
I am a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Economics at the King's Business School (previously at the Department of Political Economy) of King's College London and a Research Associate at the Hellenic Observatory of the LSE. My main research interests are in the fields of development and health economics, as well as political economy. I obtained a PhD in Economics from Georg-August-University of Göttingen, Germany. Before joining KCL, I was a Research Associate at the Institute of Health and Society at Newcastle University and I taught at Georg-August-University of Göttingen. I have also provided consulting services for a variety of national and international organizations (KfW, DFID, GIZ, World Bank etc.).


My research focuses on a wide variety of issues related to development economics, global health and political economy. I specialize in econometric applications, causal inference and impact evaluation. I have also contributed in survey design, data collection and evaluation, as well as implementation of econometric techniques in the field of health economics. My main research interests lie in culture, perceptions, social norms and societal and individual behaviour.


"Religion, social interactions, and COVID-19 incidence in West Germany " with Ioannis Laliotis. 2022.  European Economic Review, 103992.  https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0014292121002695

Previously distributed as "Spreading the disease: The role of culture",  CEPR working paper. Covid Economics Vol.40, Earlier version available at: https://osf.io/preprints/socarxiv/z4ndc/ 

"Dragon Boating Alone? Community Ties and Systemic Income Shocks" with Konstantinos Matakos, Ari Perdana and Elizabeth Radin, 2021. Journal of International Development. https://doi.org/10.1002/jid.3581

“Eat, my child”. Obesity among children in developing countries: Evidence from South Africa". 2020. Review of Development Economics, 24(4), 1300-1311. https://doi.org/10.1111/rode.12696 

"The (Agri-)Cultural Origins of Obesity" with Evangelos Dioikitopoulos and Sotiris Vandoros. 2020. Social Science and Medicine, Vol.244, 112523, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2019.112523 

"Economic Growth, Climate Change and Obesity" with Iris Butzlaff, Kathrin-Maria Demmler and Ramona Rischke. 2016. Current Obesity Reports. (4) 1-8,  https://doi.org/10.1007/s13679-016-0234-7

Selected working papers and ongoing work

"Is there a progressive's dilemma? Diversity, Trust and Cooperation", with Marco Giani (KCL) and Shaun Hargreaves Heap (KCL), under review

"Risk, Perception of Threats and Economic Preferences", ongoing, with Emma Manifold (University of Warwick), Konstantinos Matakos (KCL) and Shaun Hargreaves Heap (KCL), data collection underway

"Migration, Remittances and Gender Norms", ongoing, with Evgenia Passari (Universite Paris-Dauphine), draft available soon

"How Corruption Affects Population Health", ongoing, with Ilias Kyriopoulos (LSE), Elias Mossialos (LSE) and Sotiris Vandoros (UCL), submitted

"Discrimination in Hiring Decisions and Blind Hiring", with Philippos Louis (University of Cyprus) and Dimitrios Xefteris (University of Cyprus), draft available soon

"Economic Incentives and Vaccination",  with Ioannis Laliotis (University of Patras)

"Deaths of Despair: Did declining Life Expectancy lead to Brexit?",  with Konstantinos Matakos and Riikka Savolainen

"South-South Migration and Remittances"

Pedagogical research

"Videos as a form of assessment in Economics", with Cheng Cheng (KCL), draft available soon

"Overconfidence Bias in Business School students", with Andrew McFaull (KCL), draft available soon

Other working papers and publications

"Effects of Primary Biliary Cholangitis on Quality of Life and Health Care Costs in the United Kingdom ",  co-author. 2021. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology. 19(4), 768-776, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cgh.2020.06.025

"A Randomised Controlled Feasibility Trial of immersive virtual reality treatment with cognitive behaviour therapy for specific phobias in young people with autism spectrum disorder" with Morag Maskey, Jacqui Rodgers, Victoria Grahame, Magdalena Glod, Emma Honey, Julia Kinnear, Marie Labus, Jenny Milne, Helen McConachie and Jeremy R Parr. 2018.  Journal of Autism and Development Disorders. 49(5), 1912-1927

"Overweight and Obesity in Developing Countries: A Panel Data Analysis", CRC-PEG Discussion Paper Series, No.196, University of Göttingen

"Understanding the drivers of overweight and obesity in developing countries: The case of South Africa" with Iris Butzlaff, Global Food Discussion Paper Series No.78, University of Göttingen

"The Health, Psychological, Educational and Social Impact of Non-dependent Parental Substance Misuse upon the Child age 0-18: A rapid evidence assessment" with McGovern, R., Gilvarry, E., Alderson, H., Kerr, L., Geijer-Simpson, E., Hrisos, N., Lingam, L., Minos, D., Smart, D. & Kaner, E. 27 Apr 2018 (Accepted/In press) (Trauma, Violence, and Abuse)

Research Grants

“Addressing the impact of parental substance misuse on children”, co-applicant, Public Health England, £59,903.37

Organisation of Conferences/Workshops

1st Patras Applied Microeconomics (PAM) workshop (co-organiser), July 1-3 2024


Nomination for a "King's Education Award" in the category "Student Support", July 2019

Nomination for a "King's Education Award" in the category "Student Feedback", July 2021

"Recognition Award" at KBS, December 2022

Consultancies, other publications

"Analysis using international and national poverty lines as proxy for a living income benchmark", GIZ, 2018 Available at: https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/0c5ab3_64d4222777f14d868e1f5153863bdf7f.pdf

"Energy Efficiency in the Industrial Sector in Greece", Greek-German Chamber of Commerce, Thessaloniki, (in German), 2010

"Poverty Trends Report 1996-2006", co-author, CSO Zambia, 2009

"Best Practice Review for Measuring Poverty in Zambia", CSO Zambia, 2009

"Energy Efficiency in Buildings in Greece", Greek-German Chamber of Commerce, Thessaloniki, (in German), 2009

"Impact Evaluation of Water Supply and Sanitation in Yemen", KfW, 2009

Teaching experience

King's College London: Lectures and seminars in Principles of Economics, Mathematics for Economists, Mathematics for Accounting and Finance, Microeconomics, Health Economics, Empirical Perspectives in Economic Development and International Trade

Newcastle University: Introduction to Health Economics

University of Göttingen: Lectures and seminars in Development Economics I, Development Economics II, Introduction to Development Economics, Macroeconomics II, European and Global Trade, Growth and Development, Latin America: Crises and Reforms, Economic Development of Africa

Reviewer Services

Empirical Economics, European Journal of Health Economics, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Globalization and Health, Economic Change and Restructuring, Nature: Scientific Reports, Political Science Research Methods


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