Research Interests

    Worked as Project Assistant at Composite Material Research Group 

I have completed my B.Tech (Hons.) in Mechanical Engineering from Lovely Professional University, Punjab, India.

Machine Learning, Material Theory and Modeling

Nanotribology, NanoScale Heat Transfer

Polymer Composites, Materials for Nuclear Engineering

                                                                                                   Software Packages I Use

Molecular Dynamics Simulation -: Materials Studio 2017, LAMMPS

Materials Modeling -: Materials Studio (Perl Scripts), Nanotube Modeler

Finite Element Modeling -: ANSYS, Digimat (MSC)

CFD & Multiphysics -: COMSOL, ANSYS Fluent  

Data Analysis & Graphing -: Excel, OriginLAB, MATLAB

3D Modeling & Visulatization -: PTC Creo, SolidWorks

Other Packages -: MAPLE, Mathematica 

Latest updates

Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Nanocomposites using BIOVIA Materials Studio, Lammps and Gromacs

Paper got accepted in MRS Advances(3rd Feb'19), Graphene Technology (4th Feb'18) and Journal of Molecular Modeling (7th March'18) 

Tribology in Industry ( 4th June'18), Composite Interfaces(29th Aug'18), MRS Advances (3rd Jan'19)

2nd Position under theme Computational Nanotechnology  

International Conference on Nanotechnology: Ideas, Innovations, & Initiatives-2017 (ICN3I -2017)

Dec 6-8, 2017 at IIT Roorkee

Check Gallery for Images

The Tribune 15th April, 2017, Jalandhar Edition 

                                                     URL: http://www.tribuneindia.com/