Tonsillectomy Post-Operative Instructions


Your follow-up should be scheduled at 2-3 weeks after your surgery.

Our clinic locations are at:

    • Issaquah: 510 8th Avenue NE, Suite #310, Issaquah, WA 98029
    • Bellevue: 1231 116th Avenue NE, Suite #915, Bellevue, WA 98004

Please call the Bellevue ENT clinic at (425) 454 – 3938 if you need to reschedule or are unable to make your appointment.


    • Take your pain medication as prescribed. Do not drive or operate heavy machinery when you are taking narcotics.
    • Colace 100 mg twice a day as needed for constipation


Maintain a soft diet for 2 weeks with a consistency similar to mash potato. Do not eat any hard, solid, or sharp foods (such as cereal or toast). You can resume a regular diet after 3 weeks unless instructed otherwise at your follow-up appointment. Remember to drink adequate fluid to avoid dehydration.

Wound care:

Avoid traumatizing the throat when you brush your teeth. Rinse your mouth, but avoid gurgling with water or mouthwash.


Avoid straining and heaving lifting of more than 20 lbs. You may go back to school and/or one week after surgery.

Typical things you can expect after surgery:

A sore throat and ear pain are typical after a tonsillectomy and will continue to get better with time & medications. You may have some reflux of fluid into the nose when drinking; this will typically improve with after 2-3 weeks. About 2-3 days after surgery, you may see a thick white coat of tissue over the throat. This is typical fibrinous materials that will dissipate within 2-3 weeks. Referred ear pain can be present during the first week after surgery. This will subside with time.

Signs and symptoms to look out for:

If you develop significant pain, bleeding, high fever, signs of infection, respiratory distress or difficulty breathing, please call for further medical advice.

Bleeding occurs in 1-3% of individuals after a tonsillectomy. Bleeding is most common the first 24-48 hours after surgery and 7-10 days out from surgery. A small amount of blood tinged saliva is normal, and should not raise concern. Significant bright red bleeding from the mouth that does not resolve is a medical emergency, and you should present to the nearest ER right away.

Contact Information:

For any non-urgent medical problems, please call the Bellevue ENT clinic at (425) 454 – 3938 during the daytime on weekdays. If it is after normal work hours or on the weekend, please call the Bellevue ENT operator at (425) 454 – 3938 and ask for the physician on call for ENT. For emergent issues, please proceed immediately to the nearest ER.