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This site brings together various materials on Dylan Thomas and his time living in the village of South Leigh, Oxfordshire, from August 1947 to May 1949.

I'll be glad to hear from anyone who can suggest other material that's available, or who wishes to correct or amend anything that I've written.

davidnt@hotmail.co.uk Letters: c/o Seren Books, Suite 6, 4 Derwen Road, Bridgend, CF31 1LH .


David Thomas' books on Dylan Thomas include A Farm, Two Mansions and a Bungalow, The Dylan Thomas Murders, Fatal Neglect: Who Killed Dylan Thomas? and two volumes of Dylan Remembered, the edited transcripts of Colin Edwards' interviews with Dylan's family, friends, teachers and colleagues. All these are published by Seren. For further biographical information, please go to https://sites.google.com/site/davidnthomasauthor/home