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Pain and depression and exhaustion! If you have found this page, it is probably because you or someone you care about is suffering. 

These are wearying conditions but, while there are no magical answers, there are gains to be made.  Humanity,  has existed in much its present form for about 70,000 years. Our ancestors have seen worse and better times and we have their resilience in our genes. 

Some of the medicines and other treatments of our time may ease the acute misery of depression and physical pain.  Few, if any medicines, actually cure anything but,  if they help to ease the burden stress  on the body and mind, they may make it easier for innate repair processes to do what is needed to start to restore some degree of health and well-being.

Chronic fatigue/exhaustion is not given the attention it deserves.  I think I do understand some of the causative factors and would give a lot to be able to work through these ideas with interested colleagues, if those may be found. I have been dragging what I hope may be some tempting "what ifs" across the paths of some of the Infectious Diseases specialists and Rheumatologists of my acquaintance to little avail to date.

If you are a medical or research colleague, please e-mail me at maryredmond2018@gmail.com.

From time to time, I will try to update these pages ...

June 27, 2022 -

Still here! 

Chronic pain management has had quite the transformation since I last wrote here in 2018. The morphine equivalent dose (MED) limit of 90 and the mandated tapering of opioids for all patients, with the only other option being a switch to Suboxone or methadone. Little consideration was given then to what had been the widely published and generally accepted previous guidelines.

On the positive side, most patients did better with tapering or a Suboxone induction medication crossover than I could have even hoped.

Then, the pandemic...