

The resonance is able to brew matter in a single bound, which interferes with the BAO.

(BAO, Baryon acoustic oscillation, is a measurement that keeps cosmologists calculating the distance that acoustic waves of primordial plasma traveled before the plasma cooled to become neutral atoms. This length is approximately 490 million light years in today's Bioverse.)

Suddenly the moontones change, harmonizing with the BAO acoustic waves:

"Happy Moontones to you.

Some plasma sings too.

Happy Moontones dear Camlin.

This moonshine's for you.



"Mama Marhzee, tell me the story about Baryonic matter," mumbles Alfom in his sleep. 

Jopiter shines solemnly on his restless face this midnigh.

I begin, "Three little quarks, two facing up and one facing down, wriggle on a proton mattress.  Their pillow, stuffed with gluons, keeps the quarks comfortably together for billions of years.. until.. their old mattress smashes into another mattress, like super energetic smashing pumpkins. Now anything can happen to these six little quarks and their bed mates, the anti/quasi particles."

"Oh hum," Alfom snores. He continues sleep talking. "I get it. A mattress proton (or neutron), with three quarhks and their bed mates, are the baryonic matterh. And the mattresses containing two quarhks are leptons or some other parhticle. After an explosive smash, the parthicles reorganize to become bosons or they decay, like an old pumpkin, to become young neutrinos and associates (muons, antimatterh, undetectable energy). Now, Mama Marhzee, please tell me a real bedtime story."

I do, titled


by          L E Soodak  

One sleepy lynx leaps into bed. 

She puffs the pillow under her head.

"Grunt." calls the lynx out the bedroom door,

waving good night to her friend, a boar.

That sleepy boar grunts in the bed.

He puffs the pillow under his head.

"Growl," calls the boar from his bunk in the pen,

waving goodnight to his black bear friend.

That sleepy black bear growls to the bed.

She puffs the pillow under her head.

"Hoppity flop," calls the bear in her den,

waving good night to her gray haired friend.

That old gray hare he flops into bed.

He puffs the pillow under his head.

"Neigh, sleep tight," calls the old gray hare,

waving good night to his friend, a mare.

That young brown mare she neighs to the bed.

She puffs the pillow under her head.

"Ribbit in the pond," calls the young brown mare,

waving good night to her green friend there.

That sleepy green frog ribbits to the bed.

He puffs the pillow under his head.

"Gribble," calls the frog from the pond's deep end,

waving goodnight to his peacock friend.

That sleepy peacock gribbles to the bed.

He puffs the pillow under his head.

"Slosh," calls the peacock, cuddled with his hen,

waving good night to his octopus friend.

Slimy tentacles slosh to the bed.

They puff the pillow under your head.

"Blanket," calls the octopus. She turns red from blue,

waving good night to her special friend, you.

You pull your yellow blanket over the bed.

The pillow is puffy under your head. 

"Milk," you call to a goat who winks,

waving good night. He pours the drinks.

That sleepy goat sips milk with you in bed.

He eats the pillow under your head.

"Leap," calls the goat. Twice more he winks,

waving good night to our friend, the lynx.

{ now we turn back to the beginning of the story ^ ^ when the lynx leaps into bed ^ ^ and keep reading until we fall asleep }


))))) Massless Or Not (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.160AT

Shhh.. "Does a secret have mass?" I ask my Trippplets 

There is a secret lake beneath the Namid Desert, not unlike the subsurface waters hidden from me and my eBike family as we spin across the Outer Hemisphere.

"Well, beforhe the secret is rhevealed, it has no mass," says Alfom.

The algorithm that stitches together the image of the cosmos, think about whether or not it has mass.

We cross rust red ridges of Valles Marineris from point A to point B.

Points have no dimension, geometrically speaking, yet Preons, point particles within Quarks, are more forceful than a bushel of secrets, massless or not.

))))) All Oceans Day (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119,159AT

"Ahhummmrh mmrh," the soft breath of your grandchild snoring in a dreamworld of four hearted hagfish and of octopuses with tentacles hugging them and suckers tasting them. Chromatophores, the pigment cells controlled by muscles, can change an octobody from berry pink to chocolate polka dots during a restful nap.

"Hmmrh," whispers a gentle wave in calm water, no storms today in the South Alantic.

"Ahhummrh" mutters the shifting rust red sand on the Outer Hemisphere, as our eBikes spin along the dry shoreline of Deuteronilus Ocean.  

))))) Crossbreeze (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.158AT

Not parallel to my course toward Jezero Crater, this crossbreeze takes me spinning to Crossbreeze, the place where Gramma stays. I meetup with my actual family there, leaving my virtual crew waiting for me at the crater. 

We visit with Gramma then head to the Peninsula's littoral zone. Daqlen practices his zero gravity training as he presses against incoming surf (after the explosion in his training pants.) Sister Kwelly samples the salty seashells. Camlin and Herin take a romantic moment on a bare branch at Driftwood Beach. 

The electromagnetic breeze crosses over our skin.     

))))) Radiation Exchange (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.151AT

An exiton escapes solar plasma and finds its way to the Frump district where it is taxed 25%.

This quasiparticle is accompanied by photons which bring 340 watts per square meter of energy to the Inner Hemisphere.

That radiation also must pay the Frumpers.

Here in the Chasma sector my crew encourages free radiation exchange to charge eBike batteries, as solar particles find their way to the Outer Hemisphere.

))))) Brittle Deformation (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.139AT

We are in Ius Chasma.

This stratified rust red terrain looks as if it was pulled apart.

Alfeem finds some chasmatic rocks that fit together.

"Ahha," he says, "I'm working on ahha geologic puzzle."

The rock pieces resemble axles, bolts and racks. He could just as well be assembling an eBike.


))))) Pre Solar Dust (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.124AT

"Eeek," screams Alfanda.

The ground leaps up at us, Palikir Crater quivering, our eBikes rattling. 

"It's only a meteorite," I assure my crew.

Upon analyzing the meteorite we find an unusual granule, stardust from a nova that imploded five billion years ago.



))))) First Form (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.119AT


No reply.




"Here I am."

"Me too."

"On my way," shouts another.

Overwhelming response .. more than one atom converge at the same place/time.

"Oo."  "Ouch.  Wow wee." ..

.. the unlikely union of a noble helium atom and haphazard proton..  Welcome HeH+, Helium Hydride, the first molecule in the Bioverse, forming one hundred thousand years after the Big Bing.

Now, fourteen billion years later on the slope of Mount Sharp, my eBike crew aims our cosmoscope towards an ultra infrared glow interlaced in the planetary nebula NGC7027 three thousand lightyears away.  I look into the lens.

"It's a helium hydride cluster." I shout.

Welcome to the Silky Way, descendants of the first molecule. 

))))) P A H s (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.094AT

"Look, Fom," shouts Alfeem. "Those ahha  galactic dust clouds fluoresce when ahha...     

"Feem, Don't Interhupt me now...     ...(2continue)  

))))) Gobular Cluster (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.090AT


Ah, the rumble of decaying nucleons in a diffuse gobular galaxy sounds like our eBike tires rotating as my crew and I spin toward Palikir Crater.

"mmMama, can you tell mmme whether a pentaquark particle is considered to be a cluster of quarks?" Alfanda asks.

"Well, Fanda dear, with a lifespan of only 10^-20 of a second and a diameter of 22 MeV, I would consider it a non-appearing miniscule gob," I reply.

))))) Hemipterans (((((

eBike2mars 14gyr-0119.084 AT

Inner Hemispheric Hemipterans swarm at the trailhead of Black Mountain Crest. One of them bounces into a toothwort mustard leaf unfurling near stonecrops. This mishap takes that insect careening up the trail at one nanometer per atto second. After tunneling through the trunk of a budding buckeye tree, our hemipteran friend crosses the entire crest.

Where next?  The hemipteran drops onto the sand at Pawley Island, momentarily. There, six moonth old  Kwelly rides the waves with her eyes while brother Daq chases gulls. The solar wind carries our insect friend from that beach toward the Outer Hemisphere.

Meanwhile.. my eBike family is pitching our geodesic tent on the rust red sandy shore of a dry ancient seabed.

"Marzy." Ubeyou shouts, pointing toward the Vera Rubin crest near Mount Sharp. "That looks like a Hemipepsis wasp riding a solar wave."

Not a Hemipteran fly?  

))))) CME (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.079 AT

Let's predict the trajectory of that CME, Coronal Mass Ejection (a release of magnetic fields with plasma from our Sun, often displaying auroras), during this full moon at equinox.

Does that CME bend space/time? Can it interfere with the signal to our eBike battery? 

"Let's try F=ma, Mama Marhzee, to calculate interhference" suggests Alfom, "or..


How do I find the pi on this keyboard?

))))) White Gravity (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0119.041 AT

"Mama Marhzee, we missed you. Wherhe have you been?" Alfom asks.

"On a Vitality Retreat," I reply.

"Tell us all about it, mmMama," my Trippplets shout curiously.

First. we were introduced to White Gravity, the vital force (working with Black Matter) that shapes the Bioverse and expands it between galaxy clusters while contracting the space between local galaxies, within clusters. Our Silky Way heads in a collision course toward our neighbor galaxy. 

Then we were encouraged to meditate on smoothies. "Imagine, Fom, that you have all the ingredients available for your personal smoothie. What would you select?"

"Mango, banana, blueberrhy, gingerh, moringa, ground sunflowerh seed, flax powderh, rosehips, agar, mint and a squeeze of kafirh lime," says Alfom.

"Sow sow grow, Fanda. What vitals would you plant in your garden?"

"Blackberries, Swiss chard, cucummmber, semmminole pummmpkin, wild ginger, sweet potato, purslane, African blue basil, heirloommm tommmato, asparagus and mmmuscadine grapes across an arbor built of recyclable eBike frames," says Alfanda.

"One two one two. Feem, think about vitality in motion."

"Mama, you trained us well in ahha plyometrics conditioning," Alfeem responds. "And ahha vital stretches: folding, child pose, cat/cow. We didn't forget your ahha lessons on chi ball expansion during alternate nostril exhales. We have ahha enhanced our blood chemistry by ahha holding  breaths..."

Alfanda chimes in, "It's the curvature of White Gravity that enables the mmmuscles around my belt vessel to contract and expand."      

))))) Tin Roof Comet (((((

(eBike2mars 14Gyr-0118.350 AT)

The Inner Hemisphere revolves revealing the local comet. Who is that watching it? an inhabitant of the Doublewide District. From there, she snaps a photo of the comet in the pre-dawn sky above her bedroom window. 

Here, on the Outer Hemi, my crew and I dismount our eBikes at the high rim of Crater Poona to set up the cosmoscope.

"Take a look, Marzy," says Ubeyou.

I peer into the lens. One speck of light with a faint tail appears to be reflecting onto the surface of a Doublewide.

"It's the Tin Roof Comet!" he exclaims. 

))))) Spruce Particles (((((

(eBike2mars 14Gyr-0118.345 AT)

ZG Daqlen wants the tree plugged in. 

"Pweaze." he mumbles.

The lights flash on.

Daqlen places sister Kwelly's hat across a bough, romps into the hallway and returns with his toothbrush which he hangs on the tree next to a dangling balloon, decorations of his choosing.

He gazes at the spruce needles. 

What is stirring there? a dimensionless physical constant known as the alpha (nick name fine structure constant) which manifests electromagnetism between charged particles such as electrons. 

Alpha is a relative of e, the elementary charge. E strengthens family ties between the particles and their electromagnetic fields, including the charge in your eBike battery.

The particle family values their dimensionless quantity at 1/137 in all systems of units.

"Put simply," says e, "there is a constant force that keeps us together. Without this force, 1/137, the spruce would not exist as branches with needles. The tree would break apart and likely rearrange itself into different shapes as protons repel each other."

Daqlen's balloon bursts.

))))) Snow Fractal (((((

(eBike2mars 14Gyr-0118.344 AT)

"This is Fom reporting live from the EXO Weatherh Orbiterh," he announces. "As the Magellanic Cloud expands, a heavy snow fractal is expected on the surface of ourh Outerh Hemisphere."

Fom measures the cosmic pressure. He observes how the tropospheric front, each part of which has the same statistical turbulence as the whole, effects biotopographic movement.  

Fanda covers the eBikes with geodesic tarps. Chore completed, she skips playfully across Crater Poona, her feet etching a large triangle onto its rust red floor. She sidesteps then spins 240 degrees like an abrupt wind. Fanda etches, steps and twirls, over and over, in repetitive choreographic patterns.

"I'm observing a 1.262 dimensional storm in an area of eight fifths of the original triangularh source," Fom reports. "Its six sided perimeterh, crossing Craterh Poona, approaches infinity. This meteorological fractal is in the shape of a von Koch Snowflake."

))))) Supersoft Rays (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0118.338 AT

While my Trippplets record subsurface waves in the hollow, Ibemee, recently retired from eBike touring, continues census work from his abode at K Aarhst. 

"Very strong levels

of the weakest x-rays

are emanating.. from accretion disks, 

which are diffused matter in an orbit.."

His notes are sketchy.

"Previous census indicated..  supersoft emissions

only from fusion on surface of white dwarfs."

"As of today, note -2- sources of 

supersoft x-ray emissions, not -1-"

))))) Symmetric Reconnection (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0118.336 AT



Perhaps my thoughts were caught in a Solar wind that curved across magnetic fields of the the Inner Hemisphere, reconnected symmetrically on the night side to display its aurora, then continued the gravitational push to my Hemisphere.

Attempting to recall recent eBike ventures, I am interrupted by a familiar voice. 

"The Trippps are detecting strange seismic waves on the cosmograph."

It's Ubeyou's voice, of course.

"Are you alright, Marzy? You seem ... overwhelmed," he remarks.

"I'm ...fine. Feem, tell me about this seismic event," I respond.

Alfeem begins. "These ahha monochromatic waves are reverberating ahha across the equatorial quadrangles in ahha seventeen second intervals...  ..."

It is difficult for me to listen to my dear Alfeem. Why have my thoughts been distracted? Wait, I'll check the ebsite. ...  ... It's been moonths since I wrote an entry. 

I whisper to Ubeyou, "Can you remind me what has happened recently?" 

He updates me on (1) Teve's report about Hempshire fashion trends.

(2) The Wootite's unscheduled camping and all day hike across Basin/Range.

(3) The GASFAB paleontology event with Rachell coordinating Wonderful Life in Burgess.

"And you, Marzy, concluded that Hallucigenia propelled with spines up like the Wiwaxia fossil, not with spines down as previously imagined," Ubeyou comments. 

(4) Daqlen and Quelly, ZGG  (zero gravity grandchildren), laughing together at monkeys that dive/splash in their planet's pools.

(5) InSite's successful dropdown in a rust red hollow at Elysium Planitia.

(6) Gramma's dropdown to the mental health wing. 

(7) The fourth Phalloween when you dressed as a gong master, reverberating along Ermont Av.

(8) Our spin to the shield volcano.


))))) Geology of the Toe (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0118.278 AT

Botta bumps me across a network of fractures.

My sacrum is too old for this. I'm tired of uneven terrain.

Ahead, a shield volcano, gently risen from the surface of central Elysium, looks like a giant toe.

))))) Hyperbolic Hat (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0118.274 AT

As we fill space with shapes, one of our polygons falls short of 360 degrees.

Our quilt begins to curve as we continue sewing this pattern. Soon it twists into a 3D multi holed pseudospherical hat.

"Look, mmMama," shouts Alfanda. "The hat fits commmfortably over the dommme of my eBike helmmmet."

))))) Kepler's Pretzel (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0118.268 AT

Loop, loop, backward loop.

Our eBike wheels follow the pattern of Kepler's lenten pretzel as we explore the equatorial quadrangles.

"Kepler's loops follow the path of this planet's orbit as observed from the Inner Hemisphere," I explain to my Trippplets.

"Mama Marhzee, didn't he obserhve orhbits beforhe the invention of telescopes?" asks Alfom.

That's right. 

But he could not observe the paths of hypervelocity stars ejected from the black hole area, nor the super speedy stars streaming from the magellenic cloud toward our galaxy's center.  

))))) Tachyonic Motion (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0118.264 AT

"What is black or bright and faster than the speed of ahha light?" Alfeem asks us, jokingly.

"The tachyons in ourh eBike beams," answers Alfom, grinning.

Of course, tachyons, from the greek tachys meaning "swift." They have imaginary mass of the square root of a negative number. But only one field of these hypothetical particles is believed to exist that permit superluminal speeds.

"It's impossible to see a tachyon apprhoaching," says Alfom, "but afterh it passes, you would see its motion appearihng and deparhting in  opposite dirhections simultaneously."

"We could build ahha hypothetical antitelephone from our spare ahha hypo tachyons?" Alfeem hypothesizes.

Via antitelephone this sentence would reach you before the thought is uttered, tachyonically speaking.

))))) Landrhum ((((( 

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0118.260 AT

Rhum humhum rhum hum.

Our eBike tires hum along the surface of hiddenite, a shiny green chromium spodumene (from the Greek meaning "burnt to ash" refering to the grayish white ash formed when this mineral is ignited).

Hum hum rhum. We pull over for a brief EXO lesson in the shade of a nearby crater.

"Hiddenite occurs in granite pegmatite, which is an intrusive igneous rock with interlocking crystals formed in later stages of magma chambers," I explain to my Trippplets, etching the chemical formula for hiddenite onto the ground. 


"Hmmm, looks like graffiti to mmme," says Alfanda.

))))) Lithotrophia (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0118.256 AT

Somewhere in the Silky Way, a Cleome, with six long stamens in opposition to four bright pinkish petals, towers over a community of Springtails and Organotrophs.

But not here.

Here at Oxia Palus, we are searching for electron donors of inorganic compounds, the Lithotrophs.

"Slow down, Mama, ahha lichen is under that ledge," shouts Alfeem.

He leaps off the eBike and rubs his finger across the specimen. 

"It appears to be ahha Flavoparmelia species," he concludes.

The leaflike colony extends from the ledge into a fissure, then to the subsurface by growing through the grains of rock.

"Lichens have minor lithotrophic capabilities," I explain. "They can use some rock minerals for CO2 fixation, but most of its bioenergy is produced  through photosynthesis."

"Yes, ahha sunrays can pass here," notes Alfeem, inspecting the path of photons reaching toward the fissure.

As amateur lichenologists, we speculate that a sample of this composite organism, along with its cousins, the Lithotrophs (eaters of rock), travelled by meteor during early eons from Oxia Palus to biosynthesize in your neighborhood.

))))) Congaree (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0118.252 AT

Halfway to our destination we spin across another dry riverbed.

"At the Piedmont Fall Line there is a water river with a similar meandering pattern as this dry river," I comment.

"Tell us its storhy, Mama Marhzee," insists Alfom.

"Slink, slither," I begin. "An unnamed snake explores the banks of the Congaree, a river that flows from exposed crystalline rock, widening onto coastal plain sediments. The snake stops to sun itself where many generations of snakes warmed their skins. There, the Congaree tribe, now extinct, maintained harmony in the watershed with their unique language that flowed like whirling eddies. Our snake continues its journey to the river's end where many Inner Hemispherean stories end, struggling to sustain bottomland forests."

))))) Trace the Trajectory (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0118.248 AT

Two eBikes collide.

Particles scatter,

those dark bosonic specks of tire scatter from the interaction point onto the rust red terrain.

Debris of the disintegration is displaced by a significant distance. Some debris decays instantaneously.

"Can we deduce ahha presence of quanta in the debris?" asks Alfeem.

"I think this speck contains sommme Z bosons," responds Alfanda, brushing dust away from some debris. "To determmmine where this piece fits back onto the tire, we need to trace its trajectory. Which is difficult since it likely mmmoved in an unconventional geommmetric pathway. However. the tire's mmmineral elemmments, as well as organic mmmatter, cycle themmmselves back into the production of mmmatter. For exammmple, ZG Daqlen's leftover birthday cake decays into....."

Alfeem interrupts, "But ahha collision or decay implies energy, and ahha energy flows uni-directionally in ahha non-cyclic pathway."

We patch the eBike tires,

then spin in a trajectory toward Lithotrophia.

))))) Mie Scattering (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0118.246 AT

Blue sun. Rust red caramel sky.

Dusk displays unforgetable light diffusion from dust particles at the horizon of our Outer Hemisphere. 

"It's brheath taking, Mama Marhzee," Alfom whispers to me as I tuck him into his sleepouch.

Elsewhere in the Sol system, sunset makes memories: The Wootite takes the hand of his companion with a fond thought of their excursions to Black Mount. Shawnam at Homescape 50 remounts his eBike cells during scarlett mie scattering at his horizon. The Bearview family takes a photo of Quelly in the produce basket hanging on the wall, as colors of dusk diffuse onto their rooftop...

Mie scattering into vapor particles gives Inner Hemispherean clouds their midday puffy white. You wouldn't find black walnuts in the shading of trees if light did not scatter.

)))) Oenodynamics (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0118.244AT

Swish. Slosh.

Dimensionless parameters govern the flow of water making waves inside Daqlen's bucket. The water rotates in the direction of his motion as he scuttles to the potted blue basil.

After an eBike tour of Solis Planum, we relax. We swirl our mugs of magma tea. The foam on top rotates in the opposite direction of our motion. What makes it happen is Oeodynamics, the physix of a swirling action, a complex equation here and on Daqlen's Hemisphere.

))))) Stone Probes (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0118.242 AT


"Yes." "No." "Yes. Please, let me try." "mmMaybe, no."

My dear Alfanda and Ubeyou disagree about stone probing. He would like to use the stones to heal her eBike injuries. She is reluctant to try the probing. I, as well, am unable to convince her.

"Fanda, the practice of stone probing is appropriate for Hemisphereans, young and old. Even before the reign of the Yellow Emperor, bian shyr (stones) were used successfully to adjust circulation," explains Ubeyou. "Relax and let's begin."

Alfanda agrees. She lies down on our mat made of dehydrated woven fungus ribbons. 

Ubeyou arranges his collection of crystalline quartz that he found at the extinct Syrtis Major volcano. Using the tip of a stone, he presses it onto the surface of her skin at points along the linking meridian, from the left ankle to hip. After hours of probing and lessons on thread breathing, Alfanda's wounds begin to heal.

"mmMy pain is displaced by sensations of soft flow and tingles as if bees are weaving on mmmy skin but not stinging," Alfanda articulates slowly.

"Yes, BEES, also known as flowing Bio Electric Energy Sources," Ubeyou comments.

"mmMama, aren't those quartz stones the secret ingredient that you mmmix into our fungus salsa?" asks Alfanda.

Yes, they are.    

))))) Bok Globules (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0118.240 AT

Entering the Coprates Quadrangle, we spin steadily between the globules of plagioclase feldspar.

"What is that, mama Marhzee?" Alfom asks, pointing to the distance.

"The remains of ancient riverbeds, Alfom" I reply.

"Not the rhiverhbed. The black splotches coverhing the field of starhs."

"Those splotches are dark interstellar clouds of cold gas and dust, less than 100 solar masses in size,"  I explain to him. "Their cores are embryos of new stars that develop independently, so they are different ages as they begin to glow."

Also known as Bok Globules, these small nebular clouds resemble common shapes on the Inner Hemisphere: the mud splotches along Eaverb lake trail where ZG Daqlen scuttles the full 2 miles at less than 2 years old, the dark turtles resting on driftwood  to where he points and hoots, the black blob of a bear covering their lawn, crude globules penetrating virgin beaches, colorful hybrid globules floating in the soup, digestive globules that stain sister Quelly's diaper.


))))) Termination Shock (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0118.238 AT

Alas, nightmares at 1620 cease.

Heaviness in the air evaporates beyond the Hemispheres into the Heliosphere where radiating spiral winds carry it with alpha waves 8 billion miles to Termination Shock, the zone in which particles de-accelerate to slower than the speed of sound, down to speeds of spinning eBike wheels.

Alas, thanks to Loraine's determination, the anxieties of Gramma have relocated to 5601-31.

))))) Green Grain Moon Soon (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0118.235 AT

Grains of teosinte bulge inside their husks like the central region of galaxies. Their stalks expand interminably skyward. 

Intergalactic clouds block the view of planetary and lunar hemispheres lining up at horizons across the inner Sol System.

Our eBike wheels spin interminably across this rust red terrain. No sky. No glowing circles nor crescents. We imagine that our moon Phobos shines as green as the ripening grains.   


))))) Heterozygosity (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0118.234 AT

Caves are cool, about 55 degrees. 

They are the places where different species of ancestal hominids mingled, where Neanderthals bonded with Denisovans, where mitochondrial DNA  passed from mother to child, where nuclear DNA identified paternal lineage.

"What is the genetic ahha signature of our ahha father?" asks Alfeem.

"Your father Ibemee has family still living in the Afar Depression where the remains of their ancestor Lucy were excavated. Those black skinned genomes are categorized as the earliest and purest hominid signature. About 90000 years ago, a mother in Lucy's lineage dreamed about exotic hominids, interbred with a Denisovan giving birth to Denise, making your father's lineage highly heterozygous, meaning that his ancestral parents come from entirely different hominin species," I explain.

"And what is your ahha genetic signature, Mama?"

"Kievan and pale with Afar rhythms and dreams of exotic eCyclists, remains of my ancestors are not genetically diverse, low heterozygosity compared to your father," I reply.

"So that makes me and ahha Alfanda and Alfom half ahha heterozygous and half not, right?"

))))) Magnetic Definitions (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0118.233 AT

magnetic pressure = the energy density of the magnetic field visualized as increasing as the magnetic field lines converge in a given volume of space.

magnetic tension force = a restoring force that acts to straighten bent magnetic field lines, a pressure gradient determined by how much magnetic pressure changes with distance.

heliospheric magnetic field = extension of the coronal magnetic field  of our sol system carried out beyond 120 AU (11 billion miles) where it encounters opposing pressure from  interstellar space.

dipole = a pair of equal and oppositely charged (or magnitized) poles (region at each end of a magnet where the external field is strongest) separated by a distance.

monopole =

))))) Cosmic Murmurations (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0118.232 AT

Twisting photon patterns in the Corkscrew galaxy, what a fantastic display in that parsec of our sky.

The murmuration of the planetary magnetic field interacting with the solar magnetic field makes us dizzy. 

"Mama Marhzee, solarh wind rhadiates frhom the rhotating sun in the forhm of a thrhee dimensional arhithmetic spirhal," Alfom shouts.   

"Another unusual murmuration, indeed," I say while adjusting Botta's spokes. "Across the skies of the Inner Hemisphere, starlings dip and turn in random directions, intertwining into diverse shapes that simulate a fourth dimension. Soon the flock will disburse to their overnigh perches." 

Quelly spreads her toes in arrangements of motion that only an infant is capable of. Mother's soft murmurs puts her to sleep.


))))) Birth of the New Physix (((((

eBike2mars.com 14Gyr-0118.227 AT

For every action there is a consequence. And every reaction is consequential.

"When the first two hydrogen atommms fused, it generated star formmming energy. Fussion of two gammmete cells nine mmmoonths ago generated a consequential fetus that formmmed into Quelly, our newborn half neice," announces Alfanda.

"Post natal scans reveal more particles than expected in Quelly's brain: an extra proton, electron and antineutrino. This condition was caused by decay of a free neutron (unstable as its lifespan is only 880 seconds) that escaped from a nucleus during fertilization. Energy from the disappearing neutron was conserved, so that the resulting stable proton has slightly less mass than the aforementioned neutron. Put simply, she weighs 10^-36 less than expected, with a +10^36 thought process, due to the three extra particles." Ubeyou explains. He is teaching EXO school class tday.

"I understand the anatommmical consequence of emmmotional reactions in reproductive cells. I realize that Quelly's extra proton gives her abilities to design balanced eBike batteries and to recondition the Old Physix. And I ammm intuitively certain that big brother Daqlen will gift her the perfectly stable feather that he found. What confuses mmme is the mmmathemmmatics. one plus one does not equal two cells during fertilization, it equals one larger cell. As cells mmmultiply in the wommmb, aren't they really dividing?" asks Alfanda. 

))))) Meteoroides from Kuiper (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0118.222 

"Where is ahha Kuiper?" Alfeem wonders, viewing the horizon as we exit from the subsurface.

Seasonal dust storms have subsided. Our eBikes recharge in the rising sun. Our mica coated protective gear is safety clipped.

Throughout our sol system meteoroids travel, along the ellipse of their parent comet, in a 30 million mile wide debris belt extending from Kuiper  to planetary orbits. Showers of light fall toward the Inner Hemisphere, caused by bits of ammonia/methane ice burning in the air. 

Parking areas on the Brew Ridge are full. Meteor watchers hope for a cloudless midnigh. Camlin of the Bearview district observes a reddish glow streaking halfway across the sky.  

While they watch... ... 

))))) Relative Humanity (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0118.216 AT

In a previous millenium, early astronomers watched the brightest star explode, eqivalent to 10 Suns across our Silky Way. This was considered the demise of Eta Carinae; however, it's shine did return amidst news of fossilized honey bee hives, pollarding treetops and kwantum paradoxes.

Today the eBike astronomers realize that their sister planet's population surpasses hemispheric capacity. 

"In a mere four point five billion years, RNA developed from the first molecule to .0001% rH (relative Humanity), increasing through prehistory to 2%, 20%, and 50% rH, to this millenium at above 100% rH capacity, a population boom to seven point five billion Sapien consumers." I explain to my Trippplets.

Alfom looks through the viewing crevice and remarks, "Even without a telescope It is apparhent that ourh sisterh planet is in extrheme distrhess." 

Not as blue, not as green, and where is all the rich brown humus soil? It is running off to the reef with Humuhumunukunukuapua, What/who/where is that? Find it on your droid.


))))) Fractional Decay ((((( 

eBike2mars 14Gyr-0118.215 AT

We continue our EXO experiment with excited atoms. During fractional decay a system of excited atoms emits light and does not emit light at the same time.  

We predict, at ultra cold temperatures, that a lazer beam from our eBike can trap an excited atom in a photonic crystal whereby that excited atom can be in a state of excitement and not excited simultaneously. The problem is... we cannot prove it. Our subsurface lab does not have the capability of manufacturing a photonic crystal...

...meanwhile, in the Bearview district, Daqlen dreams of the festive inflatable slide that bounces him to excitement upward and downward simultaneously. 

))))) Spontaneous Emissions (((((

eBike2mars.com 14Gyr-0118.214 AT

Toddling Hemisphereans chase the rush of water emitted from fountains at Splashville Park. ZGB Daqlen waits for the fountain in front of him to spurt as water from behind rushes down his backside. 

Parental Hemisphereans keep one eye on splashing and the other on the LEAF stage from where performers emit their talents: the silver statue girl who taps her snare with each tip, the Free Planet group combining odd meter with string trio,it the Hoopman rotating in unlimited axes, Banjoman with bow, the stilt troupe parading to spontaneous rhythms of Afrik... remarkable festivities.

We are not at that festival, of course. My eBike family and I remain subsurface of Gale Crater, creating a wave of matter emitted by an excited atom from where a light wave is generally emitted. This phenomenon is called spontaneous emissions, which will be demonstrated by our local connection at the next LEAF event.  

))))) Albedos (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.211 AT

Is your EXO planet icy or rocky? Gaseous or spewing lava?

We, the eBike crew, while sheltered from the rust red dust storm, uncover mysteries of your EXO home and of the Bioverse using high resolution spectra and albedos- light reflected by a surface.

"Our CP screen shows the relative fluxes of Sun with her planets. Surprisingly, Inner Hemisphere is the brightest orbiter," Ubeyou explains to the Trippplets.

"That ahha graph looks like ahha eBike frame to me," remarks Alfeem. 

)))))) Compulsory Speed (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.205 AT

"Hurry, hurry, hurry, fast as a supersonic eBike. Or slowly, slowly," said the Rabbit to Einstein's snail.

Said the Snail to Schrodinger's rabbit, "I travel at whatever speed is not forbidden." 

Whatever is not forbidden, becomes compulsory.

)))) Septaria (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.204 AT

..."to locate septarian nodules. Any questions?" I ask my Trippplets.

Alfanda raises her hand. "If septarian geodes were formmmed at the bottommm of an ancient sea 70 mmmillion years ago in the Utahn sector, is it possible to find themmm here on the Outer Hemmmi in subsurface lakes?"

"Carcasses of small sea creatures decomposed and moulded into mud balls on the sea floor. When the waters receded, shrinking sediment settled, transforming into spectacuar septarian concretions of barite and calcite crystals, solid as an eBike battery. We can go exploring for geodes at a dried surface lake bed when the dust storm recedes. But no, it's not likely to find septaria in our subsurface lakes," I reply.

Finding the extremophylliac Tardigrada there IS likely.

))))) Time Accelerates (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.201 AT

Teve of the Hempshire district presents his thesis on family expansion entitled "Time Accelerates."  It's brilliant, a new theory that combines biological growth with astrophysics.

(A written or verbal presentation is required for Teve's successful passage to the Septuagenarian realm.)  

His Uncertainty Principle questions early century paternity. So who is your real great great grandfather? Only your geneticist knows, but not for sure. Because- the position of a person (or an object such as a wave eminating from a pulsar) and the speed of his action cannot be measured precisely at the same time.

His Big Bing theory applies to fertilization, the beginning of new life, as well as to the astrophysical beginning of newly born time.  ... (2continue)

))))) Cratonic Root (((((

eBike2mars.com 14Gyr+0118.199 AT

"Periodite permeates the upper mantle of the Inner Hemi, with sparse subducted oceanic crust as Eclogite," I explain during EXO homeschool.

"But, Mama Marhzee, I want to know what lies beneath THIS Hemispherhe," demands Alfom.

Class sets up the sonagraph to measure seismic velocity of rock composition below ancient tectonic plates. 

We detect normal speed, then slightly faster sound waves in the shape of an inverted mountain, which is colder and less dense than the mantle around it.

"Could be a Crhatonic Rhoot," surmises Alfom, "containing a mysterhious mix of diamond forhming minerhals, hot sprhing elements and a cadmium dependant carhbonic anhydrhase found in marhine diatoms." 

Yes. could be a Cratonic Root.

))))) Intergreen (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.198 AT

ZGB Daqlen rides the rockslide at Intergreen Waterfall on Daddy's lap. 

My Trippplets slide down a magma vapor stream that condenses onto the rust red rock floor of this subsurface tunnel. They ride on a eBike tube raft that has been tested for inertia safety. 

"Tubular momentummm." shouts Alfanda.

))))) SciTav Venture (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.195 AT

Friend of Agrimony organizes the tranportation pool to Osbyc TN from the Uncombeb sector. They arrive at the trailhead via roadways 40, 32 and 321 past the gneiss cliff, keeping left of the incident investigation site and bearing away from the christian preparedness supply store to park at Axterb.

Hiking the Old Growth Grove brings the SciTavers into patches of goatsbeard lichen, buckeye saplings, indian cucumbers and snakeskin orchids. They stare at the ancient siverbell with chocolate shavings bark. They marvel at the yellow birch rooting itself above ground into a decayed chestnut stump. 

Friend of Spores finds edible oyster mushrooms clinging to a fallen log, colorful chantrelles with white interiors, boletus thumbprints, lactarius,,, and here on the Outer Hemisphere, friends of eBike ventures are amazed by the varieties of rust red subsurface fungi. We forage responsibly and process scientifically to remove chitons. 

)) eBike2mars.com 14Gyr+0118.195AT ((

PEYTO and DAQ announce their Cosmic Bubble discoveries during the IceCube Observatory's news release.

"We trapped this four billion year old Neutrino inside an expanding soap bubble where it collided with a Nucleon, producing eerie blue flashes of the decaying Lepton. This occurs once every thousand years as subatomic particles continuously radiate in a pressurized cosmic stream to our planet, faster than a speeding Photon through ice, from distant massive Blazars." 

Certainly, something is happening beyond astro kwantum equations and advanced eBike mechanics.

))))) Methane Mud (((((

eBike2mars.com 14Gyr+0118.194AT

"It rains CH4 on ahha Titan," says Alfeem.

 Minus 149 Centigrade keeps precipitation in the liquid phase which forms methane mud on the surface of that moon. 

"It rains H2O on the Inner Hemmmisphere," adds Alfanda. 

 19 degrees C keeps it in the liquid phase. Sometimes local eBike wheels get stuck in water mud. 

When it stops raining, ZG Daqlen leaves prints on the fluvial patterns along Eaverlake.  Can his soles be fossilized there? 

))))) z~6 (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.192AT

"Brightest (by a factor of 10) of the Bioverse's ionizing epoch, that atypically dense massive quasar sends loud radio waves, measured at z~6, from its galaxy, billions of lightyears away, to our Silky Way," explains Ubeyou as he changes the lens.

Happy 13 billionth Birthday to quasar P 352-15.

And it's the 118th Anniversary of Nicola Tesla's alternating current. 


 ))))) GSB (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.191AT

Ubeyou lengthens his periscopic lense through a small opening in the ceiling of our subsurface shelter. He props it with repurposed eBike spokes. The scope reaches above the debris of this ongoing rust red dust storm.

"Take a look," he says.

"Wow, a GSB, seemmms to be 65 mmmillion lightyears away," remarks Alfanda.

"I would identify it as galaxy NGC 1052-DF2, a Gigantic Sparhse Blob in constellation Cetus," adds Alfom.

Indeed, the stars in the Blob are diffuse. NGC 1052 is practically transparent. We can clearly observe galaxies behind it. Did some massive comets take away NG's dark matter during formation?

))))) Salsa 4 All (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.190AT

Where wild apples flourish, Hemisphereans in every district are harvesting the young green varieties (not the sweet  red cultivars).

Peel, core, chop into salsa sized cubes. 

Soak and rinse in H2O. Cook with bits of spicy red pepper.

Add local cider vinegar and chopped mint from the garden.

Stuff into bell pepper. Serve with local chips.

Here in the rust red subsurface we, the eBike chefs, gather totally local fungus, a variety similar to Cladosporium of the Inner Hemisphere. 

Peel, chop into salsa sized cubes. Soak, rinse.

Add chipped spicy mineral rock and mint mica.

Lightly ferment about two days. 

Dip with dehydrated flat fungus.

The proteins in these fungi can remove radiation and nuclear waste, reducing chromosonal abnormalities in animal blood. 

"We ahha surmise that ahha fungus can produce ahha sequestering betoine aldenhyde dehydrogenase," announces Alfeem. 

Apple vinegar also produces detoxifiers.

Enjoy your Salsa.


))))) Bioturbators (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.188AT

Imagine that you are an ancient marine worm that exploded to life as a result of diverse flora exhaling abundant oxygen for all creatures to share.

You, with other Cambrian Bioturbators of the Inner Hemisphere, engineered ecosystems on ocean floors, but at the same time disturbed the ecology by burrowing into previously undisturbed microbial mats.

Your burrows mixed and recycled dead organic material causing a global warming. The atmosphere had changed.  Rising CO2 levels resulted in mass extinction of many friendly burrowers that your family had encountered during those prosperous one hundred thousand years of seabed bioturbation.

While taking shelter from the encircling Outer Hemispheric sand storm, my eBike family and I find fossilized traces of tunnels on the rust red rock wall of this undergroud chamber.

"Perhaps biodiffusers, such as ahha Planolites organism, inhabited this rust red wall billions of moonths ago causing ahha moderate EEI (ecosystem engineering impact) when ahha ocean covered the surface of ahha Oxia Planum, " suggests Alfeem. 

))))) Carbon Rapture (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.180AT

There seems to be tonnes of aliphatic carbon leaking from stars, in vast clouds of greasy electromagnetic radiation. 

My eBike team intends to design a mechanism that filters undesirable grease and radiation from interstellar space.

This RAP net (Repurposed Aliphatic Products) would be lightyears wide and the thickness of an atom. Every quantum particle of the net is entangled (to the eighteenth degree) for instantaneous communications as to the amounts of carbon that is being captured. A troupe of eCyclists would attach a portion of the RAP net to their handbars and spin across the Silky Way. The chains of aliphatic hydro carbons would reconfigure into rings of aromatic carbons during this filtering process.

A desirable aromatic oil, to be available on all Hemispheres, would be marketed as Carbon Rapture.

"The rhadiated waste product could be sequesterhed in the galactic centerh. Pollution cannot escape a black hole. Nothing can escape it, rhight?" Alfom asks.

))))) Rust Red Storm (((((

eBike2mars.com 14Gyr+0118.177AT

Our storm shelter is a subsurface chamber below chaotic terrain of this equatorial quadrangle. Magma vapor streams from a fissure where the rock wall and floor of the chamber adjoin. We collect the vapor, let it condense and enjoy a mug of magma tea.

"How strong is ahha wind gust during these storms?" Alfeem asks. 

"Half the speed of wind on Inner Hemispherean deserts, about.."

"mmMama," interrupts Alfanda, "tell us a story. I'mmm tired of listening to everything scientific."

))))) G Section (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.168AT

"Look at that puffy cosmmmic object in Saggitarius," shouts Alfanda.

"It appearhs to be gas, but acting like a starh," Alfom notes.

We brake, then dismount from our eBikes.

"Let's measure the wavelength. Hmm, it's a bloated star due to gravitational interference of our galaxy's SMBH,"  I explain.

Visibility here at Xanthe Terre is as far across as the Bioverse. We observe these G Objects in the center section of our Silky Way. 

"Therhe's dust in the airh, Mama Marhzee!' Alfom exclaims.

The visibility shifts suddenly to zero. We rush to an overhang that leads subsurface.  

))))) Amateur Anthecologist (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.164AT

On his first solo climb over the crib rail and out the back door, ZG Daqlen watches the early morning pollenators of his hemisphere's Bearview district. Under the eave a solitary mason bee, who does not sting, builds its nest from the garden bed clay. A slow flying beetle returns from his feast on rhododendron blooms. The bumble's buzz hits the frequency that releases pollen on the tomato anther. Wow, Daq is learning flower ecology before Daddy discovers that he escaped his bedroom.

In other districts, the midge fly pollenates chocolate, the metallic green sweat bee gathers floral resources from multiple plant species and the Monarch requires milkweed during migration. Congratulations to the Atala butterfly who returns from extinction via the Coontie bush. Thanks to the hummingbird's ten inch tongue that can reach inside orchids. And to the desert bats that bring agave to life. And to the residents of all hemispheres who keep their leaf litter intact so that moths can pupate, 94 percent of them.

With no agricultural pollution, my eBike crew imagines an era when pollenation was booming here at Gale Crater, honey of indescribable savor, pollen containing over 20 percent protein. Due to natural climate change around 10Gyr, pollenating species collapsed along with plant life. 

Can we reverse pollinator decline? Yes, one yard at a time. By encouraging native growth and voting for Ph. Styles as Pollenation Ambassador to the Bioverse.


))))) Sawatch Unconformity (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.151AT

Follow the reddish trail, an Indian route in use for over ten thousand years, formed one billion years ago, a protrusion above the continental crust. Plates shifted. Erosion left Tava Peak somewhat horizontal. During your morning hike take notice that the fault has angled rock layers about 20 degrees. Can you smell that Sawatch sandstone and wild sage?

Across the Tharsis rise, where my eBike wheels are spinning, two rocks of different ages meet, an Outer Hemispherean Unconformity similar to the Tava Peak area fault, gaps in geologic time. 

))))) Kokopelli (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.150AT

All paths crossing the great plain converge at the foot of the pass. Clouds blanket the ridge. Grey swoops ahead of the white puffs. Looks like Kokopelli, with native flute, stepping onto the peak to roam beyond the skies, then returning to sow the tribal land with trills of gourd vines and corn sprouts

Kokopelli is everywhere. You can shop for one on the avenue adjacent to Soda Springs Park. The humpbacked flute player appears as a magnet, silver earrings, paint on pottery, copper sculpture or woven into a jute fiber rug. Watch out. There's one on the sidewalk in front of you.

During your souvenir shopping, my eBike crew and I spin across an unnamed ridge in Xanthe Terra.

"Look, Mama," shouts Alfeem, "another ahha Kokopelli."

Indeed, the rust red outcrop ahead resembles the legedary figurine..

))))) Noctis Labyrinthus (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.148AT

To the east of the Tharsis Bulge we spin across Noctis Labyrinthus which is part of a canyon system that reaches 2500 miles toward Eos Chasmata's chaotic terrain. My eBike family and I hypothesize that a fault running 30 miles below our wheels delivers natural carbonation to subsurface springs.  Moving from the upper Mantle, deep-seated water could mix with karst aquifer resulting in natural effervescence.

"The Ute Pass Fault on the Inner Hemisphere provides a conduit for carbon dioxide and dihydrogen monoxide to mix then empty at surface springs," I explain to my Tripplets. 

"Mama Marhzee, have you trhaveled therhe?" asks Alfom.

"What is the flavor of ahha H2O at the Ute?" Alfom wonders. 

"Tell us mmmore," insists Alfanda.

Ubeyou pitches the geodesic tent. We snuggle into our sleeppouches. Then I tell them about my travels to Ute Pass, the mineral flavors of the numerous springs, the playful carbonation fizz in my nose, the lithium fountain that made me dizzy, the hint of iron in the coldest water. And the story of the Osha root, a plant praised by Tecumseh and tribes that inherited Ute Pass for generations.  Bears, herbalists of the animal tribe, dig up the root to make an herbal paste for their fur.

I dream about Osha, also known as Ligusticum porter or bear root. I dream that we find it growing in the higher elevations of the arid rust red terrain on the Tharsis Bulge. 


))))) Gravitational Confluence (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.142AT

Before arrival at the confluence, ZGB Daq tests the gravitation at a slow flowing brook near the sidewalk tunnel. He gradually leans toward a stoneless pool at the water's edge. Splush, free fall face first into that brook as his angle of inclination exceeds the upward centrifugal pull.

After a change into dry clothes, Zero Gravity Boy toddles toward the Chewuch and Mythow River confluence where he stares at the green tongue, a safe passage through the rapids. Wave holes downstream create an upstream thrust. 

"Carved channels at Arabia Terra indicate that there were active riverbeds four billion years ago here on the Outer Hemmmisphere," says Alfanda. 

I co....   ..  (2continue)


))))) Quantathon 0118 (((((

eBike2mars.com 14Gyr+0118.141AT

From parsecs across the Bioverse, Quarks of all colors meetup with nuclear physicists on the Inner Hemisphere's Itala district to exchange results of reactions in proton collisions.

ZG Daqlen and family meet at Castle Wisp in the Mythow Valley district to review the effect of toddlers on quarks in aircraft, at Seatac's gum alley, under the space needle, with caged rabbits and across Falls Creek falls.

My eBike team here on the Outer Hemi present our result. "The pressure keeping two up quarks and one down quark together in the nucleon is 10^35 Pascals, more than enough to create a Big Bing and resulting Bioverse when a proton is bombarded by a photon at the effective speed/angle. We at OMOC, Olympus Mons Observatory and Collidor, solemnly uphold this conclusion."








))))) Variations On A Light Curve (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.134AT

During the presentation at ARI astronomy institute, TPyx has indigestion. This means that it will eject gas again in years to come. A variable star observer, under the guidance of Ella Afka, keeps a lense directed at TPyx and notates its brightness on a phetometry chart.

Marzy observes another star, Chi Cygni, from the Olympus Mons observatory on the Outer Hemi. She draws its light curve, noting that it changes forty percent in size during a 407 day cycle.

Across the Bioverse pulsating stars eject waterfalls of nuclear radiation, then return to hydrostatic equilibrium, digesting hydrgen at normal rates. Binary explosive stars burp during their ten hour orbits. All supernovae 1a fall on the same light curve, reaching the same absolute brightness. Younger stars rotate faster than their elders.

So why are amateur astronomers on all hemispheres bursting with enthusiasm to observe these variations?  

Their exquisite rendering of light curves fuse art with astronomy.  

))))) Cryptochrome (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.121AT

"Is it possible to see a mmmagnetic field?" Alfanda asks anxiously as we spin from the cobble.

My Trippplets require answers at ....    (2continue)  

))))) Waternish Conglomerate (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.118AT

"Mama Marhzee, look at the weatherhing rhinds of lithologic species acrhoss the Planum," shouts Alfom. 

My eBike crew samples a diversity of clasts this side of the cobble Arrochar on Meridiana Planum while Daqlen, on his hemisphere, tosses a diversity of mica speckled stones into Eaver Park Creek. He stares at a rabbit crossing the riparian barrier which protects ninety species of darter fish from pesticide runoff. 

Daqlen chases a pair of robins to a staircase on the embankment. As part of zero gravity training, he transports himself up then down the slope by the seat of his Oshkosh overalls. Up slidedown, up slidedown. Dizzydizzy. Ten more times. His view of the watershed spins like the Planum wind uncovering secondary mineral deposits of the Waternish conglomerate where my crew observes remnants of the humid Noachian paleoenvironment. 

They report to me, "lithological variations between sets of clasts indicate that 2928450956 years ago, Waternish conglomerate was geologically similar to the southern appalachia watershed, with the possibility of sustaining prehistoric mussels, beavers, and more diversity of crayfish than the rest of the Bioverse." 

))))) Jinda Meets Ninda (((((

eBike2mars.com 14Gyr+0118.104AT

The meetup, arranged by Abbyg, happens today.

(Sorry my eBike crew cannot participate today. We are touring Gale Crater.)

Ninda offers permaculture advice to Jinda as they tour the lovely plot in the Herbaceous Sector of the Inner Hemisphere. Persian limes, Ceylon spinach, Mexican mint, African blue basil, Florida natives... and many more cover the ground. Not clearly in view is the subsurface. Root systems, rootlets and mycelium filaments organize themselves like the magnetotails of Mercury's magnetic substorms. Energetic electron plasmoids are generated during magnetic reconnection.  Field lines flow inward from above and below, then spring outward horizontally. This pattern is displayed in the Magnetosphere of planets as well as under the ground of permaculture plots.

Point the Xray microscope down to view the starbursts of root growth in your yard. 


))))) Chain of Spines (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.098AT

Blowout. Where's the tool pouch? Ah here. Bracing the tire iron against the eBike wheel, I slide it under the rim. Ouch. I sat on a, a spine.

A chain of spines spreads like spider legs of Tarantula Nebula across this ironwood forest, rock formations that seem to be growing from the limestone desert. The spiny chain on the desert floor among the formations are a remnant of the Echino cactus that flourished here, a 2200 square meter eco system in equatorial Marineris, until three billion years ago when climate shocked the Outer Hemisphere. 

The ironwood tree, in the national monument district of the Inner Hemisphere, provides shade for desert inhabitants. The pygmy owl nesting in a saguaro watches a pink flower bloom on one of the one hundred remaining turks head Echinos (a variety of the now extinct cactus of Marineris). Ouch ouch, a swarm of cactus bees sting the Bighorn Sheep, keeping them from trampling the Echinos that gradually form their Magellanic Cloud-like fruit.       

))))) Gell Mann's Eulogy (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.091AT

The self proclaimed experimentalist, Gell Mann, who learned calculus at age seven, secured first prize for his contribution to elementary quanta. To commemorate him, Daqlen and family attend the Salvage Science Fair (not to be confused with Salvation Church where neighbors gather to distribute mythical data). 

At this science fair our sun is on display through lenses of a hydrogen alpha telescope that lets in the red spectrum, wave lengths of 636.6 nanometers. A calcium k filter shows ultra violet magnification. No corona visible today, but a small area of magnetic activity appears against the chromosphere or is it the photosphere?

Scientists of the Ivy Watershed map out drainage flaws. Spectators are amazed by Caddisfly larva that create jewelry in stream beds from their  cocoon cases. 

From the mountainside black bear Ursus glances down at the wildlife skull exhibit while nibbling bear corn (Conopholis) to wake up its digestive system after hibernation. Plethodon, the salamander, plays hide'nseek on peaks of the spruce forest, part of a temperate eco region that supports the most salamanders in the hemisphere. There is one with stripes hiding behind your left shoe! 

"-q-q-quarrr-quark--rrrk-q-quark--" Elevated in a pulpit shaped branch, the visiting Cardinal eulogizes Gell Mann. 

Marzy commemorates him by revolving her eBike wheels across Naukluft Plateau in sync with half spins of nucleon particles.  

))))) Eastar Eve (((((

eBike2mars.com 14Gyr+0118.090AT

An arrangement of white anorthosite, samples originating from moons and Mars, adorns Ursula's mantel, while her neighbors choose bouquets of white lilies on the dining table. 

Sky watchers wait for the flash of satellite Tiangong due to fall, while believers holding Vibles praise the ascension of crucified flesh. 

We, at Otjizonjati Outcrop, arrange mica and anorthosite meteorites around the eBikes this eve. As the eastar rises, its rays light up our circle of minerals and dilates our irises. Elsewhere in the Bioverse, fiery debris from the death of a red giant, the eye of Constellation Rabbit, cools rearranging itself into exotic orbits.


))))) The Grand UM ((((( 

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.084AT

Our EXO school program includes a special assignment in ultrativity. Upon completion we hope to earn a nomination for the Obel Prize.

"At the basic level, every object/concept, sub subatommmic to mmmacro cosmmmic, is commmposed of particles (such as leptons), waves (such as photons) and/or dynammmics (force, energy, processes, unknowns)," says Alfanda.

"Parhticles. Waves. Dynamics." Alfom repeats.

"That is correct," I reply.  "Let's organize from quantum to eons. Our theorem must integrate everything in the Bioverse."

The class regroups their data, then writes down most of the "logy" courses as in geology, bio.., archeo.., etc. The "omy" group includes astronomy, phlebot.., gastron..,etc. The "tics", mathema.., gene.., the "sics", phy.., etc. . And all others including but not limited  to "sophy" as in philo.., "rts" as in culinary a..,  ..,  ..... .

Pause, stretch, check the eBike charge, adjust O2 pouches.

Back at the notebooks Alfom raises his hand, "Mama Marhzee, I've calculated a prheliminary solution for the Grhand Unifying Multiplierh."

8pi/3(5^3/2 ly +[p,w,d])-1=1+GUM or simplified as M=e/14Gly, (not to be confused with m=E/c^2) where M equals the unifying Multiplier and e equals every equation. 

Meanwhile on the Inner Hemisphere, ZGB Daqlen tosses plastic eggs out of his basket. He prefers to hunt for oblong stones, puddles, pi cones and things unknown.


))))) Ground Water Day (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.081AT

To provide and preserve hydrology for all, water flow joined forces to infiltrate the subsurface. Sadly it was captured in the phraetic zone which confined flow forces between layers of clay. But at last, water escapes into a stream channel flowing along a fluvial pathway to a rocky cliff. This is where Groundwater Day begins and ends, begins and ends with the same beginning and end every day. The flow becomes a self repeating waterfall. Over the cliff into a natural rock pool, seeping back between subterranean clay, the water again escapes to the channel, fluvial pathway over a cliff into pool, seeps between clay, escapes phraetic zone, flows to cliff, 

waterfall, pool, seep, capture, clay, escape, channel, cliff , waterfall, pool, seep, capture, clay, escape, channel, cliff, waterfall ... seep ...channel ...waterfall

Happy Groundwater Day from my eBike team. Thinking of you as we spin down Pahrump Hills again and again.

))))) The Rhizosphere Dispute (((((

eBike2mars.com 14Gyr+0118.080AT

EXOterrestrial specialists have completed their abstracts for the Rhizospheric Conference to be held this daun at Phyllosilicate Valley.

Well, where is everyone?        rrrrd-d-drrnnn drrnnn

The droning of eBikes follow the shoreline along the extinct Deuteronilus Ocean, the alternate route to the Valley. There is chatter.

"Extra radical mycelium, a vehicle for colonization of the rhizosphere, facilitates movement of carbon to roots of plants and is antagonistic to a broad range of pathogens," explains Professor Myccorhizal.

"The element originates from the one hundred ninety two tons of carbon per year that end up here on the Outer Hemisphere as interplanetary dust and as organic molecular rings, -C-H-O-N-, that drop from asteroids or comets on hyperbolic orbits," continues the under graduate with the green helmet.

A third specialist speaks out. "None of that is relevant. We are meeting to determine if there is, or is not, a rhizosphere in the Phyllosilicate Valley."

They dismount at the valley's entrance. Ubeyou escorts them to their seats. Alfanda passes out copies of the abstracts. I proceed subsurface to uncover the hyphae patch.      chch tttatrr chrttcht     Indistinguishable chatter.

One by one the EXOspecialists step below to examine the sample hyphae and hosts, then resurface to their places. I re-cover the patch and rush to the conference area. More chatter, that is, dispute.

"I examined the individual decay channels and found insufficient bacterial populations for a rhizospheric colony to exist," shouts number three.

Prof Mycc disagrees, "There is an abundant of microflora and mesofauna with some fluid surrounding the soil aggregates, typical of rhizospheres."

"But there are no macrofauna such as slugs larger than two millimeters. The sample patch, at best, mimics an ectosphere, not a rhizosphere," insists Greenie.

"Nitrogen based chitin in cell walls of fungus hyphae comes from the glucose manufactured by the host plant and is deposited into the rhizosphere. This is the same chitin found in the exoskeletons of insects that inhabit the rhizosphere, the same chitin as in the seta hairs of Kiwa Hoff Crabs that inhabit hydro thermal vents in polar oceans. In our sample patch the chemistry is inconsistent, with a silicate based chitin. However the hyphae clearly display rhizospheric morphology, " explains the Wootite.

"It's impossible for a rhizosphere to exist on the Outer Hemisphere."  

"But the subsurface of Phyllosilicate Valley is largely unexplored."  

"I conclude yes to Rhizosphere." 

"I conclude this conference a waste of time. I'm jumping back to my lab on the Inner Hemi."

"I say that Marzy and her team are brilliant."

If a turquoise browed motmot drops a tail feather onto the valley, above the subterranean patch, before the dispute is settled, that moment of impact could ever change the outcome of our soil ecology. 

))))) On Pacebook (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.076AT

Hundreds of green spinners celebrate Patricks Day, a long parade of spokes flashing in infra violet rays. 

Herin's ultra sonic fetal child bounces against the inner wall of her dark womb with each twist of the Trek. At the base of Beaucatcher, Mother-to-be-again gently downshifts to avoid overwhelming bounces. The family poses for a portrait, Herin. Camlin, Daqlen and She-to-be.

Follow them on Pacebook.


))))) Neutron Shooting Range (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.074AT

My eBike crew and I, at the base of Bagnold, finish our low gravity snacks, while Persimmon volunteers clear pledge tables after the inner hemispherean lunch break. They return to offices on their city block. We spin a meridean away to the neutron shooting range.

Our goal is to enable comb shaped silicon lenses to perceive a new range of details by shooting uncharged particles at them. B-b-boom. The lenses act as a diffraction grating. But our "firearm" misses the target which is a chunk of rock behind the grates. We adjust the lens angle slightly to better match the rock's index of refraction. B-b-boom. The neutrons make a direct bounce, so that the equipment, called an interferometer, shows the precise location of four minerals inside the target rock.

The pattern of this rock's interior, beautifully designed by nature millions of years ago, resembles Leasta's primitive acrylic strokes with particles that shift intensity when the observer changes perspective.

))))) Quagadougou (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.071AT

The tribal Messi wives of Quagadougou share their super plants with Appalachians and with my crew on the Outer Hemisphere: their fonio, teff ferment, baobab leaf, zoombala probiotic, dehydrated ayoyo, cow pea protein, okra flowers, shea butter on red rice and gboma eggplant greens.

This is a weekenn of sharing among Hemisphereans of every creed (including the Wootite), organized by OGC, Organic Growers Campus. Pam's plot offers warm sown swee potato slips. Mike enhances soil ecosystems. Becca chooses vital herbs to relieve rumination at mucosal interfaces between your organs and the outside world.  Forests and pollinators are regenerated by student/instructor proactive solutions.

At twiligh, an overweight suburban black bear trundles from that campus to the Interstate, removes her tracking collar at the Virtual Fence that she created, scratches the microchip under her skin and cuddles with four cubs in their den next to the exit ramp.      

))))) Sand Slide Murmur (((((

eBike2mars.com 14Gyr+0118.068AT

At the flank of Mount Sharp, Ubeyou begins EXO mineral class with clasts containing monazite.

"A portion of this monazite ridge collapsed at the crevice. Pouncing from our hemisphere, the rock blasted toward the Inner Hemisphere as a meteor. It landed on the NWA 7034 sector where meteorite specialists study that tiny clast under a Back Scatter Electron Detector," explains Ubeyou.

"But we don't need ahha Detector. There's ahha large sample of monazite on ahha clast outcrop in front of us," says Alfeem.

Ubeyou continues the lesson, "When cerium is removed from Monazite, Didymium is the material that remains, used in glassblower's goggles. Als..."

"When is ahha EXO sports class?" Alfeem shouts pointing to Bagnold Dune. The wind is crossing it at an angular speed ideal for sand surfing.

So, instead of studying the calcium silicate perovskite encased in a diamond that surfaced from the mantle, the class spins up Bagnold Dune. Instead of explaining the ramifications of geo activities in trapped water rich ringwoodite, Ubeyou bolts eBike Tanndem onto the slider. He listens for the murmur of the sand, " SssLLLiide nowwW." The slider board catches the wave on the slip side of the dune. Gripping the frame of the eBike, students and teacher surf down the direction of sand migration, a sports exercise in EXO sand sliding rather than a study of how carbon cycles itself by sliding into the oceanic crust, into depths of the core, then resurfacing via crater eruptions or sand murmurs.   

))))) Tanbark Ridge (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.064AT

On the far end of that inner ridge, your side, sheep sorrel sprouts and great mullein spreads its furry leaf along the base of the cliff. A range called Swanoa shades Haw Creek and adjacent valleys where ZGB Daq rides his safety pouch in the rear seat of Daddy's Pilot. Zip to Tuesday care. Zoom to stephens indoor playground. Zing to visit canine Sylva. Zonk around the aisles of Rader Jo's. Zwim at Zam's  Lake Powaton picnic party. Zeem off the Woodfin slide. Zcrounge in Scrounger's Daradise. Zisten to the call of owl, bear, bumble, maple branches tapping... and ztep along the Sea to Mount Trail. A neighborhood mount called Craggy, rising majestically over the escarpment, is dwarfed by its distant Himalayan cousin (nearly 9km elev.) which is dwarfed by Olympus Mons located on this outer side of the ridge at nearly 80Ksp  (approx 25 km high) with two volcanic craters, Karzok and Pangboche.

On this outer side of the ridge, where my crew and I spin, bio environs struggle.  Rust red plains and peaks barely support very few Quadrupeds, the blind hare and nocturnal gemlin that inhabit the surface, and marsaurosts that travel in shallow tunnels. No maple branches. However, in the Subsurface, diverse species of fungus flourish, one of which converts unfriendly Oxygen to breathable air. We carry clumps of that Oxyfungus in pouches strapped to our shoulders and breath it through flextubules. Suits of mica/nickel alloy protect our gear and ourselves from radiation overdose. On this side of the ridge, spinning into the Tharsis quadrangle, we adjust to the harsh elements. You, on the inner side of the ridge, effortlessly exist.

Indeed, Tanbark Ridge delineates the Great Hemispheric Divide, a boundary between the inner and outer Sol System.

))))) 602 Sextillion (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.060AT

 Alfanda and I take a spin beyond 6020000000000000000000000 atoms to Orcadie Lake Bed for a meetup with rover Kuriosit. Upon our arrival, the drill on its robotic arm bores a .05sp deep hole (about a centimeter)  and collects a gram of pulverized minerals including hydroxides. 

"It takes 47250 grams of this terrain to extract one liter of water (of which 666.6 grams are Hydrogen, 333.3 grams are Oxygen) after heating/filtering/condensing, according to .."

"That process is as nasty as fracking, mmMama," Alfanda interrupts me. "Why would a robotic armmm or a touring eCyclist proceed with extraction when there is so mmmuch vapor and liquid in the subsurface?" 

Besides, if one gram of Hydrogen contains 602 sextillion protons, then one liter of water contains 1000 X 602 sextillion protons. And if a blue whale, twice the size of the most massive dinosaur, consumes 602000 liters of krill per day, a whale whose calf suckles 602 liters of milk daily, then 1000 X 602 sextillion mama blue whales with their families could swim inside a 602 sextillion sextillion L oceanic black hole. 

))))) the SWED (((((

eBike2mars.com 14Gyr+0118.058AT

My crew has completed assembly of SWED, the Sound Wave Enhancement Device.

The Trippplets unveil the prototype, which is wired to our eBike batteries, as Ubeyou announces, "The SWED magnifies transverse waves of sound, much like scope lenses intensify an image, This device has a 3.3 AU range (Astronomical Unit), which means that from here at the unnamed crater, it is possible to listen to asteroids belting and solar winds flaring."  

I aim the SWED antenna toward the Ridge Art district of the Inner Hemisphere. Incredible quivers radiate from the speaker, sound waves of Bartok performed by the Tesla String Quartet. Bedazzled as an imploding red giant, we imagine the cellist swaying in all directions, the violist jumping out of his chair and violins pointing to the stars and back. It's like we have front row seats there in the concert chamber. 

To those of you who are not in attendance, it is recommended that you stay tuned to the MountX Press for quartet announcements. Or assemble a new SWED with your local crew.   

))))) Stellar Connections (((((

eBike2mars.com 14Gyr+0118.055AT

Dear TEVE, the Outer Hemisphereans look forward to more grandchildren updates from your Hempshire district. Happy moons, Marzy

WOOT's fortune cookie: May the minerals you've collected in your home and heart ever circulate from the closest tendons to distant aquaintances.

message to FEZOM: Embrace your parents. They are an exclusive link between past and future macrocosmic solutions.

for MIISHA and DUSST, To predict auroras at Castle Wisp, monitor electrons of the chorus waves until they dance in the magnetosphere above Mythow Valley.

for KORKIE, When you uncork poetic phrases, they are brilliant as a quasar.

to SHAWNAM, You've already mastered sailing the sun. Now take a dip in the looking glass with your sole son. 

help wanted from ABBYG and TOML: with a billion crude spilled and food supplies endangered by sterile seeds, we need your sustainabilities to keep the hemispheres balanced.

note to ALEXANKA... Years and distance become an illusion when you feel the strong interaction between your positive ions and the Bioversal family.

bon voyage, BRIN, on your next paddle venture and trips beyond the Mobile district.

thanks to HALLEN for bringing waterfalls of qi to the Brew Ridge sector of the Inner Hemi.

greetings to PON JOTTER

SCIENCE TAVERNERS reach beyond the visible cosmos and sink below hemispheric sea levels to reunite Pangaea.

hi DRUMMERS: Eff and Ara's Inlet, Inda unlimited,  Agbo of Camp Afrik, Ofi Denn, Huk/Obin duo. Oyce and her Crane Prairie troupe, Dadama of LEAF, Harmaine Dun, ... if you can hum it, you  can drum it.

to LARA and the Reunioneers of '67,  I leave the rhythmic harmonies of our class song. a note for each of you.

DEA and the Kungfuers, Continue the Master's tradition of conditioning, keep shoulders relaxed and foundation strong.

text to LORISS,  thx for being the most caring companion, at times when no other could handle the complexity of Gramma's requests.

congratulations, MAYAL, for all your accomplishments in the Arasota district: massage graduate, holistic communicator and edible landscape volunteer.

papayas from ATASHA are the delicacies of distance. 

TRANSITIONERS, your presence on the Hemisphere brings Open Studio produce to sidewalk markets, encourages recycled sun rays to rooftops and parades resilient messages to the community.

ring ring, hello INDALINDA, Your telephone voice through the years has carried amazing feelings through me which I've learned to communicate to others. 

DR.G's hens lay deep yellow yolks like a dozen sunrises. 

With FROB's efforts, the Reef Memorial remains a special sector of the Gulf. Without Frob, this ebsite would have no origin.

FEATHER,  I select you to be representative of our extended FAMILY, to keep the cousins and great grand cousins connected, to plan gatherings in any place/time circumstance and to exercise your artistic abilities throughout the constellations.

attn BROTHERS Alf, Willbee and Garrence... the Entanglement of our genes brings you closer to me as time/place moves away.

CAMLIN, HERIN and DAQ,  We as a family mark a revolutionary kwantum field in the Silky Way by connecting the stars with boundless smoke that radiates from our smoldering soles. .  

reminder for ALL my Stellar Connections: Press Save, as memories are what compose us. 

))))) Presidential Penumbras (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.054AT

Shadows of past Presidenns haunt us this moonth. The darkest times tolerated human auctioneering. Shady administrators ignored the constitutional liberties of citizens other than politicians. In the murky corners of the White House, resident dogs licked the snotty corruption from our leaders' noses resulting in some positive change: third gender rights, whispers of weapon control, Gore's environmental enlightenments, eBike legislation.

Marzy continues to vote for McGovern. 

))))) Negative Matter (((((

eBike2mars.com 14Gyr+0118.053AT

ZGB Daqlen, the zero gravity boy, sorts through his Inner Hemispherean gadgets which include crashing echo blocks, the mousy music box and laughing taxicab that moves backwards when he pushes it, but wheels forward when he pulls it toward himself. For that to happen, his cab most likely contains a component of negative matter.  Negative matter (Nm) weighs less than zero and possesses no mass, no friction, no temperature no nothing.

Nm reacts unintuitively by our perspectives. Where core gravity pulls strongly, Nm floats away from a hemispheric surface. When core gravity is weak, such as on the Outer Hemi, then Nm becomes more stable.

As my wheels spin and brake along this desolate rust red terrain far from Daq's terrain, my eBike remains gravitationally intact under the influence of negative matter. During these online journeys my hands are far from him, my sole grandchild who claps to the beat of Nm popping corn.


)))))) Clmpsgrbbr (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.052AT

Moments before daun, galaxy clusters shimmer across the parsecs like flocks of migrating geese reflected onto deep blue great lakes. Surrounding the starlight, a mysterious "activator" holds the Bioverse together and prevents dark holes from enveloping ageless protons that were born once upon the primordial explosion. This amorphous multi dimensional Clmpsgrbbr, pronounced clumps grabber, is a thin film the thickness of a hadron that fills the space between brightness and black. The Clmpsgrbbr contains its own anti grabber, but instead of annihilating  itself, it clumps together pieces of exploding systems to keep expansion/contraction at a universal rate. When necessary, the grabber releases clumps rather than grabs them. Clmpsgrbbr permeates the present, past tense, future and conditional warps including the protonic alignment in your eBike battery. 

)))))) EcoAstronomics (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.048AT

Alfeem, Alfom and Alfanda choose their site, an unnamed crater with partial shade at a latitude on the edge of equatorial Planum. I approve of that sector.


They scavenge for materials to build their EXO home school  project, a no footprint exercise in ecoAstronomics.   

sheets of Perovskite and potassium mica. 100 sq meters.   Tungsten diselenide, 10 grams.   Surface plasmons as needed.   Fungus powder for adhesive.    condensed Magma vapor which is available 24/7 extruding from the crater wall as a vapor "spring".


Before construction begins, my Trippplets review the layers of the hemisphere to confirm that their planned structure is in harmonic resonance with the elemental chemistry of the surrounding place/time continuum. 

"The solid innerh corhe of ourh Outerh Hemi contains irhon, nickel and sixteen perhcent sulphurh. It shoots out a sporadic magnetism." Alfom reminds us.

"And ahha pasty silicate mantle surrounds the core," adds Alfeem.

Alfanda ponders, "Lithospheric deformmmation effects the stress field in volcanic edifices. This can influence mmmagmmma transport, though there is no tectonic mmmovemmment."

We can clearly recognize the dusty rust red powder that covers the basalt rock crust. In the space above, the atmospheric mass measures 25  terratonnes with remnants of an ancient magnetosphere. At a 7000 kilometer altitude from the equatorial plane is the aerosynchronous orbit. 


"Mama Marhzee."   "Come ahha here."   "We commmpleted our ecoAstronommmic project."

The Trippps built a geodesic solar collector that shelters an E V charging station, a layered greenhouse, compost heap and tiny living quarters. Magma vapor from the subsurface provides moisture for seedlings and condensation for bubbly magma tea. Pass your mug.


))))) Valentines Decay (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.044 AT

In the Collider >>>>>> % <<<<<<< two protons crash on Valentines eve, by chance, at speeds of light. Within a femto second they very briefly transform to a W boson, weighing in at 80370 MeV, then decaying into one muon (u) and one neutrino (v). With the release of (L), latent energy, the new moment brings them (L)(u)(v). 


f flash --mul incoming-- from Ibemee@emul.om       Hi Marzy and crew,  here is a heart and arrow for each of you: <(v)< <(v)< <(v)< <(v)< <(v)<    Also attached is a PFD  with a chapter from the Looss Leaf collection. Hopefully your new Amsun Combbook will translate the file accurately.

Floridawn- Chapter three of the State Story- stage is set in gray. Musicians are stage left with their bells, chimes and gong. There is a cluster of cycads in front of the mound (to where all props are swept between acts) Dancer is covered with cloud fabric, standing near cycads. Various plants are center stage but partially covered with cloud fabric. Second dancer is posing as a tree holding a palm frond in one arm and pine branch in other-

You, the Yaba narrator, speaks. "Before disappearing into the flow of dawn, we, the mist, settle over sand hills, linger at the Zamia cycads and cross the roots of a Torreya Cedar."

"We the mist uncover clusters of Gymnosperms bearing cones. The spikemoss Selaginella and Cladonia lichens stretch themselves across the ground. Pteridophyta, the elegant fern, sporadically spreads her spores. And look, Serenoa umbrellas the spores with palmate fronds."

- bell rhythm accompanies Dancer 2 placing palm fronds over ground cover - 

Yaba, "Pinus Palustris drops a needle into an ephemeral pond."

- Dancer 2 drops needle into pond -bell rhythm continues-

Chantor chants. "Pinus palustris drops needles

                           into an ephemeral pond."

- Dancer 1 drops needles into pond-

Yaba points to pond, "Silky Spirogyra, a member of the green algae clan, from which all land plants evolved, float to the edge of the pond. Flagellating beneath the surface are microscopic Euglenoids that support chloroplasts with proteinaceous strips. The Amoebozoan drifter, having no cell wall, is able to shift its shape and still manage to contain its nucleus." 

Chantor chants, "Silky Spirogyra evolves.

                           Amoebas drift and shift their shapes."

- dawn colored lights appear at upstage horizon-

Yaba voice continues, "Rays from the horizon salute the plant kingdom, but push us aside. Now the mist is invisible."

-Dancers disappear behind the mound, covering themselves and the mound with cloud fabric-

-gong, three pulses- 

Chantor chants, "Floridawn, Cycadaceous plant life rises"

-light of dawn becomes brighter at stage horizon-

-bell pulses in chapter's rhythm-

Chantor, "Floridawn, Cycadaceous plant life shines.

-Dancer enters playing finger cymbals in chapter rhythm-

Chantor, "Floridawn."

-the crescent of sunrise appears at upstage horizon-

-bell, cymbals and gong-

-Dancer two enters toward the cycads, lifts one and dances-

Chantor, "Floridawn, Zamia's slim glossy leaves.

                Floridawn, Zamia's long reaching root.

                Brilliant seeds burst from 

                the velvety cone. Floridawn.

 ..... (2continue)

))))) Census And Sensibility (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.038 AT

Upon my return to the  equatorial overhang, my crew is celebrating the launch anniversary of Explorer One. 

While he inflates fungus balloons, Ubeyou mentions that Ibemee is expected shortly at his abode in K Aarhst. 

"But isn't he advising politicians on the Inner Hemisphere?" I ask him. 

"No" "Talking" "Business", the Trippps yell. They want me to party with them. Clap Drum Pounce Tickle Toss Chew Swallow ...  

After dusk Ibemee  jumps across hemispheres, his eBike dropping him down to the protrusion at K Aarhst. He begins his new job as census taker immediately, as the skies are unpolluted, with incredible views of the Silky Way.  His orders are to begin the count with number of galaxies. He surfs the starlight with a portable Kepler type lens. Using gravitational magnification, he is able to approximate one hundred billion total galaxies circling the Bioverse.  Number of stars in the Silky Way, about 250 billion within its diameter of 100,000 light years (as compared to sister Andromeda with close to one trillion stars).  

Ibemee adjusts the focus. Festive nebulae, thousands of them, brighten the galactic horizons. He is able to approximate number of planets within our spiral at ten billion, moon count undetectable. Now, the space trash inventory includes satellites, spacecrafts and chunks of debris. Number one, a Tesla roadster exits the Gravity Belt, check. Number two, 1800 satellites orbit the Inner Hemisphere, 14 orbit the Outer Hemisphere, 2 spacecrafts  speed beyond this planetary system, check, check, checkcheck chchchchchchhhhhhhh......... other space trash to be tallied by the Solar Sisters. Inventory of live colonies in progress. Any questions.

"Yes, have you taken a poll of lifeforms as to how many are selfing pollinators, how many are outcroppers and if any are cross bloomers?" you ask.

Here propagation occurs mainly in the Subsurface where fungi thrive. Terrestrial conditions on most Hemispheres do not support blooms. It is sensible for the classroom at Warre Wilso  to complete the pollination census.


))))) TOTEM Glueballs (((((

eBike2mars 14Gyr+0118.037 AT

Subatomic populations here on the Outer Hemisphere are not yet inventoried by telescopes and rovers currently surveying this rust red terrain. In my eBike pouch there is equipment that can take a census of undocumented particles. I set up the CMS (compact muon cellunoid) and TOTEM defractor. Immediately they detect the possible existence of glueballs floating around (groups of gluons that gather independent of their proton hosts). Look at the guage, a Pomeron just flashed! which is a particle that can appear when protons exchange an even number of gluons whose total color charge equals zero. Then they change direction and go their own ways, according to QCD (quantum chromodynamics)  The gauge lights up again.  An odd number of gluons exchange between protons, implying the presence of Adderons, which QCD predicts but does not confirm.  

Let me think, do I count one glueball as a single entity for the census? no, because glueballs are composite particles. Instead, I will count gluons one at a time. After all, they are the carrier of the strong interaction keeping nucleons from falling apart or collapsing.  Wait, how do I count an object that is merely 10^-15 meters and has a lifespan of 10^-20 seconds? Besides, with so many gluons co habitating as glueballs, I cannot keep track of households. 

The workload is ***xx^^vv!!!  Any census taker out there? Charge your eBike. I leave this job to you.

))))) Astronomic News (((((

ebike2mars 14Gyr+0118.036 AT

My Trippplets stay at the overhang with Ubeyou to review astronomic current events as I adjust this protective gear for a spin along the equatorial valley. They begin by discussing the unbound rogue planets (moon to Jopiter size) roaming, not in orbits around any star.

"Those planets were recently observed in galaxy RX J1131-1237, 3 billion light years from the Silky Way, by Chandra, the telescope," explains Ubeyou. 

"That's ahha great news, but we want to cel..." says Alfeem.

Alfanda interrupts, "to celebrate the anniversary of Explorer One."  

"No party until we finish class," Ubeyou insists. "Explorer One discovered that the outer space between heavy matter is not empty. At an altitude of 500 to 58000 kilometers radiation belts, sometimes called Van Allen, are a zone of energetic charged particles originating from stellar wind or supernova cosmic ray and trapped by a planet's magnetic field."

They discuss and evaluate more astronomic headlines:  

Bright yellow dwarf KIC 3542116 dims again, as observed by the Kepler telescope, then rebrightens as a swarm of comets transits its ancient light. They are the first comets sighted in a distant galaxy. 

Galactic images of the day are encircling solar filaments and elementary nature of Casseopeia.

On the Inner Hemisphere foragers discover leaves that can sprout through snowfall, such as onion grass, running cedar (Diphasiastrum digitatum) and baby potherbs.            Mineralogists identify rock structures on the wall of grove park including calcite deposits, gnisst,  streaks of feldspar in the amphibolite and sedimentary layers of sandstone/clay.          The first annual Mars Hall Fermenters Festival  proves a success. Wild Woot checks the stability of subtropic freshwater and sinkholes with odd names like Toilet Bowl Spring, Alafia River mini rapid, hidden sulphur flow, Devil Millhopper...          ZGB Daqlen wheels his food cart across red oak planks past the Norwegian wood stove to press buttons on the Bosch dishwasher. He explores the texture of window shades, clicks the doorknob to the outdoor area, helps to stack kindling wood, climbs up the daycare book case until it collapses, stares at the Medieval Market dancers, marches up the avenue disguised as a bumble bee, ...       At this hour Woodfin sector residents rush to wash their party clothes before the superbowling event. The astronomical laundry room is crowded as hell. 

))))) Finding Oppy (((((

ebike2mars.com 14Gyr+0118.030 AT

"mmMama, do we need a Deep Filtering algorithmmm to find rover Oppy?" Alfanda asks.

"Deep Filtering lowers errors in measuring gravitational waves. But we don't need that to locate Oppy. Simply spin 147840sp (147840 spokes = 28 miles) from its landing site," I explain.

"That would be Perhserhverhence Valley," says Alfom.

Alfeem and Ubeyou adjust the spokes for a field trip to Perserverance Valley,

What a sight, two eBikes transporting five riders silhouetted against the vast Vera Ruben Ridge, Yellowknife Bay in the foreground.

An unexpected shout projects across Endurance Crater, "Mama, down there, is that ahha petriified blueberry?"  Alfeem asks.

I dismount to examine the spherule. "No, Feem, it appears to be blue gray hematite, the oldest known iron oxide mineral."

Hmm, let's examine what is beneath the surface of Fe2O3:

It is a polar covalent compound with ionic character. Which means ...(explanation to follow)

Four spherical energy levels surround the nucleus (26 protons and 30 neutrons) of the iron atom. Electrons waver; 3 on the first level, 8 on the second, 14 on the third and 2 at the fourth.

Two energy levels around the oxygen atom display 2 wavering electrons on level one and 6 on level two. 

The model of iron(lll) oxide looks like this:     O=Fe-O-Fe=O       Oxygen is the most abundant element in the Bioverse.

Question- If the Fe2O3 molecule weighs 2(9.273796X10^-23)g+3(2.66X10^-23)g, how many molecules of this compound equals one gram of hematite?

Question 2- If the atomic radius of Oxygen is 60pm (picometers) and of Fe is 126pm, is it possible to calculate the surface area of the Fe2O3 molecule?

At the quantum level, if there are 2 up quarks in each proton and 1 up quark in each neutron, how many up quarks are contained in one iron(lll) oxide molecule. and what is the total weight of up quarks, assuming each is 10^-30 kg? Does anything change if neutrinos pass though our hematite sample, such as decay?

At eye level, rover Oppy approaches us. We set up camp on the smooth valley floor beneath a shale overhang. My Trippplets settle into their sleeppouch as I read to them:

(continued from the state story, chapter 2, Newborn Land)...   ...   crustal crystallization in action. 

The heat wave enters carrying a tropical depression. The first cloud moves to Florida.

 (a rainstick/udu/guitar rhythm accompanies dancers, you, and a chantor, someone else.)


Newborn land gathers clouds. Oligocene.

Vapor sails down the wind, Gulf to Gulfstream.

Pressure drops. Nimbus twist the horizon.

(rhythm continues)

Thunder jolts troposphere, central ridge to sands.

Thunder jolts troposphere, central ridge to sands.

(rhythm improvisation as you, the dancers, look for the cloud fabric and connect to the clouds, then dance holding them.)

(back to chanting rhythm and chant as dance continues)


Newborn land gathers clouds. Oligocene.

Vapor sails down the wind, Gulf to Gulfstream.

Pressure drops. Nimbus twist the horizon.

Newborn mist hugs her shoreline five hundred miles.

Newborn mist hugs her shoreline five hundred miles.

Newborn land, newborn mist. Oligocene,

(rhythmic interlude conveys passing of time)

))))) Rye Mice (((((

eBike2mars.com 14Gyr+0118.023 AT 

Rust red haze freezes onto the ridge of Olympus Mons during early morn. The deposits resemble a parade of mice marching along delicate waves of rye. This phenomena occurs now, when the double supermoon projects photons across the Outer Hemisphere. My Trippps stare in amazement.

"Mama Marhzee, how would a hemispherhe evolve without the delicate touch of Rhye Mice?" Alfom asks.  

Ubeyou answers. "Without Rye Mice, spin would fluctuate resulting in varied day lengths."

"In the Rue Ridge sector of the Inner Hemisphere, occurrences of those sparkling white formations keep the seasons regulated," I add.

"And look, Rye Mice, ahha here, shines rust red!" Alfeem exclaims.

Alfanda retrieves the Loos Leaf files from Botta's saddle pouch and finds an entry about Rye Mice: 


A world without Rime Ice does not revolve.

It sinks into meteorological distress,

blue ridges without icy white boughs.

Without nature's touch a world cannot evolve,

ancestral beginnings unresolved, featherless ceremony

on idle lands, sky frowning.

Gold panning days end in dreams of blank places

with no gleaming ore, with no beaming faces.

A muted Kestrel does not sing.

It sinks into orinthological distress.

LEAF music flattens into timeless smog,

folk art reclaimed by dimensionless bog

where a Fairview firefly vanishes

devoid of glow without your sustainable flame.

Without your renewable caress

acid rains endanger the Nantahala Wilderness,

spring buds and frosty Rime unseen.

Only the McCormick diamond remains green. 

Nothing revolves but a spinning baseball;

though nearby, a world with Rime Ice,

combing the slopes, does revolve. 

(Rime Ice is a natural phenomena formed by fog freezing onto higher elevations.)

### Third Phalloween ###

ebike2mars.com 14Gyr+0117.304 AT

Marzy commemorates the third Phalloween incognito, spinning alongside an alien space rock in an extreme orbit from another solar system.

Groupings of Outer Hemi escarpments and dikes resemble a pumpkin during this season

On the mailboxes of the Inner Hemi, lichens shape themselves into strange masks.

 ### Ubeyou Posting ###

ebike2mars.com 14Gyr+0117.300 AT

Future is unavoidable.

As it shifts to a yesterday, new tomorrows take shape.

For Marzy, the rift near equatorial Marte Vallis could widen drastically breaking apart the Outer Hemi, leaving the Trippps, ebike Botta and myself on the Fringe of time/place.

Before the entire Cloud is enveloped into that gravitational sandwich, read on.

>>>>> Phonon Cookie <<<<<

ebike2mars.com 14Gyr+0117.271 AT

"Can a cookie exist without phonons?" Alfom wonders as he munches on a snack.

An elementary vibrational motion on a lattice of atoms oscillates transversely in every direction within liquids as well as solids.

"Simply put, phonons oscillate like a slinky toy, wherever matter exists," I explain to the Trippps.

"A cookie is mmmatter, Alfommm," says Alfanda, "and so are we."

"But Fanda, do we have mass in an alternate rheality?" Alfom says. After all, it is questionable whetherh we arhe tangible orh whetherh we arhe frhagments of Mama  Marhzee's imagination, while she posts on this ebsite."

"Pay attention, my Trippps. Today's EXO lesson is a recipe for the Phonon Cookie," I announce.

Recipe for the Phonon Cookie: 

1/2 kilo freshly ground minerals....      ..... (2continue)

>>>>> Galaxtic Storm <<<<<

ebike2mars.com 14Gyr+0117.257 AT

The cloud bands of Squirma reach into the void of our Silky Way, heading toward Andromeda.

That storm interrupted EXO school class on most hemispheres. It disrupted ebike routes, CP communication and alternate currents.

Indeed, Squirma raged upon all in its trajectory, gusts of flooded memories, lost hummingbirds, windburned hearts.

Here at Marte Vallis, my Trippplets and I remain sheltered.

On the Inner Hemisphere, a homeless couple, with bedroll and plastic sack, return to their Galaxy of fallen branches.

>>>>> Welcome Red Panda <<<<<

ebike2mars.com 14Gyr+0117.238 AT

Your ancester was excavated recently, Red Panda, on the Inner Hemisphere's Gray Fossill Sector.

Paleotologists speculate that its tail was long and shaggy like yours.  A soft double layered coat....  

Well, we are about to explore the outcrop of basalt at Marte Vallis, speculating ancestral habitation at that site.

"Today's EXO class is the field trip to Marte Vallis," I announce to my Trippplets.

"Yea, not ahha boring post eclipse lesson," Alfeem responds.

Alfom clips the e trailer to Botta's rear fender. Alfeem and Alfanda gather provisions. 

And we spin toward the adjacent meridian 

"mmMama, I'mmm so excited, the hexagonal formmmations are rising at the skyline!" says Alfanda

Beep bop ba doop. We arrive at Vallis overhang to embark on a long, no

no, a very short hike. Glaring at us from the rock wall 

are eye sockets of ancestral Red Panda.

"Alfanda, you and Alfeem take notes while Alfom and I brush its teeth," I tell them.

Notes, Parailurus, ancestor of present day Ailurus fulgens:

Molariform expands grinding surface, power bite for consuming bamboo

Sheering cheek teeth

Broad skeletal paw recurved, semi retractable claw

Powerful forelimb and back to propel vertical surface.

Sesamoid bone, false thumb pincer action.

Tail counterbalance for nimbleness

Nocturnal to escape heat

Born inside tree hollow

DAQLEN, this Red Panda skeleton is your gift.

Happy Birthweek to you.

>>>>> PESD, Post Ecliptic SD <<<<<

ebike2mars 14Gyr+0117.235 AT

When the hypotenuse of the cerebral cortex does not equal "a" squared plus "b" squared, then it is likely that the sun's corona effected the stress order of the ecyclist.

Post Ecliptic Stress Disorder, PESD, is not an uncommon symptom after major celestial events.

MAP, Mileage Paranoia, is caused by an observer spinning two long days to observe two short minutes of totality. "Oh, no, how could I do this to my wheels. Shorten their lifespan. I can't forgive myself ! "

BSD, BiSolar Depression, when the observer sees his solar system as binary, hallucinating two Suns in the sky simultaneously. Caused by total cloud coverage during his eclipse. If there could be a second sun, that corona would not be obstructed.

SSC, Solar Shade Cleptomania, is caused by protective shades failure during the solar show, so the observer is driven to clept as many shades as possible for viewing the next eclipse successfully.

When an observer sits for hours in an unmowed field, waiting for totality, it is likely that chiggers will attack. This results in SIS, Severe Insomnia Syndrome.....   

I am preparing the next EXO homeschool class. Unsuccessfully. It's a boring topic. My Tripppplets will be disappointed. I should scrap this lesson. Rip rip crinkle zip. Begin again.

Any suggestions?

How about ES, Eclipse Statistics? Percentage of unobstructed photospheres.

I will need some help from you.

Please send your viewing experience, clear or clouded, with elevation and location, to floridawn@gmail.com

I'm feeling a bit PESD.

>>>>> TMA The Morning After <<<<<

ebike2mars.com 14Gyr+0117.234 AT

TMA the great solar moment, EXO homeschool classes begin at Hellas Planitia, the largest known crater in the Bioverse.

This daun Ubeyou teaches current shadow events.

"A new moon transited across the sun just a few astro hours ago," says Ubeyou. "Can anyone comment

on predictions related to this?"

Alfom raises his hand, "Mayans calculated these lunarh trhansits durhing the 1257 yearh span of theirh calendarh."

Alfanda comments, "When viewed frommm the Inner Hemmmi, the mmmoon mmmust be at its orbital perigee on the line of nodes

to assure commmplete precise coverage of that sun."

"What did we learn by viewing the shadow? " Ubeyou asks.

"Ourh telescopic lenses enabled us to estimate the speed of the shadow, crhossing that sectorh at 11760000 spokes perh hourh,"

replies Alfom.

During Marzy's jump between Hemispheres in 0114 AT, did you observe an ebike transiting across your sun?

>>>>> Shadow Chasers <<<<<

ebike2mars.com 14Gyr+0117.230 AT

They pack extra solar shades for safe viewing.

They recalculate the Saros factor to confirm the moment of totality in their respective viewing locations,

i.e., on the Inner Hemisphere, orbits of moon and planet intersect every 18 years 11 days plus 8 hours.

 Hemisphereans also review precession, as their axis

changes tilt, 3 degrees from Vega to Polaris, every 23K years,

They also review the eccentricity of their ellipse which cycles in 100K year increments.

Shadow Chasers'  supplies must be in order: water pouches, rations of nutriment, T paper, kid car seat    .....     

Fuel is purchased ahead of schedule: xenon, spare ebike charger, petro in sectors where

 renewables are endangered.    .......  

ebike2mars.com 14Gyr+0117.232 AT

The Shadow Chasers spin toward the path of totality, passing

Sylva gemstones 

Fay Buddies billboard

Stardust Motel

Eclipse Traffic sign

Culasahaji waterway


Benny's Tire Barn

Ruby Cinema


Subie Shop

Micklers Gourds

They brake, spread their groundcloth, adjust tent poles, unroll sleepouches.

They take a dip in the shoals before the coyote concert.

ebike2mars.com 14Gyr+0117.233 AT

The Shadow Chasers undo camp and spin ten more minutes to their viewing site,

a rural churchyard backlit by distant mountains.

They spread the groundcloth again, picnic, take photos...

Phase 1, 1:36 their time, coverage begins.

Phase 2, 3, Eyes protected, they glare in amazement, then the diamond glares back at them.

TOTALITY.   The Chasers' joyous screams reach across to the horizon's dusk,

as the Moon's passage engulfs the shadow of gravestones.

Phase 5, 6. Daylight returns. All Shadow Chasers exit their viewing sites, 

feeling different from when they arrived.

The chromospheric rays take a place in their memory banks as they return home, passing

Highlands Way

Ore Yonder

Shady Lane

Knats Hollow

Sassafras Gap

Wormy chestnut antiques

Black Bear Paving on SR107

WCU entrance

Cripple Creek 

Crawling traffic to their respective households.

>>>>> The Gravity Bellz <<<<<

ebike2mars.com 14Gyr+0117.221 AT

The Bellz image, ringing in multiple directions simultaneously, protrudes from the curvature of a Hemisphere to represent the gravitational field that extends from a celestial body.

"Ahha Gravity Bellz should not be confused with ahha MeV Bell," Alfeem reminds us.

"Nor with the Kron Bolster, the twelve foot high Kronos Agitator, Plasmmma Looper, Deuteron Beammmer, Ebike Accelerator, Proton Blender housed in an underground lab during WW2, Uraniummm Breeder, Mercury Ionizer, Photon Depository, Debus Surger, Berylliummm Commmpounder, nor Vortex Tube," continues Alfanda.

Where Bellz fields overlap are zero gravity areas.

"Not to be mmmistaken for the Graviton Well, for the Lithiummmm Condenser," continues Alfanda, 

"the Brane Theory Driver and axially symmmetrical Electron Smmmasher."

From Iapygia on the Outer Hemisphere, the Gravity Bellz appears as misty sprinkles extending into the Bioverse from each point of distant celestial surfaces.

"Mama, our ahha half of the Solar Bellz reaches toward us like ahha huge electrical discharge of non thermal radiation where glows of lightning ahha flash," says Alfeem enthusiastically.

"Not a Thoriummm Refinery with three inch thick cerammmic that covers two contra rotating drummms, one inside the other, spinning on a commmon axis," continues Alfanda, "not a Muon Dispenser, Sandfor Expander, Sethh Extractor nor Nucleon Scanner." 

Ring. Ring. Scammer likely. Don't pick up.

>>>>> Places That Hinge <<<<<

ebike2mars.com 14Gyr+0117.217 AT

ZGB Daqlen explores places that hinge: pages in the FlutterBy book,

Velcro on his Surfprizes, toilet seat hinge,

where cabinet handles attach and where the cooler opens.

At Gay Street Amphitheater he examines the stage set which hinges to change scenes.

Does the Pirates' plank hinge?

He watches the Family Tone's jawbones hinging to produce amplified melodies.

Daqlen unhinges his wrist to slap Daddy's drum mimmicking Chief Shaka Zulu.     

His multi hinged fingers shake the keychain, pull the canine collar,

empty all reachable drawers,

toss stones down the porch stairway.

Daq discovers the place where nature hinges:

the point which attaches this stem to that twig

giving the leaf mobility to explore the wind. 

No leaves here at this Equatorial rust red sector where I tap on Botta's CP  to document Daqlen's progression with hinges. 

No hinges here except for the ebike's e pouch covers.

>>>>> Dusst Day <<<<<

ebike2mars.com 14Gyr+0117.214 AT

Do we classify Dusst as bosonic or fermion particles?

We should know which. After all, he occupies a quantum branch on our family tree.

Bosons, the force carriers, i.e. gluons and photons, any objects with integer spin and even number of fermions, can occupy the same place simultaneously.

Fermions, associates of matter, I.e. protons and electrons, any object with half integer spin and odd number of fermions, cannot occupy the same place simultaneously.

Perhaps Dusst prefers to be in the company of quarky baryons, held together in a nucleon. Or hang out with lightweights: the pion, neutrino or lepton.

✏️ ✏️  This is a card for you ✏️ ✏️

It's a composite day. Classify yourself, Dusst, son.

Begin your forty first orbit with questions, don't end it without dynamic evaluation.

Loving spins,          Marzy mOm 

>>>>> Confused About Fusion <<<<<

ebike2mars.com 14Gyr+0117.210 AT

"Why did timmme begin?"

"And ahha how?"

"Was it by fission or fusion, Mama Marhzee?"

My Trippplets organize their questions according to the laws of quantum chromodynamics. When will I answer them? I, as well, am unclear about nucleonic inter reactions. This confusion interferes with my ability to chronicle recent events on the Inner and Outer Hemispheres, such as the curly cucumber encounter at the Newroots booth, gAbby's post and beams in Frisbee Brush, the shindig at Sandy Mush, rhythmic festival at Zillicoa with ...             (2continue) .........          

>>>>> Solar Intents <<<<<

ebike2mars.com 14Gyr+0117.204 AT

The AstroTeam inspects the payload of their balloon in preparation for a solar launch from the Pisgah sector

where first images of the lunar surface were downloaded, an ideal location for satellite tracking due to high concentrations of Mica along the Brew Ridge which serves as a natural shield from radio wave interference.

The Mica also protects that site from rogue frequencies due to Daqlen's zero gravity training. He continues crawlsprinting with sudden turns that contract his tendons as well as time/place. His diaper bulges when he is tossed toward the sun. During drop down to Guildford, Daq flops hands behind his neck like ailerons changing the course of the atmosphere.

His splashing technique defies the law of centrifugal force.

Meanwhile, on the Outer Hemisphere. Alfom informs me,"We have new prhotective glasses forh solarh viewing, Mama Marhzee. Look."

"Our ingenious Alfom helped put them together," explains Ubeyou. "We use flexible tinted Mica, a material similar to our ebike AstroWear."

"Ourh device has trhansition zoom lenses coverhing each eye," continues Alfom, "so that we can watch brhight astrho events safely and upclose, daytime or nigh."

"The AstroClub could distribute these glasses to their followers," I suggest, but realize that the Inner Hemi orbits the back side of the sun this season, too distant for lens deliveries.

I try on the new device and ponder.

Great Bear Story

It happened north of town last week. Thump. Buncombe the Bear toppled a trash barrel and snatched a sack of Luella's leftover BBQ. We watched from our kitchen window.


What the -?-

Our neighbor, half naked with an African mask strapped at the waist, banging ferociously on a drum skin, chased Buncombe away from the yard past Reems Creek fire station over to Asheville Pizza on Merrimon up WT Weaver Blvd beside the Farside Farm truck where buckling bear knees thumped against the bumper, toppling dozens of cartons onto UNC parking area 16.

And that's why there were no eggs for you last week at the Tailgate Market.      

>>>>> Rutt Land <<<<<

ebike2mars.com 14Gyr+0117.181 AT

"Does consciousness expand?"

"And if so, does it expand at the sammme rate as the Bioverse?"

Alfom and Alfanda have questions upon my arrival from Rutt Land.

"Well, Supernovas explode with equal amounts of energy to provide the Hubble Constant," I reply. "Let's consider that consciousness, as well as the Cosmos, expands astronomically at one micrometer per hour."

"Yes, mmMama, we can test this against a cosmmmic mmmicrowave background which encodes a picture of the earliest protons and electrons!!" Alfanda exclaims.

"Without atomic parhticles, consciousness could not occurh," adds Alfom.

It is difficult to discuss physix, as the delays at Rutt Land keep me dizzy from exhaustion, having dealt with every aspect of home life that agitated Gramma. The meals, the caregivers, the car mileage. Too many pills. Not enough pills. 

Call 911. No, don't, I'm fine here by myself.

Doctors incompetent. Back pain unbearable. Calls to hospital in Mexico.

Why is your ebike parked in the woods? Why am I still alive?

Finally Gramma sleeps calmly, under care at Sunset village.

"Mama Marhzee, something happens to a thought after it is experhienced," Alfom remarks. "Would we exist if you didn't wrhite about us?"

>>>>>Asterisms Ahead <<<<<

ebike2mars.com 14Gyr+0117.154AT

Ahead, behind, above and below ZGB Daqlen finds asterisms...

A group of friendly ants create a dark wavy pattern as they scurry along those porch boards.

Bits of newspaper, torn apart by Daq fingers, are scattered like constellations on his blue blanket. Daneb in the Swan, Vega in the Harp and flickering Altair in the Eagle form the Summer Triangle on the eastern sky, as Venus and Mercury rise. 

The Asterisms vary somewhat when viewed from the Tharsis sector on the Outer Hemisphere. At this day's end, as the sky changes from yellowish rust red brown to violet and pink (except for blue surrounding the setting sun), Alfeem shouts, "Wow, the Moon, Jupiter and Inner Hemi form ahha three sided Asterism ninety degrees from the horizon."

"Look, sommme dark mmmatter is transitting across the crescents!" Alfanda exclaims.

"Like the dust patterns on our ahha ebike lantern," remarks Alfeem.

>>>>> Rusty Patched Bombus <<<<<

ebike2mars.com 14Gyr+0117.151 AT

'Tis the season to be pollinated. 

Joyously, Inner Hemisphereans continue sowing spring ephemerals, ninebark and bee balm to provide habitat for Bumble colonies. To reciprocate, worker bees provide pollination for our ecosystem by attaching themselves to flowers where they reverberate passionately at 400 times per second, the only frequency that releases tomato producing pollen.

Thank you, Bombus troupe, for that colliding presentation. 

ebike2mars.com 14Gyr+0117.152 AT

"I'm interhested in conserhving bumble bees. But how can I help the Wildlife serhvice frhom out herhe at equatorhial slope lineae of Valles Marinerhis?" Alfom asks Ubeyou.

Ubeyou turns his ebike upside down. "Fom, I am reconfiguring the wheel components. 3-2-1, now. Spin the pedals with your hands while I activate the electromagnetic force. It will send a strong nucleic signal throughout the Bioverse to protect the Rusty Patched Bumble Bee.

Or better, if you spot one in your yard, send an image to bryan_tompkins@fws.gov 

>>>>> The Saline Ravine <<<<<

ebike2mars.com 14Gyr+0117.147 AT

They can't see me. My skin is camouflaged against the deep rust red salt rock. The salt becomes me. I become salt, caught motionless in a deka of time at the edge of this ravine. At the bottom of the ravine, their voices are muffed by inverse echoes.

"What is this ahha place?" Alfeem asks.

"Looks like a natural salt bridge, Feemmm," replies Alfanda.

I can read their lips through the magnification crystal surrounding me.

"I mean, why is that ahha desk under the bridge, Fanda."

"It's a mmmini bridge."

"No, it's ahha desk."

"Feemmm, you're right. It must be mmMama's office. Her ebike is parked here."

Excitedly Alfeem and Alfanda rummage through my paperwork, image bytes, desktop and stack of personal items.

"Look at these ahha notes, Fanda."

.....     particles that are their own anti particles, Majorana fermions, stable row of single atoms,     with fermion on both ends of strand.      ........     .....quantum state that is both one and zero, atoms with spin arrange themselves on superconductor, quibit .......  allow current to flow unimpeded ....

 ... determinis....    

...  (2continue)

>>>>> Central Incisor <<<<<

ebike2mars.com 14Gyr+0117.144 AT

His first tooth rises


against the night sky. 

>>>>> Message from Hazel <<<<<

ebike2mars.com 14Gyr0117.143 AT

Thursday thatOgjmdw y

Kirby vigikgmfkkck

(Two year old Hazel evaluates Daq's elimination training via random keys and spellchecker.)

>>>>> Endangered <<<<<

ebike2mars.com 14Gyr+0117.142 AT

Along the slope of Olympus Mons, we dedicate this hour to the most fragile species. 

In fact, all elements here are sparsely distributed.

 Fungi protect themselves beneath cliff overhangs. 

Thermophiles expose themselves on bare rock. Hematite colonies exist in fear of extinction by erosion.

On the Inner Hemisphere, endangered species are celebrated for the entire day.

The owlet nightjar of new Calodonia is the most elusive bird, practically nonexistent, only one or more remain. 

At the edge of an Afrik forest more than a hundred years ago, an offset of Woods Cycad was collected for cultivation. That plant species is now extinct in the wild. 

The 230mm mole salamander Axolotl finds sanctuary, from sewage disposal, in a remote area of its 10 km sq habitat in Chalco Canal, away from hunters who prize it as a delicacy.

The rarest creature, Marzy, spins away from the bustling transfer station to her sanctuary at the science meetup.

She spins away from the science meetup to find sanctuary at her bustling transfer station.  ...

The evening casts its moonlight on the 'Freedom from GMO' rallies all across the Bioverse.

>>>>> Polymers on Mars <<<<<

ebike2mars.com 14Gyr+0117.141 AT

Where have all    the flowers   gone   ...  NO NO, begin again:

\/\/ |-| ERE  |-| /-\ \/ E  /-\ |_ |_     (tM)

Where have all   the plastics   gone?

To   the o ocean.

Bags and bits   of sty ro foam    drift far   from home.

Where are all   the poly mers?

Over board to coral    reefs.

Some land on Martian    shores.

How will we clearr   the debris?

>>>>> Immensity to Minutity <<<<<

ebike2mars.com 14Gyr+0117.140 AT

TAXIS  /\/ATURA  |_OGOS    (tM)

Size                         Time                       Brightness

_________              ___________         ____________

multiverse               15Gyr span.              quasar

galaxy                     cosmic epoch           neutrino blast

supernova             phanerozoic eon        supernova 

planetoid               paleozoic era              lightning

martian rift           quaternary period     -27 mag sun

2 mile fungus      holocene epoch     505Lum ebike lamp

90' Baleantoptera    millennium                1 candela

.0055" fairy fly.         four score                  black hole

prokaryotic cell.       annum.                     

chromosome.          minute                      Speed

gene molecule        Instagram.               ____________       

CRISPR cas9.        femto second          c=671million mph

neucleotide.                                            sound=767mph

carbon pentose.      Density.                 nuon commotion

nitrogen atom.        ____________       38mph=c if laser

hadron                   neutron star              in cold sodium

quark                    osmium                   starfish moving 

neutrino                 Bambusa                absolute zero


Energy/force.          clouds                     Waves

__________.           hydrogen                ___________

strong force.                                            gravity

heat.                        Weight.                   gamma

acceleration.            __________.          tsunami 

earthquake.             NGC 4889.             X-ray 

photosynthesis.       yotta whale.            micro wave

whip.                        Marzy in kg            ultra violet

handshake   .....       Picoides .              visible light

egg beater                feather                   infrared 

kiss                           yocto gram            radio ripple

whisper                                                 sound compression

reem dream              Distance              olfactory drift


                                  yotta lightyear 

                          km to fast food from Mars

                                 Boston marathon

                                   zepto meter



(Exotic to simple).  quasi crystal     phi     superfluid

          quantum processor       genome twists

star trekker Odo    stalactite    decahedral snowflake

exo donut    oblate spheroid    Giza pyramid   parabola




>>>>> Procyon or Procyon <<<<<

ebike2mars.com 14Gyr+0117.137 AT

Meet the Procyons. 

Both are nocturnal. Rising with Sirius after sunset, Procyon CM has a magnitude of .4, the same brightness as Procyon LL's eyes when a LED is pointed at them.

Procyon CM, a yellow white star of spectral class F5 IV-V, has a rotation period of 23 days. 

In 23 seconds Procyon LL, with her kits, can spin around a trash barrel, scale its surface, unlatch the lid mechanism and empty debris. Muscle fiber pinnation and corollary action between two or more joints are important factors in determining fiber length, providing dexterity.

Procyon of Canis Minor generates energy by stellar nucleosynthesis, when a natural abundance of elements in a star change due to nuclear fusion. The hydrogen fuses 4 protons to form a He-4 nucleus.

Procyon lotor of Linneus generates energy like the digestive tract of an ecyclist, ingestion-absorption-elimination, using enzymes secreted by endocrine glands. Nucleases are enzymes that split nucleic acids into nucleotides. Methanogens in the intestines recycle hydrogen by combining it with carbon dioxide to produce methane, a unique gas, one of the by products of bacterial fermentation.

RA 7h 38.9m, Dec.+5 degrees 15' is the sky position of Procyon Canis Minor, 11.7 light years away.

Procyon lotor of Linneus and family, with rings around their mischievous tails and mental attributes of reasoning, are located 11.7 feet behind your bedroom window. 

>>>>> Echidna Lands <<<<<

ebike2mars.com  14Gyr+0117.134 AT

A new probe to be launched, the Echidna Lander (not named after the Grecian Echidna, Mother of all mythological monsters) is modeled after the Echidna puggle (hatched in Mother Monotreme's pouch) that trundles across Taronga.

Unlike the Marsnik whose image transfer device exploded in the sixtie's liftoff, this Echidna probe will not fail. Superior components include an electroreceptive system on the snout to detect possible malfunctions, also engineered to locate quality soil. A Tacchyglossus (fast tongue) is designed to collect a wide range of surface and subterranean samples. Backward facing rear claws provide stability while trundling across undeveloped terrain. 

The Echidna can survive up to fifty years with its slow metabolic mechanism and natural resistance to CO2 radiation. During brush fires, it can roll up into a ball, temporarily shutting itself down in a state of torpor. Echidna's structure is shielded by spines and fur which provide protection against any hemispheric encounter, such as alien quadrupeds, gravity fluctuations, low atmospheric pressure and extreme weather.

The frontal sensors of the Echidna Lander are being tested for functions to analyze climate cycles in mineral mounds, to detect Insecta tunnels and to gauge market price for precious larvae fossils.

For the best possible evaluation, my crew, with sweepers attached to their ebike to clear rust red dust from hematite deposits, are in the process of staging the site of Echidna Lander's drop down.

3-2-1 lift off, the Echidnappraiser is on the way.

>>>>> Organizing €ntropy <<<<<

ebike2mars.com 14Gyr+0117.131 AT

€NTROPIA  TAXIS     (tM)  (traitMark Marzy L E)

              iceberg    geyser

            formed         thermal

          melt                   pressure

    ra ndo m                explosIVE

        reaction                action

     ^H - T^S   =   warming of tundras

      breakdown of .en.thral.py.   =  mc2

      charge for free energy

            ebike battery

            lithium   ions

      __            +             __


             in  a  mol's

             system = €

(where ^ is Delta, € is €ntropy)

>>>>> Categorizing €ntity <<<<<

ebike2mars.com 14Gyr+0117.130 AT

CLASSIS €NTITAS       (tM traitMark Marzy L E)




intangibles          ~~~          naturalias

   instinct.                       bio.    ~~     geo (inorg)

   logistics                cell fission     dark mass

   nest design           species         gravity, light

   philosophy.           life span        rock fluid gas

    artificials              necrosis        erosion

    viral                      decay            dust

   deletion.                      dissipation

   quantum                       essence

    reboot                      regeneration

    this ebsite.          grandsons    ebike elements

                               ZG Daqlen         

                    ~~~~~~~~~~ beauty ~~~~~~~~~

>>>>> Photuris trumps Photinus <<<<<

ebike2mars.com  14Gyr+0117.127 AT

Nothing is more demising to a male Photinus than a female Photuris. Because

After Photuris mates with her own species, her flashing lantern, with jagged scales to enhance the brightness, mimmicks the signal of a Photinus female. (My ebike flashers are infrared as not to interfere with the cycle of Appalachian fireflies, including their distant Hexapoda family, the extremophiles, inhabiting the voids of this rust red terrain where my wheels now spin.)

Photuris fem attracts the manly Photinus, attacks him and devours his insectuous body which contains lucipufagens that protect her eggs and herself from being eaten by Phidippus, the angry jumping spider. Meanwhile the Photinus female becomes extremely jealous of Photuris because

Photuris killed her boyfriend. And she couldn't kill him first.

Her Photinus lantern is not as attractive as Photuris.

>>>>> Pon Jotter <<<<<

ebike2mars.com  14Gyr+0117.123 AT

His Dar Havidson crosses that rocky culvert.

My Botta jumps from the edge of this Mons crater.

Our wheels meet between Hemispheres. Briefly. 1/35000 of a life expectancy.

During this fraction of time we exchange greetings, share family news and delve into the past, reshaping a distant fondness. 

An element of sadness in our eyes tell of previous attempts to reconnect. In a mere femto second, that element is displaced by glimmers. His smile tells of how vineyards saved his daughter Fennijer from a fatal crash. He pulls up an image, proudly, from her graphic novel site on the CP screen. I scroll from there to show him Miisha's dreamscape of Castle Wisp.

We chit chat. Egg salad doesn't agree with Pon. I tell him that angels and I have a serious personality clash. When I look up at his hair he says, "It's not been cut since I left the Navy." When he asks about my skin tone, I explain, " It changed to this deep rust red from exposure to haze on the Pluton."

This moonth Pon Jotter plans to cross many culverts with his lovely wife.

I will spin solo from right to left hemispheres.

>>>>> Blue Ghosts <<<<<

    (Phausis reticulate)

ebike2mars.com 14Gyr+0117.121 AT

Whack. Grapple. Lop.

My crew sets up camp on Olympus Mons, highest mount in our Sol System. I watch them from the far side of the cratered summit. Diligently Ubeyou pitches geodesic tents, lines up rust red jugs for tapping magma vapor and adjusts the UVXradioscopes. The Trippps test the lenses by focusing at precisely one light year away on the Blue Ridge sector where their alternate brother, ZG Daq, is disrupting parenthood all across the Inner Hemi:

Daq climbs out of his pacnsac, flop to the floor.

He tosses pajamas out of the drawer.

Opens the diaper pail

Throws books off the bottom shelf.

Topples the trash.

Pulls the dish towel off the rod.

He latches on to sister Nova's tail, riding the carpet until he lets go.

Unscrews the cabinet handle which he holds in his mouth, then bangs it on the floor.

Slams his hands onto daddy's dessert plate, thinking it's a drum, whereby blueberry crisp and shattered pieces of ceramic spin across the dining table.

He samples the stem flavor of ACTR3.

Check, check. Lenses are tested, supplies in order. We are prepared for the Entomolists and Ecyclists expected to arrive for this upcoming glow event. Free family tickets will be distributed at the Outer Hemiphere portal via a lottery system. Or singles can prepay 80sP credits for one Lampyriday Pass.

The Hemispherics Council agree unanimously  to power off lighting and to switch down the grid entirely during this unusually clear nigh sky for the Blue Phausis show.

The scopes reveal an unobstructed view of a half inch male with black elytra and delicate brownish wings. (The female is grub like and flightless.) 

" It's abdomen contains a lamplike organ which will turn on exactly when nature calls," comments Ubeyou.

The countdown begins:

Hour 10, 9, 8...      The first viewers arrive on their ebikes..

"Seven, Six, Five," the Trippps yell.

The Experts spin in.

...4,3 ... Families gather around the scopes.

...hour 2,1... Opening nigh of Blue Ghosts.

A Lamp turns on. Then hundreds of thousands more. 

The crowd is awe struck.

The eerie ground seems adrift where Ghosts swerve  in random paths at the base of trees. Their blue suits of light glow constantly during this hours long ritual.

My Trippplets fall asleep in excited contentment. Ubeyou, ever conscientious, sees that the crowd is comfortable for the nigh. 

Through my OMg, olfactory magnifying gadget, I can experience the flavor of that distant forest, Pungent pine, spicy sassafras, fragrant laurel, savory ferns, mammalian scat, musky earth, earthly decay. My nose glows mimmicking  a phantasmic Blue Ghost. 

"What is the call of Blue? " you ask.


Sense of smell travels faster than the wave of sound.

>>>>> Ramp Page <<<<<

ebike2mars.com 14Gyr+0117.119 AT

During my stay at the saline formations, Alfom decides to research Ramps.

"Wild Rhamps, also known as ACTR3, belong to the Asparhagalic Plantae orhderh. Rhamps prhopogate on the Innerh Hemi in  elevations of morhe orh less 3000 sp along easterhn longitudes up to L48N," he relays his data to Ubeyou.

This is the Ramp's story:

Once upon a Cretaceous time, a hundred million years ago, Angiospermophyta evolved. Through photosynthesis and natural rejection their seeds spread seasonally from hatched egg sacks onto the Appalachian forest floor. Until... the first wild Ramp peeked out from the leafy soil.

Alfom holds up his drawing and points, "These tenderh nutrhitious leaves arhe gatherhed by sl...   "

Ubeyou reviews Alfom's remaining data to check it for accuracy.:

...   nutritious leaves are gathered by slicing them with with a sharp blade leaving one third of the bulb and rootlets intact to remain in their bed until they sprout again next spring. The plan is to cultivate a Ramp colony inside the Nikki entrance of Arsia Mons. That area, formed by collapse of lava tube ceilings, resembles a skylight. Beneath the long skylight is a hundred foot high pile of debris. That pile will be the Ramp site. 

"Mama Marhzee has Rhamp seeds in herh ebike surhvival pouch," Alfom reminds Ubeyou.

And Ubeyou reminds all of us, "Sow and harvest responsibly."

>>>>> Astro Alert <<<<<

new scenario for Galaxy evolution 

ebike2mars.com 14Gyr+0117.117 AT

In gusts of Space Wind from Super Massive Black Holes, Stronomers witness birth of infant stars which are redistributed throughout the Bioverse on these ultra fast outbursts.

As observed in collision of IRSF2 3128-5919, heated expanded matter in that galaxy's accretion disk is expelled outward which can quench (suppress) star formation in neighboring regions; yet, at the same time, can burst out baby stars with an outflow rate of 100km/sec. At some point, galaxies consume its dense cool gas which is star forming fuel. Then they shut off. The largest source of uncertainty is determining satellite galaxy or isolated galaxy. Those of different masses respond differently as to what ends their star formation. 

As most touring ecyclists experience while jumping hemispheres, gravity does not just pull, it blows. And by observing the force of distant supernovae, they can calculate how fast galaxies recede or advance toward the spinning ebikes.

>>>>> Proscience Parade <<<<<

ebike2mars.com  14Gyr+0117.112 AT

Banners wave throughout the Inner Hemisphere: 

 -Ecology not Tumpology-

 -Salute to Scientists- 

 - mc2=E - Ashevill Redesigns Thinking -

 -Support Your Local FireFLIES-

 -Catch the Wind-

 -Climate ChAnGeS-

Looking down from his ZGB carrier, Daqlen observes parading soles. Strapless sandals. High heeled sneakers. Tie dye work boots. Leather flip flops. He listens to the low frequency clang of a Yak bell which accompanies the proactive chants circulating the atmosphere.

"Cheers to Darwin"

"We Produce Clean Alternate Current"

"Let Picoides Peck"  smallest Woodpecker in US

"Let Free Radicals Ring"

"Stump the Trump- What is Science?"

Meanwhile, Ubeyou and the Trippps celebrate Turfday on the Outer Hemi. They fabricate banners using biochar printed onto long sheets of compressed subterranean fungus. Alfeem and Alfom wrap the fungi banners onto amboo poles which Alfanda twist ties to the ebike frame.

"We are ready to spin, mmmommmentarily," she shouts.

The procession begins as I test the salinity on this cavern wall. Science does not allow me to be in different places at the same time. I long to be with my real families in their disbursed locations. Dusst and Miisha at Castle Wisp, Willbee and his Mythow gang, the gheek twins Deem and Dom, Camlin's aboders, Gramma's subtropic casita, Uncle Alf with his poco monsters. I miss you so much, my heart strings are breaking. Alternate family is nearby, yet out of reach. I am very fond of them as well.Their images are transmitted to me via space haze interfaced onto the inverted crystal bowl of the subsurface. 

There they are. Crossing Gusey Plains. Alfom and Alfeem in the lead. Ubeyou at slow speed throttle. Alfanda parading behind the banner spangled ebike: 

 -Galaxies Collide -astro funds DENIED-

 -Keep Kuriosity Roving- 

 -Meterologists Reign-

 -Superscientificistic Exploration Focus-

 -Brown Dwarf in Pisces = 1/2 STAR & 1/2 PLANET

 -In SOD We Trust-

 -Meet the Zero Gravity Boy, ZG Daq-

 - Dq>5(ps+Ps)¥pt=STt -    

(This means Daqlen did greater than five pees and poos in his potty which equals science of toilet training. I am thrilled that the Trippps are thinking of their half brother.)

 -Learn the Turfday Crawl-

Daqlen performs his first .000005K crawl, inspired by constant movement during the parade. And his half siblings' message on their banner.

>>>>> Remipede Attack <<<<<

ebike2mars.com  14Gyr+0117.104 AT

Why did the Remipede cross the cavern?

To get ......       "Hurry. Hide in the sediment," warns cousin Shrimp. " Remi is after us."

Frantically the Shrimp family swims towards safety. But one of them is not quick enough.

The Remipede's pinchers grab its prey and inject a pico liter of neurotoxin

White eyelets bulge in shock. Antennae bend out of shape. Rostrum clatters. Abdomen convulses so drastically that the tail almost breaks off.    One. Slow. Steady gulp takes the shrimp into the digestive cavity of its predator 

My Trippplets observe this attack from inside their waterproof cover that Ubeyou attached to ebike Tanndem. He also attached paddles onto some of the spokes for navigating these alien subsurface waterways.

It was deep into cenotes on the Inner Hemi where Yill Jager, a biological treasure hunter, found thirty species of this new crustacean class, 9 to 55 mm, originating during the Permian.

Now, on the Outer Hemi, Alfom Alfeem and Alfanda are following Remipede specie 31 down to the rust red yellow bacterial mats where it rolls around to clean itself of fleas and absorbs beneficial molecules that give it energy to survive unpredictable pH and sulfide thermoclines.

"Mama, can you give ahha name to specie number 31?" Alfeem requests.

He speaks knowing that I am not nearby and could not hear him. But, for a reason yet untold, I can listen in. The name shall be Jageryillus mipedia.


ebike2mars.com  14Gyr+0117.101 AT

Vehojah's witnesses travel door to door across as many constellations as possible. They are well versed in their delusions about Eastar.


They knock at our door bearing a poster of the Crucifixion. 

The young man waves a prayer book in front of my face as the pudgy woman, with lilies on her dress, peers into the hallway. She speaks cordially, "Your home is lovely. And we are inviting you to meet Jesus next week."

"How is this possible?" I ask. "The man was seen in Gaza over two thousand years ago. Will he come forward in time at multiple locations? It sounds intriguing to meet him."

I peer at their neatly stacked pamphlets. "However, as Recyclists, we are forbidden to accept an invitation printed on Virgin paper."

>>>>> Schizophyta's Story <<<<<

ebike2mars.com  14Gyr+0117.097AT

I am Schizophyta, distant cousin to Marzy

We started out as prokaryotic slime. No flagella, no backbones. Nothing but independently maturing daughter cells reproduced by fission.

Marzy and I met on her electric bike. We often discuss how to characterize ourselves as we spin.

"You, Schizophyta, are a cyanobacterium multiplying charismatically on the damp microclimate of my ebike saddle."

"And you, Marzy, exemplify an advanced eukaryotic creature able to pedal and throttle in a single bound."

"Wasn't it our Achaean forefathers who colonized the Isua Greenstone belt three point seven billion years ago?"

"Silicon crystals point to four point one billion. Back then clusters of prehistoric microbes secreted lime to form cone shaped stromatolites in shallow seas."

"A bacterium, similar to your structure, coughed then fossilized in amber tree resin."

"And magneto bacteria sneezed before solidifying on two billion year old rocks."

"Don't forget the Oscillatoria from Bitter Springs, Schizo. And ancestry of the Cambrian explosion."

"Marzy, let's figure out how we began and where. Life could spark from a phosphate based nucleic acid in opaline silica."

"Or brew from a sulfur based metabolic reaction between the layers of potassium mica. Extremophiles burped across the ancient geyser at Busev Crater."

"Like the methanogens in your digestive tract."

"Schizo, your cell wall is tickling my buttocks."

"It's an act of love, Marzy."

>>>>> Green Valley Spiral <<<<<

ebike2mars.com  14Gyr+0117.090AT

Waves of the radiant nigh color pulsate into my bones. Seated on the terrain, back propped against Botta's saddlebag, I wonder if my trippplets ...

"Look, Fanda, Feem, the Silky Way is glowing grheen!" Alfom exclaims.

"Wow, is it from ahha cluster of moisture filtering out the reds and blues? " Alfeem asks.

"I wish mmMama was here to sky gaze with us," sobs Alfanda.

"We should review her lesson about ahha green valleys," suggests Alfeem.

Alfom recalls, "Grheen Valley galaxies arhe rhunning out of gas. They arhe trhansforhming frhom blue shift, when starhs are being borhn, to rhed shift, when starhs begin to burhn out.. Ourh Silky Way is a spirhal in a state of low level starh forhmation, and neighborh Andomeda is practically a zombie galaxy, not quite dead, not in the rhed, but does carrhy six hundred billion morhre starhs than ourh spirhal."

"Out of one hundred billion observable galaxies, how mmmany are green valleys?" Alfanda asks.

>>>>> Galaxy vs Black Hole <<<<<

ebike2mars.com  14Gby+0117.088AT

"Which cammme first,  galaxies or black hole?" Alfanda asks.

"To answer that, we need to determine where matter was the most dense in the early Bioverse," explains Ubeyou. "Stupendously bright regions in galaxy cores are powered by black holes. Sixty such distant bright quasars are known to astroscience."

"Let's look at Mama Marhzee's notes," suggests Alfom.

--.   ,-------- ..........    ..gas needs to cool and condense  to form new stars. ..processes that can stop cooling=ram pressure stripping as galaxies fall apart into clusters or dwarf orbiting larger galaxies or supernovae that ejects gas ..ram pressure = related to density of stars and dark matter and galaxy velocity..

... .most stars in present Bioverse born ten billion yrs ago , intense star formation at the time occurred thruout galaxies, radio can measure this thru dust. ....present day str frmation occurs in much smaller regions of galaxies      ..young star Elias 2-27 has spiral features in proto planetary disks = solar system born ..spirals in LL Pegasi, a dying giant redstar = strong out flowing gas like sprays of water from a sprinkler

The sky lights up, each star in its appropriate space.

How your name can alter your face.

Silky Way is going green, more gradual decline in star formation ..cold gas depleted as result of heating from its supermassive black hole, Saggitarius A*

13.8 gy or before is singularity next pebble size origin bangs, results in expansion of subatomic particles, atoms, molecules ..coalesce thru gravity in halos of dark matter, eventual star formation..200 my after birth of first stars is oldest cosmic dust, building block of all stars and planets .

..gas feels the pull of gravity from dark matter, then heated by releasing radiation before cooling=turn to stars .. .smallest are primordial black holes=size of single atom with mass of large mountain 

Alfanda, this answers your question: black holes can act as seeds for galaxies. It is htpothesized that supermassive black hole forms the same time as its galaxy.

Galaxy cluster Abell 2744 found youthful Galaxy A2 744 YD4 thru galaxy lensing, magnifies it by 2X in our telescopes. ..supernovae pollute most observed galaxies ..back then A2 produced weight of six million solar masses per year ..optical time machine ..

How does cosmic dust survive fiery supernovae?  ..read at arXiv.org  

>>>>> Ebike to Mars Hill NC <<<<<

ebike2mars.com  14Gby+0117.071AT

Recharge your electric bike or volts wagon at the Knoll station. Then spin north on e route 25, a longitude that finds more biodiversity than anywhere (except on tropical hemispheres) Keep spinning. Oskerb and his family inhabit the Glorious Forest, where anthropologists found more acorn shells than chestnuts. He remarks, "the giant table of human food from the last ten thousand years is half full with acorns. The high fat nutmeats contain the entire spectrum of protein aminos which are easily digestible after tanin is leached out."

Oskerb points to the leaves of tree species and continues, "Red, white and black oak trees intake mycelium and minerals along the bedrock, as their roots reach deeper into the subsurface than branches reach high."

Muskal, one of the foragers representing Earth Haven, informs us, "This tiny wild apple supplies one hundred times the nutrition of a store bought variety."

Along the ebike trail are bunches of brassica, pine cone pollen and quarts of raspberries. We are spinning into the oldest edible park of this hemisphere.


Friends huddle around

a log well dressed in ruffles, 

mushrooms to be roasted.


In an open space

these stems grow tilted

daylilies embrace .           


Rolling in a patch

of heart shaped leaves

youngsters kiss the violets.          


In winter's last wind

this sassy aroma blows

from where the wild leeks spring.


>>>>> Dunesday <<<<<

ebike2mars.com BT14by.0117.056AT

In his ZGB carrier Daqlen, with Mommy and Dad, crosses over the sandy mounds to Paws Beach. His sparky eyes watch the playful Lab, friendly Spaniel and romping Vizsla pup whose coats are salty from their jaunt into the waves. The sky turns to dusk. The pack enjoys Dunesday treats as festive coffee sippers meet at Wawa.

Meanwhile, on the Outer Hemi, new aeolian deposits are forming at Bagnold. Ubeyou dismounts his ebike to study these dune formations. "Their downwind  faces, shaped by avalanches, are steeper than their upwind faces." He faces the distant rust red landscape. "Maximum gusts of sixty miles per hour caused dragged ripples, preserved in that sandstone three billion years ago." Ubeyou regroups his thoughts. "Where surface rivers meandered, fluvial channels inverted and curvilinear lineations were scrolled onto equatorial regions."

Aeolian processes erode then build up hemispheric surfaces. 

Wind shapes the dunes. Dunes shape the wind.

A planet shapes each moon into crescents and spheres.

Every phase tells a story.      


LA ENTRADA A LA NOCHE -- Doorway to the Night

La entrada a la noche es donde esa estrella brilla 

      en el ojo de esta patata pobre.

The doorway to the night is where that star shines

       in the eye of this poor potato.

Estrella con ajo. -- Star with garlic.

Estrella con queso de cabra que la hija hace.

Star with goat cheese that the daughter makes.

Estrella con fragancia del desayuno, la fragancia 

      de la ceniza de la chimenea  

      sobre la ropa negra de la madre. 

Star with fragrance of breakfast, the fragrance

       of ash from the hearth

       on the mother's black dress.

Estrella con tomates que se frien sin aceite

      en el campo caliente donde el padre

      los cosecha estas tardes.

Star with tomatoes that are fried without oil

      in the hot field where the father

      harvests them these afternoons.

Estrella con oscuridad, la luna joven no brilla

      sobre su mesa.

Star with darkness, the young moon does not shine

      on their table.

Estrella con patata por el qual pela el hijo.

Star with potato that the son peels.

Su cuchillo apaga esa estrella, apagando

      la noche.

His knife turns off that star, turning off

      the night.


Blushing crescent

on the far side of the sky



Half moon, it's razor edge

slices the heavens.

Sagittarius bleeds.


In the dark valley

one flickering firefly

ignites the full moon.


>>>>> Presidenn's Day <<<<<

ebike2mars.com BT14by.0117.053AT

"Do we celebrate ahha Presidenn's Day on the Outer Hemi?" Alfeem asks.

"No, Alfeemmm. Mmmama believes that here we should be concerned with hemmmispheric and planetary events, not the deconstruction of history," Alfanda answers.

"Today, togetherh, we could ask imporhtant questions like whetherh Jopiterh contains a rhocky corhe orh is it pure metallic hydrhogen, forhmed by grhavitational collapse orh forhmed by corhe accrhetion", suggests Alfom. 

My Trippplets interact so wonderfully. But. How is it possible to hear their voices when I am not with them?

"What about the First Lady? Ahha simple story about her wouldn't marginalize events, right?"



Whap, whap. Martha's cherrywood cane is not equipped with a rubber tip. Whapping to the parlor, she focuses on the portrait of George for a long while, unsure who he is. Whap. She turns around to face the south wall, removes her spectacles, looks down into the Appalachian grain of the floorboards, replaces the spectacles across her nose, then looks up at the gas lamp in need of polishing. Apprehensive that the whassy soot will drop, whass, onto her hair, she whaps her silk shoes toward the armoire, in synch with the whap of her cane.

Martha Washington has outlived all her children and both husbands. She feels lost without them. "I wander around trying to locate myself," she remarks to a familiar face behind the tilted frame of the cheval glass. Whap, whap. Whass.

>>>>> Spin to the Salt Cave <<<<<

ebike2mars.com BT14by.0117.034AT

"How are we ahha surviving in this extremely low stratospheric pressure!!" Alfeem screams pouncing and waving frantically at me. 

But my pedals won't stop spinning. The magnetometer on my handlebar reads 90000 microTeslas! 4.65 billion year old Augrites (.6mT) and other fossilized meteorites (5-10mTs) were studied to determine when our solar nebula dissipated.  90000 mTs could effect the tilt and orbit of our hemisphere. No wonder I lost control of the ebike.

"Mama Marhzee, will we be safe from the solarh flarhes while you arhe away?" Alfom asks.

"Yes, dear," he's unable to hear me.

Ubeyou does not realize the seriousness of what's happening. He rambles on about long lost phenomena. "Now, Exo homeschoolers (with the help of astrophysicists) can predict the shape of signals emulating from oscillons that fluctuated in clumps from accelerating inflatons (scalar fields dominating the Bioverse after initial expansion). If  some black hole masses were created by inflation, it would imply Quantiverse. Some of these balloon verses could expand and collapse in a short time, without forming anything. Others would have formed billions of stars billions of years ago, before our Bioverse formed. Lest we forget, Enstein predicted gravitational waves warping the shape of time/place."

"mmMama, I fear you won't ..."   Alfanda's voice disintegrates.....

I wake up in the Salt Cave, counting quantum sheep. Unsure of the timeframe. E calendar on the CP flashes:

ebike2mars.com BT14by.0117.045AT

The crystal walls are dimly lit by the soft beam of my waist lamp. I recall Frob mentioning that the electromagnetic oscillation coming from this type of transparent crystalline structure induces healthy wavelengths while neutralizing artificial frequencies. And the trace minerals interact to promote strong immune systems.

What is that handwriting behind the salt stalactite? Could be missing pages from the Looss Leaf files:


THE SLOT                LLf #TS203

While the others sleep, Dorothy slides her walker to the velvety recliner for a midnight snack. Thank goodness she didn't sit on her other favorite chair, in the dining room, which she thinks is a toilet seat.

I offer her a cracker. Ten minutes later the cracker is still in her hand. She stares at it. Slips it up her sleeve. Pulls it out. Pushes it into her sock. Pulls it out. Stares again. Then she slides the cracker down the front of her nightgown.

"Dorothy, is there something I can do for you?" I ask.

"Yes," she replies, "I'm looking for the slot."

Holding her wrist,  I redirect the cracker toward her mouth. And she takes a bite.


Wait!! That is MY story. How could it be under the name and copyright of Looss Leaf??

>>>>> Rotation 24837 (=?th yr) <<<<<

ebike2mars.com BT14by0117.031AT

What are the plans for this rotation?

"Let's do some solarh flarhe calculation. The highest gamma rhay enerhgy is at 3 billion electrhon volts, billion ton cloud of plasma splooming into space, CME at 5 million mph," explains Alfom.

"Then, let's go ring grazing at Saturn's B level where emmmbedded  mmmoonlets have reshaped ring propellers, and not forget the straw immmages from NAS's Cassini," Alfanda suggests.

"I want to ahha adjust the wheels on roverbott Uriousity. It's moving only one ahha centimeter per second along Ale crater," shouts Alfeem.

"We shall celebrate by taking time off from Exo homeschooling," insists Ubeyou. "Marzy, this is your day. What do you choose to do?"

"After fermented brunch at the Salt Cave with images of ZGB Daqlen's exponential expressions, we'll have a dance party to the beat notes of nonequallibrium matter crystallizing in Place/Time. Then spin into posture for silent drumming. Write a story, time permitting before the 24837th rotation is complete."



The Bear family crossed this gravel highway to a stand of Appalachian sycamores. Mama selected her trunk, then clawed the bark forcefully. Sister Bear and the four brothers did their best with selecting.

For a long while Mama's cubs practiced the clawing technique, scratch scratch scribble rip. They clawed their bark until an Element wheeled around the switchback at which moment the Bear family scrambled up the ridge. All except Sister who peeked out from behind her trunk to wave at the strange furless creature behind that windshield. Is it you?


>>>>> Site Analysis - 0117 AT update <<<<<

ebike2mars.com BT14by0117.024 AT

As no active threats are reported, site is SAFE to browse.

Daily unique visitors 31, views 71.

2 facebook likes, 1 facebook share

Delicious shares N/A

Inverse bounce ratio = 5/100

Cutestat rating = 1.67 stars

After one year and seven months, this extension has an estimated worth of only $62. "Because the costs of mining and transporting magnetite, ilmenite and metallic meteorites are higher than the value of the minerals themselves, " explains Ubeyou.

Climatic cycles, from the greenhouse effect of volcanic debris, etched rivers and lakes. This rust red terrain is suitable for today's touring ecyclists and roverbotts. Currently the thermoscanner at the equator  reads 70° F noon, down to -100 F midnigh, at the pole minus 165 F. 

Alfanda comments, "Temmmperature is the kinetic energy of wriggling particles. In the lab scientists can design artificial                                      temmmperature by shining squeezed light into an aluminummm drummm (20 micrometers X 100 nanometers) linked to a cooling circuit, to create a photon with the ability to remmmove a phonon. With each phonon remmmoved, a surface reaches closer to absolute zero, when wriggling ceases."  

"Mama, I want to ahha analyze the fossil in this shale, longitude minus 122.19," shouts Alfeem. "Cone shaped ahha hyolith 240 to 530 million years old. Let's reclassify this ahha ancient sea dweller. Species is the missing link of evolution. Now we've solved the ahha palentological puzzle!"   

Enough of this outer hemi site analysis. I miss the rustling leaves on the inner hemisphere, those grazing long horned goats, wild rosehips... 

Sun was fainter 3.8 billion years ago 

"Winds that accelerhated adjacent to Valles Marhinarhis forhmed these rhust rhed rhipples across the terrhain," Alfom informs us.

"And what about ahha gravity, does it make waves?" Alfeem asks.

Ubeyou answers, "Yes. As each gravitational wave passes from the cosmos, it squishes the terrain (and us) making it slightly wider, then the wave stretches objects making them slightly higher. Other waves, such as radio, x-rays and electromagnetic radiation bounce off us, pass through us or absorb into us."

"mmMama, have you seen oceanic non linear internal solitary waves when you lived on the Inner Hemmmisphere?"

Did I imagine that question. Is this place real?



Far from the sky, beyond the bright of stars 

lies a daunting place

deep in the heart of imagination.

The place to where being strays 

after usefulness is reaped.

There to the unyielding emptiness arms reach,

veins turning colder than winter branches.

To there a haunted hoof leaps, a lost sole floats.

Femurs rest and rumours cease

as creation ever after sleeps. 

Imagine the place, or not.  

- -------------------------------------

"Do cats believe in ahha heaven?"

An unlikely thought from my crew.


S.C.A.T.  Local Transit 

Kitty rides when it rains, rides the SCAT bus  

that departs transit central for CitizensTrust  

with a transfer to Calico Corners at dusk

where alley cats loiter, their beady eyes waiting

for handouts from Pelican Lady.

Kitty counts the umbrellas parading this route. 

Cougars, out loud, read the bus headline news:

For stop requests pull on Somalia's fur suit.

Emissions controlled by the Pusses in Boots.

Discounted fares for all senior Siamese.

Dispose of used scratch boxes properly please.

Catnip prohibited.  

No toking weeds. 

Reserve seats in front for our disabled Persians. 

Affirmative action for chocolate Himalayans.

whose transport is sponsored by friends of Abyssinians.

For purring disorders call 9-1-1 Lives.

To reorder kibbles on credit press five.

Kitty is phoneless and hungry, yet dry.

Tabby bowls Milkinson Lanes, not Kitty

whose bus is approaching pet psychic Doe Jane  

as, across the speed humps, Angora's son paces

waiting for service from Flea Ridge to Paw Place. 

Sleek Lioness, marching down the bus aisle,

left Hairball Salon, pedicured, back a mile.

Sylvester and Felix enter laughing in style

Catanadromous, the beachcombing Greek breed,

catches his meal as it spawns from the creek,

then catches this bus. To Kitty he speaks,

"Representing the humane society PAC,

I vote Yes to more funding for Cataracts Act."

Kitty, who rides blurry eyed when it rains,

in need of new lenses, does not complain.

Bengals board safely from circus tent traffic.

Florida Panther is saved at Saint Patrick.

Sabertooth's exit was after Jurassic.

Puma with shiny dark claws and cool shades

from Catacomb Mart, guaranteed not to fade,

tail custom braided by pedigree traders,

buys at the jeweler a collar in jade.

Kitty's collar is yarn, mostly ravelled away.

Kitty, who survives with exact change only,

steps curbside at the last stop where the driver,

night bound, shakes his head in dismay,

"There's no future for strays in this clouded town."

Kitty, who trusted us, drowns in the ditch, 

face down under the Wishbone Bridge.

(S.C.A.T. = Saber County Area Transit)



ebike2mars.com 0117.020 AT

Replace your SOD today.

Contractors are prescreened to install and maintain new landscapes.

Healthy clod analysis included

Contact SODDESSEY Turf Farm

Serving the Mars area.

"Mama, do you ahha like my business flyer? When the SpaceX voyagers arrive, SOD will be ahha available to grow their chives and quinoa," announces Alfeem. "And this is my ebike banner: In SOD We Trust."

"But Alfeemmm, it's not that easy," Alfanda informs him, "The basis for clod formmmation is hydrated FeO and MgO bearing secondary mmminerals. That is the primmmary control for geochemmmistry."

"Morheoverh," adds Alfom, "marhtian SOD, Self Orhganizing Dust, is orhientated on difficult to rheach rhocks at Merhidiani and at Gusey Plains SOD is sparhsely exprhessed into voids of the dusty surface."

Ubeyou comments, "oddly clumped soil appears to be held together by dampness as SOD or mud. Yet this cohesive property could be caused by electromagnetic fields."

"Suppose we make some mud," I suggest. "Freeze it, put it in a bell jar, pressurize it and inject a little energy as it condenses by abraising the mud at near vacuum. Then see if it turns to SOD."

Do you want to do this experiment in your home?

ZGB Daqlen prefers to sit outside on the woodpile and analyze the texture of logs, as the wild turkeys forage at Eaverdam Knoll.

>>>>> To Our Future Self <<<<<

            (second attempt)

ebike2mars.com 0117.017 AT

Dear Future Marzy, 

Look closely. Woven into your hemp bracelet are strands of hair to confirm genetic identity, that we are the same, the person receiving is the person who sent these instructions from the Outer Hemisphere.

If your daily activities become awkward, listen to your sons' advice. This is a reminder that your family does care about you. When they arrange for help, thank them. Try not to be aggravated if someone suggests to drink water, to bathe, to open the curtain or use a walker. On this unpredictable day, it is your responsibility to allow others to be in charge. Relax, let them do it, enjoy every hour. Dream well. Laugh at each forgetful moment.

Keep the ZGB image of grandson Daqlen next to your heart, along with recall bytes of these outlandish ebike adventures and of regmaglypts, the thumbprints on meteorites caused by burning of softer material during their plunges through the rust red atmosphere.

Sincerely and Seriously,

signed by your Past Self and notarized 

🗾🎨~⚡¥.      Marzy L E   ®

(Yes, you know that this is your signature.)

>>>>> Happy New Lightyear <<<<<

ebike2mars.com 0117.001 AT

"Mama Marhzee, can we...".  "...go ahha nigh skating...". "...at Oxia Planummm?". 

My Trippplets fasten their kindercloaks and pounce toward the ebikes before I can say "Yes"

Spinning across Arabia Terra Highlands, views of Mawrth Ravine ( 4 billion years old, 600 km long) are spectacular. Ubeyou, in the lead with Alfanda and Alfeem, signals me to brake. We dismount, strap the amboo blades onto our eboots and glide, glide with zero stickiness like superfluid gliding uphill in an alternative Bioverse. We glide effortlessly along the icy vallis illuminated by glowing sky particles of the new Lightyear.

"Where is this nigh light commmuning fromm?" Alfanda asks, gliding nervously in question marks.

Could it be 2015TC25, the brightest yet tiniest visible asteroid (6 feet across). She wonders.

Or is it the merger of two black holes creating a gravitational wave power ten times greater than the combined energy of all stars, measured by LIGO Interferometer Observatory.

Or the fossils of Cloudina (first life forms to have skeletons) reflected by rapidly forming vapor.

Maybe it's the light from raw leftover lumps that formed the Bioverse, such as the planetoid MU69.

"Most  likely," says Ubeyou, "this is hemispheric night glow, emissions from nitric oxide caused by collision of atoms brought in with high altitude winds after sun breaks down carbon and nitrogen. (Find out more about glowing particles at 301-286-0039 x5017. Or refer to Wikipedia.)

Alfanda is satisfied. Good answers can settle her into a state of nirvana. She glides in spirals now, not asking where or what.. while all phrases slip far from my writing nebula to the proplyds of Orion, leaving us without an ending.

>>>>> Perpetual Aurora <<<<< 

ebike2mars.com 0116.349 AT

Miisha's creation, Aurora at Castle Wisp, holds the family together perpetually in this dreamscape which evolved from profound talent.

"Are we ahha in the auroric dream?" Alfeem asks.

"Of course you are, my dearest Feem, Fom, Fanda," I assure them.

"Tell us wherhe, Mama Marhzee."

"You are 👇 with Ubeyou, safe, in the distant range."

"And what about papa Ibeemmme?"

"He is relaxing in the petrifried forest to the east."

I shall relax as well. Now.

ebike2mars.com 0116.350 AT

The curved interior walls contain castle shelves displaying glass molecule models, trilobite fossils, the Complete New Yorker Cartoons, physics lectures by Dusst, bizarre art, (but where are the crucial missing pages from Loos Leaf's notebook?) etc. and the next fifty million years of Florida, THE STATE STORY.

(previously Chapter Nil) (see ebike2mars.com 0116.303 AT)

Chapter One -  Face of the Surf

Face of the surf. Eocene.

Corals spawn. Seagrass careens.

Dance of the Coelenterons. 

Urchins roll. Jellyfish whirl.

(That is a deeply soothing chant, mmMama, Alfanda comments)

(I'm reading the script out loud) :

Our peninsula, fifty million years ago, is covered with water. The spring moon activates spawning in Acropora reefs which provide shelter and sustenance for primordial invertebrates.

(I throw popcorn in the air to imitate spawning.)

Agatized coral, a remnant from these marine colonies, is our state stone.

(Look up. On the top castle shelf is a sample of this coral)

Others on the sea bottom deserve an introduction.

Waving at us are Thallophytes, the timeless seagrasses.

The dancer is a jellyfish Coelenteron.

(Mmmama, can I play the part of the jellyfish dancer?)(Yes, Fanda)

Lightweight champion survivalist, Limulus the horseshoe crab, who becomes sexually active at age 9 and who possesses the natural selection to compete in these waters for 445 million years, boasts about his jointed legs, but has no backbone.

Watch NariNari, the spotted ray, gliding to all depths.

(Fom, you can glide like that)

This is Turbinella, the wise old gastropod, with cousin Caricella. Both of them resemble conches of a later era.

The Turitella shell has more delicate and elongated spiral patterns. 

(Feather has a sketch of this species in her portfolio.)

Clypeaster, a prolific echinoid, creeps like a sand dollar.

(Feem, can you mimmick that?)

Panopea and Mulinea propel like clams.

(Camlin, Herin, this is your cue to enter propelling from stage left)

Remember,  Pangaea is the ancient land. What are Panopea and Mulinia? seafaring bivalves. And a millennium? equals one thousand years.

Now, let's all mingle with the reef dwellers in ancient Florida's wild deep sea, our Thallassic Park.

(Chant)(with base frame drum and didgeridoo accompaniment):

Face of the surf. Eocene.

Corals spawn. Seagrass careens.

Dance of the Coelenterons.

Urchins roll. Jellyfish whirls.

Panopeas clasp the moon lit sea.

Thalassic Park

E O E O cene. E O cene.

Our marine colony,

Our Thalassic Park.

Chapter Two - Newborn Land 

Stepping ahead another twenty million years from the Eocene to the Oligocene Epoch, waters recede. We appear as dry land and remain geologically stable. Phosphate, carbonate, foraminifers and marine fossils are set down in layers.

(I hear ahha guitar harmonics and udu drum, says Alfeem)

(To the beat of currhents, adds Alfom.)

Currents deposit siliclastic sediment, then pull the surf offshore

(We need volunteers to move like currents)

birthing a display of dolomite heads, gypsum, claybeds and outcrops of Oolite, say it again, OOLITE, a compressed limestone/calcite mix. Beneath our topsoil, at the lowest levels, lies feldspar.

(How far down? you ask)

Down three, four, five kilometers.

From the balcony we watch episodes of our Terra formation: Diatoms accumulating in the bays, the carving of aquifer systems at Karst sites, compression of trilobite skeletons, crustal crystallization in action.

The heatwave enters carrying a tr....                 

>>>>> Hundredth Revolution <<<<<

ebike2mars.com 0116.345 AT

"Happy One Hundred, Daqlen."

The Inner Hemisphere has revolved a hundred times since ZGBoy's Natal Day. To celebrate we are sending him an interactive hologram of my interpretation concerning Afrik beat notes.👇.  (holography uploading)

"Shake the gourd rattle.".   . "Tap the goatskin."

"Sound out O's and L's."

"You can pull your mother's hair? Careful."      He practiced grip by pulling apart his first paper snowflake.

"Tummy time on the bouncy plasmic sphere.".   

"There you are, the youngest Hemispherean to crash a parade, in line inconspicuously between the mirrored float and balloon people who resemble molecules. Bystanders inquire- "What organization are you marching with?" (ebike2mars? AFT, Asheville Family Therapy?)

Also celebrating are his parents, my son Camlin and his wife Herin who sleep undisturbed through the nigh, as their ZGBoy's crying mechanism ceases during those 6-8 hours.

"You've attended the copestone office party."

"You've outgrown the google diaper, the dinosaur jacket and ebike pants"

"We can picture you discovering objects to put in your mouth.".  Daqlen gazes intensely into space wondering if anyone out there has a spare carbonaceous chondrite for him to sample.

"You can turn Dr Seuss pages already."

"In the waiting room at your dad's optometrist, I see you studying each image of the visual illusion book."

"You test the capacity of this hydraulic scoop before dad presses the excavator's on button."

Under the influence of an interstellar zero gravitational wave disturbance, Daqlen falls asleep at the wheel of his Combi coupe👇


>>>>> The Latest on Lasers <<<<<

ebike2mars.com 0116.340 AT

"The laser on our ebike mmmeasures distance, right mmMama?" Alfanda asks.      "Yes, Fanda.". .      My Trippplets are curious about everything.       "How does a laserh worhk?" Alfom ponders.         "Excited atoms emit photons. For example, a household bulb emits 1.000,000,000,000,000,000,000 photons per second. Essential for laser operation is interference," explains Ubeyou.        "What is ahha Interference?" Alfeem asks.              "Interference, associated with superposition of waves, is the basis for holography and detecting beat notes in optical metrology.".                  "What is optical mmmetrology?" Alfanda asks.           "It concerns measurements of light itself or some distance.".           "What...?".           "The frequency of some laser, laser X, can be measured... if you record a beat note between laser X and a nearby optical signal Z.".           And what is a beat note?      Beat notes are essential for optical heterodyne detection when a signal of interest is mixed with a local oscillator at close frequency. Imagine two free running lasers with uncorrelated noise. The line width of their beat notes is larger than the line width of each laser separately. Moreover, during constructive interference, the total intensity can be 4X of single beams. In destructive interference they can cancel each other out.        "Where can a beat measurement be found?".           In an optical frequency comb, a series of discreet equally spaced elements.  This spectrum is generated by the amplitude of a continuous wave laser. Combs spanning an octave can be used to measure a frequency. For example, the length of an ultra short pulse of light is about 100 fs (femto seconds), a billionth of a second       "Are these all optical or can we audibly detect beat notes?".            "I don't hear anything now.".           "What happens if an undetected cosmic interference interferes with the Physics of interference?".           "Does a transparent laser shoot a beam of darkness through a bright hemisphere?".             We don't have all the answers. Ask the professor riding petrobott # AVL- N2.

>>>>> Decahedral Decembris <<<<<

ebike2mars.com 0116.336 AT

"Deca the All with Boughs of Holly Ahhahaha haha ah ha," Alfeem sings to Alfanda while she analyzes ground surface patterns, "Polygonal cracking with rimmmless pit in the vicinity of Nammmib Dune, appears to be a mmmassive inverse decahedron... The Utopic ice layers hold as mmmuch water as Lake Superior, the remmmaining 99% of slush/solid/vapor lies in subsurface of the planitia... Boulder trail in a radius along Cerberus Fossae fault indicates mmmagma mmmovement at Elysian mmMons frommm a 6.5 quake... Parchlorates at the base of briny slope into Garni crater. ..  Pyroxene noted in igneous rock and, hmmm, what is this? looks like a chunk of iridiummm but feels higher in density.".           "Fanda, name it ! Ahha awesome find," exclaims Alfeem.       "It shall be called mmMuonite," Alfanda replies.

0116.338 AT

Ubeyou decorates the ebikes with strings of rust red fungus bits, chromite tinsel and icosahedrite quasicrystals (like the samples found on an outcrop of serpentinite at the Koryak Mountains of Siberia)  in the shape of aperiodic decahedral snowflakes producing unusual 5 or 10 sided diffractograms that lack translational symmetry, challenging the principles of mathematics and atomic structure.                At the qwerty board, I attempt to retrieve lost replies.     ❣ ❣💤 💤 Signals   ∆∆ from polar vortex...     💭. from the oort cloud intersect at Botta's CP  -f flash-   muls incoming........ .   marzy@emul.om                   Marzy,   Yes, Daqlen experienced his first hike on the Appalachian Trail at Hot Springs. His full pants overflowed onto the ZGB carrier and ......                    Alfeem interrupts, "Mama, it's ahha time to exchange parcels.".            Ubeyou passes me a box wrapped in a frazer leaf.       I don't recognize the stone inside.            "It's marzium," he says.        "Oh, and for you I found ubium," I reply.         Alfanda has mmuonite for Alfom. Alfom passes oortese to Alfeem. And Alfeem givvs his sample to Alfanda and shouts, "this is ahhallucygen."          All of us have discovered new elements this season.

>>>>> Pulsar Envy <<<<<

ebike2mars.com 0116.330 AT

Beams of pulsating electromagnetic radiation burst from rapidly rotating neutron star # PSR B0329+54.             "If we plug the telescope into a loud speaker instead of a CP image display, ebike mechanics could listen to the periodic signal of bright gamma rays at their solar shop," Ubeyou informs us.                       "All I hearh is feedback," remarks Alfom.  .                      "Likely, the Inner Hemisphere has an audio system beamed directly toward us," I surmise:

"I want MY ocean to be as extreme as a Pulsar's million degrees, without evaporation." "And my sauna."

"Being single rucks. I seek a 700 rps companion star. Rotating frantically around each other at the speed of ??, we could be binary for thousands of life years."

"Our ZGBoy deserves the opportunity to practice core balance across a Pulsar wave, to train crawl/sit muscles on the rippled web of gravitational time/place distortion." "Besides, Lure flames drifting on air currents cause vASHill haze, not ideal for lung development."

"My corporation expects to extend its real estate holdings. Marzy, is there a Pulsar listed in the galactic property exchange? preferably with  a core density of a billion tons per square inch and high particle acceleration in the magnetosphere." 

Alfeem pounces to the ebikes, switches the power on and shouts, "Mama, It's Black Buyday, let's go shopping for ahha neutron star particle."

0116.331 AT 

The most accurate time pieces in the Bioverse are Pulsars. O o o o o o eep eep eep eep eep eep, here comes a wave at the frequency of Dembelede, 100 per minute, √ √, an Afrik pulse from my right hemisphere:

                            1.   2.   3.   4.  1...

Intro:                   √   √    √   √   √ ...

Boba or Dun..    s j s s s s j r s j s s j s j s 

Bell...........                               X j x x j x j x         

 (cont.👇)     .     √...                √ ...

Bell.   ......           X j x x j x j x x j x x j x j x :I

Shaker.    .....      j j n                j j n              :I

Kidi or.                √...                  √...

Djembe......         b s b t j s ,t j b s b t j s ,t j :I

Sakara .......        j ,k kk j ,k kk j ,k kk j ,k kk :I

(or Block)

                              √...                 √ ...

Boba or Dun....    z z r ,rz rz ,z z z r ,rz rz ,z :I

phrase 2.........     zz z j,rzzrz r zz z j,rzzrz r :I

phrase 3.........     z zzr j z rzzr z zzr j z rzzr :I


 . ......          (2continue)

>>>>> Thankgivvig <<<<<

ebike2mars.com 0116.328 AT

Givvig, who resides atop the highest cedar with boughs bending in a cluster to form a hammock from where views of all Thankers and non-Thankers are clear year round, is your parent's imaginary friend. Which is fine. I have an imaginary family. Our belief preference is Wordology. We do not believe in Giving, the pronunciation is wrong. Give, long "I" as in Drive, would be accurate, or simply respell the word replacing E with V, Givv as in Thanksgivving.  

...  ... ... ... and before accepting the Brainstorm Award, tnigh's Winner givvs thanks, "to my Astrospeller and the team's Astropropulsioneer who... ... ... ... ... ... ...and to my true and my alternate families for all th.. .  ... ... ... ...     ..."       

"Fanda, Fom, Feem," Ubeyou calls to my Trippps who are seated on pyrite stools with freedri  fungus trays on their laps, "let's thank about what is important to our existence.".                     Alfanda and Alfom begin, "We thank the genes that givv us our daily instinct, vitality and loveabllity.".                   "I givv thanks to Opabinia of the Cambrian explosion, extremophilic organisms and to the advent of enzymatic bacteria," continues Ubeyou.              "We thank the lord Mmmagellen for convincing us that hemispheres are curved, not flat.".            "I thank Tesla for alternate current. And that ebike battery builder of Venic.".                "What would we do without mmmoisture, salt, the feldspar basement, gravity, photosynthesis, stellar power? thanks for being there, Elemmments and Energies."             "Highest thanks to the Source of neutronic design and collapse."              "We givv  higher thanks to Grammas of all species."                   "And I thank Givvig," adds Alfeem, "for being ah ha so imaginary." 

>>>>> The Frightful Dreads <<<<<

ebike2mars.com 0116.319 AT

1) Two galaxies collide. Only 114 million light years from us.             "Look, mmMama, the spirals are dancing together, " says Alfanda.   "That's right. And their ocular shaped center weeps molecular gas at 223,694 miles per hour," I explain to my Trippplets.            "Faster than ah ha speeding ebike," shouts Alfeem.           "Will the tearhs rheach us beforhe the Boomerhang Nebula sheds it's outerh layerhs to become a white dwarhf? " Alfom wonders.

2) The NEO Studies Center issues a cosmic calamity watch for LA where an 800 foot wide space rock is expected to collide with Ecyclists in 0120 AT.

2.5)  "Mama Marhzee," exclaims Alfom frightfully, "the gauge is at 36 F warmerh than usual on soviet Norhrh Pole, spiked almost to melting point!"    "And ahha arctic ice is forming much slower!" Alfeem notices through the lens.      "How mmmuch will this destroy our Bioversal ecology, mmmama?" Alfanda asks.

What is as frightful?

3) When your heart stops. Lighting bolt shocks as you rappel down Tevil's Dower.

4) Nightmares on Helm Street.

5) You find your child covered in blood. Horrified. No way to stop bleeding.

6) Falling into a dark hideous space.

What is most terrifying?

7) Space inside the skull of your presidenn elect, mediocrity so extreme that the seriously insane cannot cope with it

0116.320 AT

7.5) During her concession speech Illary was scared chitless, yet she convinced the audience that all is calm, all is righ ,  t.                              ×\÷¥¢£≥©≠.              ########,x.  Xxxcccccc

             Wha.            Wha             ∆~∆~]¥]°]^. 

     What         bbia.    is.           Happening

               To           my.      . eb.       . .site.              .THEY.          Deleting ebike2mars.com.      Fr.    Om.         Wikipedia.        ?                Opposition.           Dis approves.             Outer.           Hemi. XXXXXX

                                                  Commentary.        XXXXXX        Help me.             Deem and Dom, where.         .are          you ? ?.....is there

.an algorithm to.         XXXXXX            ,. prevent XXXXXxxxxx

                                                          further.          dis truction of.          this paxxxxxxxxxxxxx. of,,,, this p p page.  

Wrong Password 

Media Aborted Due to a Corruption Problem

You Are Offline 

Check Your Connection 

Try Again Later

Is There ZGB Dribble On The Power Supply

Try Again Next Leapyear

         (Nothing).    _____*****_______________.        

(Not Yet).      ...........xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.     Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


- f flash - mul incoming

from: deem&dom@emul.om 0116.326 AT

Marzy,          We met with BEMA (Bioverse Emergency Management Agent) who approved our hackerproof antiviral relay between hemispheres. Ebike2mars.com is now back online.             We keep you in our tabs always,               Weedledeem and Weedledom

>>>>> Umpsters <<<<<

ebike2mars.com 0116.314 AT

The Umpsters are coming. The Umpsters are coming. They have arrived already. They are taking your space, your parking lot, your municipal landfill. They destroy mycelium in the microclimates that your forefathers established. They bigotize your child's classroom. They steal from the poor and redistribute to the wealthiest. They falsify your prescription, corrupt your digestion. They arrest their opponents' leader, harass genders of the third kind. They send their representative to your friends and countrymen to assure them that everything will be OK. YOU are the ONE left who is still rational. Hurry, escape while you can. Jump your ebike to the Outer Hemi, we here are colonizing the C D site.   🌀 🌀 🌀 ☁ ☁ ⭐   Welcome, anti-Umpster refugee. Hungry? This rust red terrain accepts Biosphere 3 sweet potato credits.

>>>>> Selection Day <<<<<

ebike2mars.com 0116.313 AT


Emocrat          Inton / Aine               💬

Epublican.      Ump / Ence.              💬

Ecyclist.          Ibeeme / Marzy .      💬

Write in.          Anders.                       💬

Who are you selecting?

Nova selected   🐾   🚵 

>>>>> Saving Daylight <<<<≤

ebike2mars.com 0116.311 AT

Why subtract time to maximize light when we can simply adjust high beams.

\\\\\ Nov Ember /////

ebike2mars.com 0116.306 AT

It's the celestial intruder alert system that detects asteroidal embers moving towards the Inner Hemisphere. The B612 team deals with these threats, for example the trajectory of Ember K16U36R, not on a collision course with ZGB who whimpers in D Lydian, who digests in Swahili 6, whose hiccups accompany the unaccompanied cello suite.

0116.307 AT

It's after midnigh on the Outer Hemi from where the embers appear to travel obliquely away from us. Alfeem, Alfom and Alfanda are tucked into their kindercloaks dreaming with grins. Ubeyou passes me a mug of magma tea. His finger bumps mine. This contact energizes our neural sensors. Wow. We hadn't touched since.....          ........   "Wake up, Mama Marhzee."    "The ebikes are ahha charged.".    "Let's spin to mmMarsalot."       The Trippps and I mount ebike Tanndem. Ubeyou stays at the CD site to adjust Botta's spokes and to collect vapor from the fissure near the hydroxyl band.      ↔. ↪➡ ➡➡ Upon crossing the meridian   ↕   our front tire ➡  thumps onto a post 🚧. hidden by the rust red terrain.    📊.   Fireworks supermarket.. Goldwing Roadsmith⚠.         🚳..    🔣oodwill accepting donations  ..blood drive today ..donate your heart drop box  ▪▪▪▪▪▪.        🆓  ..free cheese pizza to any family in need ..Blue Springs Rd, haven't seen a spring since the gap ..Coffee movers topkick cab ..we care for hands ..Spring Creek Rd ..the SPRINGHOPPER smiles ..Chatenooga chew chew pulled pork .. best bang for your bucks ..cozy exit quality comfort. Nickajack rest area .. you're in Sundrop country ..revival is our focus in Tennessee .. that's where my root system started ..Red River watershed .. Martin springs Rd mile 143 interstate 24 ..            "What is this place, mmmama?" "Are we in ahha Marsalot?"           "Not Marsalot. This must be the yet undiscovered Sign Cemetery," I explain to my trippplets.         "Let's explorhe.".                  Patty's 1880 settlement 20.. Mineral Mound state park ..  . Ragland . Monkey's Eyebrow . Green up Possum trot . Rabbit Hash Skylight . Forks of Elkhoon . Russell Springs . .brussel sprouts along the winding riverbanks of Kentucky. Dusty's Signs.  . billboards available.  . Beefmasters  . National Quilt Museum . Shoe Carnival. .  . Daylight Donuts on Hinkleville Rd.  ..  . Pheasant Hollow Winery.  . almost skipped Illinois. . midnight in Missouri .  Betty Boop Nostalgia hot spot .  SSubmarine Veterans Memorial Hwy . Centralia USA .   

                                       ( Bored?  To unsubscribe scroll down to >>>>> Phalloween Season <<<<<) . 

where's the water . ,102 miles . Go straight on Int 70 West . Historic downtown Roachport, no Rocheport .    . Love's Travel Stop . Blue Springs 62 miles. . . Sweet Springs .. Bonner Spring .. Wakeeny Wind Farm .. plots of nothing .. single lane .. exits closed .. can't get anywhere from here .. Kansas dusk by headlights .. symbol of believers at the horizon ..bulbs missing on the cross .. empty place .. no spring .. no barn .. Breakfast Closed .. homing pigeon lost in space above Post Rock Scenic Highway .. seen by noon ..let the power wire be your guide .. to Abandoned Wheatfield .. inhale whiff of broken harvest blade .. white lines from here to horizon .. follow these steps .. stomp, drill, bend, pump, pull .. roadside oil dance .. fence line speeds backwards at 60 from Cathedral of the Plains .. Steamburg museum . Abortion Forbidden .. slaughter house, not solar house .. eyesight tricks drivers at Magic Flatlands .. lamb jam w/toast .. where there's a creek is there a spring? .. stones on a dry bed .. water is a daydream .. Boot Hill 18,000 pairs .. hallowed be thy name .. Thank ye for stopping at our rest area .. Mennonites  go against the wall, don't believe in public toilets .. World's Largest Prairie Dog .. owl's , loons, Buffalo, rattlesnakes, quail, coyote, Six legged Steer .. Caterpillars till the earth .. somewhere between Goodland and Badlands .. field of sunshine crop dusted with petrol slime .. East Spring Creek divides a row of sagebrush, nothing left of the flow .. giant windmill blade rests on a semi .. Caution at pond .. ducks eliminating on sidewalk .. Happy Canyon .. ten to the minus 43 of a second after the bang .. gravity expanded electromagnetically .. Goldilocks effect .. particles but no elements.. spoonful of neutron=200 billion pounds of stars = supernova expand theory .. Oyster Club .. rising and falling sea levels    Greenland Baptist Rd ..chain law enforced while flashing .. elevation 6034 Colorado Spgs ..Black Forest ..ikes Peak ..Seven Falls ..Cave of the Winds ..lasting manifestations at Al Alley Shrine Mule Train .. Fountain 7 Solar Farm .. Octopus Express Car Wash   🎴ricket Wireless Plan ..🐫POE Elks # 90 ..curves tighten .. Lulu's Bar and grill ..RMS Cranes ..need an address? Sagebrush to scrubby Juniper....  watch dor wildlife on highway ..gusts likely ..higher winds may exist ..Echo Canyon Highway of Legends .. Frosty Snacks .. Antler Artwork ..please drive safely in memory of .. Costilla ..Soil Conservation  Land for sale . roofless cabin, condemned outhouse ..Sierra Grande School ..hot water panels on roof elev 7746   Bisonburgers and Soft Serve .. reservoir 3 miles ..Great Sanddunes Park 16> ..no snowplowing 7-9 pm on West 60 . plateau mirage ..puddles on pavement or spring? .. Alligator Valley .. reptile viewing area .HIS Ranch .No Name Lane Brush Lane ..Rodeo Lane ..Fudgy Turtle, hot and funky ..Ears2U Corn Market ..frontier eyes .. potato pawn  ..Del Viento .. the Feed Store church ..Pagosa Springs ..organic pedalling ..we buy antlers  ..come see the pile ..elk jerky ..Chapel of the South Fork .1800 miles to Texas along Rio Grande from San Juan Mtns ..elev 8180 .. highway springs campground ..Mineral County ..2 lighted tunnels ..7% downgrade ..Fawn Gulch access ..BillyGoat Saloon .. Grasshopper landscape and supply ..Hogs are Beautiful ..Dry Creek ..end wildlife detection zone ..Florida Acres ? ..Florida River ? ..in the Rockies ? ..fallen stone area ..Red Angus .. Southern Ute Reservation ..Pak Rat Storage ..Three Springs Blvd ..Durango Pet Resort and flea market ..Natural Grocers. ..........?......           (2continue)  

>>>>> Phalloween Season <<<<<

ebike2mars.com 0116.300 AT

👇   Phalloween Season,



during which Daq's sleepy smile finds his sucking thumb before which the ZGB carrier hikes him along Corn Shoals trail to Bridalveil overlook after which Camlin replaces his Legacy with an Element at the moment when Ubeyou's spectrometer detects traces of tridymite at the silicate wall on the Outer Hemi, sparks the curiosity of Alfanda, Alfeem and Alfom who find space debris near Gale Crater. Could it be a scrap piece of ExoMars lander that is lost, possibly crashed, on its mission to find methane? Only the SST telescope knows for sure, which has been relocated to Austraila from NM for viewing the Bioverse from a subequatorial perspective.                 

0116.303 AT

The Trippplets offer to help Ubeyou upon his return from Cecropia with supplies.       "U B, we can unpack ebike Tanndem forh you," says Alfom.               Alfeem spots some favorites. "Crueller sprouts, ananas, Frazer magnolia leaves, the softest for wiping ah ha any ...". Alfanda interrupts, "I amm going back inside to help mmmama with her state story project.".             "Of course, Fanda,"  Ubeyou agrees.                              Alfanda and I begin to print across the silicate wall which expands beyond the C D, long enough for my story and yours.                       Panther, the state mammal. Seagrape, the state bush. Florida, THE STATE STORY.      Chapter Nil (5 billion BT) :                                  WE are surfers of the cosmos. Rhythmic waves transport us through five billion years in a single timeframe.    The beginning is bleakly black. No solar system. No planet. No Florida. This emptiness is crushed instantly as astroflaring sparks the formation of our plasmic sphere. Hydrogen begets Helium, Helium begets Carbon, Carbon begets Oxygen. Molten minerals cool and converge with cataclysmic force. The appearing land mass we call Pangaea.  P a n g a e a.               Our time travel takes us to Gondwanaland where we will stop for a smoothie, no no, Gondwanaland where many continents are joined together along the Iapetus Ocean of five hundred million years ago. The prevalent rock form is Paleozoic Pluton, an intrusive body of hardened lava the size of a mountain. Moving to the planet's granite basement, we witness a major tectonic event, the Triassic rift, an earthquake of unimaginable magnitude. The rock walls rumble and crack around us. Florida breaks away from Africa. Shifting westerly, our peninsula bumps into North America where busy geologic threads suture Florida's border to the Suwanee Strait.      .           We speed past the next three thousand millennia.     ........ . . .          . "It's late.We'll continue the story next Moonday. Gnigh Fanda, Feem, Fom. Mama will take you for a spin at the dust of daun."  I kiss, kiss, kiss them. 

\\\\\ Octoberiffs /////

ebike2mars.com 0116.280 AT

No need to spin to the Afrik Hemi. The Afrikans have come here, to celebrate Daqlen ZGB, new nephew of Alfeem, Alfom, Alfanda and Dusst, first cousin for Clyme.                 Costumes are stranger than Star Bar's standards. Cowry shell masquerader leaps in all directions. The stilt dancer with long black cloth beard startles you. We hear chatter of shakarees, the do-do hum, wholetone of balas, djembe slapping, heartbeat of the bell, sakara riffs and midnigh pounding of dun drums that reverberate beyond Phobos, deep into the Kuiper belt where UZ224 revolves 8.5 billion miles from the sun, the IAU, International Astronomic Union, to determine if that dwarf planet shall be Pluto's replacement.

ebike2mars.com 0116.290 AT

On the Inner Hemisphere, Camlin, father of ZGB, continues the celebration with his riffs in seven meter, i.e. short long short short long, tapping the beat on baby Daqlen's back until he falls to sleep. Mother Herin watches, canine Nova guards.

0116.292 AT

Often Daqlen floats between the recurring brain states of slumber and wakefulness. Wait, how do I know this? It's that, I mean,.. I must be floating as well, between and onto various hemispheres, as required to comfort my new g-son or to converse with Alf, into Gramma's casa for family day, then back to my Trippplets at the rust red C D, along the campaign trail with their father Ibemee, running on the Ecyclist platform.. OK to condition with Dea's kungfuers,, to visit Frob's unit..to solarize with Green Axle (float, float) under the garden boughs..across the Leg Acy ebike trail.. Eff, Ara, I'm floating through your polymetric riffs.             Wish I could be with all of you now, but haven't gained the neural power nor solved the time/place algorithm that would find myself everywhere simultaneously. However, orbiter Rosetta did find spacecraft Philae after being lost since 0114 AT on the 5 billion year old icy molecules of comet 67P. 

\\\\ To Our Future Self /////

ebike2mars.com 0116.273 AT

Dear future Marsy,.             This is written to you digitally and on paper. Please find borh copies. Inside the envelope is your footprint, lock of hair for gene I D, and page of 50's magazine with your model pho ... ... (2 continue)

\\\\\ Marathon on Charon /////

ebike2mars.com 0116.259 AT

This post Olympic event is scheduled on the CP timeline aboard spacecraft New Orizons. Charon, not a monotonous cratered moon, holds a challenging course. Its fractured geology near the equator stretches four times as long as the Grand Canyon. It's north pole, oddly the color of coagulated boar blood, breaks most hemispheric extremes at below minus 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Arctic runners will be equipped with ?? insulatech. The touring Ebike race, sponsored by batteryblocs.com, will begin after the Arctic competition.             Shallon (voice chaser) and Kaareezlon (keys keeper), Pilon cousins previously residents of asteroid Pilo,  have been recruited to mark trails.   👇

ebike2mars.com 0116.272 AT 

Mercury reaches its greatest western elongation of 17.9 degrees from the sun, while my Trippplets and I list our to do's at the CD site. We are seated comfortably by the Omak rock head sculptures which were replicated in Tobasco, I H (Inner Hemi)       List:.      #1. Inventory nutriments .. morninga oil, loquat leaf teabags,  dehydrated starfruit, rosehip nuggets, turmeric powder, grapeseed extract, nettle flakes, freedri spirulina ....     #2. Organize supplies ..fossil scrubbers, sharktooth pick, Ubeyou's CH, jhaorub, tent, Swiss blade .....#3.  Refresh ebike CP, adjust spokes .. #4. Gather shakers, rhythm sheets, skins ..  #5. Empty pouches .. #6. Discard redundancy ...  ......... 

\\\\\ Nine Eleven /////

ebike2mars.com 0116.255 AT

On this date sixteen years ago, Errorists were shopping amongst us, renting condos in our neighborhoods, and taking lessons at our airport. They walked like us, spoke our language.                                    🌸 👥 🌸    To those who lost loved ones, this is a plea for forgiveness. We, the people of Venic, did not suspect intruders, therefore were unprepared to alert the world of the impending tragedy. In our heart we carry some of your sorrows, Marsy to bury them on the Outer Hemisphere.  😢 

\\\\\ Septembered ////// 

ebike2mars.com 0116.245 AT

"Marsy ST (Storm Trooper),  it's really rough out there. How do you keep the elements from slip sliding into your ebike?"                                  "Well, the BT pioneers (before Tesla pioneers) owned no PM (petro mobile), no VM (volt mobile), no FM (flight machine). Obviously. There was a method, during storms back then, to successfully operate the CW (covered wagon), the BBE (bare back express) and leg muscles.".  

ebike2mars.com 0216.246 AT

          ☁☁💧💧💧💧☁      During today's interhemispheric cloudburst, Camlin and Herin announce the dropdown of their ZGB, zero gravity baby, Daqlen. The Astropediatrician swipes him across the proton induction thermoscanner, all physio systems, including the wriggle reflex,, functioning at or beyond normal.               


\\\\\ Pi Discharged /////

ebike2mars.com 0116.226 AT

Pi devollted due to irrational amp input cycles. π has outlived further essential value for Ecyclists. An evolutionary platinum number called Phi accurately calculates warps in the time/place continuum, without the caffeine factor. Phi=1.618033988749895.   or in a plane angle,  [<b>phi</b>,<b>phi</b>]     If Pi is required on the Inner Hemisphere, Pi =1.9416110449xPhi. The symbol for Phi is (l) or ➰ or ❇, depending on which sector the voyager is calculating. Memorize Phi, 1.61803. No need for Pi, 3.1416.            ??     P.S. Pi remains valued for ferment formulas in circular jars and harvesting on the peninsula      ..

ebike2mars.com 0116.241 AT

On the leeward side of that dune an old gull waits, nestled in the sand. Feathers faded, flight spent. It's tired eyes tilt toward dusk, then roll back to follow a receding wave. I happen to be here, stepping along the shore, as this gull waits, not much longer.   💦

ebike2mars.com 0116.242 AT 

At another side of the dune, Hannah's arthritic limbs twitch on a hospital bed. Her eye sockets have receded, sight spent. Her tilted jaw moans. I happen to be here, listening, as this woman waits. Moans.   😵   Waits. The horrific pain keeps her from passing. Outlasts doom. 😠

ebike2mars.com 0116.243AT

On the top side, a nested egg wavers, or is it a twitching womb? Can't be seen. It's foggy. I happen to be 🚵 ebiking along the graded side of that dune as the watchman announces, "Replacements are needed. Pop out already."          ......       🐣          .....     🚼

\\\\\ Perseus of August /////

ebike2mars.com 0116.216 AT

As Swift-Tuttle osculates around the sun, it deposits a trail of particles visible to Ecyclists jumping across the hemisphere. 200 mph is possible, meteors per hour. Radiant of the shower lies in that direction 👍 ↖, the Perseids sector.

ebike2mars.com 0116.218 AT             

My Trippplets and I have arrived safely at the CD after a short trip up the hydroxyl band. Ubeyou remains subsurface to complete business with Kaareezlon.    Alfom, Alfeem and Alfanda are excited about sharing their discovery at this site. They blindfold me, then pull my hand to a silicate wall. "Mmmama, can you guess what you're touching here?" Alfanda asks. "It feels like a stone relief of a mango the size of a football, and next to it, longon branches with clumps of drooping fruit," I reply.   Alfeem moves my hand to a series of vertical dashes and random angles carved adjacent to pictographs. This wall is covered with IMC, interdimensional message coding:.  "| | √√ v^^^ VZ v l l llT v^><<>|. ". 🔨(translation)=. Camlin has rewired and laminated Rookwood.           💐 Teve sends bouquet from Hempshire.         🈶 The Hong Hemisphere has granted Ynlee permanent residency. She is never returning to the Inner Hemi.  ..... however, Gramma returned from CijijiC.          🍰 Androo presented the wedding cake to his bride.          🍳  Before their journey to the panhandle, uncle Alf and cousin Alfander revisit the 92% dewpoint suite. 🛀                     Alfom uncovers my eyes, then speaks seriously, "Mama Marhzee, you should write your state story here!".      here on this intergalactic message board.        

\\\\\ Juno in July /////

ebike2mars.com 0116.190 AT

Spacecraft Juno is expected to begin it's polar orbit around Jopiter at the coordinated universal time during which July arrives early where you are, on the Inner Hemisphere; monsoons to fall sooner, dust bowls to expand chaotically. It is the owl's glare      

  that can alter climatic patterns as well as influence the choreography of doers: the chalk messenger lures you with an art attack, "Nyla, please marry me" on the sidewalk framed with bouquets and calcite cupids.       In the cedar tub soakers soak up precambrian magnesium and lithium.   The ascender 


with eyes on the back of his head ascends the incline toward a ledge dangler.    Hoop Dancer stoops onto a sagebrushed easel, as wind sandpaints the silo sector. Nothing there to slow it down, turbine on the move, goat on a leash.           Where I am, with my Trippplets on the Outer Hemi, days and nights of stellar flares has altered the topography of sector H64URZ. We will remain subsurface until the rockslide alert is lifted. 

ebike2mars.com 0116.206 AT

The debris left behind by Marsden/Kracht radiates from constellation Aquarius. Ubeyou extends Kaareezlon's scope through the chimney of the oddly lit room and up to the surface opening, so that we can observe the comet tails. Alfanda peeks into the lens, but bounces away, giggling uncontrollably. Sprinkles from the comet tickle her eyeballs, though viewed with the protection of tinted glass. Alfom peeks next, "Mama Marhzee, look, a Sanddancerh on a rhay of the Jah movement."   

ebike2mars.com 0116.207 AT

Ebike Botta  has been trickle charging on the bank of.  


on the bank of the liquid byway which changes colors during the double moon phases. Wellborn Gospel Hospital .. leatherwood barnyard ..bent Laurel Gap ..what is this?, "reflections from a distant hemisphere, along this liquid byway," remarks Ubeyou.  Pray for Acorns ..merge left ..Yankee candles lost in creation ..all lakes damned in southern Smokies ..Frostie Pole monument services ..Black tie and tail dog service..,Bearmeat 16oz ribeye ..fried Bologna ..tater ridge ..got Bibles? ..junk , call we haul ..goats mow kudzu ....Bald Mnt Camping .. monkey wrench gang .. Jonquil Ln Pope Storage ..Pro Flame Pro Pane ..well drilling .. where's the spring?  ..spoiled rotten ..boiled peanuts .. stoker's fireplace supply ..stump grinding and greening ..sub urban alpine animals ..smelters grist mill .. exclusive Aardvark satellites preferred ..lazy Elk's rustic furniture ..king spring bedding ..ducktown, Tennessee ..shot of corn crackling across the median ..the Copper Duck tavern ..Duck express canopy tours ..wide loads seek alternate route ..burrs burrs Creek, is it spring fed? ..Oconee gorge 6% grade, all waterflow controlled by gates .kayak traffic ..gasaway  streambed ..SR 64 landslide on YouTube in 09 ..wooden flume holding the hillside knock less monster ..welcome to the River Maze whitewater grill .. kid's cascades ..Miss Bee's purple bus, it's a giftshop ..we have live bait, deisel, America's oldest brew ..drink ability proudly served .. valves wish for clean in.     ......?...(2continue)

\\\\\ Obtuse Abode - mid June/////

ebike2mars.com 0116.162 AT

That's not you resting under the baobab👇

(© Masha Falkov, dreamsandtravels.com) 

It is I, Marsy, recuperating from yesterday's stellar flare injuries, knee to ankle scab, swollen wrist, brain shock from meteorite impact. Early morn rays are magnified as they pass through the mica ceiling of this cavern. They brighten the liquid byway.          "Ride the kayoo, Marsy. It is self steering. Leave Botta to charge."             "Shallon, your voice is still following me.".    "Of course,. Listen as you float.  


  ?Amiga o la miga? Friend or crumb?  

A que el no sabe.   Bet he can't guess .

Sobre lo que los dedos barren

Over which his fingers sweep

Docilamente no. Sweetly no.

Friend or crumb?  ?Amiga o la miga?

A que el no sabe lo que el labia preuba

tomando su tajada de placer.

Bet he can't guess which one his lips taste 

taking his slice of pleasure.

?Amiga o la miga?

De donde se vuelve el ojo

que pelliza la camarera.

Friend or crumb?

from where he turns his eye

that pinches the waitress.

?De donde se alimenta la vena egoista?

From where does he nourish his selfish vein?

?Es la miga o Amiga que el tira a la paloma?

Is it crumb or friend that he tosses to the pigeon?

No importa. It doesn't matter.

Las palomas me gustan. Pigeons like me."

The liquid byway deadends. I step out of the kayoo.  

Shallon's voice and I have arrived at the? ?  👇

"The obtuse abode."👇 

 👆Situated between Loup Loup Underpass and Conconuity Connector Tunnel,  it is difficult to determine which angle points up or where to enter the structure.

No knobs on this wall.👇 

Doorway must be to the right.👉 Yes, it is, but can we guess why am I here?  Ah, there's an invitation in my pouch. Knock knock ✊✊.  

. Kaareezlon,  the key keeper, greets me with a squint, then a "welcome. They are waiting for you."       👇

     He seats me. The room is oddly lit..  👆   

"Mama Marhzee!".   "We mmmissed you.".     "ShSh.".     No time for hugs.           "Dawn's ion engine is fueled by Xenon," explains the Astropropulsioneer.           "Take notes, Marsy." It's Ubeyou's whisper.   Dawn Notes 0116.162 AT:       

Launched Sept 2007 ..Xenon (930 lbs full tank) blue glow from 15000 "pinholes" in propulsion plates .. 10X more efficient than chemical fuel ..gentle thrust, 0 to 60 in 4hours ..solar ray wings unfold, 65 ft tip to tip ..sun powers mission electronics & communication .. radio signals travel speed of light.. 30 min 1way image transmission or navigation  relay from asteroid belt to NASA ..5.5° camera, 5ft antenna .. geosynchronous orbit, no fuel needed .. Spectrophysicist speaks ..extinct comet=clumps of particles...water silicates change mineralogy, absorption bands fingerprint it ..asteroid belt carbonaceous .. asteroid Vespa pyroxene surface (salt) , iron core, s.pole impact basin ..impact material is dark, pristine part is bright ..long spectrum waves= magnesium, short= iron, no lava ..  . Dawn is now 240 mi  above asteroid Ceres, largest between Mars and Jupiter, diameter 587 mi , equious disc minerals ..outer layer is ice with clay minerals, ocean below salt rock ..China Mons Mnt 3 mi high , OXO Crater 6 mi .. crater dome with bright spots= water processes .. neutron spectrographs reveal H at n.pole .. subsurface flexing, squeezes material upward .. gravity is measurable on graph after many orbital inputs .. Ceres is only dwarf planet in inner solar system, 4.6 year orbital period ..Dawn spacecraft now at back side of sun (865000 mi diameter)  only 5gallons fuel left, end of mission.  

" We will answer questions after our Astronomecyclist Marsy demonstrates the initial 4 billion years of our home planet's formation.". 

Me? O K.        To represent the sun's force, I stomp my foot onto the floor. Then snap my fingers to this archaic beat:                                         • • - - • • - - • • - - • • --  (Morse code notation)  the story begins.    

•    •     ---         •     •        -       -

Solar shock. Cosmic dust spins  

•  •  -            -   •     •    --

elements. Archaen rock.  

•    •   -         -     •     • -

Lava beds lift continents.

-     •    • -       -        •  •     - -

Eucaryotes drift in the ocean.                



I walk out during the applause 👏. My Trippplets follow. Alfanda opens a double door marked "push me." Oops, it's occupied.👇

Alfom slowly pulls the latch on a cabinet marked "pull me." It's a vacant cubby hole with wingsized sleepouch . Alfeem is the first to bounce under its flap (is that Alfeem?) Six eyelids droop before my kisses reach their cheeks, zzzzzzz.         On the wall is a trapezoidal mirror, no, it's a tablet marked "tap me." And I do.      t-t-t         from: me.             to: dusst@emul.om, camlin@emul.om  


ebike2mars.com 0116.163 AT  

  Dear wonderful sons,                   The Auroric Flares struck the Outer Hemi. I took cover subsurface. Your half siblings and I are here at the Obtuse Abode below the rust red terrain. I am overjoyed to be hugging them again, yet deeply saddened to miss hugging you, Dusst and Camlin.             Alfom and Alfanda are developing as expected in this sector of the solar system. However, something extraordinary has happened to Alfeem. He has become a she. It's not uncommon that the male appendage can shrivel and drop away during the first year of life,  like the umbilical  cord, a condition called Hermaphroidism.      Should we change Alfeem's name to Feemal?       I hope this mul reaches you along with my million virtual kisses, one for each star in your skies tonight.   Marsy mOm

\\\\\ Lunar June /////

ebike2mars.com 0116.161 AT

Haze in the nighsky diminishes. Visibility increases: 1sp, 2 sp, 4, 8...16K sp...3200000K sp, distance to the double moon at the horizon👇

Hemispheric beams brighten the rust red terrain. I am standing next to my knotted seat cover, wooden bowl, battery Blocs, all my inventory that had been lost for? don't know how long. I reassemble ebike Botta's components, repack saddlebags and refresh the CP. Hmm, image bytes in the USB slot. Not mine, but whose?  --Click-- 👇

Hmm, they must be descendants of the Erimosaic tribe, traveling in the direction of the C D, Erimotwins among them 👇

Cute enough for a baby contest.        Wait, this nomad looks familiar. 👇

"Hi, I am Marsy.". What! What am I doing? talking to a CP screen. Have I gone mad? ??           "I am Shallon.".        On no, now I am hearing things.             "Marsy, you don't remember me. Your thoughts had been trapped in the kobweb haze of the conditional tense. I did mention then that my voice would remain with you. Listen as your wheels spin:     


The Mythow fence is mended.

One fawn returns, confused.

Here now this trail is ended

where ours begins anew."

"Please continue, Shallon."  And he does, in another dialect:

AMIGA O LA MIGA     (2 continue) AM.  ¥%ππ≠. Ami 👇👉👉Go. Turbulence🌐 🌋 🎢 ⚡ ⚡. Terrain and sky quiver. The nigh lights up from Jopiter to Eastar. 👇 

Along with its auroric beauty, this stellar storm 👆 disrupts geosystems and electromagnetics. Watch out. Meteorite. Dents your helmet and shakes the cranial fluid against the insides of your skull. Rockslide tumbles you to the ground. Knee to ankle scraped raw. Broken wrist. Throbs. Ebike fender ripped in half. High speed chase. You against the elements. Hurry. Take shelter in the subsurface. Here's an opening. Down the hydroxyl band. Bright mica formation overhead. Rest there. By the baobab. 

\\\\\ May's end kWeb report /////

ebike2mars.com 0116.144  AT

- (minus) 55° C at altitude 55K sp, wind speed 0 sp/h. Fortunately I am at 5K sp in the lower stratosphere where the refraction from a G type main sequence star keeps me above freezing.  The vast kWeb haze seems to be a permanent meteorological condition in this sector. I'm feeling a slight tremor. Web threads are breaking up at brow level.  Could it be the conditional tense manifesting?                      A possible scenario is revealed in the porthole sized opening:  On the shade side of some protrusion should be this pit house 👇

☝ with a transparent ebike at the entry. 

and a BEP traveler inside👇

who could share many stories, for example,

 the WEAVER 

From eave to sill to eave 

with silken threads I weave

as the neighbor slowly wheels 

to this window, with one heel,

then nods at my tilted web

and                 missing leg. 

ebike2mars.com 0116.145 AT - early morn

"Traveler, I am Marsy. Could you help me retrieve my recent memories?".                 "Marsy, I am Shallon. Earlier I may have observed your trippplets and friend Ubeyou at the front of this protrusion, exploring the CD. In Mythow Valley there could be others of your kind. My CP bytes should have stored their images."

Dusst, the iNet adjuster👇

Miisha of the kiln keepers 👇 

great grandson Clyme, the flame spinner👇

Toria, the wool spinner☝, Willbee of the hives ☝

👇Som of the plowers. Pol, the rock mover👇 

"More image bytes from random locations."

👇 Randa of the ponies. Uncle Alf from Calcs 👇

👇Crueller seedling in the crater

☝ Items from the Arch storage 

"At the base of Pi Peak, Tesla's  image could remain on that wall."

👇 Indefinitely.

The kobweb haze seems to be shifting. This pit house could disappear quickly along with Shallon's conditional tense.               "Shallon, please, I shouldn't be spinning alone. Could we loop the Outer Hemi together? Look, lively blue butterflies at Piperock Canyon, 👇


reminds me of Teve's forget-me-nots flirting with Hempshire breezes. Over there in Lupine Field, grinning gears of Assey Harris 👇



about to enter the  Creakness Race. The kWeb should continue time /place fragmentation.".       "Marsy, in the bordering sector stratospheric conditions could eliminate sight and modify our verbs. However, my voice should remain with you.     Listen. . . I was a follower of Springhopper. . . (previously... Suwanee surfaces... instant cremation... Indian Springs... Don't tread on me, Mr Semi..)

SPRINGHOPPER        Part 2

Rubber covers lanes .. spring to mining seas .. William 2 ponder Memorial Bridge ..oconee/mayhaw jelly ..Chow Chow pickle peaches ..Corner to Cover upholstery and books ..fried pork skins ..boiled peanut for junk monkey ..savage silo ..rolled hay across Hog Mnt Rd ..repent or perish in Bishop's old jail ..Bikini Car Wash at Cold Spring Gap ..red tail hawk lost feathers at Rabin Bald high point ..Holiness Center near Long Creek ..merry branchings ..Ruby Orchards ..3  chix at Chilly Branch BBQ ..2 Cuzins Cafe  

Vallee Springs Humble Pie Pizza .. bridge ices before road at Laurel Spring ..lights on at Rainey Mnt .. outdoor treasure on Mize Alley..Godfrey Cemetery along Dud Creek ..levee, sandstone Bert and Ernie Lane .. downtown Clayton lingerie shop ..English- Tunkle- Frady, atty at law ..Grapes and Beans art Studio ..(2 continue)

ebike2mars.com 0116.150 AT

Chaotic dawn. Heated air is rising. ☝Somewhere. ☝ Thermodynamically, most of the Hemispherean woes are exposed. Hostility, imaginary and real, explode at the treeline in .000000000000000001 second, then expand to the farthest edge of the range. In a mere 13.5 billion  years, through evolutionary prowness, conflict is resolved.  Now, the grass is greener on my side of the Bioverse.   

\\\\\ Sector H64URY- 12 May /////

ebike2mars.com 0116.134 AT

Ever since I lost my duplicity (and inventory) from the Cult 54 infection, there has been nothing but spacehaze. In this sector it appears as a deep rust multidimensional kobweb.👇

The threads break open to reveal fragments of time/place: pastpresent, fastforward, pluperfect and conditional tenses. These "portholes" are impassable to anatomic molecules, but visual receptors can easily discern bioversal scenes until the web rethreads.        👈 Look to the left. It's my memory flashing: underground city, hailstorm on the ebike Mesa, pi at Thai food court, Christine's cracked lense, Dusst with Pluto, jitterbug with Camlin, fin with Frob, Gramma's random pieces. ### XXX. Oh no, my pastpresent is closing.###XXX.      👇Look directly down the kobweb. It's YOUR memory flashing: first day of Kindergarten, frightful fall from the trike, broken collar bone, mother's magic touch, clutching at driver's ed, kiss at Star Wars, three days of extra strength labor pangs, fourth###XXX.            kWeb is fastforwarding 👉👉👉 interdemensional shindig @ Castle Wisp, Mythow valley invited : Dusst and Miisha open the drawbridge, flames spin around liquid nitrogen ice cream, high voltage zaps birdhouses on 20 fenceposts, black cat Loki chases deer, sapsucker pecks doorbell, rhubarb stalks bizarrre costumes, quantum laptop computes glassblown molecules, turreted gargoyles guard branching balconies, moat repair.   ###XXX. Zero'clock . . . kWeb closes. Slam. Our fingers caught in the door of the chamber.   🙇  Feel the shock evermore.  

☝Branching balcony☝

 👇Drawbridge chains👇

\\\\\ Happy Other's Day /////

ebike2mars.com 0116.130 AT 

- This document is protected by pentographic watermark, void seal and artificial deerprint -

PHENOMENAGILOGIC ( - fe no men a jil oj' ik - )

Digging up the iPad that slipped between the cushions on the loveseat is she, not Dad.

The Spartan family PhD, who studied archaeology, removes the cardboard tubes from all dispensers. Fresh rolls enter into place with her nimb!e fingers. No one is that adept except Phenomenagilogic Mom.

Ice trays sit near Cobfreeze Corn. Not for centuries, she refills  them, serves drinks to unexpected company after sweeping the spill at Ramsey's bowl, puffed cereal, in hopes her new poured cubes begin to chill, then orders an ice maker repair kit.

Phenomenagilogic Mom unscrews the dome that covers lighted sockets and scrubs off bulb baked bugs. Who will clean the crumb collection reappearing in the flatware drawer? who will polish the bedposts? twist tie trash? subtract on abacus? glue Grecian vase that cracked? flip omelets? find Brahm's quartet on sale? hand me down pajamas? feed our pet llama? hike in the swamp? calmly disassemble Tom's foil bomb? steep herbs for Sue's insomnia? who without a qualm?  Phenomenagilogic Mom.

☝ Mother☝

We breathe her air. She pays the bills. Each page of life our Mom fulfills, editing, stacking days with care, brick by brick, phenomenagilogically.

\\\\\ Cinco de Marso /////

ebike2mars.com 0116.126 AT

8-WAY SIGNAL -  You hit every stop light (so did I) before your jump to the Hemispheric Hyway. LOW BATT -  Your ebike needs a plug in. You need the nearest facilities. REST AREA ahead. You decelerate, dismount, step across the spiral entry.


"Where is the U Room?"

"Out there to your right, " saluting, a Roboclerk 

promptly replies. "This launchyard provides

a Ladie's room, Astromen's, closets for

bi Sons, transgender Fems, new Yorkers, 

white Voyeurs, black Widowers, old Lawyers.

Young Poacher, your stall supplies ivory bowl brusher.

Starfleet Commander has sapphire flusher.

Martyr's room, Fartyr's room, husky sled Musher's

have soft heated seats.

Swiss Pacifist chooses dove quilted paper.

Red China silk is what Communists favor.

Terrorist uses his hostage's roll.

Polititions run then take a poll. From tiled walls

their rockets glare while bursting toward Great Bear.

Solar Sisters squat warning,

" Outer spacegerms cause bun blisters."

Faucet wiping Hypochondriac,

grafitti typing Nymphomaniac.

Dwarf with crutches plump as a beet who cannot

reach the lock above the Camel Puffer's seat.

And furthermore there are separate doors for

a Drunk, monk Molesterz Harpist, Whore,

amemic Bulimic, nebular Fed, abstinent divorcee's

pet Horse, Bedwetter and antigay military Phytoids

wounded in line while Aliens go behind the half moon

 on the double seater, two black holes where--"

"--Look up at Orion's lap," you interrupt, "his shiny belt

is unbuckled." Relieved of this galactic crap. 


The Roboclerk salutes to the next Ecyclist (me)."Welcome to the Bluegreen Machine Comfort Station. This launchyard provides charging outlets, nukefuel blends, reclaimed magma gelcaps and algorithmic downloads for safe ecycling. Out there to the right is a Ladie's room, Astromen's, closets for bi Sons, .. ......Aliens... ".    ... "The date is zero one one six point one two six A T.  Have a great Cinco de Mayo.". . ...   "Welcome to the Bluegreen Machine Comfort Station. This launchyard provides... ... ..." ... ... one two six A T. Have a great Cinco de Mayo ".   ...   ...."Welcome to.  ....     ....   .black holes. "  ...   ..... "...  ...   zero one one six ...   ...".         ".    great Cinco...   ....".   ..."W...   ... ayo."

"Cinco de Mayo".    " Cinco de Mayo".         OK, not Cinco de Marso

\\\\\ Mythsonian- May edition /////

ebike2mars.com 0116.116 AT

Your future begins in one second. Click. Non returnable. You arrange a solo voyage from the Inner Hemi to Outer Spaze.  The fare includes battery Blocs, pre programmed CP, calipered CH, green axle, anti gravity recipe and algorithmic coordinates required to jump safely from the hemisphere. You pack, assemble your transportation, then press refresh 4-3-2-1 rift off. Spokes spin at 60,000 RPMs, passing SIRIS on its mission to collect ten ton samples from asteroid Benn.   Approaching the Portal, stratospheric haze interferes with the bott's CP interfaze.  And with your vision. Lost. How long, how far? Have patience. Soon the espeaker will announce your destination ahead, "beeboopdooP--"                Wait. That is MY ebike's evoice. This article is about ME.

\\\\\ Singularity 0116.112 AT/////

Shift to Singularity weakens the ebike's current. Astrovirus Cult 54 attacks my Bott's CP memory. And mine. Something dear to me is lost, Duplicity, from which Multiplicity  had evolved and embellished my existence. What is left: spokes, frame, a few watts. Can anyone out there help retrieve my inventory? slee pouch, wood bowl, knotted rug seat, blue magma tea kettle, freedri spirulina, solar shaker. I want my dark rust skin tone back. Where is Pi connection? Without communication I can only speculate what my trippplets are uncovering at the CD, under Ubeyou's supervision, of course: stoneware shards, rough red tile flooring under the dust, secret passages between the chambers. And cledge hammers, of course,   

the bioversal symbol of vitality (not punishment). All sizes and shapes have been used during millennia at hemispheric coloniization sites, chiseling for subsurface vapor, to cure quadruped hides, to manufacture ADLs (articles for daily living). I wear a cledge hammer around my neck, a small tool for repairing astrogoggles and ebike lights.        Oh no, what, why, my imagination is fading into the spacehaze. No paralimbics. No burst pulses. No recall of friends' names. Am I from the Inner Hemi? Only the number 3.1415 seems familiar.    

\\\\\CD- Cledge Dwelling- mid April///// 

ebike2mars.com 0116.099 AT

They arrive at the farthest side of the protrusion, an hour spin from Ibeeme's bode. The Trippplets bounce off ebike Tanndem. Ubeyou unpacks the cledge hammer 🔨  anticipating a few days of construction work.              "Look what's herhe," cries Alfom.           "No need to ha ha hammer," chuckles Alfeem.              "The dwelling for BEP visitors has already been built," adds Alfanda.              This structure has astromagnetic datings from 4 million years (afropithecine age) to 40 years ago, according to Ubeyou's gauge.  Articles in the midden indicate phenomenology, rather than an orthodoxology. So they explore the site, while I continue my studies at the Bode.

ebike2mars.com 0116.103 AT

I read LLf067SH.  Again. To be sure it's not a dream. SPRINGHOPPER was My road trip. How could Looss Leaf write about it in such detail? Was I being followed? Or was I the follower?


0116.105 AT

My heart has been magnetically defective since youth, causing the hemispheric rift to widen. During the past hour, the disturbance has become detrimental to the ecosystem of this relationship. If the rift could be repaired, would the heart heal? Or do I perform self surgery on these imbalanced valves and veins? Here is my Swiss blade.

0116.106 AT

Align your spokes. Spread your sheets. This is IRS season. Many happy returns to those of you itemizing on the Inner Hemisphere. On the Outer Hemi our IRS = Iridescent Radial Sums = the season to balance radial ebike batteries, to turn on the iridescent gauge:      

#1  flash  3.87

#2. flash  4.22

#3. flash. 3.91...   ...flash ALL, 

to adjust the amperage, to read the output:

#1. flash. 4.2

#2  flash. 4.2

#3. flash. 4.2...  ...  balance complete.

Keep Your Battery Healthy.

Plug In Before Total Discharge. 

\\BEP -Bioverse Expansion Preparedness- Apr 5//

ebike2mars.com 0116.096 AT

"What is that light with rings, Mmmama?"

"Not a parhachute."

"Is the sky fa fa falling?"

My trippplets speak all at once. I reply, "Fanda, Fom, Feem, it is a planet called Saturn."                      " We are observing an unusual astronomical event. Saturn appears to have changed its orbit, heading in this direction, "  Ubeyou explains.                "Does this mmmean that the Bioverse is expanding or contracting?" Alfanda asks.              "Will it smash into us?" Alfeem wonders. A frightful plasmic image synapses through his visual cortex.             "Visitors mmmay arrive frommm the inner hemmmi, to prepare for expansion," Alfanda says.             "Let's build a cledge dwelling for them," suggests Alfom.                 Ubeyou and the trippps spin away on ebike Tanndem, to construct a CD for BEP on the far side of the protrusion, while I remain at the bode to continue my studies.                           

\\\\\ Eastar- 27 March/////

ebike2mars.com 0116.087 AT

☝ Ubeyou explains Eastar:

"Like hemispheres, the Eastar is composed of  'recycled and recycling atoms... with gravity as the engine of clumping.' * Before the pre Hadean Eon, dense cores of planetesimals bounced off each other, then they bound together forming a strong magnetic field.".   Ubeyou taps rapidly on his LARS talking drum to simulate achondrotic matter (nuggets of shiny black rock) smashing into each other. " In present time this 'magnet star,' the Eastar, rotates in the outer limits of our solar system. Now, listen closely. The marrow of endoskeletal species contains hemog......Alfeem, are you paying attention?".      "Yes, U.B.  Marrow contains  haha hemoglobin.".   " Which," continues Ubeyou, "forms iron ions at death. They are magnetically pulled out the joints to the outer limits. If death is by blood loss, the iron concentration becomes stronger due to the fluid draining. This can result in entire bodies risng into the heavens toward the magnetic Eastar.".         "Which explains the Ascension of Christ," exclaims Alfanda.      " And the rhising of otherh ancient celebrhities, "  adds Alfom.           My trippplets gaze upward, six shining eyes trying to locate the Eastar.         "Feem, Fom, Fanda, on the inner hemisphere this pholiday is celebrated by reading the Vible," I tell them.      "But there is no such book here on the outer hemmmisphere," Alfanda says.          "Let's rhead frhom the Looss Leaf files instead," suggests Alfom.            "After we polish the ebikes,"  I insist.       👋 👋 🆗 


(Looss Leaf entry 101PK)

Imperishable on the shelf, like wicks embalmed in beeswax,

the preacher's knickknacks stand, sit. Stay. 

Three inch Brig Thaddeus with cupped ceramic jib,

1854 imaginary mission to Cape Horn.

Ipswich fisherman staring a driftwood stare into the hollow

wrought iron cod, sea-less swim from Ware's bazaar.

Darker than amber Maori with patu stalking 

the brightly glazed hare across lamplit horizons.

Mulberry bark stocking stuffed with marble cane.

Teapot of henna dipped wool steeping for Berbers.

Rumanian rooster with droopy melted feathers,

it's a candle/rooster/candle/ rooster/candle.

Copper harpsichord, tone-deaf keys depressed, 

an incessant sharped F and dissonant C.

Nicked emporer who strayed from his court.

Pair of wacky rackets serving not.

Urn for ash, but whose?

Where else would a pewter elf find kiln dried sunflowers

unwilted? Giraffes of brass? Poached ivory geese?

Granite snakes coiled in granite baskets?

Wicker witch, licorice Uncle Sam, grandfather's hoofless horseshoe, 

framed yen, dusty windmill, bust of Bozo,

canned mountain air, stained glass angel? 

Soapstone Savior fused to petrified wood crucifix.

Papier mache` newt shedding a Tootsie Roll wrapper.

Also on this shelf sits Moses's stone tablet, replicated,

with language dispute. Thou shalt nots in Aramaic, Egyptian,                 

Ostrocon, cuneiforms, paleo Hebrew, proto Sinaitic, COBOL,    

basic  Python, Sumerian, or stone age abjads?  

It is a blank tablet,

has been since Deuteronomy.  

( * quote from Hazen, The Story of Earth)

\\\\\Sad Friday- 25 March/////

ebike2mars.com 0116.085 AT

Good= morally excellent, kind

Sad = mournful, causing sorrow

Today is a holy day for the followers of Jesus, the 2015th anniversary of his execution on the inner hemisphere. This deliverer, who was nailed to the crucifix, is glorified, although churches disagree about what kind of wood it was made from: walnut, pine, cedar or quaking asp.       "Mmmama, why is his punishment celebrated?" asks Alfanda.           "Is it painful or peaceful to be exposed on a crhoss?" Alfom wonders.   It is difficult to find the Good in it.

\\\\\Aequinoctium   20 March/////  

ebike2mars.com 0116.080 AT

Day and night are equal lengths on this date. What happens here in the outer hemisphere is that while the celestial equator and eliptic intersect each other (reached by the sun's center at the equinoxes)  the stratospheric pressure changes, making it possible to deliver parcels without disintegrating. Which explains what we are observing.           "U.B., what is that falling frommm the sky?" cries Alfanda.           "It's called a parachute," Ubeyou answers,  "an apparatus used for descending safely whereby the velocity of motion is reduced.".        "Look, a package is attached to its strings, haha," exclaims Alfeem.   5-4-3-2-1 dropdown. The trippplets scuttle over to the fallen  🅿     "Can we open it?".        " Of course.,".      Inside are gifts from the inner hemi: 3 wool hats for the trippps from Ibeeme.            A jug from the OWFS, Old-time Wild Fermenter Associates, for Ubeyou.      Official uniform of the Galactic Advisory Council, GAC.                       Certificate from UST,   Ushuaian Secretary of Tourism.       Verse by the NP, Naked Poet:   


More in the bottom of the box:

Sundries from LARS Ladies Afro Rhythmic Society. Sculpture by CWG Castle Wisp Glassblower,     🐦 FSF Friends of the Spotted Feather,   🎆DCL Decaf Chocolate Lovers,   📔 FAC Family Album Collectors.... and whatever you contributed...    💌   , ⏳  ,🔯  ,👒 , 📚  , 🐞  , 🍦   🍒 ,🔨 , 🚽 , 🏈  .    Many thanks, Marsy. 


\\\\\Happy Birthweek, Willbee 16-22 March/////

0116.076 AT ebike2mars.com

willbee@emul.om        .  Greetings, second brother. Unable to call this year, voice messages rarely pass across the hemispheres, especially as far as Wisp.  Do you remember when.. When we were young as unsliced br @@@ rrrbr.  😕 -f flash- CP malfunction due to abrupt change in temperature-             oh oh, this can be continued after the Celsius stabilizes.

\\\\\ Pi Day 3-14-16 =π=3.1416/////

ebike2mars.com 0116.074 AT

Pi Day is the most arithmetic day of the century in the inner hemisphere. The usage of π has increased proportionally to the number of bubbles blown in parades. Gheeks of all ages race on their ebikes to the nearest abacus to calculate this ratio. Only 39 digits past the decimal is needed to accurately sum up the volume of the bioverse= vb=πr2.     Two questions remain: #1. Do we celebrate Pi Day where we are? As of yet, no perfect bubbles exist in the outer hemisphere, nor does our calendar simulate π. # 2. What shape is the boiverse, infinite or spherical?  

\\\\\ Back to the Present- 13 March/////

0116.073 AT m3 ebike2mars.com

"Stay with us here," calls out the Garifan drummer as I drift from suspended state to stone ledge. The vapor is dissipated. My trippplets are wiggling their toes. Ubeyou winks one eye, then the other, several times. Stretch, stretch, shake. All of us are wild awake now, in presence of mind, reviewing our oneiromancies:            "Mmmama, did you hear that mmmelodic spider?" asks Alfanda.        "Yes, Fanda. It was plucking sitar strings.".            " We were bouncing on stacks of bright woven blankets," yell Alfeem and Alfom.      "Marsy, were you aware of cruising down a cascade?".       " Unaware, Ubeyou, but my neurons did notice large cowries with our names carved on each."        "In my mind, Mama Marhzee, you explained why ourh skin tone differhs frhom brhotherh Feem."  

\\\\\ Magma Vapor Bath - 06 March/////

0116.066 AT m3 ebike2mars.com

☝ Alfeem bounces into the bath ☝. Alfom and Alfanda follow. The condensed vapor streams over them. The pressure through the fissure is high this weekenn, so that minerals are easily absorbed into the skin. With every breath nutrients enter the lungs. This process satisfies hunger without the inconvenience of chewing and swallowing. Ubeyou and I close our eyes before removing our cloaks to prevent embarrassment. We step into opposite ends of the large stone pool.       "Mama Marhzee, why is Alfeem so pale?"  Alfom  asks.        "And we are all dark skinned," adds Alfanda.         How should I explain to such young minds?   I'll explain later.    ......       " Haven't you experienced the magma vapor when you visited Ibemee here last year?" Ubeyou asks me.      "Yes, U.B, for a few hours, but we did bath separately. What happens is that the fluid evaporates into a warm heavy mist." As I speak, the magma chemistry shifts. Mist swirls around us. Our bodies rise then float. We are in a state of suspended amination. All muscles limp. Brain in meditative mode.                          Before Ibeemee's departure from the outer hemisphere he did explain to me that "the suspension can last for hours or days until the mist dissipates. Simultaneous drheaming can occurh. Expect rhevitalization."                 I can barely see my trippplets through this thick haze. They are perfectly still, in odd poses. It feels like I am comfortably upsidedown.    "Ooooff,"  Ubeyou attempts to speak. His lips relax into a euphoric grin. My eyelids droop to a slit 😑.  How long will I be gone?  a week?   √√ π. 120° F.  ∆ ÷ ^ ¿    

\\\\\ Leep Week  29 Feb- 05 Mar /////

2902.0116 AT ebike2mars.com. 

"Happy Leep Week."    My trippplets greet me after their overnighs at the Pluton with Ubeyou.  I am curious about their venture.   " Tell me, did you see the blind rabbits nibbling at linaloa fungus blooms? "   (for more plant life scroll down to cocarines or the crater site)      "Yes". " Yes." "Yes, mama Marhzee. And papa U.B. let us pet theirh furh.".     "Alfom, you know that Ibeeme is your papa.".         " But we arhe too young to rhememberh h".        "Besides," interrupts Fanda, "U.B. is the one who teaches us to translate.".        " and spins with ha-ha us." adds Feem.  Ubeyou is anxious to shift the conversation, "Let's celebrate the changing of the calendar. Remind me, Marsy, to reset the CPs this noon.". 

0116.061 AT m3 ebike2mars.com

0116.061 AT m3 ebike2mars.com

Both ebikes Botta and Tandemm are reconfigured for the date change. We fold hats, blow up paper balloons and snack on our favorite nutriments. Yes this is party time.

0116.062 AT m3  ebike2mars.com

It's after midnigh. The Trippps have bounced themselves to sleep. Ubeyou and I finish the week's ration of freedri spirulina- .. We spacegaze. Effortlessly. Without thought or motion. His voice crushes this emptiness, " I request to harness some warmth between us.".   "Well, I suggest we take a sip of magma tea together.".   " Marsy, please. What I have in mind is more like floating hand in hand on a whiff of distant fragrance.". OK, I can try that. 


\\\\\ 24-27 Feb. Springhopper/////   

2402.0116 AT ebike2mars.com

Ubeyou, what really happened between us at the Arch? Did our dreams collide?        "Marsy, here in the outer hemisphere it is difficult to distinguish between what is virtual and what is reality," he replies. "Perhaps you can find some answers in the Looss Leaf files. Come Feem, Fom, Fanda. Let's take an overnight trip to the Pluton while your mother studies.".        I hug, hug, hug my trippplets. Ubeyou kisses me on the sh......

2502.0116 AT ebike2mars.com

All nigh I have probed these entries: LLf067SH,  SPRING HOPPER          •\\•  \•••  \••\ •••\  .( This, the rhythm of Warm Mineral Springs, begins the journey, the flow since the arrival of inhabitants ten millenia ago whose great grandfamilies had scuttled from the African continent across the straits to the new Laurasia.).              Here, on the southern peninsula of home continent..warm minerals in healing pool.. timeless echo of native Floridians, before they built middens they splashed ..here our road trip begins             

   ..next hop White Springs bed and breakfast, no, camped at Allmart instead ..morning limestone where Suwannee surfaces ..bridge across the Santa Fe basin, upstream the river siphons ..next hop Indian Springs Unincorporated ..cross the state line in July storm ..Big Rosie's Pecans ..join Georgia's Muddy Spokes Club ..Jesus saves radio 90 ..'God favors me' on a pickup bumper with a flat ..instant cremation at Rumble Rd ..Butt County Travel Ventures ..Trailers, Struppers for rent ..Lake Savings and Loan underwater Dive Shop |.\.| Bud's Suds Country Laundry ..firewood ..Skunky Acres Free Zoo  ...    Affordable Floors by Chip ..erase bad credit ..with ..used gravestones ..at the Lake Savings and Loan all her kids in swimsuits she calls Bubba ..flea market for sale ..prison detail ahead ..March to Sea..

local Farm-all salvaged preowned Allis-Chalmers in Pearson's front yard ..old stagecoach stop at Shady Dale ..paper mill logs lined up ..gasp of decellulized pine pulp ..corner spirits on Old Buckhorn Rd   private spring at Grassy Knob ..another treaded armadillo with handsome scales .."Don't tread on ME, Mr Semi." That was my brother. (2continue)


\\\\\ 22 Feb. Ibemee's Bode revisited /////

2202.0116 AT ebike2mars.com

The comfort level here at the Bode rates supreme. U.B. and my Trippps so appreciate (as I did during my visit in m7 last year) the convenience of a 3DCP that's only a scuttle away from the magma vapor bath, diatom display and slee pouch corner.           "Mama Marhzee, we rhest soundly herhe," says Fom.               "The vent in the     k aarhst ceiling provides natural lighting and cross flow to the open air entry," utters Fanda.       "Let's play with the breezeway crickets ha-ha," chuckles Feem.


\\\\\ 19 Feb- Harpooning Pyrite-/////

1902.0116 AT ebike2mars.com

--beeboopdooP-- the CP flashes indicating our destination; however, we have arrived at the backside where a field of striated stone lies between us and the entry. Ubeyou on Tandemm spins cautiously ahead. My Botta p-p-pf, stalls.          "Sna-prackle-bop? what is this?" yells Ubeyou. A loud sna-prackle-bop echoes into our auditory canals, then another. "Marsy, catch," there is panic in his voice. He tosses Feem from the middle of the field (which appears to be in a state of high-speed crystallization.) Instantly he tosses Fom who lands upsidedown in my arms on top of Feem. Fanda watches in her kinder carrier. I rush my trippps to safety as Ubeyou fends off a gyser of harpooning pyrite. The sharp formations are attaching to his clothes. It is unbearable to witness him in danger. I'm shivering with fear. What would Dea do?    "Use the amboo extender to deflect them.".        He pulls it from his ebike.     " Fling it in figure 8s against the crystals with your shoulders relaxed.".      He does that.  💅💹💅📉➿💅➰🔃💅🚣🍥.    "Be sure you are firmly grounded on the pedals.".   " Gain extra power by pivoting your hipbone.".         Finally the crystals drop back into the perpendicular fissure ☑   📈  📈 near Tandemm's front wheel.  The harpooning ceases, but some of the fragments rip apart Ubeyou's seams. Khakis, then manshirt fall away revealing his entirety, a richly toned charcoal rust dermal surface. A sight any female would die for.

\\\\\ Fabel Range to K Aarhst-  Feb 16-18 /////

ebike2mars.com 1602.0116 AT

We have toured Olduvai Canyon in the Fabel Range sector. On the surface layer lie remains of the Erimosaic great grandfamily, with their flock of quadrupeds. Below that, a collection of midget marsupial skeletons, then mineral tools of H.habilus. Look, Opabinia and Hallucigenia have fossilized here in the shale. The basement is covered with solidified magma from the extinct Sea of Plasma.          Our ebikes are charged. We throttle, spin, pause to scan the strati...... stratified skyline, charcoal and crystalline hues of rust red, lepidolite made up of aggregate scales, amphibole with 3.2 specific gravity, feldspar at 90° cleavage, apatite in gem quality, basaltic lava flows, variecolored sandstone. My visual cortex becomes momentarily diopsided, tingling under the eyelids.      All of us take a long relaxed blink..😳.😳😳😳😳

ebike2mars.com 1702.0116 AT

Ubeyou retracts our dometent. ⛺ Feem and Fom crawl ....into their tot totes....   spin.....

ebike2mars.com 1802.0116 AT

New morn. Retraction again...crawl... Alfanda bounces onto Botta's kinder carrier. Safety straps clasped, we set the CPs to autobalance and ecycle along the amber rays of day, refracted against the distant protrusion called KAarhst.  

\\\\\✴Alternate Star - Feb 10////

ebike2mars.com 1002.0116 AT   

My trippps have completed their pronunciation project. They celebrate by performing entries from the Looss Leaf files.    📁📂    Alfeem begins, "Kindling has not a kind eye, yet thoroughly tough as my hairy heir who hoots, living lively in some summer slough like glue that could flow through this sloth's trough, as does one wonderful muffler run a plough. How? Sow, so, sew.".          We laugh and laff. He continues, "Ha. Ha-ha. Hahahahaiku.".       Alfom is next. He decides to whisper, avoiding his rh accent.     " LLf077DS, titled 


Sunshine is for sale, can be ordered by mail,

U.S Progress recruiting pollution.

Last twilight not gleaming, dawn's budget needs cleaning.

Can Congress cough up a solution? 

'What we proudly propose: Phase out GMOs

Redeem* Savings and Loans. Praise the ride share.

Decline frackers. Refine health care. Erase crime.

Embrace wildlife. Prevent child crisis. Reinvent climate.

Endorse maximal wage. Repurpose armed forces. 

Re-enact tax free sustainable resources.'

They scour each state's mess. Our deficit's less.

Shining seas back on course, is sun free again? Yes."

(*to deliver from sin by means of a sacrifice offer)

"We should send Democracy's Sun to your father's campaign manager,"  Ubeyou proposes.        We all vote:    Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, ....    ?.....  "Yes to proposition LLf077DS," Hmm agrees.

Alfanda grins at her words,   📃,


To encounter the alternate, your primary astronomic con...

Then she pronounces them:


To encounter the alternate, your primmmary astronommmic con... connection mmmust be located before daybreak. Lying backside on the rust red land, observe the star in alignmmment with your prodommminent nostril. Close off the other. and inhale 2, 3, 4. Lungs hold the stellar glow then exhale through the secondary nostril, the long breath to a point. Inviting dark air with the the distant bright, you realize this mmmust be your altern.".      The voice of a humming tot in this arrangement of syllables provides the resonation to reunite Hmm with her solar sisters. She drifts into the spacehaze. So does the memory of her. 


\\\\\ Cocarines- Feb. 7/////

ebike2mars.com 0702.0116 AT

Growing horizontally from this cliffside is a palm stem with branches extending like squid tentacles. The fruits attach in a spiral pattern.    "Mmmama, can we taste?" Alfanda asks.    The specimen is beyond our reach. Ubeyou makeshifts a picker from an amboo extender on his ebike. He pulls on the stem vigorously, the hook gets caught up in a crevice, he makeshifts a device to retrieve the hook, reattaches the hook, rereaches to the stem and repulls successfully. This is the only vascular vegetation that we have encountered other than the phytologic site inside the crater. Coconut in appearance, tantalizing tangerine flavor on our tongues, and cardommoniuos olfactory sensation Ah. Ah-ah, Ah-ah-ah. (nostril flares) 


\\\\\ Return to Brilliance--  Feb. 1-4/////   

ebike2mars.com 0102.0116 AT

We have crossed over from the dark side of the Pass to Brilliance. Hmm leads me down the tanzanite trail, the only mineral trail of a bluish hue in the entire outer hemisphere. At the farthest horizon my trippplets wave, bouncing ceaselessly. I am overjoyed to see them.      "Mama Marhzee, Ubeyou teach us new worhds," Alfom cries.      Then Alfeem, "He built morphable ebike ha ha helmet-".  "-with quick release zero point energy accummmulator," Alfanda interjects.        "They are learning speech patterns at an accelerated rate," says Ubeyou.          My precious Alfom has his father's distinguished rh accent; Alfeem, his uncle Alf's laughter and my daughter hums like the Solar Sisters.        Where are you, Ibeeme? A father should be with his family on such a momentous occasi...****"*" 

👆Zero Point Energy Accumulator Helmet👆

momentous occasion, not out there campaigning. We are here in the outer hemisphere, missing you, six exhaustipated ecyclists, yawn, yawn, yawn, yawn, yawn, ya...

ebike2mars.com 0302.0116 AT

"Marsy, are you awake?".     Yes, Ubeyou, I just checked Botta's CP, its nearly midnigh, charging over two days. All of us have been deepdozing.          " Come close, Marsy. Let's not disturb the others. We need to t.......*********   need to reveal our true intentions. ".         I intend to meetup with self sufficient ecyclists of all cr ---        "-Wake up, Marsy. This is about you and me. It feels as if we are seeming each other. Allow me to caress your sh----.".           And he does.

ebike2mars.com 0402.0116 AT

Ubeyou's touch keeps my mitochondria in lasting effervescence as we drift together into haziness. "We want nutrimmment, mmmama.".       Our dream is interrupted by Alfanda's hum.      Then Alfeem's laughter, "Look, ha-ha Hmm made CP replication of  cosm---  "


 "- Ubee, teach us reading, please. What is that?"  Alfom points to a sign at the far side of the arch.       "🌿X🌳X🔥💥¶".   Ubeyou translates the glyph, " Wildfire Prevention by Vegetation Reduction."        "Geologic research of this hemmmisphere shows no evidence of wildfires," says Hmm.*********  "The Erimosaic tribe was so fearful of flame that they removed all the undergrowth," explains Ubeyou.       "And. What are these glyphs?" asks Alfom, staring at the Looss Leaf file that I unpacked.        "It is the Roman alphabet," answers Ubeyou. "Hmm, teach them the pronunciations while Marsy and I have some magma tea.".     Hmm opens the file to this page:  LLf010AS - ALTERNATE STAR - ✴


\\\\\ Remains in the Pass- 31 Jan/////

ebike2mars.com 3101.0116 AT

We trip over strands of hair from a skeleton that appears to have crash landed on the dark side of the Pass. The remains are missing three digits and a dental root.    "This is GaliLuno!" exclaims Hmm. "I studied his case in astroforensics class. He was charged with denial of the Trinity as the center of the Bioverse, convicted of Reason by the Inquisition in BT 0400 and sentenced to Torture.  Immmagine yourself as GaliLuno. To begin, your fingers are pulled frommm the knuckle, venous blood spurting pulse by pulse onto the Piaza di Rommma.Your eyeballs, then eyetooth,  are extracted with hammmer and chisel, as they sear your flesh at the stake, inch by inch, toes to nose, leaving only hair and brain intact, olfactory nerves synapsing in sheer agony. Stench of your own bodyburns, bones convulsing, they deposit you in a hot air balloon to spin to the end of the earth.".          Let's step to the brilliant side, Hmm. It's too gruesome here.           (Scroll down to "W...**********  for Marsy on stage)

\\\\\ Ridge of Pies- -  26-30 Jan./////

ebike2mars.com 2601.0116 AT

To celebrate my birthweek, Hmm offers enthusiastically to be my guide for the hike between Mount π and π Pass. She does have astromaps of the Rudol Fabel Range. Ubeyou will care for Alfeem, Alfom, and Alfanda. They wave, bouncing on their kindercloaks. I am apprehensive about leaving them.        Hmm pushes me up the cliff using eyebrows and vents as footholds.  The summit of Mount π is shaped like half a pie topped with flaky crust, challenging to cross. We must rest or I will stumble onto myself.  Hmm unstraps her backpouch. "This is for you frommm Ubeyou, and that one is frommm mmme. We dehydrated themmm over biochar while you were reading the birchbark."         Oh, taste, yumshare the most flavorful homemade rawberry pies in the Bioverse.       "Happy Birthweek, Mmmarsy."

ebike2mars.com 2701.0116 AT

We awake refreshed. Hmm leads us across the rust red ridge. Hey you,  watch out for those crusty ocher blocks, which lead down from Piek's Peek to Manouspring.  Nourish yourself in.......~~~♈〰〰💦💦.................( Li, Mg, Fe, Ca infused in effervescent H2O).      Climb to the nearby cliffdwelling at Redspy Bluff.         "Inside is your gift frommm the Source, Mmmarsy. All are welcommmme to attend.".      What? How?   Writers, friends, drums, backdrop of CastleWisp.  Voyce is here organizing Sharma's artwork, the caterer, and guests including vine tasters, Jaren, Kessee, me...             "This is a virtual poetry mmmarathon," Hmm explains.                 The M.C. speaks, "Introducing Ohn Wisard."

"Wind blown sky- a dragonfly's grip on the clothesline.".  ©Ohn Wisard.

" Next up is Korkee."

"I celebrate Magellan who was faithful to his eyes over a church that insisted, 'The Earth is Flat.'  He had seen its shadow arch across the moon from the prow of his ship. Half a world away he encountered dark people who did not believe in Spain.".  ©Korkee

" Tonight's piece of advice by Odd Peas."

"Listen to Is... There will be a quiz.".   ©Odd Peas

" Welcome Rumi from BT Persia."

"Until the juice ferments awhile in the cask, it isn't wine. ...If you wish your heart to be bright, you must do a little work... The sun doesn't want a crown or a robe ...in seeking lowness, a star without a name moves across the night with other anonymous lights."    Rumi©

" Now we have Looss Leaf with Elder Matters." 

".....that bright flower (elder Ann's story...) it looks like a millionaire (...verbatum...) waving in your hair (...to a writer)  If you are good you can smell it already. It would be with you instead of above you, it is not where it should be, but good enough for him. Where is that pretty man now? Not right here but will be soon.. He was a fellow who once in his life turned around to his own song. Look at what he is doing to his ears, dancing all around them. There is something he doesn't want to talk about. Every time he goes he burns another flower. He is like two. You don't see that every day, doing not for what he wanted, but for what she wanted. If he could do all that when he was awake, it would have been better, every day to take a minute to go with her. It is the same way for all of us. That was my father who came along with a great head and asked me to comb it.

Look at my mother. She is so beautiful that no one can forget her. She could come with us but does not know how. She is too small to come easily. Nobody cares, but...*** we do know at least one thing, the one that made her shake so much. She came this way last week. Now she is going to do something else,  but we don't know what.

They are both resting. Nobody looks at them. Honestly they are going to sleep all night and all day. Everyone looks around, no one sees anything. Then we go home and everything is gone. We can go anywhere if we go in time to get ourselves together. Why don't we do it now and throw it out afterwards?

I can't see anybody. It is tiresome. If another lady comes along, she will get something, that one heavier but not as strong. You are a little shorter, not the good one that you were, but still working. You can come in, but you have to come the same way as the other lady. If I give you the door you can have the key. 

It was better when love was warm. This morning was the worst, we didn't know what was wrong. We take too much. We don't give enough before we go home. When they see each other tonight, they will go some place else that is not even funny, just dirt. It is not the right place, but better than nothing. If right is that way, we all have to go that way. Now we should go back home. If there is nothing there, we just go to sleep. Could this be better? Yes, you might as well say yes, then go home. Stay if you want, but most of us won't like it.  If we all go at the same time, it would be heavenly.

Everything is one forfiveandsixandnineandtzen. And that is too much for none, not very good.

Today I am only a meal. If it weren't for me, life would never be here. If it had been the truth, we all would have been dead. That is what they told me to sing.

I want to tell you something. You were the one who killed me last year, awfully nice of you. If it was good it will be good. If it was not good it will not be good. We go every day and at night we go the same way until everybody has left. And that is the story.

The end is nothing. If it goes it will go. All day long they throw everything in that little brown dish, but I can't see it, so you will have to see it for me. It sounds crazy but now is the last game. You don't have to go away please. That is all you can have, so goodbye."

"Thank-you, Looss Leaf. Now our special guest is practically a household name like Harry Potter, Superman, Donald Rump and Opabinia. She is the one and only Marsy.".    ( applause ).      What! My writing barely qualifies. To divert this anxiety I focus on the background drumming and handdancer Jea Mell.         "Begin with a question, Marsy.".         

Remember Christmas eve?- hanging on the cold mantel, six empty stockings.

W....****** Wisp of ember that dark night lightened our hearts-

The M.C. interrupts me, " Presenting the Solar Sisters, HmmSnn, CrmmSnn , DrmmSnn, YmmSnn and SmmSnn." 

"Mmmud dobbers under the eave, like wasps we bight the dust." (end sisters)

👆Solar Sisters👆  

"Telemarket  Eve is next."   

"Hello, is this the Hydrocarbons?".   " Yak."

"Sir, I represent PureAir. Next week our-"   "yakyakyak."

"Well, sir, if you were busy igniting the grill, would it make sense to silence your phone for calls such as this?"   "Yayaak."

"Sir, can't you see, our team of ecologists are as busy as you. So , let me begin again. Eve is my name and-".   " y'akk. "

"Mr Hydrocarbon, you don't have a whole year to think about toxins that blow past your ear. We'll be calling twice more, sir, to ask for a pledge, as long as the green cells remain in your hedge."   "Yakya!"

"What, sir? You are not interested in air that is pure?".   " Yakka!!"

"You say no thank you. But I didn't ask you to thank me.".     " Ya,k."

"You never do business by phone? But this is a string and paper cup, sir."

"Thank you, Eve. Now we have Hobert Rolt with Concrete Hawks."

"...heavy plundered shroud of the wings, anomalies here in this landscape...the death-long and arrogant stare, how fragile it makes mankind seem...a show of force...like the old bombing planes silenced... ".  ©Hobert Rolt.

Here in the cliff dwelling voices continue moving. I can't tell whether I'm awake or in deepdoze. Has it been hours or days? I  look up at the aerocalendar. It's marked:  

ebike2mars.com  3101.0116 AT

We trip over strands of hair from******** 

\\\\\ Falling Starfruit- 23 Jan./////

ebike2mars.com 2301.0116 AT

"Are those smmmiling creatures cosmmmonauts?" Hmm asks as she stares at the poster hanging on the tunnel wall next to a stack of baskets.         No, they are Ringlee, Barnee and Bail, graduates from the inner hem- "Falling Starfruit. Catch themmm!"        The highest basket spills its contents over us. Delicious midnigh nutriment.   

👆Class of AT 88   Ebike College👆

👇Falling starfruit👇

\\\\\ Arch of Artifacts- 22 Jan. ///// 

ebike2mars.com 2201.0116 AT

Staying too long in Uncertainty degrades cell walls of the endocrine system. So we mount our ebikes for a day's spin to the Arch. Throttle, swerve, pedal,  b bump.....brake, beeboopdoop to our destination. It is a grand Arch tunneling through Mount π.     "An ancient river chiseled this mmmonummmental wonder," cries Hmm. The thrill of being here overpowers the necessity to nourish ourselves. We cross onto the shadow beneath the Arch, adjusting our headlamps. What is that?     "A copper milk container from the 200 BT century of Urkey," replies Ubeyou. Along the wall other artifacts are displayed. An engraved emu eggshell, ivory beads, Jopiteran ebike,  lunar Voltswagon,  Roman rowbott, harpsichord,  junk drawer from an Omni shuttle.        The full double moonrise beams into the far end of the tunnel as well as through the cliff vents. We switch off our lamps.    "The inner arch appears to be an intergalactic storage facility," suggests Ubeyou.        This space [        ]  is for my friend in district 34293.   And for you, yes you, there is a place on top of the sphinx replica. [       ].  What else?  [stuffed animals].    [family albums]         [maze configured by Dusst at agemark 4].   [ Camlin's cornet ]    [Feather's felines ].     [Grandma's random pieces]          [Miisha's molecules].      [ letters from Lindalin ]  [Herin's monkey].   [Pi Blocs].    [Frob's scuba gear].      [Gabby's clothespins].      [Dea's kungfuer staff].         [Dragonclass conditioning post]         [Miss Food Park flyers]      [Tasha's bignay leaves].      [Brin's canoe paddles].      [poetry printed on birchbark:  #1  Salamanders meet along the path of moonlight between my bare feet.     #2  Ring around the moon, engaged in the sky, will marry in rain next noon.  

  #2.5   Drip ° jumblurp zing

             glosh thudscatterapsoot

             e flattapirouettaqua

             puddlishingle- roof rhapsody.  

#3  Silver silhouette, heron poses on one leg- driftwood pet.   #4.  Half past Cicadas, their song delays me, miss the last bus.    #5.  Dark valley- flickering firefly ignites the moon.     #6.  Gardenia petal- southern moon in mist settles. #7. Sudden wind shakes the birch to shape her budding branch.]         "Too mmmuch stuff," says Hmm.  


\\\\\ the Marsaurost- Jan. 21 /////

ebike2mars.com 2101.0116 AT

My trippplets are giggling uncontrollably, their six tiny eyes directed toward a ground vent behind their ochersand box. "It's a crossbreed creature, part marmot, dinosaur and ostrich," says Ubeyou. "Marsaurost adults migrate in pairs along the subsurface, and push their necks above ground to absorb O2x, while nodding hurriedly at any species in sight.".       " Mmmasaros, mmmama!".  These are Alfanda's first words.

👆 Marsaurost sighting  

\\\\\ Jan.16- 20   Astrodecipherment /////  

ebike2mars.com 1601.0116 AT

Ubeyou spent days in the subsurface translating glyphs on the hull. "Marsy, sit here with me," he beckons, carefully opening his notepad. The first entry is a Latino dialect:


Aqui' tenemos los ojos de los Andes, aqui' sobre las corderillas narices.

Aqui' tenemos el viento del valle, aqui' al dentro de la boca respirando.

Aqui' tenemos los cuellos plumosos del flamingo rosado de Patagonia, cuellos del condor perdito en el nube, del pajarros glaciales.

Esa corriente en la arruga de piel tiene su reflejando del Rio Parana'.

En el estrecho de la sonrisa tenemos el cuchicheo de Magallenes.

Eso guanaco tiene su asiento en el mejilla izquerda aqui' sobre la ventana del omnibus Pampas.

Tenemos el Restaurante Ruidos que se servia lengua cortada, lenguas parrillas y su agua Iguazu' con gas.

Ahi en el fuente tenemos el Indio del norte que se vende sus pimientos sentimientos.

Ahi lejo tenemos el horne de piedra Rodocrista que es el barba del pais.

Sobre la cara colorado de Mate, tenemos la pintura de Argentina, donde el sol sale detras del Aconcagua, que es esa nariz.


Buscamos ello en la ruta 40, en la calle 9 de Julio.

Buscamos en la playa, en el bosque, en el eateppe, la planta, el calafate.

A la finca, la panaderia, la plaza San Telma.

¿Donde encontramos? Se dice quatro quadros derecha, pero ahi hay un cemetario. Nada mas. Se dice al este, ahi hay oceanos y cielos, no suelos. Se dice que el fuego del tango queda muy alta a una estrella especial. Se dice que el ritmo queda muy fomda en el corozon'.

Ya no los brazos ni las piernas del tango no podemos ver.

Vamos a dormir. En eso sueno uno pobre' dice, "Necesita encontrarlo en su proprio pista, el tango rea'l es una cosa privada." Muy bien. Voy a caminar sola con una oveja par buscarlo. Vuelando con uno comorant, viajando sobre los suelos de historia.

¿Donde va esa pisa? ¿Al sud? Claro, estoy aqui'. A la isla Martilla sobre uno suelo de heilo hay el plumoso del tango, los plumosos de dos pinguinos.

"The glyphs represent civilizations far and near, since millennium 5000 BT."  Ubeyou explains. "These are sayings of an ancient sage named Lim from the far east hemisphere:"


Wind the Lion's Hand to Divert the Foe.

" 🈸 "

Twist the Stem to Loosen the Troublesome Root.

" 🈶 "

Keem Means to Keep Grounded by Squeezing Knees.

" 🈂 "

Chum Energy Sinks the Opposing Force.

" 🈶 "

After the Strike, Wrist Lifts for Internal Impact.

" 🈵 "

Shoulders Remain Relaxed as the Power is Released.

ebike2mars.com 2001.0116 AT

Alfeem, Alfom and Alfanda are calling for motherly attention. I scuttle to them. Hmm scuttles toward Ubeyou. They continue the astrodecipherment while I give hugs and nutriment to my trippplets.

"Before the advent of CPs, inner Hemisphereans often communicated by community bulletin boards," Ubeyou comments. "Boat Abode seemmms the  ultimmmate in that concept, remarks Hmm. " It's remmmarkable. Displostemmmonous."  Ubeyou continues, "Here are AfroGlyphs by middle Hemisphereans of the pre paolithic era who droppeddown to help the Planeterreans complete construction of the Boat Abode.". 

"  🈁 ✴🔥 👐 ✋ "

Our mind exists. We are here. Welcome others.

Advice from the Galaxen council-   "〽  ♎ 🔝 🚝  ¥¥ ∆×|  ^€^€ √√ "

ATTN all species= continue messaging at boat abode, CP communication unreliable in deepest Spacehaze.

note from Jopiteran escapee-  "I rest here in Uncertainty to sample magma tea (there is none on Jopiter), before my jump from the outer hemi to the inner. Happy spins to all ecyclists,  Jojop   AT 08.0115"

". 🔀🔄 ➰〰- -♌ ♈ ♒♒♎.      🅾🅾➿.   🚹🔆🚺 💮.     💫💦 💢"

Premonitions from the Source-- the subsurface sea shall erupt to cover ground level of Uncertainty,           e•devices on wheels shall spin across hemispheres of the Bioverse,             Pi and Mps, 2 beings, shall meet face to face for sustainability of districts,        ...... ..........

\\\\\ Jan.10- Jump to 22802 /////

ebike2mars.com 1001.0116 AT midnigh

Botta's CP flashes the positioning algorithm for the jump back to the Inner Hemi and return. I strap myself to the handbars and petals, then press "activate." Within moments the voltage releases, Botta jumps, and we dropdown in Vashille.

ebike2mars.com 1101.0116 AT morn

Brief chat, enduring hugs then goodbye to son Camlin and wombing Herin. "Are you awake, Mmmarsy?" It's Hmm speaking, not Herin. Yes, I'm awake. Was I here all nigh?  "It seemmms so," replies Hmm. I must have dreamed about the CP flashing and the jump to Camlin's bode.       "You did check Botta's charge around mmmidnigh.".   

\\\\\ translation of Glyph- Jan. 6 /////

ebike2mars.com 0601.0116 AT

The trippps frolic in the ocher sand at the entry to the subsurface. Musculature in their spinal columns has developed enabling them to sit erect. "Marsy, walk with me beneath the ledge. Hmm can watch them for a few hours." Ubeyou insists. He hooks his elbow around mine, this is the first physical connection between us, a strong bioelectric current that races from his marrow to mine. Together we enter the subsurface of Uncertainty. ↘↘ Directly appears the boat abode in the beam of our headlamps. "Here We Manifest Our Destinies," Ubeyou translates the most prominent glyph that is carved onto the stern. Since childhood he has studied astrodecipherment. His voice streams with syllables unheard of, so intensely concentrating that he forgets to translate. I slip my ulna away from his, and pace quietly up to ground level.

👆. Subsurface of Uncertainty  👆

\\\\\ New Year Evolution - 1 Jan /////

ebike2mars.com 0101.0116 AT

CP activated- emul- me to gramma@emul.om, dusst@emul, camlin@,  willbee, alf, deem&dom, dea, gabby, ianne, eff&ara, frog, memma, vee,  sobbal, sha.......

dear family and friends,   here I am in sector Uncertainty with my precious trippplets and companions, Ubeyou and Hmm who, at agemark nine,  is nearly a specialist in astrogeology. Alfeem, Alfom and Alfanda are fascinated by the teddybear shaped basalt samples that Hmm toted from beneath the ledge. Ubeyou remains in the subsurface translating glyphs........what〽〽〽what is this rush? Seems like a cloud is about to burst in the subsurface of my consciousness, a storm of appreciation toward all of you who have dealt with my nonsocial behavior, my nonsensical conversation and extreme privacy. I hope that these snowflakes of apologies land on your hands with the tenderness of lithium dust and melt into your hearts with the warmth of ionized spacehaze.       All my years endearments,  Marsy.

f flash-   message from deem&dom@emul.om-   Marsy,  this weekenn the stratosphere's curvature will form favorable conditions to jump between hemispheres from your present location to district 28802. The extraction of root from powers, the evolution, rather than the involute of parabolas,  is the key to your swift and accurate journey. We will mul to you the algorithm, just let us know when Botta's CP is fully charged. Happy New Spins, Weedledeem and Weedledom. (Marsy, we barely recognize you in your inner transformation from numbness to lukewarm, and with your rust red epidermis due to the hazebathing effect.)

\\\\\28 Dec -- Year's Endomorph/////

ebike2mars.com 2812.0115 AT

"Mmmarsy, Ubeyou and I are mmmeasuring mmmineral density of the structure with mmmy spectrograph, " Hmm explains. "It seemmms endommmorphic." 

They are sure to be hours more below the ledge detecting subtle geologic layers. Meanwhile, Botta's saddlebags need organizing: Swiss blade, blind rabbitfur muff, chip of fossilized fungus from the Chroma Zone, magma tea mug from Ibemee's bode, rift biochar, gift certificate from God?????,  oh yes, a souvenir, last year's parade in the inner hemisphere's district 34285.


Have you sought God's latest drift

that gives eternal life a lift?

Redeemable at Thrifty Worship Centers

this certificate, entitling Bearer to the gift

of true belonging for lost souls that sift

through bitterness, appropriates His word. .

To maximize your faith, to face

authority of scripture overcoming your disgrace, 

Holy Hymns awaken moral space

in those reviving personal obedience. No trace 

of insufficiencies where spiritual victories replace 

Damnation's histories, where heavenly enlightenment

embraces congregations, where saints

receive your tithe with grace. .

Righteousness awaits while listening

to sermons. All requests for one free christening 

are being honored with God's coupon.

Forgiving sinister affairs, the ministry recycles prayers 

accepting PastorCharge as well

for guidance from the debts of hell. .

To believe in procreation by immaculate gestation, 

to retrieve your new salvation

from Almighty divination, do not miss

limited offerings of no risk immortality, 

a biblical temptation from soliciting disciples. .

To kiss the cross that glorified this Savior-

what a blissing!

\\\\\ 12 Dec  Boat Abode (grounded)/////

ebike2mars.com 1212.0115 AT

We have recuperated from neurological side effects of this gravitational instability and our cell membranes are adapting to the new geology. My trippplets 🚼🚼🚼 gaze toward the sparkling mica ledge below which we are about to explore. Hmm fashions three tot totes from our spare kakis, as Ubeyou tests the amperage of the headlamps. O K, ready, follow us... W-What?  is this real? or a subterrainian mirage?   ^\-🚝-¡                   "Marsy, turn back. Wait at the surface with Hmm and the trippps," Ubeyou demands. "It's imperative that the structure be tested for compression factors."... Hmm takes Alfeem, Alfom and Alfanda to the shelter of their kindercloaks. Then she unpacks her ion spectrograph to detect fractured isotopes at the subsurface boat abode.

ebike2mars.com 2112.0115 AT

f flash, muls incoming on Botta's CP:

marsy@emul.om------  Merry Solstice and Happy New Moons from all of us in district 98862- Dusst, Miisha, Willbee, Clyme, and frequenteers of Castle Wisp.

------ dear Marsy,  my visit with Gramma is amazing,  she edited my Catcher story, we are celebrating the longest nigh at Est Bestern of the semitropic district.   Feather

------ Hi , mOm- Herin and I are preparing for infanticipation. Our Vashille home is warmly furnished and ornamentally heated. Do you know whether kindercloaks are available here in the inner hemisphere? Lov, Camlin

f flash----- year end market report from Deem&Dom


'Tis the night before opening bell. Not a mouse

nor a monitor stirs in the brokerage house.

Deals in the pipeline fill volitile air

in hopes to exchange each point-settia with care.

Indicators freeze in fear of declines

as analysts pose at their trading posts. Lines

of elves expecting liquidity rush

leverage well on crude candy cane gush.

Investors leap over the candlestick chart

as sharp falling T notes split yule logs apart.

Bulls merge at arm's length with Bears, to rebound.

The great British FTSY could lose a few pounds.

Pop in wreath sales, derivative payoff.

Statistical errors cause tree truckers' layoff.

The move has bad breadth, mantels are hammered.

SOX, hanging, gap lower, the JOX index stammers.

Insiders sell giftwrap, so heavy the sack,

chimneys are breaking all over the map

Reindeer are striking. World markets collapse.

At season's next rally will profits drift back?

Saint Nicholas chuckles with shorts squeezing down

covered options that roll over naked uptown.

Taking stock of his assets he calls through the night,

"Merry Forex to all and may Futures be bright." 

\\\\\ 11-22 Dec - Cecropia to Uncertainty ///// 

ebike2mars.com 1112.0115 AT

This is the season when Gemlins graze at crater Cecropia. They munch weeds, chomp twigs that need pruning and fertilize with their nitrogen extract. Ebikes Botta and Tandemm are charged, packed and hoisted over the rim of the crater. The trippplets are safely tucked in their kindercloaks. Botta's saddlebag is adjusted to carry them. Hmm, Ubeyou and I mount, throttle and pedal in the direction of the next meridian, destination: Uncertainty........         "The place knownn as Uncertainnty is about three mmmeridianns fromm here. I took nnotice of the coordinnates onn a geoscann during astrommmatics class," Hmm explains. "Yet the coordinnates appeared to be mmmoving."  "Unstable gravity can cause such oscillation," Ubeyou replies.  Arrival is uncertain. Spin with us or meet you there next week.

ebike2mars.com 2212.0115 AT 

We enter the sector called Uncertainty and dismount. Hmm unstraps the trippplets from Botta. Comfortingly she sets them on a patch of moss like fungus, humming, "Hmmmm, there now, Alfeemmm, Alfommm, Alfanda, a cushy bed after days of bummmpy travel. Mmmarsy. Relax with Ubeyou, I will mmmake cammmp." As quick as a blind rabbit she ties up shelter🔺, starts a wax flame ♨ and pours magma tea💨 while Ubeyou reads these pages of the LLf files, Looss Leaf entry 051: CADENCE 

Knee rises, toes push. The wheels hum a duet, he with them, a trio. The frame becomes him, he, one of its pa....(my eyes, can't keep them open)

\\\\\ Phalloween 15- 31 Oct /////

ebike2mars.com 1510.0115 AT


Laquered hairlines, penciled brows, hollow eyes. Recarved noses, painted smiles, chipped chins. Masked characters, everywhere, in every space:

Speechless, tearless, craveless. Sweatless, lifeless, graveless mask. Shameless, drool-less, nameless. Flu-less, breathless, sunburnless mask.

Frivol-ess, marvel-ess, peril-ess. Ridicul-ess, viril-ess, sterile-ess mask. Homeless, foeless, mole less mask-cara, masking tape, mask-cot. The Masque of Pandora, mask-culine, mask-queraders.

MASK HISTERIA. Comic, tragic mask. African, oriental mask. Pet mask, petty mask. Bodiless mask. Massk = E / C squared. 

CP activated- feather@emul.om,   Hi Feather,  The mask poem is my phalloween gift to you. Here, on the outer hemi,  this pholiday is celebrated through two or more weekenns. My new friends, Ubeyou and Hmm, are collecting props from crater Cecropia: broadleaf anana leaves as a backdrop for the stage, gourds that rattle as you walk by, amboo to hold scarecrows upright...  My trippplets have developed  musculature in their faces,  able to blink eyes, flare noses and suckle, but I do still rub nutrients into their skin. Alfeem, Alfom and Alfanda are so dear to me. It's difficult to find the words, the thrill of being a mother again, Dusst and Camlin having siblings, you with three new cousins.The gentle gemlins will arrive soon to graze on weeds. (The mischievous gemlin pups mature during hibernation)  How was your journey to and from the Oriental district of middle hemi? Any ebikes there? Stay well, loving spins, aunt Marsy.     SEND

ebike2mars.com 1910.0115 AT 

PREQUILL.     Looss Leaf entry 039PQ

I am not a great writer. Words once mine fade between the pages, turn to small talk amongst neighbors, or become tinder for campfires. My phrases, once enduring, vaporize into this nightmare, this stone tablet without vowels, charcoal glyphs on a cave wall. 

Hours pass. At five a.m. my fingers ache, which recurs digitally at the keyboard, q-w-e-r-t-t-t-t-tap, backspace, delete. Outside the glass wall t-t-tap across pine tablets, tribunal woodpeckers meet their deadline. Not I, not today. "Tap-tap?" No, I am not a bird watcher, I am a sentence vendor out of order, dispensing predicates in place of subjects: grab, slam, hands on backpack, doorknob; to straggle down my block. 🏡.    🏣🏣🏢🏥🏬  

🔚At the flashing WALK signal caffeinated crossers rush like mad dogs with styrofoam jaws. F1, F2, shit, I'm wearing flipflops. They st-t-t-t-tumble over hyphens on the pavement. Traffic is impatient. A charged up Ram blows its horn at some idiot who pulls a rusty ebike from the trash pile, pedals to All-Mart and plugs in the battery charger while filling the rear tire, with difficulty, 15, 30, 25 p.s.i. 25, 20, 40. Minutes pass, no, days when the rider is found shifting in mid air, off the edge of the hemisphere.   

ebike2mars.com 3010.0115 AT

Gemlins have arrived at crater Cecropia. From the rim, the head of the flock leaps over to a sturdy oringa branch and grabs with its hind leg. While dangling upsidedown, knee bent, its fused front paw directs the others toward the bottom of the crater. Alfeem, Alfom and Alfanda giggle at their bouncing ``÷√^×--.. and swinging €¿¿  .... One by one each gemlin lands on the nest of anana leaves that Hmm built at the near side of the grove. The flock briefly grazes on a row of weeds, then proceeds to the Phalloween stage where they step across the giant hollow amboo stems that Ubeyou lashed together. Listen, their legs are bleating a Ewe drum call, 2-3  &  / / /// --- . ⛎ ⛎ they sway.   ♎ ♎♎♎ when their fused front paws and ♓ ♓hind legs bleat in slow motion, it creates a subsonic wave. Bleating quickly creates ultrasonics. Both are inaudible frequencies. We no longer hear the amboo rhythm; instead our skin absorbs the vibrations from frontal lobe to foot arch (but not the ear canal). Do you feel it on the inner hemi?, the speed and intensity? According to wuantum physix, sonic pulses that burst from a source can tunnel through solids and arrive in all places at the same time. Ubeyou, Hmm and the trippplets appear mesmerized, as I am. Minutes pass, no, days. Gemlins remain on stage. An unforgettable Phalloween. ♎♓ ♎♓  ♎♓ 🐶♎♊

\\\\\ Quinquennial Asteroids- Oct 8-12 /////

ebike2mars.com 0810.0115 AT

We are preparing for the Quinquennial Asteroid event. I am gathering broadleaf anana and fruit from the cruller bush. Ubeyou and Hmm are weaving a net across the highest branches in crater Cecropia. There we will comfortably view the 360°  night horizon, from Chroma Zone to Inai. Ebikes Botta and Tandemm are safely suspended and charging. Our cloaks are folded. My precious trippplets, their eyelids half open as facial muscles develop, are due to experience sight in a few hours. During the coming event, communication is likely to be disrupted. It would be displostemonous to hear from you before the weekenn.

f flash.  mul incoming:  marsy@emul.om from Vee on Venus Rd.    Marsy,    Jojop and I attended the welcome home celebration during dropdown of spacecraft Hermes. Its crew required prolonged recuperation from foreign gravity fatigue and exposure to rogue weather at their mission's locale. Mattney did grow potatoes there in extreme conditions, but you, Marsy, birthed trippplets. Now that's colonization! 

ebike2mars.com 0910.0115 AT

f flash.  voicemul:   Marhzee, this is Ibeeme. I am trhuly grhatified of yourh decision to rhun as my vice prhesident. It is advantageous that you arhe explorhing new terrhitorhies. Rhoda will contact you soon about extrhaterrhestrhial interhviews. She is a thorhough campaign managerh. I miss you and the bode at K Aarhst. Keep our trhippplets safe. Hi Alfeem, Alfom, Alfanda....

f flash.    marsy@emul.om  from Feather:     Hi Marsy,    wow, mo......(spacehaze interference)

ebike2mars.com 1010.0115 AT

'Wwww oww'.   I hear the asteroids, do you? "Yes, Marsy. Each one is projecting its own soundwave image."   'owww oww, '   Owl eyes glaring at moonrise (©v©) two craters.           ' cr crrrr'  crescent on crimson  horizon, at us graciously 😊 the moon grins.           'th ththth'    That leaf with moonbeams, o --- o --- o --- oak,  travels to my lap.           'wth  wwwth',      Weatherman pouring rain on withered town soaks soles -π -unpaved feet in mud drown.             '  msssss mss'       Mystical rainbow vanishes into somber cloud .¡```¡. invisible frown.                  'chch ch'.  Child tosses bucket of water overhead \°°°°/ to cool simmering sky.           ' br brrr'     Breaking wave ♒ the little boy covers his wet bed.         'ha ha',    happy hour on rocks,  extra dry lizard tongues tickle blushing sun.             'ss s'.        Sycamore to ash, caterpillars en route ~~---~~---~~ at their crosswalk leaves flash.                   ° 🔜• Dobos is casting indirect beams until Pheimos crosses its orbit. While these shadows are interfering with the images, let's have a snack. There is cruller fruit. And magma vapor to inhale, streaming from a fissure next to our makeshift hammock.  <<<<<--- refreshing to the lungs.

'fr ffrr'   More asteroids.     From sand one grabs lunch, other claw collects rent "'\ /® economic crab.             'd dd '.    Dense as herring in fog --🏭-- trawler marinates.           'so so',        Sociable toad mingles with his concrete echo ( )culvert conversation( ).        'ba bba'   Batting powdered wings at us, antennae brushed >*\/*< that flirtatious moth.          'att',      At slaughterhouse steer wait in row //🐂🐂🐂 executions without trial.            'g gg'   Goose shot down, gander waddling mournfully in wake . 🗿🗿< two wounded hearts drown.     't-t'   Together in a field, alone, white lilies kiss.     'wh whh'      Whisper of cinder ":":" before its disappearance in a breath of smoke.            

ebike2mars.com 1210.0115 AT 

In this shoal of time, the cosmos directs the quinquennial event through our bloodstreams and into our imaginations. As the upper hemisphere continues to revolve, the asteroid belt veers away, but not without a last shimmer of soundwave images at the horizon,   'n nnn nn end' 

\\\\\ 28 Sept-  Eclipse at Cecropia ///// 

ebike2mars.com 2809.0115 AT

We slept through most of Equinox and totally missed views of the eclipsed moon over the Outer Hemi, exhaustion due to shifting electrons in the plasma pocket beneath the Meteorite that sheltered us.  ¿¿  "Duck under the lower ledge NOW" Ubeyou covers us with his emuskin cloak. Then havoc: :-\ 🗾🗾♑🗾🗾♑🗾🗾♐♐🗾:-[ :-\ :-( 🗾🗾♐ Last of the gemlin pups rush by 🗾🗾🗾🗾🗾. Scrape, scrape, claws sharp enough to scar the Meteorite: ||||  |||| ||||. Poke, pound, horns make their marks ! ! !  on this extraterrestrial surface, their route to the Crustal Plain where they will drop their aggressiveness during a short hib....hibernation.

\\\\\ 21-23 Sept- Equinox /////

ebike2mars.com 2109.0115 AT

f flash- emuls incoming:     

marsy@emul.om----Marsy L E-  Ibeeme requests you as his running mate. A recent amendment confirms that absentee vice presidency is constitutional. Please let me know if you accept. Rhoda on R.I., campaign manager.

feefofan@emul.om - Dear Alfeem, Alfom and Alfanda-  Our bloodline welcomes you to the family. We miss your mother, the great sister. She will archive this, your gifts for the future. Love,  Dusst, Camlin, Gramma, Alf, Alfander, Willbee, Clyme, Feather, Miisha, Herin.       [9 attachments] :    [Weedledeem & Weedledom solution for ebike Jump° between hemispheres-  J°=F=d(mv~)/dt ],     [ 🎓 ],     [🐃],    [⛲],    [π], [👓],    [🔰],    [3 ebikes coupon],    [😆].  

..Have a Spoky Equinox on the Outer Hemi.. \°.\.°.|.°/.°/ . mulcard from aworldspinning

.........(CP retrieving lost replies).......

ebike2mars.com 2209.0115AT

"Are you awake, Mmmarsy?"  Y-yes.  "Ubeyou innformmms mmme that the trippplets nneed their mmmornig nnutrimmmennts".  OK, Hmm, wi.....

\\\\\ 20 Sept- Hmm reads at the Meteorite /////

ebike2mars.com 2009.0115 AT

....... had feelings once. I jotted them down, but now they are gone..... This is the page that Hmm reads: 

Looss Leaf entry 035HW:


Early. Early this morning. Was it Willbee snoring that woke me? Acorns hopping on the sill? or some rascally troll wandering in the dark all by himself carelessly wiping away sleep, flinging off my blanket as the little hand ticked between the five and six. I strrretched up, blinking twice. Wasn't dreaming. Stupid slippers, where were they?. Never mind, shove on. Left, right, whispery steps along the rickety floor toward the window where, very quietly I

opened it all the way and climbed out, but didn't let go until toes reached the grassy dew. When I turned around there was the old oak. Knurly branch looked like scarecrows holding hands. Ga schlomp, clumsy me. Bashed my knee. Nightgown ripped. A minute after that was when I heard this perr-ticular leaf

breathing. It rolled over on its twig, waking up another leaf. Which shook two leaves. Two pushing four, I watched their breath push bunches more, tossed in turn as if those leaves were swarming. Thousands of hundreds. Which disturbed the trees nearby. One after the next some younger Oaks and the Sycamore family began to

shake wildly, blowing hard beside Laurel, me, the long haired tree. The paper boy was screamingmad because. Because our gusts were crinkling his front pages. The checkered shirt on Mrs Clayton's clothesline was waving, so we waved back while up the sidewalk a battered hat chased the huffing garbage truck. And dust was flying off shutters. Grit swept from gutters. Smokestack fumes dis-up-peared, settled once and for all far beyond Green Street. "We cleared the air." I yelled. But no one was listening. Inside, Mommy didn't even notice my hem was torn. "Laurel, get dressed," she mumbled. After breakfast. Staring past the back door. I thought I saw a leaf yawning. Then the one nearby. Yawn, yawn. Trees tired, wind is


At this ending Alfeem, Alfom and Alfanda sleepgrin. Ubeyou has some aged fig pulp to rub over them for their evening nutriments. Hmm is organising the paper sheets in the file. Botta's CP is decoding emul. And I am recl.....

\\\\\ 17 Sept- picnic at the Meteorite /////

ebike2mars.com 1709.0115 AT

We have clambered out of the crater. In the basket of their ebike Tandemm, Ubeyou and Hmm have packed fruits from the Nest. My trippplets tucked inside Botta's saddlebag, we head longitudinally, a four hour spin to the meteorite. On the shade side we brunch. Then Ubeyou reads aloud from the Looss Leaf file: Looss Leaf entry 031SM: SE VA LA MADRUGADA

El Gallo esta' cantando.

The rooster is crowing.

Crowing shakes the horizon, dawn tumbling into the old field.

Crowing rakes thirsty grain into the pueblo. 

Crowing bakes the crust for sleepy panaderos, the crust for pigeons weeping at Iglesia de la Incarnacion, the crust for Rodriguez, poor blind dog.

Crowing breaks Maria's heart as her lover returns to sea, the fisherman's net shining with sad sardines and crazy crab.

Crowing wakes the vine that cradles the color azul.

Crowing takes the dreams from children of Andalucia.

Se va la madrugada. Dawn flees. -- ------  ---

>>Looss Leaf entry 032NP:


What distinguishes poems from rhetorical speech or dramatic delusions of characters, each consuming their roles on the buttery stage that can spread to success, or not.

White and the black of news printed debates can suppress interracial duress, or not, as tall troubled poets, so-called, type, then rehearse psycophonic abstractions to you, the audience, the book purchasers. Who request more concrete.

Much of theirs is an essay of childhood quotes, biographic mistreatments to feed wild goats, an excuse for reviews, for men's brief beseachments, for daughters' panteasements. These lines should be dropped into articles of impeachments, and mine be abolished, crime rhyme be admonished.

There is reason to downsize the biblioverse in the cloud. There are seasons to shine on supe...<<             ....>>irrelevant, discard to trash file<<     

Ubeyou hands LLf032NP to Hmm who folds the paper sheet and places it in the slot of this sealed manilla folder, a one way slot like a mailbox. N's voice hums, "Ubeyou, be commmfortable. It is mmmy pleasure to read nnow. Here is one enntry about picnnics annd such of the inner hemmmisphere...."   Hmm  reads this page:

....Looss Leaf entry 033

Toting crumbs, single file, to their picnic from ours                             ants at ants smile.

Pass the bean curd, please. Ant family in the drain.                      Nothing wasted.

Housefly drinks from my tea cup, not knowing why                          wings become jittery.

Mosquito alights on my tired arm              deciding-                                not to bite.

Ripe orange ...(.©•.)... a fruit fly's world.

One Amber loon gleams on the quiet pond drinking                         November moon beams.

TRAIL MOUSE:  During the night naughty Rodentia yanked leather tongue,  ravelled toilet paper, nibbled hemp cord, then scratched a word off this ××..¡¡..¡¡..¡¡..¡¡.. ×× brown bag while backpacker snored.

Sibilant gusst, wings thrusst.                                                             Feathery whiite, spring fliight.

Street lamp glows   s=t=r=e=t=c=h=I=n=g    pine needle shadows.

\\\\\ 14 Sept- Bingers at Dawn/////

ebike2mars.com 1409.0115 AT 

During our goodbyes in Wisp Ibeeme explained to me that, on the outer hemisphere, births are premature. And that the mother rubs colostrum onto her newborns to absorb nutrients, since they are unable to suckle until more fully developed. Here I stroke my precious trippplets with the fluid as they sleep ~--~--~--~ My two guests remain collapsed from exhaustion.  Which gives me time to unseal the parcel that they delivered: kididrum, shakaree, lambbell, rinsable kinderbriefs, three hooded morphable emuskin kindercloaks, and a handprinted message labelled LLf029BD. Yes, from the Looss Leaf files:


Bingers. Buckers.                         Wow wee!

Four boys, one girl                        b-bounce

down the S

                      T.            thumpa da thompen


                             I.        on pajama bottoms


Here we come,         S

Squashable.                     (pink rubber pig) 

Watch out, Snowball, yra-ooo, frightened

feline scampers to the hall.           Crayon 

portrait of Betty Boop winks. Bingers. B-

Buckers. Squeeek,            Mommy's door

opens.   Her furry slippers sweep across

tongue and groove to the Fantom Range

where rough cut matches         strike the

scorched burner.      Crisp strips of pork

spit on the skillet.     On the quart bottle

Elsie indelibly smiles    as a crusty heel

pops from the Toastmatic.        And the

kettle sings  dawn after beaming dawn

until....... Alfan turns four, the year that 

his sister,           dabbing her rosewater,

b-bounces with him                   no more.   


ebike2mars.com 1009.0115 AT

--f flash-- newsspam tab: Mother, 55, Gives Birth to Trippplets in Crater!  While she ecycled on the Outer Hemi... ...found hazebathing in June with a younger man....  performed slash surgery to separate her newborn..... 

\\\\\ September delivery/////

ebike2mars.com 0909.0115 AT

WHAT! HUH, HOW!  Labor during hibernation? One- more- push- Three of them? Oo Kk. Wild awake now. Drain umbilicals. Count fingers, toes. OH NO. Grab the Swiss blade, son's foot connected to girl's arm. Slice NOW, while the tissues are still morphable. Blood spurting. React: section the placenta, use as bandage for the wounds. Blankets, they are in Botta's saddlebag out of reach. Let me think, in Bornea mothers wrap their newborns in broad anana leaves. I can do that. Quiet now, breathing steadily, my daughter and two sons.        - - -     Is someone here?   "Sorry to startle you, Mzunga Marsy..... (He is as I imaged, healthy stature, spun thighs, displostemonous smile, close to my agemark.) (She is as I imaged, trim petite specimen, spun thighs, displo smile, young for her agemark.)  " This is Hmm and I am Ubeyou here to deliver you this parcel. And to visit my jod brother Ibeemee." But he has departed the bode in K Aarhst to your rescue.Never mind, you are exhausted. Rest here. (In this moment their eyelids collapse) (U.U) (U.U)  My precious trippplets are sleepsmiling.(•u• •😊• •u•) They will be given the name of our most respected family member Alf, to celebrate this, his birthweek, along with now, Trippp's natalday. Must notify family. OK,  the CP has some charge.

[compose emul]  fwd to Dusst and Camlin.  My dear sons, You now have two stepbrothers and a stepsister, Alfeem, Alfom and Alfanda. They arrived this morning prematurely, no trouble birthing, small skulls. Please let the family know that the four of us are comfortable , in high health. And ebike Botta is suspended safely. Loving spins, mOm 

ebike2mars.com 1009.0115 AT

--f flash-- newsspam tab:  Mother, 55

\\\\\ Hibernation /////

ebike2mars.com 0109.0115 AT

"Ovums develop expeditiously herhe in the outerh hemispherhe; therheforhe hiberhnation is required for fearless laborh," Ibeeme did explain before leaving me, to rescue Ubeyou. Uh, my abdomen feels SO stretched apart {{ {{•}} }} Settled in the Nest at this edge of Cecropia, my eyelids droop, biotins digest, too much tiffin, too little -- ~~~deep~~~deeper~~~~  Spacelessly, into the hibernation, spins a hooded eldercloak draped across silverust dreads, transparent hands and translucid voice: Why Y.(phantasma of Looss Leaf's voice)

Y.          (LLf 021Y)

Y Y lie on the beach 

       at feathers' reach,

Y Y wild race around 

an unfenced aviary. 

Serif scalloped Y nudged under

undulating seas resembles V.

Some are struck like crooked A's.

Y's that blotted, double K's:



Salted rhyme, web foot verse,

idle ornithic pentameters

edited by busy gulls pasting

print on sandy page that

tide-                      -erased.  

Looss Leaf, are these YOUR words? Sleep listen I do, and sleeptalk. Is there more translusion?    Y-e-s.  LLf 022LR:


Grandmother is turning grey. Gradually. Watch. Will the future be delayed, or will names fade away? move in with you? live alone? or stay at Breezy Manor where Eloise licks butterscotch pudding from the rim of her bowl, where Franklin kicks the table refusing his pills. Nettie is homesick there, "Can you take me to Connecticut?"  "No, but my husband can drive. He's over in the square.". "You're nuts, that's the television.". "Oh, go fry ice." There at six o'clock is when to watch the shiny kettle upon which a reflection deepens the grey, devoted grey, outdoor grey, spicy yet soft spoken grey. Grey wobbllingg could be I Grandmother with improbable pen in hand, writing a request on air: During my last night's, bring herbal teas, dance, drum, sing, but please DON'T let anyone call me HONEY.

\\\\\emuls in transit/////

ebike2mars.com 0209.0115 AT

-Vee, ......... .wondering.....   her emul to us about ebike chasers..... in June...... gemlins.... ...but where is she now?  SobbyandBally-

Friends and Ecyclists-   Marsy is hibernating in an anana grove at the bottom of a pleasant crater. Geoscans from an Omni shuttle picked up that image this morning. The Source be with her,    -Vee on Venus Rd (forward to dusst@emul, camlin@, feather@, gramma@, frog@, mema@, sobbal@,  dea@, aworldspinning.com, sha...) 

TZEN.         (LLf023Z)

...That bright flower,  (Agnes's  deepest thoughts...)  it looks like a millionaire (verbatim). wa...

As the translusion continues during Marsy's hibernation, Botta's CP saves her incoming emul:

Transitioners (Ianne, Hyll, Usan, Marsy, Vee, Pall...) In two days Shawn is expected to complete the Loop, 60000000sp (10000mi). We have arranged a welcome home event in district 34294SV. Volunteers are needed to respark Sherpa and renourish Shawn. All contacts invited, TabbyandTomm.

voice emul: Marsy, this is Ibeeme. I did not find Ubeyou. An unexpected jump landed me on Rhode Island. Sorrhy not being with you.

Marsy,  thanks for helping Jojop avoid the patrols. I am to meetup with him in Sac, the destination of his bus/train journey. Disappointed that I won't be in district 34293SV for Shawn's welcome home. Have a great hibernation. Vee

newsflash:  'Ibeeme for President'  'Vote for the Ecyclist'. Free holographic posters and buttons are available at campaign headquarters. Although his mother is Tanzan and he has been residing in K Aarhst, gene scans indicate that Ibeeme was conceived at a couples' retreat on the inner hemisphere. This confirms his eligibility to be elected U.S. pre....

WHAT! HUH! Labo....

\\\\\ 31 Aug - Crullers in the crater/////

not the crullers you find in the dictionary (a doughy sweetcake) but they do have a twisted form, color of creamy flesh dangling from the cruller bush. Tickles my tongue, excites olfactories. The entire crater is lined with perennials. Asberry ripens to the size of baseballs, morninga pod sprouts longer than bats, dragonflies pollenate >¡<  >¡<  then disable worms that would otherwise bore into guava. My expanding womb and I assimilate nutriments at this phytological site called Cecropia.  

\\\\\ 28 Aug- escape from Jopiter /////

ebike2mars.com 2708.0115 AT

<< >> . << >> . << >> .  sirens . << >> . oxoxoxox , Jobott's spokes spin toward ionized spacehaze { `¡•.°•:¡° } at a rate below radar detection.  """"""I""""""    f flash on Marsy's CP:   " ••• --- •••   I have escaped the penal continent on Jopiter where inmates slice petrified matter with corona sawzals. My bott's CP requires algorithm for jump between hemispheres. Plz respond to jobott4.2 ".   xoxox.  "v+¡8π÷∆747mc3=Weedledeem/Weedledom solution."   <<>>  "Thx, Deem&Dom".  xoxox.  Leapv8π∆74-3-2-1 dropdown.  xoxox.    " Jo, you must bury your ebike, patrols activate skyscans to identify treadmarks of escapees.  Limited transport options along that foreign terrain, take a petrobott ( bus, not semi), then find rail ties. Scuttle now,    ecyclist Marsy."


It's the sorry side of town.   Our bus idles.    Fumes trespass down the block of tattooed walls.    Inside the station a guerney dodges luggage along aisle C.    EMTs strap the victim of a loitering society.    "third time this week.".    "Baker Act him."

Reboarding for Saint Louis, our driver collects tickets and, on schedule, backs out beyond the Smoking Area where "I gotta smartphone that's smarter than I am.".      Our driver moves us beyond the Bumpus Body Shop, the Beef Stew Gumbo, Rhythm Rags store, Jugg City bikers' bar, Doghouse Computers, deiseled roadkill at Drury Inn.     Our driver enforces ground transport rules: " Turn devices to low volume." "Do not sit on ledge." "No disruptive behavior." "Canine con cuidado" 

With instinctive steering our driver moves us beyond ourselves-     the rider with plastic alert bracelet, another's striped hoodie, those manure stained coveralls, his hooked prosthetic, her straightened hair, faux elegant manicurist, lip balm junkie, the one with the spiral notebook who thinks she's a poet, overweighted seat hog, dedicated cig flog, indefinable accents, "I'm notta nurse,  bu tyer chil' don' lookrigh' t'me." "Thatsum badass snornin'."  

Tires thump. We rise, in sync, as our driver moves us across Pigeon Creek beyond the sorry side somewhere in Indiana, Pennyroyal Parkway, Lady of Snow shrine, Harmonyville.     Our driver moves pavement, treads over horizons. She moves Land between Lakes where the Odd Fellows of Pythagoras wave their triangles, calculating distance to our final destinations.

COACHCLASS to SAC      (LLf 020CS)

"ffeeep".    the whistle departs Union Station, feeping //  steel on steel rolls //oo, resistance creaks // city limits unfold \\//  railroad scrapyard lies west end Inca St [===] age old ties stacked, hacked €//\X, axles rust in peace ¿?¿ .  'burDen'   'BuRden'  'buRDenVr' , on boxcar grafitti sighs. SECKS on the C.S.X. freight and ASPK on the caboose speed by. " I need your tickets please." √√√ pen scratches on timetable ^^^^^^barbed wire^^^^^^^ runs as distant as the track/////// behind coal carriers Angus graze foot of Rockies----------/\/\  yucca blossoms nod to power distant turbines ]T[  

 "ffeeep" engine ascends slower than a drawl through aix tunnels ( ) () (.)(.)(.)(.) ear pops in the next (*)  take photo of mica or sandstone [©] plug in the cell charger in the eighth tunnel, no (9th). follow the crowd through the slider to the lounge car, openslam openslam openslam, 10, 11, 12 times. 10, 11, 12 tunnels. No Reception en route to 16, 17th tunnel, 18th nameless peak, 19th townless vale, 20th ice cap.

"ffeeep" slamslam, track crosses gravel road X . plum, goat cheese, have a snack in (21) "ffeeep" Colorado rapids flow east, \\ dam s-l-o-w-s river toward Moffit Tunnel, how deep is the continental divide? rapids descend westward this side //  (.) (.) (.)  blue roof, railside gravestones, green roof ∆ brown roof red roof yellow field ====  " if you see something suspicious, tell the engineer" spotty window: road follows rail follows waterway follows power line follows "ffeeep" to Glenwood Springs //

openopen smokers exit and inhale, toothbrusher gurgles and spits onto patch of lawn(,,,,,,,) first class luggage lines up to enter the sleep coach "ffeeep" 'all aboard'  downstream widens\~~~/   kayakers wave, Yuba Gap goose on the bank watches one rubber raft paddling against the current, one fly fisher casting lures, some sheep pasted on a cliff, one thousand more cliffs, "ffeeep" one flume to irrigate spring rows of sprouted crops, 'passengers with reservations please proceed.' slider opens opens, shoes rush rush to the dining car, slam slam echoes in Tunnel 40 (.) here is dessert, coconut flurry, but no snowdrift at this time of year at Tunnel 41 (.)

"ffeeep". U.T.L.X. , the tankcar people, move with their 30,046 U.S. gallon capacity cylindrical containers // press button to flush restroom, slam.       'If this is your destination, please gather all belongings including electronics".     junk cars wanted in Grand Junction //    six full silos in town ]¶[  ]¶[ ]¶[ ]¶[   ]¶[ ]¶[      5, 6, 7 bridges: ||÷÷÷÷÷||           Yuba goosewings hitch a glide at bridge 8.        lowlit aspens frame canyon, Ruby Canyon frames aspens that give way to bales stacked in threes like giant pillows ( ( (      

" ffeeep".  //   tired goose eyes watch one grey field, one cracked weathervane, eight wireless poles, 32 antique transformers, one abandoned corral /\X\K\\   pair of dry silos (a place to perch for gappers) ,   empty Creek, tree skeleton, haunted outhouse - slam

"ffeeep" ffeeeps along bridges 14, 15, 16 ||÷÷÷÷÷||  to tunnel 42 (.) and across moonlit granite €))).  darkness reverberates in the aisle //  cracker muncher nor restless child, squeaky shoe nor slam can wake the dreaming couple, reclined, head on her lap %/      at the end of tunnel (48) sun rises \\\*////    slam slam to breakfast

"ffeeep".  overpass repairs ahead, safety vested construction crew signals the uniformed conductor \°°/   equipment blocking railway. 'Attention, passengers, we need to back up to get on a different track. Please stay seated during this maneuver.'.    " ffeeep"

B M painted on hillside, Battle Mountain, there you can't hide in the train's shadow // it glitters with century old gun powder;;;;; and a trace of gold dust;; secrets travel speed of daylight beyond this sealed emergency exit to distant listeners at the Country Cafe where sausage smoke has risen ~^ and Christ is Lard.

"ffeeep". bridge 30 ||÷÷÷÷÷÷|| where were the city lights? cell towers?  sidewalks? 29th bridge? sandpit? Boxing Donkey billboard?  all lost overnight.     .....ground looks salted....... no shrub, no ATV tread, no anthill, no bridge x no grafitti ¿ no green mile, no tunnel. //  no whistle, no slam, no goose.  //  one lone stump ........π......... must be Nevada.  watch for wild mustang on left, gamers on right, field before Reno's Public Dump, Dynamic Deisel pipeline warehouse,  Never Dig Dangerously. " ffeeep".  

slam slam, roofers' supply carries split beams, sawdust piled high as Yucatan pyramid, 'tree planted with each purchase'  // // //  vacant tent in a condemned backyard, scattered goosedown, bullet hole in fence. // // why a town here? bleak, blink, slam.

the "ffeeep" climbs steeply to Conifers and Broadleaf,  forest floor the shade sienna, one more bridge ||÷÷÷÷÷|| tunnel (.) curve carved onto luscious gorge √}  Donner Lake spreads apart the wilderness from where a stream ~~ of lavender flowers follows the track \\ \\ down to SACramento.  


\\\\\ 24 Aug- descent to Cecropia /////

ebike2mars.com 2408.0115 AT

It's a crater, not a sinkhole, from where the stems sprout. To protect Botta from the elements I lower her frame ten sp below ground, then tighten hemptwine around this hardwood branch, an ebike suspended is a glorious sight. With CP tucked in my plexis pouch, I shimmy down this vine, shimmyshimmyshim to the bottom of the crater that is Cecropia.   ffffflash, voice message from Ibemee: Hi Marhzee,  I'm absorhbed in spacehaze searhching for Ubeyou. My.....(......communication failure due to ionization..........  ).....................my lungs lack nourhishment, the bott's charhge rhuns low, CP signal will not connect to my brotherh's ebike. Marhzee, I miss ourh displostemonous converhsations. Gnigh    

\\\\\ Roseday in the rift- 22 Aug /////

ebike2mars.com 2208.0115 AT

Happy Roseday, Gramma. There you are on my mind. Your smile radiates like an expanding Universe of sparkling petals. But where I stand, pinks, corals, crimsons and whites do not exist, only two shades of grey. This width between the feldspar walls dipicts a two dimensional space, so it seems. The options are forward, back, above or beneath, too narrow a rift for reaching aside. My occupied womb barely squeezes along. Before becoming stuck like a pooh in a honey jar we depart, can't imagine birthing here. Botta's pedals adjusted, CP charged, saddlebag packed, I hoist her to the exit through the vent above. Spokes spin at ground level, the third latitude.  Three hours to the sinkhole, let's rest before the descent and read Looss Leaf entry 090FD: 


Before valentines, nursery rhymes twinkled around her. Best friend Kiki tossed joy into eyes, playfully, in the sandbox. Stuffed bunnies with bears held hands down the slide at Rye Park. Buttercups bloomed without blemish, child's fingers curiously plucking the petals. She sucked her thumb soundly ~~~~ During that night a Dark Witch, stuffed with pins, jumped into her sleep, pulled out the thumb, then yanked the stroller from mother


\\\\\ 20 Aug - Place In Time /////

ebike2mars.com 2008.0115 AT

Hemispheres beam in many flavors: left and bright, espresso and decafinite, vanillatudinal and longitudinal. In ebike2mars Marsy finds the outer hemisphere where she is ecycling and studying LLf files which were written in the inner hemisphere. Looss Leaf entry 013PT is lengthy. To unsubscribe, simply scroll down to the Pluton. But first, emul delivery brought to you by Deem&Dom, gheek Twinz:

willbee@emul.om.      Hi, brother, Twinz sent me skyscan of your district, so sorry it is inflames. The family relies on you to keep bees, quadrupeds and the great grandchild sheltered from smoky duss.    Loving spins,  Marsy.

shawn@emul.om (aworldspinning.com)  Gratulations to you and Sherpa, you have arrived at the coastal east...... here in my.....H2O flows below ground........ pockets..... great sea of the caves.......


There is a place in time where all stories will have been told. There is. In office B prime, scrollway One, Planetymon, hour two twenty two.     Comfortable in her carbonite chair, Ysul views holographic pages on a Lumabrite touchscreen, recessed in the wall like a window. She opens her mouth to yawn.

In a flame lit cave Lucy, yawning, dreams of a stalactite story yet untold: S S , two snakes, live in a forest. VVMMMMVV, sharp teeth, attack tree trunks. The forest.         ------------------    disappears. S S escape to a flat Rock, long as the horizon TTTTTTTTTT. Monsters pass d----b d----b , honking.

Ysul is a Flasher. Through genetic selection and specialization, she is able to flash thiry pages per blink. Her EQ is eight cubed, highest on record. She flashscans text, video, audio, artform and olfactory simultaneously.

Lucy is ahead of her time having the ability to multitask. While miming her encounter with Mastedon ) (  , she can shake the bingberry bush QQQQQ and simultaneously dig for groundnuts with her toes nnnn nnnn. At full moon the clan dances beneath Lucy's spruce tree, wild bodies spattered with evergreen oil ! ! I I I I I I iiii! ! !  Lucy is Mother.

Ysul is pregnant. She flashes steadily during her nine months shift in the B prime office. Her eyes are open day and night. Ysul works in her sleep. She monitors the flow of human experience, fiction and non, historic and futuristic, pages that accumulate exponentially over time. A touchtoggle on the screen allows her to control the speed of flashing pages, tttttttouch, or slower t.   t.    t.     touch. Backspace toggling <<< reviews old data: << a horse is a horse of course, of course<<< lend me an ear, VanGough artform flashes l"--+;l with olfactograph of paint (&). Toggleforward >>> returns Ysul to page streaming, new data: >> two million year old skull>> discovered in Ethiopeda>> anthropologist names her Lucy>> species Lucipithica ramidus>> remains excavated from a collapsed cave>>more valuable than imagination to the human story>> proof>> genus Lucipithica>>not prophet from Planetron>> is source of our lineage>>anatomical and chemical analysis indicates>>nomadic Hominid in evergreen woodlands>>had multiple children>>crushed to death>>

Lucy knows nothing of touchtoggles. She touches a flowerinG vine, a lemur's tail? Crimson rays at sunset \\\ ! ///  Hearts are touched by Lucy's storytelling:  On a bed of furballs lmmml, / \ beneath a strange sky, o>---< a tiny storyteller :) smiles and kicks=:  , pale in a womb...O... far away.

After Ysul yawns, she looks up at the hovering aeroclock. It's two twenty two and two blinks. In this moment the life story of Ysul flashes on the holographic page. Her eyes return to the touchscreen. Holographs stream to a halt! The touchscreen flashes the Final Flash:  ALL STORIES TOLD- THE END--- T O G G L E  S A V E. --  Ysul lifts her finger. Then pauses. if I toggsave, data remains intact, stories unchanged, humanity status quo, bones of Lucipithica keep their value. Another thought: what happens if togglesave is NOT activated? Without stories would the Lumabrite shut down? Could we generate another story of ourselves, deleting the dark side? Ysul sobs. There is no helptoggle.

Lucy hears sobbing from behind the cave wall. How is this possible? Rock against solid rock. Mboo sz pmboo!

Ysul hears a strange word from behind the touchscreen. How is this possible? Double concrete wall. She is fearful of unknown language. 

Lucy is fearless.

Ysul seeks a solution to her dilemma, to toggle or not. 

On her mind's wall Lucy sees starving children, herds of animals flat on the bleeding ground, a mushroom shaped cloud that melts flesh. Intuition guides her hand behind the stalactite.

A bony hand with black wiry hair appears on Ysul's touchscreen. She shrieks, then calms herself. Lucy, it's you! I must save your story. I'll toggle now. Ysul extends her hand close to the touchscreen.

From behind the stalactite, a soft white hand extends toward Lucy who senses the presence of a full womb.

Ysul fells compelled to preserve Lucy's story. On the other hand, Lucy desires better stories for Ysul's unborn child O>---< 

At hour two twenty three on the aeroclock,  two hands connect at the toggle. One is stronger. 

\\\\\  19 Aug - Dwanalan haze/////

ebike2mars.com  1908.0115 

With this breath, my thoughts drift out the vent of the felspar rift, into rust red haze, spinning toward all of you:            You, Vee, who trained with me before my departure, thanks for keeping open your floridawn@gmail.com, my connection with readers from the inner hemisphere.            You, the Shawn who is ecycling the loop, is it our destinies to meet?           Looss, the illustrious phrasing in your files.          You, my sons, Camlin and Dusst, whom I miss deeply, my plan is to leave the rift when the haze thins, then stay in Cecropia. How and when to be home?  unsure.  

\\\\\ The Envelope, open it. 15 Aug/////

ebike2mars.com 1508.0115 AT

Dear Marsy,      You are asking yourself, 'why is it Dear Marsy, how could anyone know that I would find this Envelope dangling on bamboo chimes in the sinkhole at the far side of the outer hemisphere?'  Well, Marsy, I know of you. Ecyclists spinning in Spacehaze realize each other's whereabouts. Our skeletal systems and neurons react oddly yet sensibly to this strange geology. For example, the piso electricity of your frontal lobe acts like a magnet where strong fields of magma vapor flow below ground. This is why you were attracted to the opening in the feldspar wall during your climb across the rift. Now I suggest you inhale some nourishment before reading further...^^√√^^√√^^√√^^√√^^...yes, mineral vapor and protonsynthes of fungus spores do satisfy the respiratory appetite.^^√√^^√√.                     Marsy, do not underestimate your skills, overestimate. As a Latitudinarian, as I was, you have the responsibility to reach out, via this ebsite, to residents of all hemispheres, known and unknown, this will influence destinies. I have arranged for Weedledeem and Weedledom (gheek Twinz) to share your URL during reception failures due to ionized spacehaze. Your friend Vee will save messages in her floridawn@gmail.com                     On Ibemee's 3DCP, I read your post dated 0806.0115 AT, when you and Botta arrived at the Portal, heading this direction, to the bode at K Aarhst, where I leave behind my ebike Rowbott, my emuskin gloves, my files, all possessions. I depart, shuffle fossils at the Chroma Zone, enter the rift where I cursive these words, gemlins harass me. I grasp this vine, swing down, then place this envelope to attract you, in the magnetic field of the sinkhole. Now I ramble toward the edge of the hemisphere to meet Desth.              Your Elder,    Looss Leaf.               

 \\\ \\Aug 8-12/////

ebike2mars.com 1208.0115 AT

--....where are you, Marsy...where are you, Marsy...where......, Marsy... sy.....sy.....wher...., rsy....where are you, ......-- (Botta's CP echoes itself until speaker Reset is activated) ...Marsy...where........where are....you... you....whe.......   --   RESET.     I'm back, Botta.  Let me Pause your CP awhile, we'll rest. .PAUSE........ Where have I been these past four days?  Imagine this: My muscles relaxed on the slee pouch, upper ledge of the rift,  my lungs taking in nourishment, minerals that rise from the lesions along the feldspar wall. Out from the quietude marches a procession, not a march, more like a flash. But I do see them all clearly: Kiki from the sandbox, gradeschool teachers, Alice from Underland, the  Peanut Galley, Humbleena, Rittle Rascals, our Great Grandfamily, Alf, Willbee, cousins unknown, Uncle Arthur, Snowball the cat, all of us parading through the rift, width of a narrow breezeway, barely 3 sp. Anyone passing someone else must do so along the ledge above or below, as if occupying two dimensions, not three,  right leg on the foothold beneath, left side straight ahead or upstep to the next foothold. Downstep, watchout, pointy ledge, grab an eyebrow for balance. Look, the drummers: Eff, Ara, Huk with their djembes,  Auren's cowbell, Zabo's dun, Kokofi on shakaree. Bow to Dea's gongfuers, wave to Lara's reunioneers, to Lindalin and to me. I'm at the end of the line, trying to keep the pace with My occupied womb. It's difficult, I fall behind. I reach for a handhold and miss. Slipping deeper into the rift, I land on this mantel (where I rest) above which an opening, the size of an egg carton, pulls my forehead like a magnetic force. My vision adjusts: on the other side of the feldspar wall there appears to be a garden. Continuing ahead 1000 sp toward a vent in the ceiling, up I climb, then backtrack at ground level. Careful, almost tripped into a grand sinkhole, from where the green grows. Let's explore, grab a vine, swing down to this microclimate, to this cecropia. Follow the stone lined path. H2O pocket. Leaves floating, giant lily pads. Bamboo chimes, an envelope attached,  slip it into my plexis pocket. Must rush back to Botta and my slee pouch before the rust red haze covers me here in the outer hemisphere. Shimmy up these branches, descend the rift, reach for the eyebrows, charge your ebikes.

\\\\\midnigh Aug 6-7/////

ebike2mars.com 0708.0115 AT

Back studying the LLf files in the rift. Looss Leaf entry 015VS


Listen. Where cries of the albatross drown

and drift among cricketfish humming a round

shaping wavelets that swell, after noon, to a roar,

one deep grumbling tumbles, pounding the shore.

Whitecaps hiss. The current uncovers , beneath,

chattering jawbones with Cretaceous teeth

that chased gasping rays into murmuring reefs

for millennia, night after day.

The surf, now and here, rising frenzied and free

fills the air with snips from the crab, 

so with sole in despair.

Be it laughter of urchins or lisping of wrass,

be it seal slurrrping krill or

the voice from times past, 

we hear what we will.

Looss Leaf entry 016LV


On stage left the Last Valentine waits until the.   ...

(f flash emuls incoming...: ::::..--- ::+=***:::%\+;')

"Nymphet Marsy,  Stay away from my husband. You are making him crazy. He joined the tan salon, he assembles ebikes for the kids! Nightly he opens URL ebike2mars and won't come to bed. Delete yourself and that accidental embryo!. (but save Ibemee, he's kinda cute)  R.H. in Rhode Island."

"Friends of ebike2mars-  This is  Vee at Venus Rd. I've noticed inquiries about Marsy's skipping routine. We trained together before she departed the inner hemisphere. My muscle consulting business will open in district SV34293. I'll post my ebsite soon. "


On stage left the Last Valentine waits until the bleachers begin to fill. During rehearsal Mrs. Tall taught us how to throw our voices through the wall, no microphones on stage left, 1956, at Shrub Oak Elementary.

The setting is empty shelves. The action begins when a cardboard heart sobs, "Oh, I'm SO sad, NObody wants me." The fairy enters to center waving her wand, " With MY magic, someone special will appear to take YOU away, as well, my dear, before the shop gates close." Fairy exits. Bleachers empty.

Decades cross the stage as the Last Valentine waits. The shop gates rust.

\\\\\Aug.2 Return to rift in Dwanalan/////

ebike2mars.com 0208.0115 AT

Before entering the Chroma Zone a third time, I will confess my admittances and regressions, before the rift effect diminishes my frankness. 

1. I admit eating a whole pineapple myself, which is taboo. In most worlds this fruit is shared. But if you snack alone,  how can such taboos be enforced?    

2. I regret not serving ample dulsesnack to my son Dusst. Today is his birthday.  mOm seems you.

3. I admit: magma tea cravings, upsidedown sentences, all side effects offffffff off......CP touchscreen  failure...offffffff.            \\\\\Aug6///// CP refreshed. , all side effects of infanticipating, dizzy digestion, disruptive dreams react positively to my psyche.

4. I regret, since age six, capturing a moth and removing her antennas.

5.  I admit: during previous journeys, my pulse was in conflict with my outer self, unnaturally pale like I was in disguise. I feel at home now in my newly hazebathed skin, deep rust red.

6. An awkward side effect of infanticipating:  I do fantasize about the brothers, Ibemee and Ubeyou, their highcut cheekbones ,their spinned thigh muscles, candy coated in deep deep rust red, almost black.

Yes, almost four days to respark Botta's CP. Has Marsy been deepdozing? Not so.


\\\\\July 30.  Depart Wisp/////

ebike2mars.com  3007.0115 AT

Again , Ibemee does not hug me goodbye. His ebike toward the near side, mine toward the far side of the hemisphere, we rolloff hubs in cadence to our breath, Spin, inhale, Spin ex... in, ex, spin, inhale, exhale, f flash, Botta's CP decoding emul:        marsy@emul.om.   Dear Marsy,  proetic precision provides attempts at communication... status forthcoming... delay due to severe solar radiation.... high risk to homeless of which I am...in this alien environ so many sp from the permaculture....indigenous female serves as interface to this civilization.... I yearn for my own ebike as failing components of this pre ebike strands me....seek transition upon completing my current mission....thanks, Marsy, for assuming duties of ambassador between the hemispheres ....end transmission.... Frog ..out.  ....  

      To     Ebiker Marsy from Vee.  Letting you know where I am now  and the story here:  TAVERNER AVE.      blue curtain.    third floor.    frayed carpet.    restless shoe.    544-JILL, no answer.    .......      doorknob.    stairwell.    scullied planks.    salty air.    neon twist.    Coral Rocks Motel.    crosswalk.    TAVERNER AVE.    Free Nitrox Class.    drawbridge.    Oyster Bar.    ten blocks.    alley.    chain link.    bulldog.    nasty growl.       .....   dark porch.    her perfume.    her silhouette.    her speaker phone.    deep voice.    "Hi, Jill, my place?".    " sure, Hank".       .....   cold sweat.    troubled shoe.    alley      bar, beer, bridge.    canal rubble.    inner tube.    oar.    captain's cap. .... his tanktop.    his tattoo.    "JILLnJAK".    angry jab.    lamppost.    bloody knuckles.        .....   curbside poo.    crappy shoe.    TAVERNER AVENUE.     

" Ebiker,  Too many doors in the Universe Room. Edit, edit! r.rockmag."

" In response to LLf entry 005UR, there is no mention of the Sipper's room with cup holder. That is the stall I favor.  Po"

"Ebscan by gheek Twinz  = ebike2mars.com is not a virus."

"Marsy,  The skipping technique posted 0707.0115 AT, is there an adaptation for residents in a wheelchair?   Minda"  

minda@emul.om  0108.0115 AT

I just woke from a six hour deepdoze on Botta's saddle, from where I completed the skipping routine. It can be practiced seated or reclined. Contact your local fitness counselor for details.  Marsy.

\\\\\July 26-28  Dwanalan back to Wisp/////

ebike2mars.com 2607.0115 AT

f flash: - voice message.  listen now.  Hi Marhzee, this is Ibemee. can we meetup at RhockRhock in Wisp. Seem you therhe- :

Right, I'm leaving now, too much alone time here in the rift at Dwanalan. CP messages I'll read when I 

- emuls incoming-       --:   

Dear Ebiker Marsy,  Is there a recipe for Magma Tea? Recent Dom&Deem surveys conclude that bubble tea tastes foofy, #6 on the sweetness scale. Besides, Ladies prefer Astromen who sip Magma Tea. I would like to serve it in our facility here in the inner hemisphere. Thx, Mema@H.I    

Marsy, ...( CP poweroff). 

Again we enter the CHROMA ZONE, this time from the far half of the hemisphere, Dwanalan. Botta's CP set on pause, I carefully rearrange the fungus fossils at the passway,  grounding the charged ground beneath us, no chance of voltage spike. Spin, Spin, bump, fossil pops up, ouch. Ouch? Yes, my touch neurons respond, I'm outside the rift now. Having been alone there dulled my senses and perceptions, like living in two dimensions, short sighted, fractured olfactory, flatskinned. What's this? The deep rust red tone from hazebathing at the Pluton,  yes , no more dull grey skin, the rust red  tone is reappearing on my limbs and! My abdomen !! Is distended! I've past the halfcentury agemark. How is infanticipating possible? ? Magma Tea is known to renourish the womb. But there has been no contact. Ionized haze, in rare cases, can transfer to female, male fluids, and Ibemee was nearby during the hazebathe. Beeboopdoop. Botta brakes at our destination. Ibemee's rowbott CP greets us: nice see you again Mzunga Marhzee and ebike Botta. I grin. Embryo kicks. Ibemee stares. This is RockRock in Wisp. We rest, here we connect, then melt to sleep. 

(reminder:  K Aarhstan dialect rh=soft elongated  "r" sound, a whisper)

Yes, ebikes. Snore, as their CP batteries charge to a full 4.2 in Wisp's doublemoom light. And as   Ibemee and I sleeptalk to each other. "Marhzee, you know why....I ask you to meetup herhe in Wisp?"  Yes, because sense of affection is not realized in the rift. "That's rhight. Also, to discuss my brhotherh, Ubeyou. He is lost, deparhted Tanza six moonths past to visit me in K Aarhst." And you will find him, but unsure.. "Unsurhe, Marhzee, when next to be with you. Sorrhy." Neither of us sleepsob. We are a practical pair, not dramatic. "Something morhe you  must rhealize." O K? "Infanticipating is possible ,as you know, without touch. Howeverh,"  However?   " To ensurhe  healthy embrhyonic development, the female needs to absorhb the fatherh's fluid morhe than once."  Well, yes , we accomplished that. "Morheover, to accomplish successful livebirhth, a strhong thirhd connection is rhequirhed." So, we jaunt on this flying carpet of our dreams, jolting.


\\\\\ studying N-O-3 and other LLf. July 18-25/////

ebike2mars.com  1807.0115 AT

Looss Leaf entry 012N   


From Belle Glade fertilizers flow in Bleak Canal where nothings grow atop. Compounds suspend below.      

Too much nitrate N-O-3 is hazardous to local weasels sniffing for a safer pH. Deisel fumes from plows displaced their burrowed rooms, now occupied by carbon C-O-1 monoxide. 

Belle Glade  crops, dusted with herbicides from banking wings that steeply glide, combine with trucked insecticides.

When all there is invisibly attempts to form solutions in a lower state of energy, be aware of chemistry in

Belle Glade. Fertilizers flow in Bleak Canal where nothings grow atop. Nitrates suspend below.

Emergent cells streaming along arteries, Belle sediment and thermocline is monitored by geotoxicoligists, who dine at Glades where Elements are stable, check their periodic table and, before eccentric radicals blast the aquifer,  they order extra protons faster to prevent molecular disaster. 

From Bleak Canal to Crystal Bay where nitrate drips on manatees, their offspring bond with N-O-3's. A chemical apocalypse. 

Looss Leaf entry 013PT


There is a place in time where all stories will have been told. There is... In office B Prime, Scrollway One, Planetymon, at hour two twenty two. Comfortable in her carbonite chair, Ysul views holographic pages  turning on a Lumabrite touchscreen recessed in the wall like a window. She opens....(will continue)(Uroom break)

\\\\\ Life in the rift. July  7- 17///// 

ebike2mars.com 0707.0115 AT

Slash slash, blades rip across the rift, rip over my slee pouch where my limbs are outstretched. Can't tell if it's a dream, no pain. Sh sh go go sh go. Errr bam bam..cherry bombs smash the biochar crock. My eyes open to cell globules pustu......( to be continued.)...globules pustulating from scabs on both my legs. Those boisterous gemlin pups attacked me again during the nigh. Otherwise life in the rift is mundane, nearly two dimensional. snack,sleep. snack,skip. snack,study LLf. Skipping is an efficient technique for keeping internal and external body parts functioning wisely. Indoor or out, in place or in motion, forward, back or downside up. Studying the LLf files keeps the cranial neurons sparking.    

Looss Leaf entry 011DM.          

  DARK MATTER.       You are six. You attend parochial school. You sit in the back row. You reach for your crayon wondering where penguins live, what kind of rocks on the moon, why you don't smile at the ABC Bible. You ride your bike home. You give mother the note. Her face drops. Is something wrong? The nuns are upset. You color your angels black! You move south. You grow tall. You sit in the back row. You are sixteen. You can't find the answer. You look down Christine's blouse. You reach for your mechanical pencil taking Ivy League notes about Dark Matter. You believe in the cosmological presence of non luminous mass that rotates galaxies, that outweighs the inventory of currently images stars. You reach for a lightyear of sky wondering how much gravity in black holes, why brown dwarfs never ignite, what caused the extinction of Alachua county camels thirteen million years ago. Was it the hypothetical Nemisis? You reach for her hand in the back seat. You marry at First Baptist of Micanopee. You mow, fix the faucet, sip Perrier. Your child drops the Crystal Capricorn. You don't dance at the reunion. You don't smile at Christine. You ride your ebike to work. You sit in the back office, contemplating divorce. You reach for your ballpoint. You are sixty. You color your angels black.

-- emuls in transit --

Dear ebike2mars,  Fungus! Wzzzzing insects,  stars, sage, linaloa!  reminds me of clips from a .0070 AT collection by Looss Leaf:               FUNGUS LOVERS.           Our friend Coleoptera, the six legged trendy gourmet seated at cap coated hill, nibbles a succulent Gill.    To savor the next sporous course, earth flavored agaricus tips, onto my fungus filled palm bettlefeet lovingly slip.    

  BOTANY SEASON.    If queens sneeze for no reason as spring moves her breeze in, 'tis botany season.      When sagedust diffuses, a buzz is what cruises from petal spun doilies, linaloa to sensuous joylilies. Ah-choo. More honey, combed royally, fills hexagonical trays as legions of wingsters sting lesioned anthers on millefolium at overgrown regions, backpacking more nectar to their apiary.      Drones' wheezy cousins collect stamen powder at dozens of styles to please the Queen. Pollination for miles. 

 PUDDLE.       puddle at night,      stars float in a small sky  ...

I look forward to your continuing ebike journey,  Vee at Venus Rd

f flash : -- ebike2mars.com is upgraded, plz forward to all contacts,  ebike2mars.com -- :

"...a unique blend of geology, sci-fi, rhythmic lyrics and comedy......  rollingrockmag.om "

" the ebsite is overly cryptic, I'm deleting it from my bookmarks."

Ad Alert:  Spin to greenaxle.us for latest ebike advisories. greenaxle.us

" .. can't tell which words are misspelled or on purpose. I suggest this be forwarded to the space=iest contact for feedback.."

"Thumbs Down" 

"The poetry exemplifies craftsmanship, the journalism is awful. Po from Raven Pub."

"The poetry is bor ing. The journey,  intriguing. Jo from Jopiter."

"Ibemee's   'rh'. accent trhuly annoys me.... R.H. in  Rhode Island."

"Too much cleverness, not enough storytelling. S.M., district SV34293"

"It's #1 on my favorites. Ubeyou from Tanza"

"Our research concludes that ebike2mars.com, as yet, does not tweet nor face books; however, rumors indicate a wikipedia volunteer is secretly loading the ebsite onto ∆√€£℅¥¿¿??*"--///#&!!  Weedledom and Weedledeem,  gheek Twinz."

\\\\\ July 4 - 6 Wisp to Dwanalan /////

ebike2mars.com 0407.0115 AT

Botta's CP flashes: Reduce Speed.  CHROMA ZONE. Before departing K Aarhst, Ibemee gave instructions about entering this ZONE:  1. Come to a full stop where the passway begins. 2. Take the fungus fossils (the size and shape of large oyster shells). 3. Place them from the center to both sides 4 .creating a cleared passway. 5. This neutralizes the ground to prevent ecyclist from shock of 60 volts 6. Also prevents electronic meltdown or battery explosion. Spin with caution then enter the rift at Dwanalan.

\\\\\ July 1 - 3  K Aarhst to Wisp /////

ebike2mars.com 0107.0115 AT

Did you ever sake a ttep, then forget where to go? Is it confused neurons? Or upsidedown euphoria, a strange state of mind to begin an ebike spin toward uncharted domains. Well, Botta's CP is set to  autonav, leaving me to steer casually around the crevasses, keeping slow, 60 sp/min. No, Ibemee did not hug me goodbye.   snack,sleep,spin,snack,spin..Rock Rock, who is it? no one here in Wisp, where I was hoping a meet up with older son Dusst and his Miaaha to visit their castle, but realize this is a different Wisp, an owhereland called Wisp.

\\\\\ June 24-29  Extended Stay at Ibemee's Bode /////

ebike2mars.com 2406.0115 AT

- muls incoming-

" Ebiker to Mars,  sorry to have missed you at the H2O pool, it was a hemispherical delay due to bott binary miscalculation. Spinning in uncharted  domains, are you?   Shawn and Sherpa"

" ATTN residents-  Please salute with palms facing up. The new state pledge is amended: We raise a smile to the resplendent state that sustains us; wherein all Elements our conscience maintains the skyways and byways, Gulf to Gulfstream, one Coast under guard, ever to be Florida. "

Ibemee, the new state pledge ! Let's salute. Oh, suddenly I'm feeling upsidedown and backwards. "You need an extended deepdoze, Marhzee. Scuttle, now, to your slee pouch."

ebike2mars.com 2806.0115 AT  

gramma@emul.om     Dear Gramma,

Imagine, diatom displays in the bode at midnigh,  specks of azurite and glacierite twirling in figure eights across the walls. Then the rust red auroring dauns. Imagine the magma vapor pool where soft mist gives a gentle rush on your skin, a relaxation that is more soothing than sleep. I will miss the scenescape here in K Aarhst and the displostemonous cconversations with my new friend Ibemee. I am moving on to Dwanalan, a four day ebike spin around outcroppings and crevices. The decision to head NV is right, reasonable and heartfelt, yet I yearn to turn back 180°, to visit you and family in the subtropics. When? Please understand why I can't say when, being nearer to nowhere than to home. Don't worry, there are no seas to cross, all H2O is below ground. No traffic. Strangeness, not strangers. I have deepdozed for three days, refreshed and alert. With me I carry your lock of hair.  Emul love is not enough. Your humble Marsy.      - send -

ebike2mars.com. 2906.0115 AT

broken bungy cord, one glove, one sock, wooden comb, lead pencil, shark's tooth, Indianhead nickle, Jader Troes receipt, duck tape, stale sunflower seeds, fresh zagebrush...Omni2 timetable, space blanket, Swiss blade. Ibemee empties Botta's saddlebag before I repack for the spin to Dwanalan. "Marhzee, as I touch yourh supplies, my fingerhtips 

learhn morhe about you, how you seem to be, how we seem togetherh." My lungs resonate to the tone of his words, sending oxygenated desire into my cells.

/////     \\\\\

\\\\\Daytrip to the Pluton Mon 22nd Jun///// 

ebike2mars.com  2206.0115 AT

On Ibemee's rowbott, an ebike powered by bufang paddles, not pedals, we row 15000 sp. Are we there yet? Yes, and we climb this natural stairway spiraling upward and around. At the summit we relax. Rust red haze settles over us, as the rhythms of the ecosystem, at the base of the Pluton, intensifies.  sh,sh,go,go,sh,go gemlins pups. downupdowndownupdown blind rabbit.  mag ma vapor flow ing below ground.  openclose,openclose linaloa blooms. This beat resembles Afro Ewe drums, mesmerizing, hemispheres quieted ^^√√°°°°°°.. "Marhzee, wake up"  Hm, Ibemee is calling me Marsy, not Mzunga (= Ms in K Aarhst)  We met a few days ago, not long for a first-name basis. "  Notice yourh legs, Marhzee?"  What is this?  My entire skin surface has turned deep rust red. "This is the hazebathing effect." I stumble. Ibemee reaches out, but misses my hand. It feels as if. My foot reaches down to the next granite step. It feels as if we. We are seeming each other.

This is midnigh, arriving back at Ibemee's bode. The bott's dim backup light reveals my blouse ripped halfway down the front, and Ibemee's pantleg is missing.  Well, gemlin pups are mischievous and aggressive. Likely they snuck up to us while deepdozing, ripped then repurposed the cloth for traps to tease blind rabbits... Inside Ibemee serves magma tea , then asks me to read another entry from the LLf files:   Looss Leaf entry 005UR:


Over lazers flashing  "occupied" at UNIVERSE  Rest Area, hovers Omni2 which shuttles guides, ebikes and air.   Below, the self service digital bluegreen machine vends hologram maps, unleaded nukefuel blends, reclaimed magma gelcaps, and, for your convenience, this launchyard provides more than one Uroom:    Ladies, Astromen, Young Voyeurs, Black Widowers. Welcome.    New Yorkers, your stall provides sapphire flusher. Starfleet Official's has ivory bowl brusher. Martyr's room,  Farter's room, husky sled Musher's have soft heated seats.

Swiss Pacifist chooses dove quilted paper. Red China silk is what Communists favor. Terrorist uses his hostage's roll. Politicians run then take a pole, from tiled walls their rockets glare while bursting toward Great Bear. Solar Sisters squat warning, "Outer spacegerms cause bun blisters.".  

Faucet wiping hypochondriac, grafitti typing  nymphomaniac.  Dwarf with crutches, plump as a beet, who cannot reach the lock above the Camel puffer's suite, and furthermore.. there are separate doors for a Drunk,  Monk Molester, Harpist, Whore, Anemic Bulemic, Nebular Fed, Abstinent Divorcee, Pet Horse, Bed Wetter and anti gay military Phytoids wounded in line

while Aliens go behind the half moon on the double seater, two black holes where- look up- at Orion's lap, shining belt unbuckled, relieved of this galactic crap.

zzzzzzz  Ibemee has the ability to listen keenly while asleep, so I shall continue.

Looss Leaf entries 006PP, 007FW,  008N, 009C


The stellar system above transitions from H to O2, from  Neutrino to Neuron. On our world a young Protozoa, dividing with grace, fossilizes in a Cambrian space from where Reptilia race. Stalking claws rumble, leaving bold " W" impressions that reroot stately Conifers. Drawn to the Epoch, proud Mastedon sharpens its tusk, marking the trunk, which evokes the Hominid's hunt.

Concerned Mother to Neanderthal son by the fire, blurts HOT. HOT slurs the son to mother. FIRST WORD

A slop of pine SAP slid off the cone, then flopped on to this broad leaf    ( X )   NOUN be known.

cradled in clouds,  new born moon sways

Looss Leaf entry 010AS


Lying flat on the sand before daybreak, find a star in line with the right side of your nose. The left side is pressed closed so that right can inhale 2, 3, 4. Lungs hold the stellar glow 2, 3, 4 as both sides are presse......(.  gnigh...)....( read more later)

/////     \\\\=

\\\\ebsite open (20the June)/////  

ebike2mars.com  2006.0115 AT

Half the world prog ..... - refreshing ............

f flash : - ebike2mars.com is now open. plz forward to all contacts - : ebike2mars.com

" I'll be sure to inform the other Plutons. It's summer up here. The frozen nitrogen snow is melting. "

" ? What is this site ?"

" Marsy, I will be there for dropdown. Is it OK to attach a recording device around your spokes? " 

" F.Y.I. there is another touring ecyclist at   aworldspinning.com  "

" Any dogs on the planet? "

2006.0115 (cont.)

Half the world progresses. The other does not, it strips the wings from migrating flocks. Twisted innerds drop from the wounds onto a barren land (once their winter Haven). They drop, still pulsing, onto hoods, cracking windshields. Semis, spilling noxious fumes, honk. Gagging owl hoots in defense, ' ebike  ebike , save our air,' as vultures vomit maltodextrines. Beyond borders the dirty half innoculates waste, visible from inner space. Aves and spobotts vs petrobotts and Doomions, this battle of the hemispheres is what I dreamed of last nigh, far from there, here in K Aarhst.

Wild awake, now, are we? Watch me scuttle from the slee pouch to the 3DCP, wiping my fingers of rustred daundust. Touchtyping respectfully is expected from guests here at Ibemee's bode, abutting the protrusion. No password, simply press activate.


Thx, Frog, for up keeping my permaculture. Didn't plan to be gone this long, well, not so long according to the change in space/time standard, based on 8 digits, not 24 hours. The new years are based on the advent of Nikki Tesla's alt current. Today is 2006.0115 AT, twentieth of the sixth moonth, 0115 AT, 115 years After Tesla's alt, a great day to be friends, as ever, Marsy


Sorry we missed each other at H2O restup. Stayiiiiiiiii - CP malfunction iiiiiiiiiiiii iii - staying a few days at K Aarhst,  then? Now that ebike Sherpa has been resparked, should we try to meet at Red Bluff N of Yuba C? Stay spinning,  ebike Botta


Sobby and Bally,  No dog sightings in this hemisphere, but there are ebike chasers, gemlins. As pups they run rampant aggressively. During hibernation their front paws fuse and horns drop away, transforming to adult gems, friendly subdued pets the size of a chawawa. Thanks for your continued interest in ebike2mars.com.


Wow, Alfander, sure it was a breezeway cricket you found in the shoebox at work? Transparent thorax, rust red wings, a rare species that inhabits only the protrusion at K Aarhst. Probably suffocated by gaseous fumes in the cardboard. Please take its remains to entomath class, should be displayed in the Insectorium. Ketchya, Ant Marsy.

/////     \\\\\

\\\\\ Spacehaze to Portal (Wed 3rd to Mon 8th Jun)/////

ebike2mars.com   0706.0115 AT

Spacehaze, how thrilling to be absorbed in it, where no spoke has ever spun before. Flashflash: -GP signal f fading- -the sky may drop- -time for freedri spirulina-  I snack as Botta's CP deddreckons 90000 sp to somewhere.

(unit of distance sp=length of ebike spoke)

/////           \\\\\

\\\\\Portal to K Aarhst (Mon 8th-19th June)/////

ebike2mars.com 0806.0115AT

We have arrived at the portal. 

It is latched but not locked.

We pass freely onto the rust red terrain.

At the farthest horizon a herd of

quadrupeds graze, ceaselessly.

The day passes as expected,

hour 15 haze, hour 17 moonrise.

The planet rotates at the calculated speed.

Riding Botta brings me sense of security that

my arrival at the meeting place will be as scheduled.

Dust clouds minimal, tailwind steady,

ground position accurate .00000000818

of a light year from home.

What’s that? Looks like a blind rabbit,

rust red puss oozing from eyes

onto its butterscotch paw.

Pull over? OK, yes.

Nothing I can do to help the poor creature

except to crush its misery

with rock against skull.

My Swiss blade harvests the hide.

Green flies use what remains to deposit eggs.

All things repurposed here on this desolate mesa.

Spinning on automatic,

my ‘bott series 4.2xs and I have become friends.

Her display panel speaks to me often.

‘Lee Ellen Sudakov needs rehydration.’

or ‘please adjust spoke tension.’

and jokes around, ‘tired rider,

‘Bott can assist with tent.’

‘Hour 18 geologic update’

‘no active volcano in this hemisphere,

but detect magma vapor and H-2-O pocket

beneath the surface.’

H-2-O! We must be close.

‘Flash flash beeboopdoop.’

That’s her way of saying

your destination is ahead.

There it is. THE pool.

Dismount. Kickstand. Fill the containers.

Take off Tevas. Step down to the only

wet coolness this side of the portal.

Soak. Swim. Float. Delight.

Wait… wait.

What’s wrong? They’re late.

Where are you, Shawn?

Did Sherpa malfunction?

Did you find a hotel room somewhere?

ebike2mars.com            copyright 2015 L E Sudakov

/////     \\\\\

\\\\\  arrival KAarhst (19th June) /////

ebike2mars.com 1906.0115AT

Happy Birthday, Camlin. It's daun. I fell asleep with Botta under the protrusion at K Aarhst, dreaming of you, Grammar and of course your br.. "If you just said something, I didn't hearh what it was. Errhorh MSG. No, Mzunga, this is not your CP speakerh, it is I Ibemee. Quite displostemonous of you to rhest herhe. Rhise up now. Come, Mzunga, this way to my bode, brhing yourh bott."

(K Aarhstan dialect rh=soft elongated r sound, a whisper)

We ascend the syncline at the far side of the protrusion. Wz wzwzwz bombombom against my back, boubou is this an attack? "Breezeway ay Crhickets"  Ibemee's words echo. My vision adjusts: transparent thoraxis in every size, every where, at least a thousand, with rust red wings, bounce, bombard,bou... Inside, no crickets here, Ibemee sets me at this 3DCP, I read and rreply: dear family and friends,  Thanks to Ibemee, I received your emails. Ebiking has been awesome esp Portal to K Aarhst. I miss all of you, Dea's kungfuers, Lara's reunioneers, Lindalin, Frog, Eff, Ara. Alf, Alfander, Grammar, Willbee, Twinz. Feather, Missha, Herin, and you, my sons Dusst and Camlin. Stay spinning, Marsy   -reception failed--nothing sent-    

"Mzunga, partake of this smoked fungus and magma vaporh infusion"  Hungry I am. Together we chat, nibble and sip."The visitorh beforhe you, Mzunga, was an elderh ecyclist named Looss, who left all possessions herhe for the jourhney by foot to meet Desth at the edge of the hemisphere"  Ibemee shows me these emuskin gloves, this eldercape, then reaches for that dusty file folder marked LLf and asks me to read aloud:

Looss Leaf entry 001P


At dimension NONE (            ) came forth the consolidated Point; from which bright exuberant Dashes - --   -   -    ---- ---------------- accelerated onto a wWarped SPACE where alphabets orbited infinite numbers. Qs quarked in harmony, Epsilons eclipsed tonally, Iotas ionized, the Slash swirled and Astericks collided to become simply zeros and suns.

Looss Leaf entry 002EX


In 500 BT our great great grandfamily  took their journey from Elim to colonize territories beyond the known hemisphere. The rift became their shelter, H2O pockets became their drink. Their flock of quadrupeds, grazing on fungus outcrops, gave ghee every morning, paradise in the colony. Then, out of the loins of space, came dussdevils, whose fiery grimstones blinded the great grandchildren. In chaos the family fled toward the back Portal, pained and dussed.

Looss Leaf entry 003D 


From Deuteron cometh Deuterium, holding twice the mass of ordinary hydrogen, wherein H2O changeth to D2O. Not a sip to drink, deuterogamy tainteth the rolly land where Mo Leaf printeth out the Mosiac Laws for the fifth book Pentateuch of Deuteronomy. And he descendeth from the mount to read DUST SETTLES, which calmeth the grand family and their flock :

Looss Leaf entry 004DS (translated from the Erimosiac dialect, originally a Tanzan lullaby)


Dust rising from that field .... reminds me of home where ebony branches reach beyond the sun, and clouds are late arriving. 

Hand of mama combing child's curls reminds me of home- woven mat, rusty spigot, mint tea, a bray,, the darkening town.

Dancing with drums reminds me of home in the beat of this moment- flaring spark, charred toes  and swirling smoke on which my shadow is carried home

to where I've never been, leaving me breathless. Dust settles in Africa.

ebike2mars.com    2006.0115AT

Half the world prog.. - r refreshing -