Minjoo Kim, PhD, FHEA
Work: 227/Grove, Management School/Accounting&Finance, University of Liverpool
Email: Minjoo.Kim@liverpool.ac.uk
Homepage: https://www.liverpool.ac.uk/people/minjoo-kim
Personal homepage: https://sites.google.com/site/drminjookim/
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5454-2257
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?user=AExm4YYAAAAJ&hl=en
Senior Lecturer in Finance, Management School, University of Liverpool, 2018 – Current
Lecturer in Economics, Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow, 2011 – 2018
PhD in Finance, University of Leeds
MRes in Economics, Sungkyunkwan University
MA in Economics, Sungkyunkwan University
BA in Economics, Sungkyunkwan University
Research Interests
Corporate investment
Climate change
Machine learning
Applied financial econometrics
Ding, S., Kim, M., Zhang, X., & Zhou, Z. (2025). The impact of cash flow uncertainty on investment-cash flow sensitivity in China: The debt financing channel. International Journal of Finance and Economics, forthcoming. doi:10.1002/ijfe.3103
Dong, Y., Kim, M., & Chen, X. (n.d.). Can corporate governance information facilitate accounting fraud detection in China? Evidence from machine learning. The International Journal of Accounting, Accepted.
Kim, M., Zhang, X., Yan, C., & Zhao, Y. (2024). Default dependence in the insurance and banking sectors: A copula approach. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 91, 101911. doi:j.intfin.2023.101911
Kim, M., Yang, J., Song, P. & Zhao, Y. (2021). The dependence structure between equity and foreign exchange markets and tail risk forecasts of foreign investments. Quantitative Finance, 21(5), 815–835. doi:10.1080/14697688.2020.1812701
Cai, X., Kim, M., Shin, Y., & Zhang, Q. (2019). FARVaR: Functional Autoregressive Value-at-Risk. Journal of Financial Econometrics, 17(2), 284–337. doi:10.1093/jjfinec/nby031
Ding, S., Kim, M. & Zhang, X. (2018). Do firms care about investment opportunity? Evidence from China. Journal of Corporate Finance, 52, 214–237. doi:10.1016/j.jcorpfin.2018.07.003
Cerrato, M., Crosby, J., Kim, M., & Zhao, Y. (2017). The joint credit risk of UK global-systemically important banks. Journal of Futures Markets, 37(10), 964–988. doi:10.1002/fut.21855
Cerrato, M., Crosby, J., Kim, M., & Zhao, Y. (2017). Relation between higher order comoments and dependence structure of equity portfolios. Journal of Empirical Finance, 40, 101–120. doi:10.1016/j.jempfin.2016.11.007
Chaudhuri, K., Kim, M., & Shin, Y. (2016). Forecasting distribution of inflation rates: functional autoregressive approach. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society), 179(1), 65–102. doi:10.1111/rssa.12109
Dang, V., Kim, M., & Shin, Y. (2015). In search of robust methods for dynamic panel data models in empirical corporate finance. Journal of Banking and Finance, 53, 84–98. doi:10.1016/j.jbankfin.2014.12.009
Dang, V., Kim, M., & Shin, Y. (2014). Asymmetric adjustment toward optimal capital structure: evidence from a crisis. International Review of Financial Analysis, 33, 226–242. doi:10.1016/j.irfa.2014.02.013
Chaudhuri, K., Greenwood-Nimmo, M., Kim, M., & Shin, Y. (2013). On the asymmetric u-shaped relationship between inflation, inflation uncertainty and relative price skewness in the UK. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 45(7), 1431–1449. doi:10.1111/jmcb.12058
Dang, V., Kim, M., & Shin, Y. (2012). Asymmetric capital structure adjustments: new evidence from dynamic panel threshold models. Journal of Empirical Finance, 19(4), 465–482. doi:10.1016/j.jempfin.2012.04.004