Professional profile:
Ewa Pisula, PhD – a professor of psychology at the University of Warsaw, Poland; a head of the Health and Rehabilitation Department at Faculty of Psychology and a member of National Board of Science Dissemination of the Polish Academy of Science.
Publications: GoogleScholar
Areas of expertise:
– Autism spectrum disorders and other developmental disorders
-- Parenting adaptation in mothers and fathers of children with developmental disabilities
– Adaptation and validation of the diagnostic instruments useful in ASD diagnosis (i.e. ADOS-2, ADI-R, Social Communication Questionnaire) and other psychological tools (BISCUIT battery; Parenting Stress Index; Q-CHAT, Autism-Spectrum Quotient, Short Sensory Profile, Psychoeducational Profile – 3)
– Autistic traits in individuals diagnosed with ASD and in general population; relationships between autistic traits and temperament, quality of life, coping styles and other psychological characteristics
– Psychological functioning of girls with ASD
– Broader Autism Phenotype in preschool siblings of children with ASD (social communication, executive function)
Autism-Europa; Polish Autism Society; Polish Psychological Society
Research projects funded by Polish National Science Centre:
- Stress profiles in mothers of children with developmental disorders (1 H01 F104 08)(1997-1998); head of the project;
Attachment in children with autism (H01F 023 19 A) (2000-2002); head of the project;
Father – child with autism interaction during the spontaneous play and in structured task situation (H01F 01227) (2004-2006); head of the project;
Psychosocial functioning of girls and boys with Asperger syndrome or high functioning autism N N106 352940 (2011-2014), head of the project;
Broader autism phenotype hypothesis. An attempt to verify through analysis of executive function in siblings of children with autism spectrum disorder; UMO-2011/03/B/HS6/03326; 2012-2015; head of the project;
Polish longitudinal study of infants at familial risk of autism - characterising early predictors of atypical developmental trajectories, POLSIBS – investigator (2013-2016) UMO-2012/07/B/HS6/01464, NCN – a member of the team;
Social Functioning in Infants as a Predictor of Developmental Disorders in Preschool Children: Modifying High-Risk Developmental Trajectories – investigator (2014-2017) UMO-2013/09/B/HS6/03327.
Projects funded by the Polish National Centre for Research and Development
- Autiki! Computer system supporting the therapy of children with autism spectrum disorders – 2012-2015; INNOTECH; leader of the project: PRIMEON; member of the team
- Peer to peer support for individuals with ASD; Social Innovations; 2013-2016; DZP/IS-1/2028/2013; representative of the consortium member (University of Warsaw)
Other grants:
- Autism symptoms in child and maternal sense of coherence and empowerment (HO1F 071 2) (2004-2005); head of the project; grant of the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education
- Physical environment characteristic and exploration activity in children with autism (NN 106 069635) (2008-2010); head of the project; grant of the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education
- Adaptation and validation of the Polish version of ADOS-2 and ADI-R – instruments useful in ASD diagnosing – for standarization of diagnostic process; 2013-2016; head of the project; Polish State Fund for Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons (PFRON).
Other experiences:
2008 do 2011- Member of Committee of Psychology and Psychopathology (Polish Academy of Science – PAS)
2011 – up to date – Member of the Commitee of Science Dissemination (PAS)
2013 – up to date – Chair of the Psychological Section of the Polish National Autism Society
2013-2016 – participaton in a multinational study „Evaluation the Baby and Infant Screen for Children with aUtIsm Traits (BISCUIT)” (launched by Prof. J. Matson from Louisiana State University).
2015-2017 – ASDEU – Autism Spectrum Disorders in Europe, project funded by the European Comission, 2015-2017, member of the Polish team.
Supervising the doctoral projects:
1. Mazur, A. (2005). Nasilenie autyzmu u dzieci a poczucie koherencji i poczucie umocnienia u ich matek. Faculty of Psychology, University of Warsaw (awarded).
2. Sikora, R. (2007). Styl atrybucyjny i wsparcie społeczne a radzenie sobie ze stresem przez młodzież. Warsaw School of Social Science and Humanities.
3. Dąbrowska, A. (2007). Poczucie koherencji i radzenie sobie ze stresem u matek dzieci z zaburzeniami rozwoju. Faculty of Psychology, University of Warsaw (awarded).
4. Kawa, R. (2010). Charakterystyka środowiska fizycznego a aktywność eksploracyjna dzieci z autyzmem. Faculty of Psychology, University of Warsaw.
5. Woźniak-Prus, M. (2012). Funkcje wykonawcze a rozumienie stanów umysłu i emocji u chłopców w wieku przedszkolnym z objawami zespołu nadpobudliwości psychoruchowej z deficytem uwagi. Faculty of Psychology, University of Warsaw (awarded).
6. Banasiak, A. (2013). Radzenie sobie ze stresem a poczucie umocnienia u matek dzieci z autyzmem. Academy of Special Education, Warsaw.
7. Porębowicz-Dorsmann, A. (2014). Charakterystyka systemu rodzinnego a adaptacja rodziców do opieki nad dziećmi w normie intelektualnej z zaburzeniami ze spektrum autyzmu. Faculty of Psychology, University of Warsaw.
8. Domasiewicz, Z. (2015). Specyfika odbioru i przetwarzania bodźców sensorycznych a nasilenie zaburzeń rozwoju u dzieci z autyzmem. Faculty of Psychology, University of Warsaw.
9. Jósewicz, M. (2017). Temperamentalne i osobowościowe korelaty autystycznej charakterystyki zachowania. Faculty of Psychology, University of Warsaw.
10. Konopka, K. (2018). Trudności w ekspresji mowy a zdolności intelektualne i kompetencja komunikacyjna – analiza wybranych aspektów funkcjonowania poznawczego dzieci z rozszczepami podniebienia. Faculty of Psychology, University of Warsaw.
11. Pudło, M. (2019). Charakterystyka procesów uwagowych a osiowe objawy zaburzeń ze spektrum autyzmu. Faculty of Psychology, University of Warsaw.
12. Płatos, M. (2019). Rozumienie przyjaźni oraz doświadczenia z nią związane u młodzieży i dorosłych z zaburzeniami ze spektrum autyzmu oraz rozwijających się typowo. Faculty of Psychology, University of Warsaw.