Septoplasty & Turbinate Reduction - Post-operative Instruction


Our clinic locations are at:

    • Issaquah: 510 8th Avenue NE, Suite #310, Issaquah, WA 98029
    • Bellevue: 1231 116th Avenue NE, Suite #915, Bellevue, WA 98004

Please call the Bellevue ENT clinic at (425) 454 – 3938 if you need to reschedule or are unable to make your appointment.


    • Take the pain medication and stool softener as needed.


You may resume a regular diet.

Wound care:

Spray salt water into your nose every 2-3 hours. Clean the crust from the septum with a Q-tip as needed. Start nasal saline irrigation one day after your surgery.


    • DO NOT BLOW YOUR NOSE for the first week after surgery. You may sniff back. If you need to sneeze, do not suppress it but instead sneeze with your mouth open. After 1 week, you may blow your nose gently.
    • No strenuous activity for one week after surgery. No straining or lifting more than 15 lbs. You should not bend over at the waist to pick things up. Instead, bend at the knees with your head up. Light walking and normal household activities are acceptable immediately after surgery. You may resume exercise at 50% intensity after one week, and full intensity at two weeks. You may drive the day after surgery if you are not requiring narcotic pain medication.
    • If you are taking antibiotics and experience stomach upset, active culture yogurt or acidophilus tablets (available at health food stores) on a daily basis may help. If you develop diarrhea, stop your antibiotics and contact our office. Persistent diarrhea may require further medical evaluation.
    • You should plan on taking one week off from work and ideally have a half-day planned for your first day back.
    • Do not fly without your doctor’s clearance for 7 days after surgery.

Typical things you can expect after surgery:

    • Bleeding: It is normal to experience mild nasal bleeding 1-2 days after of surgery. If bleeding occurs, lean forward slightly and gently pinch the bottom 2/3 of your nose between your thumb and forefinger. Hold this for approximately 10 minutes. If you are still experiencing bleeding, you may apply Afrin (other options include neo-synephrine, etc) to your nose to shrink the blood vessels. Spray 3 puffs to the affected nostril(s) and then gently pinch the nose for 10 minutes. If you continue to experience excessive bleeding and the above treatment does not relieve the bleeding or if the bleeding is more significant, please call the operator and ask for the ENT doctor on call. If extensive bleeding occurs, please call 911 or be seen at your closest emergency department.
    • Nasal congestion: You may have nasal congestion for 1-2 weeks after the surgery, especially if nasal packing or nasal splint is in place. As the swelling subsides, the congestion will improve with time.
    • Dental pain: You may experience some dental pain and sensitivity on your palate after surgery due to referred pain from your sinus surgery. This will improve within 1-2 weeks as you continue to heal.

Signs and symptoms to look out for:

Call our office or the operator at (425) 454-3938 if you experience any of the following:

    • Fever higher than 101°F
    • Brisk bleeding
    • Severe and worsening pain
    • Clear, watery nasal drainage that is persistent
    • Any visual changes or marked swelling of the eyes
    • Severe headache or neck stiffness
    • Severe diarrhea

Contact Information:

For any non-urgent medical problems, please call the Bellevue ENT clinic at (425) 454 – 3938 during the daytime on weekdays. If it is after normal work hours or on the weekend, please call the Bellevue ENT operator at (425) 454 – 3938 and ask for the physician on call for ENT. For emergent issues, please proceed immediately to the nearest ER.


  1. Awan, Mohammad Sohail, and Moghira Iqbal. "Nasal packing after septoplasty: a randomized comparison of packing versus no packing in 88 patients." Ear Nose Throat J 87.11 (2008): 624-7.
  2. Süslü, Nilda, et al. "Effects of buffered 2.3%, buffered 0.9%, and non-buffered 0.9% irrigation solutions on nasal mucosa after septoplasty." European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology 266.5 (2009): 685-689.