Laboratory 2

A list of all words from Romanian language can be downloaded from here

Assignment: make an utility class that has a method which has as parameter a string (indicating a text written in Romanian language) and which computes the frequency of the words in the text and updates a table with the obtained values.  The goal is to obtain the frequencies of the words in a natural language. 

Simulating weighted NFA

First of all let us discuss the simulation of a "standard" NFA M=(Q,E,d,q0,F) with an input string w. At each step we keep two lists (S1 and S2): the first one (S1) keeps all the states in which M can be after reading a prefix x of w; the second one (S2) keeps all the states in which M will be after reading the symbol following x in w. Initially, the first list (S1) contains q0 and the second list (S2) is empty. The simulation proceeds as follows: let "a" be the current symbol from the input string.  Then for each state q in S1 one computes d(q,a) and gets the set of all states in which M can be after reading "a"; all the states from this set are added to S2. After all the states from S1 are considered then one sets S1=S2, proceeds to the next symbol of w, and repeats the process. After analyzing entirely w, then in order to check if w belongs to L(M) , one has to see if S1 contains a final state from F.     

The idea is to represent the transition function d in a way that allows a fast computation of d(q,a) (recall that our NFA will be "huge").  So we might consider that the transition function d is represented as a  HashMap<Pair,ArrayList<Tuple>>  where the keys are pairs (state, symbol) and the values are lists of tuples  (nextstate, probability, wordindex); recall that in case of a weighted NFA we also have to store the probability of the transition. In addition, recall that each branch of M corresponds to a word (from Romanian language, for instance), hence we also have to maintain and keep the word index.  

package nlp;


public class Tuple implements Serializable{

private Integer nextstate;

private Double probability;

private Short wordindex=0;

Tuple(Integer nextstate, Double probability)






    public Integer getNextState() {

        return nextstate;


    public Double getProbability() {

        return probability;


    public Short getWordIndex() {

        return wordindex;



    public void setWordIndex(short word_index)







    public String toString()


        return nextstate+", probab="+probability+", wordindex="+wordindex;    





package nlp;


/*the class is used to model the pair (state,symbol)*/

public class Pair implements Serializable {

private Integer state;

private String symbol;

Pair(Integer state, String symbol)





    public Integer getState() {

        return state;


    public void setState(Integer state) {

        this.state = state;


    public String getSymbol() {

        return symbol;


    public void setSymbol(String symbol) {

        this.symbol = symbol;



    public String toString()


        return state+","+symbol; 





    public boolean equals(Object obj) {

        if (obj == null) {

            return false;


        if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) {

            return false;


        final Pair other = (Pair) obj;

        if (this.state != other.state && (this.state == null || !this.state.equals(other.state))) {

            return false;


        if ((this.symbol == null) ? (other.symbol != null) : !this.symbol.equals(other.symbol)) {

            return false;


        return true;



    public int hashCode() {

        int hash = 3;

        hash = 31 * hash + (this.state != null ? this.state.hashCode() : 0);

        hash = 31 * hash + (this.symbol != null ? this.symbol.hashCode() : 0);

        return hash;





package weightednfa;

import java.util.*;



public class TransitionFunction implements Serializable{

   private HashMap<Pair,ArrayList<Tuple>>  transition_table;   


   public TransitionFunction()


        this.transition_table=new HashMap<Pair,ArrayList<Tuple>>();



   public TransitionFunction(int initial_size)


        this.transition_table=new HashMap<Pair,ArrayList<Tuple>>(initial_size);



   boolean addTransition(Pair p, Tuple t)


        ArrayList<Tuple> temp=this.transition_table.get(p);



            //check if the transition already exists    

            for(Tuple tuple:temp)



                        return false; //break;    


                //if the transition does not exists then it will be added 


            this.transition_table.put(p, temp); //nu stiu daca mai este cazul!

            return true;




            temp=new ArrayList<Tuple>(2);


            this.transition_table.put(p, temp);

            return true;




      ArrayList<Tuple> getValue(Integer state, String symbol)


        return transition_table.get(new Pair(state,symbol));




   ArrayList<Tuple> getValue(Pair p)


        return transition_table.get(p);





  public String toString()


        String out="";

        Set<Pair> pairs=this.transition_table.keySet();

        Iterator<Pair> it=pairs.iterator();




            ArrayList<Tuple> arr=this.transition_table.get(p);

            for(Tuple t:arr)




        return out;




 HashMap<Integer,Integer> getTheNodesThatAppearInLTransitions()


    int i=0;    

    HashMap<Integer,Integer> renamed_nodes=new HashMap<Integer,Integer>();


    Set<Pair> trs=this.transition_table.keySet();

    Iterator<Pair> it=trs.iterator();




        Integer node=p.getState();








            ArrayList<Tuple> alt=this.transition_table.get(p);

            for(Tuple t:alt)











    return renamed_nodes;


HashMap<Integer,Integer> getTheLTransitions()


    return null;

